Delegate to elevate - one piece of advice Heather Udo, Founder and CEO of Shoppable, offers first time founders that has helped her accelerate her own business and career. Shoppable, now with a product catalog of 500 million, was Heather's brainchild that began just more than a decade ago. In this episode, Heather shares inspiration and insights gathered along her Shoppable journey and we learn how she is sharing that advice with fellow entrepreneurs in her latest venture.
Join Heather Udo's community for entrepreneurs here:
Learn more about Shoppable here:
Women are underrepresented in the FinTech industry, making up only 4% to 6% of CEOs. FinTech is undoubtedly disruptive, as is women leadership in the field. At the helm of Questis, CEO Lynn Raynault is a disruptor. In this episode, we hear from Lynn about the work happening at the AI-based workforce financial wellness company and about how she navigates the nuances of leadership as a woman CEO.
Learn more about Questis here.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
On December 28, 1967, Muriel "Mickie" Siebert became the first woman to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. For ten years, she was the only woman out of 1,365 men on the stock exchange. In her latest book, She-Wolves: The Untold History of Women on Wall Street, Paulina Bren chronicles the stories of the many warriors (Mickie included) that paved the way for women on Wall Street. Get a glimpse into the book and the lives of these women along with our marching orders moving forward on the latest installment of The Hurdle Rate.
Learn more about Paulina here:
Grab a copy of the book here: Amazon
The FWA is still going strong, find more on that here:
According to Forbes, workplace diversity boosts creativity and innovation, leading to better decision-making and a more professionally enriching environment. But where does workplace diversity begin, especially when it comes to women? In a conversation with Kim Benedict, CEO and Co-founder of TalentMinded and Founder of Women in Tech Sales, we cover everything from recruiting and hiring practices to workplace culture, professional development, returnships, mentorship and the confidence component. McKinsey's Women in in the Workplace 2023 reports that since 2015, the number of women in the C-suite has increased from 17 to 28 percent. Hear from Kim on where she sees the recruiting industry going and how it can continue to make strides in fueling that pipeline.
Learn more about TalentMinded.
Dive into Women in Tech Sales.
Connect with Kim Benedict on LinkedIn.
According to the World Resources Institute, scientists predict that up to 10 gigatonnes of CO2 will need to be removed annually from the atmosphere by 2050. Beth McDaniel and her company, Reactive Surfaces, have a technology that can be part of that solution. The company also has a variety of platform technologies aiding in solutions for other pressing problems, and Beth has solutions for staying motivated as an entrepreneur. Tune into this episode to hear about each of those solutions.
Learn more about the technologies at Reactive Surfaces here:
Find Beth McDaniel on LinkedIn here: Beth McDaniel, President of Reactive Surfaces
What do bras and biotech have in common? Entrepreneur Carina Ramirez Cahan, co-founder of Cobalt Rose Company. Cahan's Cobalt Rose Company is amongst 42% of all businesses in the U.S. that are women-owned. Throughout her storied career, Cahan has taken numerous roads less traveled, especially by women. In this episode, Cahan takes us through the exciting twists and turns of her professional journey, and shares uniquely qualified insights and advice about entrepreneurship.
Find Cobalt Rose Company on the web, on Youtube and on Instagram.
In a Harvard Business Review study, 33 of the 36 women interviewed raised confidence (or lack thereof) as a central factor obstructing their own and other women’s career progression. In this episode, executive and branding coach Limor Bergman Gross discusses building confidence and finding voice in the workplace specifically along less than traditional career paths.
Discover Limor's podcast, From a Woman to a Leader, and learn more about her work at
Can discomfort be the key to a happy future? In this episode, we hear from Cristina Ramirez, author of Empowered by Discomfort, about the 20% Power Principle of Discomfort as she explains how to use discomfort as a superpower especially in the context of motherhood and career.
Connect with Cristina and learn more about her work at
It is believed that the emotional frequency of enlightenment is 700+ Hz. In this episode, we hear from Katerina Levanttar about the importance of emotional intelligence and energy healing in both our personal and professional lives. Katerina is the founder of Healing Space, where she combines the knowledge of sound, meditation, yoga, talk therapy, empowerment coaching, NLP, manifestation techniques, emotional intelligence along with a decade of work in a corporate environment in NYC.
Connect with Katerina and learn more about Healing Space at
COMING SOON! The Investment Banking Institute brings you The Hurdle Rate podcast. Hosted by IBI's first woman CEO, Emily Advani, The Hurdle Rate is an opportunity to engage in important and enlightening conversations with women in finance, tech and business. The podcast aims to elevate and empower women in this space, bringing voice to the stories behind their successes.