
  • Is the double touch rule for handsetting needed in beach volleyball, or would it be better if "doubling" the ball was allowed? Well, we might all of the sudden get to know the answer to this with more certainty, because the Swedish volleyball and beach volleyball association has decided to run a one season experiment to remove the rule.

    In this episode I discuss the experiment, arguments and counterarguments, and much more quite deeply. Hopefully the episode also includes some stuff that may help individuals think about the process of learning to both handset and bumpset better in helpful ways.

    This same episode on Youtube (there is a comments section there if you want to comment on the episode):


    Additional links to more content on the topic:

    My blogpost that works as a compliment to this episode:

    My quite popular video about handsetting (how to not double or lift the ball):


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:

    #BeachVolleyballRules #SwedishBeachVolleyball

  • Already well known within Norway, but maybe popularized or at least brought to attention to the rest of the beach volleyball world by the Beach Volley Vikings video released a few years ago (, is the "Hogwarts of Volleyball" aka ToppVolley school in Sand, Norway.

    A number of weeks ago I happened to meet and play beach volleyball with Leon Saltbones Lauvland, a recent graduate from the very same school and an interesting guy overall (who had also partly worked for the school and has his own Youtube channel), so I proposed that we'd record a podcast episode as a bit of an "inside look" of what it's like going to probably the worlds most famous volleyball specific highschool.

    He agreed and let me pick his brains for a couple of hours, and here's the result. We talk about lots of topics in this episode of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast podcast, what daily life is like at the school, how they get trained there, some of the philosophies of the school, injury prevention but also making the most out of injuries... As always we also of course talk some even more beach volleyball specific stuff, which this time was mostly about "recycling" a ball that has been set too close to a big opponent blocker, and playing well with different partners.

    There was probably more also that I don't remember right now! But overall I am happy with this episode, I think there will be something of value for almost any beach volleyball interested listener out there, so why not kickstart 2024 with some fresh perspectives on how one can think about becoming an even better player?!

    Comments and thoughts more than welcome as always! (Youtube link for comments section:


    Stuff mentioned in the episode:

    Beachvolley Vikings' Youtube video about Toppvolley:

    Leon's Instagram:

    Leon's Youtube channel:

    ToppVolley's Instagram:

    ToppVolley website:

    Book mentioned in the episode: (AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: Buying the book or anything else from Amazon within 24 hours after clicking the link will help the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project financially with no additional cost to you - meaning you get your product and help grow this channel so that future content can get even better, double win!) Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis - Lessons from a Master by Brad Gilbert


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

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  • Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?

    Klik hier om de feed te vernieuwen.

  • In this episode I take a walk around the lake with 2 time Swedish beach volleyball Olympian Björn Berg, picking his brain about all sorts of things beach volleyball that I find interesting and helpful!

    Feel free to take a walk and listen at the same time, I can almost guarantee you'll learn a thing or two that you can apply to your own game in one way or another!

    Topics covered are: Collaboration with your playing partner, smart attacking (and what it is), sports psychology and the mental game (both as an individual and within the team), longevity (how to play the game at a high level for a long time), confidence and serve receive, and more!


    This same episode on Youtube (if you want to find the comments section!) :


    Björns Instagram:

    Björns sons Instagram (sorry Viggo you didn't get to join this interview, maybe one day I'll have to make it up with interviewing you??!) :


    During the "smart attacking" part of the episode, Björn talked a fair bit about the power of being able to control the ball with one's wrist. I can't guarantee Björn would agree with everything I personally tend to teach about using the wrist, but if you want to dive deeper into the topic, here's at least one very well liked video that I have made about using the wrist when attacking:


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

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  • Should we aim to become complete players that have no weaknesses in the game? Is that even realistic? Should we aim for something else?

    This quick episode discusses this in a way that could lead to career-strategy-altering insights, hope you enjoy!

    The Kent Steffes Facebook post that inspired this episode:

    The Youtube comment section for this episode:


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:


  • This is the last part of my podcast listening series, which includes all my in depth tips on how to get the maximum benefits from your podcast listening. Find it in your favorite podcast app (episode 18 of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast) and listen to it the next time you take a walk, commute to work or beach volleyball practice or maybe eat food - you won't regret it!

    Part 1 of the series can be found here: or by finding episode 17 of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast in your favorite podcast app!

    Part 2 can be found here:


    My recommended podcast listening gear: (AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: Note that by buying any of the products below from or any other product on Amazon within 24 hours of clicking any of the links below, you end up supporting the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project with a small percentage of the purchasing price, without the products costing anything extra for you. This will help developing the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project further so that it becomes even easier for me to create insightful and world class beach volleyball content for you in the future.. Win-Win is the name of the game here!)

    Bluetooth speakers:
    JBL Clip 3 (waterproof):
    JBL Clip 4 (waterproof):
    JBL Flip 6 (waterproof and bigger):
    JBL Charge 5 (waterproof and even bigger):

    Bluetooth headphones:
    Sony WI-C310 (my absolute favorites for workouts etc, and you won't lose one of them! I put the cable inside my hat so that it doesn't dangle around):
    Jabra elite (my girlfriends favorite bluetooth earbuds, for people who don't like cables):
    Waterproof headphones (100% transparency I have personally never tried any waterproof headphones!)

    Traditional headphones:
    JBL T110 (my absolute favorite non-bluetooth earbuds, cheap, amazing sound and no unnecessary bluetooth signals around your body):


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:


  • Becoming better at beach volleyball is a goal many of us have, and the better and sharper tools we have for making that journey more efficient, the easier it will be to reach that goal. Regardless of if your problem is in passing, setting, attacking, defense, blocking, serving, the mental game, career strategy or anything else that is relevant, I believe podcast listening can be a crucial tool for gaining those skills.

    In short, my claim is that podcasts can give you crucial in depth understanding of nuances of the game that you actually won't reach in other ways, all while costing you no money, practically speaking no time, and even making your life more enjoyable in the process.

    Sounds too good to be true? I'm sure it might, but I believe this video will change your mind and give you efficient pathways towards mastery that you might never have thought of before.

    If you feel that you don't have time to watch this video, you can listen to it "on the go" instead. Find it at or at or by finding episode 17 on the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast in your favorite podcast app!


    Links to the 2 other parts of this podcast listening series:

    Physical tools you should know (Part 2/3):

    Making podcast listening work better in your life (Part 3/3): or or by finding episode 18 of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast in your favorite podcast app!


    At 7:30 in this episode/video, I talk about how much payoff listening to for example 100 minutes of in depth, very nuanced discussions about certain aspects of the game has. I hope the point gets across in this episode already with what I said in the video, but I was debating whether or not to add more arguments for why investing this time is worthwhile for you.

    Here is the script for a part of this episode that I ended up not adding, but it's here for you to read if you need/want more arguments:

    "The thing is, 100 minutes of listening to theory might seem like a waste of time, but let’s say you decide to not do that and continue believing you should always square up when setting.. And one third of your sets end up being bad because you focus on squaring up instead of focusing on things that actually matter in the situations where you shouldn’t square up.

    What’s going to happen?

    Well, you will be frustrated because you can’t set well. So you’ll probably go and practice setting and squaring up even more. Let’s say you on average end up practicing setting and squaring up for 15 minutes per week because of your frustrations… One year has 52 weeks, which becomes 780 minutes.. Let’s say you do that for 3 years, that’s over 2300 minutes that you will end up practicing the things that actually won’t make you better! Now that 100 minute theory lesson that would save you from all this wasted practice doesn’t sound too bad right?!

    The real cost of believing in false ideas about beach volleyball technique and information is one of many podcast episodes I will create in the future also, but for now, I hope this gives you some food for thought.

    (And by the way, let me know in the comment below if you want me to make this in depth episode about squaring up or not when setting sooner rather than later!)"


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:


  • The Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Podcast is here again! This time I am interviewing Swedish jumpsetter David Ahman, we discuss defense, attacking, running systems like the jump set and quick sets, becoming better at beach volleyball, keeping working on a plan even though it doesn't necessarily produce results immediately and much more!

    Youtube comment section:

    Stuff mentioned during the episode:

    Video with Eric's attacking style:

    David and Jonathan's Instagram:

    David's Instagram:


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

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  • If you had the chance to listen to the winningest player in the history of the sport sit down for hours and explain the details and "secrets" of how to win, through attacking, blocking, defense, serve receive and mentality, would you take it?

    This interview might be as close to that as you will get. Kent Steffes, the winner of the first ever beach volleyball Olympic games (partnered with Karch Kiraly) guests the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast podcast and pours out unconventional thinking, sound logics, science and wisdom about the sport to the delight of all of us. Don't miss this one!

    For any comments or questions regarding the episode, write them in the comments section in here:

    Part 1 of the interview here:

    The "match of the century" can be found in the comments of this post:


    Books/products mentioned: (AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: Buying any of these books/products or anything else from within 24 hours of clicking the link below, will support the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project financially with NO ADDITIONAL COST FOR YOU, meaning you will be making it easier for me to bring highly valuable beach volleyball tutorials and podcast episodes in the future by doing nothing but buying stuff you'd buy anyway! You both get what you are buying and you will get a better project from me in the future - an absolute win-win situation!)

    Premium balance board:

    Cheaper balance board:

    Kings of Summer: The rise of beach volleyball by Travis Mewhirter and Kent Steffes -

    The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey -

    Golf is Not a Game of Perfect by Bob Rotella -

    The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance by David Epstein -


    Some of Kent's own videos released after recording this episode:

    Video analysis/scouting 1:

    Video analysis/scouting 2:

    Passing/ball control 1:

    Passing/ball control 2:


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:








  • If you had the chance to listen to the winningest player in the history of the sport sit down for hours and explain the details and "secrets" of how to win, through attacking, blocking, defense, serve receive and mentality, would you take it?

    This episode might be as close to that as you will get. Kent Steffes, the winner of the first ever beach volleyball Olympic games (partnered with Karch Kiraly) guests the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast podcast and pours out unconventional thinking, sound logics, science and wisdom about the sport to the delight of all of us. Don't miss this one!

    For any comments or questions regarding the episode, write them in the comments section in here:

    Part 2 coming soon!

    The “match of the century” can be found in the comments of this post:


    Other podcast episodes featuring Kent:


    Other things mentioned in the episode: "Squish the bug" baseball technique - at least the guy 24 seconds into this video (and several others in the same video) lifts his foot up for a millisecond:

    Books mentioned: (AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: Buying any of these books or anything else from within 24 hours of clicking the link below, will support the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast-project financially with NO ADDITIONAL COST FOR YOU, meaning you will be making it easier for me to bring highly valuable beach volleyball tutorials and podcast episodes in the future by doing nothing but buying stuff you'd buy anyway! You both get what you are buying and you will get a better project from me in the future - an absolute win-win situation!)

    Kings of Summer: The rise of beach volleyball by Travis Mewhirter and Kent Steffes -

    The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey -

    Golf is Not a Game of Perfect by Bob Rotella -

    The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance by David Epstein -


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:


  • "When you get the chance to listen to a coach who has won this much at such a high level, you better sit down, listen, and take notes" is what my friend said about the fact that I was about to record a podcast with Steve Anderson.

    Now you have the chance to sit down or take a walk and listen to this very conversation, something you do not want to miss if becoming better at beach volleyball, avoiding mistakes and pitfalls that many fall into, or learning faster is something you are interested in. Hope you enjoy!

    For any comments or questions regarding the episode, write them in the Youtube-coments section here:

    Part 2 coming soon!

    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:








  • Simply just a session where I answer the questions I got in for the 5000 Youtube subscribers celebration, and a little bit more! Hope you enjoy!

    Got questions or comments? Go to the Youtube comments section for this episode here:

    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:







  • Is there a different way of going about becoming a better beach volleyball player than what most players do?

    There definitely is, and this episode has in a sense two different missions: The first one is to invite you to see new possibilities in terms of how to gain new skills and become a better player, and the second one is for you to understand the background of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast project better - so that you and all other beach volleyball players can gain more value from it in the future.

    Want to ask questions, share something you learned from the episode or discuss something? Go to the Youtube comments section for this episode here:


    Want to be a part of the “toilet paper funding”-movement? Use one of the following links and then buy something from Amazon within 24 hours, it doesn’t need to be the same product that I have linked to. Please comment in the Youtube comment section linked above (or email me at if you have ideas for making the “toilet paper funding” idea better, or wish this existed for other online stores than Amazon etc!

    (AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: If you buy any of the products below or anything else off within 24 hours of clicking one of the links below, this purchase will support the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast project financially, with no additional cost for you. This means it will be easier for me to create even more content in the future, so it's a win-win!)

    Budget toilet paper:

    Budgeter toilet paper (monster pack):

    Luxury toilet paper:

    Bamboo toilet paper?

    Wilson OPTX ball:

    Mikasa VLS300 ball:

    Annd let’s end with.. orange toilet paper:


    Actual, normal, paid funding:





    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

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  • Welcome to this episode with Slovenian world tour player and all around beach volleball mind Nejc Zemljak! A lot of relevant topics get discussed in this conversation - sports psychology, thoughts on growing the sport, transferring skills from other sports, serve receive, attacking, defense, blocking, and more!

    The conversation is split into two episodes, this is the second episode.

    Find Nejc on Instagram:

    Feel free to share any thoughts or questions that arise from this podcast in the comment section on Youtube:


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:







  • Welcome to this episode with Slovenian world tour player and all around beach volleball mind Nejc Zemljak! A lot of relevant topics get discussed in this conversation - sports psychology, thoughts on growing the sport, transferring skills from other sports, serve receive, attacking, defense, blocking, and more!

    The conversation is split into two episodes, this is episode is the first one.

    Find Nejc on Instagram:

    Feel free to share any thoughts or questions that arise from this podcast in the comment section on Youtube:


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

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  • Welcome to the first solo-episode on the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast podcast! When starting this podcast, I wanted to create lots of different types of episodes, and this type of episode was definitely a part of the plan.

    In some of these solo-episodes, I will follow a simple formula: personal development concept + beach volleyball = episode idea. Basically I will take lessons from the personal development/business/self help/psychology space and apply them specifically to beach volleyball.

    This will lead to two things:

    1. An interesting way to get introduced to ideas that can help you in your life in general.

    2. Next level beach volleyball advice. Sometimes, about the game, sometimes about how to think about your development as a player, sometimes something else.. No matter what, this stuff is here to help you learn beach volleyball faster.

    This first solo episode will be about a concept called opportunity cost, and how doing things that are good for you can still destroy you because these things are at the same time hindering you from doing something that would be even better for you. Hope you enjoy!

    And since this is my first solo-episode, I probably have tons to learn for future episodes. So don’t hestitate to send me feedback so I can make better episodes for you guys, either to or in the Youtube comment section for this episode.

    Youtube comment section: (Go here for leaving feedback, but also to read and share your own examples of opportunity cost in action within beach volleyball.. Together with discussions we can make the learning moments from this episode even bigger!)


    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:








  • In this podcast episode I get to interview Travis Mewhirter, current AVP and FIVB player as well as one of the co-hosts of the Sandcast podcast. We touch lots of topics that can help you become a better player, like attacking vision and strategy, blocking, passing, competitiveness, efficient practice, practicing by yourself, and more!

  • In this episode (last one out of 3) of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast podcast I continue the conversation with the man behind the Swedish Beach Volleyball Podcast ( and most of the coach training programs given to new coaches in Sweden - Johan Rininsland. We have a proper volleynerd discussion mostly around the topics of long term athlete development (how to be smart about your beach volleyball career in the long run) and sports psychology.This episode has a lot of golden nuggets in it that will help you approach your beach volleyball career in a smarter and more efficient way, hope you enjoy!Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at: to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community: check out:http://www.learnbeachvolleyballfast.com

  • In this episode of the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast podcast I continue the conversation with the man behind the Swedish Beach Volleyball Podcast ( and most of the coach training programs given to new coaches in Sweden - Johan Rininsland. We have a proper volleynerd discussion mostly around the topics of long term athlete development (how to be smart about your beach volleyball career in the long run) and sports psychology.

    This episode has a lot of golden nuggets in it that will help you approach your beach volleyball career in a smarter and more efficient way, hope you enjoy!

    Always get the latest updates, best insights and special opportunities before anyone else by signing up to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast newsletter at:

    Link to the Learn Beach Volleyball Fast Facebook community:

    Also check out:
