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Listen to Greg Boyd share his wisdom and insight 3 times per week. Recognized in 2010 as one of the 20 most influential living Christian scholars, Greg's teachings have enlightened people all over the world in their search for God. Get to know Greg and his profound theology through these short, impactful episodes.
The Thinking Fellows is a 45-minute podcast about theology, philosophy, Christian history, and apologetics. It is hosted by Scott Keith, Caleb Keith, Adam Francisco, and Bruce Hilman. The Thinking Fellows bring high-level subject matters to fun and insightful lay-level conversations each week.
In the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we'll show you how the good news of the Gospel, and our Christian faith, can naturally and confidently be woven into any and every area of life. We'll help you make discipleship a lifestyle and gain greater spiritual freedom and relational peace.
Each episode is pretty fast-paced, and even though it's serious stuff, it can be funny too. We always wrap up with clear action steps for you to get started with the "Big 3" takeaways. -
Life is hectic, demanding, and doesn’t stop. When honest with ourselves, we must confess we often don’t know what the hell we’re doing. The Larkcast is an ongoing conversation about the inclusive and mischievous nature of God’s presence through the lens of all the things that make up the phenomena we refer to as “life.” Astonishing grace and refreshing honesty collide right here for your weekly encouragement.
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @lark_social -
Podcastissa kuullaan mielenkiintoisia henkilöhaastatteluja ja viimeisimpiä kuulumisia lähetystyöstä sekä tutustutaan ihmisiin Kansanlähetyspiireissä Suomessa.
Podcastissa toistuvia juttusarjoja ovat muun muasssa "Minustako raamattuopettaja", "Kerran lähetystyöntekijä, aina lähetystyöntekijä", "Tarinoita kentältä" sekä "Kuka on..."
Uusi jakso ilmestyy lauantaisin. Kuunneltavissa myös Radio Deillä lauantaisin kello 8.35 alkavassa ohjelmassa, jossa kuunnellaan myös viikon Raamattuavaimet.
Kirkossa on useita näkymättömiä työtehtäviä, joista tämä podcast pyrkii nostamaan esille. Ilman näiden ihmisten työpanosta, työt eivät sujuisi. Podcastissa kuullaan samalla erilaisia tarinoita sitä, miten ihmisiä päätyy kirkon töihin, mitä erilaisimpiin hommiin. Podcast voi kiinnostaa ketä tahansa, joka haluaa kuulla palasen siitä, mitä kaikkea osaamista ja palvelua kirkollisverolla saa ja mitä kirkko ja paikallinen seurakunta oikein tekevätkään. Kirkon näkymättömissä töissä podcastia juontaa ja käsikirjoittaa pastori Satu Leino. Tuottajana, teknikkona ja muusikkona toimii kanttori Risto Eskola. Molemmat ovat töissä Kuusankosken seurakunnassa. Lisätietoa:
Sacrilegious Discourse is a podcast that is reading the bible from front to back for our first time. We wanted this project to be a resource, so we are creating stand-alone podcasts for each book of the bible. This is Exodus and all of the episodes we covered from Exodus.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Janet Boynes’ story is one of struggling and overcoming drug addiction, eating disorders, homosexuality, depression, and thoughts of suicide.
You may be struggling with many of the same things. By the grace of God, Janet Boynes survived. She realized that if God could help her, He could help and heal many others as well. Get encouragement and inspiration from her powerful story. This will help and equip you on your journey to freedom and healing.
You might be able to relate to many of the people that Janet has interviewed on the podcast. Our hope is that you will draw strength from God through these powerful testimonies. God's word reminds us, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. John 8:32 NIV
We believe that when you know better, you will do better. What God has done for Janet and many others, He will also do for you and your loved ones. -
Tuomas Enbusken uudessa, asiaa ja viihdettä sekoittavassa Enbuske ja Jeesuksen duunarit -podcastissa kurkistetaan erilaisten ja yllättävienkin kirkon työntekijöiden elämään ja sielunmaisemaan: millainen on ihminen, joka on päättänyt tehdä työkseen hyvää? -
Between Two Beards is a podcast hosted by Mike Williams and Brock Minnich with Noah Henning, and Chad Taylor. We bring guests on to the show to share about themselves, their family, and their journey.
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day. -
Adventures Through The Mind is an interview-based podcast hosted by Canadian author and public educator, James W. Jesso. Although the show topics range---from spirituality, mental health, and emotional maturity; to love, relationships and sexuality; to history, philosophy, and neuroscience---there are two underlying themes that intersect them all: psychedelics & the mind.James W. Jesso is the author of Decomposing The Shadow: Lessons From The Psilocybin Mushroom and The True Light Of Darkness, both about his experiences exploring the potentials of psychedelics.