
  • Loretta takes us through a short, simple, but very effective tool, to help us access thoughts and feelings and to process them.

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  • This could possibly be the BIGGEST MISSING LINK in your healing.

    In Episode 7 on Limiting Beliefs we briefly mentioned the role of emotions in health.

    In this Episode we deep dive into this topic.

    Loretta talks us through the physiological response in our bodies if we don’t feel ALL our feelings. It might shock you


    We all have negative and positive feelings, but we have not been encouraged to feel all our feelings, in fact, quite the opposite.

    As children we are often shown and taught that negative or strong emotions are wrong. For example, parents disapprove of children expressing emotions.

    The focus on the power of positive thinking has many of us believing that it is not okay to have a bad mood or a negative thought or feeling.

    In general, we have been socialised and conditioned to not feel what are perceived as “negative” feelings, so when they come up, we tend to block them out, change them or push them down.

    Loretta explains that when these emotions get pushed down it is like storing garbage in our bodies and if you have garbage in your body day after day, and year after year, your body will break down over time.

    Feeling your feelings will not kill you, but if they stay trapped in the body in the long term, they may.

    AND - False positivity and pretend joy can have negative effects on our health.

    We cannot shoot for only one side of the emotional spectrum and ignore the other if we want to be well (physically and mentally).

    The more we feel our feelings, the less anxiety and therefore the less fight and flight response in the body. Feeling ALL our emotions activates the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system.

    In order to keep our immune system strong, we need to feel our feelings.

    We discuss how we use all kinds of strategies to avoid feeling our feelings, but sooner or later they show up in our bodies as signs and symptoms. These signs and symptoms show us the possibility that we are suppressing emotions.

    Loretta talks us trough a tool to surf the waves of emotion.

    It takes time and practice to be able to work with emotions, but it has a hugely positive pay off on our physical and mental health.

    We will be exploring this topic in a lot more depth, so watch out for future Episodes.

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  • Not many people realise the health implications of their limiting beliefs and other psychological states.

    The health implications are huge and medical science is showing this. There are many biological pathways connecting psychological processes and immune functioning.

    Research is clearly showing how a range of long-term psychological states lead to a wide range of immune dysfunctions.

    Once you understand this you will realise the immense danger to your health of, for example, viewing yourself as a victim, wanting to be in control or perceiving yourself to be under attack or unsafe.

    Fear and not feeling feelings are the most damaging to our health.

    In this Episode we talk you through this in detail. We explain how it happens and what you can do about it.

    This information could be a complete game changer in your healing if you don’t know it.

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  • In this Episode we deep dive into the subject of Limiting Beliefs.

    What are they, how do they develop and how do they affect our physical and mental health?

    We talk through some limiting beliefs and how they produce certain coping strategies. It is these coping strategies that can have a negative influence on our health, and our life in general. We give specific examples.

    The thing to know is this, these limiting beliefs are unknown to us as they are “hidden” in the unconscious. The beliefs develop in childhood and until we bring them into conscious awareness and “work” with them they run our lives without us even being aware of it.

    These “unknown” beliefs, because of the way our brains operate, become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The RAS (Reticular activating system) looks for familiarity to keep us “safe”. This means we “unconsciously” attract and get in life what we believe.

    So, it’s important for us to bring these (limiting) beliefs into conscious awareness.

    Antoinette and Loretta openly share their own limiting beliefs and coping strategies, how they play out in their lives and how they deal with them.

    Lorretta offered a really amazing tool in this Episode in response to Antoinette"s very vulnerable share about her core limiting belief.

    There are a lot of gold nuggets in this Episode.

    Drop Lorretta an email on Loretta Ferrucci [email protected] and she will send you (at no cost) a list of 12 limiting beliefs and how they may be affecting your life.

    Email Antoinette on [email protected] to receive a free daily Inspirational Thought on email.

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    If you like what you have heard please write us a review, this really helps our ratings, and please share so we can get this information to more people.

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  • In this short clip Loretta explains what happens to our body chemistry and immune system when we experience long term conscious or hidden stress.

. Technical stuff ! At this point you may want to run for cover. If this is the case, relax. You do not have to understand or memorise any of this information in order for the tools and methods we offer in the podcast to work. In fact, if technical information scares you, skip this Episode until it feels right.

    Not understanding how these things work is not going to stop you from using the tools we offer to help yourself heal.

    However, without some basic knowledge, we would be doing nothing more than asking you to trust what we say.

    This knowledge will lead you to the door, but it cannot do the healing. Healing lies in the area beyond the door of intellect, in the realm of feelings and emotions but it can help you find that door.

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  • Freud compared the human mind to an iceberg. He said that only about one-tenth of our mind is the tip of the iceberg, the conscious mind, the rest of our mind, 90%, is unconscious, and is submerged beneath the water.

    This means that only a fragment of our ideas and feelings are conscious or known to us, while the vast bulk of our mental content is unconscious or "invisible .

    Really understanding this is a very important starting point in your journey of becoming your own healer.

    Bruce Lipton presented this iceberg model in this way :

    By the age of 7 years old we have a programme in place, this programme comes about as a result of our childhood upbringing, socialisation, conditioning and trauma.

    This programme is what is referred to above as the unconscious, it is the part below the iceberg , so the 90%.

    It’s the stuff we are not consciously aware of but is unknowingly running our lives and because of this programme we develop distorted beliefs, toxic thoughts and unhealthy coping mechanisms, as well as unknown stress responses.

    It houses deeply ingrained limiting beliefs and emotions that can manifest as physical symptoms.

    The programme will run the show until it is reprogrammed, and this doesn’t just happen from thoughts or knowledge alone. It takes time, commitment and tools.

    We hope to walk you through this journey, so stay tuned.

    Why you may be asking is this important information in relation to you helping yourself physically heal your body?

    Our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can create physiological responses in the body, affecting our body chemistry, immune system, hormone levels, and overall well-being.

    Unconscious (unknown) anxiety and hidden stress may present as physical and mental health symptoms that we don’t notice.

    Medical scientific research is showing that in the long run this causes illnesses, especially cancer, autoimmune, diabetes and heart disease. Beliefs are translated in chemistry that will not support our health and vitality.

    The unconscious mind plays out on our body, as the body/mind believes that they're living in the same unhappy experience that was in the past and therefore keep producing cascades of stress responses in that same cycle.

    We will be digging deeper into this and looking at specific diseases.

    For now, just to say that, physical symptoms of unconscious anxiety include muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, sweating, gastrointestinal disruptions, or changes in sleep patterns.

    These physical symptoms occur without a clear cause or trigger but will persist because of underlying unknown stress and over time can lead to some serious health issues such as cancer or diabetes.

    We humans sadly have become so used the living like this and as such unfortunately do not pay attention to these symptoms or we medicate them away.

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    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day.

    If you like what you have heard please write us a review, this really helps our ratings, and please share so we can get this information to more people.

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  • In this short clip I discuss how hidden, unknown stress can make us sick.

    Research is showing clearly that the following can, and do affect our health :

    Not feeling your feelings. Suppressed anger in particular. Anxiety & depression Loneliness and absence of social support emotionally deficient relationships Fear Negative thinking Denial Coping mechanisms : Avoidance, denial, addiction, people pleasing, co-dependency Wanting to be in control of everything Toughing it out all the time and keeping it together no matter what Needing to look good and be liked Low self-worth Not being able to say no Not being able to draw boundaries Threatened loss of love Insomnia

    Research has also shown that the following experiences, among many others, in a person’s past, especially up to age of 7 years old, can affect health or trigger disease:

    Abuse Abandonment Learning not to express feelings as a child Considering others above ourselves all the time Incapable or can’t say no in childhood and as an adult develop excessive dutifulness If we become our mother’s protector as children A child's humiliation, impotence and bottled rage

    Diseases being shown to be related

    Cancer Autoimmune Chronic fatigue Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus Inflammatory bowel disorders Rheumatoid arthritis MS Diabetes

    We will be discussing all of the above more in longer Episodes.

    (Paraphrased from When The body says no : Gabore Mate)

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  • · In this Episode we talk about the unknown factors that may be making you sick.

    These are hidden stresses like unresolved trauma , suppressed emotions, unconscious negative beliefs, toxic thought patterns and unhealthy coping mechanisms. It may take a long time to weaken our immune system and trigger our illnesses, but medical science is showing that many illnesses, such as cancer and autoimmune, are triggered by this.

    We want to help you identify these unknown stresses, work with them and use this to physically heal yourself.

    If you are physically sick and you want to play a role in your own healing by removing the obstacles to your cure, this could be the missing link in your healing and may just be where your healing lies!

    So please carry on listening and join us on this journey of healing yourself from the inside out.

    The insights that you will gain into yourself and the workings of your mind and body will not just help you physically heal but it could potentially transform your whole life .

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    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you liked what you heard please leave us a review. It really helps us with our ranking so we can get this out to more people. Also please share.

    Thank you for listening !

  • In this Episode Loretta and I talk about who we are, why we decided to team up to this podcast together and why we are so incredibly passionate about all that we will bring in the coming Episodes.

    Welcome and we would love to hear from you in the comments.

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    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day.

  • If we want to heal, we cannot understand the body in isolation from our mind, our emotions, our past, how we experience our daily lives and the environment we live in.

    Research is showing that this is the missing link in health and healing !!!

    If you are physically sick and want to play a role in your own healing, we invite you to join us.

    No matter which healing path you have chosen, the insight, tools, resources and programs we offer will empower you to take ownership of your healing and heal yourself from the inside out.

    True life stories of others who have healed themselves will inspire you to do the same and the community we have created will provide all the support you need so that you don’t have to go it alone.

    The insight you will gain into yourself and the workings of your mind and body will not just help you physically heal but could transform your life !!!

    This is and always will be an ad free space. Subscribe to our You Tube Channel to view these podcasts with video and connect with us and others in the comments.

    About your podcast hosts :

    Loretta Ferrucci

    I worked fulltime as a homeopath in private practice for 27 years. I also studied acupuncture and various other healing modalities allowing me to focus on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects of my patient’s health.

    I was frustrated at the fact that people changed their lifestyle when they were sick, healed and in many cases reverted to the same life style that made them sick in the first place.

    I started looking into why we unknowingly sabotage our health and this led me down the path of discovering the impact of hidden stressors such as unresolved trauma, supressed emotion, unconscious limiting beliefs and their impact on health.

    In 2020 I closed my homeopathic practice and started an online coaching business, helping people with chronic disease uncover the unconscious factors that make and keep them sick and teaching them to create vibrant health instead.

    Antoinette McInnes

    I got a brutal cancer 7 years ago on a very healthy anti-cancer lifestyle. I was puzzled until somebody gave me a book on Psychoneuroimmunology . This is a fairly recent medical science that connects health psychology and medicine. It looks at the relationship between social, mental and emotional factor and the body’s immune system.

    I knew then what had triggered my cancer and where my healing lay. I needed to heal those parts of myself that were out of kilter mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I have done 1000’s of hours of research and practiced what I learnt on myself.

    I not only am free of cancer now but have turned my whole life around. My passion is to share all I know and that has healed me to help others.

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  • It is critically important that we take control of our own healing. We explore why this is.

    This topic is being talked about a lot at the moment which is very exciting. At this time in history with so many external pressures and many people experiencing health issues, now more than ever, it is critical that we take back our power and empower ourselves to become our own healers. The world has unfortunately not encouraged us to participate in our own healing. We have been conditioned to give over our own inner power to outside healers. Gary says each person’s journey to healing is unique so outside help can play a role, but until we can access our intuition and higher self, we will not be able to know what we need to heal.
    Gary has been practicing this for a very long time in his own life. To the point that he can heal himself of terminal cancer, has no fear no matter what, always sees a silver lining and can rise above the awful.
    Gary does get outside help but also takes full responsibility for his own healing. To quote him, “If you are not participating in your own healing, in what you want and where you want it to go, then it’s not going to go well”. Gary is convinced that those who heal are committed, patient and are their own advocates. They use their own Spirit, inner guidance, and Soul to navigate life and healing. There is always a way he says, but it is up to us to find it, we will not find it outside ourselves.
    In this Episode Gary takes us through what it means and what is required for us to be our own healers. Knowing what Gary brings in this Episode could truly save your life or at the minimum really change it. I don’t say this lightly as I have used what Gary teaches to stop a very severe anaphylactic reaction that was choking me. Without using Gary’s wisdom, I am sure I would have been in some very serious trouble. So do take a listen and take note of the wisdom and tools that Gary shares as he guides us through what it means to become our own healers and how we can do it !!!
    Let us stop giving away our power to anything outside of ourselves. We find it hard to believe that we have this massive inner power. It’s time to break out of this programming. We are always safe and in control unless we really don’t believe it. It’s up to us as individuals !!!
    We are magnificent no matter what and we are all powerful, far more than we realise !! Gary takes us through how to access this and how to live in this space.

    The links to Gary’s amazing book, his Facebook page, and his website :

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    Book : One Hero’s Journey : Amazon book account :

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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • We can overcome anything, absolutely anything, if we are in charge of our mind, body, brain system, in a full and deep manner.

    This might just be the best Episode that Gary and I have recorded together.

    The links to Gary’s amazing book, his Facebook page, and his website :

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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • Gary Ramsey shares how he can be at peace and even joyful while in the throws of advanced cancer and the hardship and illness that comes with it.

    Since October 2021 Gary has been sharing his journey through his second cancer. He has inspired and shown the way for all of us as he has navigated the ups and downs of this journey and healed himself of brain cancer. Fast forward to July/Aug 2023, Gary’s cancer is causing issues for him. He is in a lot of pain, can’t sleep and has been having breathing issues at times. For most of us this would create stress, tremendous suffering, fear and quite frankly freak out. Remarkably however, Gary is able to navigate this really rough situation with unrelenting Faith, Peace, and Grace. He is applying all that he has taught us. In this Episode he talks us through how he does this and how he has applied the Alexander Technique. He also shares with us what his next steps are.

    These are the highlights of what he shares :

    · It all starts with the mind he says. The mind is the ultimate healer which will give you the courage and strength to keep going against all odds, there is always a way through it if you believe it in your mind.

    · He accepts that ultimately, he is not in control. He has an intention for a certain outcome but accepts that our Body-Soul-Spirit has to follow what is ordained by the Greater Consciousness /God. He is in charge of his mind but not of the ultimate end result.

    · Gary does have times when it is very hard, and he starts freaking out, but he is able to take a pause and bring himself back to his practice.

    · He says freaking out = desperation= suffering. Whereas if you accept and deal with it then there is no suffering.

    · It is important to stay in charge of your own journey rather than giving it over to someone else.

    · He is able to sit in the paradox and surrender to the uncertainty.

    · He has no fear of dying.

    · He sees it all as a Blessing and says it will lead to something greater whether it is in life or death.

    · He is at peace peace with the ultimate outcome even if it is death.

    · He is grateful for what is still good rather than focusing on how bad it is.

    · Gary sees it all as Grace and it all as a Blessing.

    “ You have got to know that there is always a way out, but you have to know the trick” Gary says.

    The trick for Gary is the Alexander Technique and, in this Episode, he talks us through how he applies it to take control of his mind when he is in terrible pain, can’t breathe or sleep.

    This Episode is evidence that Gary truly is one of the most remarkable Spiritual and Self -Help teachers of our time and we know we can trust what he brings because he is able to live it in a truly “horrible” situation.

    If you would like to take a look at the live videos I recorded with Gary in 2021, here are the links:

    Facing My Death, a Majestic Journey of Freedom and renewal

    We don't know what we don't know !!

    Discomfort is the price for a meaningful life

    The links to Gary’s amazing book, his Facebook page, and his website :

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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • If you want to know how to handle a medical diagnosis or illness with peace, and how to lead your own healing, then take a listen to this Episode.

    In this Episode, Dr Patricia Muehsam, a pioneer in the synthesis of medical science, holistic health, and contemporary spirituality, takes us through her whole person approach to healing. She offers us both knowledge and the tools to effortless healing.

    You will come away with insight into :

    What absolute health really means. Why we cannot overcome a health or any other challenge unless we enter a place of inner peace, surrender and equanimity. Why everything we need health wise or otherwise arises from being not doing. Why the body can’t heal without emotional healing. Emotional acceptance and fully feeling all our feelings is critical and health promoting. Why consciousness and spirituality are important to healing but that spiritual bypassing does not work. How we give too much authority to doctors and those outside ourselves, healing is actually an inside out job. The difference between healing and cure.

    You will leave with 5 absolute health tools which will enable you to:

    Achieve true healing and transformation of the condition rather than merely suppressing of symptoms with medication. Take control over your own healing and heal from the inside out. Overcome the anxiety, stress and fear that comes with a diagnosis or very difficult life circumstances. Move to a place of mindful awareness and to shift out of freak out into equanimity, acceptance, and inner peace. Take inspired actions to heal and have the solutions to your healing come naturally and without effort. Find feelings in your body and work with these feelings, allowing all feelings to be fully felt. Be less fearful of dying and death.

    Here is the link to guided audios of these 5 absolute health tools : or shorter Bitly if you like:

    You can also Subscribe below for resources, tools, inspiration, and events from Dr Muehsam :

    Find her award-winning book: Beyond Medicine : A physicians revolutionary prescriptions for achieving absolute health and finding inner peace.

    Take a look at her website on :

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    If you loved this Episode please subscribe to the channel and share ! Thank you for listening.

  • We have a physical body, but we also have an energy body. Our energy body is in fact the blueprint for our physical body. In this Episode we explore how important it is in our health and healing.

    Loretta says the energy body is like the plan that the architect draws before he can build a house. This plan for our physical body is housed in our energy body. It is interesting to know that before things change in the physical or psychological body, they change in the energetic blueprint.

    This energy body is unseen and so many do not even know that it exists, and it is completely left out in allopathic medicine and even in some complimentary medicine.

    Knowing about it and how it works is important because it means that we can keep our energetic blueprint healthy and therefore increase our ability to keep physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy.

    This one-hour podcast is a free master class that Dr Loretta Ferrucci has gifted us with. It includes all the information that you need to know about our entire energetic body including all the organ energies. It is absolutely riveting and includes some simple but great practical tools that we can implement straight away including an excellent visualisation.

    Some things I never knew and have blown my mind are :

    Ø Each organ has its own energy.

    Ø Our energetic blueprint is formed in the embryo.

    Ø The liver controls your blood, and the blood transports the Light of the Soul.

    Ø The stomach organ energy is associated with thinking those repetitive thoughts especially the stressed ones.

    Ø The heart says I will, and the heart governs the brain function associated with joy.

    Ø The kidney is the creator and is the reservoir of our life force.

    Besides fascinating and important detailed information about the energy blueprint of our bodies, Loretta offers us a few great practical tools and a powerful visualisation so we can start the process of balancing and healing our energies. I have been practicing these each morning and night since we recorded, and it really has made a difference.

    Dr Loretta Ferrucci is an experienced homeopath who is trained and experienced in the energy healing modalities of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Chinese medicine and Acupuncture.

    Let’s not sleep walk through life but live in alignment with what we want to create !

    Here is a link to the chart Loretta mentions :

    If you would like to know more about Loretta Ferrucci :


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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • Signs and symptoms can be scary but they can also be an opportunity. In this incredible Episode Dr Ferrucci and I explore how the body never lies and how we can become our own healers.

    Twenty-five years’ experience as a registered homeopath combined with her in-depth study and practice of many energy healing modalities means that Dr Loretta Ferrucci deeply understands the mind- body -energy connection.

    Lorretta says that our signs and symptoms are an opportunity to find the healer within ourselves. Inside each of us, she says, is an infinitely wise healer. One who is unbound by time, space, fears, assumptions, conditioning, stories, and limitations. “It” doesn't have to conform to certain conditions before healing can take place and intuition guides “it” as to which path to take to heal (mentally or physically).

    This so deeply resonates with me that I asked Lorretta to record an Episode. In this Episode she talks us through the five pillars of becoming our own “guru”, our own healer and offers some great advice and tools to get us on our way. It took me many, many hours of research over a five-year period to discover and implement what Lorretta has consolidated into a course called The Healer is You.

    Now more than ever, it's time for us to learn to live our lives guided by our own inner guru (higher self, spirit, soul), rather than being slaves to the limitations, fears and stories created by our mind, conditioning and what is outside of us.

    Want to know more? Ready to start living from your limitless heart and soul? Take a listen to this mazing conversation I had with Lorretta.

    If you are interested in knowing more about The Healer is You course email me : [email protected] or Whats App message me on +27 83 2624068.

    If you would like to know more about Loretta Ferrucci :


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    Instagram : @loretta_ferrucci

    Email: [email protected]

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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • If you want to step into your true healing powers and access the healer inside you then take a listen to this Episode.

    Inside each of us is an infinitely wise healer. One who is unbound by time, space, fears, assumptions, stories, conditioning, and limitations. This part of us doesn’t have to conform to certain conditions before healing can take place.

    I’m so excited to be recording a series of Episodes with Dr Loretta Ferrucci on this. Lorretta is a registered homeopath with 25 years’ experience. This combined with her in depth study and practice of many energy healing modalities means that she deeply understands the mind-body-energy connection. She fuses all this into a toolbox of practical techniques that not only enables people to transform and heal, but also empowers them to be their own healer.

    In this series we will be exploring going beyond the physical to heal. This first Episode is an overall introduction and following on this we will further explore :

    Organ energetics, the role of the subconscious in our health, what role the mind and thoughts play in our health, how fear and spiritual bypassing affect our health, why some people can cure the incurable, and more.

    Loretta keeps it practical and real, she takes the fluff out of healing and personal development. Now more than ever it’s time for us to live our lives guided by our inner guru (higher self) rather than being slaves to the limitations, fears and stories created by our mind.

    If you want to step into your true healing powers and access the healer inside you then take a listen.

    If you would like to know more about Loretta Ferrucci :


    Website :

    Instagram : @loretta_ferrucci

    Email: [email protected]

    If you are interested in knowing more about Loretta's course THE HEALER IS YOU email me : [email protected] or message me on What's App +27 83 2624068.

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    If you would like to receive an email with a daily inspiration please email me : [email protected]

    To get to know more about your host Antoinette McInnes and Light Within check out
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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing you are not the voice in your head, you are the one that hears the voice (Paraphrased from Michael Singer).

    In this Episode I talk to integrative consciousness and human potential life coach and inspirational speaker, John Homewood. John has a passion for inspiring and uplifting the awareness of people and in this Episode takes us through the understanding that we are not these voices in the head and that there is something much deeper than these voices. The pure awareness of these thoughts is who and what we are. Join us for this great conversation around this.

    To know more about John Homewood and Journeys of awakening :


    Email: [email protected]


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    If you would like to receive an email with a daily inspiration

    please email me : [email protected]

    To get to know more about your host Antoinette McInnes and Light Within

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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • Gary and I were having a zoom catch up and spontaneously decided to record an Episode. It was the eve of Easter Friday 2023. Gary suggested the topic of resurrection which seemed very fitting.

    This Episode turned out to mostly be an honest and profound share by Gary about his birth, childhood, and teenage years. Like many of us Gary had a very difficult childhood. Astoundingly though by age 5 Gary was already able to see lessons in the hardship of domestic violence, alcoholism, bullying, rejection and growing up too fast. In fact, he says, this difficult childhood was great preparation and training for the larger crucifixions (terminal cancers) and resurrections later in his life.

    You will be rivetted the whole way through as Gary shares details of his birth, childhood, growing up and how he was born “special” . Gary says his life has been a series of resurrections and brings a message to all of us that the key to life is to have faith in the continuous renewal of our lives and resurrection from the old. This happens from the time we are born.

    The links to Gary’s amazing book, his Facebook page, and his website :

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    Book : One Hero’s Journey : Amazon book account :

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    If you would like to receive an email with a daily inspiration

    please email me : [email protected]

    To get to know more about your host Antoinette McInnes and Light Within

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    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

  • Juri Love is a survivor of child sex abuse, domestic violence, bullying and homelessness. Despite the adversity, she has overcome many obstacles, including depression, suicidal thoughts, and PTSD and in fact has thrived.

    She came to America after winning a scholarship to attend the world-renowned Berklee College of Music. She has many accolades including being a recipient of Heroes Among Us from the Boston Celtics and a Volunteerism Award from the new England Patriots. She was the president/founder of a non-profit called Genuine Voices which taught music to juvenile offenders in the detention programme. She is also an award-winning TV/film producer, journalist, author, musician, model, actress and podcaster. In her book A Gift from Adversity she shares her passion, love, and wisdom through hardship in this personal account of her true life experiences.

    Juri uses her podcast platform to bring awareness to people suffering from similar social issues she endured. She feels compelled to create and hold space for people to be able to share their adversity and mental health and remove the stigma from society so people can shrive and not regret dwelling on their trauma and challenges. I had the privilege of sharing my story of trauma to triumph on her podcast and now I am so delighted she has agreed to share hers on mine.

    Thank for listening we just love having you here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so that you do not miss a single Episode and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated! And please share because this is much needed and will be much valued right now.

    To find out more about Juri :


    Instagram : @juripanda


    Don’t Look Up interview



    Album “Love Frequency”

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    If you would like to receive an email with a daily inspiration please email me : [email protected]