In this episode we look at an MOB incident in the 2024 Round the Island Race in which a crew of five were inundated by a following sea off St. Catherine's Point, UK resulting in one tethered MOB, one MOB clear of the vessel with only a short distance to a lee shore... Oh and the skipper broke his leg in the knock down. Both MOB's were recovered without injury, but there is a lot to look at as I take this hot take on the actions taken by the crew and how things turned out.
I'll be sharing insights as a professional sailor, examining what went right, what went wrong, and the crucial lessons we can carry forward.
If you like joining me for these deep dives on topic's like: MOB recovery, heavy weather tactics & offshore seamanship please consider supporting the production of this material over on Patreon where for $5 a month you can get access to extra content, including: livestream Q&A's, free project consultancy and exclusive sailing trips on my boat Osprey
Get a better deal on your next boat insurance policy connect with our partner Edward William Insurance, to make marine insurance simple and straight forward; whatever your style of sailing.
FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON YOUR NEXT POLICY Quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off at checkout, or better still follow this link:
To hear my personal research regarding this insurance broker who I also have a policy with, and the Q & A I had with their COO before making the decision to creating to partner with them; check out
The Mariner Podcast #118:
#navy #shipping #ships #ocean #sailing #yacht #themariner
Today, we're diving into the Marine Accident Investigation Bureau's (MAIB) report on the 2006 Roaring Meg of Cowes incident, where two crew were seriously injured in two crash gybes that happened within minutes of each other.
I'll be sharing insights as a professional sailor, examining what went wrong and the crucial lessons we can learn.
If you would like to join me for more deep dives on topic's like: MOB recovery, heavy weather tactics & offshore seamanship, check out:
Follow up the back story in this playlist:
CSM: Iceland-Canada Footage Commentary
Live-streamed narration of video from this voyage, with live chat responses from Patrons on all the seamanship details.
Sign up at:
Mariner's Library Podcast: #254 | 'The Southseaman' | Weston Martyr | Part 3
After reading so many sailing books from the past 120 years I am starting to recognize certain authors who I had never heard of before starting the Mariner's Library who were giants within the sailing community a life time ago.
One of the most commonly referenced authors from the first half of the 20th century has to be Weston Martyr, and the book everyone compliments is 'The Southseaman'.
Available anywhere you stream podcasts:
Get a better deal on your next boat insurance policy.
Connect with our partner Edward William Insurance to make insurance simple and straight forward, whatever your style of sailing.
FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON YOUR NEXT POLICY Quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off at checkout, or better still follow this link:
If you chose to accept a policy with Edward William you will be supporting the Mariner with 10% of your policy payment. Please give me feedback on your interaction.
To hear my personal research regarding this insurance broker who I also have a policy with, and the Q & A I had with their COO before making the decision to creating to partner with them; check out
The Mariner Podcast #118:
#navy #shipping #ships #ocean #sailing #yacht #themariner
Join us in this episode as we delve into the nuanced art of headsail trimming, guided by the wisdom of Captain W.H. Illingworth's 'Offshore' (1948).
We explore often overlooked aspects of headsail trim, including car positioning, halyard tension, forestay sag and more.
Discover how these techniques can optimize your performance and elevate your sailing experience.
If you would like to join me for many more deep dives on topic's like: MOB recovery, heavy weather tactics and offshore seamanship, check out:
Patreon & Youtube Membership
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon where for $5 a month you can get access to all the extra content, including the narrated version of this video (concentrating on the seamanship, safety aspects & stories surrounding what is going on in this video), livestream Q&A's, free consultancy PLUS merch, and exclusive sponsor sailing trips with CSM.
Find it all at: You can also join this channel on Youtube to get access to the same perks as on Patreon:
Travel Episodes
Solo, on an 80ft yacht in the North Atlantic. '
After voyaging from Canada to the UK with a separate crew, CSM sailed the 80ft Gran Mistral 'Weddell'', single-handedly from Southampton to Reykjavik, Iceland.
There he met a new crew. After sail repairs, provisioning and safety training, they set sail for St. John's, Newfoundland; 1700Nm away.
It was September and heavy weather was expected. What we got was a 'Super Storm'.
See the latest episode here:
Follow up the back story in this playlist:
CSM: Iceland-Canada Footage Commentary
Live-streamed narration of video from this voyage, with live chat responses from Patrons on all the seamanship details.
Sign up at:
or via Youtube membership:
Mariner's Library Podcast: #254 | 'The Southseaman' | Weston Martyr | Part 3
After reading so many sailing books from the past 120 years I am starting to recognize certain authors who I had never heard of before starting the Mariner's Library who were giants within the sailing community a life time ago.
One of the most commonly referenced authors from the first half of the 20th century has to be Weston Martyr, and the book everyone compliments is 'The Southseaman'.
Available anywhere you stream podcasts:
Get a better deal on your next boat insurance policy.
Connect with our partner Edward William Insurance to make insurance simple and straight forward, whatever your style of sailing.
FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON YOUR NEXT POLICY Quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off at checkout, or better still follow this link:
If you chose to accept a policy with Edward William you will be supporting the Mariner with 10% of your policy payment. Please give me feedback on your interaction.
To hear my personal research regarding this insurance broker who I also have a policy with, and the Q & A I had with their COO before making the decision to creating to partner with them; check out
The Mariner Podcast #118:
#navy #shipping #ships #ocean #sailing #yacht #themariner
Spinnaker poles have three bits of rigging holding them in place we all know that, but it often comes as a shock when sailors realize they have been missing the third (and arguably the most important) piece of rigging on their main boom.
Preventers save lives- it's just that simple. Please take time to listen to this podcast and update your knowledge on preventers and check out the Mariner Youtube channel for even more tips and details.
If you would like to join me for many more deep dives on topic's like: MOB recovery, heavy weather tactics and offshore seamanship, check out:
Patreon & Youtube Membership
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon where for $5 a month you can get access to all the extra content, including the narrated version of this video (concentrating on the seamanship, safety aspects & stories surrounding what is going on in this video), livestream Q&A's, free consultancy PLUS merch, and exclusive sponsor sailing trips with CSM.
Find it all at: You can also join this channel on Youtube to get access to the same perks as on Patreon:
Travel Episodes
Solo, on an 80ft yacht in the North Atlantic. '
After voyaging from Canada to the UK with a separate crew, CSM sailed the 80ft Gran Mistral 'Weddell'', single-handedly from Southampton to Reykjavik, Iceland.
There he met a new crew. After sail repairs, provisioning and safety training, they set sail for St. John's, Newfoundland; 1700Nm away.
It was September and heavy weather was expected. What we got was a 'Super Storm'.
See the latest episode here:
Follow up the back story in this playlist:
CSM: Iceland-Canada Footage Commentary
Live-streamed narration of video from this voyage, with live chat responses from Patrons on all the seamanship details.
Sign up at:
or via Youtube membership:
Mariner's Library Podcast: #254 | 'The Southseaman' | Weston Martyr | Part 3
After reading so many sailing books from the past 120 years I am starting to recognize certain authors who I had never heard of before starting the Mariner's Library who were giants within the sailing community a life time ago.
One of the most commonly referenced authors from the first half of the 20th century has to be Weston Martyr, and the book everyone compliments is 'The Southseaman'.
Available anywhere you stream podcasts:
Get a better deal on your next boat insurance policy.
Connect with our partner Edward William Insurance to make insurance simple and straight forward, whatever your style of sailing.
FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON YOUR NEXT POLICY Quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off at checkout, or better still follow this link:
If you chose to accept a policy with Edward William you will be supporting the Mariner with 10% of your policy payment. Please give me feedback on your interaction.
To hear my personal research regarding this insurance broker who I also have a policy with, and the Q & A I had with their COO before making the decision to creating to partner with them; check out
The Mariner Podcast #118:
#navy #shipping #ships #ocean #sailing #yacht #themariner
This episode we learn key elements the skipper of a vessel in heavy weather should keep in mind, to keep his vessel sound & her crew safe. Capt. Illingworth was a submarine commander in WWII as well as a racing skipper, and therefore had a better measure than most as to the thoughts uppermost in a skipper's mind in heavy conditions.
I hope my communication of his ideas into this new medium does not distract too much from his message.
If you would like to join me for many more deep dives on topic's like: MOB recovery, heavy weather tactics and offshore seamanship, check out:
The Mariner Podcast.
Patreon & Youtube Membership
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon where for $5 a month you can get access to all the extra content, including the narrated version of this video (concentrating on the seamanship, safety aspects & stories surrounding what is going on in this video), livestream Q&A's, free consultancy PLUS merch, and exclusive sponsor sailing trips with CSM.
Find it all at: You can also join this channel on Youtube to get access to the same perks as on Patreon:
Travel Episodes
Solo, on an 80ft yacht in the North Atlantic. '
After voyaging from Canada to the UK with a separate crew, CSM sailed the 80ft Gran Mistral 'Weddell'', single-handedly from Southampton to Reykjavik, Iceland.
There he met a new crew. After sail repairs, provisioning and safety training, they set sail for St. John's, Newfoundland; 1700Nm away.
It was September and heavy weather was expected. What we got was a 'Super Storm'.
See the latest episode here:
Follow up the back story in this playlist:
CSM: Iceland-Canada Footage Commentary
Live-streamed narration of video from this voyage, with live chat responses from Patrons on all the seamanship details.
Sign up at:
or via Youtube membership:
Mariner's Library Podcast: #254 | 'The Southseaman' | Weston Martyr | Part 3
After reading so many sailing books from the past 120 years I am starting to recognize certain authors who I had never heard of before starting the Mariner's Library who were giants within the sailing community a life time ago.
One of the most commonly referenced authors from the first half of the 20th century has to be Weston Martyr, and the book everyone compliments is 'The Southseaman'.
Available anywhere you stream podcasts:
Get a better deal on your next boat insurance policy.
Connect with our partner Edward William Insurance to make insurance simple and straight forward, whatever your style of sailing.
FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON YOUR NEXT POLICY Quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off at checkout, or better still follow this link:
If you chose to accept a policy with Edward William you will be supporting the Mariner with 10% of your policy payment. Please give me feedback on your interaction.
To hear my personal research regarding this insurance broker who I also have a policy with, and the Q & A I had with their COO before making the decision to creating to partner with them; check out
The Mariner Podcast #118:
#navy #shipping #ships #ocean #sailing #yacht #themariner
I started this series of Advanced Seamanship Notes (Episodes 115-117) to bring to light specific areas of sailing knowledge which are A. difficult to locate in sailing resources on-line or off, and B. provided by a Mariner who is recognizably a 'Master' - in the true sense of the word.
Captain J H Illingworth was considered the 'father of offshore sailing & racing' in postwar Britain. He started the Junior Offshore Group in the UK, acted as Commodore for the Royal Ocean Racing Club , but also was the instigator of the Sydney to Hobart Race in Australia, in 1945.
That alone could be pedigree enough for my purposes- but add to that the fact that he was also a decorated submarine Captain in WWII, and suddenly you may realize, as I did; that what Capt. Illingworth did not know about waves and the upper layers of the ocean and their effect on a sailing boat is little more than chafe on the wind.
Come take a knee, as I have, at the hand of a Master Mariner- and let's learn some more about Ocean Racing Strategy
Youtube Video Episode - Available 8 hours after the episode appears on podcast streams Come watch the carnage in person!
The Mariner's Library Podcast
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by me an actual sailor, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
Finally, to support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
I started this series of Advanced Seamanship Notes (Episodes 115-117) to bring to light specific areas of sailing knowledge which are A. difficult to locate in sailing resources on-line or off, and B. provided by a Mariner who is recognizably a 'Master' - in the true sense of the word.
Captain J H Illingworth was considered the 'father of offshore sailing & racing' in postwar Britain. He started the Junior Offshore Group in the UK, acted as Commodore for the Royal Ocean Racing Club , but also was the instigator of the Sydney to Hobart Race in Australia, in 1945.
That alone could be pedigree enough for my purposes- but add to that the fact that he was also a decorated submarine Captain in WWII, and suddenly you may realize, as I did; that what Capt. Illingworth did not know about waves and the upper layers of the ocean and their effect on a sailing boat is little more than chafe on the wind.
Come take a knee, as I have, at the hand of a Master Mariner- and let's learn some more about Waves & wave riding.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by me an actual sailor, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
Finally, to support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
I started this series of Advanced Seamanship Notes (Episodes 115-117) to bring to light specific areas of sailing knowledge which are A. difficult to locate in sailing resources on-line or off, and B. provided by a Mariner who is recognizably a 'Master' - in the true sense of the word.
Captain J H Illingworth was considered the 'father of offshore sailing & racing' in postwar Britain. He started the Junior Offshore Group in the UK, acted as Commodore for the Royal Ocean Racing Club , but also was the instigator of the Sydney to Hobart Race in Australia, in 1945.
That alone could be pedigree enough for my purposes- but add to that the fact that he was also a decorated submarine Captain in WWII, and suddenly you may realize, as I did; that what Capt. Illingworth did not know about waves and the upper layers of the ocean and their effect on a sailing boat is little more than chafe on the wind.
Come take a knee, as I have, at the hand of a Master Mariner- and let's learn about Waves & wave riding.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by me an actual sailor, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
Finally, to support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
L is for many things at sea, but as always, I wanted to find something that would make us stop & think maybe and see things afloat from a new angle.
This episode gives us the opportunity to discuss things as divergent as structural delamination and emotional overload, excessive crankcase oil pressure and fighting complacency as we get more experienced. L is for Leaks and boy are there a lot!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon. where for $5 a month you can get access to more audio books, videos and discussion.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
Another Questions and Tangents Episode, this time we look at emails sent regarding, PTSD and shouting, sea sickness & the function of the ear, buying old race boats (and the fun they can be!) and much more. PLUS loads of me rambling on.....
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon. where for $5 a month you can get access to more audio books, videos and discussion.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
Marine insurance is a massive heartache for many sailors who are doing slightly 'non-standard' things in sailing, whether it is crossing oceans, sailing solo or cruising with your family- often times it is very difficult to get a policy that will cover you. I have faced this problem for years- this episode I discuss who I am now insured with and why and read the answers to questions I submitted to the Chief Operating Officer of my brokerage.
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon. where for $5 a month you can get access to more audio books, videos and discussion.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
Sometimes we get the opportunity to sit at the hand of the master and hear first hand what is the best way to do something.
This is the third part of one of those moments.
This episode I read the last section of the Appendix of Capt. Voss' book 'Venturesome Voyages' and if that leaves you feeling a little less than interested, don't worry, it's just because you don't' know who Capt. Voss is.
I've got you covered on that too.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by me an actual sailor, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
Finally, to support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
Sometimes we get the opportunity to sit at the hand of the master and hear first hand what is the best way to do something.
This is the second part of one of those moments.
This episode I read the second section of the Appendix of Capt. Voss' book 'Venturesome Voyages' and if that leaves you feeling a little less than interested, don't worry, it's just because you don't' know who Capt. Voss is.
I've got you covered on that too.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by me an actual sailor, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
Finally, to support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Edward William Insurance.
Please visit
Remember to quote the code MARINER10 to receive 10% off your premium.
Sometimes we get the opportunity to sit at the hand of the master and hear first hand what is the best way to do something.
This is one of those moments.
This episode I read the Appendix of Capt. Voss' book 'Venturesome Voyages' and if that leaves you feeling a little less than interested, don't worry, it's just because you don't' know who Capt. Voss is.
I've got you covered on that too.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Questions and Tangents #14 and this episode we continue down the rabbit hole regarding buying a used race boat.
Last time we discussed this I said, 'Don't do it - unless you REALLY want/ need to do it.'
But as you did it anyway... (which I knew you would...)
This time I'm saying- 'Since you can't take simple advice-;) here's 2 further hours of things to bear in mind.'
I guess #3 (Owing a Race Boat Long Term) is coming soon...
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
So, after all your best efforts to prevent a Man Overboard Situation now your crew are in the water, and they are relying solely on you to not only come and find them; but also to do it in heavy seas, high winds and at night.
Let's explore the options when all hope appears lost, when only brute strength and the spark of ingenuity may be all you have to get the job done.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
We've all done it, taken a quick nip onto the foredeck just do ' that thing' and suddenly we find ourselves realizing one wrong move and we are toast.
This episode looks to try to reconcile that kind of risk-taking to the garbage can and promote instead a deep instinctual suspicion that the sea does not actually care about you, is in no way impressed or 'wow'd' by your skill set and will take every opportunity you give it, to wipe you off the deck of you boat if it can and off the face of the earth, if you are not able to regain the safety of the vessel quickly.
Join me for a sobering, but not necessarily melancholy look at preventing a Man overboard situation.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Today is the day of the solar eclipse across North America, the only one that will touch the continent until 2024 (when only three states will experience totality) therefore: Happy Solar Eclipse Day!
I thought I would put a few thoughts down relating to the historical and scientific history of solar eclipses to give you Dad's EVEN more to amaze and thrill your kids with.... as you always do.....
Once I push the button on this I am off outside to watch the partial eclipse we will experience here in Nova Scotia with three generations of my family- a first for me and something I am very much looking forward to!
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Another Dogwatch, to relieve the anxiety I am starting to feel doing these safety at sea episodes back to back- my dreams have started to become very weird and threatening when i spend my days talking at length about everything that can or might go wrong at sea!
This time we discuss autopilots v's wine vane steering, boat deliveries out of West Coast US cities and the complications therein and why top notch race boats have curved traveller tracks.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
Losing the mast, rudder or even a single hatch cover at sea in heavy weather can be catastrophic, unless you have been playing the 'what if' game for a while and already have the equipment, procedures and mental capacity developed to deal with the problem, concisely & precisely.
If you would like to listen to fantastic stories of sailors in small vessels taking on the ocean in the last 150 years, all selected & read by Chris, check out the 'Mariner's Library'.
If you would like to check out The Mariner Youtube Channel - we have gear reviews, how to videos, seamanship training videos and on the water reports. Remember to dock your finger carefully on the subscribe button!
To support the production of this material please consider heading over to Patreon.
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