
  • Summary:
    In this conversation, Josh Tapp interviews Ryan Estes about the podcasting industry and the launch of Wildcast. They discuss the value of podcast advertising, the importance of niche audiences, and the authenticity of host-read endorsements. Ryan shares his insights on industry trends, including the potential impact of blockchain and AI on podcasting. He also encourages podcasters to reach out to their personal networks and reconnect with old contacts. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of podcasting as a medium for communication and community-building.

    Keywords: podcasting, podcast advertising, Wildcast, niche audiences, authenticity, industry trends, blockchain, AI, personal networks, community-building


    Podcast advertising is valuable because it reaches a highly engaged and attentive audience.Niche podcast audiences can be more effective for certain brands than large, general audiences.Host-read endorsements are more authentic and impactful than digitally inserted ads.The podcasting industry is at a technological crux, with potential developments in blockchain and AI.Podcasters can benefit from reaching out to their personal networks and reconnecting with old contacts.


    The Authenticity of Host-Read EndorsementsIndustry Trends: Blockchain and AI in Podcasting

    Sound Bites

    "Podcasting might become a beacon for authenticity""Open up your text message app and start scrolling""For podcasters, put that on your shoulder that you're the hub of your personal community"

    00:00Introduction and Catching Up
    03:23The Podcasting Market and Industry Trends
    08:21The Value of Niche Audiences and Host-Read Endorsements
    25:10Reconnecting with Personal Networks
    32:45Recommendations: Wildcast and Kitcaster

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  • Summary:
    In this conversation, Josh Tapp interviews Chip Hopper, a book Jedi who helps people tell their stories. They discuss the importance of building relationships, providing value, and solving problems for others. Chip shares his journey of connecting with influential people and celebrities by offering value and building trust. They also talk about the power of books in creating lasting content and the potential for books to outlive the author. Chip emphasizes the importance of knowing your goals and leveraging your network to move forward. He suggests reaching out to people in your network and finding ways to provide value to them.

    building relationships, providing value, solving problems, book Jedi, storytelling, influential people, celebrities, books, lasting content, goals, network


    Building genuine relationships and providing value are key to connecting with influential people and celebrities.Books have the power to create lasting content and can outlive the author.Knowing your goals and leveraging your network can help you move forward.Reach out to people in your network and find ways to provide value to them.

    00:00Introduction and Overcoming Challenges
    01:31The Problem Book Jedi Solves
    07:52Building Relationships and Providing Value
    13:01The Value of Books in Creating Lasting Content
    16:30Knowing Your Goals and Leveraging Your Network
    22:31Building Genuine Connections
    28:41Taking Action to Move Forward

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  • Summary:

    In this conversation, Josh Tapp and Chris Williams discuss the reasons why coaching programs aren't selling in 2024. They cover four main topics: the mastermind market method, the mastermind message method, the mastermind model method, and the mastermind mindset method. They emphasize the importance of understanding your market, crafting effective messaging, choosing the right business model, and adopting the right mindset for success. They also highlight the need for constant adaptation and refinement in order to stay relevant and meet the changing needs of your audience. In this conversation, Josh Tapp and Chris Williams discuss the importance of sticking to a proven model in business and avoiding constant changes. They emphasize the need to have a clear and scalable offer, as well as a solid closing process. They also highlight the value of finding a mentor or coach who has achieved the lifestyle and success that you desire. The conversation concludes with a discussion about an upcoming event called Mastermind Mastery Live, where attendees can learn more about implementing these strategies.

    Keywords: coaching programs, selling, mastermind market method, mastermind message method, mastermind model method, mastermind mindset method, understanding your market, effective messaging, business model, mindset, adaptation, business model, scalability, offer, closing process, mentorship, lifestyle, event


    Understand your market and identify who has the money and the desperate need for your coaching program.Craft effective messaging that resonates with your target audience's dreams, drains, and doubts.Choose the right business model for your coaching program, considering factors such as time commitment and income goals.Constantly adapt and refine your approach to meet the changing needs of your audience.Develop a growth mindset and embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with running a coaching program. Stick to a proven business model and avoid constant changesHave a clear and scalable offerDevelop a solid closing processFind a mentor or coach who has achieved the lifestyle and success you desireAttend events and learn from experts in your industry

    00:00Introduction and Friendship
    04:40The Mastermind Message Method
    09:05The Mastermind Model Method
    15:32The Importance of Choosing the Right Business Model
    26:15Authenticity and Messaging
    33:48Following Established Methods

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  • Summary:

    In this conversation, Josh Tapp interviews Katie Richardson about building empires and creating sustainable businesses. They discuss the importance of building a team and the challenges entrepreneurs face when transitioning from working alone to leading a team. Katie emphasizes the need for a clear vision, specific instruction, and defined roles and responsibilities within the team. She also highlights the importance of trust and empowerment in leading a team effectively. Katie introduces her upcoming event, Empire Builders Live, where she will share her proven operating system for building sustainable and significant businesses.


    Keywords: building empires, sustainable business, team building, vision, instruction, roles and responsibilities, trust, empowerment, Empire Builders Live


    Building a team is essential for creating a sustainable and significant business.A clear vision, specific instruction, and defined roles and responsibilities are crucial for effective team building.Trust and empowerment are key in leading a team and allowing them to make decisions.Katie Richardson's upcoming event, Empire Builders Live, offers a proven operating system for building sustainable and significant businesses.

    Sound Bites:

    "She's the mystery woman. She's who I want to be when I grow up.""If we are going to build an empire, it needs to be sustainable.""The first step is you have to have a vision."


    00:00Introduction and Excitement to Have Katie Richardson as a Guest
    06:16The Importance of Vision, Instruction, and Defined Roles in Team Building
    11:55Aligning Within Yourself as a Leader
    26:48From Building a Business to Achieving Ultimate Freedom
    31:03Conclusion and Invitation to Empire Builders Live

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  • Maximizing Your Sales Impact with Expert Strategies

    This episode features Nick Capozzi, founder and CEO of, discussing effective strategies for making a bigger impact and reaching a broader audience. The conversation begins with an introduction to PitchDB, a platform for speakers to find speaking opportunities, and quickly transitions into the value of adding a note when connecting with people on LinkedIn. Nick shares his extensive experience in sales, presenting, and pitch creation, revealing a three-step process he and the host have been utilizing for sales success. The steps include generating leads, presenting effectively, and closing deals, with a particular emphasis on using creative engagement and personalization to stand out on LinkedIn. The episode further delves into using video effectively in sales strategies and the importance of crafting message as if spoken for authenticity. Nick encourages personal connection and understanding the client's pain point to tailor solutions accordingly. The discussion concludes with advice on utilizing video content and writing for spoken delivery to enhance relatability and engagement in sales pitches.

    00:00 Unlocking the Power of Connection: Tips and Tricks
    00:20 Elevate Your Speaking Career with PitchDB
    00:56 Introducing Nick Capozzi: A Sales Pitching Expert
    03:28 The Three-Step Sales Process Unveiled
    03:34 Lead Generation in the Digital Age: Strategies and Insights
    08:27 Mastering Presentations: From Preparation to Execution
    14:19 Closing the Deal: Techniques for Effective Sales
    17:11 The Importance of Authenticity and Networking in Sales
    19:20 Leveraging Video for Impactful Sales and Marketing
    21:11 Nick's Final Tips and Where to Connect

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  • Summary:

    Mike Abramowitz shares his journey of overcoming financial loss and building a successful business while prioritizing time freedom. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and communication guidelines to protect personal time and priorities. Mike outlines a six-step process for becoming time rich, including implementing systems, creating playbooks, building a team, and utilizing technology. He encourages individuals to determine their target dollar per hour and delegate tasks that fall below that value. By optimizing time and focusing on high-value activities, individuals can achieve greater success and fulfillment.


    Set boundaries and communication guidelines to protect personal time and priorities.Implement systems and playbooks to streamline processes and increase efficiency.Build a team and utilize technology to support and enhance productivity.Determine your target dollar per hour and delegate tasks that fall below that value.Optimize time by focusing on high-value activities and offloading low-value tasks.

    Sound Bites:

    00:00Introduction and Background
    00:32Recognizing the Importance of Time Management
    03:05Overcoming Challenges and Building a Business
    04:41Recovering from Financial Loss
    05:07Dealing with Loss of Properties
    06:00The Desire for Time Freedom
    06:27Creating Boundaries and Communication Guidelines
    08:13Implementing Systems and Playbooks
    10:04Building a Team and Utilizing Technology
    12:39The Importance of Delegation
    22:27Developing Systems and Playbooks
    24:50Building a Team and Utilizing Technology
    27:14The Role of Technology in Supporting the Team
    29:08Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success
    31:46Finding Success Amidst Personal Challenges
    33:30The Power of Optimizing Time
    34:36Taking Action: Determine Your Target Dollar Per Hour

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  • Summary:

    In this conversation, Dr. Fab Mancini discusses the importance of relationships in business and how they have played a significant role in his own success. He shares insights on managing multiple projects and choosing which opportunities to pursue. Dr. Fab also talks about his current projects, including a new business venture, nutritional solutions, and a book. He discusses the potential of expanding into network television and the impact of his work in different cultures. Dr. Fab emphasizes the relationship between self-worth, net worth, and giving, and provides a four-question formula for success.


    Building relationships is a core factor in business success.Managing multiple projects requires prioritization and focus.Opportunities should be evaluated based on their alignment with current projects and goals.Expanding into international markets can provide new opportunities for growth.Self-worth and net worth are interconnected, and giving can enhance both.

    00:00Introduction and Background
    01:19The Importance of Relationships in Business
    03:14Closest Business Relationship
    05:06Choosing Which Opportunities to Pursue
    06:33Managing Multiple Projects
    08:07Maintaining Relationships with Parking Lot Projects
    10:24The Three Current Projects
    14:30Expanding into Network Television
    19:08Personal Background and Connection to Colombia
    22:24Applying Principles in Different Cultures
    24:41Opportunities in International Business
    26:44Using AI for Language Translation
    29:23The Relationship Between Self-Worth and Net Worth
    32:47The Four Question Formula for Success
    35:29The Relationship Between Self-Worth, Net Worth, and Giving

    Want to get PAID as a thought leader?

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  • Summary:

    The conversation discusses the importance of creating good content and how it can lead to podcast growth. It emphasizes the need for a clear and unique premise to attract and retain listeners. The conversation also touches on the importance of retention and provides tips on improving completion rates. Finally, it explores different ways to distribute and increase discoverability of a podcast. In this conversation, Kevin and Josh discuss strategies for growing a podcast audience through distribution and retention. They emphasize the importance of participating on social media rather than simply promoting episodes. Kevin shares a simple activity that podcasters can do to engage with their audience on social media. They also discuss the concept of reminding people about your show and the importance of engaging with the audience in other ways. Finally, Kevin introduces his upcoming event, Grow the Show Live, which focuses on helping podcasters make, grow, and monetize their shows.


    Creating good content is crucial for podcast growth.Having a clear and unique premise helps attract and retain listeners.Retention is often a bigger challenge than growth for podcasters.Podcast distribution and discoverability can be improved through podcast guesting, organic social media, and YouTube. Focus on distribution and retention to grow your podcast audience.Instead of promoting your podcast on social media, participate in conversations and provide valuable content.Engage with your audience on social media by sharing insights from your podcast episodes.Remind people about your show and engage with them in other ways to increase their stickiness.Understand that your podcast audience may be larger than your download numbers indicate.Balance promotion with providing value to your audience.Consider hosting events and engaging with your audience in person to strengthen the connection.Attend the Grow the Show Live event to learn more about podcast growth and monetization.



    00:00The Importance of Creating Good Content
    01:07The First Level: Clear, Unique Premise
    09:24The Third Level: Distribution and Discoverability
    15:17The Power of Distribution and Retention
    19:30Simple Activity to Participate on Social Media
    21:03Engaging with the Audience
    22:41The Importance of Reminding People about Your Show
    25:00Understanding Your Podcast Audience
    26:30The Yin and Yang of Promotion
    28:12Engaging with the Audience in Other Ways
    29:45Grow the Show Live Event
    31:03Conclusion and Event Registration

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  • Summary

    In this conversation, Josh Tapp interviews Robb Green, an e-commerce expert, about the power of branding, the rise of micro brands, and the potential of TikTok marketplace. They discuss the role of branding in creating a sense of community and identity, and how it can influence consumer behavior. Robb shares his insights on the transition from Amazon to TikTok as a selling platform, and the advantages it offers to sellers. He also provides a tactic for businesses to understand the lifetime value of their customers and allocate marketing resources effectively.


    Branding plays a crucial role in creating a sense of community and identity for consumers.The rise of micro brands and community leaders is changing the market and providing opportunities for niche products.TikTok marketplace has the potential to become a major selling platform, offering zero seller fees and driving high volumes of sales.Understanding the lifetime value of customers is essential for businesses to allocate marketing resources effectively.


    00:00Introduction and Background
    01:15The Power of Branding and Building a Tribe
    03:12The Rise of Micro Brands and Community Leaders
    06:44The Potential of TikTok Marketplace
    11:41Transition from Amazon to TikTok
    20:11Robb Green's Strategy for TikTok
    23:28Robb Green's Journey and Expertise
    28:21Tactic: Understanding Lifetime Value of Customers
    32:57Closing Remarks and Call to Action

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  • Summary:

    In this conversation, Isar Meitis, CEO of Multiplai, discusses the potential of AI and how it can be leveraged to grow businesses. Isar shares his journey as an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast, highlighting the role of AI in his career. He explains how AI can be implemented in small businesses to improve acquisition, operational efficiency, and lifetime value. Isar emphasizes the importance of continuous education, setting up an AI committee, and developing a strategic plan for AI implementation. He also encourages businesses to focus on building strong human relationships alongside AI adoption.


    AI has the potential to change everything we know and will be integrated into every aspect of our lives and businesses.Small businesses can leverage AI tools to improve acquisition, operational efficiency, and lifetime value.Continuous education and staying updated on AI developments are crucial for successful implementation.Businesses should focus on building strong human relationships alongside AI adoption to differentiate themselves.

    00:00Introduction and Background
    01:14Isar's Journey as an Entrepreneur and Tech Enthusiast
    03:03Isar's Entry into AI and the Potential of the Technology
    08:34Leveraging AI for Business Growth
    09:34Implementing AI in Small Businesses
    12:18AI Tools for Automation and Efficiency
    15:40Using AI to Increase Lifetime Value
    20:05Changing the Mindset and Strategy for AI Implementation
    22:01Shifting the Perspective on AI Tools
    27:56Key Steps for Successful AI Implementation
    32:28The Importance of Human Relationships in the Age of AI
    34:10Final Thoughts and Advice

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  • Summary:

    In this episode, Josh Tapp interviews Dana Derricks about his journey into real estate investing and his unique approach to cashflowing properties. Dana shares his aha moment when he realized the importance of owning real estate assets and the three ways to win in real estate investing: cashflow, accumulating wealth, and enjoying the asset. He also discusses different ways to fund a deal and how to ensure cabins stay full. Dana emphasizes the value of cabins as an opportunity for people to escape the hustle and bustle of their lives.


    Real estate investing offers multiple ways to win: cashflow, accumulating wealth, and enjoying the asset.Owning the real estate asset is crucial for long-term wealth building.There are various ways to fund a real estate deal, including creative financing options.Ensuring cabins stay full involves effective marketing and finding good deals.Cabins provide an opportunity for people to escape the hustle and bustle of their lives.

    01:20Dana's Journey into Real Estate
    04:01The Three Ways to Win in Real Estate Investing
    07:25The Cashflow Quadrant
    09:16The Importance of Owning the Real Estate Asset
    10:45The Trifecta of Real Estate Investing
    13:02Different Ways to Fund a Deal
    14:59Accumulating Wealth through Real Estate
    16:26How to Ensure Cabins Stay Full
    18:21The Value of the Asset
    20:09Why Cabins?
    23:06The Escape from the Hustle and Bustle
    25:08Call to Action

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  • In this conversation, Josh Tapp and Erin Marcus discuss the shift from being a solopreneur to a business owner. They explore the importance of differentiating between the two and the challenges that come with transitioning from doing the work to solving problems. Erin emphasizes the need to understand what you want and reverse engineer your goals. They also discuss the mindset shift required to make the transition and the importance of being motivated by something bigger than yourself. Erin shares a practical exercise of journaling to help shift mindset and make better decisions.


    Differentiate between being a solopreneur and a business ownerUnderstand what you want and reverse engineer your goalsShift your mindset from focusing on yourself to solving problemsBe motivated by something bigger than yourselfUse journaling as a tool to shift mindset and make better decisions


    00:00Introduction and Setting the Stage

    00:51Differentiating Between Solopreneur and Business Owner

    03:05The Shift from Entrepreneur to Problem Solver

    05:20Understanding the Who and the Why

    08:19Knowing What You Want and Reverse Engineering

    10:12The Mental Shift from Me to Problem Solving

    12:30The Price of the Mindset Shift

    13:14The Intersection of What You Need to Do and Who You Need to Be

    14:47Giving Yourself Permission to Want

    16:08Expanding the 'You' Line

    17:48Motivation Beyond the Self

    19:15Practical Exercise: Journaling to Shift Mindset

    24:34Final Thoughts and Recommendation

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  • Do you want to rapidly expand your business and achieve exponential growth? Are you looking for a proven solution to scale your business quickly? In this episode, our guest, Blake Hutchinson, shares the power of strategic acquisitions as a catalyst for achieving remarkable business expansion and unparalleled success.

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    Free Resource - 3-Part Business Boost:

    These 3 quick videos will help you:
    -Market like a billion-dollar brand (without spending a billion)
    -Attract more customers
    -Grow your business

    About Parker

    Parker Nash is a brand messaging and marketing expert and an 11-year veteran of Nike where he grew lines of business to more than half a billion in annual revenue.

    While at Nike, he realized the process they used to build their brand was something all businesses could do which inspired him to build his own copywriting and marketing agency that helps mission-driven businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs attract devoted customers.

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    About Daniel
    Daniel Alfon is the author of Build a LinkedIn Profile for Business Success.
    Daniel joined LinkedIn in early 2004 and publishes Articles , interviews and exclusive content about advanced LinkedIn strategies to clients and subscribers to his website,

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    About Yanique

    Yanique DaCosta was born in Kingston, Jamaica. DaCosta graduated from Florida Atlantic University and Full Sail University with a BA in Fine Arts and an MFA in Media Design.

    She is the founder and owner of YKMD.

    With 12+ years of design experience, the United States Department of Labor recognized her as an expert in Brand Development and Graphic Design by engaging her as a consultant for the federal 0*Net program.

    Yanique currently sits on the Executive Board of the Graphic Artists Guild, where she was elected National Treasurer by the organization’s membership. She is also the International Council of Design delegate, representing the Guild and teaching graphic artists at varying international conferences and meetups. She is an acknowledged contributor in the 15th and 16th editions of the Graphic Artists Guild’s Handbook: Pricing and Ethical Guidelines, a national reference book for professional graphic artists and agencies.

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    About Craig

    Craig Goldberg is a Relaxation Expert and Technologist on a quest to help humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the use of sound and vibration technology. He is a Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner, and his work is backed by 40+ years of research showing the many benefits of this type of therapy. He is also a patented inventor, constantly exploring new ways to use sound and vibration to help people reduce stress and anxiety, heal, and transform their lives for the better. Craig is passionate about his work and truly believes in its ability to provide a path toward a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

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