
  • Are you mean to yourself? It seems like a strange question to ask. I’m so stupid! Ugh, I can’t believe I did that! You know what I’m talking about. Those moments where we attack with negative self-talk.

    Today’s guest, Allison Guibault, helps women release self-doubt and deal with what she calls high functioning anxiety. She has made it her job on planet Earth as both a therapist and a coach, to help women let go of doubt, shame and limiting beliefs so they can reconnect to their confidence, reclaim their empowerment and realign with their intuition and highest power.
    Allison was stuck in a corporate job that she was successful at but didn’t really like. She was burnt out and exhausted. One day, she snapped and said she rushed to her therapist’s office.

    “I spent the next few years really trying to rework my entire life, and it was really hard,” says Allison. “There wasn't a lot of messaging out there that I was connecting to about, you know, things you talk about like abundance, mindset, the ability to change your mind.”

    But she did it. And she hopes her work coaching helps other women shorten the learning curve in seeing there’s another way to work hard, keep all their core qualities and find fulfilment in life.

    The truth is, we’re really impressionable. Allison thinks back to all the messaging we receive as girls, as simple as, “Don’t speak up in class, you’re going to come off as bossy,” which taught us to quiet ourselves. Whereas a boy in class doing the same thing might hear that he’s a leader.

    Overtime, we start to collect all of these stories about what life is supposed to look like. Allison says it’s important to ask yourself where this thought came from?

    “Shifting our thoughts from something that's really negative to something positive -- and it doesn't even have to be positive,” says Allison. “We can land on neutral. Like I'm just not going to bully myself today.”

    It does come down to science. The more you think something, the easier it is to access that thought and the more you start to apply it.

    It could be as simple as saying, “I’m allowed to have needs.” This will chemically shift your brain, and you’ll become more likely to believe that.

    Allison likes to offer a 30-day challenge. When you’re brushing your teeth, practice saying something – literally anything – that isn’t negative.

    “I get a lot of resistance,” says Allison. “Like someone who's not used to saying nice things to themselves. Even neutral things to themselves. They're in that mind chatter that's really negative. This is going to feel weird and uncomfortable.”

    Healing is powerful. Personal growth is incredible. Change is transformative. But you can’t get to any of those steps without some discomfort. Some fear. Healing usually means letting things go – whether it’s old patterns or a relationship, which can be really difficult for people.

    “To take those steps, we need to resecure our safety. We need to feel supported because we don't usually do that work like blindly and alone.”

    Sign up for Allison’s newsletter:
    Connect with Allison :

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Overcome Societal Expectations of ‘You’re Not Enough’

    What to Do When ‘You Can’t Do Anything Right!’

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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    #NegativeSelfTalk #PowerOfThoughts #OvercomingDoubts #PersonalGrowth
    #MentalHealth #AskExpert #SalesCoach #BusinessCoach #SelfWorth

  • We are talking all things marketing -- now, if your hair just stood up on end 
 or you're thinking you already know everything there is about marketing 
 or you can chat GPT your way through, I want you to hang on to your hats and glasses and listen to today's conversation.

    Alicia Branham, the marketing powerhouse with a story beyond business savvy. Her journey reflects adaptability and determination, traits cultivated during her formative years when her parents uprooted her to Uruguay.
    Navigating the challenges of a new language and culture, Alicia not only embraced the unfamiliar but thrived in it. This early experience laid the foundation for her ability to connect with diverse audiences and approach marketing from a truly global perspective.

    And the reason it is so important to invest in marketing, it is SO LOUD now. We must be able to stand out so that the people who are looking for us and need our help are going to be able to find us.

    Alicia helps brands crush their visual presence with her background in design and marketing.

    When she started, she ran an in-house marketing department for a large valve manufacturer. It was the sort of behind the scenes – or your wall – reason that people have clean water in their faucets and can bathe their babies. She learned what it entails to buy an American-made product and the pressures put on people requesting her services to help them succeed.

    She works with a lot of second- and third-generation businesses to freshen up or rebrand their services to help them gain recognition in their industry.

    “At some point, you have to care about how you look and represent yourself to the world, even if you are a small business,” says Alicia. “It's no different than walking out of the house and running a brush through your hair and putting on some clean clothes.”

    Alicia says the one thing she wished more business owners did is to create a marketing plan for themselves – no matter what product or service they provide. How are you going to attract any new business and grow if you don't invest in your business's marketing plan?

    “Wouldn't you want someone that maybe specializes in your industry to bring you some new insights and some new data 
 and help your business really stand out? A lot of people think that they have to do it alone,” says Alicia. “You don’t.”

    She points to using contractors, who can help fill a need. One of the first people Alicia hired was a bookkeeper.

    Alicia says a mistake she made in her business was not getting her monthly numbers. Alicia says her life changed when she started looking at her numbers. It also makes you a stronger business owner, even if you're a solopreneur, it gives you all the tools and the information that you need to make educated decisions.

    If you’re looking to start investing in marketing, the first step is to really understand your end user, your client or your customer and the spaces they occupy.

    “What's your message? What are you trying to get across? Who are you trying to attract? And then start building a conversation around your clients ... providing value in the form of either blog posts or articles,” says Alicia.

    “Marketing and just everything in general is just is changed so much, but you shouldn't be afraid of it.”

    Connect with Alicia Branham: and
    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Test That Marketing Tactic to Accelerate Your Business

    Marketing Not Working? Human Design Could Help

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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  • If you really feel in your heart, “I can't wait till my kids grow up,”-- what you mean to say is how, do I solve for the and? How do I solve for joy with my children and the thing that fuels me so that I can be available for the joy with my children moments?

    Tiffany Sauder is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, CEO, board member, investor, podcast host and keynote speaker. She founded the marketing agency, Element Three, 18 years ago and ever since she and her husband have been building their companies and their family on the exact same timeline. That means four kids, three businesses and two careers, all building towards one abundant life.

    We are going to talk about what happens inside a household when a woman is truly ambitious. Be sure to listen to the full recording to get her tips about implicit expectations vs explicit agreements and how she found herself “marrying” the same man twice!

    Tiffany says entrepreneurship is just this massive process of discovering yourself – your real motivations, your real, a real understanding of your talents and gifts. She says she loves the pressure the business environment affords her.

    “You talk about putting more money in the hands of women. I feel like my job is to, like, show that you can do this,” says Tiffany. She would often hear an exhausted “I feel so out of balance.”

    Tiffany recognized there were seasons in her life where she slept four or five hours a night, but no part of her felt tired. And she started to realize that balance wasn’t connected to time.

    Her definition of balance is the intersection of your priorities and your values, and being “out of balance is when we begin to behave in ways that are not aligned with our priorities. For example,
    let's say, health is a priority, but you’re having trouble eating foods that are real. You're not making time for movement. You're not making time for personal reflection. You begin to say, “I am so out of balance.”

    But what if you said to yourself more specifically, “I am not honoring in my choices, my priorities.”

    “When I'm just like ‘I'm so out of balance’ that feels like I'm a reactive victim to this concept that other people are sort of putting on me instead of saying if I fell out of balance, it probably means I am violating a priority, or I'm pursuing a priority at the expense of a value,” says Tiffany.

    She says it doesn't mean the choice to choose this priority was bad. It means that you’re doing it to a degree that is violating what you really care about. In that sense, balance isn’t about time or having more of it.

    “I think what you want is to say, I want to be doing things that are moving towards the things I care about. The adventures I want to have. The stuff I want to create value around,” says Tiffany.

    “The causes I want to serve, the people I want to have adventures with, and I want to do those in a way that are aligned with who I am as a human being, which is our values.”

    The waitlist is open at the for Tiffany’s four-week course to help two-career families get on top of the life of and, and begin living in a way that feels free and abundant and present.

    Mentioned in this episode: The Nordic Theory of Everything :

    Connect with Tiffany Sauder:

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    How to Deal With Mom Guilt and Balance

    How do I Find Work-Life Balance?

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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    #LifeBalanceManagement #MomsInBusiness #WorkLifeBalance #ProductivityTips
    #Success #LifeBalance #MomEntrepreneurs #AskExpert #BusinessCoach

  • Have you ever been stuck in a job you hate? Have you been nervous that there's only one possible path for you to take to use your college degree, and that everything else is off limits? Keep your head down. Put in your dues. Everyone raising their hands? Me too.

    Today’s guest, Lata Hamilton, is on a mission to help other millennial women carve their own paths for a change in career, leadership and life, and find the confidence and authenticity to truly earn their worth.

    Lata was born in India and lived in an orphanage before her Australian parents adopted her. It was the 80s and the orphanage was filled with girls – girls Lata says weren’t valued.

    “I always grew up knowing that I was adopted (
) it's really made me realize just what a big impact that actually was,” says Lata. “It doesn't matter where you start, it's where you're going and the lives that you change along the way that really matters. And so, for me, that's what I'm always looking to do. It's almost like living up to my full potential.”

    She watched her father, the breadwinner, work at one company getting promotion after promotion and raise after raise. She says on an unconscious level, she thought that was the path to success.

    Lata went to university and pursued a creative industry – media and communications. When she received her salary offer for her first job in advertising, she realized she could have skipped university and stocked supermarket shelves for the same pay.

    “I went into the corporate space because at some level I was like, ‘well, corporate is the way that you go in order to get a bigger salary,’ ” says Lata. “But that's not what happened because I'm not my dad. I'm not a 50-year-old white man.”

    In the first years of her corporate career Lata says she felt stuck and stifled as she came up against people saying “you’ve got to do your time.” She wasn’t getting promotions. She did graduate training for leadership and was offered an entry-level role. It was frustrating.

    She did some coaching and moved to a new company that boosted her pay by $20,000 and it was there that she found change management, which had the variety, flexibility and challenge that she wanted.

    “We're not going to work for fun,” says Lata. “Otherwise, it would be a hobby, or it would be volunteering. We actually want to go to be compensated.”

    Lata loves to share her salary and salary progressions openly because she wants to inspire people about what’s possible. As women, we often don't want to talk about money. But often, that means we don't understand what is possible out there for us.

    For Lata, change management was a career path presented to her only once she was in the corporate world. She says if you’re looking to make a change, have the courage to talk to people around you. She suggests that it doesn’t have to be your leader or manager at work; it can be a neutral third party like a colleague or someone outside the company.

    “There are so many ways of doing things, and often we just don't have that information, or we're not aware,” says Lata.

    Get Lata's free "Underpaid and Overlooked Coaching Action Guide" with her 5-step formula to change careers with confidence and earn your worth:

    Connect with Lata Hamilton :

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Let Your Ambition Fly:

    Why Zigzagging Your Path Means More Success :

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #CareerPath #MakeMoreMoney #CareerChange #IncreaseSalary #FeelingLostInYourCareer #CareerSuccess #AskExpert #SalesCoach #BusinessCoach #WomenInBusiness

  • Do you know how much money you should be saving from your business? Do you know how to create wealth from your business? These are the tougher questions that can enhance your work especially if you're starting to get a handle on your business numbers.

    This episode will have you think about all the different ways you can start building wealth for your business and have your money work harder for you.

    Kaitlyn Carlson is the Founder & CEO of Theory Planning Partners, a boutique wealth creation firm for the top female entrepreneurs in the United States.
    Kaitlyn saw her uncle lose his restaurant. She saw her grandfather have to sell his home. She saw the financial stress in her family and felt responsible as the oldest child to learn and create a better future. She graduated with a major in psychology and took her first job in asset management.

    “How do they create wealth?” asked Kaitlyn of her clients. “It became very clear to me that in order to create wealth, you need to know the rules of the game, and you need to know how to play the game.”

    When people start their business, Kaitlyn says the one thing she wishes business owners do is calculate their financial freedom number.

    “Context leads to intention,” says Kaitlyn. “When I was working with average Americans that were getting ready for retirement, the majority of them were not prepared for retirement, and it was because they didn't have this information earlier in time.”

    She says the wealth creation journey is like ascending and descending a mountain. A lot of business owners will put one foot in front of the other without having any idea of where they are.

    For emergency funds, Kaitlyn recommends three months’ worth of expenses in cash. Personal emergency funds are similar, anywhere from three to six months of living expenses in a cash reserve.

    “Wealth is not a specific number; wealth is the luxury of choice.”

    Kaitlyn says it’s ok not to force yourself to love the numbers. If you don’t love doing the bookkeeping, then become successful enough to hire a bookkeeper and delegate.

    “Business owners that really start to rise above are the ones that are great delegate and recognize this is always going to be a weakness for me,” says Kaitlyn. “That's where I've really seen the breakaway between, you know, the five figure and then the multi six, seven and eight figure is they're a fantastic delegators.”

    To start building wealth, you need to secure the recurring profitability of your business. A mistake entrepreneurs might make is when their business has eclipsed their former salary and can cover their living expenses, they’ll enter a period of lifestyle creep. They’re making more money than they’ve ever made before and they’ll just go out and start spending it – neglecting the financial freedom number that needs to be funded.

    “So we really try to catch people when they get to that point of, okay, now my business is doing really well. I'm starting to make more money than it costs to live my lifestyle. This is where I need to stop and assess what my plan is, what my intention is,” says Kaitlyn.

    Quit Like A Millionaire:
    Plan for Profit:

    Connect with Kaitlyn Carlson :

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Are You Protecting Your Assets?

    Debt Doesn’t Have to Be a Dirty Word

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #WealthManagement #WealthBuilder #FinancialFreedom #HowMuchToRetire
    #PersonalFinance #Investing #AskExpert #BusinessCoach #SalesCoach

  • Photos are the gateways to our stories. They are the gateway to learning more about our ancestors and where we come from – even if you have a broken family or past; photos can help you heal and understand your stories from a different perspective.

    Haleh Shoa is the Founder and CEO of Picturli, a photo organization, curation, archiving, and design studio that helps families, individuals, and businesses transform their photo mess into one sortable digital library.
    Haleh firmly believes that our family histories and personal memories are some of the most valuable treasures we can have and that preserving and sharing them is essential for future generations.
    Today's episode is going to inspire you to listen to the nudges and look at what makes you happy, because you really can start a business based on anything.

    Haleh was working as the Director of Operations for Jaguar/Land Rover and was flying around the globe. She loved it. But it made her wonder if she could do it for herself. She started working with a life coach, who asked her what she loved doing the most.

    They dug deep, and Haleh realized she loved photo books and creating gallery wall art. Haleh started her business in 2016 and was questioning herself – was she doing the right thing?

    Her passion for photo organizing stems from her family’s history of being uprooted by the Iranian Revolution in 1979. While they were unable to bring most of their belongings to the U.S., they did manage to bring all of their photo albums and memorabilia.
    Now, the only memories that remain from Haleh’s childhood are through her family photos and the stories shared with her through the collection she has preserved.
    “I would take my photos into work and start scanning them,” says Haleh. “Because of the revolution, I have family in four continents. 
 And it really would get my cousins calling going, ‘Where did you get these photos? We've never seen them.’”
    Haleh says anytime you start a business, you have to go with the energy of its growth and changes. Haleh’s first client had a house full of 45,000 photos that needed to be organized and archived.
    While she knew she wanted to do photobooks, this client needed the organization and archival aspect first. She listened and led with service.
    “It's so incredible to learn someone's story and for them to be able to not now have access to it,” says Haleh.

    The first step is to gather all the items – photos, albums, scrapbooks, films and videos, and then to have a goal. That’s where curation comes in.

    “We learn about their family birthdays, passings, weddings. And we do a family chart,” she says. Once everything is organized, her team digitizes, renames, and redates all the files.

    Haleh still works on the creative side, designing curated photo books. One of her recent projects involved creating a book that a client used to propose to his girlfriend.

    “We're not just the scanning agency. We make sure that we understand your story, and we apply that to your assets.”

    To contact Haleh Shoa at Picturli or to download the 7-step guide to archiving and downloading your photos, visit

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Does Your Story Matter? (More Than You Know) with Catherine Nikkel

    How to Make Money as an Artist with Miriam Schulman

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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    #PhotoArchiving #PhotoSorting #FamilyMemories #OrganizeYourPhotos #FamilyPhotos #PhotoBookDesign #AskExpert #BusinessCoach #IntuitiveBusinessCoach

  • Have you ever felt that you just don't look right? That You’re not enough. You should take up less room. Be quieter. Most women really tend to feel this is when it comes to food and weight. Today's guest helps women heal from all of the societal expectations thrown at us.

    Ali Sempek is an Internationally Certified Wellness Coach and Founder/CEO of her own women’s empowerment company, Ask Coach Ali. After a decade of disordered eating, she’s changing the narrative of what healthy looks like by helping women transform their relationships with food and who they see in the mirror.

    Ali says we live in an action-based society. Do this and get something in return. You do this diet and you'll get this fat loss. You do these things in a relationship and you'll get married. What happens when you do and do and do and do, and you never get the result that you want, or one that's not long lasting?

    “If you're not getting what you want, you've got to go all the way back and say, how am I thinking? What is my mindset around this,” says Ali. “Whether it's about limiting beliefs or it's about how I'm showing up in the world or what I think we've been even capable of.”

    Ali asks her clients to look at who taught them, or what experience taught them. Your thoughts impact your feelings, your feeling impact your actions, you actions impact your results.

    We have become a society that is starting to be more open to mental health, to therapists, to psychologists, to that realm. But there is no one that's in the middle. There's no one that says, “Yes, you might have a lot of areas we need to work on, but you can also love yourself in the interim.”

    You're allowed to have the “and” not just the “either or.” Ali says as a coach, she looks at right now to find the reason you're not getting what you want. She recognizes as a wellness coach the reason is probably painful, restrictive or punishing in some contexts.

    “I'm going to say something that might be a little triggering to some people. I find it hilarious that as women, we outsource our intuition to men,” says Ali. “We're outsourcing to men who are trying to help with our hormones, with our relationship to our bodies, our relationship to food. And I just want to shake everybody and go, but they're not a woman. They haven't had the same experiences that you are having.”

    We are constantly being told as women what we should be, what we shouldn't be, how we should eat, how we should act, how we should talk. Society is constantly telling us what's wrong with us. And then offering, saying, “here, but buy this and we will help you fix it.”

    It teach us that it's our fault, that we are the broken ones, that we need to be fixed. And the only way to be fixed is to buy into the system. But why would it ever want to heal you, Ali asks.

    “Investing in yourself is the only knowledge and tool and resource that no one can ever take away from you,” says Ali. We can’t avoid the pressure that is thrown at us. We can't avoid the truth of those conversations and the impact that it's had on each of us.

    “I always say curiosity over judgment, always,” says Ali. “You cannot feel curious and judgmental at the same time. Rather than judging yourself, why did I do that? 
 Get curious about who you are and where that's coming from because that's going to give you a lot more feedback for the future rather than continually keep you stuck.”

    Connect with Ali Sempek:

    Mentioned: You Are a Goddess by Sophie Bashford:

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    What’s Causing The Results You Have Right Now?

    Demand What You Need

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

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    #DefyingExpectations #SocietalPressure #HealthCoach #FoodCoaching #wellness #SocietyExpectations #SelfConfidence #AskExpert #BusinessCoach #IntuitiveBusinessCoach

  • Content warning, this episode includes references to sex trafficking and abuse.

    Megan Camille is a psychic and intuitive business consultant who's built seven- and six-figure businesses from scratch, relying on her intuition and inner guidance.
    As a mother with no college education, Megan really understands firsthand the challenges that come with starting a business from the ground up while raising children. She firmly believes that business is 80% energetics and 20% strategy. Her clients have gone on to leave their corporate careers and create successful multiple six figure businesses, add additional streams of income, and enjoy their first million dollars.

    Megan loves her work; it has provided a beautiful, full, luxurious life for her and her family. She has five kids and is happily married. But the need to generate her money came after she was sex trafficked as a teenager and spent four years as a prostitute in Vegas and L.A.

    When she tried to apply for jobs, she was unemployable. She had a record of having been trafficked. In the adult industry, the punishment falls onto the women and not necessarily those who are abusing or exploiting them.

    “I had to learn how to do it a different way,” says Megan. “I started using, you know, my own intuition. And that has really guided me through my entire life.”

    “And I don't mean this in an airy-fairy kind of way,” says Megan. “This is where the grit comes in. Oftentimes, it's much more difficult to listen to your intuition than it is to listen to your husband, or to listen to your mother, or to listen to the outside world.”

    Megan says it was during her teen years that she really learned the difference between the nervous system, human chatter, emotions, desire, and intuition.

    “My human desire wanted to be with this person who was dangerous, abusive, hurtful, exploitive. 
 But my intuition was always “go home, go home, go back to your mom,’” says Megan. “My intuition was always there, but the humanness wanted instant gratification.”

    Megan says that experience plays out in business where you want to feel safe – be it seeking approval or thinking you can’t invest in yourself.

    If you’re feeling scared about deviating from the plan or what feels safe and secure, Megan suggests getting comfortable with the worst-case scenario.

    Most entrepreneurs and business owners wait for confidence before they take big action. It’s the big action that brings in great results – and confidence comes from those results.

    “Your entry point is in courage. Courage is what you need, not confidence. Confidence comes after courage,” says Megan. “So sometimes it's about just doing it.”

    Megan suggests developing a process to move through the feeling of being afraid and spinning your wheels. That’s where the worst-case scenario comes in.

    “Most people are actually more committed to the mediocrity than they are to this big vision. I will actually keep this 40 to 50 hours a week, not spending much time with my family, feeling a little burnt out because at least I know I'm not ‘failing by society’. And worst-case scenario says what does failing actually mean to you?” asks Megan.

    Connect with Megan :
    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Top Strengths of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur

    What it Takes to Go From 6 to 7 Figures with Sigrun

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

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    #IntuitionDevelopment #AskExpert #IntuitiveBusinessCoach #WomenInBusiness #ScaleYourBusiness

  • If you own an online business and you don't think seven figures is realistic -- you are going to love this episode. Our guest, Sigrun, is Europe's number-one online business mentor.

    What I love about Sigrun is her honesty, her accessibility, and how much she's willing to share all the mistakes and all the internal mindset pieces. You know when you think, "I am too dumb to do this. I can't do this." She had them, too.

    Sigrun Gudjonsdottir is an award-winning business coach, bestselling author, international speaker, and host of the Sigrun Show podcast (I've been a guest!).

    Sigrun had what she thought was her dream job as CEO of an IT company, but changes with that board led to Sigrun taking leave and traveling.

    She found herself in Switzerland starting from scratch to build her reputation and career. Sigrun developed repetitive strain injury and took time off to heal. After seven months, she knew it was time to start her own business.

    "What the woman was doing, you know, not discrediting her in any way, but joining this course it was a wake-up call. Like, okay, I can do this," says Sigrun. "I realized that my problem, my alchemist journey of not figuring out what I want, was a very common problem."

    From there, she came up with the idea of a Passion-athon – a free boot camp where you find your true passion and the right business idea in seven days. She gave herself a week to promote it and built the modules based on the exercises she had done to find her passion.

    Looking back, Sigrun says it was silly to offer something for free with no next steps or offers. She did get amazing testimonials, though.

    "I was obviously not clear on what I was doing. I was all over the place and even and I need to say this to anyone who is having like doubts if they've got what it takes," says Sigrun. "I had ten years' experience as CEO and I had an MBA from top like we're talking about a top ten business school in the world, and I had no clue what I was doing."

    Sigrun had ambition to replace her previous income. She worked to double her business every year from $72,000 to $164,000 and then $340,000.

    She attributes her jump in year three to her husband losing his job. Suddenly, she was the family breadwinner. She set a goal to make a million dollars. By August, she'd only made a third.

    "I wrote down all my progress and everything I could sell, even next year, because I was running retreats at the time," says Sigrun. "I saw it was theoretically possible."

    Sigrun dove in. She launched her podcast in August 2018, did her first live event in September, sold out her Masterminds for the following year, and sold out her group coaching program.

    "I started to make a habit of writing down, okay, this is what I need to make still and can I still do it? And every time I convinced myself," says Sigrun. "It was all about convincing myself that it's still possible."

    Sign up to get a copy of Sigrun's latest book, Kickstart Your Online Business - Create an Online Course and Start to Make Sales:

    Connect with Sigrun Gudjonsdottir:

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    3 Lessons I Learned From My 8-figure Coach:

    The One Thing You Need to Scale Your Business:

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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  • Law contracts done right are a small business owner's best friend. They will protect your personal assets. They will protect potential clients from stealing your work and not hiring you, which happens more often than you think.

    Sharon L. Tasmin is a seasoned business and technology attorney with over 30 years of experience in law and over 10 years as a businesswoman. Having spent 15 years at HoganLovells, one of the world's largest law firms, and serving as in-house counsel at MedImmune, Sharon founded HTBiz Law to offer clients the best of both worlds—a boutique law firm experience with the expertise of a global firm.

    Contracts don't have to be scary. Your clients and customers sign things all the time. They sign contracts daily but may not think of them as contracts.

    "If somebody refuses to do business with you because you want them to sign a contract that protects you and still gives your client or customer what they need run because that's the potential client that will not pay," says Sharon.

    They will likely leave bad reviews. They will likely have unreasonable expectations.

    The contract protects both of you. The single greatest disagreement between service providers, consultants, business owners, and their customers is when there isn't a clear understanding of what you are going to do, for how much money, and in what time, versus what they were going to get in, what time, and for how much. The simplest way to solve that problem is to put it all in writing and sign.

    Sharon says not all money is good money, and not all clients are good clients for you.

    "The hardest decision a new business owner will make when they are new and desperate for money is 'I must take every bit of work that comes in the door,' and that is 100% the wrong thing," says Sharon. "If you are so desperate or foresee that you will be so desperate that you will not be able to say no, you're not ready to start your business as your full-time job yet."

    "The first thing you need to do is file an LLC and it will be the best one to 300 hundred dollars you will ever spend. If you can't afford that, for sure you should not be starting a business."

    This creates a distinction in the eyes of the law between you as a business and you as a person. Without it, if you make a mistake and get sued, all your personal assets are at risk -- your house, your car, your savings.

    Next, do the inventory. Think of everything you've created, and then make sure that you're taking that into account in the rates you charge. Do you add $25 an hour? Is it a flat fee?

    "If you take the project that absorbs 40 hours a week of your time, it isn't just that it may not be the right client and you may be getting paid less for this project, it's you're losing the opportunity cost of something else," says Sharon.

    Get "Securing Your Brilliance: A Hands-On Workbook for Copyright & IP Protection" to help you identify and protect your valuable digital and intellectual property assets:
    It usually is $19.95, but with the promo code "GAMEON" it will be only $9.95.

    Connect with Sharon:
    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Business Cash Flow: How to Pay Yourself (and the IRS) Consistently

    How to Manage Your Money Before Divorce

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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    #WomenInBusiness #WomenEmpowerment #BusinessCoach #SalesCoach

  • If you are running an online business today you know how painful it can be to try out a new marketing tactic and have it bomb. Maybe you tried to launch a webinar, or that email campaign just didn’t work. What if it didn’t actual fail? There’s a good chance you’re receiving extraordinary data that could turn your business around.

    Today’s guest is Market Your Genius author Nikki Nash, who approaches the testing of marketing with her M.A.A.D Scientist Framework.
    Nikki has always been the person that followed their gut with what decision to make – and her journey to marketing started when she got really frustrated with where her career was going. She started out as a journalist, working in magazines and ended up in advertising.

    She went to get her MBA and landed a job at Intel where she ran digital content and social marketing for North America. She set her sights on becoming CMO.

    At the same time, her aunt was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Nikki’s grandmother had died of it, and her mother had tested positive for the BRCA 2 gene. Nikki and her sister tested negative but Nikki knew she wanted to make a change.

    She quit her job and became a consultant, teaching marketing and working for a startup.

    “What I learned at startups is nobody knows what the heck they're doing, and they're really just testing and figuring stuff out, she says.

    Nikki says most people overcomplicate their business and that ends up slowing it down. She says when she started, she didn’t have a website – she had a Google Doc with some information, but she still had money and clients coming in. Here are her five essential pieces, listen in for more:

    Power of singularity
    Identify one buyer
    Customer journey or marketing game plan
    Sales process
    Test and validate the plan

    Nikki developed the M.A.A.D Scientist Framework when she was teaching marketing as a side hustle. She was trying to explain to people how to collect data from their marketing.

    What tends to happen is people will jump from marketing tactic to tactic.

    “People get so hung up on minute tactics that they don't actually sit back and think, my ideal buyer. I'm trying to get them to buy this specific offering. What is the best way to find them, connect with them, build a relationship with them, and invite them to buy from me?” says Nikki.

    The point is to do it again. This is the basis of test marketing. Experiment in cycles with your hypothesis of how you’re going to reach your buyer and pitch to them. Setting up the experiment cycle takes the pressure off. For example, if you know you will launch a program eight times in a year, you have more room to reach your target and do the tweaks to help you reach your sales goal.

    The best part of running a business is you get to choose. You can do an incremental increase in your income if you feel like you're going to have a bigger impact. You can say no. You can choose to travel or be location independent. You can choose to have flexibility for your family or yourself. You choose what to do with the money.

    Connect with Nikki on Instagram ( for a free blueprint to help grow your business.

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Marketing Not Working? Human Design Could Help:

    Storytelling, Sharing With Clients and Taylor Swift:

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #TestMarketing #BusinessGrowth #MarketingPlan #MarketingTips #MarketResearch
    #MarketingStrategy #LeadGeneration #WomenInBusiness #AskExpert #SalesCoach

  • Does it freak you out to even think about possibly going into debt? If so, you're definitely not alone. Our thoughts tend to jump to the total due and not the monthly payment or the possibility of short-term use. Today's guest talks about how you can start to switch your money mindset around the debt you may already have.

    Danielle Hendon is the founder and owner of 4 Corners CFO. She's an accountant that helps business owners understand both debt and their money mindset and then obviously how to grow and expand.

    If you love running your business, but you're not always so sure about the financial piece, today's episode is going to help you relax and give you great ideas.

    Danielle says her origin story goes back to being a music major in college. Her English professor had the class write about the future of their career and she realized the future of a music major was not going to support her financial habits.

    But she had friends in accounting and decided to try it out. She loved the auditing side of accounting, and loved everything about it until she started a family. A newborn and 80-hour work weeks did not mesh.

    “Yeah, we want to be there for our family. We want to have the flexibility, but we are still really smart women that can do an amazing job,” she says.

    Danielle wants to start by normalizing how she thinks a lot of us view debt. The narrative behind debt has a really negative connotation. It's built around the unintentional and habitual use of debt, rather than being built around the intentional and purposeful use of debt.

    “I want people to switch the narrative to understand that that negative connotation comes with the unintentionality. It has nothing to do with the debt itself. Debt is just a tool that can be used in good or bad ways,” says Danielle.

    That intentional debt could be the thing that launches your business. You cannot start a business without money. It's going to take time to get clients in the door. It's going to take time to get marketing up to speed. That is not a bad thing when it's intentional and it's planned for, and you know how much you're going to need to launch and be successful.

    If you’re risk averse, you might start small and show yourself the facts. Run the numbers. Take the emotion out of it and deal with pure data. Then let yourself add a little emotion back in to motivate you to knock those payments out even quicker.

    When it comes to growing their business, Danielle says hiring that first employee is always a good investment.

    The fear usually comes from the ability to make payroll, which she says comes back to the importance of having a budget and a plan. She suggests a line of credit is a good way to counter that fear, as it will take three months to get an employee up to speed.

    “I will say 90% of the time hiring an employee is almost always the right decision when they are a revenue generating employee,” says Danielle. “Usually, your first hire is somebody to help do the doing. [
] And then you free up space to grow, because if you are the only one doing the doing in your business, you cap out real quick.”

    Listeners are invited to connect with Danielle by visiting the following link:
    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Master the Art of Hiring:

    You Deserve the Money:

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #DebtManagement #GoodDebtBadDebt #FinancialEducation #DebtFreeCommunity #WomenInBusiness #AskExpert #SalesCoach #MoneyMindset #MoneyManagement

  • Catherine Nikkel is a ghost writer extraordinaire and a woman on a mission to help you know and understand that your story matters. If you have been thinking about whether or not you should tell your story, or if it's time for you to write that book -- Catherine gets her clients from idea to first draft in 120 days.
    She believes everyone has a story to tell. Drawing upon her extensive 15-year background as a former social worker, she empowers people to use their voice to make an impact—within themselves, their relationships, and their communities.
    “There's a quote I always refer to and I still can't find who wrote it [
], ‘Our story could be the key to unlock someone else's prison.’ And I just feel that. Don't be selfish with our stories because it could really change someone's life,” she says.

    Her goal is to get people out of their head. Some might think they aren’t a good writer; others might be caught up in the vulnerability.

    “When we’re sharing our stories, we’re putting ourselves out there to be critiqued, to be judged, to be shamed. But on the flip side, we're also there to be celebrated,” says Catherine.

    She says it’s exciting and humbling to be a guide for people who are gearing up to share moments they might not have shared with anyone else or vocalized before.

    When working with people who have been through a traumatic event, the first thing Catherine does is talk about the vision. That means looking at what the author hopes to get out of the story and who they picture reading it. What impact is the author looking to make?

    “When we think about the pieces of our story we want to tell, especially in the world of memoirs, it doesn't need to be a whole chronological ‘here's my whole life story,’” she says. “It's what are those inspiring and impactful moments in a slice of your life that are going to lead to that main North Star? Because before we do anything together, we need to know what that is.”

    Writing can be a cathartic and healing journey, but that doesn’t mean you have to share everything. Catherine says some people might write the book and then decide not to publish, and that’s okay because the goal was to write the book.

    “Sometimes we're still healing, and it's really tough to publish and put yourself out there where your end result, for whatever that means, may not be the same in five years. So their main goal is let's just get the book and then decide the rest from there.”

    Having someone who can get you on the right path – even if it’s just working on an outline – the accountability piece is key. Constructive feedback coupled with helping an author meet their deadlines can be the difference between someone saying they want to write a book; and actually writing it.

    It can also be helpful to have someone help pull out the story because authors can be so close they might miss details the reader needs to know.

    “If you can take some of your story and just inspire someone else, you know, again, those cliches, those that trauma to triumph, people are so inspired by that and people deserve to hear your story,” says Catherine.

    Catherine is sharing a book outline called the Write Track on her website:

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Storytelling, Sharing With Clients and Taylor Swift

    The 5 Stages of Healing

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #BusinessStorytelling #StoryTellingTips #WritingTips #AuthorStruggles
    #WriteaBook #GrowYourBusiness #BookCoach #WomenInBusiness #EntrepreneurLife #AskExpert

  • After unexpectedly making it to the semifinals of the 2022 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Search competition, NoorJehan Tourte made it her mission to get women excited about the prospects of falling on their faces over and over.

    She believed that becoming a Sports Illustrated model would represent the culmination of a lifetime spent searching for her true identity. But the experience helped her realize that her childhood dream was not only to be a cover model, but also a role model, one who empowers women to show the world in every way, from every angle, who they really are, unapologetically.

    NoorJehan says leadership and empowering other women has made her more productive. She says it reminds her there was a time in her life where she was feeling insecure or threatened by other women, and that held her back in many ways.

    “All that was doing was robbing me of time to do what I wanted to do and to put myself out there,” says NoorJehan.

    Striving to be the best mom, best business owner, best wife all comes from a place of needing validation. It’s a cycle we have to break to steer away from the women-on-women dynamics of competitiveness and insecurity.

    As co-lead of the brand strategy department at AREA 23, she says she has to remind herself that leading equals doing.

    She’s been told to delegate and be a role model and has seen that some folks interpret role modeling as having direct reports look up to them.

    NoorJehan says her interpretation of role modeling is her direct reports to see her if you look to the left and right instead of up. She wants her reports to think, “I'm just so happy that she's here and she's doing this with me. I'm going to get it done, and it's going to be done well, because NoorJehan is here supporting me through it.”

    Leading is knowing when you need to get in the trenches because it's for the greater good of someone's well-being or someone's mental health. She says when you build that kind of trust, and you show them your credibility, the hope is to have earned their goodwill if you need to call upon them in the future.

    Oftentimes as women we might look at other people's lives and think, “they're so lucky that things just work out for them, or fate is just on their side,” says NoorJehan.

    Then, you start to count all the reasons and all the times things didn't work out for you. NoorJehan says she did that as a young girl, but she was able to shift her perspective because her parents would remind her of her resilience.

    “If you really peel back your life, you will see that you are getting rejected more than you were ever getting accepted. And that's okay. That's life. But my mind immediately pivots to okay, how do I open my own next door?” says NoorJehan.

    She says when we talk about people that are always looking for the next best thing, it's someone who's scared of commitment or just scared of accepting a lot. But for her, she’s very content.

    Contentment is what drives her desire to try again when something didn't work out. What's the next thing that you can try?

    Connect with NoorJehan Tourte : Use 20% off your first purchase with code: gameonfgp20

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Recognizing Your Self Worth When Things Feel “Too Hard”

    Sharing Women’s Success – Who is a Torchbearer?

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #LeadershipForWomen #WomenEmpoweringWomen #NoorJehan #LeadershipWomen #LeadershipLegacy #LeadershipLessons #EmpoweringLeaders #WomenEmpowerment #SalesCoach

  • Have you been told that you need a brand story? Has somebody said to you, “You know if you don't have a story, your stuff will never sell.?” Given the success of some people, who are now billionaires because they tell stories very well (Taylor Swift), it seems like there's something to the power of storytelling.

    Christine DeHerrera is a writer and business coach. As a publicist, she told stories for Olympic athletes, Fortune 200 individuals, experts, authors and business owners of every type for more than 20 years. Better storytelling helped them increase their sales, uplevel their collaborations and brand deals, grow their audience and increase their media presence. (She’s helped me with my grocery store story, too!)
    Christine says storytellers make the culture, but business owners don’t necessary think about it. The more storytelling we can do, the more impact we can have. Part of that power is owning our stories, and then changing the culture by changing the stories.

    If you’ll let me have a fangirl moment right now, Taylor Swift is a billionaire of her own making because she sits down and writes stories. She can be your best friend, a maternal figure, or inspire and empower you with her lyrics. Whether you like her music or not, she’s tapped into the zeitgeist.

    “As human beings, our brains are literally wired for story,” says Christine. “It's what differentiates humans from every other lifeform on the planet.”

    Our brains are constantly scanning for information to keep us safe and information to keep us like moving ahead, because that's how we stay alive as human beings. Christine notes that Taylor Swift, is not only great at meeting her listeners with her stories, but also, she has controlled her own narrative in a way that is pretty much unprecedented for a female artist.

    That's what we have to do to as business owners is take control of our own narrative. Christine says she sees the whole picture, the whole business, from the lens of story.

    Christine says when she works with clients, most often they think their stories aren’t interesting. There's the idea that their story isn't big enough or that it's not interesting enough. Spoiler: We all get glued to reality TV and social media; other humans are inherently interesting to other people.

    “Your own journey is inherently interesting to your clients and to your viewers, your listeners, because they're going through something similar,” says Christine. “It's a little bit like your journey becomes your medicine.”

    The stories that apply to your customer help them understand and what journey they're on are always relevant, because in business, we're helping them transform in some way.

    Christine says timing is important – especially now with social media. Sometimes you’ll get a warning about a vulnerable story coming through a post.

    Take the pressure off with social media. You don't owe them anything. You don’t need to share any of your experiences immediately. What you're looking to do in your business is to have other people telling their story, their excitement around whatever it is you do.

    Connect with guest Christine DeHerrera:

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Fall Back In Love With Social Media with Katie McKiever

    How to Make Money Podcasting (Without Burning Out!) with Chelsea Riffe

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #Storytelling #storytellingForBusiness #StorytellingForEntrepreneurs
    #AskExpert #EntrepreneurLifestyles #BusinessCoach #Branding #BrandStory

  • It can't get worse than this. Today’s guest will help us understand what the rock-bottom moments mean and how they relate to our own purpose, especially if you're an entrepreneur.

    These moments allow us to grow; they enrich our experience of being alive; they deepen our ability to help others. And, they allow us to be helped as well.

    Jacki Semerau Tait needed to recreate herself after losing her home and income sources. Her rock bottom became the catalyst she needed to launch her dream life. She's currently a top producing realtor with a background in marketing and advertising, and she's been using her expertise to coach other real estate agents nationwide

    As you're listening to this episode, if you’re thinking, I’ve never had a moment like that or I don't know what that feels like, I would encourage you to think about is whether or not you're still healing. These moments where we have to ask for help, or we have to look in the mirror and ask, am I self-sabotaging? Did I cause this to happen? Or what strengths do I need to help myself get out of this? That's the moment. That's a moment where you can start to find your own purpose and start to build strength from it.

    Jacki says now more than ever, people need to see the authentic journey that entrepreneurs go through to be successful.

    “There's no such thing as an overnight success,” says Jacki. “You just wake up one morning, and this person's in your awareness, but you don't see the 20 years of blood, sweat, tears, heartache, depression.”

    Jacki says society advertises this idea that we should be safe, secure and life should be easy – we shouldn’t have to struggle.

    “We think that when we go through the struggle, we're doing it wrong. There's something wrong with me. I, I must not deserve it,” says Jacki. “We get all that garbage in our head. That brings us to that moment of going, ‘Well, I might as well just give up.’”

    When you’re in the middle of it, you’re lost. Jacki recalls the saying, you can’t see the forest for the trees, and it’s so hard to look out.

    It took Jacki two and a half years to get back on her feet after losing her home. In the midst of it, her friend was able to attend a conference with motivational speaker Les Brown. While Jacki couldn’t afford to go, her friend lent her the CD set she’d bought.

    Jacki says his messaging changed the trajectory of her life and helped to get her outside of herself. Fast forward, two years later and Jacki was given the opportunity to be mentored by Les Brown.

    Her story was published in Ignite the Hunger With You. She realized if Les hadn't shared his stories, she wouldn't have had those in that moment. Now it's her job to share her story, and hopefully, that reaches even if just one person who needs to hear the message.

    As a speaker, it’s important not to share from a wound, but from a scar. If you haven’t healed, you can end up triggering other people instead of inspiring them. If you still have that open wound, it's okay. Keep learning the lessons. Journal. Record videos, and know that when this wound scars over, then it's time to share your story.

    Connect with Jacki Semerau Tait and receive her free gift ($4 story) :

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Sharing Women’s Success – Who is a Torchbearer?

    When Your Life Falls Apart Because of Money (And Your Career Is Born)

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #RockBottom #SuccessStories #HowToBeSuccessful #MotivationalStory #RockBottomRebound #EntrepreneurLifestyle #EntrepreneurMotivation #AskExpert #SalesCoach #RealEstate

  • We are going deep into your relationship to money. What I love about this interview is the discussion about the confidence, energy, and mindset someone needs to have around money to actually work well with a bookkeeper.

    Ashley Chamberlain founded Chamberlain and Good Company, a force for good, championing financial empowerment for small and mid-sized service companies with bookkeeping and fractional CFO services. Her mission is twofold to provide top notch bookkeeping services and to be a beacon of hope for those looking to take control of their financial destinies.
    If you've ever thought that you don't deserve the money you're earning or you're about what making "too much" will do to you, this is the episode for you.

    Ashley says she started her business to do what she needed at a time in her life when she didn’t know someone who could help her. She has now spent over 3,000 hours helping more than 300 single mothers get back on their feet financially.

    “Have a good accountant that you can talk these things through because sometimes you know the answer,” says Ashley. “You just need to be guided to it. That's super empowering to feel like you knew more than you thought you did.”

    When it comes to money, it’s almost like there is a worthiness block. I don’t deserve to make this much money. It’s not okay to make this much. These kinds of beliefs block you from the truth that you deserve money, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to feel abundant in your life.

    For Ashley, she says money and worthiness was deeply rooted as someone who grew up in poverty. She was told, if you have a lot of money, you aren't supposed to talk about it. That people who have more money are evil, or money can turn people into evil people.

    She also heard “that's too expensive” or “we can't afford that.”

    “Growing up with very little money, I had a really weird relationship with it,” says Ashley. “When I needed to learn more about it, there was this hesitation 
 am I going to become an evil person if I make good money?”

    People need to hear it's okay to make good money. It's okay to talk about making good money. There is a way to portray that you make good money and not feel icky about it.

    Everyone will have days where they aren’t feeling their best, and they might not feel “worthy.” Ashley likes to look to the past and find perspective. The Ashely of 15 years ago, was she worthy of making money? Because she’s the same person and getting better.

    “Making $12 an hour then felt like making $100 an hour now, because it was everything I needed at the time,” says Ashley. “It's all about mindset and making that first big jump to $20 an hour. ... I thought, okay, well, I'm BeyoncĂ©.”

    In these conversations around business, the most important thing is energy you bring. If you believe you are not worthy of making a lot of money helping people, you won't make it. If you don't believe in the way that you are creating your services, you're not going to sell them. It's all about mindset and attracting those things that you want to come in.

    Connect with Ashley Chamberlain:

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    How to Clear a Money Fog

    When Your Life Falls Apart Because of Money (And Your Career Is Born)

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

    (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)

    #FinancialFreedom #MoneyMindset #AbundanceManifestation #MoneyAffirmation #ProsperityMindset #ManifestMoney #WomenInBusiness #WomenInAccounting #SalesCoach

  • A mother of six, Ali Essig found herself in the emergency room with her husband. He’d suffered a stroke at 37. After multiple tests, the doctors found no clear answers, and they encouraged her family to avoid saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol and to eat more fiber.

    Ali dived deep into the research and found that eating a plant predominant diet would not only decrease her husband's risk of another stroke, but also decrease all types of chronic disease.

    You know I love to bring you women who have done something extraordinary with their own life experiences. They've taken their talent and their expertise, and they turn it into a business -- today's podcast interview will show you how true that actually is.

    Ali is a plant-based nutritionist and Founder of PlantWhys, where she offers busy women simple solutions to lose weight and overcome emotional eating and food addictions through positive psychology and a plant-based diet. She is also my first cousin!
    After her husband’s stroke, she took the piece of paper from the hospital outlining what to eat and what to avoid; it felt like a foreign language.

    “I was this insatiable person, just reading every single book; I read all of them,” says Ali. “I read anti-vegetarian; pro-plant based. I read all of them. I want to find the truth. I don't care what the truth is.”

    She found most books focused on three to six months, but she wanted to go beyond that. She wanted to see the long-term studies that would reduce heart disease.

    “Everything pointed to eat more plants,” says Ali. “We're not eating enough fiber, and reducing our animal consumption. And what I found too is you don't have to be perfect.”

    With six children, Ali needed flexibility. When it came to figuring out how to make a plant-based diet work in her home, she chose not to buy meat and dairy from the grocery store.

    “I can control what I can control in my in my house. And after that it's like, whatever,” says Ali.

    Ali said she didn’t intend to start a business from her experience, but people started asking her questions. And that led to her earning a nutritionist certification and starting a course.

    She says for some people, it was a great fit because they had a major life event like hers. Others wanted to lose weight. There's a lot of emotional weight that we carry. There's a lot of food addictions. There's a lot of emotional reasons we eat.

    Over time, Ali says her business transformed into looking at what do people need to change and let go of for an emotional reset.

    Ali says her favorite statistic is that if you were to switch out 3% of your animal protein with plant protein, that’s one meatless meal a week, it will decrease your risk of dying from all causes by 10%. That small little change can decrease so many things from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, you name it.

    Ali says what breaks her heart is when people say they went vegan for three months, and it was too hard, and they gave up. She says, why did you give up? Why can't you just keep it two meals a week? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

    Ali is offering a free 30-day trial to the PlantWhys membership:
    Connect with Ali Essig :

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    What is Emotional Eating and How Can You Stop

    Liberate Yourself from Weight Loss Conversations

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

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  • If you're breathing, you've probably had one of these negative thoughts: I suck, I can never do anything right. What's wrong with me? Why does everybody else know this but me?

    Today’s guest, Coleen Greco, is a compassionate, empathetic, and violently authentic human being. But she wasn't always like that. In many ways, she has been plagued by her own self-defeating thoughts, which she generously shares in this episode.

    Colleen calls herself a Joyologist. She provides mindset and nutrition coaching, as well as personal training to people who want to reclaim the joy in their life with the SNAP Methodℱ.

    Note this episode has mentions of suicide.

    In college, Coleen says she pursued the money. She went for the highest-paying internship, earned an MBA, and started working for EMC, now Dell. She did this for 26 years.

    “I just woke up one day and realized this is not my life and then made it switch,” says Coleen. “I never got quiet enough with myself to realize I had another option.”

    Six years ago, her 10-year-old son had a suicide attempt (he was unsuccessful and is now doing well!). Coleen and her family were shattered. They struggled to find help. Coleen says she ate, drank, and gained weight.

    “In these types of situations, there's very little that you can control, but I can control how I respond to situations,” says Coleen.

    She says the nutrition coach she was working with didn’t see the connection between mindset and food choices. Coleen knew she could do it better. It was through her own healing journey where Coleen realized they had to center everything around joy.

    Joy became almost an obsession. “It was my choice to just see the beauty in everything, even in the darkest of moments, to be in a place of gratitude for the opportunity to change so much of what was going on,” says Coleen.

    It’s not that it's not painful and not that it's not real, but there's always a next. There is the ability here to choose not only what goes into your body, and how you view that choice.

    Coleen says the SNAP Method found her. She says when she started writing and thinking through the triggers, she realized if she was telling herself one story, then that means she could tell a different one. It’s a battle with the ego that’s trying to protect you.

    When the negative stories come up, and you feel triggered, that's the ego saying, here's the story. Remember, you're not smart enough. You're not good enough. And I have the evidence right here.

    Breaking the emotional connection to those stories and then retiring those stories is really the power. For Coleen, it was how she kept the weight off.

    She says food’s job is to keep you alive, but we put all these unfair expectations on food, and that's what gets us into trouble.

    Listen in for more about the SNAP Method and how you can use it to help rewrite the negative thoughts you tell yourself. Looking at where they came from, challenging and analyzing them can help you tell yourself a different story.

    Coleen has a free gift for listeners to help you CRUSH Limiting Beliefs:

    Connect with Coleen:
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    On Facebook

    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    The 5 Stages of Healing:

    What is Emotional Eating and How Can You Stop:

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

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  • What can I afford? How much is enough? What is now possible? Now, these are big questions you want to be able to answer.

    Mikelann Valterra’s mission is to help all of us heal our relationship with money and really understand how to use it in today's world. What I hope you listen for today as we talk about her new book, Rise Above the Money Fog, is how we talk about money with our loved ones.
    (Check out her book here:
    Mikelann says people feel stress and anxiety over being financially vague. The money fog is this combination of the feelings we feel as a result of not being clear about our money. Fog stands for stands for when we're in fear about our money, when we're in overwhelm, or when we feel guilty around our money.

    “There's just all of this secrecy around money that we all carry because we have this message from childhood that says, don't talk about money,” says Mikelann.

    In her book, Mikelann describes three different types of families. (Listen in for their challenges!)

    As parents, normalize talking about money. For many, the first time they talk about money is college funding – that’s a bit late. Mikelann recommends helping children look at what they need versus what they want.

    List making with kids – what they want as gifts, or what they need for school – is a good way to talk about money. Then, over time, you bring your kids into family meetings. Some things cost a lot of money, and that's okay. Look at where we want to choose to put our money as a family.

    Mikelann says she has all her clients create needs and wants lists.

    “Many of us are suppressed in our needs and wants and our desires,” says Mikelann. “We have been trained to keep our needs small, and this has an impact on our relationship to money. Guilt starts to settle in of like either ‘I'm selfish for wanting it’, or ‘I should feel guilty for wanting it’ as opposed to ‘how could we make this happen?’ ”

    As people rise out of the money fog, they come to the place in their life where they know the answers to what they can afford, how much is enough and what's possible in their life.

    The problem is when transition happens, the answers to those three questions tend to change. That can catch us by surprise. And while some transitions are not voluntary (inflation, the pandemic, the economy), we still have to ask the questions. When people aren't clear about their money, it leads some people to overspend or underspend. They don't know how much is enough. They don't know what the goal is around earning. They know something's not quite working, but there's no clarity there. That's why the money fog creates so much anxiety.

    Mikelann says the answer to knowing how much is enough for you is to create an annual income and spending plan.

    “What's exciting is it's about vision,” says Mikelann. “What do you want your year to look like? And now let's put numbers in it.”

    She says most of the fear lies in getting to the number. But a lot of times, the number is different or lower than the what’s in her client’s heads. It’s powerful and empowering.

    Take the money fog quiz:
    Connect with guest Mikelann Valterra:
    Other GoG episodes you might want to check out:

    Do You Know Your Financial Personality:

    What Women Need to Know to Manage Their Money:

    3 Money Myths Keeping You Broke:

    You can check out our podcast interviews on YouTube, too!

    Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking “Write a review.” Then we’ll get to inspire even more people!

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