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"My two sons' godmother, who is a first-generation Dominican in New York City, was having a really, really hard time getting through to her mother about taking extra precautions during the start of the COVID pandemic," says Juleyka Lantigua, host and creator of How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything, Apple Podcasts' Spotlight show for January 2023. "It was like they were speaking to each other in two different languages. The cultural and generational differences between them seemed to push them further apart as their conversations progressed. I realized they represented millions of children and parents enmeshed in a drag-out white-knuckle fight because those of us who are 'Americanized' see the world—and most importantly, live in the world—very differently from our immigrant parents." Lantigua, who is a veteran reporter and founder and CEO of the digital audio and production company LWC Studios, launched How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything in 2020. She found out quickly that many listeners could relate to the experiences discussed on the show. "It was a grand experiment, and we were nervous and excited," she says. "And then the emails started pouring in from listeners who never knew they needed these conversations or those who wished they'd had the show growing up 20,30, 50 years ago!"Each episode features a listener with a problem that can range from navigating relationships with parents who disapprove of their spouse to maintaining a relationship with a difficult parent for the sake of the grandchildren. An expert on the episode’s topic joins Lantigua on the show to offer professional advice and analyze the generational and cultural dynamics at play. "So many of us straddle that hyphen of being American and something else. So many of us are trying to honor our parents' ways while making our own way in the world," Lantigua says. "This is a place to find solace and really good advice."After nearly 150 episodes, Lantigua is taking the plunge into extending the brand with a sister show, How to Talk to [High Achievers] about Anything. And her hope is that there’s more where that came from. "My vision is that the "How to Talk to" franchise continues to grow and serve the rising-majority audience in the US for years to come.”
Если у вас в семье есть подросток, то обнимемся. Это непросто.Фразу "мам, отстань" вы слышали уже не один десяток раз. Это универсальный ответ подростка на все родительские «почему». Почему «не хочет учиться, почему бросил музыкалку, зачем врет». Подростковый психолог Никита Карпов и журналист Александра Петровская каждый выпуск задают самые излюбленные вопросы родителей напрямую подросткам, а те откровенно отвечают почему им в школе скучно, что они скрывают у себя в мобильном телефоне и многое другое. Для ребят это возможность наконец быть услышанными. А для родителей ещё один шанс услышать и понять своего подростка.
Hallo, herzlich Willkommen bei unserem Podcast! Wir sind Jenny und Andi und schon immer sind wir gerne gereist. Das hat sich auch mit unseren beiden Söhnen nicht geändert. Da wir uns bisher nicht auf eine Art des Reisens festlegen wollten und uns vieles Spaß macht, konnten wir in den letzten Jahren einiges ausprobieren und erleben. Vom Camping über Roadtrips und Rucksackreisen bis hin zu Pauschalreisen war so ziemlich alles dabei. Auch wenn wir primär individuelle Reisen bevorzugen, gefällt uns diese Mischung an Reisearten sehr gut. Was wir auf unseren kleinen und großen Reisen um die Welt, durch Europa oder Deutschland erleben und welche Tipps und Anregungen wir geben können, darüber berichten wir neben unserem Blog auch auf diesem Podcast.
Life is long and messy. Even as Gen X and Millennials expect to live into our 90s, the best advice available to us seems to drop off at the early career or new parent stage. Monica Marcel curates pearls of wisdom for the second half of life from a diverse group of strong women who have been there and done that. Each interview brings a different perspective on aging well, with power and purpose. Join us for tips on creativity, community, and finding joy in life’s coming chapters.
There are many roads to motherhood. We know this. Yet, there seem to be so many questions around those of us who start our parenting journey later in life.
New Mommy at 40 is a podcast for those 35+ who are beginning their parenting journey or starting all over again. We simply have some additional concerns compared to our younger counterparts: a little fear of lack of time, a bit less energy, raising our young children while caring for aging parents, estate planning, our knees giving out as we get up from the mat while playing with our kid… HA!
I’m your host Victoria -a new mommy in my 40's to a baby girl, doing the best I can and loving the ride. I'm creating a space specifically for us to share our successes, vent without judgment and have a few good laughs while at it. Each week, you can expect to hear from other real moms and dads in their 40’s, sharing their unique journeys with us-the highs and lows included. We’ll hear from experts in the fields of fertility, therapy, dating and more. You'll also have a direct hand in building this community, by contributing your own stories, and if chosen, be featured on the show!
Join us every Monday! If you’d like to submit your story, email [email protected]. Please subscribe and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook -@NewMommyat40 or visit our website -
Подкаст «Пропала собака» – это путешествие в мир кошек и собак, живущих в больших городах.
Один эпизод – одна проблема, с которой сталкиваются животные и люди, которые им помогают. Вместе с нашими героями мы пытаемся найти ответ на вопрос: «Откуда берется жестокость и равнодушие к ним?».
Этот подкаст делает студия Bulbul.
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Новая интерактивная программа с подростковым психологом Никитой Карповым. Свой вопрос можно задать при помощи специальной формы.
आपका सोचने का तरीका भी आपकी सफलता में एक बहुत ही बड़ी भूमिका निभाता है, Shiv Khera जी का कहना है की अगर आप अपने Thought Process को एक determination के साथ Execute करें तो आप सभी काम आसानी से कर सकते हैं ।
आप अपने Tough Times का सामना करना सीखिए, अगर आप Tough Situation से Deal करना सीख जाएंगे तो आप ज़िंदगी के किसी भी मोड़ से आसानी से गुज़र सकते हैं ।
Jagran Podcast लेकर आया है आपके लिए एक खास Motivational Series जो प्रतुस्त है Motivational Speaker Shiv Khera के सहयोग से ।
Stay Tuned to Jagran Podcast
Мари Новосад говорит о сексе, отношениях и жизненных историях, которые делают их веселее.18+
Для вопросов недели: [email protected]
Инстаграм: @marienovosad -
Подкаст о том, каким разным бывает нон-фикшн. Его ведущие Лиза Каменская (соиздательница литературного журнала «Незнание») и Саша Баженова-Сорокина (филолог, преподавательница и переводчица) очень любят читать и почти так же сильно любят обсуждать прочитанное.
Каждый эпизод посвящен одной книге из нехудожественной литературы. Раз в неделю Лиза и Саша будут делиться впечатлениями, объяснять, почему это стоит читать, рекомендовать похожие книги и очень много шутить. -
"Empty Inside" is a podcast where host Jennette McCurdy talks with a different guest each episode, doing a deep dive into a specific topic. General topic areas are comedy, eating disorders, filmmaking, jealousy, therapy, and the crippling sense of doom we all face as we desperately try to fill the void within.
Привет, интернет! Меня зовут Маруся.
Здесь я читаю страшные истории своих подписчиков
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PREDATORS I'VE CAUGHT is a deep dive into the most shocking cases from the infamous TO CATCH A PREDATOR series, hosted by award-winning journalist Chris Hansen. Chris revisits unforgettable investigations in each episode, revealing new insights, behind-the-scenes details, and “Where are they now?” updates on some of the most notorious predators.
Have a question or case suggestion? Email Chris directly at [email protected].
For advertising or sponsorship-related questions, visit
For more on To Catch a Predator, visit the official fan Wiki. -
Leah Remini and Mike Rinder's podcast, Fair Game will take you behind the facade and expose the terrible truth about scientology's Fair Game doctrine. It's been used for 5 decades to destroy anyone they label an enemy -- former scientologists, media, government officials -- anyone they think is impeding their objectives. Leah and Mike are covering new ground, digging deeper than ever into the shocking documents, facts and stories that will make you wonder how any of this is going on in America today.
Подкаст банка «Точка» и студии Либо/Либо о самых захватывающих историях из мира корпоративных противостояний. Что делали компании, чтобы выиграть в конкурентной борьбе? Какие стратегии полетели, а какие привели к падению? Что было гениальной находкой, а что обернулось полным провалом?
Взрослому бизнесу нужны не маленькие лайфхаки, а большие истории. В этом подкасте мы ищем реальные факты и делаем из них полезные предпринимателям выводы. -
Carrie Jade Does Not Exist is the story of how one woman, who took on over six different identities, infiltrated the lives of vulnerable people, and lied her way into gaining their trust. This series hosted by Sue Perkins and journalist Katherine Denkinson tells the story of how Carrie built up a picture-perfect persona and scammed her way into the literary world until she finally got tangled up in her very own web of lies.
But, it doesn’t end there. Bonus episodes are released as new information from the current case emerges.
Find us on other platforms here -
If you're interested in sponsorship and advertising in Carrie Jade Does Not Exist, then we'd love to hear from you. Just email [email protected] and we'll tell you more!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.