
  • In this candid and insightful episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, reflects on an earlier conversation (episode 275) with Tom Lambotte about beginning a new chapter in the entrepreneurial journey. André dives into the struggles and triumphs of transitioning from focusing solely on opportunities to prioritizing passion and unique abilities. This trend amongst successful entrepreneurs, especially those with a growth mindset, is becoming more apparent.

    Key Points Covered:

    1. Shifting from Opportunity to Passion: André emphasizes the importance of making decisions based on passion rather than just opportunities. While opportunities can be financially rewarding, they may not provide the same positive energy and fulfillment.

    2. Investing in Self-Development: André and Tom discuss the extensive investments they've made in self-development through programs like Strategic Coach, assessments, workshops, and masterminds. This investment is crucial for gaining clarity and improving their way of life and business practices.

    3. Applying Unique Abilities Across Life: André highlights how unique abilities are not confined to one's current industry or role. These abilities can be applied to various aspects of life, from personal to professional, making transitions to new chapters easier and more fulfilling.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André asks listeners to think about what tasks in their current company bring them energy and where their true passions lie. He encourages everyone to identify those energizing tasks, as this can pave the way for pursuing new chapters that align with their unique abilities and passions.

    This episode is an energizing call to action for growth mindset ADHD entrepreneurs. André, The Impulsive Thinker, inspires listeners to explore their passions and be unapologetic about embarking on new, fulfilling chapters in their entrepreneurial journey.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • André, The Impulsive Thinker, sits down with Tom Lambotte, a coach for heart-led, impact-driven entrepreneurs. They dive deep into the importance of honing in on your unique abilities and achieving real transformation. Tom shares his own journey of transitioning from a tech entrepreneur to focusing on coaching and helping others find their path. This candid conversation will inspire ADHD entrepreneurs to seek fulfillment beyond just success and make strategic choices for personal and business growth.

    Key Points Covered:

    - Defining and focusing on your unique abilities for transformational growth.

    - The journey of moving away from roles and tasks tied to excellence but lacking passion.

    - Understanding the importance of holistic development: balancing professional growth with personal well-being.

    Summary Points:

    - Embrace the challenge of letting go of tasks you excel at but don't love.

    - Invest time and energy in activities that align with your unique abilities for maximum fulfillment.

    - Recognize that personal and emotional growth is as vital as professional success.

    One Question for Listeners:

    André challenges listeners to consider their next chapter: Are you ready to focus on your unique abilities and let go of tasks that don't bring you energy and fulfillment? He asks this question because understanding and pursuing your unique strengths can transform not just your business, but your entire life.

    This episode is essential for ADHD entrepreneurs with a growth mindset. It's about more than just hitting numbers; it's about finding true joy in what you do and aligning your work with your passions. Listen in as André, The Impulsive Thinker, and Tom Lambotte share insights on creating a purposeful and fulfilling entrepreneurial path.


    Tom Lambotte is a prominent Mac tech expert known for his innovative contributions to the technology industry. His extensive expertise has led to the successful development of multiple companies, solidifying his reputation as a leader in his field. Tom is celebrated for his ability to blend professional achievements with a variety of interests, exploring new avenues while maintaining excellence in his core work. His name is well-recognized among peers and clients alike for his dedication to advancing technological solutions and improving industry standards. Tom can also be reached through his coaching website.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

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  • In this thoughtful episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, revisits a powerful conversation with a previous guest about striking the right balance between structure and systemization for ADHD entrepreneurs. Tapping into his deep understanding of the ADHD mindset, André dissects how too rigid a system can stifle creativity, while well-designed structures can guide ADHD minds toward achieving their entrepreneurial goals. This discussion is especially designed to spark ideas among ADHD entrepreneurs about optimizing their work environment and habits for better productivity and mental health.

    Key Points Covered:

    1. The Necessity of Structure: André highlights how a structured environment helps an ADHD brain stay focused on tasks without feeling overwhelmed by too many rules or restrictions, unlike stringent systemization.

    2. Environment Control: André shares insights into how controlling one’s work environment by minimizing distractions can lead to better focus and productivity, using personal anecdotes from his own experiences.

    3. Importance of Habits and Rules: Establishing personal habits and rules is discussed as a critical element in nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset of someone with ADHD, helping them stay on track and avoid unnecessary stress.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André challenges listeners to ponder how they can tweak their work environment to better suit their ADHD traits. The question nudges listeners to reflect on adapting their surroundings to serve their unique needs, rather than conforming to standard practices that might not cater to their mental wiring. This inquiry aims to empower listeners to take control over their workspace and habits to foster a conducive atmosphere for innovation and productivity.

    This episode is a valuable tool for ADHD entrepreneurs who want to harness their unique mindset in a structured yet flexible manner for enhanced creativity and effectiveness. André, The Impulsive Thinker, invites you to explore and possibly overhaul your approach to work, making it a tailored fit for your ADHD traits.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • André, The Impulsive Thinker, welcomes Brian Spielmann, a visionary in conscious marketing, to explore the entrepreneurial journey with ADHD. In this episode, the duo dives deep into the strategies that have led Brian from starting organic gardening as a teen to becoming a successful CEO and founder of Authentic Presence. They dissect the impact of ADHD traits like impulsivity and risk-taking on business success, underscoring the importance of clarity, resilience, and surrounding oneself with the right team to flourish.

    Key Points Covered:

    - Brian's eclectic journey from organic gardening to leading a marketing empire, emphasizing the adaptability and innovative mindset driven by his ADHD.

    - The role of relationships and emotional intelligence in marketing, particularly in the mental health space.

    - The significance of self-forgiveness and structural support in overcoming executive function challenges in ADHD entrepreneurs.

    Summary Points:

    - Addressing Executive Function Challenges requires practical strategies, like breaking down tasks and using tools to enhance productivity.

    - Leveraging your unique entrepreneurial strengths like resilience and adaptability can significantly propel business and personal growth.

    - Building a supportive network is crucial in compensating for ADHD-related weaknesses and thriving in business.

    One Question for Listeners:

    André asks, "How much faith do you truly have in yourself, and do you give yourself enough credit for it?" He poses this question to spark introspection among listeners, encouraging them to recognize and value their inherent strengths and achievements, even in the face of typical ADHD challenges.

    This episode is a beacon for ADHD entrepreneurs with a growth mindset aiming to tap into their inherent abilities, enhance self-understanding, and leverage their unique traits for business and personal advancement. Join André and Brian as they chart the path to success through the lens of ADHD, offering insights and strategies that resonate with the real experiences of entrepreneurs in the community.


    Brian Spielmann, visionary at the forefront of the conscious marketing movement, is the CEO and founder of Authentic Presence and the Academy of Therapy Wisdom. His journey spans over 25 years at the helm of innovative marketing strategies, particularly in the sectors of mental health professionals and personal and spiritual development.

    His career was incubated at a very early age from 1970 Keep America Clean commercial featuring a Native American shedding a tear on a LA freeway. This imagery fuels his lifelong commitment to environmental advocacy and ethical, spiritual business practices.

    An adept navigator of the ever-evolving digital and traditional marketing landscapes, Brian specializes in uncovering hidden markets and forging meaningful connections with emerging audiences. With an MBA from the University of St. Thomas and a degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Maryland, Brian possesses a rare blend of academic excellence and practical insights. This unique fusion empowers him to drive initiatives that are not only financially successful but also integrate social and spiritual elements.

    Whether through Authentic Presence or the Academy of Therapy Wisdom, he is most attractive to working for those seeking to make a genuine difference in the world.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • André, The Impulsive Thinker, dives deep into the captivating concept of the interest-based nervous system as described by Dr. William Dodson in Episode 271. Whether you're navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship or just looking to understand more about how ADHD influences daily motivation and engagement, this episode sheds light on why certain tasks captures our attention while others don't. André shares relatable anecdotes and strategies, bringing clarity to ADHD entrepreneurs striving for personal growth and business success.

    Key Points:

    1. Interest-Based vs Importance-Based Nervous System: André explains the distinction between the neurotypical brain's importance-based system and the ADHD brain's interest-based approach, emphasizing the need for tasks to be novel or exciting to maintain engagement.

    2. NICUP Acronym: Breaking down the acronym NICUP — Novelty, Interest, Competition, Urgency, Passion — André illustrates how each component plays a crucial role in stimulating the interest-based nerve system, helping ADHD entrepreneurs harness it to their advantage.

    3. Adapting Workplace Structures: Drawing from his entrepreneurial experience, André discusses the importance of structuring a business around tasks that energize and engage an ADHD brain, suggesting delegation for less stimulating tasks to maintain productivity and passion.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André prompts listeners to contemplate their personal and business tasks, asking, "How can you reshuffle your responsibilities to align more closely with the NICUP elements?" He poses this question to encourage listeners to evaluate whether their daily activities play to their strengths and intrinsic motivations, sparking a reflection on how alignment can drastically improve their effectiveness and satisfaction.

    By unpacking these concepts, André, The Impulsive Thinker, not only fosters understanding but also inspires actions that resonate well with high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs aiming for both self-actualization and business growth.

    Also enjoy: ADDitude Magazine Webinar Podcast.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • André, The Impulsive Thinker welcomes Dr. William Dodson to explore the intricate workings of the ADHD nervous system, particularly focusing on the concept of interest-based activation, as opposed to importance-based, which dominates the neurotypical world. Together, they unpack how understanding and leveraging the unique triggers of the ADHD brain can significantly enhance productivity and satisfaction. Dr. Dodson provides practical insights into how those with ADHD can thrive by structuring their tasks and environments according to what naturally stimulates their engagement, shedding light on why traditional structures often feel restrictive or ineffective to them.

    Key Points Covered:

    - The stark difference between interest-based and importance-based nervous systems in people with ADHD.

    - Techniques and environmental setups that enable ADHD individuals to tap into their 'zone,' enhancing focus and productivity.

    - The real impact of passion and emotion in driving tasks to completion for those with ADHD.

    Summary Points:

    - It's critical to reframe tasks to make them urgent if they are important for others but not for you, which can positively affect how you tackle them.

    - The importance of acknowledging and leveraging the fact that the ADHD brain operates on novelty, challenge, and interest to stay motivated and engaged.

    - Discussion around the need for persons with ADHD to create their "owner's manual" to navigate tasks and life, utilizing what works uniquely for them to get into hyperfocus or flow states.

    One Question For Listeners:

    How does this concept of the interest-based nervous system change your perception of your ADHD? André, The Impulsive Thinker, asks this to prompt active self-reflection among his listeners, encouraging them to reassess how they structure their work or pursuits to harness their unique cognitive configurations better.

    This episode is crucial for ADHD entrepreneurs eager to align their work habits more effectively with their neurological preferences, enhancing both their professional output and personal satisfaction. Dive into this enlightening discussion with André and Dr. Dodson and discover how to transform perceived limitations into impactful strengths.


    Dr. William Dodson is a distinguished expert in the field of ADHD, known for his innovative and passionate approach to understanding and managing the condition. Having made significant contributions to the ADHD community through educational webinars and resources, Dr. Dodson's work centers on reframing ADHD as a unique configuration of the nervous system, often referring to it as an "interest-based nervous system." This approach has revolutionized the way ADHD is perceived by highlighting its positive aspects and how they can be leveraged for success, especially among entrepreneurs. With a keen interest in the intersection of passion and ADHD, Dr. Dodson has expanded the dialogue around the condition to include discussions on how intrinsic motivations can lead to high achievement and fulfillment. His insights are celebrated for giving many individuals a new perspective on their abilities and potential.

    Please check out the ADDitude Magazine Webinar Podcast.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • In this authentic episode of The Impulsive Thinker, André, The Impulsive Thinker takes us on a personal journey through the unexpected shifts in his business landscape. Reflecting on the recent departures from his company, André examines the nuances of restarting a business versus starting from scratch. Sharing a slice of his life, André provides valuable insights into the resilience required to pivot back to an original vision. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs navigating their own challenges, looking to regain control and refocus their energy to align with their foundational values and goals.

    Key Points:

    1. The Clean Slate Opportunity: André discusses the unexpected but refreshing opportunity to reboot his company, emphasizing the positive aspects of having a stable client base and internal policies while bringing on new talent without old biases.

    2. Realigning with Vision: Focus is drawn to the importance of redirecting the company's trajectory toward André's original mission, underlining how vital it is for leaders to remain true to their foundational vision amidst transitions.

    3. Implementing ADHD-Friendly Practices: André spotlights the effectiveness of his unique, ADHD-friendly company practices, which cater to diverse cognitive needs and are universally beneficial.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André encourages listeners to contemplate how they would re-engage with their foundational values and vision should they find themselves in a similar position of restarting. He inquires about the strategies they would use to ensure their restart aligns with their original entrepreneurial intentions.

    This episode is a powerful testament to André's unwavering commitment to his values and vision. For any entrepreneur experiencing the ebbs and flows of the business world, this episode of The Impulsive Thinker is a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating how challenges can be reimagined as opportunities to reignite passion and drive.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • Join André, The Impulsive Thinker, as he engages with Amber Swope, a dynamic ADHD entrepreneur who navigates the ebbs and flows of building a successful consulting firm. They candidly discuss the intricacies of late ADHD diagnosis and the profound impact self-awareness has on personal and professional growth for entrepreneurs with ADHD.

    Key Points Covered:

    - Amber’s insights on the late diagnosis of ADHD, particularly in women, and how understanding her brain's wiring transformed her approach to life and business.

    - The power of structuring environments and rituals to capitalize on innate strengths and manage the challenges associated with ADHD.

    - Embracing one's unique cognitive approach and rejecting the stigma associated with an ADHD diagnosis.

    Summary Points:

    - Appreciating that neurodiversity often means being out of sync with others, and it's okay.

    - The importance of creating structures that suit your mental processes to optimize daily function and energy.

    - Highlighting the pivotal role of self-discovery and knowing oneself to leverage individual strengths in entrepreneurship.

    This episode is an eye-opener for ADHD entrepreneurs who aspire to understand themselves better, harness their distinct cognitive abilities, and propel their enterprises. Dive into the conversation with André and Amber to uncover ways to embrace your distinctive entrepreneurial journey.

    One Question for Listeners:

    André, The Impulsive Thinker, prompts listeners to consider who they wish to serve daily. This introspective question encourages entrepreneurs to focus their daily intent and energy, align their actions with their core values, and structure their day around serving others effectively.


    Amber Swope found clarity and a path toward personal improvement in the midst of her coaching career. Initially skeptical, she embraced the idea of medication not as a limitation, but as a means of sharpening her focus. With a candid and experimental spirit, Amber bravely informed her team of her decision to try Adderall and sought their honest feedback after two weeks. Her team's response highlighted a noticeable change; Amber was more agenda-driven in team meetings and patient with dialogue, giving her colleagues the space they needed to express themselves. Such openness to self-betterment and commitment to effective leadership defines Amber's approach to her professional journey.

    Amber can be reached through LinkedIn, or through IP by Design LinkedIn, or website.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • Join André, The Impulsive Thinker, in this insightful episode of "The Impulsive Thinker Podcast," as he reflects on a profound discussion with Dan Holman in episode 267 about the delicate balance between accountability and forgiveness. He explores this continuum and its implications for both professional relationships and personal growth for the growth-minded ADHD entrepreneur. André reveals deep insights into conflict resolution and how the right mix of holding others accountable and offering forgiveness can impact our mental health and business relations.

    Key Points:

    1. The Accountability-Forgiveness Spectrum: Breaks down the concept of finding a middle ground in conflict resolution, emphasizing that neither extreme accountability nor extreme forgiveness is conducive to healthy relationships or self-care.

    2. Self-Accountability Importance: Acknowledging the challenge of self-accountability, André spotlights the natural tendency to deflect blame and the importance of owning up to one's actions to maintain personal integrity and progress.

    3. Internal Dialogue and Self-Forgiveness: Gets personal about the harsh internal dialogue we often have with ourselves, urging listeners to slide towards self-forgiveness on the spectrum to foster self-compassion and personal growth.

    One Question For Listeners:

    Why does André urge listeners to shift towards forgiving themselves more and not hold on too tightly to accountability when it comes to self-evaluation? He motivates this introspection to help listeners understand that while accountability is vital for learning, excessive self-criticism can hinder growth, dampen self-esteem, and obscure the valuable lessons mistakes can teach. It's a call for listeners to strike a balance that propels them forward rather than holds them back.

    This episode is a gentle reminder of the power of self-reflection and finding the courage to forgive ourselves. André, The Impulsive Thinker, encourages high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs to embrace their experiences, learn from mistakes, and allow themselves the grace to grow both personally and professionally.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • In this thought-provoking episode of The Impulsive Thinker, André, The Impulsive Thinker, sits down with Dan Holman to delve into a rich discussion on the spectrum of forgiveness and accountability. Aimed at the growth-minded ADHD entrepreneur, they explore how to balance these concepts to maintain personal integrity and foster business growth. This episode is a deep dive into conflict resolution, mental fortitude, and self-awareness, offering actionable insights for listeners navigating their entrepreneurial journey with ADHD.

    Key Points Covered:

    - The intertwined relationship of forgiveness and accountability, and their relevance on a spectrum.

    - The impact of mental capital on decision-making and the importance of balancing emotional and rational minds.

    - The role of self-awareness and the iterative nature of resolving conflicts, both internally and with others.

    Summary Points:

    - Self-accountability and the challenge of honest self-reflection.

    - The significance of understanding the balance of holding others accountable while also knowing when to forgive.

    - Tackling the inner conflict by valuing the importance of both rational and emotional responses.

    Join André and guest Dan Holman as they shed light on these essential concepts, blending philosophy with practical advice. This engaging discussion is a must-listen for those keen on evolving both their business acumen and personal mindset. Tune in to The Impulsive Thinker for guidance on embracing your unique entrepreneurial path while being true to yourself.

    One Question for Listeners:

    "Is forgiveness difficult for you?"

    This question is posed to encourage listeners to reflect on their individual approach to conflict resolution and the dynamic between holding onto resentment and moving forward through forgiveness. It’s a critical inquiry that underlines the episode's theme and pushes entrepreneurs to consider the long-term impact of their interpersonal dealings on their business development and personal growth.


    Dan Holman is a reflective soul whose wisdom has been nurtured not within the walls of academia, but amidst the honest work of his farm. Eschewing personal acclaim, he credits his insights on human nature to countless conversations with friends and the occasional wisdom from a long-forgotten book. His approach to conflict and relationships—forgiveness versus accountability—is a philosophy born from real-life musings, particularly highlighted during a drive with his friend John around his farm. Through thoughtful dialogue, Dan explores life's social intricacies, viewing our reactions to conflict as a spectrum, guiding others to find their balance in the rural backdrop that is both his home and his teacher.

    Dan can be reached through LinkedIn, Facebook, or his website.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • Dive into an engaging episode of The Impulsive Thinker with André, The Impulsive Thinker,, where he discusses the powerful concept of "Just Add a Zero" and the innovative FILM strategy—Friction Identification to Leverage Market—from his conversation with entrepreneur Chad Jenkins in episode 265. This episode is a treasure trove for high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs, exploring how to transform friction into opportunities for exponential growth and collaboration.

    Key Points:

    1. The Subtlety of Friction: André explores why entrepreneurs should shift focus from frustrations and obstacles to identifying and harnessing friction within their processes to create light and energy for growth.

    2. Understanding FILM: André breaks down the FILM acronym and how removing the metaphorical 'film' of friction can optimize market leverage, ultimately leading to smoother operations and enhanced customer satisfaction.

    3. Future-Focused Client Relations: André shares profound insights from Jenkins' book on how prioritizing the client's vision of their future, rather than one's own service offering, can foster long-lasting relationships and repeat business.

    One Question For Listeners:

    How does identifying and focusing on the friction points that your clients experience help you glimpse into their desired future? André encourages you to ponder on this to better align your services with the aspirations and needs of your clients, thereby crafting a more impactful value proposition.


    In this episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, offers a refreshing perspective on tackling business challenges and serving clients with a future-first mindset. By tapping into the friction and focusing on the client's forward vision, ADHD entrepreneurs can achieve greater fulfillment and success in their endeavors.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • André, The Impulsive Thinker, sits down with Chad Jenkins, maverick entrepreneur and author of "Just Add a Zero," for a game-changing conversation on expanding your entrepreneurial mindset. Drawing from Chad's creative business strategies and André's own experiences as an ADHD entrepreneur, this episode is a deep dive into innovative thinking and exponential growth.

    Key Points Covered:

    - The "just add a zero" mindset for pushing the boundaries of traditional growth trajectories.

    - Harnessing our brains' problem-solving skills with a simple twist – the power of "unless."

    - The potential for monetization of experience through platforms like the Seed Spark Collective.

    One Question for Listeners:

    Reflecting on the episode, André prompts listeners to ponder: How can you apply the "just add a zero" philosophy to rethink the scale of your business and personal goals? The question invites ADHD entrepreneurs to consider a radical perspective shift that might unlock untapped potential within themselves and their enterprises.

    Summary Points:

    - Reframing challenges as growth opportunities using "the obstacle is the way" philosophy.

    - The importance of collaboration and unconventional thinking to overcome business hurdles.

    - Seed Spark Academy as a resource for entrepreneurs to embrace non-linear growth patterns.

    Wrap up with André as he reiterates the vitality of thinking differently and embracing market frictions to achieve personal and professional breakthroughs. If you're an ADHD entrepreneur ready to ignite exponential growth and unlock new opportunities, this episode with Chad Jenkins is your pivotal starting point.


    Chad Jenkins is a visionary entrepreneur whose unique approach to scaling businesses has set him apart in the world of innovation. From a young age, Chad exhibited a knack for exponential growth, an ability that he attributes to a simple yet profound principle he discovered at the tender age of eight—adding a zero. However, Chad is quick to clarify that the genuine potency of his strategy lies not just in numerical expansion, but in the transformative impact it has on one's mindset and operational tactics.

    Throughout his illustrious career, Chad has leveraged this foundational concept to drive remarkable success across multiple enterprises. His philosophy, rooted in an unorthodox interpretation of growth, has served as both a personal mantra and a professional toolkit. Friends, colleagues, and competitors alike have often marveled at Chad's ability to see beyond conventional increments of growth, instead creating leaps and bounds that redefine the possible.

    Chad's story is one of groundbreaking achievements, fueled by an early lesson in thinking big. His tenfold approach isn't simply about ambition; it's about reimagining the scale at which one can operate. Astute, bold, and relentlessly forward-thinking, Chad Jenkins stands as a testament to the idea that sometimes, the smallest of changes in perspective can lead to the grandest of transformations in reality.

    Chad can be reached through LinkedIn, or his website.

    Just add zero – press kit.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • In this raw and relatable episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, revisits the whirlwind of challenges faced when managing urgency within a high-stakes environment. Drawing from his own business upheavals, André unveils the strategies that help him prioritize effectively amidst chaos – a valuable take for ADHD entrepreneurs navigating the pressures of their ventures. Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, André deconstructs the art of staying in control when it seems like everything demands your immediate attention.

    Key Points:

    1. Prioritization Over Urgency: André highlights the importance of distinguishing between what's urgent and what's crucial, illustrating how prioritizing tasks based on outcome priority rather than urgency can streamline productivity and focus.

    2. Navigating the ADHD Brain: André candidly shares the challenges an interest-based nervous system presents, especially when combined with impulsivity, and outlines how developing a habit of daily assessment can mitigate these inclinations.

    3. Urgency vs. Emergency: André shares a pivotal realization in differentiating urgency from emergency and how this discernment can redirect the ADHD entrepreneur's attention to tasks that truly require immediate action, keeping impulsivity in check.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André invites listeners to ponder the distinction between urgency and emergency in their own lives. He enquires, "How can recognizing this difference revolutionize your approach to prioritization and impulsivity?" This question stems from André's desire to promote deep reflection on how one's inherent response to urgent demands can either propel growth or hinder progress.

    Wrapping up this episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, encourages fellow ADHD entrepreneurs to seize this understanding, transforming their responsive habits into strategies that cultivate not just a thriving business but also a balanced personal life.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • Join André, The Impulsive Thinker, in this insightful episode of "The Impulsive Thinker Podcast," while he engages in an insightful conversation with Matt Erskine, the Managing Partner at Erskine and Erskine LLC and a principal at the Erskine Company. Matt Erskine shares his experience as an ADHD entrepreneur in the world of law, demonstrating how ADHD traits can be leveraged for success in a professional environment.

    Key Points Covered:

    - Embracing Entrepreneurial Success: Matt discusses how he facilitated the acquisition and sale of a wholesale chemicals manufacturing company, showcasing the power of entrepreneurial success rooted in ADHD traits.

    - Strategic Decision-Making: The guests delve into the significance of action-based decision-making, strategic planning, and balancing predictive and action-based decisions in the entrepreneurial journey.

    Empathetic Approach: Matt highlights the value of the empathetic approach, emphasizing the importance of understanding clients' personal needs and desires when providing legal expertise.

    Question for Listeners:

    At the end of the discussion, André, The Impulsive Thinker, asked his listeners to reflect on their decision-making style, posing the question: 'What is your decision-making style? Is it action-based or predictive?' He encouraged listeners to share their answers with him, showing interest in learning about their approaches to decision-making.

    Summary Points:

    1. The power of ADHD traits in driving entrepreneurial success and strategic decision-making.

    2. The empathetic approach as a key factor in connecting with clients and addressing their specific needs.

    3. Leveraging ADHD traits for personal growth, efficiency gains, and successful delegation within the professional landscape.

    This episode offers invaluable insights for ADHD entrepreneurs with a growth mindset, offering strategies to leverage personal traits, understand the importance of strategic support, and foster business and personal development. Join André as he uncovers the nuances of succeeding as an ADHD entrepreneur and transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.


    Matt Erskine carries on a proud family tradition as the fourth-generation trust and estates lawyer, a legacy that is embedded in his DNA. Specializing in handling the more unique aspects of family planning, Matt provides expert guidance to individuals with distinctive assets such as businesses, art collections, coin collections, and real estate. His keen eye for the extraordinary makes him a sought-after legal advisor for those with unconventional estate planning needs. Beyond crafting succession plans, Matt steps into the role of private trustee and trust protector, offering his clients a holistic approach to both personal and business planning. His expertise ensures that the wealth and treasures of the present are preserved and thoughtfully passed down through generations.

    Matt can be reached through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.


    As a special gift to our listeners, Matt is offering a 15-minute free call. Please email him to schedule.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • In this candid and insightful episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, reflects on a conversation with guest Chip Conley in Episode 261 about entrepreneurial transitions and applying the anatomy of a transition to entrepreneurial journeys. André emphasizes the need for high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs to embrace transitions as transformations, incorporating the past into their future endeavours.

    Key Points:

    1. Embracing Transitions: André discusses the anatomy of a transition, highlighting the importance of acknowledging the end of old comforts to pave the way for a new beginning, particularly crucial for entrepreneurial growth.

    2. The Role of Support: André emphasizes the significance of seeking support from colleagues and friends during transitional phases, challenging the notion of being a rugged individualist and acknowledging the benefits of collaboration in navigating transitions.

    3. Adapting to Change: André shares his personal struggle with transitioning from his engineering background to pursuing his new purpose, illustrating the challenges and rewards of venturing into the unknown and disrupting self-perceptions.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André prompts the listeners to reflect on their own entrepreneurial transitions, asking if they are embracing change, seeking support, and adapting their mindset for growth. He encourages them to discover how embracing transitions can lead to enhanced personal and professional fulfillment, igniting a transformative journey.

    This episode offers a thought-provoking reflection on the essence of transitions for the high-achieving ADHD entrepreneur. André, The Impulsive Thinker, invites listeners to embrace transitions as opportunities for personal growth, acknowledging the transformative power of navigating change.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • Join André, The Impulsive Thinker, in this insightful episode of "The Impulsive Thinker Podcast," where he delves into the anatomy of entrepreneurial transitions with Chip Conley, founder and CEO of the Modern Elder Academy. They discuss the significance of rituals in marking the end of a phase and embracing the messy middle to achieve a successful new beginning. Chip shares how he didn't ritualize his transition after selling his business and its impact on his journey. He highlights the importance of regenerative transitions and the role of curiosity in navigating change.

    Key Points Covered:

    - The three stages of a transition: the ending of something, the messy middle, and the beginning of something, and how these apply to entrepreneurial transitions.

    - The significance of ritualizing transitions to create clear boundaries, mark progress, and move forward effectively, using examples from his experience and that of a branding and graphic design firm owner.

    - The impact of curiosity, regenerative transitions, and embracing the messy middle on navigating change and achieving personal and professional growth.

    One Question for Listeners:

    André challenges listeners to reflect on their entrepreneurial transitions: Are you effectively ritualizing the endings, embracing the messy middle, and creating successful new beginnings in your entrepreneurial journey?

    This episode is a must-listen for ADHD entrepreneurs with a growth mindset looking to navigate transitions effectively, achieve personal and professional growth, and understand the power of rituals in their entrepreneurial journey.

    Summary Points:

    - Effective ritualization of transitions involves marking clear boundaries, measuring progress, and moving forward intentionally.

    - Curiosity and regenerative transitions are pivotal in achieving personal and professional growth.

    - Embracing the messy middle is essential to navigating change and transitioning to successful new beginnings.

    Join André as he delves into the nuances of entrepreneurial transitions and self-discovery with Chip Conley to gain valuable insights for personal and professional growth.


    Chip Conley's entrepreneurial narrative is one of transformation and self-discovery. Embarking on the challenging journey of selling his business to the Pritzker family, which subsequently sold it to Hyatt, he encountered the intricate transition process. Despite his professional success, Chip struggled with relinquishing his role as CEO, wrestling with both his self-perception and external expectations. Conley's experience with this critical turning point of letting go has shaped him into a seasoned voice on the phases of change within the business world.

    Free ebooks:

    · The Anatomy of a Transition

    · Why Do Successful Leaders Value Wisdom

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • In this reflective episode, André, The Impulsive Thinker, shares his post-anatomy thoughts on transition, inspired by a previous discussion with Chip Conley, the founder and CEO of the Modern Elder Academy. The Anatomy of Transition as discussed by Chip presents an intriguing contrast as André applies it to the context of high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs with a growth mindset who strive for self-actualization and business growth.

    Key Points Covered:

    1. Embracing Endings to Initiate Transition: André highlights the concept of requiring an ending to start a transition, delving into how external kicks or internal shifts lead to the necessity for change, be it in relationships, careers, or stages in life.

    2. The Process of Transition: André parallels the concept of transition to a chrysalis, symbolizing the metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly, emphasizing the need for a new beginning and the acceptance of being a beginner again.

    3. Growth Mindset in Transitions: André discusses the significance of maintaining a growth mindset throughout transitions, emphasizing the importance of improving oneself rather than proving oneself, and recognizing that transitions often occur in batches or "life quakes."

    One Question For Listeners:

    André prompts the listeners to contemplate their current stage of transition, encouraging them to assess where they are within the process and how understanding the three parts of transition can aid in measuring progress and setting goals. This introspective question aims to facilitate self-awareness and confidence in navigating transitions.

    This episode provides a unique perspective on the anatomy of transition, tailored to the experiences and aspirations of high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs with a growth mindset. André, The Impulsive Thinker, empowers listeners to embrace change, cultivate a growth mindset, and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • In this episode of The Impulsive Thinker, André delves into the transformative nature of transitions as he sits down with Chip Conley. Chip is the founder and CEO of MEA (Modern Elder Academy) and a NYT bestselling author, shares insights from his new book "Learning to Love Midlife" and provides a fresh perspective on transitions.

    Key Points Covered:

    - Embracing Transition: Chip Conley redefines midlife as a chrysalis rather than a crisis, shedding light on the transformative power of this phase.

    - The Three Stages of Transition: The discussion uncovers the three crucial stages of transition - the end, the messy middle, and new beginnings.

    - Harnessing Social Support: Chip highlights the role of social support as a vital tool in navigating the messy middle and propelling a successful new beginning.

    Summary Points:

    1. Embracing transition as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

    2. Understanding the significance of each stage within the transition process.

    3. Harnessing social support as a crucial tool for navigating transitions effectively.

    transition with Chip Conley, providing a fresh perspective on embracing change and growth in the entrepreneur's journey.

    One Question for Listeners:

    Reflecting on the transitions in your own life, André challenges listeners to consider the support systems they have in place. Are you investing in the right kind of assistance that not only understands your journey but also propels your personal and professional growth?

    This episode is a must-listen for high-achieving entrepreneurs with a growth mindset, offering valuable insights into leveraging transitions for personal and professional development. Join André as he explores the anatomy of transitions.

    Chip Conley, acclaimed for his rare blend of curiosity and wisdom, has not just excelled as a “Modern Elder” but also embraced this role wholeheartedly. Over seven pivotal years, he was instrumental in steering Airbnb towards its IPO, serving four years in a full-time capacity and three and a half years part-time. In the midst of these endeavors, Chip retreated to Baja for inspiration and authored "Wisdom at Work: The Making of a Modern Elder." During a reflective beach run, the "Baja Aha" moment struck, igniting the concept of a revolutionary retreat for midlife transformation. Acting on this insight, he founded the Modern Elder Academy (MEA), the first learning sanctuary of its kind, dedicated to empowering individuals in midlife to rediscover and reshape their futures.

    You can reach Chip Conley through his website, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

    We are pleased to offer the following free ebooks:

    · The Anatomy of a Transition

    · Why Do Successful Leaders Value Wisdom

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • André, The Impulsive Thinker, reflects on his discussion with journalist Mark Wright, (episode 257) delving into the process of waiting for an ADHD diagnosis. The conversation encapsulates the challenges adults face in recognizing ADHD symptoms, the significance of seeking medical opinion, and observing personal experiences to understand ADHD. André aims to equip high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs with the tools for growth mindset and self-actualization.

    Key Points:

    1. Understanding ADHD Symptoms in Adults: André emphasizes the newly recognized presence of ADHD in adults and how success can sometimes overshadow the potential presence of ADHD, leading to oversight and misunderstanding of the condition.

    2. Observing and Managing Symptoms: André discusses the ADHD simplified model, focusing on executive functioning deficits, time blindness, and inhibition challenges, highlighting how addressing these core aspects can lead to symptom management.

    3. Recommended Steps Prior to Diagnosis: André recommends educating oneself about adult ADHD, observing personal symptoms, and seeking objective observations from loved ones to aid in the diagnostic process.

    One Question For Listeners:

    André prompts the listeners to reflect on their own experiences, observing their personal executive functioning abilities, time blindness, and challenges with inhibition. He encourages them to consider how addressing these core aspects can lead to a better understanding of their symptoms, ultimately paving the way for enhanced self-awareness and personal growth.

    This episode offers a thought-provoking exploration into the process of waiting for an ADHD diagnosis and emphasizes the value of observing one's symptoms and seeking support from relevant resources. André, The Impulsive Thinker, encourages listeners to embrace their journey towards self-awareness, reflective of the growth mindset essential for high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs.

    Reference Websites:

    Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada:

    Children and Adults with AD/HD:


    You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!, Kate Kelly & Peggy Ramundo

    Faster Than Normal, Peter Shankman

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!

  • Join André, The Impulsive Thinker, and his guest Mark Wright for a compelling conversation exploring the intricacies of ADHD diagnosis and the profound impact of work culture on those with ADHD. They share personal stories and insights into the benefits of a flexible work environment, as well as the importance of individualized systems and strategies for effectively managing their entrepreneurial journeys.

    Key Points Covered:

    - Mark's transformative shift from traditional work structures to settings where he is respected for your unique strengths and given the freedom to be him.

    - The significance of creating and refining personalized systems to manage ADHD, with a focus on education and self-awareness.

    - The challenges and revelations associated with seeking an ADHD diagnosis and treatment, especially later in life.

    Summary Points:

    - André underscores the importance of validating one's experiences and employing personal strategies to cope with the symptoms of ADHD.

    - Discussions revolve around the concept of time blindness and the need to control the environment to better manage executive functioning.

    - Insights into the chronic nature of ADHD and the sometimes subjective process of diagnosis, along with practical tips on using medication and structured environments to alleviate symptoms.

    One Question for Listeners:

    André asks: How does the structure, or lack thereof, in your current work environment affect your ADHD, and what systems have you put in place to navigate these challenges? He invites this reflection to encourage listeners to examine the interplay between their work habits and their ADHD symptoms, leading to a deeper understanding and actionable strategies for managing their condition.

    This episode is an essential listen for high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs eager to better comprehend the delicate balance between work culture and ADHD management. Embrace the shared experiences and wisdom from André and Mark as they guide you towards achieving clarity, self-actualization, and enhanced productivity.

    Mark Wright is a dynamic podcaster who co-hosts the engaging podcast "Beats Working." Known for dissecting the interlacing threads of work and play, Mark has successfully turned the art of winning the "game of work" into a transformative listening experience. What truly sets him apart is his recent openness to personal growth and self-discovery.

    As he approaches his 60th summer, Mark's voyage of introspection has revealed a long-suspected connection with ADHD, a condition prevalent among entrepreneurial spirits like himself. His interaction with co-host Andre became the catalyst for a profound revelation, shining a light on ADHD's impact on his life and career.

    Confronted with this realization, Mark has bravely leaped into the unknown, scheduling an appointment for diagnosis — a step he admits might never have happened without the insights gained from their shared conversations. Mark's story is one of continual progression, underpinned by curiosity and a fearless drive to understand the deeper facets of his identity, both personally and professionally.

    You can reach Mark Wright through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Check out the ADHD Transform Journey Program that is now available.

    We would like to hear from you! Please send show ideas, questions, or feedback to [email protected] and join our mailing list here!

    Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    Check out our website at Tactical Breakthroughs.

    André Brisson can also be found on LinkedIn.

    You can find other Podcast Episodes here!