
  • These violent delights have violent ends. Between 1992 BCE and 1941 BCE, King Montu-Hotep (“Montu is Content”) ruled the southern kingdom. And he led efforts to expand Theban power, and ultimately reunify the Two Lands…

    Logo image: Montu, in a chapel of Ramesses III at Karnak (Kairoinfo4u).


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    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

    Montuhotep’s Expansion into Wawat / Nubia and the records of the wars:

    Darnell, ‘The Route of the Eleventh Dynasty Expansion into Nubia: An Interpretation Based on the Rock Inscriptions of Tjehemau at Abisko’, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 131 (2004), 23—37. Available on

    Darnell, ‘The Eleventh Dynasty Royal Inscription from Deir el-Ballas’, Revue d’Égyptologie 59 (2008), 81—110. Available on

    Montuhotep’s Mahat Chapel at Abydos, discovered in 2014: Josef Wegner at and Damarany in Abydos: The Sacred Land (2019), JSTOR.

    Scholarly debates on the timeline and events of the Reunification:

    Brovarski, ‘The Hare and Oryx Nomes in the First Intermediate Period and Early Middle Kingdom’, in Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, 1 (2010), 31—85. Available on This was the study I followed in my reconstruction.

    Willems, ‘The Nomarchs of the Hare Nome and Early Middle Kingdom History’, Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 28 (1985), 80—102. Available at Researchgate.

    Nubia – The Archaeology of Wawat and Kerma:

    Kerma – Mission archéologique suisse à Kerma (Soudan)

    C. Bonnet, ‘The Cities of Kerma and Pnubs-Dokki Gel’, in G. Emberling and B. B. Williams (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2021), 201—212.

    H. Hafsaas, ‘The C-Group People in Lower Nubia: Cattle Pastoralists on the Frontier Between Egypt and Kush’, in B. B. Williams and G. Emberling (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2020), 157—177.

    G. K. Meurer, ‘Nubians in Egypt from the Early Dynastic Period to the New Kingdom’, in B. B. Williams and G. Emberling (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2020), 289—308.

    B. B. Williams, ‘Kush in the Wider World During the Kerma Period’, in G. Emberling and B. B. Williams (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2021), 179--200.

    The Tomb of General Antef, with images of siege towers and naval forces:
    B. Jaroš-Deckert, Grabung im Asasif. 1963-1970. Band 5: das Grab des Jnj-jtj.f. Die Wandmalereien der 11. Dynastie, 12 (1984).

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  • Ta-Wer howled. Around 2000 BCE, the southern kingdom was rising quickly. But the north was not out of the fight. Not by a long shot…
    Episode chapters

    Prologue – A Royal Inspection (00:30).

    The Fall of Tjeni / Thinis (07:25).

    The Long Reign of Intef II (11:58).

    Intef’s Dogs (20:58).

    Khety Merykara (34:03).

    Making Ta-Wer Howl (47:25).

    Conclusion (01:06:37).

    Epilogue – Intef’s Hymns for Ra and Hathor (01:08:30).

    Dendera excavations: Moeller and Marouard, The Development of Two Early Urban Centres - Edfu and Dendara (2018).
    The History of Egypt Podcast:


    Support the show via Patreon

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    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

    Logo image: The "Dog Stela" of Intef II, from his tomb at El-Tarif (Mariette 1858).

    Select Bibliography:

    A. E. Demidchik, ‘The Reign of Merikare Khety’, Göttinger Miszellen 192 (2003), 25--36.

    A. Dodson and D. Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt (London, 2004).

    C. Langer, ‘The Political Realism of the Egyptian Elite: A Comparison Between The Teaching for Merikare and Niccolò Machiavelli’s Il Principe’, Journal of Egyptian History 8 (2015), 49--79.

    R. J. Leprohon, The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary (Wilson, 2013).

    M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms (Los Angeles, 1973).

    M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom: A Study and an Anthology (Freiburg, 1988).

    J. Malek, ‘King Merykare and his Pyramid’, in C. Berger et al. (eds), Hommages à Jean Leclant, 4, 4 vols (Cairo, 1994), 203--214.

    G. Maspero, ‘On the Name of An Egyptian Dog’, Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology V (1877), 127--128.

    R. B. Parkinson, The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems (1940—1640 BC) (Oxford, 1997).

    R. B. Parkinson, Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark Side to Perfection (London, 2002).

    D. Polz, Die Sogenannte Hundestele des Königs Wah-Anch Intef aus el-Târif: Eine Forschungsgeschichte (Wiesbaden, 2019).

    D. Polz, ‘Dra’ Abu el-Naga, Ägypten: ein angeblicher Fund aus Dra’ Abu el-Naga. Die sog. Hundestele des Königs Wah-Anch Intef. Eine Forschungsgeschichte’, e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 2020 (2020), 12--16.

    S. Quirke, Egyptian Literature 1800 BC: Questions and Readings (London, 2004).

    D. B. Spanel, ‘The Herakleopolitan Tombs of Kheti I, Jt(.j)jb(.j), and Kheti II at Asyut’, Orientalia 58 (1989), 301--314.

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  • The war for Ta-Wer. The Thebans had seized the sacred city of Abdju (Abydos) in the district of Ta-Wer. The northern rulers, from the House of Khety, contested this violently. Inscriptions and art reveal the movements of armies, the clashes on field and river, and the sieging of major towns. Soon, things going downright apocalyptic. Also… dogs!Music and interludes by Keith Zizza and interludes by Jeffrey Goodman by Luke Chaos image: Intef II, from a stela in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Intro: Saruman's Speech from The Two Towers (2002), adapted by Dominic Perry.Fawlty Towers excerpts via Britbox Don't Mention the War | Fawlty Towers ( History of Egypt Podcast:Website: the show via Patreon a one-time donation via PayPal payments.Partial Bibliography:M. D. Adams, ‘Community and Society in Egypt in the First Intermediate Period: An Archaeological Investigation of the Abydos Settlement Site’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Michigan (2005).D. Arnold, Gräber des Alten und Mittleren Reiches in El-Tarif (Mainz, 1976).D. D. Baker, Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty 3300 - 1069 BC (Cairo, 2008).H. Brunner, Die Texte aus den Gräbern der Herakleopolitenzeit von Siut mit Übersetzung und Erläuterungen (Glückstadt, 1937).J. J. Clère and J. Vandier, Textes de la Première Période Intermédiare et de la XIeme Dynastie (Brussels, 1948).J. C. Darnell and D. Darnell, ‘New Inscriptions of the Late First Intermediate Period from the Theban Western Desert and the Beginnings of the Northern Expansion of the Eleventh Dynasty’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56 (1997), 241--258.W. Ejsmond, ‘The Nubian Mercenaries of Gebelein in Light of Recent Field Research’, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 14 (2017), 11--13.N. Fields, Soldier of the Pharaoh: Middle Kingdom Egypt 2055--1650 BC (2007).H. G. Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome: Dynasties VI-XI (Analecta orientalia 40; Rome, 1964).H. G. Fischer, ‘Provincial Inscriptions of the Heracleopolitan Period’, Varia Nova, Egyptian Studies 3 (New York, 1996), 79--90.G. P. Gilbert, Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in Early Egypt (Oxford, 2004).H. Goedicke, ‘The Inscription of Dmi’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 19 (1960), 288--291.W. Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (London, 2006 & 2024).R. Landgráfová, It Is My Good Name That You Should Remember: Egyptian Biographical Texts on Middle Kingdom Stelae (Prague, 2011).M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms (Los Angeles, 1973).M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom: A Study and an Anthology (Freiburg, 1988).D. O’Connor, Abydos: Egypt’s First Pharaohs and the Cult of Osiris (London, 2009).S. Seidlmayer, ‘The First Intermediate Period (c. 2160--2055 BC)’, in I. Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000), 108--136.I. Shaw, Ancient Egyptian Warfare (Oxford, 2019).J. Wegner, ‘The Stela of Idudju-Iker, Foremost-One of the Chiefs of Wawat: New Evidence on the Conquest of Thinis Under Wahankh Antef II’, Revue d’égyptologie 68 (2018), 153--209.T. Wilkinson, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt: The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra (London, 2010).Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Intef the Great (c.2050—2000 BCE). The reign of Intef II, ruler of Waset (Thebes) shows a sudden surge in expansion and conflict. Seeking absolute power over the south, Intef brought major districts like Abu (Elephantine) into his territory. He made alliances with the rulers of Wawat (Nubia). Then, he sent his armies north to seize a sacred city…Episode details:Music and interludes by Keith Zizza and interludes by Jeffrey Goodman by Luke Chaos image: Intef II, from a stela in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.The History of Egypt Podcast:Website: the show via Patreon a one-time donation via PayPal payments.Select Bibligraphy:M. D. Adams, ‘Community and Society in Egypt in the First Intermediate Period: An Archaeological Investigation of the Abydos Settlement Site’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Michigan (2005).D. Arnold, Gräber des Alten und Mittleren Reiches in El-Tarif (Mainz, 1976).D. D. Baker, Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty 3300 - 1069 BC (Cairo, 2008).H. Brunner, Die Texte aus den Gräbern der Herakleopolitenzeit von Siut mit Übersetzung und Erläuterungen (Glückstadt, 1937).J. J. Clère and J. Vandier, Textes de la Première Période Intermédiare et de la XIeme Dynastie (Brussels, 1948).J. C. Darnell and D. Darnell, ‘New Inscriptions of the Late First Intermediate Period from the Theban Western Desert and the Beginnings of the Northern Expansion of the Eleventh Dynasty’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56 (1997), 241--258.W. Ejsmond, ‘The Nubian Mercenaries of Gebelein in Light of Recent Field Research’, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 14 (2017), 11--13.N. Fields, Soldier of the Pharaoh: Middle Kingdom Egypt 2055--1650 BC (2007).H. G. Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome: Dynasties VI-XI (Analecta orientalia 40; Rome, 1964).H. G. Fischer, ‘Provincial Inscriptions of the Heracleopolitan Period’, Varia Nova, Egyptian Studies 3 (New York, 1996), 79--90.G. P. Gilbert, Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in Early Egypt (Oxford, 2004).H. Goedicke, ‘The Inscription of Dmi’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 19 (1960), 288--291.W. Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (London, 2006 & 2024).R. Landgráfová, It Is My Good Name That You Should Remember: Egyptian Biographical Texts on Middle Kingdom Stelae (Prague, 2011).M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms (Los Angeles, 1973).M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Autobiographies Chiefly of the Middle Kingdom: A Study and an Anthology (Freiburg, 1988).D. O’Connor, Abydos: Egypt’s First Pharaohs and the Cult of Osiris (London, 2009).S. Seidlmayer, ‘The First Intermediate Period (c. 2160--2055 BC)’, in I. Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Oxford, 2000), 108--136.I. Shaw, Ancient Egyptian Warfare (Oxford, 2019).J. Wegner, ‘The Stela of Idudju-Iker, Foremost-One of the Chiefs of Wawat: New Evidence on the Conquest of Thinis Under Wahankh Antef II’, Revue d’égyptologie 68 (2018), 153--209.T. Wilkinson, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt: The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra (London, 2010).Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The first phase is over, and the war is heating up. Around 2055 BCE, a lord of Waset/Thebes/Luxor named Intef I promoted himself far above the established norms. Sending representatives to treat with the other rulers, Intef nonetheless began to push his military power further afield. Soon, he began to isolate and attack the loyalist governors nearby…
    Episode details:

    The Qena Bend and locations referenced in this episode.

    “Godfather” Walz theme by Andrea Giuffredi.

    “Declare Independence” by Björk, instrumental version.

    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

    The History of Egypt Podcast:


    Support the show via Patreon

    Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments.

    Select Bibliography:

    D. D. Baker, Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty 3300 - 1069 BC (2008).

    E. Brovarski, ‘Overseers of Upper Egypt in the Old to Middle Kingdoms’, Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 140 (2013), 91—111. Available online.

    J. J. Clère and J. Vandier, Textes de la Première Période Intermédiare et de la XIeme Dynastie (1948).

    J. C. Darnell, Theban Desert Road Survey in the Egyptian Western Desert, I: Gebel Tjauti Rock Inscriptions 1-45 and Wadi el-Hôl Rock Inscriptions 1-45 (2002).

    J. C. Darnell and D. Darnell, ‘New Inscriptions of the Late First Intermediate Period from the Theban Western Desert and the Beginnings of the Northern Expansion of the Eleventh Dynasty’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56 (1997), 241—258. JSTOR.

    A. E. Demidchik, ‘The History of the Heracleopolitan Kings’ Domain’, in H.-W. Fischer-Elfert and R. B. Parkinson (eds), Studies on the Middle Kingdom in Memory of Detlef Franke (2013), 93—106. Online.

    H. G. Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome: Dynasties VI-XI (1964).

    H. G. Fischer, Dendera in the Third Millennium BC Down to the Theban Domination of Upper Egypt (1968).

    W. Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (2006 & 2024).

    R. J. Leprohon, The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary (2013).

    M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms (1973).

    S. Seidlmayer, ‘The First Intermediate Period (c. 2160--2055 BC)’, in I. Shaw (ed.), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (2000), 108—136.

    N. Strudwick, Texts from the Pyramid Age (2005).

    T. Wilkinson, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt: The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra (2010).

    T. Wilkinson, Lives of the Ancient Egyptians (2019).

    H. Willems, ‘The First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom’, in A. B. Lloyd (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt, 1 (2010), 81—100.

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  • The complete autobiography of Ankhtyfy (Ankhtifi) from his tomb at el-Mo'alla.

    J. Vandier, Mo’alla: La Tombe d’Ankhtifi et la tombe de Sébekhotep (1950). French translation of hieroglyphs.

    The tomb of Ankhtyfy at Osirisnet. English translation of Vandier (1950).

    Minor re-translations and edits of the text by Dominic Perry (2024).

    Photos of Ankhtyfy's tomb by M. Attia, ‘Tombs of Ankhtifi and Sobekhotep el-Moalla Egypt’,

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  • Famine and resilience. Around 2060 BCE, the Overlord Ankhtyfy was riding high. Then, a crisis hit southern Egypt. Drought, food shortages, and starvation swept through the region. From sites like Elephantine, Edfu, and historical texts, we get a picture of Egypt in difficulty. But also, a sense of communities perservering and rebuilding...

    The tomb of Ankhtyfy at el-Mo’alla by Merja Attia

    Logo image: Apophis from the tomb of Inerkhau at Deir el-Medina (Dynasty 19). Photo by Chris Ward.

    Excavations at Edfu: Nadine Moeller and Gregory Marouard The Origins of Two Provincial Capitals in Upper Egypt (2017)

    Intro music by Ihab.

    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos


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  • The rise of Ankhtyfy. In southern Egypt, a "Great Overlord" named Ankh-tyfy began to expand his power. From his home base at Nekhen (Hierakonpolis), he annexed neighbouring territories like Edfu. He did this with some elaborate justifications, and perhaps inspired by the example of ancestors. Alas, his rapid rise soon brought him into conflict with other regional lords and their soldiers...


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    Logo image: Ankhtyfy’s archers, photo by Mutnedjmet.

    Photos of the tomb of Ankhtyfy by Merja Attia.

    Intro music by Ihab and Ancient Lyric

    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

    Select bibliography:

    M. Attia, ‘Tombs of Ankhtifi and Sobekhotep el-Moalla Egypt’,

    H. Goedicke, ‘’Ankhtyfy’s Fights’, Chronique d’Égypte 73 (1998), 29-41.

    N. Moeller, ‘The Origins of Two Provincial Capitals in Upper Egypt’, The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (2017).

    L. D. Morenz, ‘Power and Status. Ankhtifi the Hero, Founder of a New Residence?’, CRIPEL 28 (2009), 177-192.

    J. Vandier, Mo’alla: La Tombe d’Ankhtifi et la tombe de Sébekhotep (1950).

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  • By 2100 BCE, Egypt’s royal house was in trouble. A line of kings, known as the pr-Hty (“House of Khety”) claimed authority over the whole Nile Valley. But archaeological and historical data paint a different picture: of a growing division between communities in the north and south of Egypt. The “Two Lands” were separating, and government was too weak to stop it…
    Logo image: A northern official named Ipi. From his tomb at the cemetery of Ihnaysa el-Medina (Photo Perez Die 2016).
    The History of Egypt Podcast:


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    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

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  • Don’t swim for at least 30 minutes after a banquet… Around 2150 BCE, so the story goes, the Queen-King Nitocris sought vengeance on those who had wronged her. This tale comes from Herodotos, and in 1928 a young Tennessee Williams published his own version of the gothic stroy. In this bonus episode, I read Williams’ work for a bit of spooky storytelling…

    Herodotos, Histories, Book II, via Perseus.

    Tennessee Williams ‘The Vengeance of Nitocris’ at Wikipedia and Wikisource.

    The Vengeance of Nitocris by Rejected Princesses.

    Music by Kevin Manthei, from Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption (2000). I played this a lot as a child, and it seemed to fit the tone.

    Outro music, “Killer Queen – Medieval Rock Cover” by Medieval Rock. Less tonally consistent, but when the Queen gives an order...

    Logo image: "The Vengeance of Nitocris," from Weird Tales magazine.

    The History of Egypt Podcast:


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    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

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  • Between 2500—2200 BCE, Egypt witnessed a period of surprisingly high rainfall. While the Old Kingdom was much wetter than today, archaeologists have found strong evidence for huge downpours, sweeping across northern Egypt and flooding tombs, cities, and forcing the ancients to adapt…
    This episode is a brief epilogue to the Decline & Fall of the Old Kingdom series.

    Intro music: Michael Jackson – Stranger in Moscow (Instrumental Version).

    Outro music: Toto – Africa (Bardcore) by Stravitticus.

    Logo image: Rain spout/gutter at the pyramid complex of Niuserrra (c.2400 BCE). Photo by Kairoinfo4u.

    References used in this episode:

    K. W. Butzer, ‘When the Desert Was in Flood: Environmental History of the Giza Plateau’, AERAgram 5 (2001), 3—5.

    K. W. Butzer et al., ‘Urban Geoarchaeology and Environmental History at the Lost City of the Pyramids, Giza: Synthesis and Review’, Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013), 3340—3366.

    K. O. Kuraszkiewicz, ‘Architectural Innovations Influenced by Climatic Phenomena (4.2 KA Event) in the Late Old Kingdom (Saqqara, Egypt)’, Studia Quaternaria 33 (2016), 27—34.

    S. Rzepka et al., ‘Preliminary Report on Engineering Properties and Environmental Resistance of Ancient Mud Bricks from Tell el-Retaba Archaeological Site in the Nile Delta’, Studia Quaternaria 33 (2016), 47—56.

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  • Why did it all go so wrong? We’ve explored the historical overview of Old Kingdom decline; but what was driving it? There are three major factors that caused this fall. Two originate in the climate, the third comes from the political structure of the kingdom and its society. From the deserts of Sahara to the depths of the Nile, we uncover the causes of decline…
    Note: An extended version of this episode is available at
    The History of Egypt Podcast:


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    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Music and interludes by Luke Chaos

    Logo image: The “Starving Bedouin” from the Pyramid of Unas. Photo by Sarah Murray.

    Select Bibliography:

    M. Bárta, Analyzing Collapse: The Rise and Fall of the Old Kingdom (2019).

    B. Bell, ‘The Oldest Records of the Nile Floods’, The Geographical Journal 136 (1970), 569—573.

    K. W. Butzer, ‘When the Desert Was in Flood: Environmental History of the Giza Plateau’, AERAgram 5 (2001), 3—5.

    K. W. Butzer, ‘Landscapes and Environmental History of the Nile Valley: A Critical Review and Prospectus’, in E. Bloxam and I. Shaw (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology (Oxford, 2020), 99—124.

    N. Kanawati and J. Swinton, Egypt in the Sixth Dynasty: Challenges and Responses (2018).

    K. O. Kuraszkiewicz, ‘Architectural Innovations Influenced by Climatic Phenomena (4.2 KA Event) in the Late Old Kingdom (Saqqara, Egypt)’, Studia Quaternaria 33 (2016), 27—34.

    M. van de Mieroop, A History of Ancient Egypt (2nd edn, 2021).

    N. Moeller, ‘The First Intermediate Period: A Time of Famine and Climate Change?’, Egypt and the Levant 15 (2005), 153—167.

    J. C. Moreno García, ‘Climatic Change or Sociopolitical Transformation? Reassessing Late 3rd Millennium BC in Egypt’, in J. C. Moreno García et al. (eds), 2200 BC - A Climatic Breakdown as a Cause for the Collapse of the Old World? 2 vols (2015), 79—94.

    S. Rzepka et al., ‘Preliminary Report on Engineering Properties and Environmental Resistance of Ancient Mud Bricks from Tell el-Retaba Archaeological Site in the Nile Delta’, Studia Quaternaria 33 (2016), 47—56.

    J.-D. Stanley et al., ‘Nile Flow Failure at the End of the Old Kingdom, Egypt: Strontium Isotopic and Petrologic Evidence’, Geoarchaeology 18 (2003), 395—402.

    P. Tallet and M. Lehner, The Red Sea Scrolls: How Ancient Papyri Reveal the Secrets of the Pyramids (2021).

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  • Why did the Old Kingdom disappear? Was it an overnight "collapse," or something more long term? In this episode, and the next, we explore the question in overview. This chapter focusses on the historical sources including King Lists, Classical authors like Herodotos and Manetho, and the fragmentary evidence for some of the "shadow kings" of this period…
    Chronology and Historical Studies:

    Overview of all sources and scholarship at

    M. Baud, ‘The Relative Chronology of Dynasties 6 and 8’, in E. Hornung et al. (eds), Ancient Egyptian Chronology (2006), 144—158. Available in pdf at Digital Giza.

    J. von Beckerath, Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen (1999).

    W. Helck, ‘Anmerkungen zum Turiner Königspapyrus’, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 19 (1992), 150–216. English translation available at

    R. J. Leprohon, The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary (2013). Available at Internet Archive.

    K. Ryholt, ‘The Turin King-List’, Ägypten und Levante / Egypt and the Levant 14 (2004), 135—155.

    The History of Egypt Podcast:


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    Music and interludes by Keith Zizza

    Logo image: The damaged visage of Pepy II from his pyramid at South Saqqara (Jéquier 1936).

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  • Interview. How does copper cut stone? Martin Odler specialises in ancient Egyptian technology. Specifically, the manufacture and use of metal in tools and industry. In this interview, Dr. Odler shares some of his research insights on the production and use of copper, at sites like the Giza pyramids during the Old Kingdom. We also explore the use of metal in weaponry and daily life, and how scientists can experiment with reconstructed tools to examine their value and effectiveness. Today, Dr. Odler shares his methodical and wide-ranging interests. Personally, I learned a lot from speaking with him.

    Logo image: A copper mirror of Reni-Seneb (c.1800 BCE), Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    Martin Odler at Newcastle University.

    Research papers by Martin Odler at

    Book: Copper in Ancient Egypt Before, During, and After the Pyramid Age (c.4000—1600 BC) (2023), published by Brill.

    Book: Old Kingdom Copper Tools and Model Tools (2016), published by Archaeopress.

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  • Before the fall (c.2600 - 2200 BCE). Early Egyptians were fierce and active warriors. Our evidence for the Old Kingdom “army,” however, is scattered and fragmentary. Sifting through the pieces, we can reconstruct some elements of the early armed forces. In this episode, we explore royal texts that describe campaigns; pyramid art showing battles and soldiers training; and even images of siege warfare…The History of Egypt Podcast:Website: the show via Patreon a one-time donation via PayPal payments.Intro music by Stephen Rippy from Age of Empires (1997).Outro music and interludes by Keith Zizza.Music and interludes by Luke Chaos.Episode Chapters:Introduction 00:00Dynasty IV Raids and Warriors 02:40Army Organisation and Weapons 16:07Battle Scenes of Unas and Ka-em-heset 25:58Siege Scene of Inti 38:00Notable artefacts (see Bibliography for full titles):Archers from the reign of Khufu, MMA. See Goedicke 1971, MMA Open Access.Sahura training scenes: Published in El Awady 2009.Unas battle scene: First published by Selim Hassan 1938 ( scene of Khaemheset: First published in Quibell and Hayter 1927. scene of Inti: See Shaw, Ancient Egyptian Warfare, 2019 (Pen & Sword). First published Petrie 1894. See also Kanawati and McFarlane 1993.Examples of pre-New Kingdom Egyptian weapons in museum collections:Wooden bows: Louvre, MMA (FIP or early MK).Arrows: MMA (FIP or early MK), Louvre (Pre-Dynastic), MFA (FIP or early MK), ROM (FIP).Maces: ROM (4th Dyn., Khafra), ROM (Pre-Dynastic), MMA (FIP or MK).Spearheads: Louvre (FIP), Louvre (12th Dyn.), MMA (MK).Axes: Louvre, (OK), Louvre (FIP), Louvre (MK).Select Bibliography (see website for full details):L. Bestock, Violence and Power in Ancient Egypt: Image and Ideology Before the New Kingdom (2018).T. El Awady, Sahure: The Pyramid Causeway: History and Decoration Program in the Old Kingdom (2009).H. Goedicke, Re-Used Blocks from the Pyramid of Amenemhat I at Lisht (1971). MMA Open Access.S. Hassan, ‘Excavations at Saqqara 1937--1938’, Annales du Services des Antiquités de l’Egypte 38 (1938), 503—514. Kanawati and A. McFarlane, Deshasha: The Tombs of Inti, Shedu and Others (1993).A. Labrousse and A. Moussa, La chaussée du complexe funéraire du roi Ounas, I (2002).F. Monnier, ‘Les techniques de siège décrites dans la documentation pharaonique’, Égypte Nilotique et Méditerranéenne 15 (2022), 51—73. Mourad, ‘Siege Scenes of the Old Kingdom’, Bulletin of the Australian Centre of Egyptology 22 (2011), 135—158. E. Quibell and A. G. K. Hayter, Excavations at Saqqara: Teti Pyramid, North Side (1927). Shaw, Ancient Egyptian Warfare (2019).N. Strudwick, Texts from the Pyramid Age (2005).Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • A new tour for February 2025 is now ready to announce and book. The tour includes a return to Amarna (Akhet-Aten), to explore the city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. We visit some new sites, not seen on previous tours. And we have special permits for the tomb of Senuseret III at Abydos, and the tombs of Thutmose III and Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings. It's a great itinerary with a mix of famous favourites and new adventures. If you'd like to visit Egypt, come along in 2025!
    Website with itinerary and cost breakdown: The History of Egypt Podcast 2025 — Ancient World Tours.
    Questions about history/sites - [email protected].
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  • A tomb revisited. In 1923 CE, excavations at Luxor revealed the graves of ancient Egyptian soldiers. They bore scars of battle on their bones and flesh; and their story may belong to one of several major conflicts within the Nile Valley, around 2000—1900 BCE. In this episode, we revisit an old topic, and describe the tale anew…Note: This episode has an extended version on Patreon (link below).Dates: 1923—1926 CE (excavation); c. 2000—1900 BCE (ancient burial).Website: the show via Patreon a one-time donation via PayPal payments.Music and interludes by Keith Zizza and interludes by Luke Chaos Bibliography:H. E. Winlock, The Slain Soldiers of Neb-Hepet-Re Mentu-Hotpe (1945). Available in Open Access via MMA.C. Vogel, ‘Fallen Heroes? Winlock’s “Slain Soldiers” Reconsidered’, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 89 (2003), 239—245. Access via and Chudzik, ‘Middle Kingdom tombs in the North Asasif Necropolis: Field Seasons 2018/2019 and 2020’, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (2020), 177—202. Open Access via, ‘MMA 507,’ Heath, ‘The Slain Soldiers of Tomb 507: An Egyptological Mystery’, Ancient Egypt: The History, People and Culture of the Nile Valley 118 (2020), 28-33. Note: I became aware of this article after publication of this episode, but I include it here as the author reaches similar conclusions to mine.Artefacts from the tomb at the Metropolitan Museum of Art:Archers’ wrist guard.Folded linen with hieratic text of Sobekhotep Son-of-Imeny. Additional pieces at MMA Collections (objects dated .1961 – 1917 BC).Skull fragment with arrow in eye (images restricted).Model weapons of the early Middle Kingdom: shield, spear, quiver.The tomb of Queen Neferu at Deir el-Bahari: Wikipedia, photos at more about your ad choices. Visit

  • A name more famous than its owners. The Cleopatras of Egypt (all seven of them) were remarkably influential women and rulers. Frequently taking up power and responsibilities far beyond their more famous husbands (the Ptolemies), the seven Cleopatras of Egypt (and even more in the wider Hellenistic world) are worthy of greater attention and respect. In this interview, Prof. Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones of Cardiff University introduces these figures and his new book The Cleopatras: Forgotten Queens of Egypt.
    Author details:

    Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, The Cleopatras, 2024. Available in hardback, paperback, ebook, and audiobook (read by the author). See Headline Publishing and all good retailers.

    Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones at Cardiff University and

    Rulers discussed in this episode:

    Cleopatra I Syra: Wikipedia.

    Cleopatra III: Wikipedia.

    Cleopatra Thea of the Seleukid Empire: Wikipedia.

    Cleopatra VI Tryphaena: Wikipedia.

    Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator: Wikipedia.

    The History of Egypt Podcast:


    Support the show via Patreon

    Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments.

    Music by Michael Levy

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  • What’s the deal? We explore the Pyramid Texts’ meaning, as well as their origins and scholarship.
    The Osiris achieves his apotheosis. Having awakened from death and received his offerings (or taken them by force), Unas now prepares to enter the sky at last. We add more protections and defeat more enemies (including a dramatic appearance from the fearsome Mafdet). Then, Unas meets the oldest of primeval gods, sails the milky way, and hears the lamentations of his enemies’ women…
    Episode topics:

    Meaning 01:15.

    Rituals 03:54

    Afterlife geography 17:05.

    Origins 20:16.

    Arrangement / Structure 29:00.

    Conclusion 37:25

    Includes passages in English translation and ancient Egyptian.

    Date: c.2320 BCE.

    The History of Egypt Podcast Website:

    Support the show via Patreon

    Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. 

    Intro music by Jeffrey Goodman, “Lament of Isis and Nephthys,” Ancient Egyptian Music II.

    Interludes by Keith Zizza, Children of the Nile.

    Select Bibliography:

    Pyramid Texts in translation:

    J. P. Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (2nd edn, 2015). First edition (2005) available in Open Access via

    J. P. Allen, A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts Volume I: Unis (2017). Available via the publisher, and major online retailers.

    R. Bertrand, Las Textes de la Pyramid d’Ounas (2004). Available via the publisher.

    W. M. Davis, ‘The Ascension-Myth in the Pyramid Texts’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 36 (1977), 161—179. JSTOR.

    J. Hellum, ‘The Presence of Myth in the Pyramid Texts’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Toronto (2001). Online.

    J. Hellum, ‘Toward an Understanding of the Use of Myth in the Pyramid Texts’, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 43 (2014), 123—142.

    H.-J. Klimkeit, ‘Spatial Orientation in Mythical Thinking as Exemplified in Ancient Egypt: Considerations toward a Geography of Religions’, History of Religions 14 (1975), 266—281. JSTOR.

    A. J. Morales, ‘The Transmission of the Pyramid Texts into the Middle Kingdom: Philological Aspects of a Continuous Tradition in Egyptian Mortuary Literature’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania (2013).

    D. Stewart, ‘The Myth of Osiris in the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Monash University (2014). Online.

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