
  • Welcome back! This week we have June’s spirit messages on the Connected Spirit podcast! In today's episode I’ll guide you through insights drawn from the Oracle of the Seven Energies by the one and only Colette Baron-Reid. Before we embark on this journey, take a moment to connect with the energy within. Close your eyes, place your hands over your heart, and breathe in deeply. As we set our intentions, let's invite our angels, guides, and the universe to reveal the wisdom we need for our highest good. Let 's do this!

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

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  • Welcome back to the connected spirit podcast! I have something very special for you this week. In case you missed it, this week's episode is recording from the live training that I did for the “Ethical Mediumship Made Easy” course. I'm going to be sharing with you all kinds of juicy information on how to overcome the blocks that are hindering your mediumship, how to build confidence and trust in your gifts and much more.

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May 25,2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Open Circle - May 26,2024

    Strengthen your mediumship skills with this online class. All levels welcome

    Register Here

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

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  • This week we’ll have an amazing chat with the multi-talented Ginnette Biro. Ginnette shares how going through a near death experience allowed her to look into the blueprint of her life, get in contact with her higher self and live fully aligned to her purpose. We’ll also talk about connecting with frequencies of different dimensions and how to grow beyond our fears of the unknown. This is an interview you cannot miss!

    About Ginette Biro:

    Ginette Biro is a world class medium, channeling beings from the 4th to 12th dimensions. She connects people to the other side and brings messages to inspire and inform our world. In addition to these remarkable gifts, Ginette has spent soul time on the other side through a near-death experience that allowed her to see and understand how our life blueprint and soul’s journey works.

    Prior to a career using her spiritual gifts, Ginette pursued science, receiving a Bachelor of Kinesiology and a Diploma of Sports Medicine, and practiced as a kinesiologist. She is also a talented singer and musician. She was an international performer for the Canadian Armed forces traveling to Afghanistan, Europe, North Pole, and the United Arab Emirates and received the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the BC Country Music Awards for her work. She is married, a mother of two, plus a new puppy and lives in Vancouver, Canada. She brings these many human dimensions to her spiritual insight and work.

    Ginette’s recently published book, Avalon to Aurora, details her near-death experience and the lessons divinely imparted to her to help the reader live a life full of joy, love, and purpose on earth. She shares her divine messages weekly on the Ginette Biro podcast and through group sessions and private readings in her company Avalon Spirit Inc.

    Connect with Ginette Biro


    Instagram: @ginettebiro.medium


    Youtube: Ginette Biro Medium

    Check out Courtney’s interview on the Ginette Piro Podcast

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May 25, 2024

    Are you ready to unlock your spiritual gifts and grow a successful service-based business as an Ethical Medium? Register Now.

    Register Now

    Mediumship Development Open Circle - Online Event - May 26,2024

    Strengthen your mediumship with extra practice - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

  • This week we're tackling a topic that hits close to home: overcoming the scarcity mindset in spiritual entrepreneurship. It's a journey I've been on myself, struggling with doubts and undercharging for my services. But let me tell you, once I shifted my mindset and embraced my worth, everything changed. Now, I'm here to share my story and support you on your journey.

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May,2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

  • This week we are joined by the amazing Alyse Dusseault, and let me tell you, her story is a game-changer.

    Facing the heart-wrenching loss of her fiancé, Jared, Alyse didn't let grief dim her light. Instead, she turned pain into purpose, launching Intuitively Alyse in Nashville. Through Reiki, mediumship, and intuitive readings, she's helping others find their spark again with her flagship program, Reignite. Join us as Alyse shares her journey from darkness to hope.

    About Alyse

    Alyse Dusseault is an energy work practitioner & grief coach based in Nashville, TN.

    After the loss of her fiancé in June 2020, she began connecting with him in spirit and opened up to her intuitive gifts which allowed her to create a new language with him in spirit.

    Alyse opened her business, Intuitively Alyse, in January 2022 where she helps others in their healing journey through Reiki, mediumship, intuitive readings, and grief coaching.

    Her flagship grief coaching program, Reignite, launched in fall of 2023.

    She is also the host of the Grief Awakening Podcast where she tackles tough conversations around grief, and finding spirituality through loss.

    Connect with Alyse:

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Practice Circle - Online Event - May 5,2024

    Strengthen your mediumship with extra practice - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    FREE Live Mediumship Training - May 10,2024

    Learn to give accurate readings your clients will love, heal blocks so you can take your gifts to the next level and more!

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May 25,2024

    Are you ready to unlock your spiritual gifts and grow a successful service-based business as an Ethical Medium? If so, join the waitlist.

    Join the waitlist

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

  • This week, I dive deep into the journey of becoming a money-making medium. I share my personal story of shifting from undercharging for readings to valuing my gifts and setting fair prices. It's all about confronting those old beliefs about money and worthiness and stepping boldly into our value. I want to empower you to embrace the abundance that comes with aligning your pricing with the quality of service you provide.

    So, if you're dreaming of being a money-making medium, know that your divine calling deserves fair compensation. It's about honoring the quality of what you offer and attracting clients who truly value your gifts. And hey, if you need a little guidance along the way, I'm here for you. Let's normalize being abundantly paid for our spiritual work and make those dreams a reality!

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Practice Circle - Online Event - May 5,2024

    Strengthen your mediumship with extra practice - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May,2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

  • Welcome to the Connected Spirit podcast! Join me as I chat with Bri Day, a remarkable psychic medium and intuitive guide, about her transformative journey from suppressing her gifts to embracing them fully after a life-altering car accident. Bri shares invaluable insights on finding life purpose, and healing through past lives. We’ll talk about the cycle of learning and evolution that our soul goes through in every life we come back to Earth.

    Get ready to be inspired and empowered to unlock your own spiritual potential!

    Bri Day is a Psychic Medium & Intuitive Guide. Her Astrology Big 3 are Cancer Sun, Aries Rising & Sagittarius Moon and she is a Manifestor in Human Design. Bri is passionate about helping people find what lights them up & inspires them to live a life of alignment.

    Growing up, she was a very psychic and empathic child, but it wasn’t until a life-altering car accident that she became dedicated to working with her abilities. Ultimately having to leave a successful career as a Teacher, she was able to find healing & magic through Mediumship and other modalities such as Reiki & spirit guide connections.

    Bri believes that this path is truly a journey with no end destination – She is always exploring, healing, learning & ensuring I take the time to enjoy the scenery along the way.

    She is also the host of The Day Light Oracle Podcast

    Connect with Bri




    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19,2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Open Circle - Online Event - April 21,2024

    Develop your mediumship - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    Practice Circle - Online Event - May 5,2024

    Strengthen your mediumship with extra practice - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May,2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

  • This week, I was moved by Spirit to bring you a divine message, channeled just for you. Today we’re getting ready for the total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, which also coincides with the Aries new moon. Believe me, this is a powerful time for personal transformation and empowerment.

    In this episode, I’m doing a live Oracle card reading and get ready because the powerful cards we got will be leading us toward inner healing, heightened intuition, and a deeper connection to the collective energies around us.

    So, let’s take a deep breath, open our hearts, and listen to the message Spirit has for the collective right now🌟🌙✨

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19,2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Open Circle - Online Event - April 21,2024

    Develop your mediumship - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    Practice Circle - Online Event - May 5,2024

    Strengthen your mediumship with extra practice - open to all levels of experience

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Made Easy - Begins May,2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Solstice Psychic and Wellness Fair on May 26th, 2024 from 10:30 am to 6 pm!

    I’ll be a speaker & vendor at this incredible event.

    Register Now for only $5

  • Step into spiritual empowerment with the one and only Tara Diana! Tara shares her story with raw honesty and authenticity, revealing the challenges and triumphs of walking the spiritual path. Through empowerment mediumship, Tara channels messages that resonate deep within the soul, empowering individuals to embrace their true essence and unlock their limitless potential. Join us for an inspiring conversation that will ignite your spirit and empower you to live your most authentic life.

    Tara Diana is a Medium / Channel for Spirit in all forms. Her ability to connect with Spirit and bring loved ones, guides, helpers, elders, and other spiritual beings through has been with her for as long as she can remember.

    Tara's connection to Spirit has become stronger over the years allowing for her to leave her daily job and focus solely on the metaphysical aspect of her work full-time in a professional manner since the early 2000's.

    Any message that Tara gives is done with the explicit intent of being for the highest and best of the individual that she is sitting with.

    It is Tara's understanding that she is to use this ability to help those seeking her out to release what no longer serves them, process their lessons, and continue to self-heal and empower themselves.

    Connect with Tara:



    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19, 2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Certification Course - Begins May 2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Whether you're a seasoned medium or just starting out on your spiritual path, this episode is packed with insights to support your development and enhance your spiritual connection!

  • Join us for an insightful exploration of how personal growth and self-reflection play a vital role in ensuring accurate and authentic spirit communication.

    We'll uncover the process of disengaging the conscious mind to allow the subconscious and unconscious mind to guide the connection with the spiritual realm.

    Discover how both conscious and unconscious filters can influence mediumship, and learn valuable strategies for identifying and working through these filters to establish clear spirit communication.

    Gain practical insights into recognizing and releasing filters such as fears, doubts, and beliefs, and understand how specific influences like unresolved issues and prejudices can impact mediumship. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a clearer channel to the spirit world.

  • Today, we're diving into a transformative conversation with Jackie Kenner, a psychic medium and mentor. Jackie shares her journey from corporate success to embracing intuition and building a thriving spiritual business. Tune in as she discusses trusting the spirit world, overcoming doubts, and integrating intuition into business strategies. Get ready to tap into your intuitive gifts and embrace abundance with Jackie's inspiring insights.

    About Jackie:

    Jackie Kenner is a psychic medium, mentor, author, and host of the Connections with Jackie Podcast.

    She helps people communicate with the spirit world & create clear and consistent connections through her courses, books, and one-on-one mentorships.

    Connect with Jackie:



    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19, 2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Certification Course - Begins May 2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Whether you're a seasoned medium or just starting out on your spiritual path, this episode is packed with insights to support your development and enhance your spiritual connection!

  • In this episode we’re diving into how to overcome the obstacles that can get in the way of connecting with the spirit world.

    As psychic mediums, we often face challenges like doubt, fear, expectations, the need for control, and comparing ourselves to others.

    I’m here to share some practical strategies to tackle these obstacles head-on.

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Spring Mini Readings - In Person Event - March 16,2024

    Receive a 15 minutes reading for only $30 !

    Learn More

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19,2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Certification Course - Begins May,2024

    Learn to connect to spirit with ease. I’ll show you how in 12 weeks!

    Join the waitlist

    Whether you're a seasoned medium or just starting out on your spiritual path, this episode is packed with insights to support your development and enhance your spiritual connection!

  • Welcome back! This is a must listen episode! Today, we're delving into the world of video marketing and soulful embodiment with the extraordinary Jaya Rose.

    Jaya's journey from overcoming core wounds to achieving entrepreneurial success is truly inspirational. She seamlessly merges mindset, energy, and video mastery, crafting a transformative experience for entrepreneurs. Through her courses and membership, she leads seekers on a journey of self-discovery, healing and clear communication.

    Join us as we uncover the secrets to authentic connection, avoid self-sabotaging, tiny microphones, and soulful marketing. This episode is essential listening for those ready to amplify their voice and radiate their light in the world!

    About Jaya:

    As the go-to expert in her field as an Online Business Coach for Impact-Driven Leaders, Jaya has created her own methodology to help her students identify and own their unique message, rock their video marketing, and create time freedom in their businesses. She believes it is now more important than ever to move your positive mission into the world while also honoring your needs and desires.

    Jaya dazzles her audience with her big-hearted charm and invites them to step out of their

    comfort zones and into a new reality where they become the main character in their story.

    They will walk away from her talk with tangible takeaways, inspired minds, and full hearts, feeling ready to expand their vision and share their message with the world.

    Where to find Jaya:

    Tiktok: @withjayarose

    Fb: thejayarose

    Ig: @thejayarose

    Youtube: TheJayaRose



    10 Video Hooks That Get Ya Booked

    Free Video Marketing Course

    Magnetic on Camera Course

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Spring Mini Readings - In Person Event - March 16,2024

    Receive a 15 minutes reading for only $30 !

    Learn More

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19,2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Certification Course - Begins May,2024

    Gain clarity and confidence in your unique spiritual gifts. Open To All Levels.

    Join the waitlist

  • In today's episode, we're going to explore the intersection of religious faith and mediumship in our diverse spiritual landscape.

    We'll dive into how these two aspects can complement each other without requiring a choice between them.

    We'll also look at historical examples, ethical considerations, and the significance of respecting diverse beliefs within the context of mediumship practiced by people of different faiths.

    I really want to encourage an open and respectful dialogue as we navigate the multifaceted nature of spirituality.

    Let me know if you found this episode helpful !

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favourite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Spring Mini Readings - In Person Event - March 16,2024

    Receive a 15 minutes reading for only $30 !

    Learn More

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19,2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Certification Course - Begins May,2024

    Gain clarity and confidence in your unique spiritual gifts. Open To All Levels.

    Join the waitlist

  • In today’s episode, we’ll explore the ethical boundaries within mediumship and reflect on some unexpected reactions sparked by my recent social media post.

    Reflecting on Non-Negotiables for Psychic Mediums:

    I'll share my non-negotiables for psychic mediums and discuss the controversy surrounding predictions in mediumship readings. Let's delve into why I choose not to incorporate predictions and the impact of maintaining high standards of ethics and integrity in our work.

    Embracing Diversity in Mediumship:

    The mediumship community is incredibly diverse, with varying approaches to spirit communication. We'll explore the different perspectives and the richness they bring to our sacred craft.

    Striving for Understanding: As we navigate the complexities and controversies within mediumship, let's strive for a deeper understanding and acceptance of diverse viewpoints. Together, we'll enrich our knowledge and appreciation of this spiritual practice.

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Spring Mini Readings - In Person Event - March 16,2024

    Receive a 15 minutes reading for only $30 !

    Learn More

    Messages From Heaven - Online Event - April 19,2024

    Limited to 8 people. Guaranteed Message

    Register Here

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Certification Course - Begins May,2024

    Gain clarity and confidence in your unique spiritual gifts. Open To All Levels.

    Join the waitlist

  • Hey there, lovely souls! Today, I'm thrilled to take you on a journey through the realms of mediumship development. We'll explore the early stages, where that spark of curiosity about the spirit world ignites within you, and delve into the crucial task of discerning your own truth along the way. I'll share insights on the importance of mentorship and formal training, and we'll discuss the incredible changes and shifts that unfold during your development. Plus, we'll talk about nurturing a strong relationship with your spirit team and embracing the profound transformation that mediumship can bring. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this empowering episode. Tune in, and let's dive into this journey together!

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website
  • Hey everyone, in this episode, I'll be sharing how my mediumship journey helped me heal.

    Growing up in a Christian home without support for understanding my abilities, I turned to partying as a coping mechanism, which only led to more issues.

    It wasn't until after my divorce that I embarked on a spiritual journey and found healing through developing my natural mediumship abilities.

    Developing mediumship helped me heal:

    Generalized anxiety disorderSelf-doubtLow self-worthShameInsecurities.

    The feeling of not belonging and being the black sheep of the family also started to dissolve.

    Let me know if this episode resonates with you.

    If you’re ready to heal through developing mediumship, join the

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Course – Starts February 10,2024

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website
  • Today's episode is a treat for all of you. Many of you have reached out, expressing curiosity about how to get started with mediumship development and seeking clarity in your spiritual experiences.

    In this episode, we'll explore what ethical mediumship is and who can benefit from mediumship development. I'll answer the burning question: Can everyone develop mediumship? We'll also discuss essential practices like grounding and spiritual protection, preparing you to work with the Spirit world.

    Get ready for some amazing insights, as I share valuable information to help you decide if mediumship development is right for you. Plus, I'll reveal exclusive exercises from the connected Spirit school.

    Without further ado, let's dive into this week’s episode!

  • Hello everyone and welcome back to the show! In this interesting episode, join me and David Hale, a British psychic medium. Together, we unravel the philosophy of mediumship and debunk common misconceptions surrounding this mystical field. David generously shares his personal journey of discovery and development, highlighting the significance of grounding and discipline in mastering mediumship.We delve into the role of spiritualist churches in nurturing and training mediums, exploring the profound support they provide. David gives us a glimpse into his world with his show, "Midweek Mediumship".

    So let's dive in and start this amazing episode!

    About David Hale:

    As a teenager David was told by many a psychic that he had an ability he should work on, but he didn’t open up to his ability until many years later, in 2017. Now, having embraced his ability as a medium David loves helping people heal through this work and loves seeing the difference that this work is truly able to provide. David works with the ethos of leaving people feeling better than he found them. David has also been featured in Fate & Fortune magazine and has his own fortnightly show on Spiritual psychics tv.

    Connect with David:




    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Ethical Mediumship Foundations Course - Begins February 10,2024

    This course Mediumship Made Easy! Gain confidence and enhance your natural mediumship gifts (Yes YOU have them) in a way you never believed possible.

    Class size limited - Register EARLY to secure your spot !!

    Open to all levels. Beginners welcome !

    Register Here: to secure your spot!

  • Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of mediumship, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. I'll be sharing my heartfelt belief that mediumship is a path open to all who are on a quest for self-discovery and seeking insights into the mysteries of life beyond death.

    Drawing from my own personal experiences and the challenges I've faced in developing my mediumship abilities, I emphasize the importance of finding a mentor. Having someone to guide and support you along the way can make all the difference.

    But here's the thing, my dear listeners: your journey in mediumship is unique. It's crucial to embrace your individuality and honor your own special abilities and perspectives. There's no one-size-fits-all approach here!

    And let me tell you, the growth you'll experience through developing your mediumship skills is nothing short of profound. It's not just about connecting with spirits; it's a journey that will deeply impact you spiritually and personally.

    So, get ready, because this is an episode filled with wisdom and encouragement for those of you who are curious and captivated by the world of mediumship. Let's embark on this incredible journey together!

    Thank you for supporting The Connected Spirit Podcast!.

    SUBSCRIBE in your favorite podcast platformBOOK a private session with CourtneyFOLLOW @mediumcourtneydawson on Instagram SIGN-UP for the Connected Spirit weekly NewsletterVISIT my website

    Free Mediumship Training - January 23, 2024

    Are you ready to unlock your spiritual gifts? This class is for you.

    Open to all levels. Beginners welcome ! Space is limited.

    Register to secure your spot!