In this episode, Cassie discusses the strategic priorities she focused on to 4x her sales in the past 4 months without working more hours or a complicated strategy/funnel.
If you enjoyed today's episode, be sure to DM cassie over on IG @cassiebiltz and let her know!!
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode, Cassie covers:
How to identify what your current "edge" is and how to run towards itThe predictable "symptoms" of being at your edge (AKA: what your brain is going to do as you step out of your comfort zone)How to use your investments to stretch you and expand your recievorship for more How to use your edges to shift your identity + quantum leap How to raise your prices from intuition, not ego How to clean up energetic leaks so you can stop wavering and get clear on *exactly* what you want and create it 10x fasterEnjoy!
PS: To connect with Cassie, follow her on IG @cassiebiltz
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Cassie is BACK with a new episode and an update on how the podcast will be shared moving forward!
In today's episode, Cassie discusses:
How to let go of all the overthinking that's weighing down your content creation How to blend the "art and science" of good messaging + contentWhat to do when you find you have writer's block so you can have CLEAR thinking and access to brilliant content ideas all the timeEnjoy!
PS: To connect with Cassie follow her on IG @cassiebiltz
In this week's episode, Cassie dives into:
The self-concept to bring into any container you invest in so that you ALWAYS get what you came for and then someHow to stop giving your power away to coaches hoping they have some secret "magic sauce" that you're missing (this will cost you SO much money and lead you to a lot of poor investment decisions). When you invest in coaching the investment doesn't create the result (just like if you buy a bunch of weights.. you're not automatically going to lose weight - just investing in your health doesn't mean you're entitled to the outcome).How to think, train, and invest like an athlete
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind ---> DM cassie on IG @cassiebiltz with "MASTERMIND" for more info
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode, Cassie dives into...
The three steps to take when you feel like you're in a slow month or "sales slump"The purpose of your feelings and how they are designed to re-direct you towards more useful, empowered thoughts (without having to use "positive thinking"How to stack the evidence so that things are always adding up for you, allowing you to build massive momentum in your business
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here .
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here
Join the upcoming "Money in the Bank Messaging" Workshop here! -
In this episode, Cassie discusses:
4 tips for energetically "clean" sales that feel good to both you AND the person buyingHow to stay neutral throughout the selling processThe power of staying in curiosity during a sales conversation How consultation calls or sales convos aren't about making the sale, but rather helping that person come to a confident buying decision The concept of market and move on
If you've ever felt like selling feels complicated, icky, or just downright sucky - this episode is for you.
Enjoy!PS: Wanna chat with Cassie and map out your gameplan to your next (or first) 6-figures? Book a free, no-obligation 6-Figure Clarity + Game Plan call here.
In this week's episode, I go deep into what it means to be truly devoted to "it's working".
You're always one of two places: In the energy of "It's working" or in the energy of "It's not working".
How much time are you spending in "trying" energy? In focusing on what's not working? How often do you wait for outside circumstances to show you that things are adding up for you?
You've got to DECIDE "it's working".
and then,
it does.
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here .
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this week's episode, I share a HUGE ah-ha moment I had with my coach and mentor this past week.
I dive into how I navigated a "negative" story that continued to come up in my business and how one little insight can change EVERYTHING for you.
I also discussed how letting go of our thinking and tapping into our innate wisdom is all we need to know the next steps we need to take in our life and business.
This episode is real and vulnerable, and I couldn't wait to share because I know so many of you will relate!
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here .
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this week's episode, Cassie shares:
How the three principles of mind, consciousness, and thought play into your experience of your businessHow to let thoughts flow, versus constantly having to do mindset work, thought replacement work, "reprogramming", etc. How you're only ever one of two places: In your thoughts, or in your life. You can't be in both at the same time - and how to instantly know which one you're inWhat "negative" feelings actually mean, and how to not make them a problem.How to allow your innate wisdom to guide you in business, which allows you to relax into your intuition and inner well-being
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here .
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode, Cassie covers:
How to validate an offer via a simple social media post or two before you begin marketing or creating it (this is a simple step 99% of people miss which costs them tons of time, energy, and money).How to re-position the same offer to sell better (versus making completely new offers)How to create $100k with a signature offer in your business How to sell what people ACTUALLY want versus what you think they *should* wantHow to generate demand by tapping into your best-fit client's core desireHow to use a time constraint to enhance the potency of your offers
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here ! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container).
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode, Cassie discusses:
How to see your clients in their power so you don't step into a savior complexHow to stop taking too much responsibility for your clients, which means you open up your capacity to serve more people The reason people don't own a specific, tangible result in their offer, and how to name and claim the result you give people without taking on too much responsibilityIf you're ready to 10x the results your clients get inside your container and attract empowered clients who go all in - You'll want to listen in to this week's episode!
---> How to Apply to join The next round of The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Book a free, no-obligation 6-Figure Clarity + Game Plan call here. -
In this week's episode, Cassie discusses...
How she utilizes mentorship as a space to practice showing up as her next-level selfWhy mentorship spaces should feel like a completely safe space to have maximum growth The questions to ask before asking for help from a coach/mentor so that you get the most from their responses How to have high-impact conversations inside a mentorshipWhat it means to source answers within yourself
How to Apply to join The next round of The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Book a free, no obligation 6-Figure Clarity + Game Plan call here. -
This week I'm joined by my mastermind client, Kaylie!
The difference between investing from a place of "fixing" you or your business, versus investing from a calm place of certainty How she built a successful business during COVID, while having her first baby and her second The wins, insights, and outcomes she experienced while working inside The {Whole}isit Business Mastermind
In this episode, we talk about:
Learn more about Kaylie and follow her here!
How to Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here ! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container).
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this week's episode, Cassie discusses...
How to create content that immediately catches the attention of empowered, ready-to-buy clients Why creating "value" content is slowing down sales and what kind of content to create instead How to create content + messaging that creates an internal demand for your offerWhat it really means to create "value content" How to instantly set yourself apart as an authority in your space
>>>Join us inside "Content to Clients" here!
Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container). -
In this week's episode, Cassie covers:
How to focus on your ideal client's problems, versus your own, and how focusing on their challenges and solving their problems will make you a lot more money The questions to ask if you want to be deeply connected to your best-fit client and create content that speaks directly to them and makes your offer no-brainerHow to show your clients how doable, simple, and achievable your process and offer isHow to easily set your offer apart from everyone else in your niche/industry
Apply to join The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container).
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
An effective client journey is the difference between someone following you on social media for months or years on end...
How to create a cohesive client journey that quickly moves people off your social and into your free and paid offersHow to have your content be results-focused in a way that has people DMing you asking for info + beginning your client journey How to keep your offers focused, so that you become known for one core result or one core offer
and someone landing on your content and actually wanting to work with you today.
Having a client journey that you KNOW works, and that you can repeat time and time again, is the difference between someone stuck at 3k months, and someone creating 10k+ months.
In this episode, Cassie discusses:
How to Apply to join The next round of The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here ! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container).
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this week's episode, Cassie covers:
How to keep your messaging constrained and clear, so people know right away if they want to work with you or not (which is a GOOD thing)How to get people OFF social media and into your offers The self-concept of showing up in the online space as an expert - this is the energetics of marketing and messaging that SO many people missHow to OWN the result you're offering people so you can create clients faster than ever
How to Apply to join The next round of The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here ! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container).
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode Cassie Discusses...
Exactly what to look at if your offer(s) aren't selling at the level you know they are capable ofThree "rules" to help you know what problems to solve for in your business Why the price, your audience, and you as a person are NOT the reason something isn't sellingWhy changing the price doesn't mean something will sell better (and what to do instead). The trap of thinking you have the "wrong audience" and what to think/do instead if you think your audience isn't interested in your offer.
How to Apply to join The next round of The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Find all the details and apply here ! (by applying you're in no way obligated to join, it just takes us to the next step and ensures you're a solid fit for the container).
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode, Cassie discusses:
What to do if you're ready to grow past the 1-5k mark in your biz (you're averaging 3k months)How to solve the RIGHT problems in your business, and how to know if you're truly experiencing a money mindset "block", or if you need a better strategy The three things to look at if you're DONE being at your current income level
How to Apply to join The next round of the {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Book a free coaching consultation here or take me up on a coaching trial run and chemistry test by booking a free 6-Figure Game Plan + Strategy session here.
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here -
In this episode, Cassie chats with her client, Beth Basham, about her experience and wins inside The {Whole}istic Business Mastermind.
In this episode Cassie and Beth touch on:
1.) How to stay out of "fix it" energy in your business (AKA your business isn't broken, so don't invest in programs to "fix" it).
2.) How to make sufficiency your natural state/way of being
3.) How to trust yourself and your intuition in a noisy online space that can have you doubting yourself
Follow and connect with Beth on her podcast, Beyond Intuitive Eating, and her Facebook group here.
How to Apply to join The next round of the {Whole}istic Business Mastermind:
Book a free coaching consultation here or take me up on a coaching trial run and chemistry test by booking a free 6-Figure Game Plan + Strategy session here.
Join the "IGNITE YOUR DEMAND" Masterclass >>> RSVP Here - Laat meer zien