As wombmen have been taught that we are naturally cyclic by nature, however there is little information regarding a wombman's natural life seasons and cycles. To learn, know and be intimate with these seasons is to be a very powerful wombman.
• The Maa'itu Podcast Show © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2024 • -
Undergoing a hysterectomy surgery, or being in Menopause does not in any way form or shape negate a wombman's basic wombmaness - it cannot, and does not.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Peri-menopause is just one other stage of the 7 seasons of a wombman's journey through life, and it is essential to inner and overstand this, so as to prepare oneself mentally and physically for all encounters on the voyage, and to be fully prepared, equipped and as organized as possible for the other end of this stretch of our journey known as Menopause.
Depression is real. How can we identify it, and how can we step away from it?
This podcast highlights the fibroids, cysts, cancerous tumor growths and Endometriosis pains that are plaguing black and brown melanated wombmen both on the continent and in the Diaspora and discusses the why's and how's.
Kamau RA Wambui is the founder of Upendo Foods. Najar shares his thesis regarding Cancer, how it forms and how to avoid and heal from this painful deadly condition through healthy foods and habits.
As wombmen we go through 4 phases every 28 days. What are the names of these phases and what do they mean?
Listen in for a deeper innerstanding and appreciation regarding the wonderful workings of our magical melanated wombs!! -
How to make your garden bloom
Water, sunshine, love, care and loads of nurturing ❤️💕
Much of the time, a negative response from others to whom you are as a vibrational being is often not a personal individual attack on your person – I state this firmly from a place of much discussion among fellow healers, counselors and mental health practitioners.
We have been in very hard and strange times where people in general are taught to be unkind or unthinking as a first response and this is because many of us don’t have the necessary info about who we are as humans to make positive informed decisions.
Today's culture is unfortunately based on FEAR - we are taught that whatever is perceived as different from yourself is to be automatically feared and opposed.This is why it is necessary to know whom we are as wombmen, so that we can make informed choices - and step out with great confidence about whom we are and how we function.
• ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW © 2022 • All rights reserved. No part of THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.For permission requests, send a recording to THE MAAI'TU PODCAST SHOW leaving your contact email details and we shall get back to you.
A quick brief explanation.
We are Vibrational beings. We know this. We vybe in sound frequencies... and we also vibrate with a colour frequency that is known as an Aura.
• ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW © 2022 • All rights reserved. No part of THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.For permission requests, send a recording to THE MAAI'TU PODCAST SHOW leaving your contact email details and we shall get back to you.
In this podcast we’re going to dive deep. Very deep. We’re diving into a lesson about the vibrational frequency of hue - mans which are commonly referred to as Auras.
Why am I sharing about Aura’s and Cakra’s on Maaitu Podcast show?
Because this was knowledge that our Greats had, our Great Grandmothers, Great Grand Aunties, all Elderwombmen and all Healers – this is knowledge which our ancestral mothers and grandmothers held and which concern our health and well-being on a day-to-day basis. As Maaitus and Queens today, as Mothers and sisters and guardians of nurturing the next generation - knowledge of our particular energy vibration and the positions of our energy centres within our bodies is essential.
The womb is a major energy centre however, there are others. Further, when we learn about Cakra’s and Aura’s we learn how to function in our full energy, and who doesn’t need more knowing regarding how to live full awesome beautiful lives?
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“ACEs” is the acronym for “Adverse Childhood Experiences.” ACE's is a real physical dis order that affects the mental and physical. These experiences include factors like physical and emotional abuse, neglect from care givers, guardians and parents, violence and all forms of abuse from the home or school that are experienced during the childhood years.
When I talk with many wombmen and we discuss their pasts, I find that there is usually a the link between their present day dis eases and traumas to adverse Child hood experiences that occurred in their high schools.
What we go through in those early years affects & infects us for life - and is why many of our brightest young beautiful daughters graduate from high school with extra Diplomas in Alcohol Abuse, or Drug Dependence, Diplomas in Depression and Certificates of Sadness, while some take a final degree and commit suicide, for e-motional pain is often excruciating.
Listen in and learn how you can guide your womb-seeds, your daughters, through these four years of high school, and how to give them the tools that they need to Hack it through not only high school, but through life's journey itself.
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Shame is a very low energy – it is a frequency of 20hertz. It is a low energy frequency within the group of e-motions known as Depression. Depression is a State of having low energy and vitality. Remember that our Melanated skin is akin to a transformer and changes light into energy that we can use for our living – when we are in a State of Depression – it simply means our energy in motion is so low that we are unable to operate in full power.
This is why when a person feels ashamed, they are very close to death, for the frequency of Shame is 20, and the next hertz reading is Death, at Zero. There is no other buffer. When a person feels shame, they are close to committing suicide.
All Rights Reserved by The MAAITU PODCAST SHOW ®2022
Our body frequencies or vibrations range between 20 hrtz to 750+ hrtz. To make things simple, let us call Hertz a measurement of energy with 20 being low energy and 750+ being a lot of energy. Remember that the light energy we absorb as melanated beings from the sun, moon and star light is always in perpetual motion – it’s never sitting or standing still – this constant pulsing is what is called a hertz measure. Now our melanin is a powerful transmitter and is able to transform or transmute light for our personal use within our bodies - this is the purpose of our melanin - to transform energy - and thus, we are able to make two types of energy, chemical and kinetic energy. In a prior podcast, I spoke regarding kinetic energy. Now I shall share a little more regarding chemical energy.
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What is this interest and fuss about emotions and energy that has been outpouring on social media for a while now?
We are in a season of a Great Awakening of consciousness, a time where there is a shifting of powerful energies - and this awakening is a period of asking new questions and receiving new answers. What most people are not cognizant of however, is that these energies are within us, and so, much of the energy shifting that is occurring is really about a new awareness of whom we are as melanated energy beings. I’m sharing this short simple breakdown of three key words: - energy, emotion and melanin - and what these mean. From hereon going forwards, you can personally do further deep diving towards awakening your consciousness.
©The Maaitu Podcast Show February 2022. -
Our history on the continent for a long while was written by hostile foreigners to this land who were not true to their stories – well, not true to the African. When I was a little girl I would hear my then president, the first one of Kenya, repeat a slogan regarding our country – that when the white men of the British Empire came to our country, they found us with much land. They of course came without land, but they had 2 tools, their guns and the Bible. These men taught us how to (1) revere and fear the gun as a tool of death, and (2) how to close our eyes and pray. However, when we opened our eyes after prayers, we saw that before us we had a Bible, but we had lost our lands and ways of life, while the white men had gained our lands.
We also have an African proverb that laments thusly - that "until the Lionness tells her story, the accepted and known tale shall always be that of the Hunter."
This is why I call myself an Afristorian and I ask both men and particularly wombmen begin to speak out regarding their HerStories and Shestories.
©The Maaitu Podcast Show, January 2022 -
We do not know. However, we can learn from scientific data from an older pandemic. As AfriKan Wombmen, we also have to shift gears from our collective denial regarding our womb health and into actionable responsible commitments. All information shared on this podcast is fact based and well researched.
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Does the physical and emotional health of a pregnant mama impact the health of her up unborn in the womb? Of course it does!! and the severity of the total impact the mother’s health has on the development of the fetus has been severely and critically downplayed. The actuality and reality is that when the fetus is under-developed, it is to the detriment of our children’s long term health. The words “child and children” though are messy, because in truth, these health conditions are life-long for your child and they continue past childhood, into adulthood, into elder-hood and until death. They are Life-long.
THE MAAI'TU PODCAST SHOW © • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW • 2021 • No part of THE MAA’ ITU PODCAST SHOW may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of THE MAA’ ITU PODCAST SHOW, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law and with clear reference and credits directed to THE MAA’ ITU PODCAST SHOW. For permissions, transcripts or questions regarding appointments or speaking engagements send e-mail to -
ACES is the acronym for Adverse Childhood Experiences. There is now scientific evidence that adversity from the womb, infant (pre-verbal) and early childhood can create harmful levels of stress - stress which causes body illness and mental disease.
This podcast is about habits and practices that affect our pregnancies.
Folk wisdom and cultural beliefs throughout history - not only in Africa but around the indigenous melanated world - have upheld and support the understanding that a pregnant wombman’s emotions deeply affect her fetus, and also strongly attest to the certainty that everything we eat, drink, feel, hear and see during our pregnancies impacts greatly on the babies we are carrying in our wombs. This affecting and infecting is upto 99%.
The babies, are in our wombs, and are a part of our blood and nervous systems and energy-motional network.
THE MAAI'TU PODCAST SHOW • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE MAAITU PODCAST SHOW • 2021 • No part of THE MAA’ ITU PODCAST SHOW may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of THE MAA’ ITU PODCAST SHOW, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law and with clear reference and credits directed to THE MAA’ ITU PODCAST SHOW. For permissions, transcripts or questions regarding appointments or speaking engagements send e-mail to - Laat meer zien