The theme of the book of Daniel is that God is greater than all kings and kingdoms on earth. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the history and meaning of the Old Testament book of Daniel on this episode along with Andrew from Colorado Springs, our host.
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Philippians is an "I Love You" letter from Paul. Paul wrote this letter and thanked the recipients from prison in Rome. You'll hear that, plus one of the most controversial parts of the whole New Testament in today's episode
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Jesus is in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. He's everywhere! Psalm 22 is something mentioned by Jesus because he used it to show how his suffering was in accordance with scripture. Lots to learn on today's episode.
Today our guest is Andy Pierce, the Director of Church Partnerships with International Students which exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others. Even if you don't currently have international students in your sphere of influence, you will benefit greatly from today's discussion as we continue to learn to share our faith together.
Some people think the stories in Genesis are made up. Not just the story of creation, but also many of the stories in the book are believed by some to be unbelievable. In this episode, our host Andrew from Colorado Springs shows its truth and also how the book of Genesis can be used to share your faith in Jesus with friends and family.
Did you know that most of the prophecy found in the Bible is written as poetry? There is reason for this. On this episode, our host Andrew from Colorado Springs tells stories, shares some poetry inside and outside the Bible, and helps us learn about biblical prophecy, especially found in the Old Testament book of Isaiah.
The sibling group of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were some very important people God used to further the message of the Gospel. Get to know them a bit and understand some of the nuance behind the resurrection of Lazarus and why Jesus was at their house in the first place.
Why do I need to learn to witness to people in other cultures? Even if you don't speak the same language as someone, you can understand their cultural language. Andrew from Colorado Springs unpacks a few different kinds of cultures and what they value. Once you understand how they work, and hear a few stories from people who may have a different worldview than yourself, you will feel more equipped to share your faith, even if you don't share the same culture.
Sometimes people steer clear of the book of Hebrews because they say it's hard to understand. Others don't have a clue what's even in the book. This time we look at this book, who might have written it, and how it can help us understand "the real thing" of what The Gospel is all about. And how Hebrews can help you as you witness to your family and friends.
This time, our host Andrew from Colorado Springs has a riveting conversation with a friend of his named Jim. Listen to this amazing and supernatural story of God saving an Iranian young man (along with many of his friends), and the great lengths to which he went in order to share his newfound faith with his family in an area hostile to the Christian faith. We pray this story will challenge you to consider your own role in sharing God's truth with those near you.
Have you ever heard of the "Romans Road" approach to leading someone to faith in Christ? Have you ever wondered what an understandable way would be to share your faith in Christ biblically using the Bible as your guide? Have you ever wanted to get an understanding of the Gospel based on the incredible concepts outlined by Paul in his highest work, the book of Romans? If so, this episode might be your friend!
Learn about the Gospel according to Luke. Luke did some incredible research as he put went about writing this version of the life and stories of Jesus, and this episode examines the unique ways that Luke shows us the Gospel.
Mark is the shortest Gospel of the four. You could sit down and read it in 4-5 hours. Which is great, although you may end up wanting to spend more time in it.
The key verse of the book is Mark 10:45: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Did you know that carried a special meaning to the original audience? Did you know that Matthew and Luke used the book of Mark (the oldest Gospel) to help write their Gospels? Lots to learn in this episode, all toward the goal of understanding the gospel and being the best witnesses we can be!
Our host Andrew from Colorado Springs takes us through the story of Jesus and the Gospel through the lens of the Matthew. What a segue into the New Testament and the new covenant.
False teaching abounds. For some reason, people want to add extra requirements to the Gospel, and this is not a new thing. Today, our host Andrew from Colorado Springs shows us the Gospel in the letter to the Galatians and shares the real truth about how we are made right with God.
This time, we discuss Gospel as it's found in the book of John. We've already explored John's first epistle (the book of 1 John) but now we explore his greater work, the Gospel of John. You get material in the book of John that doesn't appear in any of the either three Gospels, so let's dig in!
The Testimony of the Angels according from Luke Chapter 2
The Testimony of the Early Church according to 1 Corinthians 15:3-9
We explore the Gospel according to Paul in Romans 3 21-26
We explore the Gospel according to Peter in 1 Peter 1: 3-5
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