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Mikael Ekström heter jag och arbetar som fastighetsmäklare på Gotland. I denna podd får ni hänga med mig och träffa människor och företag inom "bostadsbranschen". Tanken med podden är lättsamt samtal där jag lär mig mer om dem som personer och de yrke de har. Jag vill lära mig mer om alla delarna och hoppas att ni kan lära er något också!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The future has arrived.
As the world and humanity itself move faster and faster into
unimaginable possibilities, old institutions that built connection, and
shaped our sense of meaning, are falling by the wayside. In their wake,
fundamental questions about ethics, our purpose, and spirituality demand
bold answers.
On Scott Mason's Purpose Highway™ podcast, we will explore how these
social changes will revolutionize our society. We will learn how they impact
our own search for connection and meaning. And we will hear stories of
influencers whose lives have had radical change from the inside and
found profound connection to others and themselves through unexpected
definitions of "meaning."
The future has arrived. A new movement for those seeking meaning is
taking shape. Join our community today and subscribe to get notified when new episodes go live. -
Hosted by Black Ambition CEO Felecia Hatcher, So Ambitious is a series about what's possible when Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs can build uninterrupted. From the tech founder to the creative entrepreneur, So Ambitious tells the stories of the people building, creating, and organizing - against all odds, with authenticity, and in community. Their stories propel the conversation about ambition beyond money, titles, or vanity metrics and dive into details of what it takes to do impactful, transformative work with longevity.
Stockholm is a State of Minds - The only podcast you need to become Swed... ish
Each year brilliant minds from all over the world move to Stockholm – for work at universities, companies, and other organisations, for university studies, as accompanying partner, for love, or for refuge. Brilliant minds, who want to settle down, find a job, get to know the culture and understand society. This podcast is for you.
Join hosts Maria and Philip for casual conversations exploring key topics commonly discussed over coffee breaks and meals as well as pivotal events that have shaped Swedish society for generations – helping peel back cultural layers and fast track the transition to your new home. And they will bring along guests – interesting people offering their own insights from deep knowledge in different fields.
Behind the podcast is Stockholm Dual Career Network (SDCN), a non-profit network for partners and spouses of international talent in Stockholm. SDCN supports expat partners with professional events, career-related advice and by building a social network in their new hometown. Stockholm Dual Career Network is founded and run by Stockholms Akademiska Forum, a collaboration between all 18 higher education institutions in Stockholm along with the City of Stockholm.
Reach out on Instagram @stockholmdualcareernetwork or LinkedIn @Stockholm Dual Career Network (SDCN) and ask your own questions. In a following episode we might even bring an expert who can tell us all about it!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hai già sentito parlare d'inclusione, nel linguaggio, nel marketing, ma ancora non hai sentito quello che ti racconterò io in questo podcast. Io sono Sambu Buffa e mi occupo di marketing da molti anni, e d'inclusione da una vita intera. Episodio dopo episodio, capirai cosa voglia dire fare inclusione per il proprio business, come farlo, gli errori da evitare e le storie da cui farti ispirare. Fatti guidare non te ne pentirai.
Join Sherpa co-founder Alex Fisher and special guests to explore how sales in senior living can be more effective, person-centered and heroic. Write to us at [email protected] with questions or topics you‘d like Alex to cover.
Renowned leader for gender equality and cofounder of Take The Lead Gloria Feldt zeroes in on how women can embrace their power with “intention, confidence and joy.” These weekly succinct but wisdom-packed coaching sessions offer concrete ways women can draw from their strength, intelligence and knowledge to manifest their fullest potential.
Zophia och Jennifer är podd-rookies och kastar sig rakt in i en ny värld. I det första avsnittet pratar de om hur svårt det är att faktiskt starta podd och vilken resa lyssnarna kommer få hänga med på. De tar även upp känslor kring imposter syndrome, överlojalitet till jobbet och vad man gör innan semestern för att faktiskt vara ledig på riktigt.
Podden för dig som bor på, arbetar eller bara älskar hotell! Programledaren Hans Kanold bjuder in vänner och profiler från ett yrkesliv inom svensk och internationell hotellbransch. Tillsammans med filmproducenten Jonatan Kruse letar dom guldkornen bland alla oberättade historier från Hotell. För oss som delar passionen kring människor, möten, upplevelser - och Hotell!
Get Inspired to live the life you really want to live. Ex-retail managers turned full-time creatives and entrepreneurs Bee Townsend and Gabrielle Reiher have been friends for over 16 years and have invited you to join in-on their weekly chats as they find comfort and inspiration in their shared experiences. They always go on a tangent, but when you live creatively... the tangents inevitably become relevant too.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Välkommen till Sveriges bjussigaste podd där vi, Malin Falk Gramer och Jessica Lasses, plöjer igenom vardagskaos, mammaliv, karriär och roliga anekdoter. Vi svarar även på en lyssnarfråga varje avsnitt! Hör av er till oss på Instagram så löser vi era livsproblem: @malingramer & @jessicalasses
Mitt i Livet klipps av Skarpt
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Breakit Podcast ger dig varje vecka de hetaste snackisarna och det senaste skvallret i det nya näringslivet. Programledare är Åsa Johansson som gästas av reportrar på Breakit.
Frågor eller feedback? Mejla [email protected].
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I LoungePodden listar vi ut livet tillsammans med några av Sveriges främsta entreprenörer, artister, forskare, journalister, idrottsprofiler och politiker.Kontakt [email protected]å tillgång till alla avsnitt, utan reklam och före alla andra, genom att bliöd podden genom Swish: 0761 401 401
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.