Ever notice that fabulous dinner parties depicted on screen rarely take place earlier than the 1800's - and in America pretty much always after the Civil War?
Well! That's because in just about every one of those situations the eating etiquette would look so different it would be unrecognizable - in fact it's likely people would be eating with their fingers!
Americans have only been eating with forks - on a regualr basis for about 150 years!
The earliest Americans ate with their hands - becasue so did almost everyone else.
Oh - and I answer the question, why do Americans constantly switch which hands they hold knife and fork when eating fancy?
All manner of Fork Trivia is covered.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
Yes yes... tasty pigs.
But as you might have gathered I'm not entirely OK right now. Will there be a National Park Service by next episode?
Will I have access to the library of congress or is it going to get "Alexandira'd"?
I don't know, but at least I do know that I can hook you up with both old school and modern methods of preserving pork when the power grid goes down.
I the mean time take care, love your local food producers and be kind. Even and possibly especially to the people who don't eat pork. They're fine as well - and it mean more for us ominivores.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Turns out all I was able to squeeze in to this episode was the fresh pork - more or less.
How to keep pork will be around next time.
But the big lesson is - boy do we need our hands held when it comes to recipes.
Is 50 words not enough for you to prepare boiled poik and pease porridge?
It certainly isn't enough for me. I'd be absolutely sunk.
Though it does explain why enslaved cooks could learn the recipes that were read to them out loud. The recipes weren't that long. Just small notes getting them to combine techniques they were already familliar with.
The woman reading the recipe probobly didn't know what it was supposed to be like either. As long as it tasted good - that was good enough.
So come along - and be glad at the variety in your pantry. Becasue in the 19th century - it was likely all pork a lot of the time.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
To Market to market to buy a fat pig
Home again home again jiggety jig...
But how did those pigs get to market in the first place?
On their own 4 feet! That's right, there's more than one way to concentrate corn down for better transport and not all of it is Bourbon / Corn Whiskey.
Also learn about how early mechanical America only kept moving due to the presence of pigs.
Big contributions to the script from Mark Essig's _Lesser Beasts_
Be sure to look up the Canadian Super Pigs... and the problem they are.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
This week I've gone crackers. I've wondered for awhile why it's biscuits everywhere else - but sometimes ... it's crackers.
I mean, the most British of British claymation - Wallace and Grommit, when they go to the moon to get cheese, even they bring crackers.... not biscuits.
That, and a few other things had me wondering if crackers and biscuts DIDN'T come from the same source? Rather did the two just meet in America. Turns out - that's what it was.
It was Douglas Mack of The Snack Shack that got me stared with this post on biscuit and cracker mysteries of the past: The Snack That's a Secret Ingredient
And here are the llinks to @oliviacooks excellent cracker recipes made with sourdough discard:
Love & Olive Oil -
Sourdough Crackers
Siicilian Parchment Sourdough Crackers (pane carasau)
both include a non-sourdough version.
Find out how it was New Sweden all along. Or maybe not that... but they were involved. Anyway, be glad your crackers have fat and leavening in them.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
Sure - people say America is built on A LOT of things, but the rise of Industrial America depends on two things - Bread and Steel. Steel to make the Great American Dessert into the Great American Bread Basket - and all that wheat would make the steel of the railroad make lots of sense very quickly.
If you are curious just what steel is - and how all that early American iron is related, this is your episode. Sure - I'm a food podcast, but this time it's all about Geology, Steel and some bread.
The King Arthur Focaccia Bread Recipe
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
For those of you listenting along at home - a little reminder, these are just filler episodes from the other podcast project I was playing around with. If you want that feed and not this one - hop over there.
But for those of you who need something to tide you over - listen along to the Hot Nonsense (and a little Cristo Fernandez appreciation).
Again - this is not the safe for everyone part of the feed. And some of the bonus contect will be just fine. But this is to simply avoid a blank space if I can help it.
So carry on with the Zorro-ing and say in the comments if it's too many locations #locations #toomuch
Bust seriously - your 6 eps in to a 10 episode season and you're just going to send this many hares running in the field of story.
What Gives?
Also - Greta admits she entirely absolutely was guessing and was WRONG.
But that's happened before & will most likely happen again.
You better start paying some things off in the next few episodes. That's all I ask.
Oh - and don't stop delivering on the fashion. -
Welcome to the messy alcoholic beverage scene in the early 19th century. Migration, mechanization and new profit centers are all going to shift how alcoholic beverages are made and regarded in early America.
They are less part of community exchange, and instead become part of the flow of economic life. Any sense of aged or carefully constructed liquors will never develop. Instead alcohol will have more of an identity as a cog in the economic wheel.
And becaseu booze is about to become big business, lots of people are going to have lots to say about it.
So to find out how messy and fast moving thing are as the split in what the north drinks and what the south drinks emerges - jump in and hang on. There is a whole bunch of information in here.
Drink Up!
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
*THIS* is the don't listen at work part of the feed.
I'll include this for all the naughty episodes. And Zorro - he's a Bad Boy? Bad Girl?
Oh heck... it's just how bad people can be when it all becomes about money, power and entertaining TV.
So have you been following along?
Now that we have our major players set up - and the relationships are established we can really get the plates spinning:
Secret Societies - check
Love Triangle - check
Twin Brothers - check
Mysterious/Nefarious Death - check
and a SLAP! - check and check
There's some fun close quarters fighting, riding off frantically into the moonlight, and jaw clenching to beat the band. Capt. Monestario get's to employ his jaw clenching in a range of emotional situations.
We get a doctor that washes his hands (what!?)
But most of all - Jamie and Greta hint what's next after we come to the end of the 1st season of Zorro.
So saddle up - and come along for the ride.
As always - you can reach us on the internets.
Jamie Lewis ( & IG @plagueofstrength)
and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on Carved Outta Stone Wednesday AM or Friday PM
Schedule Details:
Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) -
This episode wwas one for the books. So many many books.
And the reading and researching of all those recipes showed me that - once again - some of the assumptions I went in with were way off!
Chicken and dumplins... dumplin - are not typical early 19th century fare. But plenty of other stew type things are. And there are lessons in the recipes for all us modern cooks - regardless of how we cook our stew.
The biggest big deal - brown your meat! The other thing - freshen up your seasoning right before serving. Do it!
But what if it's a vegetable... a meatless stew? Well, I fear to tell you, due to the spice fearing vegetarian crusaders of the 19th century (the Grahamites and their ilk) this was a terrible time to go hunting for good American vegetable stew. It was there, but not in any printed cookbook. America's date with generally good vegetable cookery got badly shoved into the corner.
But get on board with why our stew got so bad - and how you can make yours great!
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
This episode is a not a love letter, more of a crush note about Romania.
I’m at the point of fascination. I don’t know a lot about Romania, really, and they definitely know nothing about me, but what I got to see in a short amount of time has me wanting to know more.
If Romania strikes you the same way – here are all the links I mentioned to look up cool and tasty stuff. Along with the Russian History
(None of this is beng done on a promotional basis - I get nothing out of this. I just wanted to share!)
Boris Yeltsin
Step by Step Bucharest
Exodus Romania
Irina Georgescu – Cookbooks
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
Did you know there was no "stew" before the 18th Century?
OK - there was stew, it's just that it went by all sorts of other names. While the concept of stew is old, the word "stew" itself is only about 300 years old. I know I was shocked as well.
To find out about stew, gravy, soup, braise and all sorts of other words - and more importantly how YOU can make your stews better, come along and listen for a bit.
And then next week I'll tell you about all the regional styles of stew that are going to influence our national cuisine on into the future.
(Chicken & dumplins anyone?)
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
This week’s bonus episode is an interview I did with Rich Napolitano of the delightfully dark and decidedly educational podcast highlighting the Age of Sail - Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs - Tales of Mishaps, Misfortune, and Misadventures
Bring along all the Cabin Girls & Boys - this one is for everyone.
Rich does me the favor of quoting vivid primary sources to back up all these things I’ve been saying about food at sea. In a word: Terrible.
Check out Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs ( to discover many more engaging episodes about tales of mishaps, misfortune, and misadventures.
For images and sources, please visit For ad-free listening to Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs and many other fantastic history podcasts, subscribe to Into History at -
Can I just be a black cat now?
Anyway - what are Baked Beans really, how did they come about, and why, in my opinion are they America's first influential fusion food? Also, why did America pass up the chance to become a pottery power house - and give it all up in favor of steel and glass (is it becasue we think art is secretly decadant and a waste of time?)
Come along for the journey, give pork a chance and don't give up on mustard. We all need it.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
Look - I should really plan better when I take an unexpected trip to Romania. But I did not.
Enjoy all the same. #NSFW
Things just get more. More more.
Oh you were confused last week? Well it doesn't get any better this week. If anything it gets worse... more soupy, more sloppy, more salacious.
Greta badly speaks more Spanish - but mainly in the service of the 2! DOS! Zorros issue.
Jamie is baffled by the twins issue - not twin Zorros, just regular Telenovella twins.
Excitement as we are in New York. Consternation as a transit across the Panama Isthmus is proposed.
And as always we have fun dashing about the (not actually) old Los Angeles countryside as the Mexican sway over Las Californias is in the process of being lost. But not before we are teased with more bears.
When will we solve the mystery of the dang bears!?
As always - you can reach us on the internets.
Jamie Lewis ( & IG @plagueofstrength)
and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on Carved Outta Stone Wednesday AM or Friday PM
Schedule Details:
Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) -
Have you ever thought about how there are so few North American foods that are globally available - or even regular foods for people living in North America?
Well wonder no more. Or at least slightly less - and explore some of the major items that are native to Norht America, and yet almost made it to "famous because they are yummy" but not quite. Also - what are the possible global superstars in waiting.
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
As long as you remember... this is the NSFW Bonus part, come on along.
We are back in Alta California when the wine was Spanish, and the churches were all adobe. Americans were eyeing the other side of the continent... but only in a desultory manner. Snd the richest people of the land - were giant jerks with no thought of the little people actaully doing all the labor, or the local tribes who had been there for a minute. Like a real long time.
Anyway - if you'd like to Telanovela up your history, let's Zorro!
What the Hell is going on? That's the entire sentiment of this episode.
And well, as viewers always trying to figure things out we may have brought it on ourselves.
One approach of course is to take one story line and then make it endlessly twisty - each twist more diabolical than the last and it's some of the these post Game of Thrones shows where eventually people just can't care anymore. The characters are so contradictory - nothing matters anymore.
The other, more fun approach is to just keep throwing in new characters (who's Guadalupe Montero?), sting out plot points (what is up with the bear pins?) and moving the story around to new locations (how are we in New York - err Nueva York?)
And that is what Zorro has chosen to do, because it is a fun show! So buckle those swashes and let's go! (That will get old, I know. But not yet)
As always - you can reach us on the internets.
Jamie Lewis ( & IG @plagueofstrength)
Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) -
This week - First a tribute to the forever changed Blue Ridge Parkway.
But mainly a look at how little American Diet Culture has changed in almost 200 years. We came up with some very sticky ideas about how diets should work - including general cluelessness about complex ideas, fuzzy recolections of a fantastic past and the fact that you need more money than you have to follow it correctly.
Sylvester Graham and his boring approach to vegetables is going to lead the way in how America is going to try to regain health and lose weight.
Follow along for America's first encounter with, "you are eating wrong."
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood -
In case you are new here - these are the NSFW Eps. Not serious food content, fit for sharing with everyone. Instead, we are being silly about media - mostly about the 19th Century. And there are swears. Sharing this becasue this Zorro series wonderful escapist nonsense.
Catch Season 1 of Zorro on Amazon Prime Video to watch along
This episode is where this show goes mask off and shows it’s Telenovela True Colors.
Go watch this episode first on Amazon Prime. Twists, Turns, Escándalo! & we just sorted out that Dani Rojas from Ted Lasso is Zorro 1. This series is SO MUCH FUN.
Jamie and Greta are here to absolutely enjoy every last minute of the escapist nonsense. Ok Ok - not just for the fun of it, but how it shows so much of what was up in 19th century California that was not concerned with America. Which, actually, for along time was most of it.
So come along for the wild ride that is Zorro - in Spanish.
You can go the Subtitles route... or English Dub. We are #Team Subtitles, but enjoy it your way.
As always - you can reach us on the internets.
Jamie Lewis ( & IG @plagueofstrength)
and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on Carved Outta Stone Wednesday AM or Friday PM
Schedule Details:
Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) -
Women's Work - The Untold Story of America’s Female Farmers
has its PBS Premier on September 26 on KSPS serving the Spokane, WA area!
And heads up Western Washington - it will be out on KBTC (Broadcast Channel 28) in November
How long has America been following diets to improve our health and gain ever more vitality and possibly super-human powers? Almost since the beginning of the country.
While we seem to always beleive that the past was somehow a food golden age, the goals and targets of diets have changed over the years.
So check out the reasons why we seem to fall for the wildest diets, and seemingly why we got started.
And don't forget about my contribution to HotDish discovery on
Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes:
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood at gmail dot com
Threads: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
& some other socials... @THoAFood - Laat meer zien