In episode 46 of the Dirt Logistician, WAG 11A (MSG Robinson), GM 37A(A) (MSG Cardoza) and WAG 12A(A) (SFC Benavides) discuss best practices when preparing for the Division LOGPAC at the DSA and receiving the Division LOGPAC at the BSA.
Key topics include:
Overview of NCO involvement from receipt of mission to execution of the Division LOGPAC at the DSABest practices for receiving the Division LOGPAC at the BSAImportance of NCO involvement in planning and execution of the Division LOGPACThe importance of communication between the CSSB/DSSB and the BSB -
In episode 45 of the Dirt Logistician, GM25 (CW4 Dougan) interviews the Brigade Maintenance Technician of 3/1 Armor Division, CW4 Sanders, following the end of the rotation.
Key Topics Include:
Incorporating lessons learned from previous rotations to upcoming rotationImproving maintenance processes and procedures at home station and building upon them during the NTC rotationUsage of maintenance surge teams at NTCImportance of ISSL inventories and replenishment prior to NTC rotationsThe impact of manufactured repair parts on Brigade maintenance -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In episode 44 of the Dirt Logistician, WAG05 (MAJ Slaton) and WAG12(A) (CPT Shannon) discuss the challenges associated with conducting sustainment operations in an urban environment.
Key topics include:
- Changes to predicted commodity numbers
- Different resources that are easier or harder to work with
- General planning considerations
In episode 43 of the Dirt Logistician podcast, GM07 (LTC Octavia Davis) interviews the BC and XO of the RSS for 3rd Cavalry Division, LTC Cole and MAJ Mauldin following the end of their rotation.
Key Topics include:
- Transitioning from a consolidated to dispersed RSA
- What the unit gained by dispersing
- Challenges during their rotation
We're back! GM07, LTC Stacy Moore, provided some advice for the force prior to her departure from NTC.
In Episode 41 of the Dirt Logistician, MSG Michael Rogers (Goldminer 24A) talks with SGM Dagoberto Chapa from Fort Leavenworth about training opportunities and improvements to medical systems explored at the national Training Center.
Key Topics include:
-Sergeant Major Skills Enhancement Program
-Project Warrior
-BATDOK (Battelfield Assisted Trauma Distributed Observation Kit) Program -
In Episode 40 of the Dirt Logistician, CPT JP Shannon (Wagoneer 12) talks with Joe Odell, a contractor who supports counter-UAS training at the National Training Center, to discuss the evolving landscape of unmanned platforms in combat.
Key Topics include:
-Evolving level of UAS involvement in combat theaters
-UAS detection and denial
-Recommended unit TTPs and countermeasures -
In Episode 39 of the Dirt Logistician, MAJ Sarah Barron (Goldminer 05) interviews MAJ Griffin Hill and SFC Richard Rayman of 123rd BSB, 3/1 AD after rotation 23-06 about their SPO OIC/NCOIC relationship and how they run their shop.
Key Topics include:
-Talent management in the face of minimal staffing
-Specified and implied tasks
-Communicating with the FSCs and supported units
-Personality-based and process-based shops
-Supporting HHC requirements -
In Episode 38 of the Dirt Logistician, CPT Jonathan Shannon (Wagoneer 12) interviews the 423rd Transportation Company leaders about preparing Reserve units for CTC rotations.
Key Topics include:
-Roles of full-time staff
-Individual training
-Planning timelines -
In Episode 37 of the Dirt Logistician, CPT Carlvin Leggett (Wagoneer 5A) interviews leaders from 87th DSSB, 3rd Sustainment Brigade, 3ID about their TTPs for base defense.
Key Topics include:-Training Glidepath-TACSOP development-On-site training-Intra-unit communication and coordination
In Episode 36 of the Dirt Logistician, LTC(P) Stacy Moore (Goldminer 07) interviews LTC Manny Velez on lessons learned from Rotation 23-06.
Key Topics Include:
Developing relationships within the Brigade and BattalionEstablishing priorities of training and maintenanceTraining TOC operations and communicationMaximizing usage of additional enablers -
In Episode 35 of the Dirt Logisitican, MAJ Jen Guerra (Wagoneer 02) and CPT Eric Roggow discuss planning considerations for medical coverage within the CSSB to DSSB
Key Topics include:
Role I integrationDoing more with lessDeveloping unit understanding of medical capabilities -
In Episode 34 of the Dirt Logistician, CPT Jonathan Shannon, Wagoneer 12, and the DSSB SPO Trainer, MAJ Kenneth Slaton, Wagoneer 05, discuss considerations and their perspective on the successful employment of LNOs at NTC and during operations.
Key Topics include:
Pros and ConsLNO selectionThe role of the LNOSetting conditions for LNO successObserved successful and unsuccessful LNO TTPs -
In Episode 33 of The Dirt Logistician, LTC(P) Stacy Moore, Goldminer 07, interviews LTC Jonathan Daniels, the BN CDR of the 87th DSSB, on the successes and learning opportunities from his BN’s experiences during Rotation 23-05.
Key topics include:
Base DefenseSynchronization between the BSB and DSSBBN Preparations and Leadership -
In Episode 32 of The Dirt Logistician, Several of the senior NCOs from the Goldminer Team, MSG Samuel Acquah, MSG Brian Lomibao, SFC Elsa Theirs, and MSG Corey Sommerville, discuss their observations of NCO Engagement during their rotations at NTC. Key topics include:The current status of NCO EngagementNCO Engagement in the Company, Platoon, and belowNCO Engagement on StaffSuggestions for fostering NCO Engagement in your organizations
In Episode 31 of The Dirt Logistician, two of the longest-tenured OCs on the Team, MAJ Jennifer Guerra, Wagoneer 02, and MAJ James Rainey, Goldminer 03, discuss the roles of TOC personnel in base defense. Key topics include:Staff roles and ResponsibilitiesForce Protection Working group TTPsIncorporating medical considerations into base defense
In Episode 29 of the Dirt Logistician, two Goldminer Team company trainers, CPT Jonathan Shannon and MSG Corey Sommerville, discuss the keys to success and some tips for preparing for a successful, safe, and efficient LOGPAC convoy.
Key Topics include:
Staff, Company, and Convoy Leadership Roles and ResponsibilitiesPlanning and CoordinationManaging convoy loading and marshallingPCCs and PCIsRefinement -
In Episode 28 of The Dirt Logistician, MAJ James Rainey (Goldminer 03, BSB S3 Trainer) discusses Rotation 22-10 with LTC McFerrin “Mac” McDonald (47th BSB Battalion Commander).
Key topics include:
Training progression/preparation for Rotation 22-10Development of junior staff personnelFTCP/CTCP compositionManaging parts flow through displacement and personnel shortagesBase defenseAdvice to units coming to NTC for future rotations -
In Episode 27 of The Dirt Logistician, LTC Stacy Moore (Goldminer 07, Senior Sustainment Trainer) discusses how to succeed when rotational Unit come to NTC with MAJ Jennifer Guerra (Wagoneer 02, Senior DSSB/CSSB Trainer).
Key topics include:
- Communication among staff
- Establishing role and responsibilities
- Nesting with your Higher Headquarter
- Staff synchronization
In Episode 26 of The Dirt Logistician, CW4 Sorepa Thomas (Goldminer 29 (Ancient), SSA and Material Management Trainer) discusses Rotation 22-04 with CW2 Nelson Dawson (1ID Sustainment Brigade Supply Systems Tech) and WO1 Stephen Valentine (299 BSB SSA Accountable Officer).
Key topics include:
Primary mission of the attached Supply and Services branch from 1ID Sustainment BrigadeRole of the Supply and Services branch in deploying the 299BSB SSA to NTCLessons learned that can help to prepare SSAs for NTC Rotations - Laat meer zien