
  • When Jesus needed help, he relied on the Holy Spirit. What do you rely on in times of confusion, suffering, and helplessness? Pastor Mark Driscoll is joining the iDisciple Podcast today to teach us how we, like Jesus, can rely on the spirit in times of need.

    Mark Driscoll is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-preaching pastor and the author of many books, including “Real Marriage” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” With a skillful mix of bold presentation, accessible teaching, and unrelenting compassion for those who are hurting the most, Pastor Mark has taken Christianity into cultural corners rarely explored by Evangelicals. He is the pastor of The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona.

    Pastor Mark’s latest book, Spirit-Filled Jesus, takes a deep look at Jesus’ reliance on the holy spirit. The book is packed with wisdom from Mark’s thirty years of studying and teaching the bible and is a vital read for believers looking to learn more about Jesus and the holy spirit. In this conversation, we’ll walk through some of the topics in the new book and get a better look at how we can tap into the power of the spirit just like Jesus did thousands of years ago.

    We hope and pray that this conversation blesses you in times of uncertainty and teaches you how to live a spirit-filled life just like our Lord and Savior!

    Key Takeaways

    Mark explains the connection between the book of Luke and the book of Acts, and how it connects Jesus relationship to the spirit with our relationship. How Jesus was able to suffer and be human like us while still maintaining his divine attributes. The comparison between our finite energy and the enemy, and why it’s crucial that we lean into the spirit to fight off the enemy. Why there’s a difference between making mistakes and sinning, and why we shouldn’t be paralyzed by a fear of messing up. Practical ways for us to get “in tune” with the holy spirit in our own lives. Mark explains how prominent suffering is in the life of Jesus, and what we can learn from his response to change the way we endure suffering. How Jesus forgave by the power of the holy spirit, and why it’s important for us to forgive in the same way to free ourselves from the enemy’s grasp. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more resources on the holy spirit, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • The bible is filled with incredible stories and life-changing truth, but often we struggle as believers to understand how it affects our lives today. How radically would our lives change if we had a firmer grasp on all of the wisdom God offers us? This week’s guest on the iDisciple Podcast is setting out to do just that: help believers and non-believers alike dive deeper into the word of God.

    On this episode, David is joined by pastor and speaker Skip Heitzig. Skip ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, and thousands more across the globe with his multimedia ministry. In addition to that, Skip is the prolific author of several books, including Defying Normal, The Bible From 30,000 Feet, and a series of books about how to better understand the bible.

    Skip is joining us today to share his personal faith story, and to take us deeper into his latest book, “You Can Understand the Book of Genesis.” The conversation is a powerful reminder of how much the word of God can change our lives, if we take the time to understand it.

    We pray that David and Skip’s discussion inspires you to open up your bible and seek out the truth that the Lord has for you, and helps you see the scriptures in an entirely different light!

    Key Takeaways

    Skip tells us the story behind his faith journey growing up in Southern California and how watching a Billy Graham broadcast finally lead him to Christ. Why Skip’s mentality when he started planting his church was that if God was calling him, He would show him what to do. The reason why ministry has to constantly evolve with new technologies to help reach the lost. The connection between the New Testament and the Book of Genesis, and how Jesus highlights the importance for understanding what happened before. How God is continuing to reveal himself more and more from Genesis through Revelation. Skip shares his life verse and one of his favorite themes in scripture: how God is using broken and sinful people to do His work. David and Skip highlight some of the important people in Genesis and why their stories matter. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple Podcast has a profound impact on your walk with Christ.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content about the word of God, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

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  • Is it easy for you to live in the moment and enjoy the life you have, or do you constantly find yourself anxious and dissatisfied with your current situation? Today’s guest knows firsthand how it feels to always be searching for something else.

    After a successful start in her career as an author and speaker, Hannah Brencher moved to Atlanta and found herself in a state of anxiety and deep depression. It was during this season of her life that Hannah learned what it meant to find purpose in the present and to stop chasing after the next big thing.

    Hannah is joining us on this week’s episode to introduce our listeners to “Come Matter Here”, her new book chronicling her struggles with anxiety and identity. We’re thrilled to have Hannah on the show to have a candid and powerful conversation about mental health, living in the moment, and what it means to seek God’s purpose no matter our circumstances.

    We hope and pray that this conversation inspires you to pause and reflect on where you’re at in life and encourages you to seek God’s purpose even when things aren’t working out how you hope!

    Key Takeaways

    Hannah tells the story behind her first book and the TED Talk that helped launch her career, and why she’s concerned with the disconnect generations are starting to have when they focus entirely on the digital world. What it means to “be where your feet are”, and how it relates to pursuing what God has for us in life. How God refines us through the difficult seasons much like the way gold is stripped of impurities in fire. The connection between her story and the biblical story of Job, and why our listeners should find the reason and purpose in our pain. Hannah shares the candid truth about how anxiety and depression took over her life out of nowhere, and how it taught her the importance of talking about mental health issues. How she was able to embrace the fact that God was good even if she was not healed. Why it’s easier to “flush the fish” instead of committing to take care of it, and how she learned to take responsibility in her life. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more resources on finding your purpose or dealing with mental health struggles, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • In this day and age, women are constantly bombarded with the world’s opinions on how they should look, how they should act, and what should be important to them. Today’s guest on the iDisciple Podcast, author and speaker Erin Weidemann, is setting out to teach women of all ages to turn their backs on the world and pursue the life God has for them.

    As founder and CEO of Bible Belles and an award-winning author of The Adventures of Rooney Cruz series, Erin Weidemann is committed to changing the world’s current definition of beauty. As a certified teacher, coach, and nationally recognized speaker, she offers speaking, workshops, and seminars to equip women of all ages to let go of fear and step into the unique leadership roles for which they were designed.

    A five-time cancer survivor, Erin lives in San Diego, CA and speaks at events, conferences, fundraisers, churches, and schools. Erin is also the host of the Heroes For Her podcast, interviewing celebrities, actors, musicians, and other women who are living out their passions in line with their personal values.

    Today, Erin is joining us to talk about how her life-changing cancer diagnosis changed the trajectory of her life, the inspiration behind her faith-based children’s books for little girls, and her advice for women who are struggling with their purpose and self-image.

    We hope and pray that this conversation encourages and emboldens our female listeners and helps all of us raise up young women after God’s heart!

    Key Takeaways

    Erin shares how she found herself on her knees praying to God after her cancer diagnosis even though she didn’t have a relationship with Him. Why she believes our purpose is already laid out, and how searching for God to reveal more of Himself will reveal that purpose to us. How shocked she was that her niece knew every Disney princess, but didn’t know any women in the bible, why that lead her to creating Bible Belles. The reason why Erin is so adamant about young women having positive role models with a different outlook on beauty and identity. Erin walks us through the women she has written about so far, and each of the important themes they are centered around. Why Erin has started speaking for women of all ages around the topic of self-love, and the struggles she had as a young girl with her body image. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more resources on finding biblical truth, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • Struggling with your identity and self-worth is an issue that plagues every generation. How do we start seeing ourselves how God sees us? This week’s guest on the iDisciple Podcast is setting out to show people who they really are: made in the image of God.

    On this episode, Davis is joined by up-and-coming Atlanta-based author Jake Jeffcoat. In the past year, Jake graduated college, got married, and released his first book all before turning 22-years-old. But don’t let that age fool you, his new book Image is filled with timeless wisdom that can impact entire generations.

    Today we’ll be getting to know Jake better, hearing about his heart for younger generations who are struggling 24/7 with finding their identity and learning who God says we are in His word. This conversation is a candid look at the ways we all wrestle with finding self-worth and is an encouraging reminder that we can always find ourselves in the Lord.

    We pray that David and Jake’s discussion will help you look past the image you have for yourself and start seeing the image of God in your life!

    Key Takeaways

    Jake shares the story of how his new book Image came to be, starting with a college research paper on the negative effects of social media on self-esteem. How struggles with self-image affected Jake as a high school athlete that needed to look and perform a certain way. What it means when Jake says the book is written for a specific generation, but that the problem it addresses isn’t generationally specific. Why social media, with its constant comparisons and visual stimuli, is so dangerous with how it skews people’s self-image. How Jesus fighting the devil’s temptation in the scripture is the key to us defeating the enemy’s lies. Why focusing solely on goals, such as Jake’s desire to be the best at sports, will always leave us wanting more. Jake reminds us how Jesus death on the cross is what gives us infinite worth. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple Podcast has a profound impact on your walk with Christ.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content about finding our self-worth in Jesus, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • What do we do when unexpected circumstances drastically change our lives? Sometimes it’s difficult to trust God when our whole world gets turned upside down. Today’s guest knows a thing or two about having their world shaken by unforeseen circumstances and is setting out to show fellow believers how to lean into Jesus when times are tough.

    Christine Caine is an Australian-born lover of Jesus, a world-changing activist, and one of the most influential authors and speakers in modern Christianity. Her passion is to make Jesus’ last command her first priority by giving her all to see the lost saved and to build the local church globally.

    On top of authoring multiple books, Christine and her husband Nick have launched two incredible ministries: The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization, and Propel Women, a ministry designed to equip and empower women in their God-given purpose.

    We’re talking with Christine today about her latest book, Unexpected: Leave Fear Behind, Move Forward in Faith, Embrace the Adventure. In Unexpected, Christine implores readers to embrace the unexpected circumstances that inevitably change the course of our lives and trust in God’s purpose through the difficult times.

    We pray that this conversation gives you hope in the midst of a difficult season and empowers you to pursue God’s purpose through the pain!

    Key Takeaways

    Christine explains why she launched Propel Women, and why she thought it was important to create a ministry that empowers and encourages women no matter their situation in life. How Christine’s own unexpected circumstances, including a cancer diagnosis and dealing with betrayal, inspired her to dig into God’s truth about dealing with trials and write Unexpected. Why the enemy uses a spirit of fear to paralyze and cripple us from stepping into our God-given destiny and how to counteract that fear with faith. How disappointment is a destructive force that can stop us from seeing Jesus, and why it’s important to remind yourself that God is with you in the midst of the disappointment. Christine explains why it’s only important to focus on what God thinks and wants instead of the opinions of the world. Why it’s important for us to emphasize our faith before trials come, much like keeping your body in shape. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more resources to help when the unexpected happens, download the iDisciple app and try the Depending on God in Difficult Times Growth Plan! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • What is truth? This has become the defining question of our time. Today’s special guest on the iDisciple Podcast, author and speaker Lisa Bevere, wants all of us to know that truth isn’t just something, it’s someone.

    Lisa has spent nearly three decades empowering women of all ages to find their identity and purpose. She is a New York Times bestselling author and internationally known speaker. Several of her books, including Fight Like a Girl, Lioness Arising, Girls with Swords, and Without Rival, are in the hands of millions worldwide. Lisa and John, are the founders of Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform their world. Messenger International has given away over 7 million resources in 106 languages.

    Today, Lisa is joining us to talk about her latest highly anticipated book, Adamant: Finding Truth in a Universe of Opinions, and helping explain how we can discover truth that can anchor our souls in a culture full of opinions.

    We hope and pray that this conversation helps you build your life on the unchanging foundation of Jesus Christ, and helps you lead others to the same truth!

    Key Takeaways

    Lisa shares her testimony of how she, as a young adult, fell into the traps of partying and running in the opposite direction of God’s truth until she met her husband John. Why Lisa originally doubted her decision to become a Christian because of how the enemy attacks us according to our destiny. The importance of creating resources and writing books for women, and why Lisa believes it is so important to empower women who have not been treated well by the church. Lisa tells the story of how she came up with the name of the book, Adamant, and what it means for the truth of Jesus to be the unmovable and unchanging. Why we, as Christians, have done such a bad job of preaching the truth with love, and how we can start blending the two in a way that Jesus wants us to. Lisa explains why she wrote this book for Christians to deal with the “shadow places of their own heart” as opposed to exposing sin in the world. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more resources on finding biblical truth, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • Hello and welcome to a special one-year anniversary episode of the iDisciple Podcast! It is hard to believe how fast time has flown by, but just over a year ago we launched the podcast with our first four episodes. Since last June, we have released 24 episodes featuring some of the most influential speakers, authors, pastors, and musicians in the faith community. In that time, we’ve had the pleasure of discussing a number of topics including parenting, finance, social justice, theology, and so much more!

    This week we are taking a look back over the year at some of our favorite moments and most thought-provoking discussions with guests like Francis Chan, Brian Houston, and Shaunti Feldhahn.

    If you’ve missed any of our first 24 episodes, subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast today on Apple Podcasts or the Google Play Store and catch up on all of the incredible conversations.

    We hope and pray that this one-year recap episode of the iDisciple Podcast brings you the biblical truth that you needed to hear, and that this week’s episode stirs your heart for the Lord!

    One-Year Anniversary Highlights

    Francis Chan explains why it’s important that we live our present lives in a way that reflects the eternal promises of God. We hear some crucial relationship advice from Pastor Ben Stuart from his book “Single Dating Engaged Married.” Author Shaunti Feldhahn walks David through her elements to finding rest from her new devotional, “Find Rest.” Atlanta-based musician Jimi Cravity discusses why Christians should be a driving force in shaping the culture around us. John Eldredge and John Bevere highlight some incredibly in-depth biblical truths from their newest books. Pastor Brian Houston from Hillsong Church teaches us some of the leadership lessons he learned early on that shaped his ministry. Some of our favorite parenting gurus, Karen Stubbs and Wynter Pitts, share how God has influenced and encouraged both of them as parents.

    Thank you so much for joining us on our journey the past year! We hope and pray that the iDisciple Podcast has had a profound impact on your walk with Christ.

    If you don’t already, subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast today on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you listen to podcasts. While you’re there, leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers! Check out to hear old episodes that you might have missed.

    Join us in changing the world in the name of Christ! If somebody in your life could benefit from hearing God’s truth on the iDisciple Podcast, please share this episode on your social media networks.

    To hear even more life-changing content from iDisciple’s Kingdom Partners, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    We are excited to kick off the next year of podcasts in a few weeks with special guest Lisa Bevere. We are so thankful for all of our listeners who have joined us on this journey the past year, and can’t wait for the years to come!

    God bless!

  • In a world overwhelmingly obsessed with sex, why is the church so silent on the topic? Our culture is constantly cheapening and skewing the beautiful gift that God gave us, and it’s time that the church spoke out against the lies.

    Author and speaker Mo Isom is joining us on this week’s episode of the iDisciple Podcast to start having those tough conversations. Mo’s personal testimony is rife with the trials of a young person struggling with their understanding of sex, and is a beautiful story of God’s grace through it all.

    Despite immense public success as an All-American soccer player at Lousiana State University, Mo lived a life marked by brokenness and a pursuit of anything to fill the void. It wasn’t until God literally wrecked her life in the form of a horrific car accident that she discovered the glory of renewal through Jesus Christ.

    In her new book, “Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot,” Mo shares candid and powerful stories of how she misunderstood sex before and after becoming a believer, and inspires readers ignore the teachings of the world and return to the original design God had in mind.

    We hope and pray that this candid and honest conversation helps you take a deeper look at your worldview on sex, and moves you to seek out God’s plan in all areas of your life!

    Key Takeaways

    Mo recounts her incredible story of coming to Christ after a near-fatal accident driving home from college, and how that moment changed her life forever. Why it’s important for young people to “armor up” with scripture before heading into the difficult real world, and why the church should be teaching them about difficult topics like sex ahead of time. How stunning statistics about pornography use is a sign of a universal heart problem with people that isn’t discussed. Why Eve’s sin in the garden of Eden is a perfect representation of the slippery slope when choose what you think is best instead of what God wants for you. Mo implores us to not look at purity as a rule list, but instead ask the difficult questions about why purity is important in the first place. The reality that sexual issues don’t magically get better after getting married, and why it’s important that believers continue to seek God’s design for sex after marriage. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more resources on a biblical view of sexuality, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • Every parent wants to raise up their children in a manner pleasing to God, and sometimes you need all the help you can get! In this episode of the iDisciple Podcast, David is joined by a guest who knows a thing or two about raising Godly children: author and founder of For Girls Like You, Wynter Pitts.

    Wynter was raised by her mother and grandmother in the inner city of Baltimore and s aw firsthand the effects of poverty and fatherlessness on a child. Because of God’s grace and her loving family, Wynter overcame her childhood surroundings and enjoyed immense success in academics and her career.

    When her daughters were born, she made the choice to stay at home and focus on raising her daughters. During this time, Wynter began blogging and launched For Girls Like You magazine, a ministry dedicated to raising young girls to be more like Christ.

    Wynter and David’s conversation is an in-depth look at the highs and lows of parenting, and is filled with practical advice about how to trust the Lord with the lives of your children.

    We hope and pray that this discussion encourages you to lean not on your own understanding, but to rely on the Lord’s strength when raising up children!

    Key Takeaways

    Wynter shares how she personally was affected growing up without a father, and how she began to see God as her father in the midst of it. How God revealed through her lack of contentment that she needed a change of heart. Why it’s so difficult to grow up these days as a little girl, particular with the world constantly telling them they need to act older than they are. The backstory behind Wynter and her husband’s prayer book, She Is Yours. Why it’s important as a parent, especially in the tough times, to realize that your kids belong to Christ. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more parenting pointers from writers like Wynter Pitts and organizations like For Girls Like You, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • The Bible is rich with wisdom and hope, but we often find that it’s difficult to make sense of it all.

    On this episode of the iDisciple Podcast, special guest Randy Robison will impart on us some practical biblical knowledge and insight from his new book, The Age of Promise: Escape the Shadows of the Law to Live in the Light of Christ.

    In The Age of Promise, Randy shares how ten promises in the Old Testament were transformed and revealed through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. It’s a challenging and relevant read for anyone looking to understand their faith more, and we’re excited to have Randy join iDisciple CEO David Henriksen to dive deeper into his life and latest book.

    Randy is a writer, producer, and co-host for the LIFE Today television program. He lives in Dallas-Forth Worth with his wife and four children.

    We pray that David and Randy’s discussion will reveal truths about the Bible that you might not have realized yet, and that you will be transformed by the powerful word of God!

    Key Takeaways

    Why former NFL player Brian Bosworth’s unique testimony made him one of Randy’s favorite Life Today guests. In light of the recent passing of Billy Graham prior to the recording of the episode, Randy eulogizes about the incredible impact he made in spreading the gospel around the world. Randy shares about the book he helped write, “Our Presidents and Their Prayers,” and how pursuing Christ will naturally influence our politics. Why the original name for “The Age of Promise” was “The Death of Religion,” because of the difference between religion and a relationship with Christ. Practical advice for how the actions of Old Testament priests can show us how to live in modern times. The parallels between the Old Testament temple and how God now dwells inside of us as a temple because of what Jesus did. How God calls all of us, Jew or Gentile, to be in fellowship with him. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple Podcast has a profound impact on your walk with Christ.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from authors and pastors like Randy Robison, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On the latest episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen welcomes special guest Brian Houston, founder and global senior pastor of Hillsong Church. Brian joins us to talk about his early days in ministry starting Hillsong, and to introduce our listeners to his brand new book, There Is More: When the World Says You Can’t.

    As a young man, Brian dreamed of one day preaching the good news and building a great church. When they launched Hillsong Church in 1983 with less than 100 people in a school auditorium, he had no idea that one day Hillsong would grow into a network of churches that has expanded into 20 countries and 6 continents, or that more than 50 million people would sing Hillsong Worship songs across the world every week.

    His new book There Is More is an incredible testament to God’s power and ability to do abundantly more than we can imagine! We pray that this conversation, and Brian’s book, will inspire you to dream big and pray big prayers!

    Key Takeaways

    Brian talks about how important it was for him as a leader to raise up fellow leaders to help in his ministry, and the meaning behind the phrase “my ceiling is the next generation’s floor.” Why he believes that his life is an absolutely testimony to how God can do abundantly more than we ask or imagine as it says in Ephesians 3. How the story of Joseph in the Old Testament highlights the importance of dreaming big dreams and asking God to do big things. Why it’s critical to speak powerful truth over our lives instead of filling our mouths with negativity and reasons why not to do things. The hardest thing for Brian to learn in his life and ministry. Pastor Brian shares his passion for helping people align their spiritual life with their practical every day lives. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple Podcast has a profound impact on your walk with Christ.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from authors and pastors like Brian Houston, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • We live in a culture that idolizes being busy. Chances are, busyness is weighing on you as well!

    On this week’s episode of the iDisciple Podcast, speaker, author, and social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn is joining us for the second time to discuss her new devotional, Find Rest: A Woman’s Devotional For Lasting Peace In A Busy Life. Shaunti’s new book is the perfect read for anyone out there who is struggling to find peace in the chaos of their everyday life, and is a life-changing resource for all of our female listeners no matter where you find yourself in life!

    David and Shaunti discuss the inspiration and backstory behind Find Rest, why this topic is perfect for a devotional, and take a deep dive into the 8 different “Elements of Finding Rest” that Shaunti uses throughout the devotional. The conversation is a convicting and hope-filled look at our “busy culture” and will impart on you all sorts of knowledge and tips on how to find rest in Jesus.

    We pray that the wisdom Shaunti leaves you with will inspire you to go on a journey away from chaos and into peace, and that Jesus will help you find rest in your hectic life!

    Key Takeaways

    Shaunti explains how her findings when she looked at the scientific reasons for stress in women influenced the writing of Find Rest. The importance of Find Rest being a devotional, and why it’s important to go on a day-to-day journey to find rest instead of trying to fix it all at once. Why it’s important to recognize your flaws and see the good in them instead of believing life would suddenly get better if you fixed one thing. How the 8 Elements of Finding Rest are applicable to you no matter what season of life you’re in. Why connecting daily with God is the single most important element of finding rest, and why it’s our tendency to neglect that. Shaunti shares how taking our thoughts captive and trusting God with them is a crucial component to not letting stress control our lives. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more wisdom from Shaunti Feldhahn, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • Parenting is hard, isn’t it? Far too often we find ourselves frustrated and beaten down, feeling like we lack the encouragement and biblical wisdom to raise a family.

    If that rings true, then this episode of the iDisciple Podcast is perfect for you! David is joined in the studio by Karen Stubbs, a renowned author, speaker, and motherhood guru. Karen shares with us the story of how God used her tough years as a young military wife and new mom to mold and prepare her to one day launch Birds on a Wire, an international ministry dedicated to equipping and encouraging mothers.

    David and Karen’s conversation is filled with stories and advice that will resonate with anyone struggling with the fear and confusion of parenthood. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, an expecting parent or an empty nester, this discussion will leave you with practical parenting wisdom and your spirits raised!

    We hope and pray that the wisdom Karen imparts on you during this episode radically changes your family and gives you the boost of inspiration you need!

    Key Takeaways

    Karen shares a shocking story about her husband having a near disaster while flying planes for the Navy, and how this event lead to a woman telling her she would one day be in ministry. Some of the reasons why her early years as a mother in Virginia were so tough, and how that affected her relationship with the Lord. How the tough years eventually strengthened her faith, and how they positively changed her marriage as well. Why Birds on a Wire is dedicated to both equipping and encouraging mothers, and the reasons why those two things are equally important. Why she believes that the changes in the culture have overwhelmed parents, and tells us why it’s important to “hold the line” in your family when it comes to issues like social media and technology. Karen shares a great story from a recent mission trip, and how it taught her that God has everything in control when it comes to parenting. And many more!


    If you enjoy this episode, please head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast! While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    If you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation, please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more parenting pointers from Karen Stubbs and Birds on a Wire, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On the latest episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen is joined by Ken Costa, international banker, philanthropist, and author. Ken gives us a little insight into how God has worked in his life during four decades in investment banking, and introduces us to his brand new book about the cross, Strange Kingdom: Meditations on the Cross to Transform Your Day-to-Day Life.

    Ken was born and raised in South Africa before moving to England to study law and theology at Cambridge University. It was in London that Ken entered the investment banking field, where he spent more than four decades in roles such as Chairman of UBS Investment Bank for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and Chairman of Lazard International.

    During that time, Ken has invested heavily in raising up Christian leaders, serving as Chairman Emeritus of Alpha International and Dean of the Leadership College London. In recent years, Ken has founded God at Work and begun writing books about faith, work, and purpose. His most recent book, Strange Kingdom, isbeing released in March of 2018. Strange Kingdom is a powerful look at the cross and the king who died upon it, and is filled with life-changing reflections about the kingdom of God.

    We pray that David and Ken’s conversation stirs you to take a deeper look at Jesus’ death on the cross, and inspires you to model your life after the savior!

    Key Takeaways

    Ken tells us a little more about his time growing up in South Africa during Apartheid and explains how his faith came alive to him during those years of his life. The meaning behind the phrase, “My work station is my worship station,” and more background information behind some of Ken’s earlier books. Why the symbolism of the cross is such an important but overlooked part of Christianity. How Jesus death on the cross marks a monumental shift from mankind searching for God and God reaching out to us. The true meaning of forgiveness as shown in the bible as opposed to the watered-down forgiveness we see all around us in the world today. How people mistakingly view the cross as something that will limit their lives with rules instead of giving them ultimate freedom through Jesus. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple podcast was enlightening and relevant to you.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from Ken Costa, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On this episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen is joined by Ben Stuart, lead pastor of Passion City Church’s new Washington D.C. Campus. Ben will be walking us through some of the timeless relationship advice in his new book, Single Dating Engaged Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age, and sharing with us some of the inspirations for the book from his life and ministry.

    Prior to launching Passion City Church Washington D.C., Ben spent over a decade working as executive director of Breakaway Ministries, a weekly bible study at Texas A&M University attended by thousands of college students. Using the wisdom he accumulated during his time ministering to college students, thorough study of the bible, and his own personal experiences, Ben crafts an invaluable guide to navigating healthy relationships, and gives us a deeper look at the eternal purposes of each phase.

    We pray that David and Ben’s discussion will move you to pursue a deeper relationship with God, no matter if you’re single, dating, engaged, or married!

    Key Takeaways

    Ben shares with us his vision for Passion City Church in Washington D.C., and how he would like to see the city impacted by Jesus. How Ben has seen technology and social media change the way young people interact in relationships over the past decade. The revelation that Ben had about why the purpose of singleness is not preparation for marriage. Why there is an increasing level of anxiety, particularly in young people, because of their lack of purpose. Practical advice for how to leverage the gifts of singleness or relationships for the kingdom of God. How to resist the temptation to minimize the benefits of your current stage in favor of wanting the benefits of a different stage. The meaning behind the phrase, “The love of God embraced becomes love extended to others, no matter what season you’re in.” And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple Podcast has a profound impact on your walk with Christ.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from authors and pastors like Ben Stuart, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On this episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen is joined by Dr. Tim Elmore, bestselling author and founder of Growing Leaders. Dr. Elmore imparts some timeless wisdom about leadership he has learned over the years, and shares some of the missed opportunities and pitfalls adults are making when it comes to raising the next generation of leaders.

    Dr. Elmore founded Growing Leaders in 2003 with the goal of encouraging and equipping young adults to become leaders in their classrooms, their careers, and their communities. Through Growing Leaders, Tim uses his expertise on Generations Y and Z to equip educators, coaches, leaders, and parents to impart practical life and leadership skills to the next generation.

    Tim and Growing Leaders have used that passion to partner with over 8,000 organizations and have molded the lives of more than 500,000 leaders in 72 countries. Along with his role at Growing Leaders, Tim has authored multiple best-selling books about leadership, including the Habitudes series and his latest book Marching Off the Map: Inspire Students to Navigate a Brand New World.

    We pray that Dr. Elmore’s insight about leadership will inspire you to impact the next generation of leaders in your home and in your community!

    Key Takeaways

    Dr. Elmore discusses some of the benefits and negatives of social media, and pleads with parents to openly discuss topics like social media with their children. Some of the ways Tim and his wife were able to openly communicate with their children growing up, and how we can learn from that. Why it’s important not to look down on or ignore the younger generation. Dr. Elmore explains some of his nicknames for different parenting types, such as the “karaoke parent”, and explains how these parenting methods fall short. What it means to give students a compass instead of a GPS. Why we should let students, children, and other young people fail instead of always coming to their rescue. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple podcast was enlightening and relevant to you.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from Dr. Tim Elmore and Growing Leaders, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On the latest episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen is joined by renowned author and public speaker, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Dr. Eggerichs has spent several decades writing books and speaking around the world on the topics of marriage, parenting, and communication. Dr. Eggerichs has authored several books about those topics, including the New York Times bestselling marriage book Love and Respect. Eventually, this book lead to the Love and Respect Marriage Conference, a dynamic and marriage-changing conference for couples that has resulted in countless relationships being restored.

    More recently, Dr. Eggerichs has completed and released a new book about the pratfalls of miscommunicating, Before You Hit Send: Preventing Headache and Heartache. Dr. Eggerichs latest book is based on years of research, anecdotes, and biblical study, and is a humbling glance into the mistakes we make when we communicate with the people around us.

    We pray that Dr. Eggerichs knowledge and discernment about marriage and communication will open your eyes to new ways you can live your life more like Jesus!

    Key Takeaways

    What motivated him to write Love and Respect, specifically why he believed it was important to write a marriage book for both men and women. Dr. Eggerichs shares some examples and stories from the Love and Respect Conferences of people whose marriages were radically changed and healed when they came together with their spouse to fix their problems. The origin of Dr. Eggerichs’ 4 Questions to ask before you speak: Is it kind? Is it truthful? Is it necessary? Is it clear? How new technology is both helpful with the speed we are able to communicate and hurtful with our tendency to say things we wouldn’t say face-to-face. The reason why someone taking offense to our words is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as what we say fits under the umbrella of the Four Questions. And many more great biblical takeaways!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple podcast was enlightening and relevant to you.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from authors like Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device today! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On this episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen is joined by Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial Ministries and a close friend of the iDisciple Family. Chuck shares with us some of the invaluable wisdom that he and his wife Ann have gathered over the years on the intersection of marriage and finances, and introduces us to their new book, Money Problems, Marriage Solutions.

    After decades in the secular business world, Chuck’s life was radically transformed when his wife convinced him to try out a Crown Financial Bible Study, where he realized he had spent his life trying to serve two masters, God and money, and failing at both. Eventually, Chuck would join the Crown Financial team and has spent most of the last two decades teaching biblical principles about finance to people all around the world.

    Chuck is the author of 5 books, including the most recent book that he co-authored with Ann: Money Problems, Marriage Solutions. The Bentley’s new book was inspired by their personal journey from financial mistakes and arguments to unity and financial health. It aims to transform the lives of married couples who might be letting money rule their marriages.

    We pray that the wisdom Chuck brings to today’s conversation will have the power to radically transform the way you approach relationships and your finances!

    Key Takeaways

    Chuck explains why finances in marriage are a paradox, and can be either destructive or unifying for your relationship. Why you need to align with your spouse and find a shared worldview about money, instead of pursuing two different things. How Ann urging Chuck to attend a bible study about money set the groundwork for completely transforming their marriage. Why finances in marriage are a prime target for spiritual attack in the first place. Chuck breaks down some of the 7 Keys from Money Problems, Money Solutions, particularly emphasizing the importance of being peacemakers. Why financial stress in marriage can’t be fixed by more money or less money because the real problem is in your heart. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple podcast was enlightening and relevant to you.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks.

    If you would like even more life-changing content from Chuck Bentley, download the iDisciple app! Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand! Check out to learn more, and sign-up for iDisciple today.

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!

  • On this episode of the iDisciple Podcast, iDisciple CEO David Henriksen is joined by Bobby Smith, Spencer Roth, and Jordan Watts, three talented members of Johnson Ferry Worship, a collective of worship musicians based outside of Atlanta. The band discusses the songwriting process what lead them to become worship leaders, and shares some of the inspiration behind their brand new album, Always Only Jesus.

    Johnson Ferry Worship was born out of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, a church of more than 8,000 people outside of Atlanta. As a band, Johnson Ferry Worship exists to see a culture of worship swell up in their congregation. They desire to worship Christ with their whole lives, and through the arts and original music, they hope to engage hearts, minds, and souls. The band just released their debut album of twelve original songs, entitled Always Only Jesus. The album hits on a variety of emotions, from songs of joy to songs of sorrow, mingling together in a broad collection of worship that expresses the full life a believer encounters.

    We pray that this episode will give you an enlightening glimpse into the lives of worship leaders, and will move you to worship God with your whole lives!

    Key Takeaways

    The trio explains how Johnson Ferry Worship came to be, and specifically how the three of them decided to start writing worship music together. Bobby explains the phrase, “We believe that good theology leads to great doxology,” and why it’s important for their songwriting. Why it’s important to value the content of their worship music first and foremost before they decide on a style for a song. We get to listen to The Cross Still Stands, the first single from Always Only Jesus. What they want to happen from the release of their album, specifically sharing their desire for watching the church connect with the Lord deeply. And many more!


    Thank you so much for joining us! We hope and pray that this episode of the iDisciple podcast was enlightening and relevant to you.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher Radio and subscribe to the iDisciple Podcast. While you’re there, please leave us a rating and a review. We love to hear feedback from all of our subscribers!

    Do you know somebody in your life who could benefit from hearing God’s truth in this latest conversation? Please share this episode on your social networks!

    If you would like even more life-changing content, download the iDisciple app for your preferred mobile device or visit us at Since 2013, iDisciple has been leading people into a closer relationship with God through music, sermons, and devotionals, all in the palm of your hand!

    Thanks again for tuning in. God bless!