
  • Today, weā€™re honored to have Emille Bryant, a visionary entrepreneur, coach, and author, whose work centers around the Japanese concept of Ikigaiā€”finding purpose and meaning in life; as a guest in our show.

    Emille has built a business around this philosophy, helping people and organizations discover their true calling and align their efforts with their passions.

    In a world where entrepreneurs are often pulled in a million directions, Emille believes that discovering your Ikigai is crucial for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

    Weā€™ll dive into how heā€™s applied this concept to his own business and why itā€™s more important than ever for business owners today.


  • Today, weā€™re diving deep into the journey of junior software developers in todayā€™s rapidly evolving tech landscape.

    Weā€™re joined by Andrea Correa (Andy), a software developer who started not too long ago as a junior herself.

    This episode is close to my heart. I personally hired Andy a few years ago, but not as a software developer... her story, how she got started with us and where she is today? That's the topic for today.

    Together, we'll explore what it means to break into the Tech industry, how the rise of AI is shifting the game, and what challenges newcomers face in the job market.

    Is it harder than ever to land that first gig?, or do new technologies present fresh opportunities? Let's find out!

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  • Outsourcing has been around for a while. Especially in the Tech industry.

    Companies in developed countries with higher costs of living, have been contracting external providers to carry out internal business processes for decades now.

    At first, the benefits were plain and simple, cost reduction through labor arbitrage.

    But with the ever growing need for talented engineers in the tech industry, the reasons to look for outsourcing staffing partners multiplied. It's no longer just about cost, but expanding the talent pool and leveraging a global workforce.

    Easier said than done. How do you find the right people? Where? How do you hire them? How do you keep them engaged? What cultural and regulatory aspects should you keep in mind when dealing with people from different places around the world?

    Our guest, Dylan Serota, has been dealing with these challenges for many years now. What started as a need to find bright engineers that could augment his team in San Francisco, became a life-quest to build a company that would provide the best global talent to customers with the exact same need.

    I can't go any further, or else, I will spoil the story and the valuable lessons we can learn from it. Let's dive deep into the world of outsourcing, enjoy!

  • Building an online presence is a must.

    That job you are looking for? That promotion you are seeking? That business you want to explore as an entrepreneur?

    An online presence, and a strong network, will accelerate all of your dreams.

    But how? You might be an introvert and just wondering, wait this is not for me!..., I can't change my personality...

    Or, you might have trouble understanding how to filter what to say or not when you are online. Or, how do I get started? or How do I keep going?

    Well, I couldn't ask for a better guest to talk about this topic. Today, I will interview Patrick Kelley, a Chief Technology Evangelist and Distinguished Architect, an influencer in his own right, an amazing public speaker with a massive audience, who constantly shares tips about building your own brand and why this is so important nowadays.

    I am excited, I know we will learn many valuable lessons in this episode.


  • Welcome to another exciting episode of "The Future Of The Future" podcast! Today, we're diving deep into the world of Artificial Intelligenceā€”its realities, its hype, and its futureā€”with a unique perspective on the geopolitical approaches of two major players: the US and China. Our guest is Awen Yuan, an experienced product manager with a robust background in B2B FinTech SaaS and Generative AI, who has lived and worked in both the US and China.

    In this episode, we explore Awen's personal journey and professional story. We'll start by discussing her current role and how she navigated her career to get here. Awen shares insights into her definition of AI, contrasting it with common interpretations and misconceptions. She also provides a firsthand look at practical AI applications she has encountered.

    We delve into the differing AI strategies of the US and China, examining the unique strengths and challenges each country faces. Awen offers her perspective on who is currently leading the AI race and where she believes the technology is headed in the coming years. Additionally, we discuss the potential impact of AI on the future of work and how individuals can prepare for these changes.

    Join us as we uncover Awen Yuan's fascinating experiences and gain valuable insights into the dynamic world of AI and its global implications. Don't miss this episode packed with expert knowledge and forward-thinking perspectives!

  • Elon Musk once said that leading a startup is like chewing glassā€¦

    Well, maybe not exactly? but it is hard! and if you have led startups and businesses, you know.

    You can get hit from so many different directions.

    Itā€™s an emotional rollercoaster, day in and day out.

    So how do you stay focused in the world of entrepreneurship? How do you navigate through ups and lows? Where do you learn this stuff? Who do you turn to when in trouble?

    These are some of the questions we talked about with Mike Carlo this episode.

    Mike has over 30 years of experience leading, founding, and operating businesses at various levels. From pwc, to XanderPay, and everything in between, heā€™s learned valuable lessons along the way, and he wants to share those with you.


  • Today, we have an incredibly insightful episode lined up for you. We're diving deep into the future of work, a topic that has been rapidly evolving and reshaping our lives, especially in recent years.

    Our guest today is Mike Zani, CEO of The Predictive Index and the best-selling author of the book - The Science of Dream Teams. Mike is a leading authority on talent optimization and has dedicated his career to transforming how people and companies approach talent management. His expertise and forward-thinking approach make him the perfect person to help us navigate the complex and exciting landscape of the future of work.

    In this episode, we'll explore how the world of work has changed from the time Mike started his career to today, and what the future holds. We'll discuss the major forces driving these changes, including technology, the rise of hybrid and remote work, and the growing gig economy. We'll also delve into the impacts of AI and automation, the critical skills needed for the future job market, and how educational institutions must adapt to these changes.

    Additionally, we'll touch on the philosophical aspects of work, such as its meaning and how it relates to our sense of purpose, especially in a future where we may work less. Finally, Mike will share his advice for business leaders looking to navigate these uncertainties and opportunities, and give us a glimpse into his life outside of work.


  • The pharmaceutical industry today is characterized by a significant concentration of power and resources among a few global players. These giants dominate the market, driving the direction of research, development, and distribution of essential drugs. However, the landscape is poised for a seismic shift, courtesy of artificial intelligence.

    AI has the potential to revolutionize the pharma sector in profound ways. On one hand, it promises to streamline drug discovery, reduce development costs, and personalize medicine to an unprecedented degree. Imagine a world where new treatments are developed faster and more efficiently, tailored precisely to the genetic makeup of individual patients. On the other hand, the integration of AI also brings challenges. Concerns about data privacy, the ethical use of AI in decision-making, and the potential for exacerbating inequalities in healthcare access are significant issues that need addressing.

    These are some of the topics I discussed with Tony Benedict, a Senior Executive with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. Tony is a private company Board Director and Board Advisor who specializes in improving top and bottom-line revenue across multiple industries.

    In this episode, weā€™ll discuss the current trends in the industry, including rising operational complexity, increasing risk, and shifting capability requirements. We'll explore how AI is both a disruptive force and a beacon of innovation, capable of reshaping the future of pharmaceuticals for better or for worse.

    Join us as we unpack the opportunities and threats AI brings to the world of medicine.

  • If you ever had a customer facing job, you knowā€¦ Dealing with customers, when you are in the front line, is hard! very hard.

    You are having dozens of fast paced conversations every day. You are helping people fix issues or navigate uncertainty most of the time. You are dealing with emotions and people will direct the emotions at you and you can turn it into a nice story or suffer a nightmare conversation.

    Experience helps! it helps a lot. But most of the time, the onboarding process for these jobs is not adequate for the type of pressure and complexity you will deal with when talking to real people. Your training happens, most of the time, on the job. And you can build the wrong habits if you donā€™t have the right feedback mechanisms in place.

    So how do you leverage technology to train customer-facing teams? What works well? what doesnā€™t? Why is this important?

    Join me as I talk about these questions and many more with Mark Hughes Co-Founder & CEO at Solidroad.

    Mark was previously a founder & CEO at Gradguide, Director at Chargify & Sales at Intercom. TCD BESS Alumni 2017. With Solidroad, he is helping sales & CX reps to practice realistic conversations (voice, chat & email) with AI prospects and customers and get personalized performance feedback.


  • We live in an era of hyper connectivity. The amount of information and incentives to which we are exposed on a daily basis is mind numbing. There is a signal saturation, some will even venture talking about attention fracking.

    Companies looking to grow their business are well aware of this fact.

    You need to be top of mind to attract new customers. But, how can you stand out from the noise? Who are you targeting? What are you telling them? when? where, and how are you talking to them?

    Today, we will talk about Digital Marketing. Our guest, Dr. Jonathan Snow, will guide us through the most important concepts in this world, and his personal story in the field.

    Like many personal stories, this one is not a straight line succession of events.

    Jonathan has a very interesting background that blends two entirely different skill sets: digital marketing and dentistry. He is the Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Avenue Z, a marketing and communications firm breaking traditional boundaries between marketing, advertising and PR. From the Wall Street Journal to TikTok, PR to social and search, Avenue Z creates narratives that drive commerce, connections, and conversion, across all channels.

    How much of it is intuition? How do you see whatā€™s coming? How much of it is data? What type of data and kpis matter?

    Tune in to learn the answers to these and many more questions, and enjoy!

  • As the landscape of work continues to evolve, remote work has emerged as a fundamental aspect of the software industry.

    From enhancing productivity to redefining team collaboration, remote work is no longer just a trendā€”it's the present, and the future.

    In this episode, we will delve into the evolution of remote work in the software sector, its impact on companies and employees, and the best practices for thriving in a remote environment.

    We'll discuss the competitive edge that remote work offers to companies and how it is reshaping the industry. Whether you're a software developer, a manager, or someone interested in the future of work, this episode is packed with insights you won't want to miss.

    Our guest, Nathan Grebowiec, has been leading remote teams for more than 20 years. Before remote was a thing, before covid, before return to office mandates... He was, and continues to be, a successful leader of remote teams.


  • Why do we build products? Why do we build software products?

    Because we want to improve peopleā€™s lives. We want to add value to peopleā€™s lives. Make their lives easier, more exciting, more healthy, more fun. Make their job easier and more productive. Make relationships more meaningful, and so on.


    People are always at the center of what we do. Value for People. Thatā€™s the gist of it.

    That is why Customer Experience is, and will always be, KING.

    Today we have a special guest, Aaron Videtto, a seasoned product manager with a wealth of experience in customer experience (CX). Aaron boasts more than 20 Years of experience in the product management space, in software, services, B2B and B2C. He believes the product discipline should be run with a business owner and GM structure, and that his job as a leader is to remove obstacles for his team and ensure THEIR success.

    In today's episode, Aaron shares his journey into the world of product management, detailing how he navigated his career to become a leader in CX. He discusses the significant hurdles he's overcome, the importance of customer experience in his role, and the methods he uses to stay connected with customers and understand their needs.

    Aaron also provides valuable insights into the evolving discipline of product management, especially in the context of emerging technologies like generative AI. We explore the skills necessary for excelling in CX and product management, and Aaron offers practical advice for anyone aspiring to enter this dynamic field.

    Whether you're a seasoned product manager, a budding CX enthusiast, or just curious about the future of product management, this episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiring stories. So sit back, relax, and join us as we dive into the future of product management with Aaron Videtto.

  • Climate change remains one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

    According to the United Nations, to avoid the worst impacts, global CO2 emissions need to be reduced by almost half by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050.

    Green energy generation is an important part of the strategy. But fossil fuel consumption will not go away, not in time.

    That is why we need innovative solutions like carbon capture to act as a palliative remedy, buying us crucial time while we transition to more sustainable energy sources.

    Today, we have a special guest, LĆ©opold Dobelle, a leading figure in climate technology and the mind behind Mitico, a company that plays a pivotal role in the global efforts to combat climate change, offering a range of services that span the entire carbon capture value chain.

    In this episode, we'll discuss the current state of climate affairs, the critical role of reducing CO2 emissions, and how technologies like carbon capture can bridge the gap as we strive for a sustainable future. Join us as LĆ©opold Dobelle shares his insights and the journey of his team in making a tangible impact on climate mitigation.

  • In today's episode, we have a fascinating and highly relevant topic to dive into: information warfare.

    In an age where information is power, the battlefields have shifted from physical terrains to digital ones.

    Information warfare, the strategic use of information to gain an advantage over adversaries, has become a critical aspect of national security and corporate defense. From disinformation campaigns to cyber espionage, the tactics and technologies involved are as sophisticated as they are pervasive.

    Real life becomes larger than fiction. And as we dive into our conversations on this topic, it feels as if we are in a movie theater, enjoying a thriller with international spies.

    Our guest, Mihai Claudiu Barloiu, is an expert in the field of information security and warfare. His passion for political science and history, his drive to understand the present and the geopolitical forces shaping every conflict on earth, make him the perfect guide for our journey. Mihai brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, having dedicated his career to understanding and combating the complexities of modern cyber threats.

    What is information warfare? What are some real life examples and what is the impact of this type of warfare? What challenges are victim nations facing when dealing with this type of warfare? How can we be better equipped to deal with these threats?

    Join me on this amazing episode, to learn about this fascinating topic and how technology is impacting its present and future.

  • Computer Vision is everywhere and has become commonplace in our daily lives.

    When we use facial recognition to unlock them, when we scan documents or read a QR, when we get a spotlight video showing a curated summary of pictures (e.g. here is your son with you 4 years ago)... That is computer vision.

    When doctors use AI to analyze medical images, or sports commentators get thorough and in time analysis and stats of a sports game, or self-driving cars maneuver on the streetsā€¦ That is computer vision.

    But how does it work? What impact does it have today? How is AI impacting the field? What changed in recent years, beyond the augmented hype around AI? What works well, and what doesnā€™t? Why? What is the potential for the future?

    These are some of the questions I asked Vladimir Iglovikov, as I interviewed him for episode 62 of The Future Of The Future podcast.

    Vladimir is the Founder and CEO at Albumentations.AI, an open-source library with 60k daily downloads, adopted by top Computer Vision companies & Kaggle competition winners. He was a ML Engineer at Lyft, where he led Deep Learning model development & integration for Self-Driving & Ride Sharing. He is also a Kaggle Grandmaster with Multiple ML competition wins, and an Author with 20+ publications in Deep Learning for Medical, Satellite, Street View, and Natural Images.

    He is definitely an expert on the field, and he is very good at making the complex sound simpler. I learned tons from this episode! And I am sure you also learn from it.

    Things are moving fast! so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

  • Music is an Art, an expression of human creative skill and imagination.

    Music is everywhere. At the forefront, or in the background. Coming through speakers, or headphones, or an unplugged performance in the street. Making us dance, think, cry, smile, or frownā€¦ sleep, jump, relax, get stressedā€¦ remember, forget, wish, long, hate, love... Music is an intrinsic element of what it means to be human.

    The way we create music, record it, mix it, and share it with others, continues to change as technology advances.

    But changes were never as drastic as what we see today with generative AI. We live in a time where AI can assist us, not only in mixing and production processes, but also in the creative act of coming up with a new song. In 2023 we were already able to ask AI to create lyrics instantly; and now we can ask AI to create entire songs through prompts...

    Change is so fast, we donā€™t even know how we are supposed to feel about it. Can AI generated music elicit the same feelings that human made music does? Is AI going to displace musicians, or create new opportunities? Is everyone going to start creating music with AI and stop listening to music made by real musicians? How do musicians create music and how much were they already leveraging technology to do so? What is the creative act and when does creativeness stop and plagiarism begin? How are these AI models training themselves?

    These are just some of the questions that I asked my friend Daniel Rowland in an amazing conversation about Technology and Creativity, AI in the Music Industry.

    I could not have thought of a better guest for this episode. Daniel is a music producer, tech executive, and educator. He holds both a B.S and M.F.A. in Music Technology, and is currently Head of Strategy and Partnerships at LANDR, co-founder of Audiotool, and longtime instructor at MTSU. For nearly a decade, his primary focus has been on the empowerment of music creators via ethical AI powered tools and accessible design, sharing that message on dozens of panels and podcasts.

    He has been in the industry for decades. He helped grow LANDR to 5 million users, refining their industry-leading creator tools platform, AI mastering engine, plugins and services. As a creative, he produced the music for an Oscar-winning Pixar film (ā€œPiperā€); and mixed and mastered multiplatinum/Grammy-nominated projects for artists as varied as Nine Inch Nails, Seal, Jhene Aiko, Phillip Glass, Gwen Stefani, Gayle, Gucci Mane, David Foster, Jason Derulo, Burna Boy, Nina Simone, YG, and Flo Rida, along with dozens of film and game soundtracks for Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, John Wick, The Sandbox, and others. Including projects with actors Benedict Cumberbatch (The Simpsons), Jeremy Renner, and Steve Martin (Only Murders In The Building).

    Andā€¦ on top of that? and most importantly? He is an amazing human being. A fun, passionate and down to earth person, who was nice enough to sit with me for an hour to talk about technology and music and answer whatever question I had in mind.

    I am very proud of this episode.

    Listen to it! Learn, and enjoy.

  • Jared Falk plays drums. He started playing when he was 15 years old, and fell in love with it right away.

    From the very first moment he sat in front of a drum kit, everything just felt right. And when he started putting more complex beats together, like the time he nailed his first syncopated rock beat? Ahhā€¦ MAGIC.

    He could have followed his familyā€™s steps and worked in the farming or construction industry, but life had something else in store for him.

    He studied hard, and no less than two years after he started playing, he was already touring with bands, flipping drum kits on ebay, and teaching drums himself.

    And it was one of the students, in a casual conversation about uploading videos on the internet for a bass drum pedal technique, that prompted him to launch into a business venture on videos for learning drums, when internet was still barely a thing and social media didnā€™t exist and you could not upload videos for free on YouTubeā€¦

    Those videos eventually evolved to what we now know as Drumeo, arguably the worldā€™s best and biggest community and e-learning platform for drummers.

    Drumeo then evolved into Musora, which consolidates new instrument verticals such as Pianote, Guitareo, and Singeo, and has more than 95,000 active students worldwide.

    So how did a drummer and his friends build such an enterprise? Where did Jared learn about business, media production and e-learning?

    Listen to this episode, learn, get inspired and enjoy. We also talked about technology and education, and the potential impact AI will have on these fields, specifically as it relates to music, and why and where the human element matters most.

    Many people out there claim to love their job. Few are as genuine about it as Jared. You can see it in his face. You can see it in the people that surround him.

  • The era of raising VC funding just by showing a few slides with an idea and nice buzzwords is over.

    Investors are now looking for very clear evidence of product-market fit and sustainable growth.

    Showing this type of evidence is easier said than done. So I had a very insightful conversation with my friend Jessica Deckinger, on the topic of product development, raising funds, and achieving sustainable growth.

    Jessica is an Operating Partner at Clearhaven Partners, a dedicated software and technology-focused private equity firm based in Boston. She is also the CEO at Mint Marketing and sits on the board of various other tech companies.

    She is a senior executive with more than 25 years of experience across integrated brand marketing, product, digital strategy, insights and analytics, finance and operations.

    She is been there,done that, and now she helps other companies get further and succeed.

    What does it take to succeed today in Tech? How can a startup find and show evidence of product market fit and sustainable growth? What are investors looking for? How can startups improve the customer journey?

    These are only some of the topics we talked about during this episode.

    If you are in startup land, you canā€™t miss this one.


  • Michael Bolton has more than 25 years of experience in software testing, he is a founder and leader at developsense, a consulting firm in testing and everything QA related, where he teaches everyone about Rapid Software Testing, a skill set and a mindset focused on high-value testing that is fast, inexpensive, credible, and accountable.

    Michael visited Uruguay back in 2017, and thatā€™s when Diego Castro, my colleague and QA Lead at Xseed, met him and fell in love with his approach, methodology, and attitude towards the QA field and most importantly towards life.

    Back then, they shared a few beers at a local pub, and talked extensively about QA and what it means to be a tester. How to test, how to think about testing. Why manual testing, with skilled individuals that apply critical thinking looking at a technology product holistically, will never ever go away, and so many more concepts.

    Diego became a fan. An absolute fan.

    Fast forward to 2024, and Diego Castro is super excited about the possibility of doing a podcast episode with Michael, about QA, and how technology is, and should be (or should not be), impacting the discipline of QA.

    Michael said yes, and the rest is history, and we recorded it as an episode.

    Do you work in technology? Do you build technology products? Do you have opinions about the QA function in a software development team?

    This episode is for you.


  • He fell in love with computers when he was just a kid. Few people had computers at home back then, but his Dad worked at IBM and gave him exposure to technology early on.

    He would type and print his homework at home, which effectively made him a nerd. But a very proud one.

    His growth was not linear. But, is growth ever linear?

    He was an entrepreneur during the .com crash, he mastered cobol when everyone was forgetting about it, he taught himself how to build websites when there was no youtube to learn fromā€¦

    He was a self-learner when the internet was still not a thing.

    Fast forward to today, and he became a Seasoned engineering leader with over 15 years of experience. He has led teams of developers as a tech executive, architected and deployed applications in the mortgage origination industry, founded, coded, and launched several start-up website companies, and learned practically every task under the sun in the tech industry.

    Most importantly, he has a human centric approach to everything he does. Building products. Building relationships. Leading teams.

    This is a story of growth mindset, resilience, and empathy.
