Recently, I launched a new, second newsletter. I thought it would be easy.
I was wrong.
If you are likewise at the beginning stages – of a newsletter or anything else that requires putting yourself out there for all to see – today's issue is especially for you. -
Today's newsletter is not the least bit funny.
So, if that's the only reason you read these each time, I recommend hitting delete now and instead watching this super-cute baby elephant video.
Everyone else, read on for some AI-themed insights that may or may not be useful. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Marketing your solo professional business effectively comes with a lot of moving parts ... not unlike a dishwasher.
Confused? I don't blame you. Not interested? I don't blame you even more.
For everyone else, today's newsletter awaits you below! -
When it comes to solo professional success, finding paying clients is the name of the game. If you can't make that happen, not much else matters.
But getting those paying clients – especially the ones who come back again and again – requires more than just being open for business.
In today's newsletter, we look at some other things worth doing to start and keep the client ball rolling.
Today’s newsletter is a little longer than usual. So, for those of you who are too busy to read it, I dropped it into ChatGPT and asked it to summarize the article:
“Bald man wastes your time with dad jokes and tired marketing observations.”
A bit harsh for a robot, if you ask me. But I can’t much argue with it. -
Professional service providers like us are in the advice-giving business.
So if you want to be hired as one of those people, it's a good idea to offer prospective buyers a "free sample." -
If you publish a newsletter, you are well ahead of the game.
Still... there are some simple things you can do to make whatever you send way better.
Today's newsletter shares one secret (shhhhh).
Do you publish a newsletter?
Excellent. One thousand bonus points to you.
But if that's all you are using your list for, you are missing out on some other opportunities. -
When it comes to time, we all have an equal amount (other than Keith Richards, who appears to have more than his fair share).
Today's newsletter is about the small but often significant role time can play in your business. -
Yikes. Today's newsletter is kind of long.
So if you're in a hurry, the point is simply this: figure out what you are naturally good at and find a way to turn that into your career.For everyone else, and now that those "super busy" people are gone, there's some good stuff below. And, admittedly, some of the usual time-wasting commentary, too.
Today's newsletter is about dating. And dancing. And for those of you who actually care about marketing, the importance of getting things off to a quick start.
Today's newsletter is about taking time to slow down and find the "spaces between." In my experience, that's where the biggest business leaps forward occur.
Working solo is terrific. But, all that time spent alone can lead us to concoct false stories from very little evidence. When that happens, it can throw everything off.
Today's newsletter shares three suggestions for avoiding that. (Four, if you count this one: Avoid that!) -
Today's newsletter is about AI and how ignoring it is potentially dangerous to your business.
Today's newsletter looks at the inherent benefits of doing work for which you are supremely gifted and qualified.
Today's newsletter looks at the difference between working as an employee and working on your own and shares three, dare I say, fabulous, suggestions for making things easier.
In addition to using marketing tactics that reach your particular audience and that you enjoy (or at least don't hate), it's important to connect with your prospective clients in different ways.
Today's newsletter explains (I hope). -
This is issue #573, a number that is evenly divisible by 3.
How do I know that? Because when you add all the digits together (5 + 7 + 3 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6), the resulting number (6) is.
And if that much math has your head spinning, you definitely do not want to buy the book I reference in today's newsletter. -
Audience – who are you trying to reach and where do they hang out – plays an important role in bringing the clients you want.
The rules of working for yourself are different. Often, things that seem obvious are totally wrong.
Today's newsletter shares three examples of conventional work wisdom that are way off base. - Laat meer zien