
  • Scott Snellings is a Managing Partner and attorney at Snellings Law, based out of Frisco, Texas.

    His journey began in college with aspirations to become a doctor, but after not performing well in biology, he pivoted toward psychology and subsequently discovered a passion for law through an internship with a personal injury lawyer.

    Scott pursued legal studies at Baylor Law School, renowned for its practice court program, and since then, has climbed the ranks from working on General Motors cases at a product liability defense firm to starting his own firm in 2008.

    Scott is notable for his dedication to helping people through personal injury law, combining his love for medicine and desire to help those in difficult circumstances.

    In this invigorating episode of The Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Scott Snellings, a personal injury lawyer with a compelling narrative that has shaped his profession and the culture at his law firm, Snellings Law.

    As the conversation unfolds, Scott delves into his law journey, the transformations his career has undergone, and the principled approach he takes towards managing his law firm.

    The heart of the discourse concentrates on implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a holistic business model encapsulated in the book “Traction” by Gino Wickman.

    Scott eloquently explains how EOS has revolutionized his law firm, stressing the critical role of a structured meeting rhythm, accountability, data-driven decision-making, and the importance of maintaining a vibrant, shared culture.

    His firm’s success hinges on team collaboration, creativity, and guarding the core values that define their work ethic.

    This episode is a reservoir of insights, offering prudent counsel to law firm managers seeking sustainable growth and culture-focused entrepreneurship.

  • Frank Rekas hails from a strong background in financial services, boasting an impressive career spanning nearly 33 years.

    Originally from Chicago, Frank has been calling Boca Raton, Florida his home for over three decades.

    His transition to the warmer climate coincided with his shift from retail hardware into the financial sector.

    Frank's extensive experience, particularly in advising attorneys on financial matters, positions him as a thought leader in the industry.

    His expertise spans over various aspects of financial planning, including cash flow management, retirement strategies, and tax optimization.

    In this episode of The Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Frank Rekas to share his wealth of knowledge on financial planning for attorneys.

    Frank discusses the common hurdles legal practitioners face in managing their finances and offers valuable insights into proactive financial strategies.

    The conversation kicks off with Frank's personal journey, from his roots in Chicago to becoming a financial savant in the sunny state of Florida.

    Frank delves into the common financial pitfalls for attorneys such as procrastination and compartmentalizing financial products without a cohesive plan.

    He emphasizes the importance of organizing one's financial drawer, working with a mentor, and the benefits of having a one-stop financial planning shop.

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  • Loyd Bourgeois is a seasoned attorney and managing partner at a law firm situated in a small town between New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

    As a first-generation college graduate, Loyd holds an engineering degree and later pursued law at Tulane, developing a specialization in environmental law.

    After initially practicing in toxic tort remediation, he shifted his focus to disability law, sparked by a personal family experience.

    Today, he has grown his legal practice to encompass personal injury and disability cases, expanding his services nationally in the disability arena while maintaining a strong local presence for personal injury matters.

    In this insightful episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey introduces Loyd Bourgeois, an attorney with a unique story who has built a thriving legal practice right on the outskirts of two major Louisiana cities.

    The episode taps into Loyd's journey from engineering to law, his initiation into disability law due to a cousin's health crisis, and the subsequent expansion of his practice to connect with his community on a deeper level.

    Loyd shares how his firm carved a niche in a small town while leveraging proximity to larger markets to attract clientele.

    He emphasizes the power of local engagement and online strategies to build a trusted brand in less populated areas.

    Despite operating in the shadow of legal giants, Loyd explains how smaller firms can thrive by understanding their market, being community-focused, and utilizing digital marketing in parallel with grassroots efforts.

  • Sally McDonald is a distinguished attorney hailing from Rhode Island with a noteworthy presence in the legal community.

    Beginning her career as a paralegal, her passion for law was ignited, leading her to attend Roger Williams University School of Law.

    Currently, she is the managing partner at Cameron and Mittleman, specializing in business litigation with an extensive legal portfolio that includes employment, estate and trust, and construction litigation.

    Sally is also known for her dedication to nonprofit boards and boasts a rich history in hospitality management.

    In this insightful episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Sally McDonald to discuss the vitality of networking, personal branding, and business development within the legal sphere.

    Sally shares her multifaceted journey and her progression to becoming the managing partner of her firm.

    Central to this episode, Sally emphasizes the importance of lawyers building their personal brand and networking skills, particularly in the post-COVID era where both in-person and online interactions are crucial.

    Focusing on the integration of personal marketing alongside firm-wide efforts, she prescribes a triad strategy: serving on nonprofit boards, engaging in organized networking groups, and effectively utilizing LinkedIn.

    Sally advocates for finding a balance between professional and personal marketing to promote individual lawyers within their firms.

  • Taly Goody is an accomplished attorney based out of Los Angeles, California.

    As the founder of the Goody Law Group, she specializes in personal injury and employment law.

    Taly began her career working in art law before establishing her law firm in 2019.

    With a keen focus on competitive marketing and leveraging the power of social media, she has adeptly navigated the California legal landscape to grow her practice.

    Recently, her husband Grayson joined her as a full-time partner at the firm, which is also serving clients in Wyoming.

    In this enlightening episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey chats with Taly Goody about the significance of social media for law firms and how it can be a game-changer in client acquisition and brand building.

    From starting with zero clients to attracting major cases through TikTok, Taly shares her personal journey and tactics that led to the success of her firm's social media presence.

    Taly delves into the strategies that worked for her, emphasizing the importance of consistency and authenticity on social media platforms.

    She explains how her approach has evolved from being a solo contributor of content to now having a social media manager, which has streamlined the processes for her firm's online presence.

    The episode provides an intimate look at how Taly balances creating content for her firm's branding alongside her personal brand, revealing the significance of connecting and engaging with the audience beyond the professional sphere.

  • Christopher "Chris" Earley is a personal injury lawyer based in Boston, known for his unique approach to law practice and emphasis on authenticity.

    With a background marked by overcoming personal challenges, including addiction and homelessness within his family, Earley has built a humble practice focused on empathy and authenticity.

    A prolific writer and advocate for vulnerability in the legal field, Earley contributes to various columns and shares insights that resonate with both clients and fellow lawyers.

    In this episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey sits down with Boston-based personal injury lawyer Christopher Earley to discuss the intersection of personal background and professional practice.

    With an upfront approach, Earley shares his compelling story of triumph over a difficult upbringing and how this has shaped his client relationships and management style.

    The conversation delves into the power of vulnerability, the importance of being authentic in the legal profession, and the ways in which personal stories can build connections and grow a legal practice.

    Chris Earley emphasizes the idea that marketing and running a law firm should go beyond traditional methods, focusing on creating authentic content and leveraging one’s unique experiences for a distinct competitive edge.

    Key strategies for young attorneys starting out in the legal world are also discussed, highlighting the significance of daily persistent efforts in building one’s brand.

    Alongside, Kevin Daisey offers insights into efficient work distribution for lawyers, urging them to engage in high-value tasks that can exponentially aid the growth of their firms.

  • Wendy Merrill is a fierce advocate for improving the practice of law.

    She has worked with thousands of lawyers around the world, providing practical guidance and proven techniques designed to help lawyers and their firms thrive.

    Wendy is both the proud CEO of StrategyHorse, a consulting firm committed to boosting law firm profitability with proven strategies, and the co-founder of The Savvy Advocate, a unique associate training program designed to prepare younger lawyers and their firms for success.

    She also is an author and prominent speaker on law firm growth strategy, winning the war for legal talent, bridging the generational gap in law firms, and more.

    In this episode of the Managing Partners podcast, host Kevin Daisey sits down with Wendy Merrill, a seasoned expert in law firm profitability and internal alignment.

    The conversation delves into the nuances of leadership, strategy, and the essential need for alignment within legal firms to enhance their growth and success.

    During the episode, Wendy and Kevin engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the challenges law firms face in the modern business environment.

    Wendy shares insights into the importance of having aligned leadership within a firm to drive profitability and employee engagement.

    She emphasizes the significance of understanding individual motivations and aligning them with the firm's goals.

  • Ben Leader, a Rock Hill, South Carolina native, is a diligently practicing attorney with a rooted presence in the state.

    An alumnus of Clemson University and Campbell University Law School, Ben's zest for the legal domain was stoked under the mentorship of a local circuit court judge post-law school.

    His deep-seated association with Elrod Pope Law Firm is marked by his status as a second-generation attorney, sharing the professional space with his father, Jack Leader.

    With an ethos of evolving and adapting, Ben has played a pivotal role in steering his firm through transformative growth, particularly in the realm of intake processes and client acquisition.

    In a compelling new episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Ben Leader, an attorney with an engaging story of rejuvenating his firm's trajectory.

    Ben's first-hand account provides rich insights into the operational pivot that has propelled their growth, particularly in the realm of client intake.

    As the conversation unfolds, Ben Leader delves deeply into how his firm confronted inefficiencies and strategically reinvented its intake process.

    Ben reveals the enlightening journey his firm embarked upon, transitioning from a worker's compensation stronghold to a 75% personal injury caseload, all while combatting the pitfalls of traditional, less data-driven methods.

    Through a gripping narrative, the episode uncovers the impactful decision to undergo a thorough intake audit which led to a remarkable increment in case sign-ups, signifying a 210% growth without additional marketing expenditure.

    This strategic mastery has not only resulted in operational optimization but has also sparked a philosophical transition towards a more volume-based approach, without sacrificing the firm's boutique essence.

  • Hugo Gomez is a seasoned expert in the field of lead generation with a digital marketing background and over 15 years of experience.

    Originally from Ecuador but now based in Los Angeles, California, Hugo has cultivated a niche expertise in servicing the Spanish-speaking legal community.

    He has notably ventured into the legal sphere to tackle the complexities of lead generation and marketing for law firms targeting Hispanic clients.

    As the founder and lead of his agency, Abogados Now, Hugo leads a 50-strong team of bilingual digital marketing professionals focusing on generating leads and providing bespoke services to attorneys who recognize the necessity of advertising in Spanish.

    In this engrossing episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes guest Hugo Gomez, who sheds light on the specialized world of marketing for law firms in the Spanish-speaking demographic.

    Hugo brings a captivating perspective on the unique challenges and opportunities that come with marketing to a niche yet expansive audience.

    As the conversation delves into Hugo's journey and the inception of his own agency, the narrative broadens to encompass the importance of comprehensive commitment when marketing to the Hispanic community.

    He emphasizes the lack of shortcuts in achieving success in this sector and the crucial role of mobile, social media, and video content.

    The discussion uncovers the rich diversity within the Hispanic market and articulates the growing necessity for law firms to adopt bilingual strategies.

    The episode is not just about marketing to a specific audience but also touches on the symbiotic relationship between agencies and law firms—underscoring the collaborative responsibility needed to drive success.

    Hugo's insights are particularly revealing for law firms contemplating entering or expanding their presence in the Hispanic market.

  • Michael Cowen is a seasoned trial lawyer hailing from San Antonio, Texas.

    He is a prominent figure in the realm of litigation, with a specialized focus on mostly trucking litigation.

    Michael manages two law firms: Cowen Rodriguez Peacock, a boutique firm that emphasizes cases referred by other attorneys, and Begum and Cowen, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which engages in direct-to-consumer advertising.

    Known for his passion for the courtroom, Michael sits as the senior decision-maker at his Texas firm and plays a significant role in the management team of the New Mexico entity.

    Beyond his administrative duties, he stays deeply involved in litigation, actively participating in trials and major legal proceedings.

    In this insightful episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey dives deep into the importance of processes and procedures with guest Michael Cowen, a trial lawyer known for his success in the field of trucking litigation and effective law firm management.

    Through their dynamic conversation, they shed light on the transformative power of meticulous systems within legal practice.

    Michael Cowen shares his journey from working laboriously on every case to strategically focusing on attorney referrals, which significantly boosted his average fee and case quality.

    He delves into his decision to streamline operations and how doing so multiplied his income while reducing his working hours.

    Cowen underscores the significance of maintaining regular client contact and comprehensive file reviews to ensure client satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • Michael Massey is an accomplished SEO strategist at Array Digital, a marketing agency specialized in content and SEO for law firms.

    His expertise lies in decoding Google updates and shaping strategies to enhance online search visibility for clients.

    Michael's analytical skills and ability to adapt to the evolving digital landscape make him a valuable asset to the Array Digital team.

    In this insightful episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey is joined by SEO strategist Michael Massey to dissect the latest 2024 March Google core update.

    Offering a gripping narrative that any legal firm looking to finetune their online presence would find invaluable, Kevin and Michael explore the nuances of SEO in the legal industry.

    The discussion delves into how Google's updates shape the strategies necessary for law firms to stay on top of the search spectrum.

    The pair emphasize the importance of understanding and adapting to these updates to maintain organic online traffic.

    Michael's insights offer clarity on Google's mission to prioritize user experience over keyword-stuffed content.

    They also discuss how Array Digital takes a proactive approach to address potential SEO setbacks and ensure clients' sustained success in organic searches.

  • Eda Rosa is known as the "CEO Paralegal", a title bestowed upon her by her audience and followers.

    With a dynamic legal background that started with her role as a billing clerk ascending to a litigating paralegal, Eda's curiosity led her to explore various legal practices including real estate, personal injury, family, criminal, and her ultimate favorite, corporate law.

    Transitioning from a "W2 paralegal career" to entrepreneurship, she founded Eda Rosa LLC.

    As a mother seeking flexibility, her company now specializes in upscaling legal professionals, providing essential on-the-job training, staff empowerment, and efficient law firm operation strategies.

    Additionally, she hosts her own podcast, "Let's Talk Paralegal", aiming to support and empower legal staff members through education and community engagement.

    In this enlightening episode of the Managing Partners podcast, host Kevin Daisey introduces Eda Rosa, an expert who intricately bridges the gap between legal education and practical law firm experience.

    The conversation dives into the critical role of paralegals and legal support staff, highlighting their influence in law firm growth and client satisfaction.

    Discover how Eda's entrepreneurial journey led to her fostering a community that shines a spotlight on non-lawyers within the legal industry.

    Key points of discussion revolve around the importance of investing in firm staff, recognizing warning signs of poor productivity, and executing team-building strategies to maintain motivation and efficiency within a firm.

    Outsourcing and the intricate process of staffing are also touched upon, providing listeners with a clearer understanding of how to manage their human resources effectively.

    Eda emphasizes the significance of treating employees well, offering them growth pathways, and ensuring they have access to the tools and training required to excel in their roles, mirroring the investment in client relationships.

    The episode underscores the mutual benefits of clear communication, goal alignment, and the valuable outcome of internal promotions.

  • Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert is an accomplished personal injury attorney and the owner of Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group.

    Growing up in an entrepreneurial family in New York, she witnessed firsthand the importance of owning a business.

    After attending business school and experiencing legal issues of her own, she decided to become a lawyer.

    Upon obtaining her law degree in Atlanta, she founded her firm immediately, taking an unconventional path by diving into entrepreneurship straight out of law school.

    Jennifer is passionate about problem-solving, coaching, and sharing her experiences with the legal community.

    In this enlightening episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Jennifer Gore-Cuthbert, a dynamic and influential personal injury lawyer from Atlanta.

    The conversation dives into the heart of law firm branding and marketing, coupled with Jennifer's unique journey in the legal realm.

    From starting her firm right after passing the bar to becoming a beacon for modern law firm management, Jennifer's story is not just inspiring — it's a roadmap to success for aspiring and current law firm owners.

    From the onset, Kevin primes listeners for an engaging discussion filled with practical insights and shared philosophies on law firm growth and management.

    We delve into the importance of creating a personal brand alongside the firm's brand, and how embracing one's uniqueness can transform business opportunities.

    The dialogue also touches on scaling law firms, the necessity of advertising, and the power of being comfortable in one's own skin.

  • Robert Ingalls is a former practicing lawyer and the founder of LawPods, a podcasting service specializing in podcasts for law firms.

    With an initial interest in the criminal side of law, Ingalls pivoted from almost seven years in law practice after realizing it wasn't for him, particularly due to the emotional weight of criminal defense work.

    He transitioned into the realm of podcasting, where he found his niche in helping legal professionals establish and run their podcasts.

    His story of career change and focus on personal development and leadership has played a critical role in the establishment of LawPods.

    In this episode of the Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Robert Ingalls, an expert in legal podcasts.

    The conversation kicks off with Robert sharing his journey from practicing law to founding LawPods.

    With a mission to help law firms harness the power of podcasting, Robert and Kevin dive deep into how podcasts can serve as a strategic platform for attorneys and firms.

    Robert's narrative offers an authentic look at the challenges lawyers face and the potential solutions through podcasting.

    He emphasizes the importance of initiating a podcast with a clear strategy, identifying desired outcomes such as lead nurturing or referral driving.

    The episode also explores various podcasting formats suitable for law firms, including monologues, collaborative discussions, and interviews with experts serving the dual purpose of content creation and relationship building.

  • Brian Mattocks is a seasoned podcaster and a pivotal figure at Podcast Chef, a company that specializes in producing podcasts for business owners, particularly those looking to leverage podcasts as business development tools.

    With a couple of years under his belt as the host of the "Hard to Market" podcast, Brian possesses substantial operational experience and offers insights into using podcasting effectively for networking and business growth.

    In this episode of The Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes fellow podcaster Brian Mattocks to delve into the strategic use of podcasting for law firms.

    Offering a blend of value and wisdom, the discussion orbits around how to deploy podcasting as a powerful networking and relationship-building tool.

    The conversation kicks off with insights into the common hurdles law firms encounter when starting a podcast, such as the quest for perfection and the unnecessary spending on equipment that can lead to failure without ever hitting record.

    Addressing the 'podcast graveyard,' Brian emphasizes the importance of simply getting started, learning the ropes, and improving over time.

    He advises that firms should focus on the relationship-building potential of podcasting, rather than fixating on metrics like download numbers.

    Further into the dialogue, Brian shares a strategic approach for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) law firms to cultivate their podcasts.

    He suggests B2C firms target channel partners and industry experts that can offer content beneficial to potential clients.

    He also points out that the authenticity and the strategic connections formed before and after the recording can bring substantial business benefits, transcending the value of the content itself.

  • Luis Scott is a seasoned professional in the legal industry with a career spanning over 20 years.

    Starting out as a part-time receptionist and interpreter, Luis's drive and business acumen catapulted him to the position of managing partner at the very first law firm he worked for.

    From there, his entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his own firm, which he grew to seven-figure revenues.

    Subsequently, he embarked on another partnership that boasted multiple eight-figure growths.

    Luis's passion lies in the business side of law firms, focusing on growth, sustainability, and imparting his knowledge to other firms.

    He is the visionary behind 8 Figure Firm and the author of four books, including "The Nine Principles of Exponential Growth" and "The King of Growth."

    In this episode of The Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes the return of Luis Scott, a dynamic entrepreneur and legal industry maven known for transforming law firms into prosperous businesses.

    As we delve into Luis's extensive background, listeners are treated to an inspirational story of a man who carved a niche for himself in the realm of law firm management and entrepreneurial success.

    Luis Scott shares his trajectory from beginning in a legal firm to becoming a managing partner and subsequently founding his own successful firms.

    The conversation pivots to Scott's current venture, 8 Figure Firm, which is revolutionizing the way law firms approach business growth.

    Luis's methodology, encapsulated in his books, has guided nearly 150 law firms toward significant revenue milestones, with 20 achieving eight figures in predictable annual revenue.

  • Leah Miller is a knowledgeable financial professional specializing in helping law firms manage their finances effectively.

    With over 13 years of experience that began with her tenure as a paralegal, Leah swiftly moved up the ranks to manage a personal injury law firm by the age of 26.

    She is highly educated, boasting both a bachelor's degree and an MBA, and her career evolved into roles such as firm administrator and CFO.

    Today, Leah runs her own company, started in February 2023, offering bookkeeping and fractional CFO services aimed at guiding law firm owners toward financial confidence and growth.

    In this insightful episode of The Managing Partners Podcast, host Kevin Daisey welcomes Leah Miller, a veteran in law firm administration turned entrepreneur, to discuss the significance of financial management for law firms.

    The audience is in for a deep dive into essential topics like cash flow, bookkeeping, and strategic financial planning that are pivotal for setting and reaching the growth objectives of a law firm.

    Leah delves into her professional journey, outlining her rapid ascent and her eventual transition to owning a business that supports law firm owners in understanding and optimizing their financials.

    The conversation then centers around the importance of goal-setting and the financial strategies required to achieve sustained growth in law firms, underlining the unique financial challenges they face compared to other industries.

    Key themes include the encouragement for law firm owners to look beyond routine financial management and consider strategic investments to fuel business expansion.

    The discussions emphasize the benefits of Profit First methodology in business financials, advocating for a proactive and educated approach to handling finances, both business-wise and personally.

  • Scott Beebe is the owner of My Business On Purpose, a coaching and advisory firm that helps business owners create clarity, structure, and systems in their businesses.

    He is a certified exit planning advisor and has extensive experience in helping businesses prepare for successful exits.

    Scott Beebe emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for your law firm and how it can drive growth and success.

    He discusses the three layers of building a business: the five foundational cornerstones (vision, mission, core values, team meetings), the concrete slab (job roles, charts, process roadmaps, subdivided bank accounts), and the four walls (marketing, sales, operations, administration).

    Scott also provides insights into valuing a business and preparing for a successful exit.

  • Brian Glass is an attorney and the co-founder of Great Legal Marketing, a consulting and coaching firm for solo and small firm lawyers.

    He has over 15 years of experience in the legal industry and specializes in personal injury law.

    Brian is passionate about helping lawyers build successful and fulfilling practices that align with their personal goals and values.

    Brian Glass discusses the challenges that lawyers face in running their firms and the importance of prioritizing their own well-being and happiness.

    He emphasizes the need for lawyers to design their practices around the life they want, rather than sacrificing their personal lives for the sake of their clients.

    Brian also highlights the mental health issues prevalent in the legal profession and the need for lawyers to take care of their own mental well-being.

  • RJon Robins is the CEO and Founder of How to Manage a Small Law Firm, a company that helps law firm owners build and scale their businesses.

    He is also the author of "Profit First for Lawyers" and his team produces the "Profit First for Lawyers" podcast.

    RJon Robins joins Kevin Daisey on the show to discuss the importance of scaling up your law firm.

    RJon emphasizes the need for growth in order to have a big impact on the world and create opportunities for employees.

    He explains that a successful law firm should serve the owner financially, professionally, and personally.

    RJon also shares insights from his book, "Profit First for Lawyers," which provides strategies for making your law firm more profitable.