
  • There was a time, in America no less, when true evangelicals, real born-again Christians, were of great moral influence and persuasion numbering perhaps as many as 75-80 million citizens. The Moral Majority was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr. and it was indeed a powerful organization, politically, culturally, and spiritually.
    But today, far from constituting a moral majority, the evangelical Christian of today finds little tolerance, much less acceptance, by their fellow citizens, many of whom are anti-Christian to the core. The shared moral ideals of old have indeed deteriorated and no longer have the priorities they once did. That includes FAITH. Real Christianity, biblical Christianity, born-again Christianity is ridiculed or ignored by the IMMORAL MAJORITY of today’s culture. The concept and value of FAMILY are torn apart and the governments of today substitute foreign and often godless concepts and meanings which attack and depreciate traditional values and definitions. Freedom, once a burning priority, now hangs in the balance, watered down by legislation, indifference, and constant attacks on our constitution.
    Especially within the last decade, faithful, biblical Christians have witnessed ideological disintegration of trusted religious institutions. That has resulted in an incredible cultural compromise. Conduct and behavior that was once forbidden is now not only allowed but encouraged. So much of the freedoms Americans take for granted was relinquished during the pandemic and even church attendance, the freedom of assembly and religious worship, was also forbidden by government action.
    That sense of compromise and indifference even permeated the church pulpits. Church after church, pastor after pastor, seceded to the demands of an anti-Christian culture, accepting compromise and change to traditional and long accepted Christian tenets and the gospel message, once proudly preached, was seldom heard in one denomination after another. So many American pulpits fell silent, fearing retribution or alienation.
    Many Christian believers witnessed evangelical leaders’ quart secular acclaim by compromising on conservative Christian values and, like the false prophets predicted, preached a foreign gospel or none at all. Strong Christian values that contributed to American strength and vitality but were recast by these false prophets, outmoded and second class. New concepts, often man-made were formed to water down traditional biblical concepts of salvation, born-again, faith and works, and so much more. Those believers who held fast to strong biblical principles and concepts were often depicted as “violent enemies of democracy” because they failed to recognize, accept, and give credence to the priorities and beliefs of the anti-Christian majority which seemed to be taking place in America.
    Consequently, so many Christians abandoned the world of politics in their very own country. In a recent survey by the respected George Barna, more than half of the Christians surveyed reported that they did not pay much attention at all to political news, which would inevitably be essential to understanding the issues most relevant to believers. As a result, an estimated 7 million evangelicals in swing states did not participate in the 2020 presidential election. Had they done so, results would have been entirely different up and down the ballots. Barna estimates as a result of the conclusions of that survey that shockingly:
    Even if they did, those evangelicals not paying attention to news and information about politics and government were in so many cases incapable of making informed, educated, voting decisions.
    The one presidential candidate who addressed the Christian audiences, spoke to the issues which concerned Christians, and otherwise collaborated with the National Religious Broadcasters was Donald Trump. Trump addressed in positive ways, the issues which really concern Christians including freedom of expression (First Amendment, Speech and Press), prayer in schools, homeschooling, America’s support for Israel, and the role of religion in public life. No other candidate for president did so. In fact, the Left has extended no hand of friendship to born-again believers. The Left has in fact elevated “unlimited abortion” as the non-negotiable priority of their policy agenda. No true Christian can tolerate such a position, and it leads to the question:
    Further, and disturbingly so, many Christians will not vote for a candidate whose personality they find offensive. Many for example do not personally like Donald Trump and even though his policies are more akin to their beliefs, they will not vote for him. Many will also not vote for a candidate whose private life they do not like. Many use that excuse not to vote for Trump, at least for now a convicted felon. Perhaps even more do not like the way Trump communicates, speaks, and finding his public image objectionable, will not vote for him. What a tragic loss for America, for Trump and the republican party champion values and decision making which is far more akin to Christian values and positions than their democratic counterparts. The withdrawal and non-involvement of Christians and Christian voters is indeed tragic for America. Real Christians, many believe, have no choice but to vote for Trump and the Republican party and its candidates if they wish traditional America and traditional American values to remain.
    Real evangelical Christians must thoroughly examine the records of candidates on the critical issues, including:

    immigration and illegal immigration (the border)pro-family policiesreligious freedom (the Constitution and the First Amendment)national securityfederal spending and the incredible American debtthe economy and inflation (pricing)parental rights (in the world of the transgender)conscience protectionsAmerica’s support for Israel
    Christian voters must also consider the regulatory overreach of the Federal Government and the disastrous fiscal policy which the democratic government has adopted and utilized and what some believe is the weaponization of government against private citizens, including and especially people of faith.
    Christian radio, and I am proud to say the Crawford Broadcasting Co., devote much of their broadcast time, finances and concerns in programming which seriously address the concerns of Christians today and our beloved America at large. So many of us, who love our America, are deeply concerned with what is happening in all facets of our great country, and we are determined to make a difference, to educate all people including and especially Christian believers, real evangelicals, and encourage them to do their duty as American citizens and become fully involved in government, in politics, in the elections, and to take a stand for what is right, for traditional moral values, and to do everything possible to have America and its citizens return, rethink, and reevaluate the disastrous moral and cultural trends which now affect and radically change our once great country. Said one Christian politician:
    Amen. We, the Crawford Broadcasting Co., fully agree, and we are dedicated to that purpose, and we hope and pray you believe and act the same and that you will do so for the glory of God and the salvation of America in Elections 2024. It really is our Christian duty.
  • Do you intend to vote in this critical November election, do you?
    Are you registered to vote so that, unlike many others, you are a legally qualified voter?
    America needs your vote, YOUR VOTE! America needs your informed vote, a vote that is educated in the issues, understands the essential workings of politics and the government, and assuming you are Christian, voting for candidates and issues with the direction and guidance of your Christian conscience.
    For many Christians, they seem to find reasons not to vote. If those Christians find the candidates personality, or private life, or public image objectionable, that gives them reasons, really excuses, for non-participation, for not voting. And that, my fellow Americans and fellow Christians, is simply dead wrong. As Troy Miller, President and CEO of NRB, the National Religious Broadcasters Association:
    “I urge Christians who are so inclined to pivot from personality and
    take a closer look at policy.”
    That is a strong message to those conservative Americans and Christian Americans that if, for example, you do not like the personality, or the private life, or the public image of Donald Trump, those are not reasons for you not to vote for Donald Trump. If in fact Trump and his party represent and will champion and defend the policies and political decisions which are consistent with your Christian values.
    Dr. George Barna has produced a new survey indicating that:
    “Theologically defined evangelicals (are you one?) are no more likely than
    anyone else to be attentive to news about politics and government.”
    That is a sad, sad indeed conclusion and I do hope that you are not one of those evangelicals who doesn’t care, isn’t involved, and doesn’t intend to vote. You and I have, so many believe, a theological duty to be involved to the extent we can in the political process and most importantly, in every meaningful election:
    That Barna survey indicates that an estimated 7 million evangelicals, in swing states no less, did not participate or vote in the 2020 President Election. If those 7 million registered and potential voters actually did vote, the outcomes and elections of candidates up and down the ballot would have been entirely different. And that was in so-called swing states alone.
    Generally, across America and in all states, the Barna survey estimates that one third, 33%, of all evangelicals did not vote or participate in the political process in 2020! One third. If there are, as many think, as many as 75 million so-called theologically defined evangelicals in America, that means according to the Barna survey that as many as:
    That is a startling and frankly sickening survey conclusion and they discredit and disgrace not only the privilege of American citizenship, but to our very Lord himself! As many as 25 million registered American citizen voters in 2020, says Barna, did not even simply bother to vote. To me, and to so many others, that is just simply unbelievable, UNBELIEVABLE! That led Troy Miller to state in his article:
    I do hope and pray that you, if in fact you are Christian and Evangelical Christian, are not one of those 25 million. You and I have the unbelievable privilege of being citizens of the greatest country in the history of mankind. At least, it once was. We live in a country where true freedom exists, or at least it used to. We the People, all people, including Christians, all people of faith or not of faith, have freedom of religion, complete unabridged freedom of religion, and the very same total and complete freedom of speech, and press, and no government, including and especially the Federal Government, can in any way interfere with or abridge those precious, inalienable, God-given through the constitution, freedoms we enjoy, and now have begun to assume and take for granted.
    We also have freedom of petition. We can say what we want, ask what we feel is right to do, complain, criticize, compliment, and express what we believe to anyone who acts as our political leader at any level of government. They are duty-bound to listen, read, understand, and respond, whether or not they do. That is our constitutional right.
    Perhaps most importantly as Christians, we have the constitutional and First Amendment right to assemble. That is, to form, support, attend, and be involved in the functions of a church or any type of religious organization. No one, including and especially the Federal Government, can prevent any American from worshipping as he or she pleases in any venue as he or she may wish and the slightest abridgement of that freedom is constitutionally wrong, illegal, and cannot be tolerated.
    WE, THE EVANGELICAL PEOPLE, are free, we have been given these freedoms, we can partake of them without fear of retribution and with those freedoms, those benefits, those assets, we consequently have the duty, the God-required, American citizen-required, duty to protect, defend, and to be involved in the processes (voting) which involves the protection and continuation of those freedoms. Therefore, it seems perfectly clear that we as Christians, and perhaps especially as evangelical Christians, do in fact have the:
    Are you registered to vote?
    Do you intend to vote?
    Will you encourage others, especially other evangelicals, to vote, will you?
    If you claim those freedoms as your rights, and I hope and pray you do, than as a result of those rights, you have the duty to protect those freedoms, to be informed, educated in the political process to the extent you can, and most importantly, to participate:
    TO VOTE!
    None of the freedoms which we enjoy as Americans exist in Russia, or North Korea, or China, or Iran, or many of the other Far Eastern countries, and socialism abounds in many Western countries which were once more democratic and those people in so many parts of the world yearn for the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted as Americans and are probably stunned to learn that so many of us simply do not care, are not engaged, and do not:
    So many men and women the world over and in all of history died to either get or protect those freedoms and if this political-voting lethargy, which exists in so many parts of America continues, that day may soon come when the blood of freedom loving individuals, real American freedom patriots, must be shed if those freedoms are to be protected and preserved. That will sagacious vice of former and early U. S. President Thomas Jefferson. He was right, perhaps dead right. America is changing and may radically change, the loss of freedoms expedited depending upon the results of Elections 2024, especially if evangelicals do not participate, do not vote as it is estimated some 25 million did not in 2020.
    Please vote my fellow Christians. Protect our constitutional freedoms for yourself, your spouse, your children, your family, your friends, and all Americans. AMERICA NEEDS YOU INVOLVED AND YOUR VOTE NOW 2024 MORE THAN EVER!

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  • Work is good. Work is necessary for the fulfillment of every human being. Work is required of every person according to his or her capabilities and talents, so sayeth the Scripture. All of us must work to survive, live, grow and profit and be all that we can be and as God intended us to be.
    Our very own America was built on hard work, and is in fact itself a work in progress. The progress depends upon us, we the people, how hard we work and how we make things happen. The majority of we the American people are hard workers. And, the harder and the better we work, the better America and all of us are. To be sure, nothing comes easy in this life, nothing. Everything we have or enjoy is the product of hard work by someone, whether you, or me, or someone else. You and I must do our share, accomplish our calling for the very short time we have on this precious earth. Life, said the wisest man of old King Solomon, is but a vapor here today and gone so soon tomorrow. We should make every working day count to the fullest.
    Pioneers built our country. They were men and women who did little but work hard morning till night. They farmed land never before productive. They raised animals and used them for work and feed. They built houses, and churches, and City Halls. They built roads and bridges. They built autos and trucks. They built hospitals and invented medicines. They designed and manufactured clothing. They created places for entertainment and worship. They built elaborate and majestic campuses for education and things theological. They built laboratories and science centers and they sent us deep into space. They were then and we are now the workers who made America great, America, the most exciting, creative human and social experiment in all of history. You and I should be proud of them and we should be proud to be workers like they were. The more we work, the better we are, caught up, energized and thrilled by the spirit of America, our exceptional opportunity to pursue our dreams and to build our future. America and those who believe in what it stands for are indeed EXCEPTIONAL and we have been blessed by EQUALLY EXCEPTIONAL opportunity. As we work, we should do everything possible to protect and defend the opportunities, lifestyles and freedoms which America offers.
    How wonderful it is that the talent and ability of every individual God-Made is different, unique. It is marvelous indeed that every single person has talent and gifts which are in fact different. That is true divine diversity. None of us are better at least not in the sight of God, but different only. Each of us has our own special CALLING. So, no matter who you are, YOU are special and it is your right but every bit as importantly your duty to utilize those God-given talents to the fullest. It is your duty to fulfill your calling. So then, we should not be concerned with what others think nor should we judge what we do and how we work by the standards of others. Nor should we be inhibited by their criticism. For we need to know ourselves, be true to that special self and soul which God has created and through prayer and meditation, come to a full recognition of those talents and be the very person God intended that you and I be. We can fail, but we can bounce back. The opportunity for growth and change is still available in America, thank God. Ignore rejection and focus on your calling.
    So then, my fellow Americans, you may be called to be a mother. Be all that you can be as a mother for the sake of your children and do your God-given calling with all of your might. Or perhaps you are secretary, or babysitter. Perhaps you clean for a living. Recognize all such work as a calling and do your calling with all of your might. Or perhaps you are plumber, electrician, landscaper, restaurant worker. Do your calling with all of your might and as you can, as unto the Lord. Or perhaps you are lawyer, accountant, radio salesperson, financial planner. Do your calling with all of your might. And if you are the President of anything, including the President of our great United States, you perhaps have a calling with higher standards, duties and demands. No one should do a calling better than you WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT!
    So, we work, we produce and as we do, we should expect return which of course includes money and profit. We work for economic growth and benefit, for the fruit of our labors. We follow the biblical prescription that we can expect even with minimum work product the return of that work one for one. Or perhaps, five to one. Or even as Scripture indicates, perhaps as much as ten to one or more as we diligently develop and exploit those talents and capabilities through hard work. The money return from our work, efforts, creativity and initiative is blessed by Scripture. That money return is right, as we become work men and work women worthy of our hire. We plant, as Scripture says, and Mother Nature waters and it is GOD who gives the increase so the Scriptures say. It is a good thing to make money and to be rewarded for our work. Money supports. Money helps others. Money creates opportunity. The best of us at work, hard work, is exactly what this world of so many ENTITLED needs now more than ever. In fact, hard and productive work is so necessary for this world of entitlements in which we live in order for it to survive and continue. It is well and good indeed to help those all in real need. But all who can, any and all including those receiving entitlements, should work as they can.
    But today, unfortunately it seems, there are those supposedly progressive in thinking who wish to tell us that profit is wrong, especially in excess. That profit made is the result of GREED at work. Profit they say is not as a result of hard work or special skills, but rather the exploitation of others. Ignore them. You are worthy of the profit and gain of anything you produce at any level of life. The more you invest as a mother, the better your child, perhaps better than others. Enjoy the fruit, the profit of your labors. When you build something, revel in the fruit of your labors and do it with all of your might, and better than others. For no matter what progressives or others would say, YOU DID IN FACT BUILD IT, and you did build it yourself. In fact, so much of what is built would not have been built without you or me. Revel in, enjoy and profit from anything and everything YOU BUILT!
    But work produces much more than money. Those who understand the value of work realize full well that the doing well of anything is the reward itself! The satisfaction, the fulfillment, the full expression of the self among mankind and before God are THE BEST REWARDS. They are indeed more valuable than money for money comes and goes. But the rewards of work well done last a lifetime and are in fact eternal. We create an earthly balance sheet, personal financial and loss statements here and now, but it is the ETERNAL balance sheet which really counts. Nothing goes with you, no matter what you leave behind, but only the heavenly balance sheet you create. For there is always something more, often much more than the work itself or the profit therefrom. There is good, often enormous good in work well done and even very spiritual good. See that clearly as part of the goal of your calling and WORK which only adds to the return and the enjoyment.
    So, the work we do can be not only for money, or profit, but for non-profit. For worthy causes. For the good of society in which we live. For all humanity, especially those in need. For the Christian Church and for the Christ we love and serve. For blood drives. For HIV awareness and treatment. For feeding and sheltering the homeless. For carrying the message of the Gospel to forsaken and needy parts of America and the world. Shepherding and guiding children. Tending to the needs of the elderly. Visiting and comforting those in prison.
    All of these things make us what we should be before the Lord and our fellow man.
    So many of us are people of faith. But our faith, sayeth Scripture, without works is dead. Whatever you believe, whatever your faith, there is no way for anyone to know whether or not it is real except by your works. Talk is cheap. But by the fruits of your labors your fellow human beings will know you. If there is in fact a work of God in you, a CALLING, a life objective, the works that you do will prove to others who you are. What you and I do not do also proves who we are. The great thinking Dietrich Bonhoeffer said that not to act is to act. Negative actions, doing nothing, can be as potent negatively as actual action itself.
    Unfortunately, there are those who do deceitful works and works of iniquity. They are known for their fraudulent and deceitful acts. They work not for the good of mankind, but only for themselves, for ego, for elicit gain in a deceitful way. Their works and their lives are in vain. William Shakespeare said that the evil that men do lives after them, the legacy they make and that evil is the only thing remembered here and in eternity.
    So, it is our duty to study, to grow ourselves in our career and constantly make ourselves better, so that we can show ourselves approved as work men and women, understanding the objectives, values and priorities which are ours, always growing in our understanding, especially the Scriptures so that we can be approved by God before him as well as man. Learning, whether a trade or in law, or by gaining experience and growing or by learning from others, or the school of hard knocks, and by mistakes, learning standards of excellence to which we can aspire so that we can be all, ALL we can be, working with all of our might knowing in this world that indeed the night is coming where no man can work. Work while you can and the best you can.
    In this life, we slow down, age or perhaps lose interest or motivation, and of course energy and our ability to work dissipates or even ends. With that ends opportunity and potential and we may not have finished what we are called to do. Some retire, or quit, or are forced to retire prematurely. Some of us are fortunate enough to finish and accomplish our objectives and purposes, while others can not. For us, we are fortunate that even Jesus of Nazareth said in John’s Gospel that he had in fact finished the work for which the Father had sent him. He had accomplished His objectives, fulfilled His purposes and He did so to His last dying breath. Our goal, like HIS should be to finish our work, the work for which we were sent by God and meant to do. That is the greatest fulfillment this life can offer.
    We are called upon by God Almighty to live every day to the fullest. CARPE DIEM my fellow Americans, seize the day. It is the day which the Lord hath made and for you to work and be productive. Worry not about tomorrow, or the criticism, expectations or even the rejections of any man. It has its own problems-evil-which you can not control or do anything about. But, rather think in terms of how precious every minute of every hour of every day is, and rejoice in that. Maximize the opportunity that minute brings and, whatever your hand finds to do, YOUR CALLING, do it with all of your might. Every God-given minute is indeed an opportunity there once never to return. So that everything we do, everything no matter how menial works together for good. The joy of living is so special. We are told by our Lord that He is come that we might have life in its most ABUNDANT form and that our joy, OUR TOTAL JOY may be full. There is joy in every moment, as we work, as we rest, as we play, as we love others and as we understand who we are and:
    Those who love to work and love as much to be productive and make things happen know that the ultimate reward for such work is:
    No matter the accolades of man, or profit, or any other earthly benefit, the ultimate reward, the ultimate satisfaction is the work itself. Nothing feels better to any right-thinking person than a job well done, having done the best you can with all of your might.
    So then, for the Christian, there is something even greater than works. There is GRACE, saving grace. And no manner of works can ever equal that. The grace at God at work trumps the works of any man, but when added to works, leads to the complete fulfillment of that life. We can and should be proud of the works we do, but the work of God in Jesus Christ, saving grace through Him is the greatest work of all. The combination of grace producing work, the right work is the very best thing in life.
    So, my fellow Americans, work hard. Work well, with purpose. Know your calling. Do what you were CALLED to do, and do it in each and every minute, hour and day of your life. Do what your Creator would have you do and you will find fulfillment in that work and in your life. It matters not whether you are housewife or President, millionaire or middle class, never forget that:
    We need not the approval or recognition of mankind however enjoyable that may be. We need to work to be approved by God, who knows us, our every thought and deed. His approval is all that matters.
    I and the Crawford Broadcasting Company honor all of the men and women in America who work, and work hard, and make America, family and friends, and all of us so much better and especially those who work as unto the Lord. Find the work you love to do, really love to do and you will never work a day in your life!
    God bless you work men and women worthy of your hire and it is because of you that:

  • George Barna, he of the ARIZONA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, may well be the most respected Christian surveyist in America. In a survey he conducted, released August 6, 2024, on CHRISTIAN EVANGELICALISM and Christianity in America, the Barna survey said the following:
    “The cultural awareness sparked by the Covid pandemic and the 2024 Presidential campaign has led millions of Americans to realize just how depraved American society has become. Corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies, and more, have generated non-stop headlines highlighting the decadence of American society and the demise of the United States.”
    That, my fellow Americans and fellow Christians, may be the most damning judgment of our great country in many years. The depth of the depravity in America, says Barna, is shocking. And it really is with no end in sight. The real reason for this satanic cultural decline says Barna:
    “is a direct result of the spiritual collapse of Christianity in our nation.”
    Barna is right. The once dynamic of Christianity in America does indeed seem gone, tarnished, diminished, of little force and effect, not only nationally and generally, but individually as well.
    The survey found that this steep cultural decline emanates from the dramatic transformation in the evangelical community in the United States during the past 30 years. Real evangelicals, however that is defined, seem to be far fewer in number and even more importantly far less biblical in their thinking and beliefs. There has come about the growth of SYNCRETISM, which is a worldview that combines core beliefs and behaviors from a variety of other well-defined worldviews such as Marxism, Secular Humanism, Eastern Mysticism, and Postmodernism. Individuals, in other words, offer their own worldview, belief system, and ultimate values with core beliefs gathered from any number of sources and the Barna survey indicates that as many as 9 out of 10 adults are in fact categorized by this CUT-AND-PASTE approach to their philosophy of life. That also means that any absolute truth claimed by scripture, THE BIBLE, is unacceptable or only acceptable in part, and Christianity, once a dynamic, monolithic force in America and the world, no longer exists. SYNCRETISM has won out over Christianity!
    Christians, evangelical Christians, what is left of them, now vote in far fewer numbers than once believed. They are simply far less active in the political process and seem to have little concern for results, so says Barna.
    And more, most evangelicals do not possess a biblical worldview with only about one third of so-called evangelicals doing so. In fact, says the Barna survey, evangelicals are more likely to be shaped by the culture around them, than they are to influence that culture or even more importantly, evangelize it.
    So then, the ultimate question then becomes:
    If the absolute truths of the Bible, the gospel message, the old and new testaments are at best guides and syncretized with other religions and worldviews, and beliefs and values, and that affects evangelicals, what really is an evangelical and what does a real evangelical believe?
    Several decades ago, it was thought that there was some 60-70 million adults who were in fact bible believing evangelicals. Barna estimates that today, that figure could be as low as 25-30 million adults. I, for one, do hope and pray that is wrong, for an aggressive, moral, committed, right-thinking and living evangelical is a critical component of the American society.
    Barna then goes on to state, as a result of his most recent survey, that the following priorities and beliefs are foundational for the current day evangelical.
    First, God is the all-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful, just and perfect creator of the universe.
    God is the basis of all truth, and those truths are conveyed to us through the Bible.
    The purpose of life is to fully know, love, and serve God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
    Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and there is no other besides him.
    Satan, representing all evil, truly exists and is the author of the current immoral society.
    All humans are born into sin and can only escape the consequences through Jesus Christ.
    All such beliefs are incorporated in the Bible, its 66 books, and do in fact comprise basic tenets of belief which a real and true evangelical must embrace and adopt. Do you, as Christian, real Christian, believe in those Christian fundamental and basic tenets, do you?
    The Barna survey then concludes that as many as 7 out 10 so-called evangelicals do not believe in all of those tenets and of more concern, reject the idea that truth is absolute and biblically based. Small wonder that Christianity is on the decline and no longer acts as the antidote to the immoral decline in American society.
    It is indeed tragic that there are millions of evangelicals who do not vote, so concludes George Barna, are not active in the political process, do not seem to care about political happenings, candidates, or events, and otherwise totally ignore and walk away from their citizenship responsibilities. When these good men and women abandon the political arena, the very bad, immoral men and women take over, exercise power, work to foster things anti-Christian, and further enhance the immoral decay and slide of this once great country. Time, survival time, for all of us, for American democracy, runs out.
    More Barna findings. As many as 50% of so-called evangelicals believe that eternal salvation can in fact be earned through good works, something directly contrary to the strong teachings of scripture.
    Almost 50% believe, says Barna, that there is no absolute moral truth, again something absolutely contrary to biblical teaching.
    And this survey found, shockingly so, that somewhat more than one out of every five so-called evangelicals prefer SOCIALISM TO CAPITALISM! In short, it seems that even the modern-day evangelical has been syncretized, believes something from scripture but otherwise believes whatever they want to believe or whatever they think is right to believe. Small wonder, my fellow Christians, that there is an amazing, considerable, seemingly irreversible immoral decline and slide in America, its culture, politics, and beliefs.
    Are you a Christian, and are you an evangelical Christian, and if so, what do you believe, what do you really believe and what is the foundation for those beliefs, the source, the reality of those beliefs? The power of the gospel at work in the lives of individuals, individuals by the millions, is the only real thing which can impact, change, and reverse the immoral slide in this once great country. So that, say many, our motto should not be GOD BLESS AMERICA, but GOD HELP AMERICA! And powerful, moral, people of faith, at work, in control, and dynamic in influence are the only ones who can reverse and save this once great country. I do hope and pray that you are one of those Soldiers of the Cross. That you are ready to put all on the altar and that you will be an active force in politics and culture in America.
    And, that you will vote and be active and outspoken in elections 2024!

  • What makes a leader?
    Is a leader born, born with those natural leadership qualities, or is a leader made, made by experience, trial and error?
    A leader surely is one who steps up, steps forward, takes charge, one who recognizes the opportunity to provide direction, encouragement.
    A leader is surely one who is not afraid to make decisions, take risks, and in extreme cases, be willing to risk life and limb for what he or she believes is right.
    A pastor, for example, takes charge. He speaks with voice strong, courageous, especially when those words come from the Lord who has promised to those who love him:
    A leader should surely have perfected the art of:
    Surely for the Christian, one should listen for the direction, the guidance, the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The meaning of the words is then magnified, and they contain the wisdom of the Lord rather than that of a man.
    A leader is strong, courageous, not afraid. A real leader knows that God has not given him or her the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. That loving, sound mind, divinely created, is perhaps the strongest evidence of a real leader.
    A mother is a real leader, the captain of the children which God has given her. She trains them, this female leader does, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. She instructs, disciplines, sets standards and values, and by her words and actions, cultivates love and respect not only for her, but for all women, for all humankind.
    The values she conveys are strong Christian values, clear standards of right and wrong, and no one in the household in which she is THE LEADER deviates from those standards. She lives those standards by example. She shows her faith by her deeds
    and her words always have value and meaning. No household, no husband or wife relationship, no father or mother at work can be all that they can be without the leadership of a mother, a true, loving, god-fearing mother.
    A true leader is creative. A plumber analyzes a problem and fixes a toilet. Every true blue collar person at work is creative, a leader, a problem solver, a fixer, taking charge of that situation and making it right. Fixing a broken toilet is leadership at work and that God-given ability can translate to every part of that man or woman’s life. Plumbers are leaders. Carpenters are leaders. Mechanics are leaders. Daycare workers are leaders. Doctors and nurses are leaders. They possess those God-given qualities which can translate to all of life in so many ways.
    It should be the task of every man and woman to understand themselves, to analyze their strengths, capabilities, creativity, and understand all the ways in life, everyday life, how they make decisions, take charge, fix problems, and lead. Every single individual God created possesses significant leadership qualities and no one, no matter their calling, career, or life’s work, should ever be disrespected, and perhaps more importantly, never disrespect themselves.
    A true leader is loyal. Faithful is he or she in everything.
    A true leader is honest. Integrity rules their every thought, word, and deed.
    A true leader is positive, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. In a negative, often evil world, the positive, make-it-right attitude, approach and conduct proves to all that this man or woman is in fact a true leader.
    We are all born with those characteristics. They are inherent, God-given. Unfortunately, so few are recognized or ever developed. But they can be by the experiences of life, from the challenges, the difficulties, the problems which every human being will face. The true character of every person will be challenged in so many ways as life goes on. Our courage and commitment will be challenged. That is especially so if we are spiritually minded, Christian at heart, standing tall and uncompromising for the Lord Jesus Christ we love. Leaders are always at work in little things not just large. Real leaders make leadership decisions in every aspect of life, every day in every way. They follow the example of their Lord, who promised, as our shepherd, that he would lead us in the paths of righteousness, that we would fear no evil, that goodness and mercy would follow us all the days of our lives, and that we should live by those promises.
    That very same leader from Nazareth promised that He would guide us with his eye upon us, and in every life situation, bring out the best in us. Trust that, ask for that, believe in that.
    You, everyone, were given these strong leadership qualities. You can be a leader in these paths of righteousness and make every person an opportunity in your life better. Believe in yourself. Bring out the best in you, always. Pray for His wisdom, strength, and courage. And you will be all

    All of them. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all the time, do you? I don’t.
    It is as though for one to become a politician is for that candidate or elected official to embrace the lie. To compromise, to sell the soul, or be willing to do so, to play the game, the political game. Politicians deceive. They will do or say virtually anything to get elected, and then again re-elected. So much of WE THE PEOPLE have come to expect that, and worse, accept that. We do our best to determine facts, and truth, and we make our decisions to vote so often on the basis of faulty facts, the best alternatives, knowing that trust, ultimate trust in the candidate, the person, the platform, the promises are anything but certain once that candidate gets in office, takes power, and becomes a member in good standing of the political class, a class of individuals better than us, entitled, and almost always without accountability. It is a sad day in America as we look at anything political.
    Nevertheless, now comes politics 2024, elections this November, federal state and local, which will determine the future of America. That future is not decades, or even years away. Change, and radical change is a present possibility, an immediate political dagger in the constitutional heart of WE THE PEOPLE. Our freedoms, our way of life, our constitutional guarantees, our very own Bill of Rights have never been more in danger. What is sad is that, even as these forces of evil, anti-democracy, totalitarian march on, we the people, the citizens, the voters seem unaware, even indifferent, falsely believing that nothing so aggressive, fundamental, and revolutionary could ever happen to our great country, our way of life, and the freedoms not only enjoy but take for granted. We are a citizenry naïve, unsuspecting, accommodating, intimidated, lied to, and ripe as never before to radical change and the end of our democratic way of life.
    Words and warnings seem to do little good. The indifference of WE THE PEOPLE, the lack of involvement, real sacrificial involvement, the toleration of the lie and flat out evil is incredibly alarming. We heed not the warning of founding father Benjamin Franklin that this republic, this democracy of America can only last:
    The sacrifice, the involvement, the constant attention to the political process and the holding of wrong-doers and unfaithful politicians accountable are demanding courses of action which we seem unwilling to take. America teeters on the brink not only of change, radical change, but even outright destruction when those who take power fully exercise that power and reveal who they really are, what they think, and what they intend for our beloved America.
    WE THE PEOPLE are much more responsible for commitment well beyond our vote. Our vote 2024 begins the journey. Then comes accountability, follow up, demand, contact, devoting a significant and meaningful portion of one’s life to the protection of the freedoms and citizenship we now take for granted. Look at how many politicians have changed course once elected. They tell us they are evolving in their thinking (compromising), considering different points of view, developing new definitions of fairness, equity, and in fact, learning the full meaning of diversity, and equity, and inclusion so much of which means reversal of position, belief, standards and values, and the beginning of the:
    It is then that so much of America does nothing. It talks, complains, watches and listens to media, most of which is liberal-radical, and vows that things political in 2028 will be different. But the problem is that the America of 2028 will be radically changed from the America of 2024.
    These are not words of pessimism or despair only, but reality. They are words of challenge, asking all of us who care about America to stand up for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and to hold our elected officials, those who ask for our trust and confidence, to the very highest possible standards as they make critical decisions affecting our lives. Candidate Donald Trump already begins to change his beliefs, positions, and even former promises. Many believe that Trump is the only conservative alternative. But Trump has signaled that he is not the president he once was in 2016, so far without major change but having created enough of political and cultural differences which may be precursors of more aggressive position change to come. Watch what he says and does most carefully.
    Kamala Harris is a liberal, in many ways a radical liberal, woke, and already her fawning media begin the cover-up, the reinterpretation of her record as politician, and district attorney, and find ways to compensate for her total inexperience and perhaps considerable inabilities at the presidential level. The democrat lie has already begun and WE THE PEOPLE will be asked to vote for a largely recreated Harris. Whether Trump or Harris, or senate or house candidates, get ready for the lie, so much you will hear and see which is not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But vote you must, for this election, like almost all others before it, is a vote for the better candidate, not necessarily the really right one or the best one.
    Truth is the truth, the whole truth, leaving nothing out, and nothing but the truth, adding nothing in. Politicians are masters in adding and subtracting fact and theory so as to make up their own version of the truth, anything which accomplishes their ultimate objectives. That is why, say so many political experts, American democracy is ultimately doomed. Will you let that happen? Will you let the forces of evil take over? Will you do what is necessary to protect, preserve, and defend this great country in which you are privileged to live, will you? President Thomas Jefferson said that the preservation of democracy requires the shedding of patriotic blood from time to time. I wonder if that time is now or coming soon. Millions have died protecting America, its democracy and freedoms and now may be the time for more.
    As you make incredibly important voting decisions for all of the elections 2024:

  • IT TAKES A LOT TO GET JEWS TO SHUN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES, so says writer for the New York Post, Adam Brodsky.
    It does take a lot, for traditionally, most Jews vote democratic, so say the polls. But that is changing, changing more so every day and finally for the right reasons. Far too many democrats, and democratic candidates for office are anti-Israel and consequently, more or less, antisemitic. No matter what they say, their actions speak louder than words.
    So many today are pro-Palestinian, and consequently, anti-Israel, and as a result of that, anti-Jewish, antisemitic. The protestors demand that the United States not support Israel, not provide it with foreign aid, weapons, or justification, or defense of any kind. These protestors have no problem with present day Israel becoming the homeland of the Palestinians, even if Israelis are located or even extinguished. Jihadist radicals have no problem with that, and in fact, that may be their goal, for the motto is:
    Israel has a population of approximately 7,250,000 people, which is less than the population of New York City, and a good many of them are not Jewish, but Arab or otherwise. The land of Israel is 8,000 sq. miles. It is 263 miles from north to south, and 71 miles at the very widest part, and only 6.2 miles at the most narrow. Israel, all of it, is approximately the size of the state of New Jersey. By contrast, surrounding nations, mostly Arab and Muslim, are huge in size geographically and in terms of population, and include Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and not far away Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia among others. Strange it is that none of these countries want to welcome the so-called Palestinians and allow them access and living in their very own countries. The Arab hatred for Israel and the Jews is far more important than the wellbeing of the Palestinians, so it seems.
    Long ago, well before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, himself of course a Jew, the God of scripture, THE GREAT GOD JEHOVAH, gave this land, this promised land to his chosen people and if you believe the Bible account of that land gift, said to Abraham, the father of the Jews:
    Interestingly, Israel now occupies but a small part of that God-given gift. But the divine promise continues to exist and one day, in the providence of God, that land inheritance, all of it, will be fulfilled. If you believe the Bible and the promises made in the book of Genesis, Israel, THE PROMISED LAND, belongs to the Jews, to the descendants of Abraham, all of it.
    The world ignores October 7, 2023. That was the most horrible day for Jews and antisemitism since the holocaust. Hundreds of innocent Israelis, including women and children, were slaughtered by Hamas, jihadist radicals. It is only natural that for the first time in the lives of so many Jews, they feel nervous about America as a refuge. That fear is fueled by district attorneys, like Alvin Bragg in New York City, who do nothing, do not prosecute those who assault and physically attack Jews, political candidates almost all of whom are Democrats who rail against the Jews, and Israel, champion the protestors, and the insidious movement DEI (Divestiture, Equity and Inclusion) which, at its extreme, encourages antisemitism and hatred of the Jews characterizing them and all Israelis as oppressors and colonizers. It seems as though the radical jihadists, not only Muslims but so many other ignorant individuals, entities, institutions (colleges and others) to foster this hatred of Israel and the Jews. President Biden did nothing, other than a complete about face. When Israel was attacked by Hamas October 7, 2023, Biden aggressively told the world that he and our country would protect and defend Israel and the Jews. Just before his withdrawal as Democratic Presidential Candidate for 2024, Biden showed clearly that he had reversed that position completely, supplying additional arms and aid would be suspended or reduced and he will leave office with his famous quote:
    The holy day of the week for Muslims is Friday, and for the Jews Saturday, and for the Christians Sunday. Radical jihadists say the following:
    Our world, which now comprises more than 8 billion people, is comprised itself of 1.7 billion Muslims, and adherence to that religion seem to grow daily.
    Israel has always had a very special relationship with the United States. There are now some 2,500 US companies which do business with Israel in one form or another and employ some 72,000 Israelis according to the US Chamber of Commerce. This small nation of 7,250,000 people has the highest concentration of engineers, scientists, and technicians per capita and produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world. The economic and commercial relationship between these two countries includes IT, biotech, life sciences, healthcare solutions, energy, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, defense industries, cyber security, and aviation just to name some. Even our own armed forces benefit greatly from Israel’s innovative
    economy with many critical military components invented by this industrious little nation. Again, Sunday Christians, never forget that Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish!
    Robert Knight, writer for the Washington Times, said the following:
    Israel is the only functioning democratic republic in the Middle East, not without problems and difficulties to be sure, but the very best governmental structure in the entire Middle East and far better, more tolerant, and democratic than any other nation in that entire part of the world. Scripture requires that all who believe, all Christians, and all Jews, that the Great God Jehovah, will, as HE so plainly said, will bless those nations and individuals who bless Israel and the Jews, and conversely, curse those who persecute Israel and the Jews. Jerusalem is His holy sitting place. Israel, the land he gave to Abraham, and consequently, the rightful legal and religious heritage and inheritance of the Jewish people. That truism means that a whole lot of radical university professors, politicians, and protestors, and now an ever-growing number of businessmen and wealthy individuals will fall under the curse of Almighty God, a promise which should make them tremble in their boots.
    We are urged to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, peace for Israel, America, and the whole world. The great I AM intended Abraham and the Jews to be a blessing to all humankind and all nations, and our Lord and His special emissary, the Apostle Paul, hoped and prayed for grace, peace, and mercy for all humankind, and these promises, these hopes are the only thing which can end war, hatred, killings, and bring a love and understanding to all humankind. May each of us, Jew, Gentile, and all humankind do everything possible to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves, and hope and pray for the day when this DIVINE PEACE, the peace of Jerusalem and the world becomes a reality. The way this world is, and the ever growing anti-Judeo-Christian forces at work, we may have to wait until the second coming of our beloved Messiah, who perhaps, all alone, can be the only one to bring the promised:
    to all of us, to all humankind.

    Those were the famous words of former president Bill Clinton when asked what the most important issue was in Presidential Election 1992.
    Clinton was right, at least about that one thing. Nothing works, everything breaks down if the economy doesn’t work and it breaks down. And the American economy is breaking down, slowly but surely. When an economic crisis occurs, or a collapse occurs, no entity, no family, no individual can function normally, and everything breaks down and even grinds to a halt.
    Our scriptures tell us to:
    Nothing, that is, that cannot be repaid with current monies. But inflation, the insidious rising of prices, produces a lack of affordability which is even now affecting lower income Americans who cannot purchase, in some cases, even basic necessities. Inflation is the artificial rise of prices without necessarily economic justification. Inflation produces monetary crisis and virtually the end of free nations when it finally produces economic crisis. Said one economist:
    And perhaps the beginning of that crisis is already here.
    No matter, our Federal Government continues to spend, more so every day, with impunity and without consequence. Higher prices occur from regulation, serious regulation. Because of that spending, higher taxes are necessary to raise the revenue needed to pay back debt, old and new.
    But, no matter, says our Federal Government, the Biden Administration, America will never run out of money because we will simply print more. The dollar is our currency, we control it, and if we need more money to pay debt, we can and we will make that happen. The result, of course, is even more inflation, less value to the dollar, and more dollars required to buy goods and services. That is inflation and debt run rampant. If we the people were STUPID (Bill Clinton), economically stupid, then our Federal Government is far more stupid as it incurs far more debt, caring little or nothing about repayment. The American debt which WE THE PEOPLE (not the government) owe is now at or about real dollars 35 trillion. That debt is projected to rise in the next decade to 55 trillion dollars which will mean that every American citizen will owe as much as $200,000 for debt repayment. The amount of the debt principal and interest is projected to rise to almost 130%, more than the gross domestic product (GDP) in its entirety. More dollars will be printed, inflation will continue to rise in rampant, uncontrollable ways, and prices of everything, EVERYTHING will rise to absolutely brutal and unaffordable levels. That debt will, as economist Gerald Seib so well said, will indeed:
    Economists warn us that Medicare and Social Security costs and obligations are simply totally out of control. They are now federal debt obligations, massive in size and growing every day. In the next decade, one out of five American citizens will be at retirement age, 65 or older, heavily if not entirely dependent upon Medicare and Social Security and both programs will in real economic terms be bankrupt, without reserve (all reserves have been spent by Congress) and in need of that new paper money which Congress can authorize and print which will raise prices, lifestyle costs, and the standard of living to totally unsustainable levels.
    Every individual and household will need to earn more money and depend even more so on Federal and State Governments for economic assistance. But, these economic conditions will actually result in even lower wages, not higher. Employment and the family will be in a state of total disruption and a certain chaos will reign. Unemployment in America, like in 1929 and the Great Depression, will be at an all-time high.
    Credit ratings will be worse than ever. Individuals will find it virtually impossible to borrow and credit cards will become obsolete or unusable. There will be, says Seib, massive defaults in mortgages, investments, even such items as automobiles and other kinds of lesser financing now taken for granted. Buying on credit will be almost impossible.
    In this coming economic crisis, so many economists say, there will be higher interest rates for everything, not only higher but absolutely unaffordable. There was a time once in the American economy, some 30 years ago, when interest rates rose to almost 20%, but even that ridiculously high interest rate will be far exceeded, say these economists, when the new and perhaps final American debt crisis arises. And again, the only solution will be some cut-back in spending, especially with social programs, including defense and education, the printing of more, cheap, and meaningless money to pay debt, or the insolvency and bankruptcy of virtually everything. These conditions, say these economists, are not scare-tactics, predicted by naysayers, but have already started, and they will become the new reality, THE NEW NORMAL!
    Our Federal Government will default on virtually every obligation, every debt and payment it must make. The dollar, now the standard for much of the world’s currency and economic foundation, will be greatly devalued, if not meaningless. We will in fact
    default to nations like China who control so much of the American debt, unless we can persuade other nations to refinance, accept payments in wildly inflated American currency, or simply endure the nonpayment and further endure the world chaos that will cause. That will be the end of the American nation, like it was with Rome of old, and France in the late 1700’s, and Germany in the 1930’s, a Germany which eventually produced such civil and economic chaos and unrest, the maniac Hitler, the dictator and world destroyer, was the ultimate outcome. They predict, these economists do, that there will be civil unrest, revolution like never before, chaos and total disruption of lifestyle, and the end of everything, THE END! All or some of that may occur even as soon as the next decade, so they predict.
    It seems as though WE THE PEOPLE care little. We seem to do nothing. Unless any or all of these conditions directly affect us, we the People, our families and lifestyles, we seem to do little but talk, vote the best way we can, but watch as our great country sinks every day deeper and deeper in debt. Trump says no new taxes, but they may be necessary to correct the borrowing-spending habits of past governments. Biden says new taxes and especially taxes on the wealthy. Neither approach is the answer. The only answer is to stop spending, cut spending, endure hardships in many areas of our governmental support and do it now or eventually there will be no such support.
    Wake up Americans, WAKE UP! No matter who you are, Christian, conservative, atheist, liberal, woke, even anti-American as it now is:
    WAKE UP!
    Face the realities of this here and now, and coming like a hurricane, economic crisis, which indeed will SINK THE AMERICAN EMPIRE. No matter how we live or how busy we are, we better work now, all of us, to solve these problems or it will be the absolute end of our beloved America. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin told us that we had, as far back as 1776, a new republic, a way of life like nothing else in the world or in history, a new republic:
    We now do one terrible economic job in keeping that republic, and the way things are, we will in fact lose it. Perhaps we have one last chance in the next several years to save it, to keep it. But, that depends on:
    Are you willing to do what is required to save America, are you willing to sacrifice, at least to some extent, will you do what is right and necessary in order to save this beloved country and the lifestyle you enjoy, are you so willing?

    So says the scripture. Good advice, not only spiritual wisdom, but secular as well. Debt, unrepayable, with its pressure and tension, ruins everyone and everything.
    That makes reference to debt which cannot be repaid in the normal course of business or living. Tens of millions would never own a home, or a car, or be able to afford the extreme cost of education today unless reasonable financing was accomplished. Scripture means don’t incur debt you can’t repay in the normal course of living and in the present.
    But, my fellow Americans, we have a debt which we know little about, and which only increases daily, and which cannot be repaid in the normal course of living. That debt is the American Federal Government debt which now exceeds the unfathomable sum of, are you ready for this:
    Not millions, not even billions, but now TRILLIONS of debt dollars, owed by Uncle Sam, that is by:
    That means, says one economist and accountant, that you and I, American citizens who elect and foster the decision making of this federal government owe the unbelievable sum of, are you ready for this:
    $100,000! And if we think that is a problem, that number only increases daily, hourly, for this DEMOCRAT GOVERNMENT, the Biden Administration, just loves to spend your and my money and of course without ever asking.
    Biden Administration officials now spend and increase this American debt number by:
    That, my fellow Americans, my freedom-loving, freedom-from-debt-loving Americans, is an absolutely staggering financial fact and it is absolutely stunning that such a debt, this unbelievably high number is accepted, if it is even understood, by you and me. WHY?
    And another absolutely stunning fact. WE THE PEOPLE must now pay one trillion dollars per year, ONE TRILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR just for interest alone on that debt. ONE TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR JUST FOR INTEREST ALONE AND THAT NUMBER GROWS EVERY DAY! That interest payment alone is more than we spend as a nation on DEFENSE. It is more than we spend on the ever-declining American infrastructure. One Trillion Dollars in interest is more than WE THE PEOPLE spend on Education and more than we spend on poverty programs. It is the worst kind of debt, really unpayable unless there are mammoth and massive new taxes put in place, and the world at large comes calling for the repayment of that debt, demanding that each American citizen pay the one hundred thousand dollars each would owe if the debt were to be repaid. How in the world did we the people ever let our country, our profligate Federal Government ever get to this point, HOW?
    President Bill Clinton knew that we had to deal with this big long-term debt problem, but he and his administration did nothing about it. President Barack Hussein Obama knew such fiscal policy was “irresponsible” but did nothing about it. President Donald J. Trump said we’ve got to get rid of this long-term American debt, but he as well did nothing about it. Then comes President Joe Biden, a man given to the lie whenever expedient, and he tells the American people one of the largest lies he has ever told:
    And no one, especially his supporters, liberal, woke, radical media cohorts ever challenged one of the greatest and largest lies ever told by any American President. Not only was the American budget not cut in half, but it was and is increased by one trillion dollars every one hundred days, President Biden! We Americans don’t need nuclear warfare with Russia or China or any other nation to destroy us, we have become expert at:
    Small wonder we have had the inflation problems so recently experienced, in the last four Biden years, where the prices of everything have risen dramatically. We are on the verge as a country, of what is known as hyperinflation, an economy out of control, and a nation virtually bankrupt. It was that very hyperinflation which destroyed Germany, the German economy after World War I and produced perhaps the most evil man in all of human history, Adolf Hitler as dictator, promising to solve the hyperinflation problem and restore Germany to its former greatness. Many think there is some possibility that such a thing could happen in America at some time in the future, the end of course of our great nation and our even greater democracy.
    No problem says Biden. We will just tax the rich, the wealthy even more. We will get what we need to manage the debt in the present (not reduce it) from the American rich. That of course, as Biden and his cronies well know, is an absolute impossibility. The Federal Government could confiscate all the wealth, all the assets held by the wealthiest Americans, whoever they are and however many of them there are, and this profligate American debt would never, ever be extinguished or repaid. We are, my fellow Americans, a nation painfully out of financial control and you and I, YOU AND I, are responsible for letting that happen.
    In ten short years, or realistically even sooner, the debt held by the American public will reach the staggering sum of:
    If so, that staggering number would represent 136%, 136% of the entire American economy. Our nation would be beyond hyperinflation and would be utterly destroyed financially. Why, my fellow Americans, do our elected officials, our politicians with their heads in the sand, never acknowledge or deal with these problems, why?
    This ever increasing debt produces ever increasing interest payment demands, and the payment of interest alone will be one of the most destructive factors ever in the American economy. This profligate Federal Government (Biden) spending will destroy our country, utterly destroy it. Our elected officials, our politicians do not seem to really view these critical and crucial financial matters as real problems, and it matters not whether the politician is Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or whatever. NO ELECTED WASHINGTON-FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL HAS THE COURAGE TO DEAL WITH THE GREATEST PROBLEM AMERICA HAS EVER FACED!
    WE THE PEOPLE know that and we do nothing about it, NOTHING! WHY?
    America, the republic, the democracy, is on a path to self-destruct. It will soon be another post-World War I Germany, where hyperinflation destroys the lives, the lifestyle, and the economy of millions upon millions of people. But it seems as though WE THE PEOPLE remain indifferent. We do nothing. We lack courage or demand. We elect and forget. We vote every four years or sooner, and get back to the good life, all the while our beloved America is economically destroyed. Like Nero of old, he fiddles on a balcony while Rome burns, while Rome is destroyed. We just simply don’t seem to care. God help our children and grandchildren, and those young yet to come, for them there will be no America, no nation even close to what we know and in which we have lived.
    Instead of owing no man or anyone nothing, WE THE PEOPLE will owe everything we have and that debt will be the end of everything.

  • I had three uncles who were Methodist ministers. They so very faithfully served parishes in the state of New Jersey.
    They were men who were strong Christians, biblical Christians, born-again Christians, and they were proud to be Methodists when the United Methodist Church was a biblical church to be proud of.
    But, like other old line protestant denominations, the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH has gone its own way, departed from the biblical way and brought its own man-made interpretation to scripture and the Christian view, succumbing to the pressure of current culture rather than the scriptural love, admonition, and standards of the Christ.
    The United Methodist Church General Conference voted overwhelmingly in May to disavow the once clear ban on clergy who are “self-avowed practicing homosexuals.” Such individuals can now be ordained and become full ministers in the Methodist Church. In addition, individual UMC churches can now decide whether or not to conduct and ordain gay marriages (weddings).
    Prior to this new and radical vote, the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH authorized any individual Methodist church to depart from the denomination and become independent. ALMOST EIGHT THOUSAND METHODIST CHURCHES DID SO, Bible believing, real Christians and real Christianity at the core, unwilling to abide by these new woke, current-culture changes.
    That led one critic to state:
    “The General Conference has as expected rolled back not just decades of United Methodist policies, but centuries of Christian teaching.”
    This critic, Mark Tooley, said further:
    “Liberal theology and politics displaced orthodox doctrine, evangelism, and exacting spiritual standards.”
    Founder of the real Methodists, John Wesley, would turn over in his grave!
    One of the nation’s largest protestant religious denominations has gone woke, has gone rogue, and once with more than 5 million members, is now a shell of its former self. When this matter came up for vote, you could say that some 8 thousand congregations, hundreds of thousands of real Christians, voted with their “feet and wallets.” To practice real Methodism, real Christianity, and real biblical teachings. Liberal, woke, protestant denominations continue to do what they have always done, adding a pious blessing and an air of divine sanction to the cultural politics of the day no matter how far left those politics moved. They followed the sexual revolution of the times, they supported abortion, and homosexuality, and transgenderism, all in the name of current and compromised “divine love.”
    Now, the United Methodist Church no longer believes that marriage is an inclusive and sacred union between one adult man and one adult woman. Man can marry man, and woman can marry woman. That man-made decision is of course absolutely contrary to biblical teaching and the tradition of the UMC for more than 3 centuries.
    Interestingly, in 1970, only some 50 years ago, THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH claimed the following:
    “We do not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider it incompatible with Christian teaching.”
    And in 1984, the following:
    “Therefore, self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in the United Methodist Church.”
    Forty years ago, the UMC believed, followed, proclaimed, and operated by biblical teachings and standards. Somehow, false teachers, as the Apostle Paul would say, took over, gained control, and corrupted THE WORD OF GOD, reinterpreted that and destroyed, overnight, Christian practice and belief. My three born-again uncles, once proud Methodist ministers, would turn over in their graves.
    The Apostle Paul was incensed at such arrogant, prideful, manmade false teaching, and he warned all to stay away from them, have nothing to do with them, and in fact, said of them:
    “Let them be accursed!”
    What a sad day. Under the great Constitution of America, and the immutable First Amendment, there is absolute freedom of religion, where any American citizen can believe what he or she wishes, and worship as they will. They can adopt any belief, see and understand God as they desire, and worship as they please or not at all. Our constitution allows no man, no government to in any way forbid any human being from worshipping as they please, establishing any religion they wish, no matter whether true or factually based. That freedom is absolute, unconditional, and cannot be abridged by any government authority. THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH can posture any set of beliefs they wish and no one, not even their very own congregations can prevent that from happening.
    HOWEVER, it is absolutely untrue, the highest form of falsehood, for the UMC to declare it still remains fully Chrisitan. The UMC cannot declare itself a Christian denomination, following Christian practices, for their conduct clearly indicates they are anything but. They are now some sort of a church man-made, operating as men think, not as the Bible instructs, and surely without the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The false teaching which the Apostle Paul feared so very much has not only crept into this church, but become dominant in its thinking, belief, and practice. A small wonder 8,000 congregations left, openly refusing to follow this man-made gospel.
    I have from time to time visited the state of New Jersey, travelled through its small towns and large cities. I have seen again as I did years ago, the great churches and strong edifices built by the Methodists to honor our Lord Jesus Christ. Some are absolutely magnificent, wonderful tributes to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I spent time as a young boy with my uncles and aunts in their parishes and worshipping with them in their real and biblical Methodist churches. I remember those real, biblical, Christ-loving experiences in New Jersey towns like Woodstown, Pleasantville, Salem, Haddonfield, Ocean City, and more. My Methodist uncles and the strong church ministries they established and fostered taught me so much about the Lord Jesus Christ. Their experiences with Him and consequently mine were real, wonderful, and loving. I learned so much about my Lord through their preaching and the strong, loving bible teaching of my aunts. Methodism, real and biblical, real Christian Methodism, was an indispensable part of my life and still is. You can well imagine how sad it is for me to see the compromise, the corruption, and departure of this once great church from real, true, biblical, Christ-filled Christianity.
    But I thank you, thank you with all my heart, Revs. Bill Duvall, Bruce Duvall, Tom Eden, and my beloved aunts, Mildred, Jo, and Esther for the real Methodist teachings of our beloved Bible and the love of Christ. You made Him real to me and I am forever indebted.
    Both magnificent New Jersey churches, once filled with the love of Jesus Christ, now seem empty, hollow, devoid of real spirituality. But I, and so many others I am sure, will always remember what they once were, the message in word and song, which echoed through those magnificent cathedrals, and the real Christian men and women who once made Methodism a dynamic and passionate Christian witness.
    THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is now the DIVIDED METHODIST CHURCH, splintered, broken, compromised, a spiritual shell of its former self. Perhaps the message should be to those who remain:

    We are, America is, the home, the land of the:
    We are lovers of freedom. It is, you could say, in our genes. We inherited that love of freedom from those who founded our great country, fought against the oppressors more than two centuries ago and built the foundation for the FREEDOMS we now enjoy today. Give us, we say with that great statesman and our forefather Patrick Henry, give us that LIBERTY or if that is taken away, give us death for there is no real life without freedom.
    For us, America is in fact exceptional no matter the indifferent attitude of Barack Hussein Obama who thinks that America is no more exceptional than any other country! But all of America and we the people are exceptional in so many ways, including our way of life and our lifestyle. Everything is okay down to the last sentence and raise and champion our great flag, and wear the American flag pin proudly, especially in the world of academia which thinks the American flag is a symbol for racism and xenophobia rather than exceptionalism.
    And now, we should take quality time to honor the founding documents which make us great, namely our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Declaration of Independence. We should honor these incredible documents by reading them, studying their content, understanding the values therein and resolving as the authors of these documents did, and honor our forefathers who provided them for us recommitting to them and the world at large that we the people will protect and preserve the freedoms contained therein, even to the laying down of our lives.
    In this day, there are so many who would CHANGE what we have, or even more radically so, eliminate it. There seems to be an ever-growing number of those in our very own country with little or no respect for our great founding documents, our freedoms, the principles by which we have lived and built THE GREAT SOCIETY, and especially what America has been, our glorious history. They the un-Americans wish to eliminate or erode so many of our freedoms and move this great country toward socialism. THEY are the enemy inside and they must be stopped. We the people, true Constitutional Americans energized and emboldened by our founding documents and founding fathers must make certain we do what is right for our great country, and as true patriots, protect and defend our freedoms as never before. We should do everything humanly possible to prevent socialism of any kind in thought or deed.
    We should remember the words of that great statesman, a founding father himself, Benjamin Franklin, who said, when asked, that he and his fellow revolutionaries have given us, Americans then and now, a Republic. Not a Democracy, but a Republic. Franklin went on to warn us then and now that this Republic was FRAGILE, and needed at all times to be protected with vigilance, vigor and valor. That this Republic of the combined United States could never be taken for granted. Nor could any citizen assume it would go on, and on. For freedom, for Franklin and the fathers, was a precious right that could only be sustained by watchful, involved and proactive citizens. We who would live in this free country and enjoy its immense freedoms must at all times be:
    Not talk, debate or discussion, but action, actively working to protect our freedoms and our way of life, willing to die in the fray if necessary. Would you be willing to die, to lay all on the altar in the cause of freedom? What would you do if ISIS or jihadists attacked America and threatened harm to your family and you? What would you do? Our forefathers never gave the matter a second thought. They, in Second Amendment fashion, took up arms to defend their country, their freedoms and their family. Would you?
    In fact, we AMERICANS should be so proud of our country, and our freedoms, that we as a nation are ready at all times to help others in the cause of freedom. We gave the lives of millions of young American men and women to others in the cause of freedom. Witness World War II. One Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman 83 years young arrived in Paris by airplane. At French customs, it took him several minutes to locate his passport. The Customs Officer with sarcasm and disdain asked Mr. Whiting:
    “You have been to France before, Monsieur?”
    Mr. Whiting answered, yes he had and the smart aleck French official replied pompously:
    “Then you should know enough to have your passport ready!”
    Mr. Whiting then stared this official in the eye and said the following:
    “The last time I was here I didn’t have to show my passport.”
    To which the French Customs Official replied:
    “Impossible! Americans always have to show passports on arrival in France!”
    Mr. Whiting gave this arrogant Frenchman a long hard look and he proudly stated:
    “Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn’t find a single Frenchman to show a passport to!”
    You could have heard a pin drop. God bless America and God bless Mr. Whiting.
    And yet another instance of a proud American at work. When in England at a fairly large conference, Secretary of State Colin Powell was asked by the Arch Bishop of Canterbury if America’s plans for Iraq were simply a rationalization for empire building or land-grabbing by George Bush as American soldiers went to war. Powell simply answered by saying:
    “Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those who did not return.”
    All attending that conference were deadly silent. Well said, Mr. Powell, well said as a proud American.
    There was once a conference in France when a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. One of the French engineers said the following:
    “Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he intend to do, bomb them?”
    Those in attendance snickered and jeered. That is, until an engineer from the Boeing company in America stood up and proudly stated:
    “Our aircraft carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people. They are nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities. They have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day. They can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day. They carry half a dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and the injured to and from their flight deck. We have eleven such aircraft carriers. How many does France have?”
    You could have heard a pin drop.
    And again, a U.S. Naval Admiral was attending a naval conference that included admirals from the united states, England, Canada, Australia and France. Every one in attendance was conversing in English. Suddenly a French Admiral complained the Europeans learn many languages but Americans learn only English. This French Admiral arrogantly and pompously said:
    “Why is that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?”
    The American United States Naval Admiral stood up proudly and replied:
    “Maybe it is because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so that you would not have to speak German!”
    The room was deadly silent.
    So, whether here at home or anywhere abroad, anywhere in the world, it is our privilege, our duty, our passion to protect FREEDOM at every turn. That freedom means for us and all in the world the fundamental rights, the God-given rights to:
    It is our right to live life free, with maximum freedom. It is our right to live and champion liberty everywhere. And, it is our right to pursue happiness as we define that, as free individuals, to pursue life legally and lovingly as we choose. May it always be so, but it only can be if we are willing to do anything possible to protect those freedoms. ANYTHING! Are you?
    So now, this Independence week, culminating in the great day July 4, Independence Day, we should honor America, this great country in which we are privileged to live. We should honor all things American and we should honor our flag as a symbol of who we are and what we believe. There are those who would desecrate or cause to be irrelevant the great stars and stripes. There was the action of the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) which banned the wearing of the American flag as a lapel pin or otherwise in clothing because the flag in their view was controversial and represented the causes of certain conservatives. How tragic, how ridiculous, how un-American the actions of the American Broadcasting Company. There are times when our President, our Congress, our leading citizens simply do not wear or honor the flag or any other symbol of all great things American. We the people should find all such conduct unacceptable and we should protest. The greatest form of protest is to protect, preserve and defend our freedoms and the symbol of those freedoms, the great American flag, the perfect symbol of our independence and the finest possible expression of freedom on the great day July 4, Independence Day. Do just that loudly and proudly my fellow citizens.
    Think carefully, my fellow Americans, about the precious freedoms granted by your Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Remember that you are guaranteed the right to freedom of religion, to worship and practice religion as you please. You are guaranteed the right to free speech, to speak as you wish at anytime, anywhere, with any words. You are guaranteed the right to freely assemble, to petition, to print in press or on the Internet. YOU ARE GUARANTEED THOSE RIGHTS! You are guaranteed the right to bear arms, to purchase, own and use them for pleasure or in self-defense. You are guaranteed the right against governmental illegal search and seizure. You are guaranteed the right a trial by a jury of your peers rather than to be summarily convicted by any governmental agency. You are guaranteed the right to counsel if you can not afford one when charged with a crime. You are guaranteed the right to vote.

    You are guaranteed to pursue life, liberty and happiness as you wish! You are guaranteed by your Constitution and Bill of Rights the highest and best form of living and lifestyle the world has ever known! You should give thanks for America, for all that it was, is and can be in the future if YOU as Benjamin Franklin so well said standup and do everything possible to KEEP IT that is the great experiment in freedom which our founding fathers intended. Please join with me this Independence Week, this Freedom Week and especially on the set-aside day for freedom celebration, namely July 4 in pledging once again our allegiance to this great country. Please join me in these great words which honor America:
    I pledge allegiance
    to the Flag
    of the United States of America
    and to the Republic for which it stands
    one nation
    with liberty and justice
    for all!
    I ask humbly and lovingly that GOD BLESS AMERICA.
    And I ask humbly as well that GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!
    There is only one America. Keep it that way!

  • In Revolutionary times, Thomas Paine said the following:
    “These are the times that try men’s souls”.
    And indeed these are the times that try women’s souls, some at least now that the United States Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade.
    Thomas Jefferson admonished Americans of his time that the blood of patriots must be shed from time to time in order to refresh the Tree of Liberty. In short, the Constitutional America of 1776 (Declaration of Independence) and the Constitutional America of 1787 needed new patriots, new passion, new commitments to liberty and freedom. Now more than ever that is true. The constitutional, rule of law, freedom–liberty America of old is not only under attack but becomes divided, angry and more violent by the day. Freedom and liberty we have always taken for granted are now all the more at risk and at stake.
    The patriot Patrick Henry provided a testimony applicable to all of us:
    “Give me liberty or give me death”.
    Henry was willing to die for freedom. He would live under no form of bondage. Oppression and bondage in his time was English. Today it comes internally from anarchists, that small virulent, violent minority which wishes the destruction of the greatest country on earth.
    Our forefathers fought for freedom. They gave their blood then which we can assume made Jefferson proud. They gave us the greatest ruling document in the history of mankind, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. That incredible document contained the First Amendment which gave every American citizen the following rights and freedoms:
    Freedom of religion
    Freedom of speech
    Freedom of press
    Freedom of assembly
    Freedom of petition
    Guaranteed, unconditional, unchanging, FOREVER FREEDOMS. Every one of those sacred, inalienable (God–given) rights and freedoms are at risk today, EVERY ONE! We the People seemed to have lost our vision, our understanding, even in some cases our desire to protect and preserve this incredible country. We have become indifferent to the struggles and problems we face. So many of us are ignorant of our history, and our Constitution, and our rule of law, and how we are governed. So many of us have withdrawn from the political process. As few as 10% will vote in some elections and perhaps no more than 60% of eligible, voting Americans will go to the polls in the most serious of elections. It has become tragic how We the People take democracy for granted. It is as though freedom will always be there no matter what we do. We the People are an easy target for violence and anarchism.
    One of the most anti–American Americans was one Saul Alinsky. In essence, Alinsky championed the destruction of everything, every institution, every tradition, anything and everything in America so that the country could be rebuilt and reestablished. The philosophy and beliefs of Alinksy were adopted by George Soros among others and the state of objective of Soros and others was to:
    Bring it down. Destroy it. Rewrite its history. Do away with its Constitution and its rule of law. Get rid of the moral standards of the country today and especially the Judeo–Christian heritage and morality of the past. Do away with it completely! Beneath the violence, disrupt, and the lack of accountability today is this Alinsky model, the destruction of America, the destruction of everything which America holds dear. WOKE better serve to wake up America, defend itself, its values, morality and principles or all will be lost. WAKE UP AMERICANS, WAKE UP. The time may be near when the blood of real patriots will be required once again in America.
    We the People assume that we live in a democracy. We live by democratic principles, the core of which is freedom. That is true but our government is not a democracy. Our forefathers who forged our Constitution were suspicious of democracy. They feared an intolerant majority. They created checks and balances which would prevent as much as possible the potentially crushing majority rule. They created for us a REPUBLIC. That of course consisted of a president, senate and house of representatives. It also consisted of an independent federal judiciary with the Supreme Court of essentially nine justices as final arbitrators of the rule of law. Such a republic respected democratic principles but it guarded so very well against abuse.
    Those founding fathers gave us the concept of federalism. That is, that each of the individual states of America, then 13 and now 50, would be protected, have rights not specifically granted to the federal government (Constitution Amendment X), and otherwise make certain that its people were protected, and larger states would have no real advantage over smaller ones. It was and continues to be a brilliant system and check and balance.
    The founding fathers gave us an electoral college where leaders were not elected by majority vote but by states according to their population.
    They gave us the rule of law, they gave us the Declaration of Independence, they gave us the Constitution, incredible documents with incredible freedoms, fully protected. They gave us all of this as a result of the blood of so many Revolutionary patriots shed in the cause of freedom. How tragic it is that we sit back and take those then given freedoms for granted, watch them whittle away daily, observe the indifference among younger generations and the beginning of the erosion and eventually the elimination of our great Country, its way of life and government. The great destroyers win, Alinsky, Soros, Sanders the socialist. They refuse, those anarchists and anti–Americans to work within the system for reform. They work for radical change and ultimate destruction. And, We the People sit back and watch it happen and in so many ways do nothing. Violence is everywhere. There are threats, intimidation, radicalism everywhere. A senator threatens a supreme court justice. Senator Schumer from New York threatened Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh as follows:
    You will pay the price.
    It is simply unbelievable how seemingly everything America stands for, believes in, the fundamental structure of our great Country is not only under attack but is being destroyed day by day. History shows us that democracies as the foundation of government cannot last. Democracies in history last at or about 200 years. America is now 246 years young and We the People, our democracy, our great constitutional republic may be near the end. How I for one hope and pray that simply does not happen.
    The Constitution and its Amendments of the United States is the finest document, political governing document which mankind can produce. But it cannot last forever. Only one document can. And that is THE WORD OF THE LORD, the Holy Bible which gives us the world’s only reliable ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The Constitution gives us the freedoms of mankind. The Bible gives us heavenly freedoms, eternal freedoms, the ways of the Lord God Almighty, the most important freedom of all and the most important freedom of all, salvation in Jesus Christ. Man’s democracy cannot last, but the democracy of peace and love of Jesus Christ will last forever.
    Human leaders, people, men and women, politicians and those in power can never last. The only person, leader, visionary, difference maker who can is Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of Glory. That eternal leader will never fail.
    So, now in America violence reigns. Everything is under attack. The spiritual warfare has begun. The:
    So, my fellow Americans, my fellow Christians, how will you fight this fight of faith? HOW? Put on for sure the armor of the Lord. And the helmet of salvation. And the breastplate of righteousness and be ready for the spiritual war. It is here, IT IS HERE. You will be called upon to defend your faith with everything you have. If you truly believe as a Christian and you will not compromise, you will take on a danger you never have before.
    How will you respond? Will you stand up to violence? Would you use any means at your disposal to protect your family, your friends and yourself from violence? You will engage in prayer, more prayer perhaps than ever before. But you will be called upon to ACT, and perhaps act returning violence for violence. Would you do that? We the People, we Christians have choices to make we never have before. In prayer, may our Lord lead us to the right decisions for God, and Country, and family, and all humankind.
    Freedom, inalienable rights, God–given rights, are of the most value, the most important to all. Don’t lose them or lose life in the process. May God bless you, my fellow Americans as you energize the courage to stand for Christ, for Christianity and for the greatest Country in the history of mankind.

  • It is becoming difficult to know what a man is, that is the definition of a real man in this woke society of ours.
    The definition of a man seems to change. Once a man, by both biblical and secular-societal definitions was clear, in biblical terms created by the great G-d Jehovah, the great I AM to be like him, to be the ruler of the planet and to be head of all things. That included Eve, with the creation of the first man’s helpmeet, and the family, the children to follow. Sadly, no more.
    The definition of a real man has changed and is constantly in the process of change. HOMO SAPIENS can now be gay, that is homosexual; bisexual, that is having genetic desires for both man and woman; transgender, a man wishing to become a woman (i.e. Bruce Jenner); or simply queer, whatever that means (LGBTQ); or perhaps even intersexual, alternative or anything else which eviscerates the definition of a man, A REAL MAN.
    It is just a tragedy what has happened to God’s first man and all men. We the men, the creation, are no longer like HIM, the great creator.
    A real man, like a real woman, is called by God and that calling is clear, and a matter of priority. That real man is called upon to be strong, not only in body, physically, but in mind, will, spirit and soul. That real man is possessed of a body which is THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and the physical body of a real man should be honored, respected, cared for, and kept in the finest physical shape possible as the housing of the triumvirate HOLY SPIRIT.
    So, the real man, while like our Lord, may enjoy the fruit of the grape, the wine which Jesus drank, should never be drunken. Drinking to excess is the ruination of the Temple of the Holy Spirit. No real man can function mentally or spiritually under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    The real man respects his body, and especially his sexuality, and will not be given to adultery, lascivious living, and fully respects marital intimacy.
    The real man constantly strives to learn, educate himself, and in all things, ask for the wisdom for decision making which only God can give. If that man really asks with all his heart, God, pure wisdom, will give that wisdom to that man.
    That real man is strong spiritually, learned in the Bible, studying and teaching, always growing in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. That is the only way that man can be a real father and train up his children in the way in which they should go, the way of the Lord.
    That real man is politically active, rendering under Caesar oversight, involvement, constructive criticism, and a demand for morality, truth, respect and honesty in all political decisions made. The real man is a watchdog, a watchman on the wall, making certain that Caesar functions in the way that Caesar should.
    The real man discharges his duties as HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD. That notion has become most unpopular today. Far too many men abandon their responsibilities, leaving that critical household responsibility to the wife, or others by default, often to the ruination of the family.
    The real man loves his wife, and children, really loves her and the relationships, the marriage and the fathering really work. The real wife, and woman, really respects her husband as the Apostle Paul says, and she can only do that if he really loves her.
    If the real man is privileged to have a real family, then that man, husband, father, and friend, spends time, quality time, consistent regular and respectful, with every member of that household, lovingly together, and respectfully individually. That man is involved with their training, their growth intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, and really enjoys the opportunity, the privilege to build relationships with every member of his family-friend circle which God has allowed him to have.
    The real man doesn’t lie. Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, transparency in all things is not only necessary but a way of life. When relationships are intimate, all know and easily sense hypocrisy, the phony, and most certainly the lie of any kind. No relationship can be sustained without trust built on truth.
    The real man, with the support of the real wife-woman, never fails to discipline. That discipline is not physical, but confrontational, always ready to say no when necessary. The governance of the household is the joint responsibility of the real man and the real woman, and the right rules and regulations must be followed. In that regard, that real man and woman must be examples, living examples, of the rules, the lifestyle, the values they insist upon.
    In the search for strength and wisdom, every real man, and woman, must spend QUIET TIME, time in prayer, meditation, thoughtful evaluation, and in the study of scripture and in constant communion with their maker, their God. No matter the demands of anything else, that quiet time is an absolute priority, cannot be avoided, and must be practiced on a regular, surely daily basis.
    Today more than ever, it is really difficult to be a real man or woman. The morality, the values, the standards, the definitions of old are constantly challenged, belittled, changed, and disrespected. But no man can ever be fulfilled, live the life with the full potential he has, leave so much behind unless, with courage, the constant will to be all that he can be, he is prepared to meet the challenges of this world, this society, and the GOD AND FATHER who created him. It is far too easy to compromise, give up, or succumb to the pleasures, lusts, and daily distractions of the flesh. We, who recently celebrated Father’s Day, should count it a privilege to be a man, a real man, a spiritual man, and to never let anyone or anything distract us from that sacred calling and even our reasons for existence. What a privilege and pleasure it is to be a real man, A REAL BIOLOGICAL MAN. To be so, that requires work every day, diligence, growth, prayer, learning, never, ever afraid to admit wrong, to apologize, to shed a tear, to show love, and respect, knowing there is nothing in life, NOTHING which begins to equal the responsibility, the privilege of being:

  • Two kinds of fathers are there.
    The one Heavenly, the other earthly.
    The Lord of Glory, the Carpenter of Nazareth said:
    What a claim. Blasphemy by a human being if it were not true. But they were ONE, and the carpenter from Nazareth told us in unequivocal terms that the CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE AND OUR EARTH was indeed among so many other things a:
    To Him and to us. For otherwise, this Creator would be completely unknown, incapable of being known by us, but HE is. And, the Supreme Creator loves us and cares for us. To me that is a thought incomprehensible were it not for:
    Our Lord Jesus Christ took something remote, obscure and unfathomable and made it known, personal, deeply meaningful and loving so that we, the creatures of His creation, could understand who we are, why we are, and what we should believe.
    We are to understand and believe said Jesus, that there is for us an ETERNAL FATHER and not merely a cosmic Creator. We are known as individuals, as sons and daughters by this Father, and we are not mere specks in the universe or dust in the wind. We have meaning. We are in fact SONS AND DAUGHTERS of this Father having claimed our inheritance as such through the SON Jesus Christ. Hard to comprehend but true.
    We are also told that God the Father is love. GOD IS LOVE, and that love is the essence of God and so available to us. Love is the greatest says the Scriptures, more so than faith and hope, and to know that God is love incarnate is just incredible.
    And we who are fathers should love the very same way. Even as the eternal Father loves us, so should we love our children. If a Heavenly Father loves unconditionally, so an earthly father should do the same, love the child unconditionally. The highest attributes of any earthly father are the embracing, heartfelt and unconditional loving openness to the child even as the Father loves the child:
    But there is another side of love from our Heavenly Father, a TOUGH LOVE. That is, love at work which is ready to:
    Love may indeed be meek, warm, gentle and forgiving, kind and open and it should be. But love must also be tough, demanding, disciplined and concerned for all things which are:
    For there are indeed prodigal sons and daughters who go astray. As such, they honor not the Heavenly Father nor the earthly. Discipline is required, firm and straight. The rod was used in the old days to accomplish discipline and to carryout punishment. But that has been taken away. Discipline today is more on the order of depriving the child of opportunities and pleasures or requiring the child to make up for the wrong and do what is right. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. But fathers can not SPARE THE ROD however the rod is determined for that is a fatherly duty. No child can grow without discipline for there is nothing worse for a father than a child spoiled and bent upon his own way. Demanding standards, the terms and conditions of sonship, are a father’s duty which can not be delegated or ignored. And the Scriptures make it perfectly clear:
    The integrity of the father is critical. Dads must do what they say and dads must say what they mean. The father must live by the same standards he requires of the child. The father must be consistent in character, live a life with values and without hypocrisy. Nothing is harder for a child to accept than lectures about right and wrong from a father who lives by neither. So that, a father does not have to explain or justify the demands. The father does not have to negotiate with the child and in the course of discipline ask the child if it is OK.
    For it matters not if the child agrees with the father. If a child respects a loving father, that is all that is required. So many families seem to have so little respect for each other and rapidly become dysfunctional. But a true father, a real father is head of household. He is the one in charge, so say the Scriptures, kind, loving, considerate and respectful of all including and especially the wife-mother, but head of the household nonetheless. Discharging all of those functions gives the father the right to discipline and demand. But again, the father has earned that right by the way he lives. When the son is old and ready for his own life, the ways of the father will be his and the son in turn will perpetuate, carryon those values for his family.
    It is so very important for the father to incorporate the son into his life. To train up the child is to involve the child in the life, the career, the work of the father. So many sons carry on, inherit and follow the father. Father and son, or daughter, work together,
    learn together and the father teaches in practical ways. What the father holds dear and in which he has invested his life becomes part of the child, a very practical and worthy training for the child. The child can learn the way of business, work, industry so that like father, the child can be:
    That kind of fatherly guidance is so very important and it is the duty of the father to invest the time and effort to train up the child in that way.
    And so with hobbies, and fun. There are games, trips, sports, theater, dining and all manners of wonderful vacation which must be shared by father and child. Life is difficult and even as there are the demands of work, there must be the pleasures of play. To laugh and cry together. To enjoy the joys of this world as God has indicated is our right. Lasting moments are created in fun and play.
    Father and child are intimate, or should be. Their dialogue, their caring for each other should be totally open, transparent. Nothing should be hidden. The child should have the confidence and the trust in father to openly reveal, discuss hurts, ask questions, confess doubt, challenge beliefs and otherwise make certain that the father fully understands precisely who the child is. For the child develops independently and individually, a special and unique creation by God, and not merely as the earthly father would have him be. The answers to questions should come first from the father, not from peers or school but from DAD. The son should want to talk to father first and be assured that he knows what the father thinks. They can not always agree but father and son can always be open and honest with each other. That seems so lacking today. There is little communication, virtually no dialogue. Father’s preach and lecture but seldom practice one of the most important attributes of good fathering:
    Really listening. Patiently allowing the child to open the heart, to question, to express love and anger and to know as a child the father will listen and respect. That more than anything builds character and confidence in the child. Fathers are friends and confidants. The father in the mind of the child is the first GO-TO.
    If not, the child seeks FATHER SURROGATES and substitutes. Today’s education can often occur without traditional moral values or the standards of old. No third party education is a substitute for a father’s education. Children who are fatherless in actuality or spiritually seek comfort, guidance and acceptance from their peers which can often be secular and even with immoral influences. They are ready to learn and adapt, to be accepted in so many ways different from what the father might believe or want for the child. The conduct of the child can then become permissive, even unlawful as standards or morality are worn down and compromised. That fatherless child goes a different way and the father has forsaken the most important duty of fatherhood, training up that child. If you have a child, if you are a biological father, then you must, YOU MUST be a spiritual, loving father as God would have it. Don’t send a child to church. Take him. Worship with him. Love together the Lord of Glory. Study Scripture and pray, together. Talk about spiritual things for the child is even more interested in what the father thinks and believes than perhaps a pastor.
    Take time for the child’s life, school events, sports. Be there, lovingly and with respect for the child growing to adult. Nothing means more than a father BEING THERE. That child is YOU, dad. You can not ignore or deny YOU. The child wants YOU more than anything else. There came to you that little bundle of joy, your very own son, your very own daughter, YOU IN EVERY WAY! You are privileged to be a father of that child and he or she should be a clear priority, a first priority. There will never be better earthly love, nothing comes close, than the love of a father for his child. However strong the bond, and even if the father-child bond is broken, in some deep primal way, love is always there, or at least the hope of that love. There is no child, or father however old or hardened who does not feel that way. What a joy, what a privilege to be a father.
    Even as an adult, well-educated, perhaps successful, father himself, a son will always seek out a father, for fellowship, for advice, for comfort and caring, and for love. That never changes. Even in death, he the father being dead yet speaketh. All he was and all they were together lives on, it is eternal even as the love of God is eternal. The words, the deeds, the loving deeds will never be forgotten. The understanding, the trust and the respect between father and child will never die.
    Perhaps a father’s proudest moment is when the child, adult and ready, leaves the father and becomes his own man. That is a biblical requirement, and at that time, the father should be proud, very proud of the INVESTMENT he has made in the child. For a father can think back, reminisce and remember all of those things which forged the bond, the training, the education and growth of the child, an investment far more valuable than anything financial. That, says dad, is my son. That, says dad, is my daughter of whom I am so very proud. He or she was worth everything I gave. The loving bond between father and child will sustain, motivate and guide the child for a lifetime. It is the earthly component of the Heavenly Father. What a privilege it is to be a father.
    So, I and my company the Crawford Broadcasting Company salute fathers, real fathers who love, educate, grow and train up their children in the way in which they should go. You are special, dads like that, very special. The world needs real fathers now more than ever. And, what is so wonderful is that it is never too late to be father no matter what has gone before. Fathering may ebb and flow but the opportunity is always there, always. Never quit, never give up on fathering.
    So, enjoy your day DAD. Father’s Day can show love and respect for dad one day. But real fathers are honored by their children every day. For the most priceless thing any child can have is:

  • Education in America is in one sad state. Even in some cases, Christian education succumbs to secular pressure, woke-radical influence, even anti-American and anti-Christian influence but, thankfully for the most part, remains a sane and sensible option, certainly for Christians but for truly conservative Americans as well.
    The leading secular universities are beset with student terrorist tactics. Those once illustrious universities including Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, UCLA, and others are campuses of lawlessness, rebellion, defiance of authority, criminal activity, and a total disregard for the rule of law and constitutional authority. What a tragedy, an unbelievable tragedy which represents the great discontent and divide between Americans today. We the people are indeed a house divided and unless we find a way to correct these problems, and once again realize that our primary responsibility is to be law-abiding citizens of this great country, this house of ours will indeed fall.
    These student rebellions and riots are not just mobilized by students. Leaders of these outbursts are often the very professors who are supposedly their teachers. It is simply unbelievable to see these teachers defying university authority, rules and regulations, and even the laws of the city and state. That however is professorial conduct fostered by a radical, woke, anti-American philosophy and point of view.
    But more, the riots we see on campus, the takeovers of buildings, and the sit-ins are fostered by outside rabble rousers, some paid to do so by men like George Soros, and his supposedly charitable, nonprofit entities, anti-American to the core. Other paid rabble rousers, rioters, and mini-terrorists are paid for by other extremely wealthy, radical businessmen who, like Soros, are anti-American-anti-Chrisitan as well. These men and women want the end of the America we have always known and loved, and are in danger of losing at least in part if not all together.
    But the real actors are the students themselves for the most part. They are responsible for the consequences. They are children, so many of them, without parental guidance and certainly little or no discipline. The influence of a real mother or father is missing in so many cases. They act irresponsibly, they seem to desire attention, and they are more than willing to act out. In so many cases, they really don’t understand the full meaning of why they are doing what they are doing, and acting the way they are acting, nor do they care about the consequences of their actions. There is some uneducated talk about acting under the freedoms of the First Amendment, but that is totally wrong. They talk about their rights to protest, and to assemble, and to petition for redress of their grievances under the First Amendment, but they absolutely plagiarize and corrupt the true meanings, the freedoms and responsibilities, the rights and duties, which the First Amendment allows and requires.
    Our beloved and special First Amendment allows for peaceful assembly, not the kind we see at Columbia, and it never allows for trespassing. There is no right, for example, on the part of any student or rabble rouser to unlawfully occupy buildings or otherwise restrict the access of others to those buildings. To do so is a violation of the law, a criminal action, and should be punished as the law requires without exception. There can be no exception for these BRAINLESS BRATS, or these radical and progressive professors, and certainly these AWFUL AGITATORS, paid by radical anti-Americans should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    These so-called protestors, really mini terrorists, violate with impunity the rules and regulations of the universities they attend, including Columbia, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania. They also violate with impunity the laws of the jurisdiction of the city, and the state in which the university resides. They should be punished. They should not be suspended from school but expelled. They should not be free from prosecution but disciplined and punished according to their unlawful acts.
    They have utterly ignored the rights of other students. They have prevented access to classes, they intimidate and even threaten, and on occasion even do harm to their fellow students. Such conduct is as wrong as it can be.
    They chant, bear signs which are anti-Semitic to the core. These students hate Jews and they engage in hate speech against the Jews. One hears chants and sees signs which they bluntly say:
    They even wish for a reincarnation of the holocaust. They are violently anti-Jewish, and they have ignored the atrocities committed against the Jewish people by Arabs, Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and of course HAMAS. It is as though October 7 never happened.
    They promote BDS, the boycott of all things Israel and Jewish, the divestment of all investment in Israel, sanctions against Israel, and the end of all aid, financial and military, to the only democracy in the Middle East. The main motivation behind these student riots and uprisings is a hatred of the Jews, the re-emergence of a vicious and vitriolic antisemitism. They even invoke the name of Adolf Hitler in their so-called cause.
    They trespass upon the private property of others with impunity.
    They leave property damage in their wake. They set up their tents and leave refuse and garbage behind, caring nothing about the property or the people who formerly used those spaces.
    They rebel against and resist any police action and they have committed violence with impunity against the police who attempt to restore law and order.
    They disrupt education. They prevent students, especially Jewish students, from going to classes or attending events. They have created an atmosphere of fear and a lack of individual safety in attending classes, interfering at every turn with the educational process.
    They have and they will engage in violence, as the opportunity may occur, no matter if innocent and uninvolved individuals take the brunt of such actions. Whether to property or persons, violence and damage are the end result of these unlawful actions in so many cases.
    These student terrorists block access, ingress and egress, to university campuses, classes, and events. They bargain with university officials, who lower themselves in considering the demands of these terroristic student gangs, and the so-called university officials and leaders seem to have no compunction in compromising with these would-be young criminals. The leaders of these student gangs bargain with university officials and even law enforcement for:
    for their actions. Woke and radical anti-American district attorneys, law enforcement officers, politicians, and others, so many of them look the other way, do little or nothing, and seem ready to forgive and forget. What an absolute tragedy.
    In so many cases, these rioters do not really understand why they are rioting. They don’t know the facts; they are unconcerned with the truth for they live in the day and age of:
    where anything goes. Compounding this American tragedy is the fact that these students are fully supported by their very own professors who stand with them, picket, barricade, march, and otherwise encourage this unlawful activity. George Soros and company would be proud. Small wonder Israel no longer trusts America like it once did and is determined to protect and defend its nation, its rights, and its people ALL BY ITSELF, no matter what. It may come to just that.
    What a world. We hope and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we ask for the intervention of God Almighty, the great G-d Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; but the hate, the antisemitism, the worldwide rebellion against law and order, and religion, and especially Christianity, goes on. We cannot forsake Israel, especially we the Christian people. We know that if we bless the nation and the Jews, God will bless us, and if we don’t, we will be cursed, as we are told in the Book of Genesis.
    What is happening in the world at large, the Middle East, and in Israel-Palestine, all are signs of the END TIMES. If so, we should be watchmen and women on the walls, watching for the return, the rapture. But in the interim, we should work for the night is coming when no man can work, work for peace, for goodwill, for dialogue, for salvation, for the return of this world to faith, hope, and love. Otherwise, the worst, the very, very worst is yet to come.

  • In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May, echoing the words and sentiments of the proclamation of General John A. Logan of the grand Army of the Republic in 1868 who stated:
    “Memorial Day is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion (the Civil War) and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet, church yard in the land.”
    So it is that the primary purpose of Memorial Day is to strew with flowers literally and figuratively the graves and memories of America’s daring defenders. They the fallen died for freedom, liberty, for America, for us, for YOU AND ME. We were asked to remember those who died in the great American Civil War, but the day to remember now incorporates all who have given lives in defense of our country. Far too many wars, my fellow Americans, and far too many fallen defenders by the millions who believed in America, and in its fundamental principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all mankind. How grateful we should be.
    We are descendants or contemporaries of patriots, men and women who cherish freedom and were willing to fight and die to defend it if necessary. These warriors lived by the words of Patrick Henry who said:
    Our nation was formed in the fight for freedom for there was no life worthwhile without it. There came our great Constitution and our incredible BILL OF RIGHTS, the rights and freedom amendments which are the finest in the history of mankind. But no matter the origin, it seems as though in so many ways the passion for freedom may have been lost today as they once had it. We seem to take for granted what they died for. And the courage, they the fallen had seems lost today in so many ways and the change in our country, produces in so many ways an America in decline, at least politically, philosophically and certainly passionately. Our ancestors fought for the Constitution, for the Bill of Rights and the freedoms those now 27 Amendments allow us. They were ready to die for them, but we the current people allow them to be watered down, interpreted away and often ignored without the fight or conviction to protect and defend them. Perhaps the freedoms of Patrick Henry are giving way to a slow but sure death. Perhaps we have failed to meet the challenge of Ben Franklin who told us that the Republic they created for us was a marvelous way of government IF we could keep it. I wonder if we can.
    So, in the midst of barbeques and baseball, it is so healthy to look back and remember. Remember a George Washington, a general, a leader, a President, a warrior, a patriot. Or a Paul Revere who rode the land warning that the enemy was coming, sounding the alarm. It seems as though we need more Paul Reveres, warning us that enemies to our Constitution and way of life are coming, and in fact are HERE. We the people should be ever mindful of the threats and sound the alarm as he did, like those who energized our country once before, THE BOSTON TEA PARTY PATRIOTS and the revolution their courageous acts energized and inspired. They took a stand against taxes and so must we. Ours continue to rise, and rise to the point of confiscation and nothing but nothing destroys freedom like taxes. President John Adams reminded us that the two killers of liberty are slavery and debt. The debt of confiscatory taxation strangles freedom and that is happening at an incredibly rapid pace today. Shame on us.
    It is hard for us to think back and remember the early days in America when slavery, slavery was a way of life in America to our great shame and embarrassment. We the moderns find that inconceivable, and the practice of slavery of any kind abhorrent, do we not? Right-thinking men and women fought and fell to rid America of the scourge of slavery, God bless them.
    And to rid the world of despots like Hitler, evil to the core, Mussolini and those who in war would destroy the freedom and liberty of all. God bless them.
    There can hardly be a family anywhere in America which has not laid a son or daughter on the altar of freedom. So many fought and fell, lives given willingly for us in war after war. And there were those who supported those who fought. We honor them. Many of our warriors and defenders came home hurt and damaged in body or mind perhaps for a lifetime. On Memorial Day, we honor these veterans of wars, these HEROES, these wounded warriors who gave us our freedom:
    A debt we can never repay. To honor them is the least we can do, to thank them as we remember and as we encounter those in our military who follow after them. We should help and support them. They lived and died for what they believed. Whenever I encounter a member of our military, I thank them for what they did and what they do for our great country, for me, and for you, and for my friends and loved ones and all Americans whether I know them or not. But I really do know them for I know what is in their hearts and minds and I know they love America as much as I do. I will salute them as a sign of respect. I wish them to know that I will always be grateful for everything they do for me and the America I love. Perhaps YOU should do the same, not on one Memorial Day, but all days. They the heroes and defenders are the very best of us.
    God bless them.
    Memorial Day is always celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery, a very special place, a burial site for some of America’s bravest. At 3 PM on that Monday, a very special ceremony occurs and each grave is decorated with a small American flag. The
    highlight of the celebration is a speech in honor of these brave men and women from the President or Vice President of the United States honoring their contributions to America and laying a wreath at the tomb of The Unknown Soldier. That tomb represents tens of thousands of other unknown soldiers who gave their lives in service to our country, but in death never got the recognition and respect they so justly deserved. Do remember them, my fellow Americans, do remember them as well on Memorial Day as there may be no one else, no loved one, no friend or family to do so. And as you do remember these American heroes, thank our God, the God who blesses America for all those who gave so much for us. They allowed us to be parents, to have and enjoy family, they allowed us to be workers and fully participate in the great opportunities America offers. THEY allowed us to be all that we can be because our soldiers, they were determined to be all they could be. Have a special place in your heart all week for any loved one, family or friend of yours who should be MEMORIALIZED AND REMEMBERED this day and always.
    And, as we pay tribute and remember, let us become better citizens of this great country, ready more than ever to preserve, protect and defend all it stands for, all of our blessed and precious freedoms which exist like there are nowhere else in the world. Let us stand for what is right with actions, protests, town meetings, marches, debate, fact and truth at work, counteracting government spin and disinformation. Let us stand tall for the right, for truth, for all things moral and valuable. Let us resolve, we the people, we who own and control this country to do our job as citizens far better. And remember to cherish and exercise the greatest privilege which every American has. That is:
    There is no more powerful weapon than the vote of the American citizen. It is the most precious Constitutional right we have and for which our forefathers fought and died. Let us make certain that we vote for those to represent us who so passionately believe in these very special freedoms as we do, and they the fallen did. It is only then, when we do our part, day in and day out, that we would have the right to say with conviction and passion as our forefathers did:
    For that can not happen unless we the people do what is right, remembering whom and what went before and committing with conviction to follow in their footsteps. These men and women died for GOD AND COUNTRY and for you and me in the never-ending fight to protect and preserve:
    Memorialize their memories this Memorial Day and every day!
    God bless America and God bless you.

  • Education in America is in a sad state. That is especially so with higher education, colleges and universities.
    Traditional education, at every turn, is being challenged, reduced, or eliminated and new educational subjects take hold. Places of higher education have become breeding grounds for radicals, revolutionary tactics, and rebellion against authority and the rule of law. Witness the takeovers and the tents, the camps, and the rabble rousers protesting, and especially exhibiting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic speech and conduct. Ironically, many of these protestors are not even college students, but rather so many paid troublemakers, paid by individuals like George Soros, and entities run by him and his cronies. They stir up hatred. They make unbelievable demands upon the administration, alumni groups, and faculty, and among other things, they demand that the universities sever all ties with the state of Israel and embrace the policy BDS, Boycott-Divest-and otherwise stop all relations with Israel and the Jews.
    These rabble rousers are pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel and the Jews, calling for justice on the one hand for starving and displaced Palestinians without ever mentioning the killings of Hamas, the hostages taken and still held, and the barbaric conduct of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and other Arab nations which hate Israel and the Jews. Secular education has changed and may never be the same.
    In addition, there is now an assault by the Biden Administration on CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Joe Biden, unbelievably our President, purports to be Christian and Catholic and sits back, says nothing, and of course does nothing as DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Secretary Miguel Cardona goes after these Christian schools. They, thank God, refuse to toe the line, walk the liberal walk, and refuse to endorse or support the gay agenda, the attack on the family, parenting, and especially marriage, and of course abortion, all of which the Biden Administration favors and which the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION supports.
    Cardona and, unbelievably so, congressional representative Rosa DeLauro, Democrat (of course) from Connecticut are the attack dogs in the lead. Said they:
    The allegations they make are that these universities “lied to students about the cost of education and their programs.” Of course, there is nothing specific, no facts involved, nothing really to refute except this horribly prejudiced, biased generalization, the suit being brought by the Federal Government against the great Christian Universities, Grand Canyon University and Liberty University, incidentally America’s two largest Christian institutes of higher education. I do suppose more will come but these so-called allegations are so minor, so frail, so fact-less and so obviously biased that they are almost laughable. But then again, so much of the conduct of our Federal Government under the Biden Administration is just that. I do wonder how any Jew, true Jew, or any Christian, real Christian, could ever vote for Biden or the democratic party that supports him and these absolutely absurd, prejudiced, anti-American views and policies. What a world.
    Grand Canyon University is the largest Christian university in America and a good one. President Brian Mueller describes these allegations, and the lawsuit which followed including the fine, as “ridiculous.” Not stopping there, Cardona and the DOE went after Liberty University and accused them, in a $37 million dollar fine, of “over alleged under-reporting of crimes.” Unbelievable. Of course, there were no facts, nothing specific, but only these biased, general allegations, really nothing more than anti-Christian at the core.
    Said President Brian Mueller:
    “It's interesting, is it not, that the two largest Christian universities in the country, ours and Liberty University, are both being fined almost the identical amount at the identical time.” Now, said Mueller:
    Again, hear the words of Cardona and representative DeLauro:
    Cardona and his ilk want not only to fine these great Christian universities, but to actually close them:
    There really can be nothing more anti-Christian than such statements and such actions by this liberal, woke, radical, Joe Biden government and administration. Again, how can any true Christian ever vote for Biden or anyone who supports the policies he does? Can you?
    Said Jon Schweppe, a conservative spokesperson:
    “The Federal government’s education agenda is punishing schools that do not conform to their progressive ideology. It is time we took a stand against this egregious abuse of power.”
    Not so, Mr. Schweppe. It is far past time we the Christian people took a stand against this anti-Christian bias, this woke ideological bias, and got rid of them, the evil doers. It is time we voted them out of office, them and the one who appointed them, namely Joe Biden.
    GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY (GTU) has as its motto that its university is:
    It stands apart from universities across the country that are facing declining enrollment or unenrollment and the students who wish to attend GCU are only increasing. The decline in enrollment is especially severe at universities which are indoctrinating students with radical politics. They are also failing to defend the American Constitution and rule of law and especially the First Amendment with regard to freedom of religion and freedom of speech among others.
    The Goldwater Institute (GI), a conservative group, wrote the following:
    “So why then are the Feds targeting GCU, a popular university that seems to be doing everything right? That’s exactly what we’re going to find out.”
    President Mueller said that no matter what the Federal Government does, “it has had zero impact on anything that we’re (GCU) doing.”
    Mueller went on to say:
    “The enrollments are just continuing to grow. The morale (of our students) is very high in terms of our faculty and staff. The campus is extremely vibrant. The students absolutely love this place. They’re extremely loyal to it and so we just keep marching through it.”
    Amen, Christian brothers in education, march on, fight on, stand up as soldiers of the cross, and of Christian education, and stand for the excellence in education which GCU has championed all these years. Never compromise and remember the words of Winston Churchill:
    So, GCU President Brian Mueller asks for prayer. Pray for them and the great Liberty University. But do more. Perhaps you can give. You can surely write your Congress person and make sure they know about this biased, grossly unfair attack on these Christian universities and Christianity generally, and ask them to intervene. By the way, don’t bother writing to Biden and Company, for that is a letter which is a waste of time and will never be read.
    The attack on Liberty University and Grand Canyon University is just typical of the anti-Christian attitude and activities which are permeating our society in America, and so much of the world at large. Yet another reason, my fellow Americans and my fellow Christians, for us to stand up, put on the armor of our Lord and our faith, and:
    The battle is here in so many different ways and it is time, aggressively and consistently to respond, to make certain that evil men like George Soros and so many others who are determined to destroy America and Christianity with it, do not prevail. Christian education is absolutely essential today, especially with secular education declining and in such disarray, more so every day. I ask, along with President Brian Mueller, that you render your full support, encouragement, prayers, and even giving to GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY and as well LIBERTY UNIVERSITY. They stand for truth, for real Christianity, and they stand for real, solid, education in every other respect. In this world of ours, they are the best!

  • He, the man who finds a good wife finds a good thing, so says the scripture.
    Any such man is blessed of the Lord when he finds the RIGHT woman and, in love, takes her as his wife. The life of any man is made complete, richer and fuller, when he shares life with the right wife.
    Solomon, the King, knew the value, the blessing of a good wife. The crowning joy of a woman-wife was to be MOTHER, and the husband-father rejoiced in the son or daughter who began the family. But both before and during mothering, that woman-mother remained individual, unique, special in and of herself. This right mother-wife, daughter of the living God, was a woman-wife of noble character. She was moral, faithful, trustworthy, a woman of her word. That kind of woman was worth far more than rubies, far, far more.
    Her husband, blessed and fortunate, had full confidence and trust in her. He was proud of her, rejoiced in her strengths and her family influence and all with whom she came in contact. She was a valuable human being.
    She brought good, love to her husband and her family, and to all with whom she came in contact. She was a woman of love and charity and so easily loved in return.
    Solomon then says that this wife of noble character worked eagerly with her hands. She was productive, not idle, contributing to the good of her family. She provided food for that family of hers and made certain as wife and mother that her family was properly clothed, fed, and protected. She was a woman who could earn, and as a merchant, frugal and sensitive to the value of money, she could like a merchant engage in trading for the profitability of herself, her efforts, her husband, and her family. Her trading, her doing business said Solomon, was PROFITABLE.
    She cared for the poor. She always extended help, love, comfort, and succor to the needy. In olden times, she with her husband were always welcomed and respected at the CITY GATE, the place where business and legal matters were conducted.
    This very special woman was a person of strength, enduring whatever came, and always with grace and dignity. She had no worry for the future, she thought little or nothing about tomorrow’s problems, and with a happy spirit she could laugh at the days to come. She was positive in all things.
    This good woman, constantly learning, was filled with wisdom and she spoke with wise words. She taught her family, her children, and FAITHFUL INSTRUCTION WAS ALWAYS ON HER TONGUE! She was responsible for and carefully carried on the business and the affairs of her household. She was never idle. Always busy in the work of a woman and a wife and joyfully so. She made the household a happy place in which to live, and her husband and her children were so very grateful for this God-given woman. So much so that all called her blessed, knew how special she was, followed after her spirituality, and praised her, blessed her among themselves and to all others. To her husband and children, her household, she was the best of all women, one of a kind, beautiful in the eye and the heart of the beholder. They knew, this household did, that there were many other noble women who did noble things, but for them, their mother, his wife, was the best, the very best of the best.
    Her beauty came from within, from a character adorned by the Holy Spirit, radiating joy, happiness, and positivity. Her life spread blessings. No matter what she looked like, she was beautiful to all who knew her.
    She was a woman and a wife who believed deeply in God. This woman of today had found that deep and rich personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and his love in her was spread to all others. Scripture tells children to honor their father and mother, and to obey their father and mother, and a mother like this was both easy to honor and obey. She was a lifetime asset for her family, and especially her children.
    So, Solomon concludes:
    HONOR HER! Praise her, at home and everywhere and to everyone. Any woman like this, or even close to all of this, is more precious, more valuable, of more blessing than all the rubies and all the precious gems in the entire world.
    Any man who finds a woman like this and marries and takes her as wife, finds a lifetime asset more precious than gold, so says Solomon, so says the scripture, so says the great God Jehovah, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the creator of all men and all women.

  • It is here now, this spiritual fight and the preliminary stages of the battle rage.
    The fight is with an enemy stealthy, sly, and determined. The enemy is an evil force, hateful, and determined to win this battle. It plots day and night to do just that.
    We, God’s people, are in this fight, and it must be with all our might. This enemy, the army of Satan, has every weapon possible available in its arsenal. It is an enemy determined to wage war with conservative America and Christian America in the political arena. It will use every governmental power possible in the fight.
    It will pervert everything religious, especially true Christianity, to spread doubt and fear.
    It will control culture and seek to change customs, beliefs, priorities, and terminology.
    In this era of post-truth (no truth), the LIE prevails, and the enemy will use that viciously. Mankind will find it extremely difficult to know the truth which makes us free as Christians and conservative Americans.
    The enemy will use hate, viciously hateful themselves, but accuse people of faith of being hateful.
    This vicious anti-Christian enemy has and uses every weapon possible. But, my fellow Christians, they the enemy do not have the greatest weapon of all.
    And that weapon, which can never be defeated, is none other than the greatest force, the greatest power in this world, no less than:
    We, the believers, fight the fight of faith with love. With God. For we are told from childhood that:
    God loved us so much that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. Mythological even comical to the enemy, but the ultimate reality for us who believe.
    So that, in this vicious spiritual battle against the enemy, Satan himself and his legions, we the Christian opposition:
    We have on, in the battle, the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. We fight evil with what is right. We have from head to toe the armor of LOVE. No Weapon of the enemy can pierce that armor.
    We carry with us at all times the SWORD OF THE LORD. It bristles, it gleams with righteousness, and with love, and with truth. Even with this armor and carrying the sword of righteousness, we can run the race and win that race against the enemy. The power of love is just simply unbelievable, a weapon which can never, ever be defeated.
    We have no fear of our enemy, none at all. We look evil in the face and we say:
    We know, with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength that the love of God in Christ:
    So that, even if any of us would lay down our life in the service of our Lord, and in the fight for our faith, we know that our Lord, our captain, our Savior, and His remaining army, will ultimately win the battle. We will never be afraid of, nor will we lose to, this Evil Enemy. The love of God in the fight of faith can never be beaten, NEVER!
    We his people look forward to the time when:
    Then this world and this evil enemy will know defeat even as the LOVE of Christ will win this war of faith and peace like never before and will reign like never before.
    That really is the only way this enemy, Lucifer’s Legions, can ever be defeated. LOVE, the ultimate weapon, is the only force which can defeat the Anti-Christ and everything thrown against the Christ and his people, and it will, it definitely will, not only defeat the enemy but win the battle and ultimately:
    The Love of God in Christ is so powerful.
    The Love of God in Christ is eternal. It is the only thing we can carry with us when we die. Love makes the end so easy. Even on the battlefield of faith, if we die, love lives on, love lives long and eternal and it alone abides eternally along with faith and with hope.
    But the greatest of these, the greatest of all powers in this world, the weapon which will ultimately destroy the enemy is none other than:
    So, we love our enemies when they persecute us, so says the scripture. We bless them, and we do good for them, our enemies, when they do the opposite to us. For we know that:
    So, when the enemy comes after us with every weapon possible, we fight back with the only weapon we need:

  • This world of ours has little joy, real joy. Perhaps there exists some sort of superficial happiness, but transient and really unfulfilling, but little more.
    It seems that so much of our world is sad, hopeless in feeling, even hateful. Our world is angry, antagonistic, so very jealous and greedy, negative in so many ways.
    I wonder, are you afraid, feeling uncertain and insecure, perhaps even from time to time hateful and angry, untrusting, are you? I wonder sometimes, how much of the joy of Christianity, rejoicing in the relationship with Jesus Christ, in possession of a thankful heart, the promises of the Son of God have been lost as the wiles of the devil seem to permeate this world.
    The carpenter of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God, told us quite plainly that He came not only to forgive but to bring us who believe His JOY that our lives may be full, full of that joy. How tragic it would be if once we have met him, and believed in Him, that the joy of our relationship with Him should be tarnished, even eliminated by the ever-growing hateful things in this world.
    And more. REJOICE, said He, and even more:
    Let gladness permeate your heart, your mind, your emotions, your attitude, your entire life. Be happy, no matter what. For not only are you forgiven but you are born again into a brand-new life of joy, happiness, and rejoicing! I wonder if you take time every day, EVERY DAY, to rejoice, rejoice in Him and for the life you should have now, and you will definitely have hereafter. Do you?
    The Apostle Paul tells us to give thanks, GIVE THANKS IN EVERYTHING, the good, the bad, the average, the day-to-day, IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS, thanks to God for His unspeakable gift. Do you? The strongest possession any Christian can have is a thankful heart.
    And our Lord says that we should love our enemies. Is there anything harder to do in this world than that? When someone identifies as an enemy, comes at you, does you wrong, hurts you or ones you love, is there anything harder than to love that person? But, the love we have for Jesus Christ never fails, transcends everything, is stronger than anything and it is always there, always. Our God is love and we his people should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves, even if that neighbor is our enemy so says the scripture. That essential principle, that basic tenet of Christianity, that emotional command, is the hardest thing for any Christian to do, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, IT IS THE MOST REWARDING! We should never accept the wrong, but we should always love the wrongdoer, thus saith the Lord. To carry a grudge, to return hate with hate, to get even, to make a wrongdoer pay, works havoc on the believer, even more so than the evildoer. Be glad, be happy says our Lord when you are persecuted for His name’s sake, when evil comes after good, and never forget, NEVER that ultimately:
    Even, says HE, if you weep now, you will laugh sooner or later. YOU WILL LAUGH, you will be happy. Never forget that. You will laugh, you will be happy as David says in the Psalms, even as our Lord laughs at the wicked. Full belief in the love of God in Jesus Christ can do nothing but make one, the believer, be glad, rejoice, be happy and LAUGH!
    The smile, the facial smile, the real smile is a rarity today. The heavy heart makes for a sad face. The happy heart, the loving heart produces a cheerful face as Solomon tells us in Proverbs. Our Lord confirms that when he tells us that we should:
    Life is short, so very short, and any hour of any day spent glum, sad, angry, jealous, or hateful is simply the waste of a part of THE DAY WHICH THE LORD HAS MADE! The spirit of the loving God is at the ready to help, to remind you of this part of your life which you are wasting. Be glad, says the spirit of the living God, and rejoice, and always remember, says the Lord:
    And more. James tells us that the happy heart breaks out in singing, singing songs of love, praise, and joy. David confirms in the Psalms when he tells us to be glad and sing for joy. Even if you can’t carry a tune, sing anyway. Sing songs of praise every day, let your heart sing, be cheerful, be glad, be happy, and never let any part of this sad world, this world hateful, angry, jealous, and itself without joy, bring you down. NEVER!
    When the rich man met the Lord Jesus Christ, He sold everything he had, and he did so with JOY. Nothing mattered to him but the joy he found in Jesus Christ. Never forget, my fellow Christians, that a cheerful heart is good medicine. It heals like nothing else, and also remember the wise words of Solomon in Proverbs that:
    Avoid at all costs the dry bones of Ezekiel. Every day, even all day, you can live with the joy, the happiness, the rejoicing that our Lord provides, which is only a taste of that JOY TO COME!
    So, in everything give thanks. In the testings, the trials and tribulations, the sicknesses, the losses, the betrayals, the hateful, the persecution, give thanks, be grateful, for our Lord who never left the Apostle Paul when he suffered in the dungeon all alone, will never leave us. The key to claiming that promise, says the Apostle Paul, is to give thanks:
    And that is especially so when the trials, the tribulations, the persecutions, the hurt and the pain are the worst. When life is at its worst, our Lord is at HIS BEST.
    Now abides safe in Him, hope in Him, and the love because of Him. Never let go of a cheerful heart any hour of any day. That is what the Lord of the abundant life wants for YOU!