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ASHPOfficial is the premier podcast of ASHP and the collective voice of our 50,000 members in health-system pharmacy. Through interviews and discussions with pharmacy thought leaders, ASHPOfficial will explore issues related to public health, medication use, and supporting the professional practice of pharmacists in hospitals, health systems, ambulatory clinics, and other settings. To learn more about ASHP, please visit
Over wat dementie met een mens doet. Op de Instagram van Sven Speybrouck staat een foto van zijn mama. Het beeld is wazig. Dat was zij toen ook al. Het moet rond die tijd geweest zijn dat stilaan duidelijk werd dat ze dementie had. Ergens in de mist in haar hoofd zijn moeder en zoon elkaar kwijtgeraakt. Zovele jaren later is die foto van zijn mama het vertrekpunt van een zoektocht naar wat dementie met een mens doet. Sven vertrekt van aan de keukentafel van zijn moeder en gaat op zoek naar lotgenoten. Een podcast ism Cera, Expertisecentrum Dementie Vlaanderen en Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen.
Dans l’inconscient collectif, la médecine est intrinsèquement humaniste. Il est difficile de s’imaginer qu’un soignant, à qui on attribue les intentions les plus louables telles que sauver des vies, soit l’auteur de discriminations. Pourtant, nombreux sont les témoignages de patients racisés qui ont subi des négligences ou violences médicales en raison de leur appartenance raciale. Pire, certains d’entre eux sont morts à cause de ces biais et pratiques racistes.
En Belgique, aucune étude n’a été réalisée à ce sujet et le traitement médiatique autour de cette problématique reste relativement faible. C’est pour cette raison que nous avons décidé de créer le podcast Dis les termes, une production sonore qui retrace l’histoire du racisme dans le domaine médical et qui met en lumière les témoignages de personnes qui ont été, directement ou indirectement, confrontées à un traitement différentiel raciste réalisé auprès d’un patient. Docteurs, patients, sociologues ou juristes, nos témoins vous embarqueront dans leur récit pour comprendre leurs vécus et déconstruire le phénomène raciste, le tout sans filtres et en disant clairement les termes.
Un podcast réalisé par Maroussia Amigh et Jihane Bufraquech.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Welcome to Inside GRAPPA, a podcast and brought to you by the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA). Our mission is to enhance understanding and treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis through the sharing of research, knowledge, and collaborative efforts.
We bring together leading rheumatologists, dermatologists, scientists, patient representatives, and industry partners, uniting our passions to make a difference for those living with these conditions.
Join our host Fabian Proft as we navigate the challenges, share the latest research, and explore the triumphs in the world of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Together, we can make a difference.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Transmission is the award-winning podcast of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. Explore the exciting journeys of scientists and physicians battling diseases worldwide, from confronting Ebola in distant villages to the fight against COVID-19 in bustling urban settings. Join our researchers in their quest for a healthier world, from war zones to indigenous communities, addressing pressing issues like maternal deaths, HIV stigma, and access to life-saving drugs.
Transmission: your front-row seat to the world of health, science and beyond. New episodes drop on Thursdays. -
Welcome to 'Biomedical Frontiers: Stories with Innovators in Healthcare,' a podcast produced by the University of Virginia's Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research.
Biomedical Frontiers is a forum for in-depth discussions at the intersection of healthcare technology and translational research. We feature leading voices from the University of Virginia community and the broader biomedical industry. Each episode explores pivotal research projects and disruptive innovations aimed at translating scientific advancements into tangible healthcare solutions. Rooted in the Coulter Center's mission, this podcast seeks to dissect the methodologies and implications of explicitly translational research, examining their potential to reshape medical practice and patient outcomes.
Join us on this intellectual voyage, where we unravel the complexity of biomedical innovation, fostering a deeper understanding of its impact on healthcare and the broader scientific community. Notable guests of the podcast include Dr. Nathan Price, Chief Science Officer of Thorne Health and co-author of The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, Data Rich and in Your Hands, Dr. Natasha Sheybani, a pioneering researcher in Focused Ultrasound Immunotherapy and the winner of Forbes 30 under 30 in Science, and Dr. Jennifer West, University of Virginia’s Dean of the School of Engineering.
Director & Host: Dasha Tyshlek, StratCraft, Inc.
Executive Producer: David Chen, Managing Director & Instructor of Engineering Design, UVA Coulter Center
Senior Producer: Hannah Moore, Associate Director, UVA Coulter Center
Design Director: Carolyn Wagner, Inc. & Link:
Produced by the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research at University of Virginia.
Twee keer per jaar live op het podium van Ha Concerts en nu ook als podcast: de Denk Zorg-avonden van het UZ Gent.
In deze reeks zetten zorgverleners, wetenschappers, filosofen en artiesten het mes in medisch-ethische thema’s. Ze reflecteren over leven en dood, ziekte en gezondheid, kwetsbaarheid en pijn. Waar woorden tekortschieten, neemt de muziek het over. -
Via 'Goed Ziek' zoeken we naar een zorgsysteem dat écht werkt voor iedereen. Samen met boeiende gasten duiken Eline Van Hollebeke en Tim Peeters in patiëntenpaden en het gezondheidssysteem eromheen. Want laten we eerlijk zijn, soms is dat ‘goed ziek’. Gelukkig zijn er in elk traject ook lichtpuntjes. Luister en ontdek hoe jij als patiënt, naaste of professional kan meebouwen aan de zorg van de toekomst.
Inside Cosmetic Surgery, hosted by Dr. Barry Lycka, is the leading informational radio show on cosmetic surgery today. Broadcasted on WebTalkRadio – Inside Cosmetic Surgery will keep you coming back for documentaries ranging from the serious to the whimsical and everything in between – on everything you need to know about cosmetic surgery.
Cette chaîne animée par Julie Desgagné kinésiologue, conférencière, vlogueuse et animatrice radio vous inspirera à entrer en action! Que ce soit pour un défi sportif, une perte de poids ou de la mise en forme après/avec une maladie ou un trouble de la santé.Julie vous parlera de motivation, de saines habitudes de vie, de bonheur, de vivre, de faire de l'activité physique et plus encore!
Interviews, editorial viewpoints and discussions around key news items and their impact on global clinical research. Presented by The Institute of Clinical Research, a leading membership organisation for professionals involved with the design, management, conduct and reporting of clinical trials.
SAPIEN brings health & nutrition expert Brian Sanders together with internal medicine specialist Dr. Gary Shlifer to talk about all things related to optimum health including mind, body and spirit. We promote living your best life through ancestral principles.
You’ll find actionable diet & nutrition tips and best practices, mental health & wellness, weight loss & chronic disease prevention and reversal, top guests in their field, listener questions, fitness, and rants of the day. -
Janssen IDViewpoints is a podcast series that discusses topics and issues in the infectious disease space – from symptoms and stigma to treatment and awareness.
The IDViewpoints podcast was created by The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. Guests of IDViewpoints are not compensated in any way for participation in this podcast. All thoughts and opinions expressed on IDViewpoints are those of the guests and should not be considered medical advice. If you need medical advice or have questions about your treatment or condition, consult with your healthcare provider. -
Stay connected to the changing landscape of Patient Experience through the To Care is Human Podcast Series. The Beryl Institute is committed to elevating the human experience in healthcare by providing a platform for all voices in patient experience to be heard. Join us weekly as the Institute shares conversations with those leading, delivering, and receiving care.
Hosted by Jason Wolf, PH. D., CPXP, President The Beryl Institute
Tiffany Christensen, CPXP, Vice President Experience Innovation The Beryl Institute. -