
  • Do you often find yourself procrastinating and struggling to stay productive? Or perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed by the rapid pace of technological change and its impact on the workplace?

    In this episode, Petr Ludwig shares realistic strategies to help you combat procrastination, create more than you consume, and prioritise self-care through better sleep, exercise, and achievable daily goals. He also provides insights on adapting to AI's role in the future workspace and the importance of a growth mindset.

    Additionally, Boo discusses his company's focus on impactful leadership, his move to Miami, and how both have influenced his approach to productivity.

    If you're looking for practical tips to boost your productivity, embrace change, and find more fulfilment in your work and life, this episode is a must-listen.

    Key Lessons:

    1. Overcome Procrastination: Find productive habits that work for you, like breaking big tasks into smaller, manageable steps and using tools like mind maps. Prioritize meaningful activities over mindless scrolling, and make time for restorative practices like power naps and short walks.

    2. Adapt to the Evolving Workplace: The future of work will be shaped by AI and technology. Develop relevant skills, stay curious, and embrace a growth mindset to keep up with changes in your field.

    3. Align with Your Purpose: Know your personal values and priorities to make better decisions and say no to activities that don't align with your goals. Identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

    4. Cultivate Intrinsic Motivation: Set small, achievable daily goals that tap into your internal drive. Build resilient teams by connecting individuals' work to their values and strengths.

    5. Learn from Life Experiences: Significant life events, even difficult ones, can be transformative in shaping your values and perspective. Reflect on these experiences, stay humble, and be open to feedback for personal growth.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Petr Ludwig

    Connect with Petr Ludwig:
    Company Website:

    Tune in for actionable advice from Petr Ludwig on overcoming procrastination and embracing the AI-driven workplace.

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo for more tips on thriving amid change.

    Share this insightful episode with colleagues seeking greater productivity.

  • Feeling stuck in a rut at work? Yearning for a more motivated team and a more fulfilling role for yourself?

    Consider this your roadmap to a better work life.

    In this episode of The Few with Boo, Louis Carter, organisational psychologist and founder and CEO of Most Loved Workplace, dives deep into creating a more positive work culture, dealing with toxic bosses, and seizing those missed opportunities that can make all the difference. You'll discover powerful strategies for driving change, rethinking leadership, and finding personal satisfaction even in the face of challenges.

    Whether you're a leader struggling with a dysfunctional team, an employee feeling burnt out, or simply someone who wants to create a more positive work environment, this episode is packed with insights into human behaviour, smarter decision-making, and achieving the work-life balance we all crave.

    Key Lessons:
    1. Revive Struggling Teams: Discover how to invest in leadership development to drive meaningful change and improve team performance.
    2. Find Personal Fulfillment: Learn how to reinvigorate yourself, pursue your passions, and make impactful life changes at any age.
    3. Build a Loved Workplace: Explore strategies for fostering deeper connections, collaboration, and mutual respect among teams.
    4. Lead in the Digital Age: Gain insights into effective leadership and engagement in a remote/virtual work environment.
    5. Master Work Relationships: Understand the "economics" of work relationships and achieve a healthy balance of give-and-take.

    Learn More: Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Louis Carter

    Connect with Louis Carter:

    Tune in and discover Louis Carter's powerful strategies for building a Loved Workplace!

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo for more insights on creating a thriving work life.

    P.S. Share this episode with anyone who needs a boost of workplace inspiration!

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  • When his children were kidnapped, Scott Lesnick could have given up hope.

    Instead, he tapped into an incredible well of persistence that redefined his life.

    In this riveting episode of The Few with Boo, Scott Lesnick, Global Leadership Keynote Speaker, and also known as the Never Give Up Guy, opens up about his harrowing experience and the mindset shifts that allowed him to achieve what most thought was impossible. Discover how he made anger his fuel, mastered his fears, and leveraged the power of community to persist against all odds.

    Key Lessons:

    Persistence Pays Off: Scott pushed through countless rejections before his big break - proof persistence opens doors.

    Motivators for Persistence: Fear of failure and laziness make us quit. Scott used anger and motivation as fuel to keep grinding.

    Building a Community: Sharing the journey, having believers, leaning on each other through ups and downs - crucial for persisting.

    The Power of Giving: Giving back and supporting others' goals creates a collaborative, uplifting spirit.

    Strength from Adversity: Pushing through hardships builds resilience and self-belief to overcome anything.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Scott Lesnick

    Connect with Scott Lesnick:

    Whether you're an entrepreneur battling uphill, a professional being tested by adversity, or simply someone striving to become the best version of yourself, this episode is a must-listen!

    P.S. Subscribe to The Few with Boo podcast and leave a review on your go-to podcast platform if you enjoyed this episode!

  • Ready to turn your business into a financial freedom machine?

    Discover how to leverage what you already have.

    In this episode of the Few with Boo, I interview Tim Calise, a coach, consultant, and investor in service businesses who has cracked the code on recurring income streams that lead to true financial freedom. His expertise lies in scaling business from the 1 to $5 million revenue space to 5 to $20 million revenue bracket. Learn specific skill sets you need to acquire, plus the top 3 needle-movers you can implement to transform your business by the end of 2024.

    Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or someone looking to take your venture to the next level, this episode is a must-listen.

    Key Lessons:

    1. Value Perception: Conduct customer research to understand and align your offerings with their perceived value.

    2. Team Development: Invest in documentation, training, and empowerment strategies to build a strong, capable team.

    3. Mindset and Transition: Shift your focus from working in the business to working on the business through delegation and strategic planning.

    4. Market Differentiation: Identify your unique value proposition and emphasise the transformative impact of your product/service.

    5. Business Optimization: Analyse and optimise critical processes, metrics, and areas of potential growth for your business.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Tim Calise

    Connect with Tim Calise:

    Discover the secrets to unlocking perpetual profits from your passion? Tune in and learn how to optimise your existing resources into sustainable recurring revenue streams.

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo for more entrepreneurial wisdom.

    P.S. Please leave a review if Tim's financial freedom blueprints lit a fire under your hustle!

  • Are there times when you’ve achieved massive career success yet still felt profoundly unfulfilled and numb inside?

    It took hitting a breaking point for John to realise he was ruthlessly chasing professional glory and neglecting the most important things in his life.

    In this continuation of host Boo’s interview with John Miles, they revisit John’s transformative journey from an unsatisfied executive to a "passionstruck" evangelist for intentional living. He opens up about the life-changing impact of prioritising relationships, well-being and serving others over the relentless pursuit of material success.

    Need a powerful wake-up call to realign your life with what truly brings happiness and meaning? You won’t want to miss this!

    Key Lessons:

    1. Don't Define Yourself by Career Success Alone - While professional achievements can be rewarding, true fulfilment comes from nurturing meaningful relationships, taking care of your physical and mental health, and finding purpose beyond just work.

    2. Rediscover Your Childhood Passions - What activities did you love as a kid before "grown-up" responsibilities took over? Reconnect with those passions and step outside your comfort zone regularly.

    3. Practice Gratitude, Help Others - Gain perspective by appreciating how fortunate you are compared to many others in the world. Count your blessings, but also pay it forward through volunteering, charitable giving, acts of service, etc.

    4. Start Small to Overcome Inertia - Having big goals is great, but it's easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis. Lower the "activation energy" by taking tiny steps every day/week towards your vision.

    5. Invite Challenges as Opportunities - Rather than shying away, lean into challenges that scare you a bit. Embracing difficulties allows you to navigate them more proactively and emerge stronger.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from John Miles

    Connect with John Miles:

    Order the book Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles To Unlock Your Purpose And Ignite Your Most Intentional Life:

    Is relentless career ambition leaving you feeling hollow inside? Gain powerful wisdom for realigning your priorities. Tune in now!

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo for more thought-provoking guests sharing transformative journeys.

    P.S. If you liked this episode, please leave us a rating and review!

  • Have you ever had a moment that shook you to your core and made you question everything?

    For our guest today, John Miles, it was a terrifying encounter that changed the trajectory of his life.

    John Miles is the author of Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life. In this episode, he opens up about how that harrowing experience transformed him from a successful but unsatisfied corporate executive to a "passionstruck" evangelist for intentional living. He shares raw insights on integrity, empowerment, and what it truly means to embrace your purpose with courage and conviction.

    If you've ever felt stuck, uninspired or wondered "Is this all there is to life?", this may just be what you need to unlock your fire and start living with intention again.

    Key Lessons:
    1. Embrace Your Purpose: A harrowing encounter prompted John Miles' life reinvention, leading him to discover the power of intentionally living with passion and perseverance.

    2. Integrity Matters: Always strive to do the right thing, even when no one's watching. Honesty and ethics aren't just feel-good concepts—they're crucial for success.

    3. Get Your People Pumped: Employees who feel engaged and empowered are more productive and deliver better customer experiences. Create a "line of sight" connecting their work to customer impact, while empowering and motivating them intrinsically.

    4. Live Passionstruck: Being "passionstruck" means relentlessly pursuing your purpose with unwavering dedication, as exemplified by John Miles' personal reinvention journey that inspired his brand.

    5. People are the Real Business: John Miles explores solving disengagement, creating a future self, and highlights this people-first approach in his book.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from John Miles

    Connect with John Miles:

    Order the book Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles To Unlock Your Purpose And Ignite Your Most Intentional Life:

    Living on autopilot or ready to reignite your passion? Tune in as John Miles shares his journey from purposeless executive to "passionstruck" evangelist after one terrifying moment.

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo Podcast for inspiration on intentional living.

    P.S. Leave a review if his story inspires you!

  • Imagine this: You're drowning in work, relationships are strained, and progress feels impossible.

    But what if the answer wasn't working harder, but working differently?

    In this episode of The Few With Boo, we dive deep into the secrets of Upside Thinking with Lisa Marie Platske, a former federal agent turned holistic leadership coach helping countless individuals and organisations reach their full potential. Discover why she no longer buys into the “hustle harder” mentality, why she embraces failure as a friend, and her simple yet powerful "SNAP" technique for making high-pressure decisions with clarity, not chaos.

    Stop hitting the same wall! Get ready to break free from limitations with leadership principles rooted in upside thinking. Tune in now!

    Key Lessons:

    1. Creating Space: Learn the importance of creating space to allow for reflection, decision-making, and strategic vision.

    2. The SNAP Technique: Explore how the Stop, Notice, Ask, Pause, Pray, Pivot method can help in making conscious decisions and reevaluating commitments.

    3. Reevaluating "Who": Understand the significance of reevaluating relationships and setting boundaries to maintain a healthy balance in personal and professional life.

    4. Pursuit of Meaning: Discover how the pursuit of meaning and self-actualization can drive personal growth and transformation.

    5. Leadership and Resilience: Gain insights on the connection between leadership, well-being, and building resilience through conscious decision-making.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Lisa

    Connect with Lisa Marie Platske:

    Ready to get that next promotion, double your revenue, or just live with more purpose? Tune in now to discover Lisa Marie’s counterintuitive "Upside Thinking" approach!

    Want more episodes packed with value? Subscribe to The Few With Boo!

    P.S. Loved Lisa's perspective? A quick review goes a long way in spreading these powerful ideas for career growth, business success, and living a more meaningful life!

  • On one of history's most terrifying days, a blind man working high up in the World Trade Center faced unimaginable danger.

    But his extraordinary story is one of not just survival, but of bravely guiding an entire group of people to safety.

    In this episode of "The Few with Boo", host Boo sits down with Michael Hingson to unpack his harrowing experience during the 9/11 attacks. Hingson's heroic actions that day are all thanks to the special bond he shared with his guide dog, Roselle, and the power of trust, teamwork, and a calm mindset.

    Tune in to hear Hingson's inspiring story and discover the resilience of the human spirit, and the importance of embracing trust, even in the darkest of times.

    Key Lessons:
    1. The Power of Trust and Teamwork: Learn how trust and teamwork became crucial during the 9/11 attacks, as Michael Hingson and his guide dog, Roselle, navigated the chaos and ensured their safety.

    2. Thriving in Challenging Situations: Discover valuable advice from Michael Hingson on controlling fear, knowing emergency exits, and remaining calm in high-stress environments.

    3. From Victim to Victor: Hear Hingson's perspective on choosing not to let negative experiences define him and how he promotes positivity and an unstoppable mindset.

    4. Unconditional Love and Conditional Trust: Understand the profound lessons Hingson has learned from his guide dogs about unconditional love and conditional trust, which have greatly impacted his life.

    5. Inclusion, Diversity, and Unexpected Experiences: Get a sneak peek into Michael Hingson's upcoming podcast episode on these important topics and the vital part they play in our lives.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Angelina Rosario.

    Connect with Michael Hingson:

    Discover the unbreakable bond that saved lives on 9/11. Hear Michael Hingson's remarkable story - tune in now.

    Be sure to subscribe to The Few with Boo to get more inspiring tales of courage and resilience.

    P.S. Moved by Michael's story of blind faith and resilience? Pay it forward by leaving us a rating and review to help us share these transformative conversations!

  • Imagine waking up to the news that you have a large cancerous tumour on your face, and you only have 30 days to get it removed before it permanently disfigured you.

    That's the reality our guest Angelina Rosario faced.

    In this episode of The Few with Boo podcast, Angelina bravely opens up about this unimaginable experience. She takes us on an intimate journey, sharing how she confronted her deepest fears and tapped into incredible inner strength to overcome this devastating challenge.

    Her story is a powerful testament to human resilience. From cultivating key success habits to maintaining a positive mindset, she demonstrates the transformative impact we can have when we refuse to let adversity define us.

    Ready to be inspired, motivated and empowered? Tune in to listen to Angelina’s firsthand experience now!

    Key Lessons:

    1. Unlock the Power of Positive Thinking and Proven Habits: Angelina's use of visualisation, affirmations, along with journaling, prayer, and meditation demonstrate the profound impact our mindset and daily practices can have on overcoming challenges. She shares practical techniques we can all use.

    2.Face Adversity with Strength and Resilience: Angelina's journey demonstrates the incredible strength that comes from confronting challenges head-on. She teaches us how to cultivate resilience and determination.

    3. Master Your Thoughts and Emotions: Angelina offers a technique for quickly diffusing negative emotions. This provides valuable insight into managing our responses and staying positive, even in difficulty.

    4. Find Healing in Meaning and Spirituality: Angelina's focus on finding meaning and spiritual connection illustrates how a sense of purpose can transform the healing process. Her experience inspires us to explore these transformative elements.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Angelina Rosario.

    Connect with Angelina Rosario:

    Ready to confront adversity and unlock your own inner strength? Tune in to hear Angelina Rosario's remarkable journey - it just might be the inspiration you need to start conquering your own challenges.

    Be sure to subscribe to The Few with Boo Podcast so you never miss empowering stories from guests like Angelina.

    P.S. If Angelina's resilience and practical tips struck a chord, we'd be so grateful if you took a moment to leave a review. It helps spread these transformative conversations to an even wider audience.

  • What if the key to healing trauma was a treatment that most dismiss or avoid?

    In this episode of "The Few With Boo, host Boo speaks with Matthew “Whiz” Buckley, a former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, about his experience in the military, the world of trading, his struggles with mental health, trauma, and addiction, and founding the No Fallen Heroes organisation to combat veteran suicide.

    Matthew shares the transformative potential of sacred plant medicines like psychedelics for treating PTSD and depression in Veterans and First Responders, while confronting the stigmas and barriers around these therapies, especially in highly regulated fields like aviation.

    This episode will make you rethink healing, the definition of success, and the boundaries of modern mental health treatments. Ready to shift your perspectives on trauma, addiction recovery, and the pursuit of a meaningful mission? Tune in now!

    Key Lessons:

    1. Embrace Transformative Experiences - Don't be afraid to let life-changing moments reshape who you are, even if it means rethinking beliefs you once held dear.

    2. Redefine Success - Stop measuring your worth by money or status alone. True satisfaction comes from doing work that improves people's lives in a meaningful way.

    3. Confront Stigmas - Have the guts to challenge unfair preconceptions, especially in careers with strict rules, that prevent people from getting help they could really benefit from.

    4. Heal Past Wounds - The No Fallen Heroes Foundation offers comprehensive healing solutions to at-risk groups like Vets and First Responders disproportionately affected by PTSD, depression and suicidal thoughts.

    5. Shift Cultural Narratives - Help shift society's mindset by spreading accurate info on the real-world advantages of alternative treatments, while calling out misinformation from opposing groups.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Matthew Buckley.

    Connect with Matthew Buckley:

    Learn more about the No Fallen Heroes Foundation:

    Interested in learning more about alternative healing approaches for those impacted by trauma? Tune in to this powerful episode!

    Be sure to subscribe to The Few with Boo Podcast so you never miss insights from inspirational guests.

    P.S. Feeling inspired by our topics on healing and personal growth? We'd love to hear from you! A rating and review goes a long way in helping us share these meaningful discussions with a wider audience.

  • What if a single technology could significantly boost your creativity, decision-making, and productivity? That catalyst exists in the form of artificial intelligence (AI).

    In this episode of The Few With Boo, we talk to Kevin Surace, a visionary innovator and keynote speaker with 94 patents and a billion-dollar company under his belt. Kevin shares his expertise on AI's vast capabilities and how applying this technology can elevate your success while bringing more joy to your work and life.

    From leveraging AI's potential to addressing future regulatory needs, Kevin's valuable insights will broaden your perspective. Learn how to thrive in an AI-driven landscape, whether you're an entrepreneur, creative professional, or tech enthusiast.

    Explore the possibilities as you tune in to this thought-provoking discussion on AI's power to shape our future.

    Key Lessons:
    1.The Joy-Success Feedback Loop: Kevin Surace highlights how maintaining a joyful, present mindset can positively influence your professional and personal success.

    2. AI Boosts Content Creation: Leveraging AI can generate fresh ideas and content, amplifying creativity while increasing business productivity and competitiveness.

    3. AI's Emotional Intelligence: Explore AI's potential to understand and respond to human emotions, as well as its decision-making capabilities and role in personalised assistance.

    4. AI Drives Innovation: Kevin shares insights on generative AI that interfaces through natural language, revolutionising problem-solving across industries.

    5. Stay Relevant with AI: Mastering AI tools can help prevent professional obsolescence by personalising them to your style and boosting productivity.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Kevin Surace.

    Connect with Kevin Surace:
    X / Twitter:

    Ted Talk on Eco-Friendly Drywall:
    Ted Talk on Robotics, AI, the End of Human Work, and a Renaissance:

    Ready to embrace the transformative power of AI?

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo Podcast to stay ahead of the artificial intelligence revolution.

    P.S. If you found Kevin Surace's insights on AI's vast potential enlightening, pay it forward by leaving a rating and review. Help us spread the word on mastering innovation and staying ahead of the curve!

  • The future often feels like a wild card, constantly disrupting even the best-laid plans.

    But what if you could see those disruptions coming and turn them into game-changing opportunities?

    Join host Boo as he picks the brain of Daniel Burrus, a world-renowned expert at predicting technological change and driving innovation transformations. Daniel has helped thousands of top companies get ahead of the future.

    In this conversation, Daniel breaks down his strategy for separating the certainties from the assumptions about what's to come. With this powerful skill, you can anticipate disruptions before they disrupt and take decisive action to capitalise on them.

    His visionary strategies will have you finding golden opportunities in every disruption. Tune in to the episode now!

    Key Lessons:

    1. Hard vs Soft Trends - Learn to separate hard trends (future facts) from soft trends (assumptions). This skill lets you anticipate and act on real opportunities with clarity and confidence.

    2. Spot Black Swans Before Impact - "Black swans" are surprise events with big impacts. Tools like satellites gave early warnings of COVID-19. Adopt predictive technologies to see disruptions coming and get ahead of them.

    3. Leverage Moore's Law - Processing power doubles every 18 months - this is Moore's Law. Use it to forecast tech advances and find new business opportunities before competitors.

    4. Align Belief Systems for Confident Action - Burrus highlights how our beliefs powerfully shape decisions and actions. Evaluate and align your beliefs with hard trends to drive confident, positive change.

    5. Timing is Everything - Perfect timing is crucial for capitalising on opportunities. Use hard trends to identify and act on market shifts early with strategic foresight.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Daniel Burrus.

    Connect with Daniel Burrus:
    X / Twitter:

    Daniel Burrus’s Books:
    The Anticipatory Organization: Turn Disruption and Change into Opportunity and Advantage

    Flash Foresight: How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible

    Free AI Strategy Report -

    Ready to stop reacting to change and start capitalising on it?

    Subscribe to The Few with Boo Podcast for more insightful discussions and expert advice on navigating the ever-changing business landscape!

    P.S. Love what you heard? Rate and review the podcast on your preferred podcast platform to help us empower more leaders like you!

  • Ever feel like your dreams are trapped behind a wall of excuses? Lack of skills, bad timing, life throwing curveballs... the list goes on.

    But what if the real challenge isn't the wall, but your ability to climb it?

    Join host Boo as he chats with Chad Hymas, a world-class athlete, bestselling author, and motivational speaker who defied limitations after becoming a quadriplegic at 27.

    In this mind-blowing conversation, Chad shares hard-earned insights into developing the unwavering resilience to transform your wildest ambitions into reality, no matter what obstacles life throws your way.

    Get ready to start chasing the impossible.

    Key Lessons:

    1. Embrace Change and Adapt: Chad talks about why it's important to change your thinking and how you act when things change around you. He shows how embracing change can help you grow. Challenge yourself to try one new thing each week to stay adaptable!

    2. Perspective is Everything: Through Chad's story, you'll learn how seeing things differently and setting new goals when life throws you a curveball can make a big difference. Shifting your perspective can help you feel more in control and happier!

    3. The Power of Selflessness: Chad shares how working together and being selfless has not only helped him but also built strong connections and gotten him help from others along the way. Being selfless is a win-win! You help others, and they help you too!

    4. Strength in Gratitude and Affirmations: Learn how feeling grateful and positive self-talk can change your beliefs and how you act. Chad talks about the power of reflecting on your life and saying positive things to yourself.

    5. Choose Your Belief System: Chad shares how the things you believe in strongly affect your actions and what happens in your life. What kind of beliefs do you have? Are they helping you reach your goals?

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Chad Hymas.

    Connect with Chad Hymas:
    X / Twitter:

    Ready to demolish your excuses and finally chase those impossible dreams? Listen now as Chad Hymas provides the blueprint for unshakable resilience!

    P.S. Love what you heard? Rate and review the podcast on your preferred podcast platform to help us empower more leaders like you!

  • Have you ever wondered what separates the high achievers from the rest? What key unlocks peak performance and propels individuals and organizations to success? The answer lies not in some hidden formula but in actionable strategies that cultivate ambition, collaboration, and drive for excellence.

    In this episode of "The Few with Boo," host Boo sits down with Walter Bond, Co-Founder of the Peak Performance Huddle, to discuss the importance of peak performance in both personal and professional settings. Walter, a former NBA player turned hall-of-fame motivational speaker, shares his insights on setting audacious goals, building a supportive community, and adopting a coaching mindset. Through his own experiences, Walter emphasizes the transformative power of striving for excellence and surrounding oneself with the right people.

    Key Lessons:
    The 5 Actionable strategies for achieving peak performance in life or business:

    1. Set audacious goals: Aim for exceptional, inspiring goals rather than settling for ordinary ones. Setting audacious goals can spark innovation, creativity, and passion, driving you towards peak performance.

    2. Embrace a coaching mentality: Whether you're a leader in business or an individual seeking growth, adopt a coaching mindset. Create a coaching culture that focuses on mentorship, advice, and supporting others to achieve excellence.

    3. Surround yourself with the right people: Success is a team sport. Building a supportive community and surrounding yourself with individuals who share your vision and values can provide the motivation and encouragement needed to achieve greatness.

    4. Get into the people business: Understand that regardless of your industry or profession, you are ultimately in the people business. Focus on building relationships, inspiring camaraderie, and fostering a positive culture within your organization.

    5. Seek balance in giving and receiving: Be open to both mentoring others and being mentored yourself. Pursue ongoing personal development through coaches and advisors while also sharing your knowledge and experiences with others.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Walter Bond.

    Connect with Walter Bond:

    If you're committed to embracing peak performance and want to glean wisdom from a true champion, tune in to this episode now!

    P.S. Love what you heard? Rate and review the podcast on your preferred podcast platform to help us empower more leaders like you!

  • We all have dreams about the life we wish we could be living.

    But somehow, despite our best intentions, we often find ourselves stuck, unable to shift into that next gear we know exists within us.

    In this episode of “The Few with Boo,” host Boo explores the keys to success with internationally renowned speaker, author, and life coach Ron Frost. Drawing on decades of mentoring high achievers, Ron reveals his proven formula for getting unstuck and unlocking your full potential. Learn how to break through fear and self-doubt to become the person you were meant to be and start taking powerful action to create the richly rewarding life you deserve.

    Key Lessons:

    To effectively get UnStuck, Ron Frost outlines three key components:

    1. Clarity: Understanding oneself and one's purpose is fundamental. Being self-aware, conscious of thoughts and emotions, and creating moments of inner stillness are essential to gaining clarity.

    2. Focus: Consistent focus is vital to staying committed to one's purpose. Establishing supportive habits, a structured routine, and being accountable play significant roles in maintaining focus. Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals and leveraging tools like calendars aid in sustaining focus.

    3. Action: Executing purpose-aligned actions is imperative. Overcoming barriers like negative self-talk, distractions, and unconscious biases is crucial. Practising self-accountability, seeking support from an accountability partner, and monitoring limiting self-dialogue are keys to taking necessary steps forward

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Ron Frost.

    Connect with Ron Frost:
    Website -
    Email - [email protected]

    Tired of settling for less? Join Boo and Ron for an insightful conversation that could finally set you on the path toward the life you desire. Hit play now!

    P.S. Love what you heard? Rate and review the podcast on your preferred podcast platform to help us empower more leaders like you!

  • Leadership isn’t just about fancy speeches and corner offices.

    It's also about facing everyday fears, from awkward feedback sessions to standing up for what you believe in.

    In this episode of “The Few with Boo,” host Boo sits down with internationally renowned speaker, author and leadership development consultant Amy Riley on what it takes to lead with authenticity, grit, and grace. Drawing from her rich experiences as a leader and mother, Amy explains how courage is a daily practice - built through small acts of valour and vulnerability.

    Stop letting fear hold you back! If you’re ready to step up and lead with heart, listening to this episode might help you. Tune in to the episode now!

    Key Lessons
    The 4 Pillars of Courageous Leadership:

    1. Courage to be Honest - Make a list of your strengths and unique value you provide. Identify where you are weak or have made mistakes.

    2. Courage to Say What Needs to be Said - Explore the belief that you can deliver any message to anyone if you get clear on the positive intentions behind it.

    3. Courage to Trust Your Leadership Legacy - Define the purpose and passions driving your leadership. Your legacy could be streamlining processes, solving complex problems, fostering innovation, etc.

    4. Courage to be Bold and Create the Extraordinary - Move from reactive to proactive leadership focused on your "big rocks." Identify key tasks and actions that will advance your most important goals and priorities this week. Get clear on what you really want to accomplish in life and take bold steps to make it happen.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Amy Riley.

    Connect with Amy Riley:
    Website -
    Podcast -
    LinkedIn -
    Instagram -
    YouTube -
    Book - The Courage of a Leader

    Ready to trade fear for courage and unleash your inner leader? Tune in to this episode now!

    P.S. Love what you heard? Rate and review the podcast on your preferred podcast platform to help us empower more leaders like you!

  • So you want to crack the code to entrepreneurial success?

    It’s not enough to hustle hard or have a great vision. You need real strategies, the proper mindset, and key foundational principles to build a legacy, not just a business.

    In this episode of "The Few with Boo," we break down the insider secrets of what it takes to be a highly successful entrepreneur with host Boo and his guest Chaz Wolfe. Chaz is a high-performing serial entrepreneur and host of Gathering the Kings Podcast.

    Get ready to learn Chaz’s refreshing take on business failures, his advice for thriving amidst any adversity, the three crucial stages every entrepreneur goes through, and his framework for dominating as an elite player.

    Whether you're just getting started on your entrepreneurial journey or you've been at it for a minute, this episode drops the cheat codes you need to take your business to the next level.

    Key Lessons:

    1. Clarify Your Purpose: Take the time to clearly define your purpose, encompassing both your family and business goals. This clarity can help guide your decisions and actions, aligning them with your overall vision.

    2. Embrace Self-Awareness and Reflection: Incorporate daily, weekly, and monthly reflection to gain a deeper understanding of your actions, decisions, and failures. Having this self-awareness can help you identify areas for improvement and develop a more intentional approach to your journey.

    3. Join a Supportive Peer Group: Seek out a peer group that can challenge, inspire, and support your personal and professional growth. Building a strong network of individuals who can elevate your journey can accelerate your success and provide valuable perspectives.

    4. Invest in Intentional Growth: Intentionally invest in the growth of your marriage and familial relationships. Align your personal identity as a builder with the purpose of nurturing and developing your family, finding fulfilment in their growth and success.

    5. Control the Controllables: Focus your energy on what you can control, whether it's in your business, personal life, or financial decisions. By making strategic moves and maintaining an optimistic mindset, you can navigate uncertainties and work towards overall success.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Chaz Wolfe.

    Connect with Chaz Wolfe:
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    Gathering the Kings Podcast:

  • Eager to be a trailblazing force for good?

    Take the first step by mastering yourself first. It's the foundation that empowers you to transform teams and make a meaningful impact on the world.

    In this episode of "The Few With Boo," join host Boo and special guest Andrew Bryant. Andrew is a renowned global keynote speaker, executive coach, and author of the books "Self Leadership: How to Become A More Successful Efficient, and Effective Leader from the Inside Out" and "The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human Whilst Successfully Delivering Accelerated Results."

    Drawing from his experience as a physiotherapist working with high-performing athletes and his current role coaching C-level executives and entrepreneurs, Andrew shares invaluable insights on behaviour change, self-awareness, and unlocking human potential.

    Ready to become the influential leader you've always aspired to be? Tune in to "The Few With Boo" and join the conversation with Boo and Andrew Bryant now!

    Key Lessons:

    1. Practice Self-Reflection and Self-Coaching: Take time to reflect on your own behaviours and patterns, and consider seeking guidance from a coach to help change learned behaviours and mindset.

    2. Visualise Your Best Possible Self: Utilise visualisation techniques to project your desired future self and align your thoughts and actions with that vision.

    3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace constant improvement rather than chasing perfection, and shift your mindset towards growth and development in all aspects of life.

    4. Foster Accountability: Surround yourself with an accountability buddy or peer group to provide feedback and challenge blind spots, promoting self-awareness and growth.

    5. Engage in Constructive Conversations: Prioritise open and meaningful conversations to drive leadership, embrace clear expectations, and facilitate positive behavioural changes in yourself and others.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Andrew Bryant.

    Connect with Andrew Bryant:
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    Uncover actionable advice that will empower you to master self-leadership, unleash your potential, and make a lasting impact as a leader. Your leadership journey starts here - don't miss out!

  • Tired of feeling like a hostage to your weight, energy, and unhealthy habits?

    Discover the secrets to unlocking peak physical, mental, and emotional health with Keto Kamp founder and health educator Ben Azadi.

    Millions struggle with weight, low energy, and disordered eating, feeling trapped in a cycle of frustration and failure. My guest Ben Azadi, once battling obesity and depression himself, shed 80 lbs of fat and cracked the code to sustainable health.

    Now, he's here to empower you to take ownership of your journey. Tune into this episode as we explore everything from leveraging fasting and keto for fat adaptation to optimising sleep, taming stress, and tracking key metrics for lasting metabolic health.

    Whether you want to lose weight, reverse diabetes, or simply have more energy each day, this episode will shift your mindset around what’s possible.

    Key Lessons:

    1. Take Ownership of Your Health Journey: Learn from Ben Azadi's inspiring transformation and understand the importance of personal responsibility and making consistent, incremental changes for long-term success in health and wellness.

    2. Celebrate Non-Scale Victories: Shift your focus from solely relying on weight loss as a measure of progress and embrace non-scale victories and long-term efforts as indicators of success on your health journey.

    3. Harness the Power of Metabolic Flexibility: Discover the significance of becoming metabolically flexible and achieving fat adaptation. Follow Ben Azadi's advice on gradually reducing carb intake, monitoring metabolic health, and incorporating diverse fasting schedules to optimise energy levels and curb cravings.

    4. Prioritise Quality Sleep: Recognize the vital role of sleep in overall health and weight management. Strive for a minimum of 1.5 hours of REM and deep sleep each night. Consider using sleep trackers to monitor sleep patterns and ensure sufficient rest for effective fat burning and sustained energy.

    5. Manage Stress Effectively: Evaluate your body's response to stress by measuring heart rate variability (HRV). Work towards increasing HRV, which may indicate improved stress adaptation. Incorporate technology to track HRV and better understand how stress impacts your body.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Ben Azadi

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    Gain valuable insights on achieving optimal health and become one of the few who have truly mastered their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Don't miss out on this enriching conversation on the Few with Boo today!

  • Ever wondered what it's like to soar above the clouds at 70,000 feet? How that rarefied perspective shapes one’s outlook on life and work below?

    Join me as former Air Force U-2 reconnaissance pilot Robert Haines shares his journey navigating high-altitude missions and thriving beyond in business.

    Prepare to be inspired and captivated as Boo sits down with Robert Haines, former Air Force U-2 reconnaissance pilot, and President and Owner of The Alternative Board (TAB) worldwide.

    In our wide-ranging conversation, you’ll discover unseen parallels between flying classified military missions and building top-tier businesses as Robert reflects candidly on managing life at the limits.

    Whether you're an aviation enthusiast, a business owner, or simply someone seeking inspiration, this conversation reaches new heights. Discover the extraordinary wisdom awaiting above the ordinary.

    Key Lessons:

    1. Have a Clear Vision and Surround Yourself With the Right People: Ensure your vision for your life or business is embedded in your heart and mind, and seek out individuals who support and align with your goals.

    2. Embrace Self-Reflection and Debriefing: Incorporate deliberate self-reflection and debriefing into your personal and professional life. This can help identify mistakes, learn from experiences, and improve decision-making in both aviation and business contexts.

    3. Seek Peer Support and Accountability: Join a peer group or network where you can openly share challenges, ask critical questions, and benefit from diverse perspectives. This can provide accountability, a safe space for sharing, and opportunities to think and act differently.

    4. Do Not Underestimate the Value of Persistence: Believe in what you're doing, do not take rejection as a sign to give up, and take consistent daily actions toward turning your vision into reality.

    Learn More:
    Visit The Few With Boo website to find additional resources, related episodes, and more valuable content from Robert Haines

    Connect with Robert Haines:
    LinkedIn -
    The Alternative Board -

    Tune in to this insightful episode of The Few with Boo and explore the empowering lessons and thought-provoking discussions that will leave you inspired and motivated to pursue your own vision and overcome challenges in pursuit of success.