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ืืื ืฉืื ืื ื ืืกืืืื ืืขืฆืื ื ืืจืืืื ืืกืืืืื ืืืคืกืืงืื ืืจืืืื ืืืจืื, ืืืืืืช ืืืืฆืจ ืืกืฃ "ืืืืฆืช" ืืืชื ื.ื ืฉืืข ืืื ืืชืืื ืืช ืืคืืืงืืกืืื ืฉืื ืืื ืฉืื ืฉืืืืคื ืืขืฉื, ืืจืืืื ืืื ืื ืืืจ ืืืง ืืืืืืื ืฉืืื,ืืฉืืืชืขืฉืจืืช ืชืืืืช ืืื ืืืืฉืคืืืชืืื ืืืฆืืจื ืฉื ืืืื ืืืืื ืืืชืจ. ื ืขืื ืืืืืจ ืื ื ืืขื ืืืืจ ืื ืืดื ืืจืงืืจื ืืืกืคืงืช ืคืชืจืื ืืช ืืืงืืืจืก - ืืืืืืืืช ืฉืื ื ืืื ืืชืจืื ืฉืงืืื ืื ืืืืฆืจืื ืืืืจืืช ืืืืจ ืื ืืืืฆืจืื ืืืืืืช. ืืืฆืืจืช ืงืฉืจ 052-8604126
This show is for women who know they were born to create change in the world, who want to build profitable businesses while being wildly content and successful in the home. Jaime Cross is the founder of a multi seven-figure organic skincare company, MIG. Join her as she pulls back the curtain to marketing, entrepreneurship, family, and life.
Boss Maidel is a weekly podcast featuring conversations with women authors, creatives, entrepreneurs etc. In this podcast, we explore all dimensions of life relevant to the modern woman: motherhood, work, health, family, social interactions, etc. We also talk a lot about books: sharing recommendations, interviewing new authors and so much more! The goal is to create a sounding board that can facilitate growth, positivity and a greater sense of community.
ืคืืืงืืกื ืฉืืกืคืจ ืืช ืืกืืคืืจ ืฉื ืืืืืืง ืืืจืื ืืฉืื ืืืืืืชืื. ื ืืจื ืืืืืืช ืืืชืขืฉืืื ืืืืืืืจ ืฉืืกืคืจืื ืืช ืกืืคืืจ ืืืืืืง ืืืจืื ืื ืกืคืจ ืขื ืกืืคืืจื ืืฆืืื ืืืชืืจืื ืืฉืืชืคืื ืฉืคืืืฉืื ืืืชื ื ืืืจืืื ืืชืขืฉืืืช ืืืืืืง
ืืคืืืงืืกื ืฉื ืงืืืืช ืืืคืชืืื ืืืจืืื DDoS -
My name is Laura Dawn and welcome to my new podcast series
Dear Humanity, exploring the wisdom and science of human flourishing
“Dear Humanity” bridges ancient, earth based traditions, mythology and philosophy with cutting-edge fields like psychedelics, creativity, neuroscience, cognitive science, and ecology to address the modern meaning crisis.
In times of profound change and uncertainty, this show delves into the heart of what makes us human, asking:
How do we lead deeply fulfilling, purposeful and inspired lives – built on the foundation of love, connection, belonging, and altruism – amidst political division, ecological devastation, systemic crises, and the existential threats confronting humanity?
Through transformative conversations with the world’s most influential change-makers, innovators, elders and visionary leaders from all walks of life —"Dear Humanity" helps us rediscover what it means to be fully human, unlock our extraordinary capacities, and remember the unbreakable and sacred bond we share with one another and the natural, living world. -
A weekly podcast offering business wisdom to help you make the “Keli” (Vessel) to take your business aspirations to the next level. Hosted by Crown Heights Young Entrepreneurs director Rabbi Werde weekly guests to share their approach to business and their life for the benefit of listeners of this podcast.
In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.
Join us on this journey of emunah and success.
TYH Nation x Laibel Schwartz -
Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28 minutes in length and can also be hears on the online Christian radio station, Evangelism Radio, from 2pm-230pm ET Monday-Friday. This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1000th Episode (in under four years) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!
First Christian Church is located in Brazil, Indiana. Our mission is to guide people home to a loving Father, caring family, and life-changing faith. Wherever you are in life, God loves you, and He wants to bring you home to Him. First Christian Church wants to help you find your way home. We hope that your journey will include joining us in Brazil, Indiana, or join our online community. Find out more by visiting us at Your giving is changing the world. You can support the work First Christian Church is doing in your community and around the world. Tithe today by clicking the blue words: Our CCLI License number is # 88179 FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
ูู ุฎูุงุทุฑ ู ู ุงูุฏุงุนูุฉ ู ุตุทูู ุญุณูู ุชุฏุนู ุงูู ุฅุนู ุงู ุงูุนูู ู ุงูุชูููุฑ ูู ูู ู ุดุงูู ุงูุญูุงุฉ ู ุฌูุงูุจูุง ู ุงููุตูู ุงูู ุงูุบุงูุฉ ู ูู ุนูุด ุญูุงุฉ ุณุนูุฏุฉ ู ุงููุตูู ูู ุฑุงุฏ ุงููู ุณุจุญุงูู ู ุชุนุงูู ุจุฏุฎูู ุงูุฌูุฉ ุจุฅุฐู ุงููู.
ืืืจ ืืืกืืื ืืื ืจืช ืืคืจื - ื ืฉืื, ืขืฆืืืืืช, ืืืืืช, ืืืขืืงืจ ืืืจืืช.
ืืืฉื ืจืื ืฉืขืืช ืืืื ืื ืื ื ื ืืฉืืืช ืืช ืืขืืื ืืืงืฆืืขื ืฉื ืืืืืื ืืงืืืืืช, ืืื ืืื ืืืืืืช ืื ืืืจ ืืืืืจืช ืืืืชืงืื, ืืืืื ืงืคื ืืืืืจ ืขื ืื ืฉืขืฉืื ื, ืื ืฉื ืขืฉื, ืื ืืขื ืืื ืืื ืืื ืืืื ืืคืฉืจ ืืืืื ืืคืขื ืืืื.
ืืื ืืื, ืืขื ืขืจืืื ืืฆืืืงืช ืฉื ืขืืืืืช ืืืื ื, ืืฉืื ื ืฉืืช ืืืฉืจืื ืฉืื ืื ื ืืงืืืืช ืื ืืื ืืคืฉืจ ืืืืืง ืขื ืืืจืื ืืืืจืืช, ืืฉืื ืจืขืืื ืื ืจืข ืืืื ืืืื ืืก ืืืงืจืืคืื ืืชืืื ื ืืืืฆืืฃ ืืช ืืขืืื ืืืืืฅ.
ืื ื ืืื ืืืกืืื ืืืคืจื - ืืคืืืงืืกื ืฉืืืชื ืื ืืืืฅ.
ืืชื ืืืชื ืืืืื ืื ืืืื ืืืขืืจ, ืืืืื ืืืกืคืจ ืืื ืืื. -
- provides commentary and insight into the daily page of Talmud. Also check out our 1 minute daf:
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We are coming up on the end of our 7.5-year long cycle of completing the entire Daf Yomi. I will be wrapping up the podcast, but Torah is our curriculum for life and the learning will continue! Join me on YouTube @YeshivasElimelech for one-minute Daf Yomi and one-minute parsha shorts, and to watch our classes of various topics and lengths. We're here to help you enhance your life with Torah study!
To learn more about Yeshivas Elimelech, visit -
Welcome to the Digital Nomad Cafe Podcast. In this show I talk with guests about online business, entrepreneurship, freelancing & remote work with those who live a breath the digital nomad lifestyle in all its forms.
My goal is to share inspiring stories and practical advice on how to build and manage a location independent business, be that a freelance business a global eCommerce store or a large website.
This show is for you if you are running or interested in starting an online business, want to freelance or grow your freelance business or maybe you want to land the remote job of your dreams and want to hear how others managed to get hired, work remote and live life on their own terms.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.