
  • Strokes are caused by blocked blood flow to the brain (ischemic stroke) or sudden bleeding in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). About 87% of strokes are ischemic with the blockage in the brain usually caused by a piece of plaque or a blood clot.

    Like fingerprints, no two strokes are the same. Yet, conventional therapy options are limited and can compromise patient safety.​​ Rapid Medical’s CEO and co-founder, Ronen Eckhouse joins this episode to share how they are bringing critical innovation to tackle ischemic strokes and enable physicians to respond in real-time to the brain’s complex anatomy, helping tailor the procedure to every patient.

    Rapid Medical’s uniquely designed stent is hard on the clot but soft on the vessel, this allows physicians to actively adapt to the fragile environment found in the brain. Ronen shares how the company has built value through strong partnerships, a growing patent portfolio, and ultimately helped bring enhanced outcomes for stroke patients in countries across the globe. With a long-term mission to solve big problems and some exciting new innovation on the horizon, Ronen’s journey is one sure to leave you informed and inspired.

  • Vasectomy is a form of male birth control that cuts the supply of sperm to semen by cutting and sealing the tubes that carry sperm. The procedure has a low risk of problems and can usually be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. Despite contraceptive use worldwide increasing by 188 million users in the past 20 years, the number of vasectomy users fell by 27 million, a 61% decline, with almost all low-and-middle income countries reporting negligible vasectomy use. Female-to-male disparities in permanent method use have also widened further in the same period.

    Joining this episode, Signati Medical’s CEO and Founder William ‘Billy’ Prentice, shares how their company is dedicated to advancing men’s health and changing the status quo. Signati plans to launch the first innovation in vasectomy in more than 20 years with a procedure that would be fast for physicians and comfortable for patients. Designed to take just minutes, this could be done right in the urologist’s office and would offer easier recovery compared to some current techniques.


    From the get-go, Billy’s drive and motivation to advance the accessibility of this procedure and reduce the burden of responsibility on women, is evident. From Wall Street trader turned entrepreneur, the story of Signati and Billy’s journey is stacked with insights that are sure to leave you informed and inspired.

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  • Hair loss affects more than 80 million Americans—approximately 50 million men and 30 million women. This market is large and complex, but most importantly, it represents a wide range of patients. For about 25% of American men, the balding process begins in their 20s and almost 85% will experience noticeable hair loss by their 50s. Women, on the other hand, can lose their hair for a variety of reasons ranging from postpartum hormones to menopause.

    Traditional transplant remedies can be invasive, leaving a linear scar, and incur significant downtime. In contrast, Venus hair restoration equipment provides the right tools for the physician to create a natural-looking hairline for their patients. Joseph ‘Joey’ Brown, Global VP of Venus hair joins this episode to share how they are blending artificial intelligence with robotics to bring a new standard of treatment for patients.

    As someone who has suffered from hair loss himself, Joey shares honest insights into the mental anxiety faced, and why despite recent advance in hair transplant techniques, the robotic technology available via Venus’s ARTAS system, offers a new elevated level of accuracy and precision not previously seen before in the procedure. With more than 25 years of extensive industry knowledge, combined with Joey’s passion for helping other patients tackle their hair loss condition, this conversation is sure to leave you informed and inspired.

  • While the U.S. leads in many areas of healthcare innovation, it also lags behind much of the industrialized world in providing care for some of its most vulnerable populations. When it comes to maternal health, March of Dimes reports that a woman dies every 12 hours from pregnancy-related causes, deaths that show huge disparities and could be prevented.

    As an international leader in healthcare innovation, Philips is investing billions of dollars every year to advance R&D and help tackle health disparities. Jennifer Law, Philips’ recently appointed Maternal Health Leader, joins this episode to share how they are partnering with customers to increase productivity and deliver better care for more mothers across the world.

    Jennifer shares insights into some of the technology that is shaping improved outcomes, helping to reach people in new places, and with enhanced intelligence. From AI to tele-health solutions, the underpinning factor is an inclusive approach that has a personal touch. Tune in to learn more about how Jennifer is helping guide Philips’ mission in maternal health, a story packed with passion that is sure to leave you informed and inspired.

  • In this enlightening episode, CEO & co-founder Melody Roberts delves into the often-overlooked topic of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and its impact on women's lives. SUI, a condition where physical movement or activity causes involuntary leakage of urine, affects millions of women, impacting their confidence and quality of life. Melody breaks down the causes, from childbirth to menopause, and the daily challenges women face, including the stigma and emotional toll associated with the condition.

    Melody introduces the innovative work being done at Liv Labs, a company dedicated to empowering women through education and novel solutions. She highlights Liv Labs' new coaching service and plans for a comprehensive online education platform, designed to provide women with the knowledge and resources they need to understand and manage SUI. Moreover, you can learn about Liv Labs' development of a cutting-edge pessary solution—a non-invasive device that offers a discreet and effective way to manage symptoms, allowing women to regain control and live their lives without interruption.

    Join Melody as she shines a light on SUI and shares how Liv Labs is pioneering change, providing hope, and improving the lives of countless women around the world. From their dynamic design duo roots to a mission centered around community, this is a conversation sure to leave you informed and inspired.

  • Large numbers of people are affected by infertility in their lifetime. According to a new report published today by the World Health Organization, around 17.5% of the adult population – roughly 1 in 6 worldwide – experience infertility, showing the urgent need to increase access to affordable, high-quality fertility care for those in need.

    The new estimates show limited variation in the prevalence of infertility between regions. The rates are comparable for high-, middle- and low-income countries, indicating that this is a major health challenge globally. Lifetime prevalence was 17.8% in high-income countries and 16.5% in low- and middle-income countries.

    Joining this episode to share their mission to solve some of the problems couples are facing, is the dynamic duo of Andreia Trigo (CEO) and husband Frank Khan Sullivan (CTO) of Enhanced Fertility. Their platform is bringing a new level of data-driven accessibility to patients from the comfort of their homes. Andreia’s shares how current inadequate systems impacted her own fertility journey, an emotional story that sets the stage for the collaborative program they are providing to deliver better outcomes for couples across the globe.

    Founders’ stories are often intertwined with personal knowledge of the problem they are looking to solve. From the get-go learning about Andreia’s own experiences, this discussion offers a range of insights into the trials and tribulations that couples are facing through their fertility journeys. Frank shares how their North Star is referred to as Net Baby Score, a measured commitment to help millions of people procreate their families, an incredible mission that is sure to leave you informed and inspired.

  • Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women and the most common cancer overall. Treatment often starts with a surgery known as a lumpectomy to remove the cancer, but in a high % of cases, patients may undergo multiple re-excisions after their procedure in an attempt to obtain clear margins and avoid mastectomy.

    In this episode, CEO of Dilon Technologies, George Makhoul, shares how they are helping to significantly reduce the need for re-excision with the use of their MarginProbe. A lumpectomy is a challenging surgical procedure, complicated by two obvious yet conflicting priorities: excise as much tissue as necessary to remove the cancer from the breast, remove as little tissue as possible to achieve the best cosmetic result.

    The MarginProbe System is designed to give today’s surgeons a significant new advantage in margin assessment. In a procedure of roughly five minutes, MarginProbe provides real-time, detailed information to help a surgeon decide whether additional tissue should be taken, or whether to complete the lumpectomy procedure and close the incision.

    George’s background in marketing gives him a strong edge in the art of communication with stakeholders which shines through as he details the technology’s journey over the past four years. His consummate professionalism in articulating a clear approach and vision, has helped position Dilon as a leader in its field, backed up by some game-changing innovation that can significantly improve the outcomes for patients. With an inspiring mission for creating impact across the globe for women, this discussion will truly leave you informed and inspired.

  • The rigid, plastic T-shaped intrauterine device (IUD) has been available for over 40 years, with little to no innovation. Insertion is painful and involves numerous painful steps, and removal requires bothersome dangling strings, which are a nuisance for women and their partners. Most importantly, the pain associated with insertion and removal is widely known, leading to a nearly universal fear, particularly among younger women, of selecting an IUD.

    This ‘fear factor’ is a significant barrier that prevents women from adopting one of the most effective forms of contraception. 3Daughters’ goal is to eliminate this barrier to adoption and radically transform the IUD experience for both practitioners and patients.

    Mary Beth Cicero, CEO and co-founder of 3Daugthers, joins this episode to share how their innovative design forms a small frameless magnetic IUD that self-assembles in the uterus and conforms to a women’s body – with no strings attached. Through technological and scientific advancements, 3Daughters is addressing the pain and resulting ‘fear factor’ of IUD insertion.

    Alongside experienced co-founder Shelley Amster, Mary Beth discusses how in just two years the company has already made significant progress to translate their novel approach. With a comprehensive system and high-performance team, there is a belief within that this could be the first billion-dollar women’s health product.

    Big problems require big vision thinking, and it’s clear through this conversation that this is a team brimming with the passion and perseverance to realize their goals. As a seasoned consultant and marketer, Mary Beth offers some welcome insights as to what it takes to build a solution when those around you might not share the same optimism. #IUD has been trending for the wrong reasons and 3Daughters is on a mission to change the status quo. If you’re ready to be informed and inspired, then listen in.

  • Transforming the outcomes for a disease takes great innovation. With that, you need impeccable dedication and leadership for the team to deliver on taking a solution to market. Former CEO of LimFlow, Dan Rose, is one such leader who can attest to the trials and tribulations of this challenging journey.

    Dan joins this episode to share the story of how LimFlow’s technology has gone from an idea with potential, to a life-saving solution. In achieving this, the company has been able to re-design the anatomy of the body to offer hope to those suffering the effects of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (CLTI).

    During this discussion you will learn the despairing depths of a disease that is quite literally ravaging people’s lives. Dan shares how he was able to build a world class team from across the globe to design a new option for patients where none existed before. Navigating numerous challenges, raising significant amounts of capital, and leading the company to a successful acquisition by Inari Medical; From beginning to end, this tale will truly leave you informed and inspired.

  • Research suggests that women are more likely to experience joint pain, aching, and stiffness caused by arthritis or arthritic conditions. In fact, evidence suggests that women aged 50 to 60 years may be 3.5 times (350%) more likely to develop CMC osteoarthritis than men in the same age group.

    CEO and co-founder of Grace & Able, Sarah Dillingham, is one such arthritis sufferer. Following a life-changing moment, she decided to tackle the lack of suitable relief products for women. Through building an entire support community, Sarah has connected directly with those experiencing arthritis to offer a customized solution for women.

    The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis causes cartilage — the hard, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint — to break down. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the joints, beginning with the lining of joints. The main goals of arthritis treatments are to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

    In this episode you will learn what it takes to turn from patient to advocate to brand and product leader. Brand authenticity is something many companies aspire to, Sarah’s genuine and respectful approach with customers to truly understand their needs is something that any entrepreneur could learn from. With this universal design approach, she has been able to create value driven relationships to help grow the business. This is definitely a discussion that will leave you informed and inspired.

  • What are metamaterials and how can they help improve the performance of MRI?? Step forward Ryan Mcnaughton, CEO and co-founder of Primetaz to reveal how their technology is set to dramatically enhance both the quality of imaging but more importantly, offer game-changing time-saving to a process that is seeing significant growing demand.

    MRI has become one of the most important tools for doctors to see inside the body to understand what is happening in disease. MRI shows soft tissues like the brain, the heart, and other muscles and organs. It provides several ways to view the status of the tissue, such as looking at the shape, changes to the structure, blood flow, and inflammation.

    Being able to see inside the body quickly and clearly has led to advanced treatments and longer, healthier lives. Given the every increasing demand for MRI as a flexible imaging technique, many physicians, scientists, and engineers like Ryan continue to develop new ways to see disease earlier, enabling more effective treatments.

    While sharing the mission & motivation behind Primetaz, Ryan reveals insights that many entrepreneurs will readily relate to as well as detailing a vision that will excite both investors, patients, and physicians alike. Turning from engineer or any technical profession to entrepreneur is always a journey, and Ryan’s dedicated approach is sure to leave you inspired and informed.

  • Thirona’s CEO and Founder, Eva van Rikxoort, joins this episode to share how their FDA-approved device is now integrating into the clinical workflow to both enhance physician performance and patient outcomes. LungQ is built on more than 10 years of clinical trials and 200+ publications to utilize AI allowing automatic segmentation of pulmonary segments and subsegments found in the internal anatomy of the lung.

    This clearer understanding of lung anatomy helps enable broader adoption of minimally invasive treatments for lung diseases such as COPD and lung cancer, helping save more healthy lung tissue and lung function capacity. Acting as a map for lung anatomy, LungQ helps guide bronchoscopic navigation, leveraging AI to significantly enhance the precision, accuracy, and efficiency of bronchoscopic and surgical lung interventions.

    With such emerging AI applications comes a wonderful story of a mission-driven team that is connecting across continents to bring new levels of precision and accuracy to patients. As a scientist turned entrepreneur, Eva demonstrates all the characteristics of a great leader who is building a collaborative model for success. If you’re looking to learn how AI-powered software should be leveraged, then tune in to be informed and inspired.

  • Breaking bones is unfortunately a common part of life; in fact doctors treat about 6.8 million fractures each year in the United States alone, and the average person can expect to sustain two fractures over their lifetime.

    In this episode, we are joined by Brian Hess, CEO and Founder of RevBio, who is helping to transform bone repair with their innovative adhesive. Not only is this solution boosting how bones can rapidly fuse back together through its biomimicry properties, this is a product that stimulates bone growth and leaves no artifact in the body.

    From raising nearly $20 million in non-dilutive funding, it’s clear that this technology has huge potential with multiple indications available to be applied to. Brian lays out a clear strategic path to market that includes the opportunity to leverage early animal studies with veterinarians also seeing significant value from this exciting technology in the near term.

    Throughout this discussion, Brian displays all the attributes of a great leader, with a top co-founder coupled alongside in Grayson Allen, they have developed a winning culture, and a team that thrives on the opportunities they are given to both develop personally and help take this product to market.

    As a UMass M2D2 resident, RevBio is able to access a number of resources and an incredible pipeline of young talented interns who have grown with the company and stepped up into more senior roles. This is a startup story that is packed full of the hallmarks for building a successful innovative medical solution, and one that is sure to leave you informed and inspired.

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate, has been in the headlines recently with Britain's King Charles revealing plans earlier this year to have a corrective procedure to alleviate the associated symptoms. In this episode, Tushar Sharma, Vivifi Medical’s CEO and Founder, joins us to guide listeners through an amazing anatomical insight of the condition and their novel treatment.

    An enlarged prostate is a fact of life for the majority of men as they age. Due to the prostate’s close proximity to the urethra which carries urine from the bladder, pressure can build on this vessel as the prostate expands, leading to a range of associated urinary issues. Depending upon the severity of the patient's symptoms, different surgical techniques may be needed to alleviate these, with doctors often considering invasive surgery the best long-term option for relief of more bothersome effects.

    Under the leadership of Tushar, their exciting solution holds significant promise and despite its early development stage, has already received excellent feedback from surgeons. With such an innovative technology, comes a complex set of product development, clinical, regulatory, and reimbursement challenges. Tushar’s passion for bringing their product to market shines throughout this discussion, and his meticulous manner in solving these challenges is sure to leave you informed and inspired!

  • Studies show that over 65% of patients with chronic pain, Parkinson's Disease, post-acute stroke, and pelvic floor disorders do not fully recover with current treatments - resulting in hospital readmissions and ER visits.

    In this episode, we are joined by Siva Nadarajah, co-founder and President of JOGO Health, to share how more than a decade’s worth of research and testing has been undertaken to address this problem through their digital rehabilitation solution. Promising early results have shown how several chronic residual disabilities can be treated via telemedicine using their platform.

    JOGO helps healthy brain cell networks rewire themselves to work with muscles that have become inactive due to stroke and other neuromuscular conditions. JOGO also helps break the pain-anxiety muscle tension cycle to reduce chronic and cancer pain. The power of neural plasticity is fully leveraged through their novel prescription digital therapeutic product composed of wearable wireless s/EMG sensors. A patent-protected mobile app uses AI and VR to provide treatment protocols and games that can be adapted for muscle relaxation, movement coordination, and neuromuscular re-education.

    Siva also shares the origin story of the company, including the name “JOGO”, derived from Joe and Gordon - Dr. Joe Brudny and Dr. Gordon Silverman of New York University’s Rusk Rehabilitation Center and Rockefeller University, respectively. Beyond the more recent research, Joe and Gordon established the underlying science more than 50 years ago, and the JOGO platform is now finally rewarding Joe and Gordon's legacy to offer new hope for patients across multiple disease domains.

    Tune in so you can learn how this pioneering work is drawing together entrepreneurs, product design specialists, technology enthusiasts, physical therapy professionals, physiatrists, data scientists, and game designers, to deliver an effective solution for patients. From democratizing healthcare, to international collaborations for Go-to-Market strategy, this discussion is packed with knowledge to keep you informed and inspired.

  • The process of trying to conceive can prove to be an emotional rollercoaster – surprise, confusion, anger, worry, rage, sadness… Plus, the burden of having to monitor your body for signs of fertility that previously you'd never paid attention to can also add to the feelings of anxiety and guilt.

    As many as 8 million women in the US face difficulty when trying to become pregnant. Uros Kuzmanovic, CEO and co-founder of BioSens8, is on a mission to alleviate some of this burden by making tracking hormonal cycles a far easier process with their novel at-home diagnostic tool.

    Ovulatory dysfunctions are faced by 40% of women, the ability to test hormonal cycles at home will allow far greater control and help avoid the stress and challenges of visiting clinics to provide blood samples to access this data. This enhanced ability to track from the comfort of home, also aims significantly reduce the number of visits during IVF treatment.

    BioSens8 is a true platform innovation, with multiple opportunities to improve patient experience. Beyond their finger-prick test, there is also exciting technology being developed to allow continuous hormonal monitoring with a wearable device. Naturally, this is attracting the eyes of both patients and IVF clinics who are eager to improve outcomes.

    Throughout this discussion, Uros details the strength in being scrappy when it comes to building a startup and bringing game-changing innovation to market. From leveraging pitching contests, accelerator programs, and non-dilutive funding, this conversation covers it all. If you’re ready to be inspired and informed then tune in to enjoy this story.

  • Abdominal cavity examinations can be complex and expensive. This means they are often highly inaccessible for many people. OUI Medical was founded by Dr. Adarsh Patil in 2023 with a singular vision: to revolutionize the way abdominal examinations are conducted. Driven by a passion for innovation and a dedication to excellence, his team has set out to develop a solution that addresses the challenges of traditional diagnostic methods.

    The current standard involves laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure, sometimes referred to as keyhole surgery, as it uses a small incision to gain access to the body. There are currently estimated to be more than 14 million laparoscopic procedures performed annually worldwide, with this number anticipated to grow significantly in the years ahead.

    Despite this projected growth, the need for general anesthesia in current abdominal procedures makes this a resource intensive operation, placing a burden on healthcare systems. Pressures on Medicare spending, and a lack of access to surgical facilities in many countries, mean there is a strong need for innovation in this space.

    OUI Medical is pushing the boundaries of medical technology to create products that are not only effective but also accessible and user-friendly. Their initial product, the P-Scope, can be used with a local anesthetic administered, making abdominal diagnostic procedures more efficient, less invasive, and more affordable.

    From his home base of Bangalore, India, Adarsh has networked to build an engaged team, including a fantastic group of advisors, and truly leverage the ecosystem to help bring the product to market. He is proving that distance should not be a barrier to bringing great innovation to market. If you want to learn more about how this game changing technology could localize access for billions of people, tune in so you can be inspired and informed.

  • The healthcare landscape is primed and ready for consumers to have better control of their own health. With patients regularly facing significant out of pocket costs for diagnostic testing, combined with a poor user experience in trying to access the healthcare system, Nathalya Mamane, CEO and Founder of RT MicroDx, is stepping forward to leverage technology and provide an improved standard of care.

    In this episode, we discover how her startup is tackling testing issues head on. The company’s beachhead product is targeting Strep Throat, a common bacterial infection that affects millions of people every year. Despite its frequency, K Health reported that the cost of a strep test in the US averages $270 at a doctor’s office without insurance.

    RT MicroDx is looking to provide molecular testing from the comfort of your home, to make the test quicker and more efficient, meaning it will be more accessible for patients, leading to a more equitable system for all.

    As a non-technical founder, Nathalya’s journey is one that can be a shining light for other entrepreneurs looking to make an impact in the medtech space. She is demonstrating that by tapping into the startup ecosystem, and implementing a robust Go-to-Market strategy, it is possible to bring innovative solutions to patients without prior technical experience.

    Nathalya’s passion for solving a problem faced by millions of people shines through in this discussion. To overcome a challenging fundraising climate, she has preserved and continued to build value through strategic thinking, iterative development, and creating a strong network. This is truly a wonderful conversation with a great founder, so tune in so you can be equally informed and inspired!

  • Fundraising is a challenging process which is often confusing, drawn out, and ultimately leaves many founders frustrated. Statistics show that for certain founders, there appears to be an additional imbalance which is causing concern across the innovation ecosystem.

    Despite extensive data showing the benefits of a diverse founding team, underrepresented and underserved founders are still regularly being overlooked when it comes to dollars being distributed to startups.

    Allison Byers, CEO and Founder of Scroobious, steps forward to share her personal experience from medtech leader, to inspirational diversity fundraising champion. Her mission is to remove unfair, and often unseen bias in the pitching process through a combination of community and data science.

    Scroobious is leveraging the modern business plan, aka, your pitch deck, to help level the playing field for all founders when it comes to fundraising. Their value-driven platform teaches the top tips when it comes to building your story and conveying the best message to showcase your innovation, all while forging connections with funders too.

    If you want to learn more about how you can wow with your next investor presentation, or how a 19th Century poem is helping to celebrate and reap the benefits of diversity, then be sure to tune in so you can be equally inspired and informed.

  • Starting a medical device company is hard. Successfully building a medical device company is even harder. Medtech entrepreneurs are therefore constantly searching for guidance and support on their journey. If you ever wanted a podcast episode to act as a roadmap to accelerate your journey from idea to market, then this is the one for you!

    Tune in to hear how FastWave Medical is truly making waves when it comes to Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL). Not only are they bringing exciting new treatments to address an over $10B market in artery calcification, they are doing it in a hyper methodical and rapid manner. Incorporated 3 years ago, the startup went on to raise a $12M Series A round just six months later.

    The power of a great innovative product, combined with a leading team, shines through in this discussion with CEO and co-founder, Scott Nelson. And speed is a common theme during this episode, as Scott effortlessly translates the complex approach being undertaken with insightful knowledge bombs dropped apace from the get-go!

    If you want to follow in the footsteps of Scott and his fast-moving team, then be sure to have your pen and paper ready. FastWave is paving the way for other founders, so get ready to be inspired and informed.