
  • • We're always a work in progress and that's okay, right? I'm not perfect. Most times I catch myself and I'm thinking, oh my gosh, I've got this underlining belief and wow. But the difference is now I know some of the tools that I need to do to clear up the disharmony. Like I can move forward. I can recognize that in myself and say, okay, all right, Kristi, that was a great realization, but you know what? You have a choice. I mean, you're never stuck. You're not a tree, right? Jim Rohn. You're not stuck. You're not a tree. You don't like where you are. Change it. You're not stuck. You're not a tree. You don't like your relationship, change it. If you don't like the money that you're making right now, change it. If you don't like the job, change it. You don't like the house, change it. You are the creator of your reality and what you think about, you bring about. (04:27)

    • It was as though everything and everybody responded to her words of praise. People started showing up differently. They started treating her differently. New supply began to pour into her through gifts as increased income and as materials needed to add another room to her house. And within a short time, the room had been completely debt-free, debt-free. In fact, she personally did most of the work. She has used this as a meditation room ever since. She said it all began the day she started to thank and praise, give thanks, do thanksgiving for the good that she already had through positive affirmations, through positive words. So it's just a reminder every day in this time, all the time, as much as you can, instead of feeling like you're trying or you haven't arrived, take a step back and give thanks for everything you have. (06:58)

    • But that was because I decided, you know what, I didn't like exactly where I was in my life, there had to be something else out there. I didn't know what it was, but I knew that I wanted a different way. I knew that I wanted a different type of income. I knew that I wanted to be able to live a freedom-based life. I can work from anywhere. I can do this business from anywhere. I knew that I wanted to help a lot of people know their worth and step into the person that God created them to be. And using hair products that make you feel better and more confident, that's a big deal. That's a really big deal. I have so many people that reach out to me and say, you know, thank you so much for sharing these products with me, I wasn't confident in my own skin. Now my face is clearer. I feel younger. My hair looks better. I was able to take out my extensions. You know, all these types of things. And so, it's like these messages I get all the time, and it's just being able to like dream bigger. (11:26)

    • So you want more good in your life, more goodness, more blessings? You have to be that blessing. You have to be living in gratitude. You have to see everything as abundant. And you know what? Let me just say this, you may have a day where you don't feel like it and it's okay, don't beat up on yourself. Okay? It's okay to have that day. It's okay to fill those emotions. Know that it's coming up for a reason. Get your journal out. Start journaling, work through those emotions. But you know what? You have a choice. You don't have to stay there. You don't have to stay there. Staying stuck is a choice. Staying stuck is a mindset. You can choose to think differently. And one of the best ways to get out of a funk is to start thinking about everything that you're already thankful and grateful for, everything that you do have. Everything that you do have, my friend, because I'm sure you can find good in what you already have. There has to be some good, right? You can find some good in every day. Focus on that. Focus on that. Your life will change. (13:26)


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    NOVEMBER 29, 2022

  • • So, when you're born, I'm going to go right back to the birth, okay? When you're born, let's just pretend that your mind is a circle. We don't, it's abstract, it's metaphysical, but the mind, not the brain. We'll just pretend it's a circle. When you're born, so just picture a circle, all you're born with is the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. Those are the only two biological fears you have. And then of course you have the lizard brain, which is the fight or flight freeze and all of that stuff. So, when you're a child and you're just growing up, your mind is, this is why they say kids are sponges, right? They just take in everything because they don't really have a filter of what's true and what isn't, what's reality and what isn't and what's fantasy. And that's why they're so connected with their imagination. Anything's possible, right? And that is exactly what's happening. You really do have no distinction between what is true and what isn't. So during that time, they say between the ages of like zero to seven or eight, sometimes even nine, we'll just say nine to give it a nice container of time. But around age nine, you get what's called the critical filter or the critical mind, which acts essentially as a filter between the conscious and the subconscious. (02:05)

    • This is a big, big example. But if your parent always said, you know, money doesn't grow on trees. What do you think we can afford everything? We're not made of money kind of thing. You have to work hard for it. Well, guess what? Of course you're always going to have to work hard for it. You're going to think it's hard and it's unattainable. Same thing with love. Same thing with success. Same thing with anything. You have a terrible breakup. Your subconscious is like swear off all relationships, right? Or, attract the same relationship over and over again, because there's something there that needs to be healed. And there's something there that needs to be looked at and examined and acknowledged, you know? Yeah. So I'm saying a lot of things, but basically the way that's that we get limiting beliefs, big basic, basic, basic is that a ground zero of love and, you know, misguided help. It has good intentions. It really just wants to keep you safe. Your subconscious mind's one directive is to keep you alive, keep you breathing, keep you chugging along now, happy, fulfilled, successful, you know, loved. (06:05)

    • Well, I like to make it as simple as possible. So if you've ever started something and didn't finish it, even though you really wanted to finish it, there's probably a limiting belief. If your life right now isn't reflective of what you journal about and what your affirmations are and what you're trying to manifest right now, then there's probably a limiting belief in there. It's not always a huge one. It can just be a simple one. It can just be a little one, but it is enough. I mean, you're saying you're talking about 95% of your mind saying, no, no, you can't because whatever the reason is, no, you can't lose weight because you know, when you were 15 and skinny, someone hit on you and it was uncomfortable, you know, whatever. I've heard so many reasons or reasons, big quotes on reasons in the subconscious for, for you not to have what you truly consciously desire, all desires and goals and wants must start in the conscious. You get an idea in the conscious, it checks in with your subconscious mind. And if there's anything in the subconscious that's like, no, that's not safe, it's cool, we'll stay right where we are. Then it's just not happening because you have 95% going up against five. Yeah. And it's not to say that people don't do stuff, like it's not to say it's impossible, but I like to use this kind of imagery here. If you're trying to change a subconscious belief consciously, it's like chopping down a tree vertically, right? You'll get there eventually. You'll, make it happen. Your 5% is not zero, right? But it's going to be painful. It's way more difficult than it needs to be. (10:35)

    • Invite gratefulness, invite more ways to witness gratitude in your life. That is a good affirmation that I use for a lot of people who just don't know where to start, you know, I am opening to recognize. I recognize all the ways that my life is beautiful. And you'll start to... That's a training of your brain and you start to notice around you like, Oh, I never noticed that before, my grass is really green in my yard. That was a metaphor, and also you can take it literally because I am obsessed with my grass. I love that. My grass is really green in my yard. That's so good. Grass is so green in my yard guys. But anything, you know, do you have food in your fridge? And that's a big one for me, and I know it's kind of like cliché and it's a throwaway one for some people but I did not grow up with a lot of money, I grew up making like the weirdest combinations of whatever we had in our kitchen because I we just didn't we didn't have a lot. So the fact that I can make my kids meals regularly is crazy and everybody's going to have the their own different like little things like that, but find what it is for you. Here's a really good question you can ask yourself and I think everyone can answer this one and start to invite a little more gratitude. Just say what is one thing you have in your life today that you at one point thought you'd never have or felt impossible? One thing you have in your life today that at one point seemed like, too good to be true. Everybody has one. I just got goosebumps. I just felt all of you answer it. (17:03)


    Lynnsey Robinson's passion and purpose is helping you align your mind for success, own your inner light, embody your next level and clear the subconscious fear stories that have held you back holding you back from your highest potential. She teaches you how to release self-doubt, connect to yourself in a deeper way, become infinitely more confident, embrace your gifts, and expand your comfort zone, so you can attract your desires with more ease than you ever thought possible.

    Lynnsey has been featured in Psychology Today, Cosmopolitan Magazine and Huffington Post, as well as numerous events and podcasts.


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    November 15, 2022

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  • • It's so interesting out of all of the books that I've read, and I was going through my office the other day and I was like, Wow, I really have a lot of books. I have a lot of books, and I've read a lot, and not only do I have paper backs, but I also have Kindle too... And I thought about this, I'm like, out of all these books, pretty much every single one, one of the common denominators of every single one of these books, is talking about how to live a more joyful life, how to manifest what you desire, how to get vibrational harmony with that which you wish to manifest, how to increase love, all the things. Even how to get to a healthy weight. Really, it is to appreciate what you have now. Is to be in gratitude. Is to not constantly look at the next thing that you have to tackle and the next thing and the next thing, just like the episode 101 Podcast with Brianne, she talked about living a treadmill life, just going from the next goal to the next goal to the next goal without stopping and really appreciating what she already had. And the common denominator of pretty much all these books that I've read is the same thing, they always talk about gratitude, they always talk about how important it is to be grateful. To think... And not only just think about all the blessings and riches that you already have, but to really feel into them. Stop and just take a moment and think, Wow, look at this house that I have, look at this roof over my head, look at the food in my fridge, the running water, the shoes on my feet, the clothes on my back, the car I'm driving, my cellphone, electricity. There's so many things to be grateful for. (13:14)

    • So stopping and taking an appreciation for what you do have in your life is so, so powerful. And I want to encourage you that, hopefully you're doing this, because I've talked about this on previous episodes about, before your feet hit the ground, think of three things that you're grateful and thankful for. But if you got out of the habit, I want to encourage you to start doing that again every single day in the month of November. And if you have been doing that everyday and that has become a normal daily habit for you, go up it to thinking of 10 things. So getting in the habit. Before you hit the ground of thinking of at least three things that you are thankful and grateful for, that's going to set the tone for your day, that's going to set the emotion... The feeling for the day, right? And I just want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for listening to this podcast. Thank you for sharing this podcast. Thank you for implementing the tools that I've shared because, my wish, my dream, my goal for you is to live a life that you enjoy waking up to. And if there's something in your life that you desire to have... To know the tools, to be able to feel supported to manifest what you desire, to clear any of the junk, to clear any blocks, anything that's standing in your way, so that you can show up fully and really, really live how you want to live. (07:04)

    • If you think that somebody else's success is not possible for you, my friend, that's only because you would believe... You would have to believe, have to believe, that God plays favorites. That's the only way... You would have to believe that God plays favorites. And if you don't believe in that, then you know that somebody else's success can be yours too. It absolutely can. So I really try to energy clear if I hear anything like that, I'm like, Nope, cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel. Because I don't want to allow that to affect my energy. It's just like this business man was saying, people walk around complaining, complaining, complaining, but he was still prospering. It's just like the book, Think and Grow Rich with Napoleon Hill, he talks about people in the Great Depression still prospering. We can have a poor mindset, we can have a rich mindset, we can be innovative. We can say, Hey, things are changing. But what could I do to be on the cutting edge? How could this help me grow? What could I do instead? How can I learn? How could I do things differently? Instead of saying, Oh, whoa, is me. Everything's expensive. Everybody else is feeling this way. I guess it's just not in the cards for me, I guess I'm just not meant to be successful, you know... Everybody hates their job. Everybody hates their life. Complaining is normal, right? Make complaining, abnormal. That's what we need to do. (11:56)

    • You are worthy and deserving. You are enough, I mean, that can change the world, that can change that person's life. So, maybe thinking this month, like getting out of your comfort zone, expanding your goals, expanding your dreams, expanding your volunteering, expanding your new support to others, expanding maybe how you show up, letting people know more about how much you appreciate them, how grateful you are for them, giving people compliments, spending this month just being the best version of you that you can be possible. And I think that waking up every morning with a grateful and thankful heart can set the tone for that day. So I'm going to end it with this quote that I love by Katherine Ponder. I saw this and I just love her quotes, they're amazing. Okay, and it says, "Divine substance cannot be withheld. For me now, divine substance cannot be taken from me now. Divine substance manifest as money, money, money, and as rich appropriate supply in my financial affairs now. Divine substance is the one and only reality in every phase of my life, and I thrive now." Drop the mic. Boom!!! What do you think about that? (15:20)


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    NOVEMBER 01, 2022

  • • Because we coach and train our team on law of attraction, on how to get your mind right, how to get your energy right, your state right before you take action in your business, which like we talked about before. I mean, if you take action from a place of not feeling confident, of not feeling like things could happen, of not feeling like your dreams are possible, that your business could grow or you can't make the money that you desire, then you're going to have a totally different outcome than when you take action from a place of belief, from a place of excitement, from a place of curiosity, to a place of... What if this happened? Right? (02:06)

    • But basically it says How Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, which is what I call tapping, can help you clear the path to making more money. And it breaks it all down, the mind-body connection to money. Our earliest memory of money. Which is your money paradigm? How you really feel about money. It uncovers any traumas around money, and I also like this one chapter, it says breaking the cycle of always striving. So if you ever feel like you're always striving but you're never arriving, it can be some subconscious limiting beliefs in there. And so she really helps you to uncover anything holding you back. (04:19)

    • For so many years that kept me broke, stuck and unhappy and a lot of weight on my shoulders, thinking I had to do it all. Gosh, that's a lot of responsibility, right? And even recognizing that in myself, even today, even through all the practices and all of the studying and the tools I've used on myself, to realize that sometimes those patterns still try to come through where I'm like, I'll just do it, I'll just take care of it. If I want something, I need to do it and not lean back and allow other people to support me. So that's something that I've really worked through and continue to work through, is just having that mantra and being open to being a great receiver. And then we have that mantra at the beginning of the podcast, you know I'm receiving now? I find myself really, really favoring mantras that talk about receiving, because I feel like that was my vow. I think there's a lot of people in the world that have unconsciously taken that vow and they're working so hard, so many hours, overwhelmed, burnout, trying to manifest things, trying to reach that goal, or just trying to survive the day, and not realizing that life could be easier if they would just lean back and learn how to receive. (07:52)

    • And then on this journey called life and these bumps in the roads, that's just allowing our soul to grow, that's just giving us that soul growth and teaching moment, and it can be beautiful. It's just in really how you look at it, you know? That's why I like to say you never fail, it's just an opportunity to learn and grow. Right? But I have been doing one of Margaret Lynch's tapping pretty much every day. And then, reading the book and we're discussing it on the book club. So hey, you may want to check out this book, it's really incredible, and I'm really enjoying doing her tapping's and diving into this book. And you know, if you feel like you need support and you need that community of people to lift you up, support you, hold you accountable, maybe you're wanting to have more income flowing into your life from multiple sources, reach out to me. Let's talk about maybe you joining my team, my beauty business, being able to be coached by me one-on-one, being able to have multiple streams of income, being able to be in a group of supportive people who encourage you to dream big. (15:30)


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    OCTOBER 18, 2022

  • • And so for me, it was like a bit of a rewire that needed to happen so that I can start to feel my own definition of success. So redefining what success meant for me was all about understanding who I am, what I want, and starting to make choices to live by that. So that was sort of a huge pivotal moment in my life where I realized there is more, and it's not just about collecting a bunch of stuff, it's about living a meaningful life. And so from that moment on, I made it my mission to really understand how do we get there, how do we get to this place of living a more joyous life in the moment. I started to kind of reflect on people that I was leading in the organization I was at, and people that I was coaching all over the world, and I was starting to see sort of a pattern emerge. So many of us were living in the same place where we're defining success based on the outside, and it created this sort of what I call TGIF mentality. (03:12)

    • So that is the solution that I was after, after I had this sort of life epiphany. I started interviewing people all over the world, I started sort of trying to uncover what are the factors that go into our joy today? How do we create a TGI today life instead of living this TGIF life. And that is where the TGIToday formula was born, and this is the formula that's in my book, planning your TGIToday, and it is all about helping us get to this place of happiness today. So I would love to share that with you. So listeners, grab your pens, the TGIToday formula is Purpose plus People, plus Pace, and it all sits on a foundation of the power of Choice. So when we look at our purpose, what we're here on earth to achieve, if something's not lining up for us and we have the choice to do something different with the people. So if we want to live a more joyous life, we really need to be surrounding ourselves with people that are going to lift this up, propel us towards our goals. If that is not working for us, then we're being dragged down by certain people, we have a choice. And then finally pace, a huge one for so many of us, so many of us are just feeling exhausted by the pace of life. So if it's not working for you, you have the power of choice to do something different. (06:27)

    • So this for me was sort of the saying that kind of triggered me to do a bit of a life inventory on the beach that day, and pura vida is all about living that pure life. The Costa Ricans, they don't strive to collect a whole bunch of stuff, they literally live in the moment, a moment by moment, and they are so happy it's contagious. And they don't worry about, Oh my gosh, I need to have a million dollars in my bank account. They literally trade like a mango for something else they need from a neighbor, and they're truly happy because they're connecting with people and they're just living what they call this pure life. And for me, it was such a huge kind of smack on the head to go, What the hell am I doing with my life? Why am I so worried about? Just advancing, advancing, advancing. I think I had... In my corporate tenure of 18 years, I had 10 different jobs, I was literally jumping to the next job within 18 months to two years because I was like, Oh my gosh, I got a climb, climb, climb...Achieve, achieve, achieve. And it was the moment when I saw this saying here, pura vida, and it just really shifted everything for me. (13:24)

    • Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you asked because I have to say, Wayne Dyer is like my guru. I don't know if you know Wayne, I love Wayne. I know he's not here with us. Right? He's so good! So he passed in 2014, but he has had such a significant impact on my life. And the quote that I love from him is, 'When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change'. Power house quote! It all goes back to that power of choice. So if we choose to be a victim of our circumstances and feel like we have no control over our life in our day, guess what? That's going to follow. If we shift that and start to know and believe that we can control our day and our happiness and our joy, so much will shift for you. (17:33)


    Brianne Ligori lives and leads from the heart. She believes that everybody can—and should—live a life of purpose and joy. In her writing and coaching, Brianne is laser-focused on a worldview of infinite possibilities and a relentless pursuit of purpose. She sets an inspiring example by standing firmly for living according to her inner truth. Choosing joy, Brianne bravely set aside her dazzling corporate career to follow her bliss—sharing purpose-driven choices with the world.

    Brianne worked in the corporate world for many years, where she raised the bar in varying roles in sales, marketing, and training. Her desire to help people grow and learn led her to a professional coaching certification through the International Coach Federation and certified training and development designation.

    Through coaching and training, Brianne has left an indelible mark on people by igniting their sense of purpose, but her more significant legacy is to build new coaches. She put her designations to work in her corporate world by creating an internal coach certification program, thereby empowering other leaders to leave their mark. Going ever deeper, Brianne embraced her emerging passions to touch people more profoundly and launched two new businesses.

    Brianne co-founded the Leader Coach Intensive—a coach certification program specifically targeted to developing leaders of the future. Brianne is also poised to launch a comprehensive learning program to accompany her inspiring book, Claiming Your TGIToday.

    You can be in awe of how Brianne lives her life with passion and joy—or you can jump into her safe hands and learn how to live yours that way.

    Her new book, Claiming Your TGIToday, arms other highly motivated women with the tools needed to slow down and enjoy life before it passes.


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    October 04, 2022

  • • So this is the 100 podcast of the mindset check. How cool is that? I'm super excited about it! 100 episodes, that's so amazing! So I'm going to have a little giveaway, so keep listening, I'll mention it at the end of this podcast. What I'm going to do is have a little prize, that I'm going to give out to a few of you guys. I'm going to show you what to do so that you can get your hands on some mindset chick-swag. I'm going to be giving some stuff away, but before we dive even deeper into this episode, and how to grab the Mindset Chick Swag, because it's the 100th podcaster, super exciting, let's start with our mindset mantra that we say at the beginning of the Mindset Chick podcast. So, if you know this, you can follow along, Say it with me, you can close your eyes, you can feel into it. Here we go, "I am receiving. I am receiving now. I'm receiving all of the wealth, health, blessings and prosperity that the universe has for me now, and so it is..." Okay, how do you start not accepting things as they are? You might be saying, Well, Kristi, this is my reality. This is what I'm living. How am I supposed to just become somebody I'm not? Or, respond to things that aren't really happening? Well, here's the thing, if you keep doing the same thing you're doing right now, responding the same way, or reacting the same way... Reacting is just like a knee-jerk reaction, you're just reacting because you've done that for years and years and years. (03:23)

    • So how do you start? Well, first off, you got to know what do you want... You have to know. What you do want? Okay, so you may have a list of things that you don't want in your life, but you got to know what you do want. Feel free to go back to the beginning of the mindset podcast where I run you through step by step. The first episode, second, third are running through how to become aware of the things that you want in your life, how to create a vision board, how to start changing your internal dialogue, how to start changing your story, how to start using these tools to start changing your life. And you can also go to, download my gift to you, my magic five morning mindset routine that's going to support you to start manifesting your goals faster. The same tools I used, I believe supported me to get to where I am in my life and my business, to becoming a top director in my beauty company, and just living out the lifestyle that I always dreamed of. (05:56)

    • If you have a friend that's constantly wanting to gossip and be drama and negative and is texting you and calling you, I'm going to tell you right now, the best thing that you can do for that person, and yourself, is not pick up the phone and stop responding. You don't have to accept their drama, their reality, their problems. I have a boundary around that, you are energetically taking your vibration, your energy, and in tangling it with the people that you hang out with. So you got to be really, really careful about that, you know? It's okay to have boundaries, it's okay not to just pick up your phone when somebody calls. It's okay not to gossip and chitter chatter and feed into the drama and spread the drama and all that. It's okay to have boundaries. And you're not a mean person, you're not a bad person, anything like that. You have those boundaries because, think about it, you're protecting yourself, you're protecting your family, and you're protecting your income. I have same people, clients and team members, who get entangled with stuff like that, and I have seen it affect their business and their income. So I want to encourage you, don't talk hard times. You don't have to accept things as they are. You can get back in the habit if you got out of the habit, or you can start the habit of doing the magic five morning mindset on my website, creating your as if story. (12:33)

    • I won't accept things as they are, just because they've always been that way, it doesn't mean they can't be changed, so true. Or, it doesn't mean that what's coming into your reality right now, or the chitter chatter of the world, or the changes or anything like that, has to stay a reality. Things are always changing. Nothing ever stays the same. So whatever is going on right now in your life can always be changed. Stop being stuck as a mindset, you're not stuck, you're never stuck. That was one of the most powerful things that I learned at age 23 when I was overweight, suffering with postpartum depression, having a newborn, my husband working two jobs, being alone, not having friends, having eyeballs in debt, living paycheck to paycheck, and thinking, There's no way out, until I realized there was. That I was only a stuck as I believed myself to be, being stuck was a mindset and I could release that thought, thought pattern, that story, any time I chose. I started to release that story, I started to change my words, I started to change my daily habits. I started focusing on things I did want. I stopped focusing on things that didn't have... I stopped judging, stop comparing, I stopped criticizing other people for having what I desired, and I said things like, You know what, if they have that I can too... God doesn't play favorites. (15:43)


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  • • I just love for you to share about this video and why you felt like it was so needed. Yes, so it was actually a collaboration with my friend Camille Thompson, who's also the director of M.O.M. Crew, which is a dance team I'm a part of, with a bunch of other amazing, incredible, strong women. It's definitely a sisterhood. And so, Camille oftentimes will come up and say, Hey, let's do a video, I'm going to do a video about this or that, and then she actually asked me to collaborate with her on this video concept. And so there is a song by Mary J. Blige called Good Morning gorgeous, and we actually did contemporary dancing to that video, choreographed by someone else as well. And so after that... And we were like, Okay, what do we do with this? So there was a lot of back and forth on what does the song mean? There's different words within the song and it really resonated with so many different women that are part of the team, and we really wanted to release and do a video where we could have impact really in showing not only our dance abilities, because it is a dance video, but it is also a video about body image and what we as women go through. As you to look at, especially his mothers, because everyone that's part of M.O.M. Crew is also a mom. So not only do we have some of the own insecurities that we have just as women, but also as mothers. We're really hard on ourselves, it's challenging to carry the weight of making sure that you're doing the right things for your kids, second guessing that, but then also trying to be a woman in this world where there's a lot of criticism. (03:15)

    • On time, there's a daily struggle for millions of women that have to go through that all the time, and there's a ton of single mothers that are out there. And so that was one of the stories that we featured in the video, and she's actually the featurette, at that's part of that video where essentially she's going through this, she's trying to talk herself up, and as she goes through, all of her friends are there to say, You know what, we're going to care for you and we're going to take you out. Right where we get her kind of glammed up, make her still amazing and incredible, have a wonderful time with your sisters. But know that even though each and every one of those women are going through the struggles, towards the end, you start to see how do they individually overcome each of those struggles that are represented in the video, because it's not just about a sad time and let's go feel sad and be sorry for ourselves, you know, as we're going through, it's really about making sure that we are lifting each other up, which is exactly what M.O.M. Crew is about, and then making sure that everyone feels loved. And so you can see that we're in these neutral kind of outfits, we really wanted to take away all of the glitz and the glamor and really just show that it's really about rallying around and making sure that we all feel incredible about ourselves despite what the circumstances might be.(08:11)

    • It's really incredible, there's nothing like it. That's what made this video. What you would call easy to do, it wasn't because nothing was manufactured, and it's the real authenticity of each and every woman coming across and trying to make sure even after the footage, with all the footage we have, how do we go in and make sure that we're picking the best part and working with the videographer and cutting those together, and you've got a really short time to tell that story. But it's so important to tell, and there will be more, there will be more like this, but it was really the first collaboration that Camille and I did, and I think it's incredible. I really just took what her vision was for M.O.M. Crew, and then the experiences that each and every one of us had, and we kind of put that together for everybody to see because those are the things like in the video that behind the scenes, we see from each and every member of the team. That's what makes us a sisterhood, because everybody feels so comfortable in sharing really personal parts of their life, but can trust each one, to know that neither of us are going to... None of us are going to take advantage of it. (15:42)

    • As an extrovert, I'm very extroverted. So a lot of introverts, like complete introverts, maybe feel a little uncomfortable. But I've met a ton of introverts, like my husband is a natural introvert. But with me, he's been... And we've been married for 17 years, so would be... He is a lot more open. Everyone that kind of just gets around me, just becomes a lot more open, and goofy. People feel comfortable with the silliness, the goofy-ness. We'll go and talk in other voices because we're just goofy like that. People look at us weird and it's just like, I don't know, it's goofy, I love life, I want to enjoy life. But at the same time, the only way that I can... I literally feel like I've only been able to come out and accept myself truly, probably since I joined M.O.M. Crew. It took me that long to feel comfortable with myself, and that's in my late 30's. So, I went through my whole life thinking like, I can be this way around this group of friends, but I have to be this way around this different group of friends, and then in the corporate environment, which I've been in for over 20 years, in the corporate environment, I have to be all about business, all the time. And what I realized is that I was not sharing a part of myself that could actually make someone else smile. (21:13)


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    Quote at the beginning of the video:

    "Women are not just beautiful, they are gorgeous.
    As women, we struggle with our image, fears, doubts and confidence with our changing bodies.
    Are we really beautiful?
    As mothers, we persevere in our strength for our families and children. Our beauty comes from within.”


    You can view M.OM. Crew’s emotionally moving and empowering Good Morning Gorgeous dance video here:


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    September 06, 2022

  • • This summer has been amazing. It's been really, really great. And if you follow me on social media, on Facebook, Instagram, you probably know that I love to travel, I love to go to the beach, and that I was traveling a lot over the summer... Well, I enjoy eating healthy, I enjoy working out, I enjoyed taking care of my body, all the things, but over the summer, I was just like, you know, whatever, I worked out, but I was like, It doesn't really matter, I'm just going to go on vacation, I'm just going to have fun, and I had a great time. And there's nothing wrong with that. I ate some amazing foods, I lounged around, I just enjoyed myself, I enjoyed all of the manifestations. And one of the cool manifestations that happen is that I went on a trip to Hawaii with my friend in July. And what's really interesting about that is, I had on my vision board for years now that I wanted to go to Hawaii. We were talking a few weeks before she was about to leave, and she's like, I'm going to Hawaii, and I'm like, Oh my gosh, that sounds so fun, I would love to go to Hawaii! It's be on my vision board, I've been dreaming about it. And she's like, Well, come with me. 02:32)

    • I'm like, What if I was just dreaming about it and visualizing it. Guess what? I got an email notification two days before, we're bumping you up to first class. I think it's a business class, so I wasn't really sure what to expect, I was like, if I saw the bed, maybe it's just a chair, I... Anyways, I got on the flight, it was the very front of the plane, I mean, it was like the seat that reclined into the bed with the blanket and the pillows and the socks. And they asked me if I wanted a Sunday for desert. They wanted to make me a Sunday, it was amazing, it was so amazing! And then on the way back, it was an overnight flight and I thought, You know what, that would be so nice if they upgraded me again to first class because it's an overnight flight. How cool would that be? And I was talking with my friend and she's like, Yeah, that would be cool, but you know, it's maybe not likely to get it twice, that would be really, really interesting if you got it twice like that. And I was just visualizing and visualizing, and I was thinking about how much fun it would be to fly back and be sleeping in this like chair-like bed, and being served wine and watching a movie and having my warm nuts and my meal and all the things like, come on, we're going to Hawaii. Why not travel like this, right? (06:25)

    • Well, the vacation stopped and I came home, tried on my jean shorts, oops that didn't fit, they were tight. I mean, real tight. And the first thought that came in my mind was, Oh, how could you let yourself get like this like, Oh, look at your stomach, look at your thighs. So I got on my scale, I had gained weight. And the first thought was to start beating up on myself, look how good you did, you were working out, you were eating good, you lost weight, you were feeling so great in your clothes, and now you've gained it all back, really? I started to compare myself to others, Well, why do some of my other friends or some of the other people that I know get to go out and eat whatever they want and still look the same, like why did I gain all this weight? I don't understand. Now, maybe you'll never be able to lose the weight again, or you're always going to be yo-yoing or... How could you have done this? All these things were going on in my head, and I listened to the podcast and I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm in it. I'm in the mean girl phase, I'm mean girling myself. Man, I know that those thoughts aren't serving me, I know that... And I talk about it, you know, but I got caught up in it. I got kind of down on myself, I was just started feeling gross and sluggish, and then I was back to, You know, my expandable pants, that's what I like to call it. And I was like, I don't want to wear my jean shorts, I don't want to wear my jeans, I'm back to my expandable pants. I listen to that podcast and I thought, You know, no, I'm going to use this for good, I'm not going to use this to beat up on myself. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to flip the script and just say, You know what? I had a great time, I had a wonderful time, I flew first class both ways to Hawaii. (8:33)

    • I have to just appreciate where I am, hey, I enjoyed some really good food and drink, I'm just saying. I mean it was good and all that pizza in Hawaii was worth it. And one of my friends said, What did you eat in Hawaii? And I said we went almost every day to Lahaina Pizza Company and got Hawaiian pizza and beer, and let me just tell you, it was worth every bike... It was so good. So I enjoyed it and I'm just realizing that it's okay to have those days where maybe you don't feel that positive and you don't feel that great, but just know you don't have to stay there. And when Lizzy talked about shutting up your inter-Mean Girl, it's really a choice, like you can subscribe to those stories, you can listen to the voices, or you can say, You know what? No thank you. I'm not going to beat the drum to that song, I'm not going to believe I'm a failure, I'm not going to believe that I'm not good enough, I'm not going to believe that I'm ugly or fat or I'm less than anybody else. I'm going to lift myself up and just say, I am where I am, and that's okay. (13:33)


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    AUGUST 23, 2022

  • • I like to think the first step is to actually acknowledge our inner mean girl and say, okay, well, thank you for trying to keep me safe, I'm aware of you and have that awareness. Because some of those are so out of touch with what our brains are actually telling us, it becomes very automatic, those negative thoughts that pop into our brain from our inner mean girl, they can feel very natural and very ingrained in our days. But as I say, they're not always aligned to feeling good, so the first step is to really create that acknowledgement of, I hear you, I see you, but this isn't making feel good. And then the second step is really to find a story or a belief that is more aligned to us feeling good, because as I like to say to people, what we choose to put into our brains is very similar to what we choose to wear in the morning, right? (02:08)

    • It's so easy to try and stuff down our emotions because, either through society or tough upbringing, we're kind of conditioned to be strong or not show those emotions, there's negative emotions and inverted comments. But in doing so, it's actually counter-productive, because as you say, sometimes those emotions or thoughts are coming up so that we can address them and we can grow and evolve and transform our mindset, and by just stuffing them down what we're really doing is we're just kind of enabling the same patterns to repeat themselves. And actually what I found is that our inner mean girl is kind of like a toddler, the more you ignore her, the more she screams. (06:48)

    • So I think that's a really, really great point in switching the way that we talk about ourselves, the way that we talk about how we nourish our bodies. Diet is a four letter word that I don't really resonate with. And being able to nourish our bodies and trust our gut is very important to me. And the reason why that is, is because the diet industry is yet another source, in addition to our inner mean girl, with this limiting belief that we're not good enough... Right? So we have a diet industry saying, Take our supplements, do our program, lose weight, eat more healthily, and then you'll be good enough. And then that works in tandem with our own inner mean girl that's saying, You're not good enough. And really, it sets up a very negative cycle always needing to be in the diet industry in order to sell good enough. But you're never going to feel good enough, because they're always going to be trying to sell you a product. (10:27)

    • I feel like we try and make things harder than they actually are, so something like that is such an easy and powerful tool that we can use to start to tune into our bodies and really consider, Is this something that my body is asking for? Is this something but I think it's all sinful or I'm using as, I don't know, a way of numbing out or expressing another emotion that I have? So, I think that's a great tool. I really like the idea of reading our hunger on a scale of one to 10, because everybody's kind of gauge is going to be different. But if we do have our own way of knowing, Okay, so I'm feeling a little bit hungry, I'm at about a five. I can start maybe thinking about eating something in the next hour versus being absolutely starving and not actually listening to our body, and that's something that we can just practice over time, just implement and it's personalized to us. (13:32)

    • We could take the burger and change it to a turkey patty and just kind of make these small swaps that change the nutritional value of our meal so that we don't feel deprived. But we're also feeding our body with all of the nutrients that we need. And again, it's not necessarily saying that we always have to choose the healthiest option or that we always have to choose the less healthy option, it's kind of, again, being in tune with what your body needs and making the choice that is right to you, and I love how earlier you were talking about really it is a choice and taking responsibility for how we nourish our bodies, it is so, so important. And, just actually enjoying the food... that many of us just hate what are we doing, and I'm a nutritionist and I dislike green salad. And so that's not going to make me happy. (16:27)


    Lizzy is an author, nutritionist, and wellness coach. She grew up in the same way that many women in the western world do - constantly criticizing her own body and withholding food. Naivety and bad advice from non-experts resulted in an eating disorder for Lizzy that lasted for ten years. However, after much inner work, Lizzy finally achieved unconditional love for her body, and her upcoming book Reclaim the Rebel reveals just that.


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    August 09, 2022

  • • Here's the thing, you can talk to your kids about this stuff too. These techniques, these are great tools to teach kids... I mean, gosh, I wish I would have learned a lot of this stuff when I was young. And I'm so grateful and thankful that I learned it when I did and was able to teach my kids the things when I did, so that they can know about the power of thoughts and the mental pictures that we put in our mind and how they talk to themselves and what they think about. And sometimes you can only tell people so much, they have to want to believe it and accept it, everybody's on a different journey and pathway, even our kids. And sometimes our kids are like, Oh yeah, okay, I'll take that to heart. And sometimes we're like, Oh yeah, whatever. But I mean, here's the thing, you're sharing it with them. (05:24)

    • When I was getting into the law of attraction, and I was telling my husband Alex about it, and he was like, Oh, okay, whatever. It's a little interesting, so I'm just going to think a thought and then things are going to start showing up in my reality based on what I think about. You think that way, right? But I was determined, I was like, No, I'm determined. I have my book, Katherine's Ponder the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. I was reading it every single day, I was just diving in, I thought it was so fascinating, and I was starting to see things open our lives. And I decided, I was like, Well, I'm going to try this. And I started visualizing Alex's paychecks being different. I started visualizing him getting a raise... He didn't even know it Guys, I didn't even know it. I was visualizing him getting a raise, I was visualizing him getting these big bonuses, I was visualizing him coming home and going, Oh my gosh, I got a promotion and I got a raise. And he had no idea. And it was so cool, Okay? So cool, I would think about it, I would get into that feeling of like what I would do and I would see that money come in and how we would celebrate and what that would do for our family. And multiple times he would come home and say, Kristi, I gotta raise. I don't even know why I got a raise. Oh my gosh, my bonus check, it was this much and you know? it's so cool, those checks were the same amount that I visualized. (07:06)

    • If somebody didn't believe in you and they told you it wasn't going to work and your dreams don't matter, or they can't come to fruition. That's really about them, not about you, it's their own personal disbelief in themselves, Okay? So that's all about them. So if you allow that to control you or upset you, which it can upset you, okay? You have valid reasons for being upset, but I guess what I'm saying is, if you allow that to lead you and guide you through your life... To me, I believe you're letting them control you, you're allowing their limiting beliefs about themselves, the world around them, and what's possible to control you, and so you're like, I believe it, I'm going to show you, I believe it, and I'm going to show you! And to me, that energy, you can still have success with that energy, but it's not as flowing downstream, to me it's more going upstream. You think about that energy, I'm going to prove them wrong, I'm going to go out there, I'm going to prove them wrong and prove to all these people that I'm worthy and deserving of it. You don't have to prove anything. You are already worthy. You are deserving. You don't have to prove anything. That's about them, not about you. Don't let it control you. (9:44)

    • Step into that feeling now, this has happened, this is where my career is, this is where my business is, this is where my love life is, this is where my body is and I'm feeling so happy about it, and you're stepping into that version of you now, you're seeing it, feeling it believing it, you're seeing it, feeling it, believing it, you're stepping into that version now, you are so freaking happy because it's already happened, it's here, it's manifested, it's already happened, It's here, it's manifested, it's already happened, it's manifested, I'm seeing it, feeling it, believing it, and I'm acting as if it's already happened, already happened. I'm so happy and grateful, I'm so happy and grateful that this is in my life, I'm so happy and grateful that this is in my life, and I have that happiness now. Feel that happiness now, don't wait until you get it to feel happy, then you're always going to be waiting... Wait and waiting. because it's going to be coming, coming, coming. I can't wait for that to happen, I wait for that happen, right? And feel it now, see it, feel it, believe it, experience it now, live out that happy version of you now. (12:32)


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    JULY 26, 2022

  • • I use the acronym S.A.F.E., and it's about being emotionally safe. A lot of us will hide our emotional trauma and not address it and will shove it down instead of processing those feelings and being able to move on. So the S.A.F.E. method is my method of moving on from that emotional trauma to lead a more fulfilled and purposeful life, so the S stands for stop and accept that you're in pain. A lot of us will just keep going on the hamster wheel, will keep ourselves so busy and will say that we don't have time to think about anything and we just keep walking through life being numb and not processing our pain. The first step is to stop and actually acknowledge that you're in pain. Many of us don't realize that we are. Sometimes there's enough medical evidence out there to prove that it can manifest in physical ways, so for me, I had a lot of health issues because I was denying that I was an emotional pain. So, the first step for S.A.F.E. is stop and accept that you're in pain, which is one of the most difficult things to do. (01:50)

    • The second one I talk about is A, which is accept your responsibility for where you are, So... Sometimes in life, there are things that happen to us that we have no control over, and the minute that you start to say, I accept where I am, can be very empowering. And sometimes we've made incorrect decisions in our lives or decisions that weren't the best for us, and it's just accepting some responsibility for that and empowering yourself to move forward. A lot of us play what I call the self-righteous victim. I was a grade a self-righteous victim, I was pissed at the world, I blamed everybody for everything, and I blamed everyone for where I was. And what happens in that is, you keep repeating the story, you keep acting like the self-righteous victim and you don't empower yourself to do anything. The minute that you accept where you are today, and the minute that you accept, I have some responsibility for whatever it may have been that has happened to me, you empower yourself to actually move forward and you have to do something about it because you've accepted accountability for in whatever shape or form it may be. (03:08)

    • The F I talk about is three types of forgiveness, so forgiveness of the person that you perceive has hurt you. And you can continue to play the movie back in your head and say, so and so did this, and so and so did that, and you stay stuck, and what has happened has happened but you are ruining the remaining years of your life by constantly playing that same movie real instead of working through forgiveness and letting go of it. Because at the end of the day, we only hurt ourselves, whoever we perceive as hurting us has moved on with their life. But we're still holding ourself captive to that particular situation because we're not moving through the pain and we're not forgiving. The second type of forgiveness I talk about is forgiveness of the Universe, because we all are great at saying, why me? Why was I dealt a sh*tty set of cards? The truth is, why would we wish anything bad that happens to us, to happen to our fellow human beings? it's extremely selfish. So the question that I phrase is, Why not me? What is it that I need to learn from this? And thank you Universe, for teaching me the lessons that I needed to learn. (04:33)

    • The third type of forgiveness, which is one of the hardest things, is the forgiveness of ones self, the forgiveness of ones self, for the decisions that we've made that have affected other people, or the decisions that we've made that perhaps were not the best for us. And not to be so hard on ourselves and understand that life is a journey and we are going to make mistakes and we need to learn from those mistakes because without the mistakes, we don't grow. (5:54)

    • The E is embracing your journey and embracing fully who you are. So we're all great at accepting how great we are and how fantastic we are, but what about our flaws, why don't we embrace those? Why don't we embrace the flaws that we have and be confident in our own skin and embrace our journey to be able to manifest the things that we want? And I know in your podcast, you talk a lot about manifestation, and I don't believe you can manifest a purposeful or failed life until you work through your emotional pain. (6:23)


    There's no doubting that Poonam Bhuchar is an extraordinary woman - after surviving sexual assault, multiple suicide attempts, and an abusive arranged marriage, she went on to build the life of her dreams. After leaving the pain of her past behind, today she is a successful lawyer with a wonderful family and support system. Her life calling is now to aid others with the SAFE Method, a step by step system for transcending the darkness of pain. Poonam's new book, SAFE From the Pain.


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    JULY 12, 2022

  • • And a lot of people do and say things on a daily basis, they don't even realize why they're doing or reacting that way because it's a subconscious program. But you can change that program any time that you want. In order to allow the universe to support you with the right people, things event, everything that you need to make your goal or that dream or reality, you have to feel with every inch of your body that it's already happened, that it's here. Like what we were talking about in the beginning, you have to have zero doubt... You have to have a 100% belief. Zero doubt. 100% belief. So how do you do that? You have to see it. Feel it, believe it. See it, feel it, believe it. See it, feel it, believe it. This is happening now. (05:33)

    • How are you going to celebrate? Who are you going to tell? What's that going to feel like? Feel those emotions right now, see that happening, play that out in your mind... That new car that you desire to have is here right now, it's in your driveway, you're jumping in, you're putting your hands on the steering wheel, you're smelling that new car smell and you're like it's happened, it's here. Maybe you have a big bill that you are trying to pay off and your goal is to be debt-free. I want you to imagine right now that the money came in and you pay off that bill, you're looking at it right now, and it says zero balance. (06:47)

    • You have to feel abundant, to have more abundance. You have to feel lovable, to be more loved, to have that loving relationship. You have to feel healthy and well, to be able to support your body to become healthy and well. You have to live it out now, that's how the laws of the universe work. That's just how it is, those are the laws that govern our Universe. Law of Attraction says, like attracts like, there's infinite possibilities out there, infinite possibilities on what we can be, do or have. Infinite. The only reason why we become limited to receiving the things that we desire is because of our way of thinking, our doubt, or fear or disbelief, that's the only reason. Once we clear that and we start standing in the story of more possibilities, of the possibility that that dream and desire and that lifestyle is possible, and ours right now. And we're claiming it, we're feeling it, seeing it, believing it. (9:38)

    • What we're focusing on, what we're thinking about, and yes, sometimes things happen in our life that aren't always exactly what we desire or some contrast, but how can we use that to learn and grow? How can we move past that? How can we look at maybe those negative experiences as a way to support us to grow and to learn and to say, Hey, you know, why is this coming up? Why am I experiencing this? Why am I moving through this? Is there something I need to let go? Is there something I need to learn from? And getting closer with ourselves and building that relationship with ourselves instead of pushing things down and shaming ourselves or having guilt or just reacting and staying stuck in a loop and the cycle. So, I believe everything is possible, if you believe, everything is possible. If you believe, you have faith and trust. And so, if there's something in your life you're desiring to have, but it's not there yet, remember the less doubt and the more belief, the faster it will manifest. So, what do you feel like you need to let go of in order to manifest that faster? Now how do you need to replay that new story in your mind? (13:31)


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    JUNE 28, 2022

  • • So many times people get stuck in that cycle and they don't understand like why their business isn't growing, why their life isn't where they want it to be. And they don't even realize that it's because maybe they're lacking that confidence. And they're repeating the mantra of self doubt and living in that. Oh, yeah, for sure. And I think there's just such an emphasis on the do of entrepreneurship and building a business, especially on social media. You know, show up more, post more, do the content, all of those things. And while those things are really important and yes, you have to take action and you have to do, I think there's really such a lack of people showing up and being like, Hey, this other part of it, the mindset part, is really, really important too. (02:44)

    • I was one of those people for awhile. I was one of the people who really didn't think that personal development was that important. And I remember, you know, having leaders that would, you know, suggest podcasts or different books to read and things like that. And I'm like, I don't have time for that. You know, like really just pushing it to the side and thinking like, I just need to keep doing the things. And I think there's also that side of where people are like, be consistent, just keep showing up. I feel like I was doing all the things I was working myself to death really. And truly, like I was working so hard and I got to that burnout place where I was just like, I don't understand why I'm not seeing results. Like, I don't understand. I'm doing everything everyone's telling me to do. I'm putting all the action in. And finally, I feel when I was like, okay, let me actually get this personal development thing a shot, that's when everything just shifted. (04:42)

    • It was who is Tiffany? What do I love about myself? And how can I magnetize those things?. How can I shine those things brighter about myself? Knowing that, of course I'm going to have flaws. And of course, there's going to be things about myself that I'm going to have to be constantly working on and improving. But the things that I feel like are really special about me, what can I do to share those things in a bigger, bolder, and brighter way? And so that's really where I started with showing up with more confidence. It was looking at myself, taking that inner look at me and just seeing how I could show more of me, because I think what I was doing before was I was shrinking myself because I was like, well, I don't have what she had. (07:51)

    • I used to think that I was unlikable and I routed that back to an experience that I had in middle school. And I was just like, wow, like this one experience that I had as a child, it made me think this thing about myself, for the majority of the rest of my life. And then I just decided like, why do I think that? Is that really actually true? Is it really actually true that I am unlikeable? And I was like, no, I get to be likable. People love me. I get to show up and be someone that people really enjoys being in my world and being in my space. And so I started to show up like that. And I think before, because I had this subconscious belief that I was unlikable, I was showing up in ways that made me unlikable. It was like the self fulfilling prophecy. And I think that's what we do a lot of times is we have these thoughts that we pick up from, you know, our childhood or from media, or just different things. (10:12)

    • And I like to think of results and success as your energy times your effort. And so the energy that you put out multiplied by the effort that you're putting in is what you're going to receive, is the output that you're going to get. And I think that a lot of people are only focused on the effort. They're only focused on working hard. They're only focused on doing the do, like you said, and the energy piece is lost, and they're like, oh, but I'm sending the messages, I'm making the posts, I'm doing all the things. And it's like, but what kind of energy are you doing that from? Are you doing that from a feeling of lack and feeling like, oh, I'm going to send this message, but they're probably not going to respond? Or like, oh, I'm going to make this post about my business opportunity, but nobody's probably going to see it, or no one's going to care? You know, kind of having that energy behind it, like that is felt. But when you show up and you're showing up competently and you're excited about it, and you're like, oh my gosh, I'm so excited, you know, about this business opportunity! And I'm really wanting to bring some women in here who are ready to go! People feel that difference. (13:35)


    Tiffany Wynn is a wife, girl mom and reformed people pleaser who built a multiple 6-figure network marketing empire and coaching business by capitalizing on one thing…confidence.

    Tiffany claimed her ambition and instead of letting her business overwork her, she took her biggest limiting beliefs and made them her superpower to create a life and business that went from striving to thriving. She created Soul Systems™️ and strategies that connected to her soul goals so she could ditch the hustle and grind for grit and grace and build a business that not only filled her bank account but her heart, soul and purpose too.

    The same girl that swore she was unlikeable now leads a team of over 3,500 women doing millions of dollars in sales a year. She got bold with her belief, fierce with her faith and started taking audacious aligned action and she’s now on a mission to show other women who may be doubting their potential or dimming their light how they can use their unique gifts and strengths to glow up, show up, and blow up, too!


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    JUNE 14, 2022

  • • Are you asking big enough? Are you dreaming big enough? Are you asking big enough with maybe the thoughts in the back of your mind that might not be possible right? Those things may not be able to manifest? Or, are you asking, dreaming, believing that good things can happen because you are a miracle, abundance is your birth right? You live in a rich, beautiful, lavish universe with lots of abundance, and you know what? When somebody else wins, you win, it's not when somebody else wins, I lose, it's a universe of there's enough abundance to go around for all of us. It's unlimited. God is a God of love, He's a God of blessings and unlimited abundance and joy, and so when we tune into that energy vibration, it's unlimited the amount of goodness that we can receive in our lives. (04:52)

    • Mr. Miller once said that the great fault of most of us is that we do not ask big enough, and we do not continue in prayer until it comes. He also advised, expect great things of God and great things you will have... That's really powerful. Expect great things of God and great things you will have. He once told a friend, I have praised God many times when he sent me 10 cents, and I have praised Him when He sent me 60,000. Slowly his answers to his prayers for prosperity, $7 ,500,000 was given to him for the building and maintenance of his orphanages. Wow, that's huge. The story has often been related of how Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of the Unity school, one time a payment was overdue on the printing presses and the sheriff came to repossess the machines. But when Mr. Fillmore confidently declared, I have a rich father who was going to take care of this, the sheriff believed him and literally replied, Well, in that case, we will give you a little bit more time. So Mr. Fillmore then continued to pray for prosperity, and the money came in. (09:24)

    • I'm up-leveling my energy frequency, getting in harmony with the energy of my goal. So, you've already reached your goal, was that version of you asking big enough? Were you bringing your shoulders back, holding your head up high, believing and feeling into it, believing that you're deserving of it, believing that you are a child of a rich father, believing that you have a rich father? That you live in a rich universe that will take care of things for you? That God always has your back. That blessings and abundance is your birth right. (18:50)

    • Are you in harmony with that frequency of your goal, or are you out of harmony trying to reach it? So asking big enough, it's also up-leveling your mindset, loving that frequency to match that of your goal or even something bigger. Because a lot of times there's a lot bigger things waiting for us, but we never reach it because we never believe... We never asked for it, we never have faith that it could come to us. We play small. We listen to what the world tells us. We listen to what other people tell us. We're not listening to what God tells us. It's like Napoleon Hill, said in Think and Grow Rich; When blessings start to flow, sometimes they come so fast that you wonder where they've been hiding all these years. Are you allowing your riches to flow, or are you allowing your blessings to flow? Are you asking big enough? (19:22)


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    May 31, 2022

  • • I've noticed that manifestation has gotten a bad rap in the sense that most folks think that manifesting is a one-way street, it is something that you do intentionally. What I've noticed is that manifesting is something we're doing all the time, like it or not, it is our communication system with our environment. And so counter-manifesting is keeping that in mind that, yes, we are in fact always creating our reality, the piece of the counter is we're just not aware of how we're doing it, or why we're not getting what we want. And so even though we might consciously say that we want to create something that's beautiful and wonderful and we deserve, there's a part of us that's countering that energy saying, We can't have it, we're unworthy of it, or in some way, subconsciously sabotage it. (01:50)

    • So I call them rule boxes, and I imagine... I'm a pretty visual person, so hopefully this still works in podcast form, but I imagine a bunch of different boxes and they have different rules in them, and you can have a box on relationships, you could have a box on purpose work, a box on finding your soul mate, becoming a billionaire. Whatever everybody wants. And it's filled with things, again, from the past typically, and so I always imagine taking a knife and cutting open that box and saying, what is inside of it, if I am trying to get here and here is not where I currently am. Then, what are my rules on who I have to be to get there? Which usually are incorrect, by the way. And what is the path that I think I have to take? Which also typically is incorrect. And when we start questioning why we live through the rules that we live by... Man, it gets so interesting because you see, Oh, no wonder these things haven't come to fruition, I have rules that are literally causing me to run around in circles, I used to do it with success. (05:38)

    • So dense energy, it's this whole process and this understanding I had years ago where I was looking at... I used to study... My background is actually in Neuroscience and Psychology, and I'm a total geek. So teaching manifestation, I was like, I'm going to teach this very spiritual thing? And the universe is like, Yes, you will! I wanted to bring a lot of background into it that made logical left brain sense and so I noticed that from a vibrational level, scientifically speaking, on low end of things, although that's faster information anyhow, but from a scientific standpoint, everybody has a frequency, all things have what I call a frequency signature. We are all vibrating, and all things, including thoughts and traumas and experiences and all that stuff, they all are vibrating at a certain frequency, but if it's dense, meaning it comes from fear, scarcity, not enough-ness, shame and guilt, and you can literally just Google an emotional chart and you'll see the actual vibration that all of these different emotions or feelings exist upon. And so I thought about you know, if I'm sitting there manifesting what I want out of unworthiness, because then I'll be good enough, or because then I won't be alone, or maybe then everyone will love me or something like that. That's coming from a really dense and slow, literally a slow vibration, which means that the matter that comes into contact with that vibration is going to move more slowly, therefore it's not going to manifest itself if at all, very, very slowly. But when we use these higher and less dense, vibrational emotions like love, excitement, joy, gratitude, all of those that intentional energy allows for matter to become made manifest that much more quickly, because everything is literally moving at a faster rate. (09:32)

    • So the most simplistic thing, and this is something that I talk about because it's so easy to just spark the process, I call it creating energetic check-ins. It's basically an essence building awareness of where you're currently at, because unless you know where you are, you don't know how far you need to go to get where you're trying to... Know the destination if you will. And so creating energetic check-ins is, it could be an hour... Or every hour, I'm sorry. It could be three times a day, whatever feels right to someone. I always say do not judge yourself when you start hearing what you're really feeling and what you're really saying to yourself, this is all feedback, don't get emotional, get curious. But you're doing these check-ins every so often saying, Okay, what am I truly feeling right now? And if you can go step further, why? What triggered me in the past hour since my last check-in? I was feeling good then or... Wow, I'm realizing that, of course, my life feels the way it does most often when I'm doing these check-ins, I don't like the way that I feel or I feel dense energy. (12:51)

    • And so I've noticed, and I tell folks this, when you wake up, keep that phone away from you for at least a half hour. If you can do an hour or longer, that would be amazing because you're priming your brain for distraction and... What's another word for? Distraction and chaos. And when we feel chaotic, our energy feels all over the place. So I always tell folks, have a morning routine where you clear, even if it's just for five minutes, chill for a moment. Breathe in the day, set an intention. What's the day going to look like? And how are you going to choose to ensure that that intention is what you follow regardless of whatever it is that shows up? And you're coming into your energetic field as your own... So you know what you're coming to the table with so that when additional frequencies are being felt or different energy or people or whatever you want to call it, then you can do something a little bit productive with it because you've been more proactive versus so reactive. (16:15)


    Mandy is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, manifestation expert, and the creator of Authentic Living, an online company designed to help individuals reconnect with their authentic selves to find purpose, peace, and deep healing. Mandy and her brands have been featured in media outlets that include Shape, Mind Body Green, The Chalkboard, BuzzFeed, Well + Good, and Thrive Global, as well as on notable podcasts including The Jenny McCarthy Show, Your Own Magic, and Hungry for Happiness.


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    MAY 17, 2022

  • • And so I caught myself doing that. Okay, the reason I'm sharing this with you is because it can be easy to get entangled in the worlds energy. What other people are doing, what the norm is, what a lot of people are doing. And I've talked about this before on these episodes, is a lot of times people are manifesting the things that they don't want. We're always manifesting by our thoughts, by our actions, by our words, we're always drawing into our life things that we either do want or don't want based on our internal dialogue or daily actions, our daily habits, the words we speak about ourselves, about others. All those things, because we are basically a magnet, we are energy, everything is energy, what we put out, we get back. What we reap we sow, what we focus on expands, and so we're always manifesting. And a lot of times it's things that we don't want because we're not aware of what we're doing. (03:04)

    • Doing more, doing more, and so I felt myself getting caught up in that energy before, because it can be easy because it's what most of the norm do. And so there's a really big goal that I was desiring to manifest, I've up leveled some of my goals for myself and my business in my life, and there was a deadline on this goal happening, and I remember thinking, Okay, this is going to happen, this is going to happen, I've got to have this happen... Who could I get to make this a reality? What do I need to do? How much do I need to show up? And I caught myself being on my phone more than normal, I caught myself in the doing as I like to call it, which is I go and go, and going, doing, doing, doing instead of leaning back and connecting with that version of me who's already reached her goals instead of aligning with that vibration. (05:43)

    • So what do I need to do? Well, wake up in the morning with gratitude, start with my morning mindset, kept myself in a high vibe, feel myself reaching that goal, see myself reaching that goal, hearing who's around me. Who am I going to tell? What is that going to look like? Then getting in this high vibe of excitement and even just making sure I'm saying the mantra, This or something better is coming my way. God, I am so available, I am so available for all the blessings, miracles that you have for me, that's available to me. I am a vibrational match to all of my dreams and goals that are available to me, I desire to get up to speed with this version of myself who is living out these dreams and goals, but this or something better will come my way. And that way, you're not really trying to control what's happening... You're holding on, This is going to happen, this is going to happen. You're saying, I'm going to feel it, I'm going to see it, I'm going to speak it, I'm going to have fun with it. I'm going to become a vibrational match to that version of me that is walking along the beach, toes in the sand, going on this beautiful trip. (09:11)

    • I'm not going to be checking my messages 24/7. I'm not going to be looking on social media all day long, do they see it, how many likes did that get, how many comments did that I get, what's going on? Why is that person having more success than I am, why am I having this success? Like comparing myself looking at that. I'm just going to feel into it and have fun, I'm going to release the attachment, I'm going to allow great things, and I'm going to remember that is not me trying to get this goal and make it happen, it's me becoming that person who's already reached her dreams and goals. She said the layers of the doubt, the fear, the panic, the worry, the stress. She has become the person that is standing in immense appreciation for everything that has manifested, and everything on its way. She's standing in faith, knowing that love, joy, abundance, prosperity is always available. She's releasing the attachment to having that come to Fruition, because she just feels so good right now where she is in her life, that whether that happens or not, it is what it is. She's so happy, she's so grateful, she lives by the mantra that everything is working out for her. (11:41)


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    May 03, 2022

  • • It's really funny when I go back because as you were speaking, I was literally visualizing myself in that moment, and just to give a little bit of history to everybody, so before I started this business, I actually worked in the child care industry, I coached leaders all of the world... And I ran a very large child care center. I would have said at the time that it was my dream job, I loved what I did, I got to coach teachers and directors and owners on how to run a better business, and I love that job. But here's the thing, we became parents, and we expected that I would just be able to go back to work like every other mom that I knew or I'd make a decision to stay at home. Right? And we had our beautiful baby girl, she was born, and we brought her home from the hospital, and she was acting a little bit funny, and I never really thought anything of it because I never expected to have a sick child, I knew nobody who had a sick child and he start acting funny. When we woke up in the morning, we decided we're going to take her into the hospital. As soon as the doctor looked at our two-day old baby, she stopped breathing. (02:53)

    • So to see her jump on live video and start doing beauty tutorials, kind of blew my mind. And I remember sitting on my couch thinking, just really feeling ready to do something other than changing diapers and dealing with a feeding tube. But it's like you feed your baby and then you put them down for a nap and then diapers, I felt like I was in this Ground Hog Day and I was really feeling ready to do something for myself maybe, and I was watching her and I was thinking, You know, I'm going to jump in with her and do this thing, but not because I want to do a beauty business, but because whatever training she has, I need, and I'm going to take that training. I'm going to start my own business and I'm going to run my own business. I'm not sure what that is, but I knew that I wanted what she had. I jumped into this business in a time when I really felt like I was ready to have a new challenge in my life, I never ever imagined doing the business... As far as shampoo's concerned. Okay? I just... Honestly, literally at the time, I had shampoo, probably Suave and conditioner, and that's it. I did not do my hair, I don't do make up, I'm not a beauty girl, okay? So I jumped into this business, I found out I was pregnant with baby number two, and then I sat on the carpet in that same living room where I sat on the couch, and I knew I wanted to jump into this business, and I got told that I was diagnosed with cancer, my whole world in a flipped upside down in that moment. (05:32)

    • So we're in a crazy life stage right now where we're planning to move across country, and I was getting together with a few of the girls who are local here today for a coffee, and the gal came up to me and she just told me... She's like, I just want you to know that you are so inspiring, the way that you share your story, it just encourages me every single day, and this gal, I don't do my business with this gal, I don't hang out with her all the time on a personal level, but she's watching. And I think that we discount the fact that people are always watching, whether it's on social media or in person, and we have a decision to make. I remember very early on when we were sitting in that NICU. One of my friends was telling me her story about being in the NICU with her child, and she said... I knew in that moment that I had a decision to make. How this story would be told. And I think about that all the time. Do I want the story to be told that I laid on the couch sick and did nothing with the story of cancer, the circumstance of cancer that God gave me, or do I want to stand boldly and say... Yeah, I showed up. Yeah, I cried. (10:03)

    • It just reminds me of the fact that words are so powerful. I remember when we had our second child who was also born with the same disorder that our first child has... We didn't know at the time, because she wasn't diagnosed yet. But we had these two kids and they have a very rare genetic disorder, that they'll die from. And I remember somebody on our team pointed out to me a word that I kept using, and the word was nightmare. And I remember thinking, that's how I saw my life. I have two kids who I'm going to bury. That's a nightmare. And I would say it over and over in my stories when I should have on social media, I would say in person, I'd say to my husband, This is a nightmare, these kids are a nightmare, and she pointed out this word to me... And it really caught my eye because that's how I really saw it. But I was speaking it so much that it was really occurring that way. And ever since I've shifted my mindset to this gratitude practice, every single morning reminding myself of what I'm thankful for... And by the way, one of the things that I have on mine is I'm so thankful and grateful that Russell is happy. He's a baby who cries a lot, but I am saying that I'm available for him to turn a corner. (16:34)

    • Yeah, it's funny that you mentioned that verse. So the morning that we found out that we got the house, my husband woke up, well, we found out in the afternoon. But my husband woke up, he was reading his Bible and he read that verse and he came down to the breakfast table, and he looked at me and he goes, You'll never guess the verse that popped up today, and he shared that verse, ask and you shall receive... And he's like, We got to pray. So as a family, we all held hands with our two little crazy kids, and we prayed that, and he said when he was praying... He knew. He knew in his heart, he was like, God's going to give us this. And then we found out hours later on that afternoon that we got the house. But it's true, I think that often we're afraid to ask for things. As I was standing in this house looking around and I was literally seeing every single Pinterest picture that I have cut out and every single magazine that I've cut out and I'm just weeping. Thinking, This is too much, this is too much. I'm undeserving. Like you were saying, But that's not the God that we serve, so it's like he wants to give us good gifts, but we have to ask for them. (21:31)


    Julia Erman Is a proud wife, business owner, and mama to two special babies with a strong calling. She loves homemade bread, cinnamon rolls, and popcorn, but she said goodbye to carbs after she recovered from cervical cancer in 2020 and never looked back.

    She’s most well known for how she inspired many to live a life they love no matter their circumstances. When she walked through life pregnant with cancer and started going through chemo, many were amazed, but for her, she was doing the do, taking life as it came and just trying to thrive.

    Before she started her business in the social selling realm, she was a director of a large preschool and after-school program. She absolutely loved her job, but after becoming a mom, she had to pivot. The lifestyle just didn’t fit like before.

    Now she’s a coach, inspiring and encouraging women to build beautiful lives as they generate a thriving income through social selling. Never in a million years did she see herself doing anything like this but she believes it’s more rewarding than anyone would ever think. It’s actually invigorating.




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    APRIL 19, 2022

  • • I was sitting here feeling like I had a setback, as you know, I'm very active, I work out a lot and on our Miami trip, my husband and I were bike riding. I go to the gym very, very often. I try to go five, six days a week or walk in between, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. It was frustrating me because I was having pain and I felt like I was having a really huge setback, I didn't understand why this was happening. But then again, I was like, Okay, God, Okay, universe, this is you telling me to be still, maybe to be quiet, maybe to let go. And yeah, I finally went to a doctor who decided that I had something wrong with a previous hernia surgery, and that I had actually, probably with lifting weights and working out, I'm lifting very, very heavy weight, which I love to do, but I probably tore that area and I could possibly have some other hernias. So I recently had surgery, and he actually repaired one hernia and found two more. (02:01)

    • But before I start and really dive into this episode, I'm going to start with our Mindset Chick mantra that we've been saying at the beginning of every episode. And this month, I want to change it up, I want to say something different. I love to say this mantra, and so I thought, why not change it up, and it will be very fitting for this month and the month to go. So we go, I am receiving, I am receiving now, I am receiving all of the wealth health blessings and prosperity that the universe has for me. Now, I'm going to say it one more time. I am receiving, I am receiving now, I'm receiving all of the wealth, health blessings and prosperity that the universe has for me now, and so it is. So, what do you do when you find yourself in a situation like myself or a different situation where you feel like you're having this set back? You feel like you're on point and you're working so hard, and you are so close to manifesting that goal and that you've been really working on your mindset and changing your subconscious beliefs, and you've been tapping and you're so close, and then it feels like a setback, how do you continue to stay positive and not let it affect you? (04:55)

    • I talked to so many people on my team about this a lot, when they're like, I'm so close to that goal, I'm so close, I just need maybe some more customers from our business partners, I just need a little bit more, and then I'll get there, and they're focusing on the lack, what they don't have. And I encourage them to flip the script, whatever we focus on expands, whatever we bless grows, so bless all the customers you have right now, bless all the clients you have right now, bless all the business partners you have right now, bless all of the wonderful friendships you have right now, bless the health that you have right now, focus on what you do have, what's going right, and it will just make you feel better. And not only that, you'll probably see that you'll have more love flowing to you, more blessings, more prosperity, more love, and you'll feel a whole lot better than being down and out and focusing on the problems, the setbacks, the adversity. I'm really excited about May, I'm super excited about being able to get back in the gym. But I'm just taking it one day at a time. (13:52)

    • One more announcement I want to make before I wrap up this podcast, starting now, the Mindset Chick podcast is actually going to be airing every other Tuesday, so it's going to go from every Tuesday at 6:00 AM central to every other Tuesday. Now, I do send out an email each morning as soon as the podcast drops, so if you're not on my email list, I would encourage you to get on my email list. You can just go to, get on my email list. You can get your free gift from me, the magic five morning mindset, which will be delivered to your inbox. That way you can stay on top of when the podcast will air, and you'll get that email 600 AM Central on the Tuesday that the podcast will air. And our next episode, which will be in a couple of weeks, I'm so excited to announce one of my team members, one of my friends, she's joining us, she's going to be sharing her story about her challenge and adversity. I want to say a little bit about it, but I don't want to give it away, it's literally shocking what she has gone through and how she overcame all of this to create a life that she now loves. (16:00)


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    APRIL 05, 2022

  • • I love this question. So I think I want to start by framing it with the way that we perceive what relationships are supposed to be for... I think there needs to be just a little bit of tweaking on that, we kind of just come from a tradition of, I think we're not really thinking about this person is here to make me happy, or they're here to fulfill my dreams, or we have these expectations about this relationship. This person is loving me forever, and so we get disappointed when it doesn't always look like I'm being loved and being supported and being cared for. And so the paradigm shift, I think that's necessary is to realize that every relationship is an alchemical relationship, that's what I call it, an alchemical relationship. (03:51)

    • You know, we're constantly aging, we're growing. It would be a little strange if you just stayed exactly the same when you met someone as 10 years later, although I have been in relationships where the person gets mad like, Hey, you're not the person that I got together with, and you're like, Oh yeah, I'm growing too, I'm changing too. And so I think this is something that we could all use an education on or just get a different perspective. What is the purpose of relationship? We can look at the purpose, because if our purpose is just for someone else to make us happy and for us to be in marital bliss all the time, then anger doesn't seem to make any sense and we don't like it, and we throw it out... Right? But in the idea that we're growing, changing humans who are hopefully evolving, especially on a spiritual journey, we're wanting to become better, we're wanting to be our most authentic self, live our truth, learn, grow and master ourselves, ultimately, that's what I think my goal is, is to self-mastery. (07:59)

    • Here comes something new, like something new is about to come forth, there's the energy, there's the power to be in a curious space. And even with yourself, if you feel yourself getting angry about something, you can also be the witness of your own anger, that's something that meditation yoga has really helped me to do is, it is possible to be in an extreme emotion while witnessing it at the same time, so part of your mind, right? So you're like, Okay, I'm getting really mad right now, and instead of being like, I got to stop, I need to stop this and go away, you might just be like, Okay, I'm getting angry, how can I hold space for myself right now to do this? And that brings a little space around it to where you can feel into what is the best way, like sometimes the best way is to just let it out, like that one needs to be let out. Build a little bit of heartbreak or pain that's there, and if both people can witness that, it's almost like you're witnessing a wound showing itself. (16:24)

    • Purification is often called the dark night of the soul, because they're so much like dark energy and anger can be there and old lifetimes of wounds. And so if we can collectively realize that we're kind of in a dark night of the soul, which is part of the natural awakening process, and it is just a stage, then we can have a little bit more compassion for ourselves and for each other as we're going through this. Just kind of breathe through it, hold each other's hands, find ways to support each other and getting through it, so that we can get to the next phase, which is inevitable, I really don't believe this is going to go on forever. It's inevitable that the life force energy moves us through this phase into one of more empowerment, more creativity, that's the third chakra that's moving beyond the third dimensional reality that we've had, that's been largely security, safety and sexuality-based society, money, and all of that has been a first and second chakra experience, if your listeners are familiar with that, but... So we're moving beyond that. So to have compassion for this time and just know that we're all in this together. (25:34)


    Stasia is a Master Tantric, Relationship Coach, Healer, Empath, Oracle and Mystic. Her studies and experiences have taken her around the globe and into the heart of Ancient Tantric and Yogic teachings as well as deep into the heart of the plant medicine journey as both an herbologist as well as a Shaman. Healing modalities include Akashic record/fielding work; Emotion Code; Past Life Scan and Ancestral lineage integration; kundalini yoga/meditation/hatha yoga cleansing practices and detoxification; DNA upgrades and mental sheath recalibration; womb healing; Internal Alchemy; Belvaspata Angelic Light/Frequency healing; Qi Vesta Spiritual Oneness consulting; Inner Family and Family Mandala integration and Especially Life-force management and recalibration.




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    MARCH 29, 2022

  • • So I want to talk to you about your thoughts and your thinking, basically let you know you are what you think you are, whatever you tell yourself you are. If you tell yourself over and over and over, I'm broke, I'm stuck, nobody likes me, I'm not fun, then that's the person you're going to become. Our thoughts are so powerful, what we speak about, we bring about. What we focus on expands, it's basically like planting seeds every time we have a thought, every time we say negative self-talk to ourselves. 'You can't do it. Who do you think you are? You know, I'm so frustrated with you. Why do you keep making mistakes or such a screw up... You know, I hate you, you're so dumb.' Guys, I had somebody the other day message me, she was a new market partner on my team, and I was in a group message, and I saw her go, 'Oh my gosh, I can't believe I said that. I'm so stupid. I sound so dumb'. I mean, I think sometimes we think that of ourselves, but sometimes we're like, 'Oh, why did we say that? It was so stupid...' But you know, catching yourself and realizing, Okay, you're a manifestation of your thoughts and beliefs basically, so if you think you're ugly and gross and nobody likes you, you'll start creating that in your reality. People's physical appearances can change based on their thoughts. (01:25)

    • I know you guys have heard me talk about it a lot, but seriously, it's just the best thing that's happened, and it's allowed me to be able to do these podcasts for you guys and put out all this content, this information, manifesting techniques, tips, tricks, all that stuff. I have the time to do that and I have the resources now to do that. But they gave us this book a few years ago, and I've read it and I'm re-reading it and they signed their names in it, so I just love the support. But this is a really cool story. I was going to read this to you. The author says, recently, in a training program he conducted, each person was asked to give a 10-minute talk on being a leader. One of the trainers gave a miserable presentation, his knees literally shook and his hands started trembling, he forgot what he was going to say, after fumbling for five to six minutes, he sat down thoroughly defeated. I don't know about you guys, but you probably heard me in the last podcast talk about, I want to speak on a large stage... Well, I think speaking is the number one fear that people have, speaking in large audiences in front of people. And I really had to work on training myself not to be nervous. (05:27)

    • Sometimes we go places like, I need to get motivated, Oh...I got to listen to something motivating today, to get me to feel good, to pep me up, which all that's great, but what about being your own cheerleader? What about pepping yourself up? What about saying those things to yourself before a big talk or before a job interview, or before talking to a potential customer or a client or a business partner? Instead of saying, Oh man, I hope they joined my team, I hope that they sign up for my services. I don't know who's really going to think of me as a leader, who's really going to think of me as as somebody who could promote these products? You've got to be your own cheerleader, pep yourself up, you know? Let go of the negative self talk, the fear... Fear is going to come up, right? But instead of building a fear-based story, instead of allowing that and manifest and create that reality, what he said in the book is, develop courage. And you know, thinking is just a habit, we can create new healthy habits, we can create new patterns of thinking. The first step is to be aware of the thoughts that we're thinking, the second step is to stop... To interrupt that pattern. (08:38)

    • I have something that I really want to share with the world. Why not me? Why can't I do it? There were times when I would see in my minds eye, of me tripping or following and stumbling on my words, and I thought, 'Well, that's not serving me very well, gosh... I don't want to do that.' So I really worked on interrupting that pattern to see myself walking on stage. I'm already visualized what I'm going to be wearing. What I'm going to say, how I'm going to walk out, what I'm going to share, and how much I'm going to serve the people in the audience... Really, it's not about me, it's about serving them and sharing with them things that have helped me along my journey in hopes that I can help someone else... I encourage you this week to do your pep talk. Be your own cheerleader. Visualize what you want to see in the world. Visualize who you want to be. Visualize what you want to receive. Visualize the way that people treat you and you show up. Do that pep talk. A few minutes a day can change your life. (14:16)


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    ** Download my FREE gift to you my Magic 5 Morning Mindset

    MARCH 22, 2022