
  • Hey there Nerdy Photo Crew! In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, we unravel the secrets to success in the photography business by exploring the transformative power of implementing systems. Join us as we delve into the art of organization, automation, and optimization, and discover how harnessing the right systems can revolutionize the way you run your photography business.

    My guest, Annemie Tonken, shares her invaluable insights into the importance of using systems to streamline workflows, increase productivity, and maximize profitability. From client management and scheduling to post-production and marketing, we explore the myriad ways in which systems can simplify complex tasks and unlock your creative potential. Through practical tips, real-world examples, and some helpful advice, we uncover the keys to building a scalable, sustainable photography business that thrives in today's competitive landscape.

    Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in the world of photography, implementing systems is essential for achieving your business goals. By establishing clear processes, setting achievable goals, and leveraging technology to your advantage, you can create a solid foundation for growth and success. Join us as we demystify the world of business systems and empower photographers to take control of their futures, one streamlined process at a time.

    Episode Promos:

    Sprout Studio - CRM and Image Hosting Platform - Save 20% when you use our link - Aftershoot - AI Culling and Editing Software - Get one month free when you use our link - Pixifi - Powerful CRM Software That Saves You Time and Money - Save 20% when you use our link - Support The Nerdy Photographer

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    Annemie has been a professional photographer since 2010 and is now a respected educator focused on business systems and strategies that help creative entrepreneurs run profitable, sustainable businesses they love.

    She's the host of This Can't Be That Hard, a top-rated weekly business podcast for photographers, the creator of the Simple Sales System, which is used by thousands of photographers worldwide to create in-person sales-level income and service in an automated, and an experienced speaker known for her fluff-free content and memorable metaphors.

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    Did You Enjoy This Episode?

    Will you be incorporating systems into your photography business? Let us know what you thought of this episode at or leave a comment / send a DM on social media. We also want to hear about any photography related questions you might have or topics you would like to hear discussed on future episodes of the podcast

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • Hello, dear listeners of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast! We have some incredibly exciting news to share with you all. Our photography podcast is charting highly all over the globe, and we couldn't be more thrilled!

    When I started this podcast four years ago, the mission was simple: to share my passion for photography, offer valuable insights, and make people laugh.

    Charting in Multiple Countries

    Our podcast has been climbing the charts in multiple countries over the last month, including the United States, Canada, Ireland, the Phillippines, Australia, and beyond. It's truly humbling to see my listener base expanding and to know the show is resonating with photographers and creatives from different cultures and backgrounds.

    What Makes The Nerdy Photographer Podcast Stand Out?

    So, what sets our podcast apart? I believe it's a combination of engaging content, expert interviews, and a healthy helping of humor. We cover everything from technical tips and gear reviews to inspiring stories and creative challenges. Our guests include some of the best in the industry, sharing their expertise and experiences to help you become a better photographer, as well as photographers who may not be as well known but whose stories are no less compelling.

    The Power of Community

    One of the most rewarding aspects of our podcast's success is the incredible community that has grown around it. We've connected with listeners from all walks of life who share a common love for photography. The discussions, feedback, and shared experiences have enriched the podcast. This is a true labor of love. I am not making the big podcast dollars for this show, so getting the responses

    Exciting Episodes on the Horizon

    As we ride this wave of success, we're more motivated than ever to keep delivering top-notch content. We've got some fantastic episodes lined up, featuring interviews with industry legends, deep dives into emerging photography trends, and even some surprise segments that we're sure you'll love. We can't wait to share these with you and continue our journey together.

    Join the Conversation

    If you haven't already, now is the perfect time to join our growing community of listeners. Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform, leave a review, and share it with fellow photography enthusiasts. While Apple Podcasts is the most popular place for reviews, you can also review the show AND individual episodes on platforms such as GoodPods and Podchaser:

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    In conclusion, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who has tuned in, shared, and supported this podcast. Your enthusiasm and passion for photography are what drive me to keep creating and exploring. Here's to many more episodes, and until next time - STAY SAFE AND STAY NERDY!

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  • In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, we delve into the captivating world of street photography, where the pulse of a city beats through every frame. Join us as we explore the art of capturing the essence of a city—the rhythm of its streets, the diversity of its people, and the stories etched into its sidewalks and skylines.

    Our guest, Phil Penman, shares his insights into the nuances of capturing the soul of a city. From bustling metropolises to sleepy neighborhoods, we discuss the magic of street photography as a means of documenting the ever-evolving tapestry of urban life. Phil also shares his tips and techniques for consistently finding interesting images to capture.

    Street photography serves as a powerful lens through which to explore the complex layers of urban culture. By capturing fleeting moments of beauty, chaos, and humanity, photographers offer us a glimpse into the heart and soul of a city. From the iconic landmarks that define its skyline to the hidden alleyways that pulse with life, each image tells a story—a snapshot of the city's past, present, and future. Join us as we celebrate the art of street photography.

    Episode Promos

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Pixifi CRM software - Nerdy Photographer contract templates - Siteground Web Hosting - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Already subscribed? Leave a review! Tell your friends about the podcast - even tell your enemies! Subscribe to the newsletter - Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer swag and be the coolest photographer around - Buy Casey a drink by going to our support page - About My Guest

    The British-born, New York-based photographer Phil Penman has documented the ever-changing scene of New York City’s streets for more than 25 years. In his career as a news and magazine photographer, with a large body of work in such publications as The Guardian, The Independent, The New York Review of Books, among others, he has photographed major public figures and historical events. In particular, his report-age following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center has been featured on NBC’s Today show, as well as on the BBC, History Channel, and Al Jazeera, and his images have been included in the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s archives.

    His work covering the pandemic lockdown in New York City has been acquired by the U.S. Library of Congress, whose collection holds work by such great Depression-era documentarians as Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange.

    Besides showing at Leica galleries in New York, Washington, D.C., Boston, and London, Penman’s signature street photography has appeared in international exhibitions as far afield as Venice, Berlin, and Sydney.

    He also tours the world teaching workshops on photography for Leica Akademie. He was recently named among the “52 Most Influential Street Photographers,” alongside such legends as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Sebastião Salgado, Diane Arbus, and Garry Winogrand.

    Penman’s book, “Street” , published in 2019, became a best-seller and was featured at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. His most recent book “ New York Street Diaries” launched as the number one selling Street Photography book worldwide on Amazon.

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    Street: Photographs on Amazon -

    New York Street Diaries on Amazon -

    What Did You Think About This Episode?

    Are you a street photographer or interested in becoming one? Let us know your thoughts at our contact page - - or leave a comment / send a DM on social media. We would also love to hear your photography related questions or topics you might like to hear on an upcoming episode

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, I speak with a photographer dedicated to preserving the rich tapestry of diverse and disappearing subcultures around the world. Join us as we delve into the stories behind the images, exploring the challenges, triumphs, and profound impact of documenting these vibrant communities before they vanish into obscurity.

    My guest, Matt Jacob (or as he is known online, Matty J) shares his stories and process when it comes to documenting the rituals, traditions, and everyday lives of subcultures on the brink of disappearing. From hunting with eagles in Mongolia to tracking the Bedouin in the Arabian Peninsula, he uncovers the complexities of capturing the essence of cultures facing rapid change and globalization, as well as the urgent need to preserve these unique identities for future generations.

    As we celebrate the diversity of subcultures worldwide, this episode serves as a call to action for photographers to become custodians of cultural heritage. By documenting these communities with sensitivity, respect, and empathy, photographers have the power to amplify their voices and shine a spotlight on their struggles and triumphs. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of photography to bridge divides, foster understanding, and honor the richness of human experience in all its forms.

    Episode Promos Pic-Time image hosting - Nerdy Photographer Contract Templates - Elementor Website Designer - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Already do that? Leave a review! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page - About My Guest

    Matt is a photographic artist dedicated to the transformative power of visual storytelling. With a passion for capturing narratives through photography, he offers audiences valuable insights into untold stories, inviting them into unfamiliar lives through aesthetically beautiful and meaningful images. Through his large social media following, Matt not only showcases his art but also provides educational tips and episodes from his podcast, fostering a community of fellow creatives eager to learn, grow, and find inspiration. Additionally, he is excited to announce his latest offerings—an insightful eBook and an upcoming video course—that delve deep into the art of portrait photography, providing aspiring artists with theoretical education, practical guidance, and creative motivation.

    Matt's journey began humbly with a disposable camera and aspirations of aviation. Unexpectedly, a battle with cancer reshaped his perspective, instilling in him a deep appreciation for life's fleeting moments. This profound shift inspired him to craft timeless snapshots that transcend mere imagery, resonating with diverse audiences and emphasizing the significance of cherishing each form of life and culture. Furthermore, through his growing podcast, Matt delves into the deeper and more meaningful philosophies surrounding photography, filmmaking, and other art forms, enriching the art of conversation with discussions and insights garnered from his own journey and the experiences of fellow artists. Beyond his artistic pursuits, Matt is driven by a dedication to exploring lesser-known sub-cultures worldwide. Through his lens, he aims to provide a glimpse into these rich ethnicities, fostering understanding and empathy.

    You can also find Matt's work through any of the following channelss:


    What Did You Think of Our Discussion?

    What are your thoughts on preserving cultural identity through photography? Share this post with a friend or leave a message below and tell me what you thought of our talk. Or reach out on social media and leave a comment or send a DM. Your thoughts are always welcome - as are your questions about photography and topics you would like to hear discussed in a future episode!

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • The often overlooked realities of life behind the lens can be very challenging when you seek life as a professional or full-time photographer. In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, we shed light on the non-glamorous aspects of being a photographer. Join us as we peel back the curtain and uncover the challenges and sacrifices that shape the journey of photographers striving to make it in the photo industry.

    My guest, Francesco Sapienza, and I share our raw and unfiltered accounts of our experiences navigating the unpredictable terrain of the photography industry. From the painstaking hours spent editing photos to the financial uncertainty of freelancing, we confront the myths of glamour and overnight success head-on. This episode explores the emotional rollercoaster of rejection, self-doubt, and burnout that many photographers face on their quest for creative fulfillment.

    Episode Promos

    This episode includes promotions for the following:

    The Nerdy Photographer Resources - Nerdy Photographer Contract Templates - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Help out The Nerdy Photographer Podcast in any of these simple (and mostly free) ways:

    Subscribe to the podcast! And if you already do that leave a review! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page - About My Guest

    "I’m an Italian New York based Food photographer. I'm passionate about helping culinary brands in New York shape their dreams through effortless and stunning food photography.

    Among my clients: Gramercy Tavern, Union Square Café, Daily Provisions, Whole Foods Market, Oceans, Boucherie, Lavazza, Eataly, Hawksmoor, Smithsonian Books, Rizzoli Publications, and The New York Times.

    Grew up in Rome. Educated in Stockholm. A New Yorker since 2011."

    You can find Francesco's work on his website -, his Instagram feed - , or on LinkedIn -

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 25 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • Photographers have a complex relationship with social media, and in this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast we uncover the not-so-hidden dangers that lurk beneath the glossy facade of likes and follows. Join us as we explore the challenges faced by photographers in the digital age and discuss strategies for maintaining authenticity and integrity in an increasingly competitive online landscape.

    Along with my guest, Myron Fields, we share a candid discussion on the pressure of curating a picture-perfect online presence. From the relentless pursuit of outside validation to constantly comparising ourselves with peers, we shed light on the mental and emotional toll that social media can take on photographers. We examine the impact of algorithm changes on photographers having their work be seen and the effect of commodification of creativity on the photography community. Furthermore, photographers can benefit from listening and finding out how to focus their energy on social media when it comes to promoting their business, instead of just seeking approval for their posts.

    As we delve deeper into social media's influence on the photo industry, we offer practical advice for aspiring and established photographers alike. From setting boundaries and managing expectations to prioritizing authenticity over popularity, this episode provides valuable insights for navigating the digital wilderness with grace and resilience. Join us as we embark on a thought-provoking journey into the highs and lows of social media for photographers, and discover how to carve out a space for your voice amidst the noise of the online world.

    What Did You Think of This Episode?

    Send us a message at or leave a comment / send a DM on social media to tell us your thoughts on this or any other episode. While you're at it, feel free to ask questions or tell us any topics you would like to hear covered in the future!

    Episode Promos

    This episode features promotions for the following services:

    Elementor - Wordpress Website Design & Hosting - Audible - get a free trial and listen to audio books, podcasts and more - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page - About My Guest

    Myron Fields provides wedding, engagement photography, portraiture and headshot photography to clients primarily in the Washington, DC metro area.

    Serving couples, families, and individuals by creating authentic, bold, and editorial images is such a privilege and something Myron looks forward to each time he picks up the camera.

    You can learn more about Myron and view his work at his website – or on Instagram

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • In our latest podcast episode, we embark on an exhilarating journey into the heart of the wild, exploring the fascinating world of wildlife photography. From the awe-inspiring landscapes that serve as backdrops to the silent dramas between predator and prey, this episode celebrates the artistry and dedication of wildlife photographers.

    Our guest, Rylan Meadows, shares stories of venturing into the depths of nature, armed with patience, passion, and a camera. Discover the challenges and triumphs of capturing elusive creatures in their natural habitats and the ethical considerations that guide these photographers in their pursuit of the perfect shot. As we discuss the technical aspects of wildlife photography, from choosing the right gear to mastering the art of composition, listeners will gain insights into the unique skills required to freeze a moment in the wild.

    Wildlife photography matters because, beyond the visual feast of stunning images, it serves as a powerful tool for conservation and education. Wildlife photographers become ambassadors for the creatures they capture, fostering a deeper connection between humans and the natural world.

    Episode Promos

    This episode includes promotions for the following:

    Pixifi - Client Management Software for Photographers - Let’s Be Real Unposed Photography Prompts - Siteground Web Hosting Services - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Leave reviews about the podcast - they help more than you know Tell your friends about the podcast or even your enemies Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page -

    About Our Guest

    "I am an 19-year-old photographer that is passionate about all different forms of photography! I do work in wildlife, landscapes, portraiture, travel, product, and many other niches of photography. I currently attend Asbury University and I am active in my local community. I love photography, and hope to continue to pursue it as a career for the rest of my life."

    You can learn more about Rylan and see his work on his website - - or his Instagram - You can also check out his book, "To You, From Me" on Amazon -

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • In the world of photography, every click of the shutter captures not just an image but a unique perspective, a story waiting to be told. Yet, the industry has often fallen short in amplifying voices from marginalized communities. Today, it's crucial to explore how we can empower photographers from diverse backgrounds, ensuring a rich tapestry of narratives that reflect the true diversity of the human experience.

    Visibility matters. Empowering photographers from marginalized communities involves actively promoting their work and ensuring that they receive the recognition they deserve. This can be achieved through exhibitions, features in publications, and inclusion in industry events. When diverse voices are in the spotlight, it paves the way for future generations to see themselves reflected in the field.

    In this episode of the podcast, I speak with photographer Walid Azami about this is not just a call for diversity; but as a commitment to justice, representation, and the celebration of the many stories that make up our world. By advocating for change, we can create an inclusive photo industry that truly captures the beauty and complexity of the human experience. The camera becomes a powerful tool not just for capturing moments but for rewriting the narrative of who gets to hold it and tell the stories that matter.

    Episode Promos

    Pixifi - CRM Software for the modern creative - Let's Be Real Unposed Photography Prompts - Manscaped - Save 20% and get free shipping with discount code NERDYPHOTO - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast - sharing is caring Leave a review for the podcast. Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page -

    About My Guest

    "I’m a photographer, director, and creative director. I’ve worked with people you may recognize like Usher, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Ricky Martin, The NFL, Mary J Blige, Volkswagen, Target, HP Computers, and more
a lot more!

    I started my career by photographing weddings and family photos. I now oversee big productions, photograph for magazines, big brands, celebrities, and more. My biggest honor though goes to helping my peers do well!"





    What Will You Do to Make the Photo Industry More Inclusive?

    Tell us how you plan to promote inclusivity in the photo industry. Just reach out to The Nerdy Photographer on Instagram, Threads, and TikTok. If you have feedback on this episode or thoughts about a topic we should cover on a future episode, feel free to send us a note or voicemail via our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you!

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • Our lives today are dominated by digital screens and devices. Printing photos has taken a backseat to 'sharing' online. We are capturing more photos than ever before, however we are printing less and less.

    Yet, there's a timeless magic in holding a tangible photograph – a sentiment that transcends the pixels on our screens. While so many memories are often lost in the digital abyss, the importance of printing photos becomes a testament to preserving the essence of our lives.

    In this episode, I talk with Andrew Funderburg, founder of Fundy Design, about saving your photos from a life lived on a lonely hard drive or in the cloud and making them real and tangible. So get ready to ditch the ones and zeros for albums and prints!

    Episode Promos

    This episode includes promotions for the following:

    Manscaped – Get 20% off and free shipping with discount code NERDYPHOTO - Let's Be Real Unposed Photography Prompts - Siteground Web Hosting Services - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page - About My Guest

    Andrew Funderburg a.k.a Fundy is the founder of Fundy Software and the creator of Fundy Designer. The company's core value is to help professional photographers save time and make more money through offering more albums and wall art. It believes that printed photography is the common legacy that families can leave behind to tell their story. This commitment is evident in their documentary which follows Andrew to the south of France to recreate a portrait of his great uncle from WWI, taken in the very same studio.

    Fundy Designer helps photographers make higher revenue through automated designs, slideshows and IPS tools. They also help beginning photographers through their program and their Youtube series with photographers sharing their proven methods.

    Will you start printing your photos?

    In our quest for the latest and greatest in technology, let's not forget the timeless charm of printed photos. Let's revive the tradition of printing photos and relish in the tangible joy of preserving our most cherished memories. After all, in this ever-evolving digital world, some traditions are worth holding onto. I'm committing myself to printing more of my photos, both personal and professional and I encourage you to do the same thing!

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • When photographer Sarah Sharaf-Eldien contacted me about discussing her new book, Mālama Maui, which showcases the island and the musicians who play there, I knew I had to have her on. Especially since 100% of the profits from the book will be donated to the Maui United Way Fire Disaster Relief Fund.

    After a chance meeting, Sarah landed a music photography job most photographers would consider a dream, working alongside Mick Fleetwood, legendary drummer of the band Fleetwood Mac. This led to Sarah working closely with not only local music artists but internationally acclaimed music superstars as well.

    It only seemed natural to her to use the photos from that time in her life to help with the relief effort in some way.

    "The word 'Mālama' in the Hawaiian language means 'to serve, honor, protect, and care for.' The wildfires' heartbreaking devastation left hundreds of families displaced, countless businesses destroyed, and a tragic toll of lives lost. It is my hope that the photographs I've presented in Mālama Maui will preserve treasured memories, celebrate moments of magic, and cherish a sense of community that perseveres even in the face of adversity," says Sharaf-Eldien.

    "To the Ohana of Maui who have lost this historical part of their homeland, I wish Ka Lā Hiki Ola – the dawning of a new day. I sincerely hope that the funds raised from the sales of my book will contribute to the families and individuals who need our support, and will assist in the preservation and rebuilding efforts of Maui and Lahaina."

    Episode Promos

    Manscaped - Save 20% and get free shipping with code NERDYPHOTO at

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    Elementor WordPress Website Builder -

    Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

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    Sarah Sharaf-Eldien (pronounced ‘Sheriff el-Deen’) is an Egyptian-American portrait photographer who has worked closely with some of the most sought after musicians of our time. She began working in a fashion photography studio in Sydney, Australia, and transitioned into the world of music photography while shooting for legendary Fleetwood Mac drummer Mick Fleetwood on the island of Maui, Hawai’i.

    Her book, Mālama Maui, was published in December 2023 by Genius Book Publishing. The new book chronicles numerous musicians performing at Fleetwood's on Front Street in Maui, between 2016-17. Profits from the sale of the new book will be donated to the Maui United Way/Fire Disaster Relief Fun.

    While working in Maui, she also photographed iconic music photographer Henry Diltz at The Morrison Hotel Gallery, influencing her perception of portrait photography as an art of storytelling. Her timeless images of musicians and celebrities to entrepreneurs and everyday people, capture intimate soulful moments that reveal the subtle genuine beauty within. Sarah is currently based in Alexandria, Virginia, and travels with her two mini-pin chihuahua rescues, Ava and Julian.

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Studio LinkedIn:

    Genius Book Publishing, based in Milwaukee, WI, was founded by Steven and Leya Booth, both avid readers. The company was launched in 2011 and, to date, has published over 60 titles in genres ranging from horror to mystery-thrillers to true crime stories. The Genius catalogue also includes traditional print coffee table books about music, photography, and history.

    Website: Facebook: X/Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • Hey there photo nerds! It's a new year and I have a lot planned for the podcast in 2024. There are already a bunch of new episodes recorded with new photographers with amazing stories who have never been on the podcast yet as well as some past guests coming back to share new stories and ideas with us.

    I'm really excited to see where 2024 takes us. If you have ideas for an episode whether it's a guest or a topic be sure to let me know either via our contact page - or through social media.

    Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page -
  • How important is it to be inclusive and authentic with your photography? Well, if you're photographing people you will want to highlight what makes them unique.

    Whether you're a professional photographer or just starting out, this episode is full of valuable insights and tips to help you create inclusive and authentic images of subjects of all body types and neurodivergent individuals. So grab your camera, get ready to open your mind and your heart, and join us as we explore the fascinating world of inclusive and authentic photography.

    Episode Promos Pixifi Client Management Software - Elementor Wordpress Website Builder - Siteground Web Hosting - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

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    Mary Vance is a lifestyle photographer and videographer located in the suburbs of Seattle, Wa, where she specializes in high school senior photography. Over the past decade, Mary has earned a reputation for creating connection in single-subject images as well as crafting inclusive experiences for her senior clients, specifically for those who are neurodiverse or identify as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Mary merges her past life as a professional dancer with her ease of interaction with teenagers to create natural posing workflows to flatter all bodies.

    Mary has shared her approach to senior photography thru speaking engagements with WPPI, the RangeFinder Lounge, The Bokeh Podcast, and the Elena S Blair Mastermind and Retreat. She writes regularly for RangeFinder Magazine and has been educating for over 20 years.





    And online courses:

    About The Podcast

    The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is written and produced by Casey Fatchett. Casey is a professional photographer in the New York City / Northern New Jersey with more than 20 years of experience. He just wants to help people and make them laugh. You can view Casey's wedding work at or his non-wedding work at

  • Are you ready for savings?!?!?!??

    Hey there listeners! It’s that time of year again, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are once again upon us and the Nerdy Photographer has compiled all of the great deals for photographers in one place. Great deals on web hosting, software, presets and much more.

    Find the deals here -

    Save on Nerdy Photographer Products!

    You can also save big at the Nerdy Photographer store. From Black Friday through Sunday, you can save 30% on contract templates in our store. Need to update your wedding or portrait photography contracts? Need a contract for your second shooters and associate photographers? Pick one up cheap by using discount code SIGN30

    Link to contract templates -

    Then on cyber monday save 25% on everything in our store with the discount code CM2023 - contracts, unposed photography prompts, questionnaires, and much more - be sure to get these savings before they’re gooooooooone! Oh, and tell your friends about them!

    Link to shop -

    Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page -
  • The period of time from the beginning of the pandemic until now seems to have been ten years and at the same time only a few months. It's like we're experiencing some sort of collective time warp.

    When I stop and think about ALL of the things that have taken place in that period of time, I start to feel overwhelmed.

    In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, photographer Kamal X and I tackle some of that time periods and topics entwined with the time. Kamal's new photo book, Black Astronaut, "gives viewers a striking depiction of a nationwide revolution ignited by the pandemic and the passing of George Floyd. By taking an innovative approach my book creates an unparalleled opportunity to explore pivotal sectors of our country’s unrest."

    In our discussion, we also touch on subjects ranging from overcoming uncertainty and hostile situations to what it truly means to be yourself. Now that it seems so distant in many ways, we forget how lost and in uncharted territory we really were.

    You can pick up a copy of Black Astronaut on Amazon -

    Episode Promos

    This episode includes promotions for the following:

    Elementor Wordpress Website Building Plugin - Siteground Web Hosting Services - Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page - About My Guest

    "I am Kamal X, a professional photographer that has been documenting my travels throughout the world since 2015. Photography found me at a time in my life where I felt confused and voiceless. I wasn’t sure of where I was internally and what direction I wanted my life to go. I welcomed my challenges and I found myself drawn to creating images that evoke emotions rooted in the many universal elements of the human experience. My goal is to tell stories from all walks of life and give a raw voice to the world we live in, through compassion and honesty."

    You can find Kamal X on his website or on Instagram @iamkamalx

  • While a picture is worth a thousand words, those words can be the key to unlocking the full potential of your brand. The photographers we spoke to emphasized the significance of selecting a name, tagline, and message that not only describe what you do but also convey the "why" behind your photography. Your chosen words are the foundation upon which your visual identity rests. They define your style, evoke emotions, and solve your clients' needs. In short, they tell your story.

    In this episode of The Nerdy Photographer Podcast, we're delving into the fascinating world of branding and marketing for photographers and exploring a critical aspect that often takes a backseat to visuals—the power of language.

    Support The Nerdy Photographer

    Want to help The Nerdy Photographer Podcast? Here are a few simple (and mostly free) ways you can do that:

    Subscribe to the podcast! Tell your friends about the podcast Follow on Instagram - Follow on Threads - Follow in Tiktok - Get some Nerdy Photographer merchandise - If you’re feeling extra generous, check out our support page -

    Episode Promos

    This episode including promos for the following:

    Siteground Web Hosting - Let's Be Real Unposed Photography Prompts - Free Trial of Audible Plus - About My Guest

    Founder of Mercurylab, Beth Taubner has been a Transformational Brand Strategist and Creative Director working with strategy and creative communications for over 20 years. Beth has developed a proprietary approach to branding using a combination of psychological, visual and analytic processes. Beth has developed a profound emotional branding process enabling clients to come to market with a focused blueprint for success, rooted in authenticity, consciousness and real-world success.

    Beth offers one-on-one consulting and coaching, and business consulting on strategic brand and creative development, communications, content creation, marketing and implementation worldwide. If you're interested in connecting with Beth about consulting or coaching for your photography business, you can reach out to her at [email protected]

  • The grand adventure saga comes to a close. It's possible that I spent way too much time and energy fretting over what to do with the 100th episode instead of just celebrating reaching this important milestone.

    I wanted to create a huge, epic adventure episode and it took up so much space up in my mind that I delayed putting out the episode over and over because I wanted it to be perfect.

    This is what they call a 'teachable moment' - don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I hope you enjoy this adventure episode. I'm not sure when they will be back again. That's not to say the Nerdy Photo Crew is going away but the full fledge adventures I've been doing regularly for the last 75 episodes are probably going to become less frequent bonus episodes in the future.

    In the meantime, I have a bunch of interviews with photographers and other folks who can help you with your creative business that I need to put out there. That's what really matters, right?

    Thank you for being there for the first one hundred episodes - and here's to the next hundred!

    Follow along on social:

  • Take heed, loyal listeners! Flothemes, a Wordpress template creator which I have promoted on this podcast, and which I use on five active websites, is closing up shop.

    Listen to this special bonus episode for all the relevant details. Personally, I am very disappointed in how this entire situation has been handled by Flothemes and Pixieset, which acquired Flothemes in 2021.

    There's a lot to unpack for the thousands and thousands of Flothemes users and unless you were an affiliate member or part of the Flothemes Facebook Group, you may not have received the announcement yet! They are closing up shop and they still have not sent out an email to all of their users.

    In the meantime, I will be searching for a new option for my several websites, and I will keep you updated in the process in case you are looking as well. Be sure to follow me on the socials for more updates:

  • Hey there loyal listeners! Just a quick status update from the Nerdy Photographer Podcast. There are new episodes coming, however I have needed to prioritize my physical and mental health which has taken away time from editing and producing those episodes. It takes a lot of work and we are still waiting on those big time podcast sponsorship dollars to start rolling in...any day now!

    Our celebration of reaching 100 episodes is coming up and there's still time to send a message telling us what your favorite episode, guest, or topic was OR let us know what you would like to hear on future episodes. You will even get a shoutout on the episode and social media.

    Just visit one of the links below to send a message, a DM, or leave a voice memo:

    In the meantime, feel free to listen to any past episodes you may have missed or leave us a review! And check back soon for new episodes.

  • Last week, Meta launched Instagram Threads and it already has over 100 million downloads!

    Just what you wanted, another social media app to worry about, right? Well, I have a quick intro to Instagram Threads as well as my pros and cons of the platform so far.

    The energy on the app is sort of like the early days of Twitter or chat rooms near the turn of the millennium. There's a lot happening and it's all rushing by at lightning speed.

    Whether the platform has the endurance to stick around in the already crowded social media landscape, there are opportunities for photographers as well as other visual creatives and podcasters (yes, showing some love for my podcast community).

    From image quality to discovery to how to take advantage of the sign up process to get more followers, there is a lot packed into this short episode.

    Be sure to listen and then get on threads while the shiny new feeling is still on the app. Use this time to make important connections and broaden your network. And just have fun. Be warned, though, there are some difficulties with the app.

    But those are growing pains, right?

    While you are over there, be sure to follow me:

  • Attention Nerdy Photo Crew and everyone else out there listening! Exciting news awaits! The Nerdy Photographer Podcast is about to reach a major milestone - it's 100th episode! And we couldn't have done it without you, our amazing listeners. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we want to hear from you!

    We're calling on all of the Nerdy Photographer fans to share their input and make this milestone episode truly special. We want to know your favorite episodes, the guests who made you laugh, and the topics that made you think. Your feedback will help us curate a special compilation of the most beloved moments from the past 100 episodes.

    But that's not all! We also want to hear your ideas and suggestions for the next 100 episodes. What topics do you want us to explore? Is there a specific guest you'd love to hear from? Are there any burning questions you want us to address? Your input will shape the future of our podcast and ensure that the next 100 episodes are even more captivating and engaging.

    Here's how you can participate: Go to the website - - and leave a voice message, or you can send us an email, or connect with us on social media.

    Instagram -

    Twitter -

    TikTok -

    Send a voice memo, a message, or a video!! As a token of our gratitude, any listeners we choose to feature will receive special shout-outs during the episode. So, don't hesitate - share your thoughts, memories, and ideas today!

    Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate our podcast's incredible journey as we approach the 100th episode. Thank you for being a part of this remarkable adventure. Your support means the world to us, and we can't wait to embark on the next chapter with your valuable input.

    Stay tuned for more details and get ready to make your voice heard!