
  • To secure your custom-tailored workout plan, tap here.

    Writing workout programs that actually work is quite difficult. There are so many things to consider, variables to account for and things to know that it can seem overwhelming. The result is typically three possibilities:

    You don’t make a workout plan, you just wing it, don’t get great results. You make a workout plan, but it’s not good, and you don’t get great results. You copy some random plan on online, or whatever your friend does, but because it’s not actually tailored to you, you don’t get great results.

    It’s a tale as old as time in the gym.

    This podcast episode is aiming to be the solution. I give the rundown of how to systematically go through and write a winning workout program.

    Once it’s broken down it becomes much simpler and there is actually a method to the madness.

    But it’s still a lot of work, and tough to do well. If you’d rather just have me do it for you, but without all the fluff of coaching, I got you. Tap here and I’ll get to writing your custom program right away.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Gillian Bennett (@bitesizenutri) is a nutrition coach and mentor, and host of the Bite Size Nutrition Podcast. Her mission is to help you live a full life without obsessing over food. Originally from the US but now living in Spain, coupled with her own experiences with fitness, health and weight loss she has a unique perspective that she brings to her coaching practice.

    “I went to Europe and ate everything I wanted and still somehow lost weight!”. Heard that before? Why does that happen? Is it the “food quality” or is there something more. Food is so much more than calories and micronutrients. And ALL of the stuff matters. We discuss this and how you can implement the practices proven to help you improve your diet.

    That being said, the calories and micronutrients and the “data” all still matters. Gillian and I discuss strategies and tools to implement these things in a smart way, and how to gradually move away from meticulous tracking, or how to implement it in the simplest way.

    This was a very enjoyable conversation about food culture and how to improve our diet based on lifestyle principles. To learn more from Gillian, be sure to follow her on IG and check out her podcast and website.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

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  • Tim Walcott (@iamtimwalcott) is an online transformation coach, and co-host of the Stay Peaked. podcast. He’s coached people in person and online for years to build a body that drips confidence.

    Tim is an amazing coach and a phenomenal guy and he also just recently finished up his own significant transformation process. He was in really good shape before, but there’s a lot that goes into going from good to great. That’s what we spoke about in this podcast episode.

    Tim shares the nutrition, training and lifestyle strategies that he used, as well as some of the unexpected or underestimated difficulties of getting in peak shape. We also spoke a lot about the mindset shifts that come from this level of commitment and transformation - both what’s required to make it happen, and what happens as a result of it.

    It’s becoming increasingly rare to be in amazing physical condition. Which means it’s becoming a greater and greater status symbol. Tim talks at length about how this all impacts every aspect of life in a positive way.

    To see more of what Tim shares, be sure to follow him on IG, and subscribe to the Stay Peaked. podcast.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Seed oils and microplastics seem to be a hot topic right now. It seems that, like many things, it’s always one or the other. It’s either the worst thing ever, or, that it’s a total non-issue. The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle.

    Why are we like this, as humans? Why do we react so much to fear and extremism? Sigh… Anyways, I recorded this podcast to be a voice of reason and logic.

    The short answer is that you shouldn’t be overly concerned with these things, but you also shouldn’t completely ignore them either.

    Chances are you’ve got more important things to worry about related to your health. Things that will actually make a larger, more tangible difference in your life that you can address immediately.

    But once those are taken care of, it definitely doesn’t hurt to start focusing on things like seed oils and microplastics. I hope this helps steer you in the right direction.

    Logic and rational thinking always wins!

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Michael Tzemis (@michaeltzemis) turned his whole life around and getting shredded was a crucial part of that. Michael was a high level athlete growing up but life after sports, coupled with the pandemic led him away from his optimal health and fitness. He found his way back to leaner, stronger and healthier than ever before, and that’s what he’s here to share.

    Michael isn’t a fitness professional in that he isn’t a trainer, nor does he specifically work in the fitness industry. He’s got a “regular” job and isn’t on the gym floor for the whole day. And yet, he made the whole fitness thing work. I specifically wanted to have Michael on for this exact reason.

    Michael shares about how he got to his most out-of-shape point and then how he got himself out of that to where he is now. He shares the things that did and didn’t work for him in his situation. The most important part of this discussion though isn’t about getting shredded, it’s really about how Michael’s whole life improved as his health and fitness improved as well.

    That’s the message to take home. Take your health and fitness seriously, because it will make everything in your life better.

    Special thanks to Michael for agreeing to do this episode and being willing to share his story. If you have questions for him, you can find him on IG @michaeltzemis

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Dan Frankel (@dan.propelfitness) is a physiotherapist, strength coach and athlete. By combining his rehab and training education and experience, Dan is focused on helping injured lifters and gym goers recover effectively and get back to training at the highest level and beyond.

    Have you ever been injured, done all the stuff that the physiotherapist told you to, and it didn’t really get you back to 100%? This is common. Dan and I have both been through this exact scenario. We discussed why this happens, and how to tackle your rehab exercises so that they actually help you as much as possible.

    Rehab is tricky, and too often rehab is only focused on reducing pain. Which is great, obviously, but it should also focus on restoring and improving function. This is the gap that we are trying to fill with this podcast.

    Dan is very intelligent, has a ton of experience both with himself and clients, and breaks down this whole process very well so that it’s easy to understand and implement.

    To keep up with Dan, be sure to follow him on IG.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights” - the great Ronnie Coleman.

    This basically sums up this episode perfectly. And even if you don’t want to be a professional bodybuilder, I can almost guarantee that you want to build your body in some way. So all the same principles apply.

    I’m genuinely sick and tired of people selling lies. All exercise is good, but that does not mean that all exercise produces the same results.

    Human beings are hardwired to avoid struggle and difficulty, and people in the fitness industry prey on this. “Do this thing that much easier than that other hard thing, I promise it works!”. Sure… if that were true, why wouldn’t everyone just do that then???

    I go into more detail in this episode of course, but I hope you stay with me here. All I’m trying to do is deliver the truth. And I may not always be nice, but I will always be good.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Braden Ripley (@ripcoaching) is a nutrition and fitness coach. He works with the Macros Inc team to deliver personalized coaching to thousands of clients. Braden has been coaching clients for over 10 years to gain muscle, lose fat, and improve their health.

    The word sustainable gets thrown around a lot when it comes to weight loss and overall health improvement. And for good reason - we want the changes to last forever. But, obviously, this is easier said than done. Braden and I dig in to the psychology of what goes into to making these changes stick. How to get started, how to keep going, and how to make it last.

    Sometimes in the name of sustainability we even sell ourselves short. Going too slow, and in a roundabout way making the process accidentally more difficult. This again plays into our psychology regarding reward systems and the acknowledgement of significant progress. Braden and I discuss how to blend thinking long term, while also being ambitious enough in the short term.

    Braden is a phenomenal coach and has clearly spent a ton of time thinking about all of this, and working with tons of people to deliver amazing results. To keep up with everything he has going on, be sure to follow him on IG and check out Macros Inc as well.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Adam Gould (@puffygotbuffy) is an online coach who has been on a crazy fitness and health journey of his own. He now uses all of that experience to help others completely transform their lives via coaching, the Start Yesterday Podcast, and his free Weight Loss Course & Community.

    Adam lost over 150lbs (and has kept it off) which is unbelievably impressive. In this discussion we talk about Adam’s story from the beginning all the way up to what he’s doing now. These transformations don’t happen by accident and they take years and years and very hard work. Both physically and psychologically.

    There are no secret shortcuts here. It was years of hard work. But Adam discusses some things that worked for him and things that didn’t. He shares about how he got started slowly in training and how that picked up quickly to where he’s now training others.

    This story is one that everyone can learn from and take pieces away to apply to your own life.

    To keep up with everything Adam has going on, be sure to follow him on IG, check out his podcast, and check out his free weight loss course and community.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Time. The biggest hurdle to fitness, maybe ever. Whether this is a real barrier or a perceived one, it’s all the same.

    We are all busy. If you ask someone if they’re busy, they will tell you yes. And yet, we all still need to train and take care of our health.

    So in this episode I discuss how to get it done when time is tight. I took two angles to approach this: one is from a time management perspective, and two is from a gym tactical perspective.

    Both are valid and probably some combination of the two are what you need to really help you, but take whatever you need and leave the rest. Enjoy!

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Dr. Sam Scott holds a PhD in Exercise Physiology and is the CEO of Enhance-d - a startup aimed at helping people with diabetes to exercise safely and effectively. Sam has worked with high level athletes and general population folks with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in helping them train and perform safely and effectively in sport and everyday life.

    Many people around the world are unfortunately affected by either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. While management of these conditions is possible, it’s not exactly intuitive or widely known. Sam and I sat down to discuss this today. Especially how exercise can help and greatly positively impact people.

    There are important considerations to make when just starting out, and there is certainly a bit of a learning curve. We cover all of this and more.

    We also discuss Sam’s company, Enhance-d which is a digital ecosystem that will simplify the tracking and analysis of all relevant data (glucose levels, insulin, nutrition etc) to empower those living with diabetes to make informed decisions, optimize their performance, and be part of a community to have ongoing support.

    You can download the app here and follow along on social media for any updates.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Dr. Brandon Parker (@dr.brandon.parker) is a chiropractor, strength coach, and host of the Revival Method podcast. Growing up as an athlete Brandon faced his own challenges with injuries. After working only as a strength coach for a number of years, he decided to become a chiropractor as well and blend the worlds of strength training and rehab.

    Your body was designed to move. I think we all know this intuitively, but often lose it somewhere along the way. With widely ranging advice from doctors, manual therapists and friends and family it can be confusing to know what’s right and what’s wrong when it comes to injuries and training in general.

    Dr. Parker helps to dispel a lot of the myths and give you the nuance behind it so that you can understand how to apply it to yourself. This is extremely important because all injuries are a little bit different, and all bodies are a little bit different, resulting in slightly different approaches to training and rehab.

    We discuss all the details and go over a ton of myths in this episode. If you’ve ever been injured or just want to be prepared for the next time a little tweak comes up, you’ll certainly find a ton of value in this episode.

    To keep up with everything Dr. Parker has going on, follow him on IG, check out his podcast and if you’re local then visit him in clinic in West Palm Beach, Florida.


    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • John Martirosyan (@jmartfit) is a personal trainer and host of the State of Health Podcast. He also works with people to understand their financial health as a part of the picture of overall health and a high quality of life.

    Last year John and I spoke about our 2024 fitness goals, and John's goal was to complete a marathon without any injury… and it was a success!

    We discussed all the training he did, what went well, what didn’t go so well and then what actually went down on the day of the race. If you’re interested in running this it’s an absolute must to listen to John’s insights and reflections here on his own experience.

    We also touched on some of the broader principles of training, and how you might be able to adapt some of these things to your own individual situation.

    Towards the end, we shifted gears to this year where we discussed fitness goals for 2025 where John is looking to add some muscle, and I’m just looking to stay injury free. Fun times all around!

    To keep up with everything John has going on, follow him on IG and X, and check out the State of Health Podcast.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Two hundred episodes. What a ride. Thank you very much for coming along. And if you’ve just joined, welcome.

    In this episode I showcased the new studio setup, which is a massive upgrade from previous. Then spoke about some reflections on podcasting and lessons learned over the past 200 episodes.

    I then answered a bunch of your questions, so thank you to those who submitted.

    The questions, in order:

    For your audience building, what has been most effective to least effective? Podcast, in person, IG etc? Any advice on getting your body to look a certain way once hitting your goal weight? Ideal split of weights and running to lean out while maintaining muscleWhat are your goals for fitness and for the podcast for 2025?How much do you think genetics matters? What are your best and worst features due to genetics?Should I bulk or cut?Time saving tips ?What podcasts and youtube channels do you listen to? If you could pick one person to eat a meal with, who would it be?

    Thanks for being here, seriously. It means more than you will ever know.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Ruby Cherie (@transformxruby) is a Female Transformation Specialist, host of the 100% Real with Ruby Podcast, and an amazing athlete. Ruby works with women all over the world to help you live your best life with full confidence, and help you never need to diet again.

    Ruby is an amazingly passionate coach, and that is clear right from the jump of this conversation. She truly loves what she does and is incredibly dedicated to her craft - which is helping you.

    We discussed some of the inside scoop on the way things are marketed in fitness, and how to navigate that. Which all plays into our insecurities and leads us to a lot of the troubles with nutrition and exercise that we end up in. We chat about this, and how to break that cycle.

    As well as a ton of super practical advice on building muscle, and why lifting heavy and with intensity is so important. Which shouldn’t be news to you, but this might offer a fresh perspective.

    All of that and more in this no nonsense episode, as Ruby lives up to her reputation. To keep up with everything Ruby has going on, follow her on IG, and check out her podcast.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Mini episode to get you through the holidays, and the LAST solo episode in this setup. Nostalgia!!!

    How’s the Winter Arc going??? Let’s get through the holidays as best we can, so that you can enjoy it to the fullest and come out the other end ahead. Both are possible!

    Thanks for being here, and Merry Christmas!

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Paul Oneid (@pauloneid) is the Founder and Head Coach at Master Athletic Performance. He is a Coach, Educator, Mentor and Athlete with a single goal - to raise the bar for online coaching. He holds Master of Science Degrees in both Exercise Science and Sports Management and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Exercise Physiologist and Certified Olympic Weightlifting Coach with 18 years’ experience as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in varying capacities from youth to collegiate and professional athletics.

    Several months ago, Paul unfortunately tore both of his quads while competing and falling during a squat. Goes without saying, but that is a pretty terrible injury. Paul took to his rehab aggressively and like a professional. Full effort, using all available tools and tactics and getting in touch with the best people possible.

    We spoke about all the things Paul has done to heal from his injuries incredibly quickly and incredibly well. He also speaks about the general journey and all of the other not so glamorous things that come with a traumatic injury, and why this is all such a good reminder to care about your body and your health deeply.

    All of the things that Paul has done are applicable in a wide range of circumstances but also differently applicable based on your and your situation. Regardless, there is certainly something you can pick up that will help you, or someone you know.

    To keep up with Paul and everything he’s got going on, follow him on IG, listen to The Coaches Corner University Podcast, check out the Master Athletic Performance Website, and the Coaches Corner U Website, where you can use code PODCAST300 for $300 off lifetime access to the education collective.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD (@drsarahballantyne) is the founder of and New York Times best-selling author of Nutrivore: The Radical New Science for Getting the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat. She creates educational resources to help people improve their day-to-day diet and lifestyle choices, empowered and informed by the most current evidenced-based scientific research. With Nutrivore, Dr. Sarah has created a positive and inclusive approach to dietary guidance, based in science and devoid of dogma, using nutrient density and sufficiency as its basic principles: Nourishment, not judgment.

    Dr. Sarah and I had some major tech issues recording this, so thanks for putting up with it. But the conversation was good we had to power through.

    Dr. Sarah shares her story over the many years, and ups and downs of her own struggles with weight, health and nutrition. It lays a powerful foundation for the rest of the conversation, explaining how Nutrivore came to be.

    Dr. Sarah and I discuss some of the aspects of diet culture that we can certainly do away with - and what to replace them with. Of course, in a way that is healthy and sustainable. Dr. Sarah also gives some phenomenal super tactical tips on cooking, meal prepping and setting up your lifestyle for success that are game changers.

    It was a very interesting conversation and I hope you learn and enjoy it as much as I did.

    To keep up with everything Dr. Sarah has going on, please visit her website. You can also order her book, Nutrivore, here. And follow her on social media: TikTok Instagram Threads Facebook YouTube Pinterest.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet HERE.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Brianna Houston ( is a coach with over 40, 000 of experience across every population. Athletes, elderly, corporate, performance, sports, rehabilitation, and pre/post natal populations are all people Brianna has trained and excelled with. She now mainly focuses on clients in the pre and post natal seasons of life, &beyond.

    Well this was a conversation definitely out of my wheelhouse! I hope you learned as much as I did from having this conversation. Brianna is clearly and incredible coach and cares so deeply about her clients and is so knowledgeable about all of the interplay in regards to anything to do with pregnancy and health.

    In the episode we discuss all of the training considerations for anyone who is attempting to become pregnant, or is currently pregnant. Also, some other women’s health considerations, which are all intertwined.

    Brianna gives all the do’s and don’ts, as well as helping you to understand how to think about these things, and things that you must pay attention to, especially considering your pelvic floor health.

    It feels to me like all of this should be much more common knowledge. I mean, even in my education, we were not taught this. If you know someone who is currently pregnant, or planning to get pregnant soon, send them this episode.

    To keep up with everything Brianna has going on, follow her on IG and check out her website.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Protein Cheat Sheet here.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout HERE.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss

  • Chris Colucci (@chriscolucci.ny) is a fitness writer and editor who’s been in the game for over 20 years. From training everyday fitness enthusiasts, to competitive athletes, interviewing fitness legends and writing for some of the biggest publications to educate the masses, he’s done it all.

    With all this experience, it’s easy to draw a conclusion that one of the biggest barriers to fitness is time. This is probably no surprise to you. And yet, we see people who still think they need to spend 2 hours a day in the gym to get great results. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Chris and I discuss some of the best ways to make your training as efficient as possible. Keeping you in the gym no longer than necessary, while also ensuring that you’re having extremely effective workouts to build muscle, get strong, and lose some body fat. Efficiency really is the name of the game when trying to fit fitness into your life.

    Along with this is nutrition. Chris shares the ultimate tip that solves the vast majority of nutrition issues. And it’s way simpler than you think. And it’s not some gimmick. It just coincidentally solves a ton of problems at once.

    Fellow coaches, if you’re looking to elevate your career via writing, check out The Write Spotters. A group led by Chris to help you become a fitness writer. Also, follow Chris on IG and Threads.

    The best way to support the podcast is to share the episode with a friend. You can support yourself and the podcast by applying for 1:1 online coaching here.

    Grab my FREE Muscle Building Workout Program here.

    Join 1000’s of others in receiving the best fitness tips, tools and tactics for free via the Sunday Meal Prep newsletter.

    Share this episode with a friend who would enjoy or benefit from it! Comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast, I would be extremely grateful if you subscribed and left a short review on iTunes or rating on Spotify. It really helps to spread the message and ultimately help more people.


    Connect with me on Instagram @danielyores

    Connect with me on X @danielyores

    Podcast Cover Art by @octopuslegss