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Heels Down Magazine presents the Heels Down Happy Hour podcast. There's a whole lot of stuff happening in the horse world, and someone's got to keep you up to date. Who’s winning what? What weird rules are you probably going to violate at your next horse show? What does your favorite rider really think about white breeches? Don’t worry, that's what we're here for. Grab a drink. Welcome to Happy Hour.
Perusasento-podcastissa Elli Kinnunen ja Ninja Korpelin keskustelevat koirien kanssa harrastamisesta ja kisaamisesta sekä koiraperheen arjesta. Keskeisessä asemassa ovat kouluttaminen ja koiran käytöksen ymmärtäminen. Lisäksi luvassa on suoraa puhetta koiraharrastuksen haasteista ja ongelmista.
Luennot: -
Havuja kengissä on vaellus- ja retkeilyaiheinen podcast, jossa liitytään Laurin, Hennan ja vaihtuvien kanssavaeltajien seuraan nauttimaan luonnossa liikkumisesta. Jokaisessa jaksossa pureudutaan vaellusfiilistelyn ohessa eri aiheisiin, jotka liittyvät retkeilyyn. Podcast on sinulle, joka olet kiinnostunut retkeilystä, kenties ehtinyt jo aloittaa tämän hienon harrastuksen tai tykkäät vain fiilistellä aiheen parissa.
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis.Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more!Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogsYoutube -
An overweight, 61-year-old retiree, with zero hiking experience, decided to hike the entire 2,185.3 mile length of the Appalachian Trail in 2014. What could possibly go wrong? As his brother, Mike, commented, "It's a bit like taking up boxing and fighting Mike Tyson in your first bout." Join Steve and his guests as they discuss all aspects of the trail, from gear to Lyme Disease, then back to trail magic and injury.
Welcome to Kifarucast! The official podcast of Kifaru International. Your source for backcountry hunting, fishing, archery, nutrition, and camping information! Join our host Aron Snyder as he welcomes a wide variety of guests from all walks of life and knowledge bases to talk shop, swap stories, and have great conversations.
Bikes or Death is a podcast centered around the growing sport of bikepacking, adventure cycling, and the outdoors. The show features the amazing people who participate in these activities and contribute so greatly to the cycling community. The Bikes or Death Podcast is dedicated to sharing the stories and experiences of these individuals with the hopes that it inspires others to get outside, get on their bikes, and experience what our natural world has waiting for them. At its heart Bikes or Death is more than just a podcast. Bikes or Death is a lifestyle. It’s the idea that a life without bikes is a life not worth living. Now go ride your damn bike!
The Blister Podcast from BLISTER is a series of wide-ranging conversations with professional athletes and influential figures about the great outdoors, mountain culture, outdoor-industry news, books, films, and more.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Presented by Matt Barr, Looking Sideways is a podcast about the best stories in skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and other related endeavours. -
Irish / Sheffield climber and author Niall Grimes in conversation with top dogs, cool cats and committed crag rats from the neighbourhood and the international climbing scene. Also classic climbing stories read aloud for your aural pleasure. Mmmmmmm! See more at
Welcome to the MTB TRIBE Podcast, aimed at you- the mountain biker. If you are a beginner or advanced rider, male or female, racer, cruiser or just like the lifestyle, then the MTB TRIBE Podcast is for you. Our aim is to talk to the best people in the industry and to delve into their minds in order to provide you with a unique take on the world of mountain biking. We’ll be bringing you fresh insights into the industry by examining the sport literally from the ground up- from the trails and the tech, to the tribe of riders who make this such an awesome sport to be involved in. This podcast contains something for everyone, covering skills, products, fitness, travel and a lot more. What’s more, we want you to get involved and become part of the MTB TRIBE- after all without you there would be no MTB industry. Subscribe, download the podcast or visit our website and get involved. Let us know what you love (and hate!) about mountain biking and what you want us to discuss. Riding together to make things better.
Chronicling the constant pursuit of World Class Whitetails. Follow an experienced land manager, consultant, writer, and hunting industry expert throughout the year as he finds, targets, and hunts world class whitetail bucks. Hunting tips and tricks that can be used no matter your skill set, property, or goals this hunting season.
Korvat Pystyyn! -podcast-sarjassa käsitellään koiria ja kaikkea niihin liittyvää. Jutellaan koirien terveydestä, vakuuttamisesta, ruoasta, niiden kanssa liikkumisesta, asumisesta, liikennekulttuurista, rokotuksista, madotuksista, punkeista, haasteista ja ongelmista koirien kanssa, ja etsitään niille ratkaisuja…
A biweekly podcast for cat owners by a cat owner. We'll cover health issues, breed quirks, problem behaviors, and many other topics. Hosted by a certified cat behaviorist and rescuer. On hiatus until June 2024. Support this podcast:
Moi, mä oon Belle, tervetuola podcastini pariin. Tässä podcastissä puhumme hevosista, keppareista ja ratsastuksesta yleensä. Kerron teille myös hevos tarinoita ja annan vinkkejä ratsastukseen liittyen. Toivottavasti tykkäätte! Käykää seuraamassa mun ig @hevosten._hirnahduksia_podcast