
  • In this video we discuss the Quantum Biology of Sleep Apnea and sleep disorders in general, the current status of centralized and decentralized dentistry and medicine as well as how Dr. Kruse went to Dental School and then became a Neurosurgeon. Dr. Kruse is also a Quantum Biologist and is able to dive deep into the science of chronic disease and his decentralized approach to treating his patients.

    Skip the intro and Dr. Jack starts at 6:30 in the timeline

    Be sure to check out Dr. Jack's Patreon page:

    For a primer on Dr. Kruse's work listen to: Dr. Jack on Dr. Max Gulhane's Regenerative Health Podcast:

    Dr. Jack on Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin and Dr. Andrew Huberman:

    And a special thanks to Dr. Alexis Cowan for encouraging me to do this! Dr. Alexis Cowan's Podcast:

    Be sure to listen to both of her Podcasts with Dr. Kruse! They are must-views/listens!

  • Fun podcast with Tim Wambach. Tim is a public speaker, coach, organizer and dreamer! Definitely a fun chat to discover Tim's Biography!

    Quotes from this episode!

    “I was the kid that organized the football game on the day for the first snow! Football and snow are the best! “

    “Tony Robbins made me believe that the life I wanted to live was possible “

    “I took a long road to become a public speaker.”

    “Maintaining a positive mental attitude takes work”

    “I went from a couch potato to an elite endurance athlete in 6 weeks.”

    “Its easy to connect the dots going backwards, but its not always a straight path going forward”

    “Since I was younger I was always to know more about health and fitness”

    “The two threads that have been constants in my life have been: Personal development and health and fitness “

    “I want to help overweight dads reclaim their health and energy. I wanna help other crack the code to their own health.. “

    “Just because you’re not young anymore doesn’t mean your old”

    “You can’t out train a bad diet”

    “Eliminating processed food is a great start to reclaiming health “

    “I’m a life long student

    “I want to give my family as many peak experiences as I can..”

    “I ran from Orlando, FL to Chicago, IL, twice! Once over 700 miles the second was over 1000 miles in 40 days”.

    Connect with Tim!

    Instagram @Flexingfatherhood, Twitter: @Timwambach

    And is on coming soon!

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Tim Is a life long learner and organizer of people! From the baseball fields as a youngster to leading seminars to now changing the lives of Dads
 Tim’s approach is to “keep on keepin’ on! “

    And it is the Barna Group, that is doing the research on Church growth and the correlation of Christianity grown vs church growth.

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  • Dr. Philip Ovadia ( is a Cardiac Heart Surgeon and champion of Low Carb/Keto/Carnivore diets to improve Metabolic Health and prevent heart disease. The Discovery of Low Carb/Keto/Carnivore helped Dr. Ovadia regained his own health and conquer life long challenges with obesity

    Quotes from this Episode:

    "My parents remind me that from a very young age that I always wanted to be a “sturgeon”, not just a doctor."

    "I no longer fall in the paradigm that high LDL cholesterol is the cause of heart disease".

    "I’m most passionate about spreading the message of metabolic health to as many people that will hear it".

    “While on the Obesity surgery rotation, I discovered that my personal obesity numbers qualified me for weight loss surgery”

    "Heart Surgery is just the band aid, moving forward patients have to change something or they’ll be back on my table".

    "Half of the patients I operate on have normal to low cholesterol levels".

    "Get back to eating how your parents and grand parents you used eat
 Eat Whole Real Foods"

    "We thought that low fat was going to be the way to health.. and we now have evidence that isn’t the case".

    "People don’t expect to be healthy anymore
. Medication and poor health is part of the aging process".

    "Why can’t we be healthy for the vast majority of our life"?

    "You have to train your body to work off of fat instead of sugar".

    "Eggs are a good nutrition source, eggs have everything in them to to grow a new chicken".

    "Pay attention to how you feel eating certain foods and Eat the food the foods that make you feel good".

    "The difficult part of my job isn’t doing the surgery, the difficult part of my job on who to do surgery on".

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Dr. Ovadia has always wanted to be a surgeon from day one! Born to be a surgeon! Raised in a home where nutrition was often discussed and strictly followed as his brother was a Type 1 Diabetic. Although following the "best diet recommendations" he and his entire family struggled with Obesity. Which led Philip on the weight loss roller coaster. At age 40, Philip discovered Low Carb/Keto/Carnivore, which is outside the professional norms. That changed his life! Now, Philip is a renegade wants to share his message with anyone that ready to hear it!

  • Dr. Christopher Kanas is a Pediatric Dentist in Greenville, South Carolina. Have recently moved there from Auburn, California with his wife and two teenaged kids!

    Quotes from this episode:

    "There’s art as a creative and art as a job"

    "If I couldn’t travel that would be a depressing thing to me."

    "When I see that scared kid come into the office and you take your time and work their trust up and by the time they leave they are leaving happy and you have helped them overcome their fear! "

    "Regrets have a way of making you grow, if you learn from them"

    "Screen time never goes away, even when the screen is turned off, the thought processes still revolve around the screen"

    "Whats the difference between a glass of wine and an Ativan? "

    "Marijuana caused me to lose some valuable relationships "

    "If drugs weren’t fun a lot of people wouldn’t be doing them
. But when you start making choices over your drugs vs. your relationships, there are consequences. "

    "The west coast is the best coast, but there are quite a few places on the east coast to explore!"

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Chris, against the odds, of discovered a career after 7 years in college, to finally land in a profession he was made for! He’s made mistakes along the way but has been able to course correct and become an incredible professional, husband and father!

  • Jeffrey Lineberry, DDS has been a practicing dentistry since 2000 and in recent years bought the Carolina Center for Comprehensive Dentistry in Mooresville, NC. He practices general dentistry, focusing on complex COSMETIC DENTISTRY, RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY and TMJ/TMD care.

    Quotes from this episode:

    Do you want to spend the next 30 years of your life doing what you hated or spend 20 years doing something you love.

    Life is short, if that’s what you want to do, do it.

    I would much rather be where I want to be than sit around and complain about

    If you go out of business, you can’t provide care for anybody

    If you impact one dentist life and he has 1000 patients you have impacted their lives too

    If looking for a career mentor, find someone passionate about their career.

    Good enough is when the outcome meets the effort

    It’s powerful when you surround yourself with people that believe in you

    Nothing is ever in balance, just recognize when something is out of balance and shift things over and be ok with that.

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Through hard work and perseverance Jeff has been able to be ready when an opportunity has presented itself.. Effectively being able to walk through the open door and accept the opportunity. Or as Jeff says it, "till the ground, plant the seeds and be ready when the water finds the seeds and allows them to grow."

  • Bio from Ron's Website:

    Ron always says: "do what you can't help but do."

    For me, that means exploring the natural world, photographing the people and places in it, and helping others to do the same. I'm Ron Clifford, a photographer, an educator and speaker

    Quote from this Episode:

    I was born an artist, knew it from the age of 10

    Artist asks what can I add to create a masterpiece, a Photographer asks what can I take away to create a masterpiece

    “Your job is finished, a retoucher’s job will be replaced by photoshop! 6 months later I was out of a job!”

    “Went to a full time photographer in 3 years”

    “I’m an educator, that’s what I love to do!”

    “I want to write that blog post, How I lost 3 Million followers”

    “My greatest success is the relationship I have with my children”

    “I get excited about seeing a student hit the next level!”

    “I want to be able to tell success story after success story
I want to see students reach their goals “

    “To a young Ron: Don’t take yourself so seriously and lower your expectations”

    “I need to be making a different in leveling up others along side of me.”

    “The greatest accomplishment in life is being part of humanity, contributing to others”

    Doug’s Discovered Biography

    Ron is an educator at heart and a mentor’s mentor! Ron has a unique ability to help others find their path and reach their goals.

    More info about Ron's Mentorship Plus network, head to

    Follow Ron on Instagram: and and


    and his Thriving Photographers Facebook Group:

    Thriving Photographers Facebook Group

    Watch Ron tell his story at Tedx Newmarket here:

    Theme Music by: Marklyn Retzer

  • Dr. Jerrold Diamond DDS, is a dentist in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He works at and owns Diamond Dental . Dr. Diamond enjoys playing tennis, riding his road bike and traveling the world.

    Quotes from this Episode:

    “Dentistry is always evolving, I don’t get bored because the technology we get to use is always evolving.”

    “You don’t want worries to paralyze you as worry isn’t productive “

    “You don’t know what you don’t know “

    “Dentist’s that I’ve been able to bring into the business and then succeed and help me grow themselves and the business has been rewarding”

    “Knowing what I know now, I wish I had figured it out sooner! “

    “Look nobodies perfect, we’ve all made mistakes along the way, at the end of the day, you have to live your life, because you only have so many turns around the sun.”

    “The sun’s gonna rise tomorrow, enjoy this time during quarantine to do something you’ve always wanted to do! “

    I’d like to be a Tennis World Champion in the over the 85 are bracket!

    “Being active is good for you and being active is good for you brain

    “You don’t know what the future, you don’t know what your health is going to be , you gotta make sure you enjoy the ride!”

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Jerrold has lived his life according to a plan. Whether he actually has known that plan, Jerrold has altered course when the plan required it. Living life to a plan has enabled Jerrold to live an amazing, full life, with a lot more life to live that's on the plan!

    Theme Music by: Marklyn Retzer

  • Thomas Trinkner, DDS is a cosmetic dentist in Columbia, South Carolina. Since 1985, he has provided his patients with exceptional care and personal attention. Dr. Trinkner treats patients of all ages! Although, his primary focus is treating adults who have complex dental problems and cosmetic dental concerns.

    Quote from this episode:

    “I’m decided I’m gonna go from scratch, I’m gonna pick an area, and I’m set up my own practice, In August of 1984, I opened my practice with 2 chairs, one assistant and no patients. “

    "I had to get over the fear of extreme fear of public speaking"

    "I did about 600-650 hours of CE and went all over the world to be the best dentist I could be."

    “If you could gift your child anything, Travel, food and cultures is such a powerful education
 sometimes way beyond sitting in the classroom”

    "Professionally I have earned respect from my peers
and whatever I have learned I have tried to give back."

    "Having Dad be able to see the type of dentistry we can now do and come to a couple of my lectures was rewarding

    “2% of any profession is a Master, A master learns it, does it, and teaches it”

    Doug’s Discovered Biography:

    Tom has been able to navigate his own path! He trusted his own instincts and was willing to alter the path if necessary to create the life he wanted to live!

    Theme Music by: Marklyn Retzer

  • Reese Spykerman is a conversion designer who helps businesses understand that good design is more than how you look: it’s how well that design works to improve your bottom line and relationship with customers.

    Quotes from this episode:

    “I worked on the high school paper and I loved layouts”

    “Our ability to change and pivot as the market changes is what makes our success”

    “I eat, sleep and breath this business.”

    “For me fun is not about stimulation, it’s more how can I relax..”

    “I have a hard time with success”

    “People often package things so that they only share the shiny moments”

    “Not having regrets in your life comes down to trusting yourself”

    “Im inspired by stories that are told really well”

    “I really don’t link trite and clichĂ©d phrases. “

    "Reese got fired from her job over 15 years ago and decided that a corporate job was not for her"

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Reese is an inspiration to me
 she’s been able to figure out her own path and has decided to build a career, business and life that is her own! Reese continues to shift her talent stack as the market moves!

    For more info about Reese, check out and sign up to get your 5 secret web tweaks today!

  • Dr. Bob Kaplan is a restorative and cosmetic dentist in Newton, MA. He loves the Boston Red Sox and his family! Let's meet Bob!

    Quotes from the Episode:

    “I was one of the few caddies with a set of teeth and could complete a sentence”

    “I wanted to be a dentist from the age of 6. I loved my childhood dentist”

    “I still play fast pitch softball, I refuse to play soft pitch with the old guys”

    “I regret that I didn’t become a professional baseball player”

    “You don’t want to be too smart too soon”

    “You don’t know what you’re good at until you try a bunch of things, yet you can’t really get good at something unless you really focus on that one thing.”

    “It took me years to realize know that I sucked”

    “You can’t teach people anything, you just help them learn”

    “I’m inspired by people that do the right thing and do it right”

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Bob’s been married for 42 years and has had his dental practice in the same location for 42 years as well
 Bob figured out how to surround himself with good mentors to help him build a successful, family, business and life!


    Tel: 617 964 3430

  • Jerome Cha DDS is a World Class Cosmetic dentist in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A dedicated family man and artist! I really enjoyed our podcast!

    Quotes from this episode:

    “I think anybody can be an artist
. “

    “There’s a method and technique to be proficient any art form you’re pursuing”

    “Greatest fear is running out of time”

    “The Doctor said you have 25% chance of ever walking again”

    “I ended up doing my own physical therapy, learned from YouTube”

    “Nothing I have, is as important as the well being of my family”

    “We are all gifted individually”

    “Definition of courage is facing the fear and still doing it”

    "There’s almost an addiction to be liked or fit in, when that’s taken away people lose their identity”

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Jerome is somebody who has led a thoughtful life and thought a lot about how he’s going to make an implant on the world and continues to step into his purpose!

    Jerome’s recommended book list! Amazon Affiliate Links included:

    Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

    Mindset by Carol Dweck

    David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell

    Instinct by T.D. Jakes

    Robot Proof by Joseph Aoun

    The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

    Evolve Your Brain by Joe Dispenza

    For More about Dr. Cha check out:

  • Brian Rueb is a High School art teacher and leads photophraphy workshop with the Aperture Academy all over the world

    Quotes from this Episode:

    “I didn’t appreciate art history until I understood the process”

    “Landscape photography is the easiest art form. “

    “If you have the budget you can go get an amazing portfolio”

    “Its always about the connections with people

    “I’m always able to find a new way to look at a scene”

    “I’m inspired to see the potential of my family

    “How do I get out of my own head that not being busy is ok”

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Brian values his family and his students. He continually works to improve himself so he can be a better, husband, father, and teacher! His biography is a story of finding his own place in the world to better those around him.!

    Thanks for the time Brian!

    be sure to visit Brian's Portfolio, He's an amazing artist!

    And give him a visit on Instagram:

  • Dr. Bernie Villadiego is a Cosmetic Dentist in Southern California. Bernie enjoys spending time with his family and taking photographs of incredible landscapes.

    “I feel like photography is carrying on my brother’s legacy”

    "What drives you is your passion so you have to find out what our passion is, cause you never know what the future holds

    "You don’t know what you’ve lost until you’ve lost it. "

    "We make it a point to put our phones away at dinner time "

    "I get a kick out of being scolded by my kids!"

    “Fear comes when you don’t know what expect”

    “Lost riches can always be recovered buy lost time can never be recovered”

    “Why would you want to spend time with somebody that knows less than you do!”

    “I try to hang out with people I can learn from”

    Doug's discovered biography:

    Bernie has a unique ability to connect people and influence people in ways he’s not even aware of. Bernie is able touch people , befriend and change lives.

  • Darren is a landscape photographer from Littleton, Colorado. Darren has been published in various magazines like Popular Photography, Columbia Gorge Magazine and had a mention in National Geographic Traveler. His prints have been sold worldwide and used for all kinds of media from Websites to Trade Show Backdrops.

    Quote from this episode:

    “Spent 20 years to build a sustainable photography business”

    "I was always scared of dying, until I held my Mom’s hand when she died and saw how peaceful it was, and I’m not scared of it anymore"

    "I’m inspired by the things I see in nature"

    If I stay in my house I’ll never seen anything..

    "People that are late drive me nuts!"

    "Don’t be afraid to here NO"

    "Do not care about what people think of your, the less you care the happier you’ll be"

    "Every one has to start somewhere"

    "I have always strived to as good a person as my father was"

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Darren caught glimpses of the stars from his bathroom window on the Oregon coast as a kid and fell in love with them. This led to a journey to figure out how to photograph the stars and to teach others how to do so as well! His perseverance is inspiring!

    Email Darren: [email protected]

  • Dr. Carl Steinberg is a Restorative and Cosmetic Dentist in downtown Philadelphia, PA. He is a Visiting Faculty Member at Spear Education in Scottsdale, AZ

    Quotes from this episode:

    “I enjoyed the arts and sciences and that led me to dentistry”

    “I think the best dentists are also artists”

    “When I realized the only competition was only me, peace of mind came easier”

    “What is successful is different for everybody”

    “It took me too long to make a change, I wish I had started earlier:

    “When the student is ready the Teacher will enter”

    When your young you often think people trying to help you have an ulterior motive and they may not”

    “Who you are today is not who you have to be tomorrow”

    “I’ve never had financial goals
 my goals were always related to happiness”

    “If your not happy it really doesn’t matter what you have”

    “The only person stopping you from being successful is yourself”

    Doug's Discovered Biography

    Dr. Steinberg figured out how to step in and improve his own life and that will never change.. He’s in a constant state of change and improvement. Carl is an incredible thinker, family man and member of society!

    [email protected]

    215 530 6352 give him a call!

  • Stuart Kinkade lives in Haiphong, Vietnam. Currently working for a Vietnamese Car company, Vinfast and Landscape and Travel photographer.

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Stuart has done an amazing job with his mathematical mind and the way he has figured out how to embrace his art, is inspiring.

  • Dr. Muna Strasser is a Restorative and Cosmetic Dentist in the Quad Cities area of Illinois.

    Quotes from this episode:

    "Spent 5 years in Libya, evacuated Libya to Rome, 2 weeks before Qaddafi threw all the Americans out of Libya."

    “Went to a Bedouin school in Saudi Arabia”

    “Apart from Drinking Camel milk which I didn’t like, they would let us ride their camels it was kind of a neat growing up”

    “Dad what am I going to be? You’re going to be a dentist!”

    “dentistry can be done anywhere in the world.. “

    “My office was in a building on the flight path of the plane that hit the pentagon on 9/11”

    “(in September 2001) I was on standby for forensics, and never got a call
 there was nothing identifiable

    “Living in Libya was like living under Covid”

    “Covid is like wartime Lebanon except there’s no bombs going off and there are no bodies in streets and you don’t see the skies lighting up at night..”

    “Taking time to stop and think about how good they have it, that’s a good thing”

    “Hopefully we’ll come out of COVID wiser”

    “Were just here to change the world for the better!”

    Doug's Discovered Biography:

    Dr. Strasser life experiences have enabled her to see the world and life in a way that allows her to embrace her family, friends and patients in a way no others can. I mean who went to school with the Bedouins? :)

    Thank you Dr. Strasser for the engaging and informative chat!

  • Dr. Alexander Tsui is a restorative and cosmetic dentist in New York City. 27 years ago just out of dental school he started a Non-Profit called Apex For Youth that delivers possibilities to underserved Asian and immigrant youth in NYC. Dr. Tsui is also an avid traveler, Father and Husband.

    Quotes from this episode:

    "i want to donate time to inner city kids."

'model minority myth' more than half of asian Americans are not doing well with a poverty rate.."

it’s about connecting with people on a deeper level 

    If your good at what you do and your honest and you get to know people dentistry is unexpectecdly rewarding

. Step into this machine(an airplane) if your willing to wait 24 hours and get out in a new place in the world and when you die you won’t remember that you didn’t work that week

biggest fear is to have regret at the end

 you cannot do anything alone
 you need people around you to help you grow.. "

    Doug's discovered biography:

    Alex is an amazing dentist that cares deeply for his patients and those around him. Honesty and Authenticity is what comes to mind when listening to Alex's story!

    Thank you Alex, you're an inspiration!

    To check out Alex's art check out his Instagram page:

    or to see him as a patient in NYC check out:

  • Dr. Andrew Cohen is amazing dentist that cares deeply for his patients who wants the best for them in every aspect of their care.. he’s going search for the best info he can and count on himself to get his patients the best information so they can make the best decisions. Which is exactly how he’s been able to survive and thrive in his own life.

    For more info on Dr. Cohen head to

  • John Dunkle is a Real Estate and Fine Art Landscape photographer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

    Doug's Discovered Biography from this episode: John Dunkle is an artist that is able to define the end before he begins, whether it's Photography, Business or Philanthropy. He stopped playing the game a long time ago and focused on being creative!

    Today's podcast takes a dive into the untold parts of John's Biography!

    Quote from this Episode

    "... practical experience may be more valuable than a [college degree]"

    "...I've got about 1700 kids! " (His Kids in Haiti that call him Mr. John!)

    "... some people toss $10 in the offering place which is great, for me [building orphanages] in Haiti is my $10 in the offering plate"

    ".. you can't walk down a street in Haiti without tripping over a church... kids can't eat or live in a church.. "

    ".. now is the time to explore, to push, to learn something new! "

    " We get really comfortable in what we know, now is the time to get uncomfortable and learn something new!"

    John also is the Founder and CEO of Project Rennwish( that he built with his wife Jennifer. Here's the biography from

    Mr. Dunkle graduated from Boston University in 1980 and went on to product and senior management positions within several major corporations including Nashua Corporation, Hunt Chemical Corporation, Centronics Data Computer Corporation and Genicom Corporation.

    Currently, Mr. Dunkle is founder and President of Workgroup Strategic Services, Inc., an executive management consulting and strategic planning firm. Based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, its list of clients includes many major hardware and software vendors in the United States, Europe and the Far East. Throughout the years of operation, he has consulted to dozens of senior executives within major industry manufacturers and suppliers including: IBM, Dell Computer, Hewlett-Packard/Compaq, Microsoft, Apple Computer, Xerox, Fujitsu, Sharp, Sony, Hyundai, Toshiba and a host of other major vendors and worldwide corporations.

    Within the last several years, Mr. Dunkle has been solicited and sought after as the key note speaker at technology industry conferences throughout the world including Japan, Europe and the USA.

    Mr. Dunkle with his wife Jennifer, most recently owned, operated and hosted one of the predominant and most pervasive automotive websites on the Internet - This Internet portal provides discussion forums, classifieds, Memberships and Sponsor programs for Porscheℱ enthusiasts from throughout the world. Today, the site enjoys daily visits from hundreds of thousands of users, members and enthusiasts worldwide. The site has been in continuous operation since May of 1998 and was sold to a major corporation November of 2008.

    Be sure to give John a follow on Instagram!