Happy Winter Solstice everyone, welcome to the darkest moments of the year and an invitation into deep hibernation.
This bonus episode is a reflection over the past year, the incredible conversations, insights I've received and the wild creative growth the has occurred.
I talk about...
The Wild Creativity Retreat that I'm holding next October in Ithaki, Greece.
My Etsy Shop and how my art practice and belief in myself as an ARTIST has evolved this year.
My Instagram feed as a place to see me share my process on a day to day basis.
The potential and intention to hold in person Ceremonial Creative spaces in Colchester in the New Year - watch this space!
A promised update to my website which will be more reflective of the balance of work that I'm now doing.
And much more...
Happy festive break everyone, sending you Wild Creative Love.
Please do get in touch with me with suggestions or comments, I’d love to hear from you at
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In this episode I speak with Dr Helen Beckett Wilson and Dr Lindsey Metcalf McGrath from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) who have been studying the experiences of people who have been prescribed medical cannabis in the UK. Their project is called MedCan.
Medical Cannabis has been legal to prescribe since 2018, but it’s estimated that under 5 people have received it though the NHS.
The study we have gathered to talk about is called “It’s a big added stress on top of being so ill”, a direct quote from a participant.
I have collaborated with them to create a short impactful video that shares an insight into the real life stories that they’ve uncovered, and now we’re here to discuss the backstory, how they did it, how the creative aspect fitted in and how it will be used.
This conversation is such a beautiful revelation of how academic studies, that can sometimes be perceived as stuffy and highbrow, are intrinsically creative in their nature (particularly qualitative studies from a sociological point of view), and how through creative output we get to share their powerful findings with a wider audience. And that’s how we make change.
If you find this one interesting, go back and listen to my conversation with Dr Sara Baumann as well, discussing the power of collaboration and embedding creativity into processes within an academic setting.
To find out more about the MedCan project, follow them on Instagram:
The film is launched on 3rd November 2023 and will be available to watch on YouTube. All links needed can be found in MedCan’s Linktree here:
Please do get in touch with me with suggestions or comments, I’d love to hear from you at
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
TW: there is mention of sexual assault in this episode, please take care of yourself and avoid this one if that is a not a topic you can hear about.
It was through Nya’s determination and following her creative path that inadvertently introduced me to the Moon Phase Goddesses in 2020 (her relationship with them has been much longer - 7 years of research happened before she launched her deck in 2018) I’m so pleased to bring you this episode where we explore her experiences on this challenging and fulfilling adventure, and the creative life she has built.
We discuss what brought her to the Moon Phase goddesses and her love of yoga.
Nya tells us what happened when she told her parents that she wanted to be an artist and how that unfolded.
We discuss the gritty aspects of life that perhaps draw us to explore and discover things that challenge the social constructs. The things that inspire us to ask questions.
Nya talks openly about the balance of creative work that’s for financial stability and creative work that’s a heart call.
She shares about the experience of menopause and how that has impacted her approach.
It’s real, it’s raw and it was so inspiring to me so I hope it is for you too.
References in conversation:
Uma Dinsmore Tuli -
Laura Amazzone -
Yogini: Unfolding the Goddess within - Shambhavi Chopra
Women who run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity -
Madhu Khanna
Grace and Mercy in Her Wild Hair : Selected Poems to the Mother Goddess - Ramprasad Sen
Nya says:
I have some free Yoga Nidra Meditations on Insight Timer
I have a lot of videos on my YouTube Channel.
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Please do get in touch with me with suggestions or comments, I’d love to hear from you at
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A short check-in with Sophie amid the sounds of waves lapping at the beach.
Includes reflections on releasing of control and plans to find the magic right in front of us, the power of finding our own ways to prevent stagnancy (hopefully without using it as an avoidance tool) and a story about the goats who come and interrupt the conversation - so there was a special guest after all! AND a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT about the planning of a Wild Creativity retreat next year on the island of Ithaca, Greece.
Stay tuned for two more powerful conversations within this series.
Lots of love,
P.S. To register super super early interest in the retreat in October 2024 and make sure you're the first to hear anything, send me an email or a DM, There will only be 6 places and it's already shaping up to be pretty special.
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Take this as an extra little gift!!
An extended excerpt from the conversation between Heather and Sophie previously unheard.
Our conversation was so long and juicy when we originally recorded that I cut it down a little bit so it didn't exceed one and a half hours.
This is Heather's extended answer to my question around how we can release our creative good girl and people pleasing tendencies. Slowly Slowly. There's so much goodness in there it deserves its own little space!
There may not be a podcast with the Full Moon this week (29th September 2024) as the last two guests in the series are proving difficult to pin down! But it will come as soon as it's ready!
Lots of love
Find Heather:
@vulvaluvclub on Instagram
Join her Patreon circle for as little as £1
Please do get in touch with me with suggestions or comments, I’d love to hear from you at
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Join Sophie this Virgo New Moon as she talks to Heather Loweena, founder of Vulva Luv Club (among many other exciting ventures) about the pursuit of holistic pleasure as a form of activism and cultivating nourishing modern-day congregations.
Heather Loweena (they/she) has two big passions: connection and pleasure seeking.
She has been exploring the tools and resources available to us that can help to support and nurture our overall wellbeing. Her recovery journey began following a few bouts of burnout. The symptoms led me to discover the magic found in of our bodies through BODYWORK
What’s important to Heather? Creating a trauma informed space with pleasure, comfort and wellbeing at the core. She is keen to hold space to indulge in our inner most divine selves, like sirens bathing in a rich caramel-like, golden waterfall. (Heather’s amazing words which we touch on in our conversation).
We discuss our own journeys through trauma and burn out, that in different ways, guided us to pleasure.
We discuss how we met and connected in person!!
And weaving throughout this whole conversation is the theme of sitting in our own ‘filth’, our own story, our own conditionings - essentially being willing to meet and explore our trauma - as a portal to deepening connection and personal understanding of creativity AND pleasure - which are so deeply connected they may even be ONE.
Enjoy it, we’d love to hear about how it touched you.
Find Heather:
@vulvaluvclub on Instagram
Join her Patreon circle for as little as £1
Please do get in touch with me with suggestions or comments, I’d love to hear from you at
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This Full Moon we dive straight into our conversation with Dr Sara Baumann, who I have been working alongside in different capacities since 2020 - we talk about more in the conversation.
This is the bio that I refer to at the beginning of the episode that had me like YES, this is why we are so aligned with our work, even though we come at it from different angles…
“Sara Baumann is a global health, mixed methods researcher with primary research interests in 1) participatory, arts-based, and visual research methods, 2) women’s and adolescent reproductive health, and 3) mental health. She has over 13 years of experience conducting research and programming in health and development in South Asia, with a current focus on Nepal. Her research agenda embraces community-engaged methods and developing evidence-based approaches for improving social determinants of health.”
Join us as we discuss Sara’s journey from film-maker to health researcher and back again, and how she’s created a wonderful purpose-driven happy medium with research projects that use the Collaborative Filmmaking method that she has developed to explore our relationships with health and emotions.
We share how that actually translates in the world, particularly within the examples of work that we have done and are doing together. This is not just a theory!
We celebrate the power of consistently giving the power back, of reflecting the value of those that we are working with, and hearing the voices of marginalised and socially shunted groups over prolonged periods of time… another key to sustainability and constant reassurance for the participant of their expertise. It really is an undoing of the old hierarchical ways!
Find out more and download the handbook at
We have both worked together on Dignity without Danger with Dr Sara Parker of LJMU, who we reference:
To see the Visualising Loss logo that we created last year for a current research project:
More of the graphics and illustrations will be revealed for this project by Christmas!
Do get in touch with either of us to continue this conversation or to discuss the potential of appearing in Sara’s Can Art Heal Module if that feels like you!
Happy Full Moon everyone!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Happy New Moon! In this episode it's just me, Sophie, again as I take a moment to reflect on the power of the conversations we have had so far - huge gratitude to Tamara, Vero and Laura, they really have been so insightful and inspiring!!
I turn the questions that I've been sending to our guests to date on myself, as I realised that I haven't vocalised my answers and current experiences around these topics. They are ever changing and developing and this feels like the perfect moment to share where I'm at, how I currently view myself and how my conditioning is unravelling.
I explain how I show up in the world right now.
I unpack the ways that my creative magic shows up in my life, what my work looks like and how it does essentially all tie together.
I share memories that encouraged me to be creative - my creative breadcrumbs!
I look at things that challenged my creative growth, and the biggest blocks to being my true creative self.
I can see how my good girl conditioning and perfectionism has massively effected my approach to creativity, and how I am questioning the familial and societal structures that I want to subscribe to.
I describe what I would say to someone who has realised that their creative expression is ‘playing safe’ so as not to offend people, or trying to gain approval from an external source.
I share where you can find me and connect with my work and how I realise and work with my limitations too!
Next episode more guests will be arriving... wait for it!
Grateful for this organic hiatus and reflection.
Happy New Moon everyone.
Please do get in touch with me with questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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This Full Moon join Laura Edralin and I as we delve into the converging worlds of creativity, connection and mental health.
Laura is a calligraphy artist, happiness facilitator and qualified wellbeing coach, based in West London with her husband and two young children.
She started her business, Laura Letters Life, after the practice of calligraphy was an integral part of her recovery and reconnection after experiencing high levels of anxiety.
In our conversation we discuss the fear and perceived obstacles of leaving the safety of a predictable career to pursue a more creative life, a life that seems to be calling us. We explore Laura’s letting go of expectations around how that creative business would ‘look’ and instead listening to the whispers of what feels good and inspiring… for her that was to facilitate creative spaces where she was able to share this joy.
We touch on the creativity that is present in everyday lives; the creativity that it takes to build a life, and how having a creative practice can help to recognise that more deeply. We celebrate the juiciness of transition phases, even in their discomfort!
We talk about family history and family life in the context of being a creative, and of raising children in a way that aims to encourage their autonomy and for them to see parents and caregivers are infallible humans rather than perfect creatures.
And, almost inevitably, we come back time and time again to creativity as a guide and a metaphor for the experience of human life, and as a tool to find ourselves in amongst the hubbub.
Watch the intro video about Laura here:
Laura’s website:
Laura’s instagram:
Please do get in touch with either of us with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.
I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This New Moon I am honoured to be releasing this inspiring conversation that I had with Vero Coya. Vero is an artist, singer, freelance illustrator, hand-poked tattooist and occasional muralist. As we talk, she identifies herself as an all round softie and this is a theme that threads through our conversation as something we both relate to and are learning to work with - maybe even recognising it as a superpower!
We explore the diversity and the nuance involved in being a creative in business who is simultaneously overjoyed to be sharing her work in the world AND learning to parent it - striving to protect it's divinity and the purity of what wants to be created.
We touch upon the challenges of being highly empathetic and anxious humans that KNOW that we are multiple things in any one moment - constantly changing - living in a world that wants us to tick a few boxes and stay within those parameters, making sure we DON’T change and confuse people.
We talk about the opportunities we have as artists in this quickly evolving world to set new standards of openness, of inclusivity and of support. For letting go of the scarcity mindset. For continuously championing the value of creativity and helping those who are starting out; Vero has recently created and launched a course for digital artists (see link below).
We acknowledge that we are constantly evolving, personally and creatively, and it’s not possible to ‘go back’. As Tamara of Wild Sky Sisters from my previous episode would say… ‘the only way out is through’.
In our episode Vero and I mention lovely Nina, Studio GRL, who can be found here:
And I mention Glennon Doyle’s amazing work too:
Vero can be found here:
Her new course is here:
Please do get in touch with either of us with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.
I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On this first episode of season two of The Firefly Creatrix podcast I am speaking with Tamara, one of the Wild Sky Sisters about her experiences of reclaiming wild creativity… and what even is wild creativity? What can it look like? There are no definitions here, but the conversation opens up and embrace the notion that creativity exists in so many places, not just where we were ‘trained’ to look for it.
This is a conversation full of gems, of navigating this one wild and precious life together, of sisterhood and real, true collaboration where everyone gets to shine in their own unique way. Of the hurdles, the blocks, the challenges, the power of tears and release, and of the collective uprising into a new world of creativity that we find ourselves in.
Tamara and I met on Red School’s online Wild Power course and instantly connected over similar experiences with working within women’s empowerment movements in Nepal and simultaneously in our own societies. And that was the start of a beautiful and ongoing friendship.
In 2020 Wild Sky Sisters was born and I created the logo for Tamara and Ang which we are all still in love with.
Join us for this conversation of friendship, twists and turns, vulnerable shares, musings and breaking glass ceilings of how we get to show up. I loved it and hope you do too.
Find Tamara here on Instagram:
And the Wild Sky Sisters website:
The Wild Sky Sisters’ programmes are often held at times that are accessible to European time zones.
I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Dropping a little love note to you all on the Summer Solstice (for the northern hemisphere)
I hope this message finds you well and energised and that the brightness of this time of year is revealing things that feel good and nourishing to you!
I am in the process of planning and recording SERIES TWO and I couldn't be more excited about it!
In the first series I journeyed through themes connected to personal experiences on my creative path, which revealed wisdom that has been right under my nose.
In this new series, I am delving deeper into this theme and talking to incredible people that I have met at different moments and turning points of my life about their experiences of re-claiming their wild creativity.
So curious to bring this topic to the table and normalise it even more! AND to hear the diversity in experiences and approaches...
Follow me on Instagram so you won't miss the Series Two launch and subscribe to the podcast too - that really helps!
I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A conversational journey into the power and importance of unlearning our conditioning so we can be the creatives we came here to be.
Whoosh! This is a big one, and it's been waiting to come through for a while but NOW is PERFECT!
This is a reflection of what the process of creating this podcast has taught me to date, how I've been able to LET GO of imposter syndromes and embrace my humanness when listening to what I record AND how the content of what has organically been spoken time and time again has been a guide (and another nudge from the universe) as to what I am now working to LET GO of! I knew about my good girl conditioning, but I wasn't so consciously aware of my CREATIVE good girl and how she's still been showing up to try to get me to fit into one of the boxes that makes other people feel comfortable. Thanks and gratitude to this podcast and my listeners for revealing this to me further, giving me a space to play and be imperfect and reflect on this spiralling wiggly journey!
In the episode I reference a passage from Glennon Doyle's INCREDIBLE book Untamed. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone on an unlearning journey. Every time I dip back in, I read things in a different way, from the person that I am right now, and simultaneously feel seen and reminded that I'm not alone and I never have been. The passage I referred to is called Questions, and it's on page 221 of the paperback version.
This episode marks the end of the first series. Thank you for being on this journey with me up until this point. I'll be back after summer solstice to continue this conversation!
I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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I dive into this conversation about creativity as a feminine quality, and its relation to sustainable change, social commentary and powerful movements, which therefore means it MUST be political.
If politics is "the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status" then creativity definitely has something, or actually a lot, to do with that! It may not always be brash and bold but it is a tool that people have employed since the beginning of time to get their point across and to encourage change.
See my instagram post of my photos to see what I was capturing at age 22
When I was 22 I was interested in street photography. Capturing mundane moments, interactions, things that represented the world we were living in.
I never got too close, I was always the observer and I actually wanted to be invisible so as not to interrupt anything. Even so, it’s not something that I would do now, ethically it doesn’t feel right.
And yet, at that time, I see it was my way of exploring humanity, of trying to understand and make sense of the structures I found myself in.
In today’s podcast I refer a lot to these photos, the language that I didn’t have to explain why some things I saw didn’t feel right and were connected to misogynistic conditioning OR to explain how incredible moments between humans can be, tender loving and kind.
They mark a chapter in my creative journey, in my quest to create art that helps people feel seen and struggles be recognised.
My journal notes that I read at the end:
It’s always been political.
The politics under the politics.
What did that girl want? She wanted to comment. She wanted to make a difference. She wanted to share what she saw through her eyes.
She wanted to be free. She wanted to grow. She wanted to scream but she didn’t know what about, but she knew something wasn’t right. She just didn’t have the language. She wanted to be invisible and have the eyes. She wanted to see and be like LOOK RIGHT FUCKING HERE, this is real, this is happening.
The power is in the hands of the few, yes. And the few underestimate the many. Especially the quiet ones. The anxious ones. Especially the women working through their shit, feeling all their pain. Asking why.
The newspaper clippings are still in the cupboard, covered in post it notes. Intelligent enquiries. How can these be used? Time has passed and the words get to come through me now. I found the language. I drew my map because the one they gave me was wrong. I draw because it’s a message, to myself in the moments when all is lost. Creative breadcrumbs. AND for those who are searching too. We get to do it together. We were never meant to do it alone.
So, don’t worry if we don’t shout, the quiet consistent murmurs are getting louder, they’re the heartbeat, the rhythm of the revolution. And they’re here to stay.
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Stories. A staple of my life but not something I'd associated with my creative process until recent times.
I unpack my love of fictional stories where I get to know the deep feelings of characters and see myself reflected in the nuances of the human experience. And how accepting and embracing that love has guided me to see the importance of our own stories... the bigness and the full spectrum of them! This has invited me to embrace the messy, non-linear way of the creative process, and to see how I have denied some parts of it in the past.
The creative process is beautiful, unpredictable and unique with each client, and I feel it is time to reclaim the whole experience, rather than just looking to emulate the 'successful' parts. Stories have also become an integral part of my journey with clients, honouring and hearing their full stories so I can truly capture the essence of what they do and who they are, which is inevitably influenced by the wiggly journey it's taken to get there.
In this episode I mention the How to Fail podcast with Elizabeth Day, which I highly recommend for a dose of the magic in the mundane.
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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A short backstory about how the concept of the divine / spirit / Goddess entered and changed my life, made me question my creative path, and definitely helped me shape how it has developed and evolved. Before that, unknowingly, creativity had been my devotional and healing tool - somewhere that I intuitively went to process the meaning of things! Now it is all deeply connected and entwined; one informs the other, or maybe they are one and the same thing after all! This conversation is a little way marker in my ever-growing, beautiful and confronting journey of learning to live in power alongside these two themes!
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Exploring the relationship between grief and creativity.
Acknowledging the nuanced places where grief shows up.
And how the different forms and experiences of grief can affect, derail, morph and even catalyse the creative process.
This is a big topic and not one that can be 'ticked off' in an episode.
This is a start at unpicking the ways that grief has popped into my life after something that I had loved or longed for was lost, and how that has guided me slowly and sustainably into a more true version of my creative self.
I mention a container that I was in with Yoli Maya Yeh called Grief as a Superpower, which was really helpful for me to start to change the solely negative and shameful narrative around grief.
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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A topic I'm really passionate about, the menstrual cycle! How we relate to it, collaborate with it, learn about it and respect it.
As previously mentioned, one of my passions is Kumari's Adventure with her Moon Cycle, a community creating and championing holistic menstrual education in Nepal.
Here I share how working with the ebbs and flows of my menstrual cycle has informed and strengthened my creative approaches. It is one of my internal guides and honouring the energy of each phase has made the creative process so much more exciting and empowering... now when the self critic comes out loud and proud, I have the structure and container of my menstrual cycle to make sense of how much I need to listen to it!!
Please do rate and review the podcast wherever you are listening to it... that will help me to reach people who would enjoy this candid content.
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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Lots of love,
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Exploring Creativity as a catalyst and a synonym for social change. And for change itself.
This is a space where I explore the intricacies and nuances of creativity and my journey of unravelling the conditioning that I have accumulated around it.
My own social change work that I mention is
The Country That Shook
Kumari's Adventure with her Moon Cycle
And the Giving Back page on my website explains it a bit more too. That's here.
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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These are the journaled words that I shared at the beginning of the pod of what creativity is:
Creativity is an invitation to play. Creativity is a dance with the senses.
Creativity in its purest form doesn’t discriminate. It wants to be born, to grow and to evolve. It forms relationships with those who witness and interact with it, It forms relationships with those who harness inklings of ideas and dedicate energy to channeling them into an expression. Creativity can be experienced through touch, sight, sound, taste or smell.
If the senses are how we receive information into our bodies to process on the physical level, then creativity to me, feels like an energetic thread that connects bodies through those senses. The ability to sense is magical, and the thing that comes along to play with that sense is also divine.
It’s a communication, a relationship, quite literally a co-creation that is formed. And it’s formed in so many different directions, with so many different qualities and potentials that it creates a web. It channels both direct messages and more abstract nudges or concepts that might invite another’s input too. It’s not 2D.
Creativity doesn’t make sense. It defies logic. It doesn’t have all the answers, oftentimes just more questions. Where did this idea come from? I don’t know, it just needed to be expressed, to be seen, to be released. It just is, and it’s perfect for this moment, in this constellation, interacting with those that it needs to. And so it is.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a space where I intend to explore the intricacies and nuances of creativity and my journey of unravelling the conditioning that I have accumulated around it.
For this first episode of series one, I had intentions to start with other topics, but it soon became clear that I had to start with PERFECTIONISM! So that it is acknowledged for the huge part that it has played and continues to play in my creative journey, as I muse about where it came from and how I'm now choosing to work with it as a tool, rather than despairing at its presence!
Thank you for joining me here, I'd love to hear from you at with any thoughts, feedback or requests for content discussion!
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And visit my website:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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