
  • I've brought a couple of powerhouse guests back to blow your mind and elevate your consciousness once again. Joining me are Josh Trent and Dr. John Lieurance, two extraordinary individuals who are reinventing how we think about an array of intense and intriguing topics: pornography, parenting, psychedelics, and rites of passage.

    Warning: This conversation is for mature audiences only.

    First up, we have Josh Trent, a true modern day sage from Austin, Texas. Josh is the brilliant mind behind the Wellness+Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. With over two decades of experience as a trainer, researcher, and facilitator, Josh is on a mission to help us all thrive in an increasingly chaotic world.

    In this one, we delve into the beautiful lessons fatherhood has gifted him, his growing appreciation for breathwork, and how experiencing birth changed his perspective on life – among many other deep dives and asides.

    Also joining us is the phenomenal Dr. John Lieurance, a seasoned expert and multi-episode guest on this very show, boasting a unique blend of training in neurology, chiropractic, and naturopathy over the last 25 years of integrated practice. Shop his products at and use code LUKESTOREY for 5% off.

    Illuminated by Dr. John’s insight, we explore the double-edged sword of high sensitivity, the ultimate spiritual pressure wash of a vision quest, and the implications of porn addiction on our brains and relationships. Josh and I candidly share our personal journeys overcoming porn addiction, offering a beacon of hope for those struggling.

    We also share insight on a healthy approach to sexuality and our honest perspectives on the harmful act of circumcision.

    Buckle up riders, and keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle. We’re unpacking some deep and potentially triggering topics in this conversation. But trust me, the levels of wisdom and healing to be gained here are immense. These men are such beautiful beings and shining examples of self-growth and expansion, tirelessly helping others to understand themselves and the people around them in a more meaningful and connective way.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    BON CHARGE | Use the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at


    MTE | Head to for 20% off.


    NUCALM | Go to and use code LUKE for 15% off!


    SILVER BIOTICS | Get 30% off when you go to and use code LUKE at checkout.


    (00:00:08) Current Interests & Explorations: Urine Therapy & Parenthood

    (00:13:33) The Shadow Side of...

  • On this, another amazing Tuesday to be alive, we welcome Nicco Magnotto, the co-founder and CEO of Nic Nac Naturals, to the show. Nicco has a wealth of experience in product development, supplements, and specialty ingredients, which eventually led him to create his first startup, Nic Nac, serving a mission to offer a cleaner solution for nicotine delivery.

    I myself am a huge fan of nicotine and appreciate having a natural option with Nic Nac, and am excited to uncover nicotine’s nootropic powers for learning, memory, and focus in this episode. If you’re into nicotine like me, I couldn’t recommend this natural alternative more. Visit and use the code LUKE to save 10%.

    During our conversation, Nicco shares how his transition from engineering to health entrepreneurship, sparked by his personal struggle with migraines, inspired him to create a cleaner nicotine product. We get right into caffeine and nicotine’s cultural significance, and have a candid discussion on whether smoking organic tobacco is as harmful as we think.

    We also talk about the ceremonial and energetic aspects of tobacco use and the science behind nicotine's impact on neurotransmitters. Plus, we discuss an exciting animal study suggesting nicotine might have anti-aging properties, and theories on its potential use for long COVID.

    Nicco shares his insights on the surprising benefits of nicotine, the clean ingredients he’s chosen for Nic Nac, and the rigorous process of navigating regulations in the nicotine industry. We discuss the economy of big tobacco, the dangers of vaping and why opting for a safer alternative is so important.

    Teasing upcoming innovations, Nicco unveils some exciting patents and products in the pipeline and admits he’s always looking to improve the product (made in their facilities in Spokane, Washington) based on consumer feedback. I love having guests who set a high standard for doing things right, and Nicco’s commitment to quality and transparency can’t be overstated.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH | You can use the code “luke10” for 10% off at


    BLUSHIELD | Use the code LUKE to save 10% off your order at


    QUANTUM UPGRADE | Get a 15 day free trial with code 'LUKE20' at


    JUST THRIVE | Get 20% off of Just Thrive's K2 with code LUKE20 at


    (00:00:08) Nicotine’s Bad Rep: Historical, Spiritual & Health-Boosting Uses

    (00:15:41) A Safer Alternative to Smoking: Nicotine Dosage & Effects

    (00:24:07) The...

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  • I'm so incredibly stoked today to have Brotha Truth, the visionary founder of I Self Law Am Master National Assembly, with us today to share some truly liberating insights on our history, law, and how we can reclaim our personal power in a system that can feel like it's working against us.

    Brotha Truth has spent years exploring alternative histories, the nuances of sovereignty, and the cultural threads that shape our worldviews. His journey from discovering the roots of his own identity to teaching others how to navigate the complex layers of modern law is nothing short of inspiring.

    Today's conversation dives deep into the historical and legal frameworks that shape our daily lives. Brotha Truth sheds light on topics like the implications of Anglo-Saxon law, the importance of documents like the Magna Carta, and the unique jurisdiction of American Indian reservations. We also tackle big questions about the role of birth certificates and social security numbers in The System and how these pieces of archival data define us more than we might realize.

    As we explore these themes, Brotha Truth offers actionable advice for asserting your rights and understanding the deeper significance of financial and legal literacy. Whether it’s navigating credit systems or the value of investing in assets like gold and silver, expect to uncover startling insights into how long-standing laws and histories influence today’s societal norms and personal rights.

    But here’s the kicker – understanding these aspects isn't just about knowledge; it’s about empowering ourselves to act with confidence and self-respect. This episode is designed to transform the way we see our place in the world, moving from a foundation of fear and resentment to one of empowerment and proactive engagement.

    By recognizing our rights and learning to navigate these systems effectively, we're not just participants; we're informed, empowered citizens making enlightened choices. So, let’s dive in and start breaking free from the constraints, embracing a life of autonomy and informed self-respect.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    MTE | Head to for 20% off.


    JASPR | Get yours at Use code LUKE to save $200 until the end of May 2024.


    SHEN BLOSSOM | Go to and use code LUKE to get 10% off.


    BON CHARGE | Use the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at


    (00:00:04) Unveiling Roots & Truths About Our History, Culture & Heritage

    (00:26:48) Navigating Law & Legacy: Understanding Our Legal & Cultural Foundations

    (00:55:08) Finding Empowerment: Unraveling Identity & Consent in the State System


  • Today, we're diving into the world of skincare, skin health, biohacking, and the social tool that is beauty in our society – because let's face it, when we look good, we feel good, and that enhances the quality of our lives in profound ways. Joining us today is Amitay Eshel, a trailblazer in the biohacking and beauty arena.

    As the co-founder and CEO of Young Goose, he has been at the forefront of revolutionizing wellness through education and cutting-edge innovations. Visit and use code LUKE10 for a special listener discount.

    We discuss how our focus on appearance not only affects our emotional wellbeing but also influences how others treat us, drawing on insights from both the science of attraction and Luke's extensive experience in styling and fashion.

    From the truth about Botox and fillers to the pioneering skincare technologies developed by Young Goose, this episode is packed with actionable advice and explores how we can protect and rejuvenate our skin at any age. Tune in for a comprehensive look at the intersection of biohacking and beauty.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    NUCALM | Go to and use code LUKE for 15% off!


    ORGANIFI | Go to and use code lifestylist for 20% off any item in the store.


    SILVER BIOTICS | Get 30% off when you go to and use code LUKE at checkout.


    JUST THRIVE | Save 20% sitewide at with code LUKE20.


    (00:00:27) Exploring Appearance: Vanity, Ego & Social Dynamics

    (00:21:39) What Causes Skin to Age? Top Environmental Stressors

    (00:31:37) Media’s Influence on Self-Perception & Pursuit of Perfection

    (00:42:01) How Smart Sun Exposure Can Boost Your Mood

    (01:00:08) Does Red Light Therapy Really Improve Skin Health?

    (01:26:56) Fact or Fiction? Botox, Fillers & Facial Treatments for Longevity

    (01:48:10) Young Goose: Unlocking the Benefits of Pharmaceutical-Grade Skincare

    (02:05:50) Effective Skin Hydration & What Impacts Longevity


    • Website:

    • Instagram: @young_goose_skincare

    • Instagram: @amitay_eshel

    • TikTok: @young.goose

  • In this bonus rebroadcast of Marketing Speak Hosted by Stephan Spencer, we dive into my entrepreneurial history, creating first the School of Style, my trade school for fashion stylists, in 2008, and then the Life Stylist brand in 2016.

    I lay out many hard-won trade secrets of podcasting from the past eight years in the business, like the reasons I almost exclusively do face-to-face vs. online interviews, why investing in production values pays off, and how I select my guests. I also emphasize why it's so critical to have shared values in your relationships—not just professionally, but in your personal life as well. On that note, I share the very beautiful and unique relationship story of me and Alyson, from how we met to becoming the loving married couple we are now.

    Stephan and I talk about the importance of stepping off the hamster wheel of ambition periodically and taking time to celebrate your successes, and how getting clear about your core values, passions, and talents can translate into a lifestyle where you never "work" a day in your life!

    In case you're interested, I've also been a guest three times on Stephan's other podcast, Get Yourself Optimized. In 2018, we did episodes 126 and 128 on biohacking, and we did episode 8 on fashion styling back in 2015.

    If you're curious about the business of producing a successful podcast, or are just interested in entrepreneurship in general, this one's for you.

  • Today we honor a voice of reason amidst a period of collective insanity, Dr. Peter McCullough. Dr. McCullough, a renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist as well as the chief scientific officer for The Wellness Company (save 10% with code LUKE10), has been a vocal figure throughout the pandemic, challenging the mainstream narrative with his rigorous scientific approach and dedication to transparent medical advocacy.

    His book, Courage to Face COVID-19, explores the trenches of pandemic management and offers a critique of the global response, providing a perfect backdrop for today’s discussion.

    We explore his insights on the pitfalls of COVID-19 vaccine ideology, the dangers of the spike protein, and his thoughts on overcoming the aftermath of such interventions. Dr. McCullough shares his protocols for mitigating contagion and managing the inflammatory effects of the spike protein, which he describes in his publication on early outpatient treatment strategies for COVID-19.

    Additionally, we clear up common misconceptions about the pandemic's death toll and delve into why some alternative, natural treatments like vitamin D and curcumin were sidelined during critical times. This discussion isn’t just about looking back; it’s about moving forward with practical advice for those experiencing vaccine regret and seeking recovery strategies.

    Expect a thought-provoking conversation that connects the dots between individual health sovereignty and collective wellness. Tune in, keep an open mind, and let’s navigate these complex times together with the guidance of Dr. Peter McCullough.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    JASPR | Get yours at Use code LUKE to save $200 until the end of May 2024.


    MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH | You can use the code “luke10” for 10% off at


    BLUSHIELD | Use the code LUKE to save 10% off your order at


    BON CHARGE | Use the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at


    (00:00:08) Scientific Integrity & Reevaluating Early Pandemic Responses

    (00:08:10) Dr. McCullough’s Protocol for Contagion Control

    (00:15:31) COVID vs. Flu Mortality Analysis

    (00:26:38) The Spike Protein, Vaccine Dangers & Recovery Strategies

    (00:48:05) Challenges in COVID-19 Care & Alternative Healing Advice

    (01:04:21) Unpacking the Post-COVID Vaccine Health Fallout


    • The Wellness Company: The Wellness Company

    • Website:

  • I'm thrilled to introduce you to our guest today, George Wiseman. George is a true jack-of-all-trades who grew up on a ranch in the remote backwoods of British Columbia, Canada. His upbringing instilled in him the values of hard work, earned knowledge, and craft skills, which eventually led him down the path of becoming a maverick inventor.

    His journey with innovation began in 1986 when he started working with Brown’s Gas, a fascinating form of oxyhydrogen gas; this is where our paths cross.

    Throughout the episode, we dive into George's expertise in practical applications of Brown’s Gas, from fuel-saving mechanisms to its incredible potential for healing. His pioneering work has garnered worldwide recognition, particularly in the realm of health applications. After hearing astonishing testimonials from his customers about the healing properties of Brown’s Gas, George finally decided to test it on himself in 2005, resulting in significant health improvements.

    With George's guidance, we explore the transformative power of hydrogen, its impact on oxidative stress, inflammation, overall vitality, and longevity. We uncover the technical aspects of maintaining the AquaCure device, understand the synergistic benefits of combining Brown’s Gas with hydrogen water, and debunk myths surrounding alkaline water and other health gadgets.

    So, buckle up, folks! Get ready for an illuminating conversation packed with insights, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of hydrogen's miraculous properties.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    SHEN BLOSSOM | Go to and use code LUKE to get 10% off.


    MTE | Head to for 20% off.


    JUST THRIVE | Get 15% off on everything Just Thrive carries when you go to and use code LUKE15 at checkout.


    NUCALM | Go to and use code LUKE for 15% off!


    (00:01:59) Unpatented Innovations in Fuel Efficiency

    (00:22:18) Turning Grief into Passion: Unlocking Health with AquaCure

    (00:37:46) The Power of Hydrogen to Fuel & Heal Our Bodies

    (00:49:51) Understanding Brown’s Gas

    (01:03:37) Hydrogen Healing: Easing Oxidative Stress & Inflammation

    (01:17:08) Maximizing AquaCure: Usage Tips & Creative Applications

    (01:35:24) ORP Measurement & Debunking the Alkaline Water Myth

    (01:49:25) Deuterium Depletion Updates

    (01:55:59) AquaCure Maintenance & Synergistic Benefits


    • Visit (use code LUKE for 5% off)

    • Website:

  • A few weeks ago, I was delighted to take part in a panel at the SXSW Festival, produced by ATMA Church in Austin and hosted by human optimization coach JJ Ruescas. I had a blast hanging with other thought leaders in the psychedelic renaissance space and sharing knowledge gleaned from our medicine teachers.

    Joining me on stage were Psychedelic Coaching Institutes's Joseph Enew, The Temple Project's Sarah Solstice, and former guest on The Life Stylist, The Spiritual Psychiatrist Dr. Samuel Lee.

    I talk about encountering psychedelics when I was using drugs, juxtaposed with the very different relationship I began to have with them after I was 22 years sober. I also lay out my personal process of integrating plant medicine journeys, and how I see plant medicine aiding the force of evolution on Earth.

    You'll also hear Sarah's story of discovering her inner innocence and connecting to the Divine Feminine, learn about Dr. Sam's awakening on plant medicine and why separation from our Higher Self is the only real sickness, and take in Joseph's experience of trauma healing and rebirth with the help of mushrooms.

    Sit back, take a microdose (or a macrodose), and enjoy this romp through the modern psychedelic healing landscape.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    BEAM MINERALS | You can use code “LUKE20” for 20% off your order at


    BON CHARGE | Use the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at


    SILVER BIOTICS | Get 30% off when you go to and use code LUKE at checkout.


    QUANTUM UPGRADE | Get a 15 day free trial with code 'LUKE15' at


    (00:00:08) Panelist Introduction & Community Welcome

    (00:04:37) The Many Gifts Plant Medicine Has Bestowed Upon Us

    (00:16:05) Tools for Illuminating the Path to Our Highest Selves

    (00:27:50) How to Embrace the Golden Age on Earth

    (00:39:09) Exciting Projects to Welcome The New World Paradigm


    • JJ Ruescas:, @jjruescas

    • Joseph Enew:, @josephanew

    • Sarah Solstice:

    • Dr. Sam Lee:

  • If you’re curious about how to approach the modern dating landscape and what is truly essential for a successful partnership, today’s guest has you covered. Matthew Hussey is not only a New York Times bestselling author and the #1 love life coach on YouTube, but he's also someone who has revolutionized the way we approach relationships and personal confidence.

    With over half a billion views on his channel, Matthew continues to change lives with his profound insights on love, life, and happiness.

    In this episode, we cut through the noise about modern dating and laser in on what’s really important in cultivating a strong relationship. Matthew and I explore the common hurdles that many face in seeking relationships that truly align with their desires for peace and fulfillment.

    We discuss a prevalent myth surrounding the role of common interests in partnerships and how embracing acceptance can dramatically expand your romantic horizons. Matthew also shares the core values that he believes are the backbone of any successful relationship, and what aspects you can afford to be flexible on.

    He also shares a sneak peek into his latest book – which is available TODAY – Love Life: How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person, and Live Happily (No Matter What).

    Expect to also hear about the importance of relational intelligence, the power of authenticity in love, and how to maintain a sense of control over your happiness. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion that’s sure to enrich your perspective on love and its role in your life.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    JASPR | Get yours at and use code LUKE to save $200 until the end of May.


    SUNLIGHTEN | Save up to $600 when you go to and use code LUKESTOREY in the pricing form.


    MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH | You can use the code “luke10” for 10% off at


    ALITURA NATURALS | As a special gift for my listeners, use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 20% off and FREE SHIPPING in the US on your order at


    (00:00:31) Uncovering the Layers of Modern Dating Challenges

    (00:16:58) Are Common Interests Really Important in Dating?

    (00:31:00) The Power of Acceptance in Dating

    (00:41:12) Exploring the Key Fundamentals of A Successful Partnership

    (01:01:32) Helping Women Become More Confident in Dating


    YouTube: Matthew Hussey


  • If you’re on a path towards self-realization and transformation, you’re going to love this episode with NOA|AON, also known as Pavel Stuchlik. With over 15 years of globe trotting and immersing himself in some of the world’s most rigorous teachings, Pavel is a maestro of transformation, self-realization, and harmonious living.

    As a conscious DJ/producer, entrepreneur, peace ambassador, and Wim Hof instructor, he merges ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science, offering simple routines for achieving unity, love, and joy in daily life.

    Imagine spending over 40 days in total darkness with no food, living among breatharians in Thailand. That's exactly what he did, and the insights he gained are at the core of the #noamovement he founded. His "Triple H Effect" – focusing on Happiness, Health, and Harmony – is a testament to his mission of bringing people back to their essence.

    In this episode, we explore a range of topics guiding us towards self-reflection and transformation. We hear about Pavel's daughter's dolphin birth experience and what inspired his journey into spiritual exploration. We discuss the breatharian approach to tapping into source energy for sustenance and the mystical experiences unlocked in the dark.

    Pavel opens up about his self-realization process through these deeply reflective experiences, the results of doing shadow work, and how these practices have elevated his consciousness. He also shares his innovative Me-We-Be Model for personal transformation and how plant medicine has been instrumental in his healing evolution.

    Additionally, we dive into EMF mitigation tools and technologies, discussing their role in combating radiation and protecting biological systems. Pavel also shares insights on conscious parenting and invites us to learn more about his powerfully transformative immersive group experiences.

    I'm truly grateful for the light Pavel brings to the world, and I'm excited for you to join us in this enlightening conversation. If you want to check out Pavel’s work or EMF devices, head to and use code LUKE30 for 30% off.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    MTE | Head to for 20% off.


    UPGRADED FORMULAS | Go to and use code LUKE15 TO SAVE 15%.


    BLUSHIELD | Use the code LUKE to save 10% off your order at


    LEELA QUANTUM TECH | Go to and use the code “LUKE10” for 10% off their product line.


    (00:00:04) Guided Group Coherence & Dolphin Birth Story

    (00:12:54) Inside Breatharian Darkness Retreats

    (00:25:35) A Journey Into Self-Realization &...

  • I had 22 years of hard-won sobriety before I delved into the conscious use of psychedelics. I had used them very unconsciously earlier in life, but this was different. Despite all the work I’d done on myself over the years, there were still some dark corners of my life that I was having trouble cleaning out.

    In this month’s bonus episode with Going Within’s David Naylor, I talk about my curiosity seeing others get “struck sober” from an experience with plant medicine, weighed against my trepidation over the thought of losing my sobriety, one of the greatest gifts of my life.

    As it turned out, the intentional use of ayahuasca was a portal to a world of healing that I don’t believe I could have found otherwise.

    I share the experience of revisiting my own traumatic birth and how that shed light on the demons of loneliness and disconnection that had been following me all my life. David and I discuss how time-space shifts on medicine, allowing us to receive guidance and support from allies in other dimensions and to heal various timelines in which we were hurt or hurt others.

    Thankfully, my initial fears were unsupported. In fact, my life has improved dramatically since I began this new phase of healing. As the medicine told me, I have actually never been more sober.

    If you’re considering journeying with plant medicines or other psychedelics, I stress the importance of doing so within a safe container with an appropriate guide. And be prepared to come back to this realm with work to do to integrate your insights.

    Enjoy this conversation about my rite of passage of shedding my old identity and learning to feel safe and trust myself to make healthy decisions in this eternal now.

  • If you’re in the market for an alternative to excessive caffeine but still need a boost in your day-to-day routine, you’ll enjoy today’s conversation with an incredible guest, Jeff Boyd. He’s the Co-Founder of MTE – a daily wellness companion for feel-good energy, mood, motivation, focus, and stress resilience that won’t make you jittery or impact your sleep.

    In this episode, Jeff dives into the specifics of MTE, highlighting the key ingredients and doses that differentiate it from the plethora of energy drinks in the market. Jeff's journey is one that resonates deeply with me. After selling his last business, Jeff was driven by a vision to craft a product that blends health and wellbeing with clean, sustainable energy – something needed in our fast-paced world.

    What sets MTE apart is its unique blend of nootropics, offering better focus and energy than caffeine, minus the jitters or crash, all while balancing mood and promoting restorative sleep. It's a homegrown product, built with integrity and a clear understanding of what we truly need. If you want to try MTE yourself, visit to automatically get 20% off your first order.

    Beyond the product itself, Jeff shares his journey as an entrepreneur, offering invaluable insights into the process of bringing an innovative idea to life – discussing the challenges and triumphs of creating a product that disrupts the traditional energy drink market.

    Jeff's perspective is a refreshing take on what it means to create a product that genuinely serves our wellbeing. His story is a testament to innovation, dedication, and the entrepreneurial spirit, providing inspiration and practical advice for anyone looking to make their mark.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    SUNLIGHTEN | Save up to $600 when you go to and use code LUKESTOREY in the pricing form.


    JUST THRIVE | Save 20% sitewide at with code LUKE20.


    QUANTUM UPGRADE | Get a 15 day free trial with code 'LUKE15' at


    SILVER BIOTICS | Get 30% off when you go to and use code LUKE at checkout.


    (00:00:09) Disrupting the Energy Drink Industry with MTE

    (00:18:22) Unboxing the Skillset of a Successful Entrepreneur

    (00:43:29) MTE Production: Taste Testing & Sourcing Unique Ingredients

    (00:54:30) Exploring Better-for-You Alternatives to Caffeine & Effective Dosing

    (01:14:57) Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs & New MTE Product Preview


    • Visit

  • In this special micro bonus episode about the launch of the official Luke Storey Merch line, Bailey and I give you the backstory on my favorite designs and explain why I started doing merch in the first place. Hear about the two downloads I got for all 100-plus original designs, which got the whole enterprise in motion.

    Along the way, we dive into my 17-year career as a Hollyweird fashion stylist, stumbling into working for Aerosmith during their 90s comeback, and styling music videos, magazine shoots, costumes, and tours for hundreds of bands and celebs like Kanye West, Christina Aguilera, and Marilyn Manson.

    This collection merges my passion for fashion with the gamut of lifestyle topics we've talked about on the show over the past eight years: biohacking, metaphysics, psychedelics, spirituality, conspiracies, and more. With designs for men, women, and kids on clothes and accessories, it represents The Life Stylist ethos – our core values, attitudes, and interests.

    So let your freak flag fly and express what’s important to you. Broadcasting the right signals with a meaningful message might just be the key to letting like-minded and like-hearted new friends find you.

    Check out all the threads at Follow me on social media for the latest drops. And enjoy free shipping on any order over $75.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    (00:00:51) A Past Life: 17 Years in the Fashion/Music Industry

    (00:10:28) Inspiration Behind the Merch Drop

    (00:14:59) Highlights & Backstories of Select Designs

    (00:26:17) Previewing Other Project & Partners


    • Are you ready to block harmful blue light, and look great at the same time? Check out Gilded By Luke Storey. Where fashion meets function:

    • Join me on Telegram for the uncensored content big tech won’t allow me to post. It’s free speech and free content:

    The Life Stylist is produced by Crate Media.

  • If you’ve ever been overwhelmed finding the balance between self-healing and understanding how the environment is stacked against you, get excited for an enlightening and inspiring conversation with Jessica Kane Berman, CMO of BodyBio. Boasting a background in biochemical engineering while furthering her grandfather’s legacy in health optimization, she’s a real brainiac on all things cell function and support.

    Her passion and expertise are unmatched, and I’m excited to dive into what sets BodyBio supplements apart from the rest. With science at the center, these supplements are founded in research, trusted by thousands of practitioners and tested for efficacy. They’re supplements your cells love, and doctors trust. If you’re curious about incorporating these products into your regimen, visit and use code LUKESTOREY20 for 20% off.

    Jessica opens up about how she took her grandfather's visionary products and brought them to the masses – marrying traditional wisdom, modern science, and accessible education. Her work at BodyBio is a testament to her commitment to educating people about the nuances of nutrition and cellular health.

    We hit on a hot topic in the wellness arena these days, the impact of industrialized seed oils and what we can do to consume essential fatty oils responsibility. She even shares a supplement for helping to counteract the buildup of omega six oils in the body.

    Jessica talks about why it’s important to integrate whole foods into your diet to get the benefits supplements can recreate, especially when it comes to fish oil. It's not just about eating right; it's about understanding how each element affects our body at a cellular level.

    We also dive into the benefits of butyrate for gut health and immune function, how to protect your cells from mold exposure, and what is most essential for our mitochondrial health in a way that’s easy to digest (figuratively and literally). This episode is packed with knowledge, and I'm here to learn right alongside you.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    UPGRADED FORMULAS | Go to and use code LUKE15 TO SAVE 15%.


    JASPR | Get yours at - Use code LUKE to save 10%‍.


    BLUSHIELD | Use the code LUKE to save 10% off your order at


    ALITURA NATURALS | Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 20% off and FREE SHIPPING in the US on your order at


    (00:00:09) Jessica's Holistic Health Journey to Naturally Managing PCOS

    (00:15:29) Linking Environmental Toxins to Cellular Wellness

    (00:24:46) Mythbusters: Seed Oils in Our Food Products...

  • Today's AMA episode is close to my heart as we dive deep into addiction and addiction recovery – a journey, as you well know, that I'm intimately familiar with. We unpack the complexities of addiction, which I define as a condition where we persist in harmful behaviors despite being fully aware of the negative impacts on our lives and those we love. It's not just about seeking pleasure or avoiding pain; it's about being trapped in a cycle that we feel powerless to break.

    In this episode with my producer Bailey, I address questions from the community to explore the anatomy of addiction, starting with the critical role of denial and codependency. We discuss the nuances within the different levels and types of addiction, the role of support systems, and how to confront enabling behaviors within our relationships. We also discuss how addiction affects family dynamics and why recovery groups can be incredibly effective.

    I talk about the progression of addiction, even in periods of abstinence, and share what keeps me away from any temptation to relapse. Lastly, I open up about my personal recovery journey, sharing insights from the 12-step program that have been crucial in my healing – offering my heartfelt advice to those seeking solutions.

    It's a tough journey, but there's a path to surrender in the transformative power of prayer and faith in the recovery process. For me, staying free of addiction is about being of service – it's the core of my daily life. If you're struggling with addiction or know someone who is, remember there is a tangible, achievable solution within you. This episode is a great place to start.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    BON CHARGE | Use the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at


    SILVER BIOTICS | Get 30% off when you go to and use code LUKE at checkout.


    MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH | You can use the code “luke10” for 10% off at


    JUST THRIVE | Get 15% off of Just Thrive's K2 with code LUKE15 at


    (00:02:13) Previewing New Merch Release BTS Content

    (00:07:46) Defining Addiction & Exploring Different Types

    (00:23:56) The Role of Support Systems in Addiction Recovery

    (00:39:58) The Principle of Surrender: What Leads to Sobriety?

    (01:02:18) Confronting Enabling: How To Be an Advocate for Addicts

    (01:23:21) The Solution to Addiction & Power of Prayer


    • I’m so proud to have officially launched my first collection of merch! Shop all the new designs at

  • I'm thrilled to introduce today’s guest, Dr. Bradley Nelson. A retired chiropractor turned holistic physician, Dr. Nelson is a towering figure in the world of natural wellness and energy healing. He's also the brains behind The Emotion Code and The Body Code and serves as the CEO of Discover Healing. His work is not just groundbreaking; it's transforming lives globally.

    In today's episode, we unpack the fascinating interplay between our emotions and physical health. Dr. Nelson, with his extensive experience and enlightening insights, explains how so many of our physical ailments are rooted in trapped energy from unhealed emotions.

    We explore the ins and outs of energy healing as Dr. Nelson shares his journey from using chiropractic methods to alleviate chronic pain caused by emotional blockages to developing The Emotion Code and The Body Code. Prepare to be captivated by his stories ranging from healing in humans to animals, utilizing kinetic muscle testing, and the intuitive wisdom of our bodies.

    We discuss topics like the role of spirituality in healing, the synergy between the brain and the heart, clearing the heart wall of emotional scars, and the journey to becoming an ascended being through unconditional love.

    This episode is packed with wisdom, from understanding energy imbalances in our bodies to learning how you, too, can become a certified Body Code practitioner. If your curiosity is piqued, Dr. Nelson's new book is a must-read, and be sure to visit his website for an in-depth exploration of energy healing.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    JASPR | Get yours at - Use code LUKE to save 10%‍.


    BEAM MINERALS | You can use code “LUKE20” for 20% off your order at


    SUNLIGHTEN | Save up to $600 when you go to and use code LUKESTOREY in the pricing form.


    LEELA QUANTUM TECH | Go to and use the code “LUKE10” for 10% off their product line.


    (00:01:30) How Energy Medicine Works to Heal Chronic Pain

    (00:27:03) The Body Code Explained

    (00:50:36) Muscle Testing with Divine Guidance & Exploring Our True Origins

    (01:15:50) Healing Inherited Trauma

    (01:34:21) Dissolving the Heart Wall & Embracing Unconditional Love

    (01:53:23) Energy Healing with Animals & Becoming A Certified Practitioner


    • Free Emotion Code Starter Kit:

    • The Emotion Code:


  • Are you ready to have your minds blown and your views on law, personal responsibility, and societal norms completely redefined?

    I'm super excited to introduce today's guest, the revolutionary thinker Brandon Joe Williams. This guy is redefining the rules of how we operate in the world, literally. As a lawyer and the brain behind The Amnesty Coalition, Brandon's like a soldier of God, leveraging education and forgiveness to break chains we didn't even know we had.

    In today's epic chat, we stomp through the murky waters of our societal system, revealing how it might be holding us back without even realizing it. Brandon's got this unique ability to take complex legal jargon and make it understandable, showing us how to legally step out of the Free-Range Tax Slave Matrix and into a life of real freedom.

    We're not just talking theory here; Brandon brings the heat with practical, real-world strategies.

    Whether you're a regular Joe, a police officer, a judge, or even a politician, there's something in this conversation for you. It's all about breaking down barriers to freedom and elevating our collective consciousness. It's not just about financial freedom or finding loopholes; it's a full-on journey to the heart of what true freedom means in a world that often feels like it's designed to do the exact opposite.

    So buckle up, folks, and prepare for a wild ride into the depths of personal empowerment and societal transformation with Brandon Joe Williams. If you enjoy this conversation, make sure to check out Brandon’s free online course, and watch out for part two of our conversation coming soon.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    BLUSHIELD | Use the code LUKE to save 10% off your order at


    ALITURA NATURALS | And as a special gift for my listeners, use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 20% off and FREE SHIPPING in the US on your order at


    UPGRADED FORMULAS | Go to and use code LUKE15 TO SAVE 15%.


    MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH | You can use the code “luke10” for 10% off at


    (00:05:25) Understanding Legalese: Defining Straw Man & Public Corporations

    (00:18:10) Breaking Down Status Collection: Defining Identities & Location

    (00:37:43) Self-Naturalization & Citizenship Legal Processes Explained

    (01:03:22) Exploring Sovereignty, Responsibility & How to Move Forward

    (01:29:16) Citizenship & Tax Law History

    (01:46:53) Overcoming Suppression with Access to Unconventional Knowledge

    (02:07:18) The 14th Amendment & What Happens to Our Income Taxes


    • Website:

  • It’s safe to say there’s nothing more important or essential to our well-being than the air we breathe. So today I’m excited to float into the world of air quality with none other than Mike Feldstein, the innovative mind behind Jaspr, a cutting-edge air purifier brand.

    If you want to improve your quality of life by keeping the air in your home clean, visit and use code LUKE to save 10%.

    Mike's journey from wildfire restoration and air quality consulting to founding Jaspr is a testament to his dedication to enhancing human health through advanced air science and technology. His mission? To shield us from the invisible threats in the air we breathe and elevate our well-being.

    In this enlightening episode, we explore the pivotal events that ignited Mike's passion for air quality and awareness. He sheds light on the major culprits of indoor and outdoor pollution and the hidden dangers of mold, highlighting common yet surprising causes in our homes. 

    Mike then shares his visionary approach to revolutionizing healthy home standards, emphasizing the necessity of clean air testing and integrated filtration systems and advocating that the clean air business is not just about identifying problems; it's about crafting impactful and efficacious solutions.

    And let's not forget the star of the show – the Jaspr air filtration system. From its chic design to its smart device capabilities, Jaspr is redefining air purification with a fusion of function, technology and style. We delve into what, exactly, it filters from the air, its unparalleled efficiency, and how it stands apart from its competitors. 

    The glowing testimonials, including from myself, speak volumes, with clients raving about improved sleep quality and alleviated allergies to name a few benefits. I’m grateful to Mike for his unwavering dedication to solving this important problem, and for taking the bold step to create Jaspr, ensuring the air in our homes isn't just clean, but life-enhancing.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    SUNLIGHTEN | Save up to $600 when you go to and use code LUKESTOREY in the pricing form.


    NEUROHACKER COLLECTIVE | Go to to try Qualia Senolytic with a 100 day money back guarantee, and code “STYLIST” will get you 15% off your order.


    SILVER BIOTICS | Get 30% off when you go to and use code LUKE at checkout.


    BON CHARGE | Use the code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at


  • If you’re as into the pursuit of self-development, healing, and spirituality as I am, you’ve probably heard of Teal Swan – a New Thought Leader in the spiritual community with a passion and purpose for helping people transmute their trauma into a tool for self-acceptance and love.

    She’s also an international speaker, best-selling author, and is celebrated for her refreshingly direct insights into mental health, relationships, and spirituality. Visit to save 30% off Teal's Ancestral Healing Course.

    I've been eager to chat with Teal Swan for a while now, and this conversation does not disappoint as we go deep on some of my favorite topics.

    Teal articulates what makes her so different from other female spiritual teachers and how her haters help her stay in alignment with her soul’s purpose before we discuss the impact of social media and technology on genuine connectivity, Teal's unique challenges as a spiritual guide, and her strategies for dealing with the criticism and hate she too often encounters.

    We also explore the new age of feminism (yes, touching on That recent movie) and the importance of balancing both masculine and feminine energies in our society. She gives beautiful insight into the role of the ego, cultivating observer awareness, and healthy ways to integrate our ego.

    Near and dear to my heart and healing journey, we discuss the deep-seated causes of addiction, the limitations in conventional approaches to sobriety, and the transformative potential of shamanic and plant medicines in addiction recovery. Additionally, we delve into the importance of understanding our ancestry, breaking generational cycles and tending to our inner child.

    I’m excited for you to hear Teal Swan’s authenticity, self-awareness, and the challenges she’s constantly overcoming to live in her dharma in this episode. Let it be a reminder to embrace yourself, and others, with love and kindness.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.


    BEAM MINERALS | You can use code “LUKE20” for 20% off your order at


    UPGRADED FORMULAS | Go to and use code LUKE15 TO SAVE 15%.


    ALITURA NATURALS | As a special gift for my listeners, use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 20% off and FREE SHIPPING in the US on your order at


    QUANTUM UPGRADE | Get a 15 day free trial with code 'LUKE15' at


    (00:01:56) Confronting Social Media’s Role in Loneliness & Disconnection

    (00:17:49) How Teal Navigates Criticism & Negativity

    (00:38:14) Embracing Our Shadows