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Gone Cold - Texas True Crime features unsolved homicides, missing persons, & other mysteries from throughout the Lone Star State. #Texas #TrueCime #Unsolved #MissingPerson #ColdCase
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Forget left v right. This is the truth about the system from a man who knows. The Quash, is hosted by a lawyer with 30 years of experience. He unmasks the absurd false narratives we've been immersed in 24/7 since birth and laughs at them. There's a reason nothing about the system ever makes any sense. You've been lied to your whole life. But that ends now. (Become a Patron!)
The Quash comes out on Sundays. Subscribe and listen to them all. Share them. They're available on all podcast platforms like Apple and Spotify etc. Bonus episodes come out most weeks on Thursday. AH (After Hours) episodes are a bit more free wheeling and can have some more harsh language.
If you like The Quash you should support it. THAT'S what free markets look like. Go to and become a member. You get entire bonus shows, bonus material, early access and more. AND you put your money where your mouth is. So go sign up.
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Join me as I explore the healing journey through psychology, personal development, mythology, and transcendent experiences at the crossroads of modern life and the deeper world. Claim, and keep, your unique keys. Devoted to the ancient goddess Hekate as World Soul.
About me:
Cyndi Brannen is an author, herbalist, psychologist, and teacher, merging her years of experience studying health and relationships with the traditional wisdom of the goddess.
Learn more about Cyndi's work at -
Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla. Þættir Samstöðvarinnar eru allt í senn fréttir, fundir, sjónvarps-, útvarps- og hlaðvarpsþættir og innlegg í gagnvirka umræðu á samfélagsmiðlum.
Samstöðin er opin fyrir allt fólk sem vill styðja við baráttuna fyrir réttlæti, jöfnuði og samkennd. -
Í leiðinni að sjálfinu ferðast þær Kamilla Ingibergsdóttir og Sólbjört Guðmundsdóttir í gegnum andlegar víddir, velta hlutunum fyrir sér og skoða þau verkefni sem hver einasta sál kýs sér á lífsleiðinni. Þetta er opið, andlegt og húmorinn aldrei langt undan. Leiðin að sjálfinu er einlæg og persónuleg nálgun á stóra verkefnið, lífið sjálft!
The Power Vertical Podcast by Brian Whitmore covers emerging and developing trends in Russian politics, shining a spotlight on the high-stakes power struggles, machinations, and clashing interests that shape Kremlin policy today. Brian Whitmore is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Eurasia Center and Russia and Eurasia Specialist and Assistant Professor of Practice at the Charles T. McDowell Center for Global Studies at The University of Texas at Arlington.
Dr. Debra Soh (bestselling author of "The End of Gender," sex neuroscientist, Oxford Union speaker) has brutally honest conversations with prominent intellectuals about the cultural and political issues affecting us today.
Guests include Steven Pinker, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Michael Shermer, Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, James Lindsay, Chris Rufo, Duncan Sheik, David Frum, and more.
All episodes are science-based and family-friendly.
To learn more, visit -
Lisa Næblerød kender om nogen til sorgens mørke. Hun er mor til Cecilie Næblerød, bedre kendt som Cille, som blev dræbt af sin ekskæreste til en fastelavnsfest på Hasseris Gymnasium i Aalborg. Et drab, som lagde Lisas liv i ruiner og sendte chokbølger igennem hele landet. I “Cilles sidste dag” tager Lisa os med tilbage til den fredag for 15 år siden, som ændrede alt. En dag som rummede et hav af lyse og lykkelige stunder mellem mor og datter, men som endte i det mørkeste mørke.
”Cilles sidste dag” er en mors fortælling om den knusende sorg over at miste sin datter på tragisk vis. Men det er også en historie om at insistere på at skabe et meningsfuldt og rigt liv, på trods.
Tilrettelæggelse: Michael Nørrelund. Musik: Stine Kloster og Christian Søndergaard. Lyd-design: HPNG Media. Illustration: Jonas Mølgaard Jensen.
Serien er produceret for Folkekirken / Aalborg Stift. -
The Politics Guys is an independent, bipartisan, ideologically diverse American politics and policy podcast hosted by experts: political scientists, law professors, practicing attorneys, and former government officials. Our mission is to give listeners a much-needed break from conservative and liberal echo chambers through civil, rational, and evidence-based discussion of American politics and policy from multiple perspectives. In addition to our weekly news discussion, we feature regular interviews with leading figures from across the ideological spectrum. Past guests include Representatives Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie, and Rob Wittman; Jeffrey Sachs; Tyler Cowen; Bryan Caplan; Dan Carlin; Larry Sabato; and Lawrence Lessig.