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Welcome to Audiodesires, where sexual wellness meets your pleasure. We create short, erotic audio stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life.
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Pssst, tukaj je najbolj seksi podcast v Sloveniji 🤫😏
Voditeljici Lucija Burgar in Sara Povše brez dlake na jeziku razpravljata o vsem, o čemer se ne govori, pa bi se res moralo! 😽
Podcast je vizualne narave, zato si poglej YouTube epizodo. Za ogled moraš NUJNO biti starejši od 18 let 😉
(Ne sej ne, moraš pa biti prijavljen z Google računom, na katerem je starost nastavljena na več od 18 let, hihi 🤭) -
Join Moon Body founder, Miriam Ropschitz, for The Oracle Podcast and tune in to wild feminine wisdom channelled from the deep.
Miriam is a writer, menstrual and sexual wisdom guide and a mentor for magickal women. She speaks on the sacred feminine, embodiment, cycles and sexuality and is regularly joined by guests from her coven of powerful sisters.
She's a facilitator of sacred sexuality and embodiment work and you'll find her holding transformational online and in-person workshops and retreats.
You can expect to hear conversations on The Oracle Podcast which challenge, inspire and ignite you along the path of the sacred feminine.
Work with Miriam:
Moon Body Website:
Moon Body Instagram: @moon_body
Are you curious about Tantra? Maybe you have tried it a few times but are not sure how to make it a conscious practice to bring more happiness, pleasure, and peace into your life. Or maybe you've heard some Tantric stories about how Sting can last for hours - and wonder if you could too. Or you might feel that your sex and love life could and should be better, or even Sacred...
This open, honest, explicit, heartfelt, and fun podcast by Anne Bland is for you if you are ready to explore your sensuality, sexuality, and spirituality through Tantra and Tantric Sex. Ancient Tantra teaches that there is a direct link between your sexual energy and your creativity and spirituality. So, are you willing to unleash your full potential through self-awareness, self-mastery, and self-expression and live the life you truly want?
If yes, then join Tantric Sex and Relationship Coach, public speaker, and podcaster Anne Bland, the founder of “Selfishly Happy Revolution,” as she openly and whole-heartedly discusses her own Tantric Journey, shares real-life Tantric stories, and invites others to join her on the podcast. This could include you too! The "Asking for a Friend" episode is an opportunity to get free Tantric Sex or Relationship Coaching from Anne Bland - or you could truly 'ask for a friend.' You can also participate in the show by sending a voice message.
This podcast is part of Anne Bland's Selfishly Happy Revolution, the next sexual revolution that doesn't start from barricades or burning your bras, but from within. Putting that figurative oxygen mask on yourself first before helping others gives you more energy, love, and creativity to share with others. And that oxygen mask is ‘Pleasure’! Pleasure is your birthright, and you deserve and are worthy of feeling good about yourself and your life so that you have the energy to show up in the world the way you want. And most of all, to create the life you want!
Selfishly Happy Revolution is all about creating a movement, a community that celebrates pleasure and is pleasure-positive, demystifying sex and sexuality, and creating happy relationships not just with your partner but also with yourself, your communities, and the world at large. As Anne Bland says: “Happy and pleasure-positive people just don’t start wars.”
"Tantra doesn't judge or exclude anything but it transforms everything" (Osho). Tantra is like inner technology that can be harnessed for your benefit be it healing, personal or spiritual growth, or amazingly juicy, delicious, and succulent life. Tantra is like having pleasure and self-love on tap!
Finally, if you want to learn some Tantric Tips and Pleasurable Treats called Seven Holistic Sex Tools, this show is definitely for you. Anne shares how you can use these ancient Tantric Tools - Intentions, Presence, Focus, Breath, Movement, Sound, and Energy – for self-healing and self-pleasure but also with your partner or lover. They will help you to reclaim your own pleasure to become authentically your True Self and create a World that you want to live in and leave behind for future generations.
Selfishly Happy Tantric Revolution is ALL ABOUT YOU! If you don't feel good about yourself, don't love yourself, don't have any energy, and are at risk of burning out - how can you be there for others? How could you be the leader in the world that you want to be? Or be the world co-creator that you truly are?
Tantra teaches that all is one. It means that once you start healing, growing and becoming the person you truly are, the world around you changes too: what is inside you is also outside you. Pleasure and sexual energy are not well understood in the West and often associated with something shady, dirty, sinful or secretive. Tantra celebrates sex and sexual energy being normal and natural parts of you and the very energy for creation and spiritual enlightenment. It is where humanity meets spirituality. By mastering Tantric tools you can use your body-mind, your "inner technology," to get in touch with your Higher Self, Universe, God/Goddess, Cosmos - or whatever you call the Essence that is bigger than you but still part of you. It's like EVOKING something latent. At the same time, you'll be raising the consciousness of the whole of humanity on Earth which is the key to the survival and thriving of human beings as a race. So by changing yourself, you'll change the world for the better! Enjoy the Tantric journey! What is a better and more fun way to grow and develop yourself than sex and sexual energy? So let's Evoke Tantra and let's Evoke YOU. -
Vaginismus is a distressing sexual issue where women are unable to allow vaginal penetration even though they really want to.
Here I present a stories of Indian women, who healed Vaginismus through a 6 wk Online Vaginismus healing program, which i started along with Proactive For Her. The program is structured on evidence & my own experience of healing Vag of 7 years.
☝️Link to sign up for the program:
☝️My Youtube playlist on Vag:
☝️Explicit/Sexual content:For ages >18yrs -
Our journey exploring a 24/7 BDSM Dom/sub relationship. [email protected]
An intimate conversation with two Dominant women navigating the world of BDSM. You will feel like you are eavesdropping on a conversation between two very kinky dominants from the Melbourne scene, discussing kink, risk-aware consensual kink (R.A.C.K.), safe, sane and consensual kink (S.S.C.), Domination and submission, and all sorts of kinky fuckery. Our goal is to create relatable kinky content from the female dominant's perspective, so that you, our lusty, delicious listeners will hear the private thoughts of fun and debauchery that wait behind the dungeon door.
Cultivating Creativity and Sensuality for Adults. A sugar rush for the soul. Hosted by Miss Crystal idea slinger extraordinaire does a deep dive conversation with experts in creative and sex-positive proclivities. While this is absolutely going to be explicit with adult content and bursting with very sexy, the mission here is about embracing and accepting pleasure and desire which is an internal process that is the foundation for a type of meaningful intimacy, passion or sexual prowess. Expect Delicious Results. Support this podcast:
Afterglow is the podcast for Women's Health in Black and White. Hear our after show stories and our production process. Watch our Youtube channel Women's Health in Black and White, or visit our Facebook page Women's Health in Black and White. Support this podcast:
Podcast Svet Užitka: Sex v pisarni: Pripravite se na novo sezono podcasta Seks v pisarni, s polno novimi idejami in iskrenih pogovorov o spolnosti!
Z vami bom Monika in skupaj bomo raziskovali različne spolne prakse in se poglabljali v vse tematike, povezane s spolnostjo.
Brez cenzure, brez predsodkov, samo iskreno in sproščeno!Pridružite se mi pri odpiranju vrat novim spoznanjem in razpravi o vsem, kar je povezano s temo spolnosti.
Življenje je prekratko za slab seks, kajne? -
Our names are Braylen Drew and Aaron Stanger and we created this podcast to share stories of empowerment and clarity regarding the gray area around sexual topics and mental health in modern-day culture within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! We're so happy you're joining us in the quest for more open and meaningful conversations!
¿ Basamos nuestras relaciones en base a necesidades que esperamos que sean cubiertas? Claramente este es sólo uno de los muchos factores que causan la ruptura de una pareja hoy en día, Sergio y yo te ofrecemos una visión actual y nada formal de cómo vemos las relaciones y cuáles son los elementos clave para que vayan viento en popa
In questo podcast parleremo sia di tematiche importanti come:
-violenza sulle donne🚺
E tanto altro..., sia di cose divertenti e giochi come:
-la mia cavia peruviana🐹❤
-YouTube e YouTuber🎧🎮📹💻🎥
E ancora molto altro...
Se siete interessati seguite questo podcast e non perdetevi nemmeno un episodio! (Consigliatemi nei commenti gli argomenti dei prossimi episodi! 👇👇) -