The simplest and most effective 'trick' for completely changing your Reality... (but you gotta come into Devotion to it).
Just diving straight back in... since 2022.
No preamble — I'm just sharing an interesting thing that happened with my Cosmic Team as I started to sit down to prepare a new episode for you...
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It's possible this one might be one of my favorite episodes the third and final episode in the private-coaching series in The Golden Path explores "Closure" in our relationships, and the process of healing our Hearts.
Listen in as I coach one of my incredible private clients, and she has some stunned-into-silence breakthroughs in her healing proces.
This one is gorgeous. Enjoy, beautiful... -
The second in the private-coaching series on The Golden Path -- come join us INSIDE one of my coaching calls.Listen as I coach one of my beautiful clients around the Energetic shifts for a more delicious dating life, and creating more Magnetism for calling in 'the one.'
A brand new series for The Golden Path -- have a seat INSIDE one of my coaching calls.
Listen as I coach one of my beautiful clients around creating movement in her business, especially while she's still working in a 9-5 job. -
Going deeper into Love, Twin Flames, Soul Mates -- and the Truth behind "finding the right person"...
This is such a weird, wild time in our Collective history -- one that's riddled with fear, anxiety, constriction, uncertainty.
And it doesn't have to keep you from thriving, from your best life, from harnessing the Power of Possibility in your life.
I'm sharing 3 trainings I did in April with my Family Membership clients and my private Rise, Goddess Facebook group -- with insights, downloads and even some tools for you to navigate this strange, difficult time, and come out all the more Expanded for it. -
This was EDGY for me to share!
I finished recording a Training for The Inner Sanctuary — the low-cost Divine Feminine Temple community where women go Deeper + more Devoted to Self through monthly immersive experiences PLUS get personal support from me twice a month...
It's a beautiful, intimate space where women get to wade into the Feminine Mysteries and begin feeling Her gifts of Remembrance, Miracles and Expansion.
...and after I finished recording this Training, my Cosmic Team suddenly told me to share the whole thing on this podcast.
Do emojis work here? Because 😳 *gulp*
Today we're talking about why it's NEVER going to be your head your mind, your intellect, your brain that helps you live that Big Beautiful Life.
It's never going to be your head that leads you into your HIGHEST Possibility... your greatest success,your deepest and most connected relationship, your most potent access to your Intuition...
It's never going to be your MIND that lets you be HAPPY.
That happens much MUCH deeper.
And I'm going to tell you why. -
We've been conditioned for too long by this Wounded Masculine Paradigm the Patriarchy, if you like to reject the Power, abilities and access to Miracle and Magic that exists within the Feminine Energy. It's been bred out of us, century after century. But it's starting to wake back up within us again and people like Heather Allison are helping women (and, in some cases, men) Remember, reclaim and re-embody their Ancient Feminine Wisdom and Power, and helping them reconnect with Magic and Miracle.
How your constant DOING is keeping you from actually HAVING.
If you're experiencing overwhelm... if you're pushing yourself, pushing through to "get it done"... if you're holding yourself to impossible standards of perfection... or if you're just AWFUL at letting yourself rest.
If you think you don't have time for a morning meditation practice, or you're a slave to your To Do list --- you're gonna want to tune in today.
The more you keep focusing on DOING --- the more you're actually keeping yourself from having, calling in, Manifesting what you want.
Sound counter-intuitive? Listen in to hear why... -
I'm not kidding when I say that I value my dreamspace as MUCH as I value my waking life.
I have had some of the most impactful and potent guidance, Activations, healings, and communications with my Soul and what I call my Cosmic Team (my guides) in my Dreams. And as soon as my clients dive into this work, shifting their Archetypal Patterning and their Energetics --- their Dreams open up for them, too.
I'm sharing some stories, insights, principles and tips for you to start opening up to YOUR Dreamspace guidance and healing --- even if you think you don't Dream.
Listen in, and start getting MORE of the information that's trying to get to you.
We're in a cage of our own making -- because we have been taught to focus ONLY on what's outside of us.
The Sacred Feminine brings you back inside. She brings you Home. To where your Freedom and your Joy live.
We are inundated every millisecond by inputs from around us, from outside of us; we're conditioned by familial, societal, unconsciousrules, expectations and habits; we try to live up to what others think we should be, who WE think we should be, and for most of us -- every single decision we make is based on some aspect of what's OUTSIDE of us. How we'll look, what they'll think, a false idea of control over what's to come, how other people are doing things, what's expected of us... The list is endless. And so is our unconscious slavery to it.
But it doesn't have to be.
Join Heathertoday to hear more about how we can break these chains of conditioning, and start to Come Home.
There's a reason I had a sudden Spiritual Awakening after I started studying the Archetypes and Feminine Energy, specifically --- it is through HER that our Channel opens, that we access our intuition, the Invisible Realms, and our greatest gifts and abilities.
Drop in with me today to enter the Mystery and tap more deeply into yours.
The landscape of business is changing --- and soon, the old ways are no longer going to work for us.
Tune in today to hear about the emerging Feminine Paradigm of Business, and what it means for your Success, your ability to call in clients and customers, your relationship with Money, and your Soul Purpose.
If you're an entrepreneur, you're going to want to be sure to tune into this one!
Over the last two episodes, we've explored what it means to be living Your Golden Path, and the Archetypal energies that create the foundation to allow you to do so --- or which keep you in struggle, suffering, scarcity and settling.
Join us in our third episode in this series to talk about how the Archetypal energies affect our Love lives specifically --- and why the balance of these energies has EVERYTHING to do with how our Love lives feel.
Your Golden Path is the best possible version of your life, the greatest experienceyou can have of this lifetime --- and how we get there is the balance of the Archetypal energies within us.Balance these Archetypal forces within, and everything else falls into place.
Tune in to hear how these Archetype energies are affecting your life --- and how you can shift them. -
There's a reason it's felt harder than it's supposed to. And it's not what you might think.
Join Heather in this first episode of The Golden Path for an introduction to uncovering the ancient, forgotten aspect of who you really are, what you're truly capable of, and what you're meant for and discover how it has everything to do with unlocking the life, love, success and magic that you're meant for.
Hear all about what the Golden Path is — and how to begin unlocking it for yourself through Heather's beautiful Sacred Harmonic Energetics (S.H.E.) methodology.