
  • From picky eater to offal and parasympathetic pause champion! Today’s episode #57 features celebrity chef, author and entrepreneur James Barry. I "met" his culinary creation — Pluck, a grass-fed regenerative and organic seasoning featuring offal — highly nutrient rich organs alongside organic spices and Redmond Real Salt, some years ago and have been in love ever since. It was a true pleasure to learn the story and motivation behind his chosen life path as a nourisher extraordinaire and organ champion, and I’m thrilled to share his health promoting tips with you. Chef James reveals that he wasn’t born with a refined palate; in fact, he was a picky eater until entering culinary school in his late twenties. He posits that picky eating stems from past traumatic experiences and can be mitigated by confronting fears and slowly introducing culinary elements such as texture and umami over time. James is all about connecting what we’re eating to our health, and uses a “micro-dosing” approach to both learning how to broaden your palate and include organ meats in your approach to nutrition. For example, shaving beef liver into hamburger meat or adding finely chopped chicken hearts or beef tongue to otherwise muscle meat focused Taco Tuesdays. I love this because it’s exactly what I do chez moi AND how I encourage inactive people to begin exercise. We’ve got to be realistic, y’all — if you’re not in the habit of hitting the gym and think that anything less than an hour doesn’t count, you’re never going to get there. But if you lace up your sneakers and take a 5-10 minute walk down the block every day, this will add up and have profound, sustainable health improvement effects on your life. If these shavings and textures don’t sound appealing to you, all the more reason to check out Pluck! Nourishment Mindset listeners/viewers/subscribers get a special 15% discount at checkout when using the code NourishmentMindset.SHOW LINKS:,digital-text,96&sr=1-1

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  • It's ALL about the INGREDIENTS y'all!

    We’ve all been taught to look at the calories and the now gi-hugic nutrition label, but the real nutrition story is told in the INGREDIENTS! Today’s episode is about tossing out those frames from the 70’s (when this government interference in nutrition started) and putting on some modern lenses to evaluate food based on what it gifts to your brain and body.

    A diet is about restriction; it also rhymes with riot. Nourishment is about healing and vitality; it’s a lifestyle. On a diet, 100 calories of gummy bears is fine; when you’re nourishing yourself, you’d much prefer 100 calories of steak. (Not that calories are our focus nor that you’d only eat 100 calories of steak!) The steak is filled with a cornucopia of vitamins and minerals; the gummy bears deliver nada.There are plenty of powers at play who want to convince you that plant alternatives are on par with the real deal. Here at The Nourishment Mindset, we’re calling b******t. Let’s talk eggs versus plant-based eggs. The former is filled with nutrients from one ingredient, the egg — Nature’s veritable vitamin. No seed/veg oils, stabilizers, chemicals, preservatives, etc. The latter is a hot mess of ingredients — many of which are unpronounceable mysteries. (I love that the faux egg label below mentions being made in a facility that also processes REAL food!)

    Ultimately, how you nourish yourself is your choice. Open your eyes!

    -FINE READ-I just loved Dr. Georgia Ede’s Change your Diet, Change your Mind. She’s a bold nutritional psychologist who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is: your brain NEEDS meat! In fact, she dedicates an entire chapter to this subject, “Meat: the Original Super Food.”

    -GREAT NEWS-J’adore la belle France! And she just made me very happy by passing a law banning companies from trying to sell faux meat, or what I call MUTT labeled with meat words such as “steak” and “ham.” Why is this important? Well, the very concept of nutrient density. Calling something steak doesn’t mean it delivers the nutrients in a real steak, and it certainly doesn’t account for all of the garbage ingredients for which people are paying more.Oh my goodness, given that I introduced Travis the Newf in the beginning of this episode — gotta watch the video, y’all, I just got an idea: I’ll cook him up some plant-based meat and some real meat and do an experiment to see which one he picks! Stay tuned… I’m not worried about it because I’m damned sure he’s not an idiot.

    -QUICKIE NOURISHING RECIPE-So this is REALLY simple and it’s a go to a couple of times a week when I’m in the middle of my work day: iodine rich tuna salad. Combine a can of (preferably) wild caught tuna with a tablespoon or so of avocado oil (seed/veg oil-free) may — I love Primal Kitchen’s. Add salt, finely chopped nuts of your choosing, and some herbs if you like. Santé!

    -HIPPIE DIPPIE PRODUCT-I just LOVE Redmond and have mentioned their sea salt many times! I recently ordered their Bentonite Clay and have been making super easy facial masks by adding water. It tightens and smooths the skin. And has only natural ingredients.

    -SHOW ME THE LOVE-If you haven’t purchased my book and you’ve made it all the way to the end of this monthly newsletter, let’s get movin’! You may do so on Amazon or my website for a signed copy shipped free of charge.If you’re a sweetheart and have already purchased, please consider spreading the love by recommending it to a friend and/or writing me a review on Amazon! More important than supporting my work, you’re spreading our metabolic mission to help people achieve vitality through real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table!-LINKS-

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  • This is our third show about nourishing kids inspired by an article in my French village’s newsletter featuring the three chefs of the elementary school who strive to serve balanced, locally sourced, organic lunches with variety! (Previously, we aired episode 3, Kid Food, and episode 27, Let’s Cook.) Warning if you watch the episode on YouTube: got Florida wet hair and just don’t care!

    Here are links to example menus at the elementary school in Châteauneuf du Pape and my local school distract in Collier County. Please note the French menu is made with fresh ingredients by school chefs; our school processed “food” is delivered via truck and filled with preservatives, seed oils, glyphosated grains and Lord knows what else.Is it any wonder that you don’t see wild animal behavior in French kids?!! The culture has an eating schedule focused on real food and is not snacking around the clock. These kids don’t suffer from the blood sugar roller coaster nightmare that many a hangry American kid displays. It’s almost like there’s a nutrition connection with mood, hyperactivity, concentration and more!We then venture into one of the most important health books I’ve read, Pandora’s Lunchbox: How Processed Food Took Over the American Meal, where author Melanie Warner details many of the horrors of our food system including cereal, the 5000+ unstudied GRAS “Generally Recognized as Safe” additives the ever effective FDA allows companies to self-regulate, dough conditioners and of course, seed oils. We then “tour” through the production of soybean oil with this warning: you may barf! And then wonder over to one of my favorite parenting books, Raising Happiness, by Dr. Christine Carter and specifically, chapter 10, “Eat Dinner Together.” Here Dr. Carter espouses the importance of family meals, which are “the most important science-based advice I will give you for raising happy kids… benefits are remarkable,” because they lead to better emotional stability, grades, mental and physical health.The Nourishment Mindset is not about taking food to extremes; rather, it’s about finding your balance. Knowledge about real foods and the shitty stuff we allow in our food systems is power because you can then choose how you want to nourish yourself. My personal philosophy is to focus on making plenty of “health account deposits” and enjoy my occasional withdrawals such as the gator bites I had last weekend at my favorite restaurant in America, Capri Fish House! (Think sunny day, calm cove, feet in ocean, fresh seafood and white wine in hand while kids romp on the beach — my petit paradis.)

    Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me your questions, comments and show ideas. And please like and follow me on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. And of course, please spread the word about my book, The Nourishment Mindset, which you can buy on Amazon or my website for a signed copy.

    Thanks for reading Nourishment Mindset Podcast! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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  • The first time I spoke with Michael, I felt like I was reconnecting with a friend. Like a mental health counselor should be, he is warm, genuine, content and a particularly good listener. Michael is also funny and extremely well read. (Reminds me of another Pitt grad I know — my husband, Patrick Huey: maybe there’s somethin’ to studying in Pitt’s iconic Cathedral of Learning.) And like a good, long-time friend he is unapologetic about his awesome quirks like raising Nigerian dwarf goats and jumping on couches. (Watch the Youtube version to see his agility, y’all!).

    In today’s episode #54, Michael shares his secrets for surviving in a sea of estrogen, which include farm work alongside his super skilled and visionary wife, Caroline, and their daughters. He shares his backstories about being held in the grips of sugar and video games, as well as how he came into his calling of counseling. I really enjoyed learning about how he connects with his patients and uses therapeutic modalities - including humor(!) that match with their interests and personalities to get in a state of flow with them. We of course get into a discussion of how nutrition impacts mental health among all ages; from ADHD to dementia, we see a link between food choices and metabolic outcomes. Bottom line, y’all: ultra-processed foods with their addictive, cheap, inflammatory inputs including toxic seed oils, sugar and all of its forms and cheap “Glyphosated” grains leads to an incredible array of mental and physical health problems.

    Michael and I end with a discussion of the importance of having a relationship with yourself, and he wisely passes down the advice to “make friends with your mind.” In practice, he has patients describe the characteristics of a good friend, and then asks them to treat themselves in a similar manner. I love this idea and will certainly use it in my practice, where I hear things like “I’m my own worst critic” or “I hate myself when…” or “I’m so bad” all too frequently. This is one of the many reasons why I’m a huge proponent of morning and evening routines; both are an opportunity to practice grounding and gratitude, which go a long way in developing positive self regard.

    Give us a listen, and let me know what you think as well as send ideas for future shows and guests! If you would like to support his favorite local NC beef farmer, check out Oak Cattle Farms.

    Remember how I said connecting with Michael is like talking to an old friend? In our conversation, I felt comfortable enough to bring up art piece I did while in the care of a counselor after I experienced postpartum anxiety given my near death experience with pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.

    Thanks to all y’all who have supported The Nourishment Mindset through your listenership, viewership, reviews and questions and show ideas! If you haven’t yet bought the book, what are ya waitin’ for?!! You can do so on Amazon or my website for a signed copy shipped for free.LINKS:

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  • Happy Transformation Tuesday y’all, and welcome to the final Nourishment Mindset episode of 2023! Today’s we’re talking about the ills of diet culture, which has a nasté grip on most of us and leads to a perpetual cycle of restrict-overindulge-shame/guilt-restart. Diet culture is polarizing and devoid of the pleasure food is meant to bring to our tables, but it sure does make the industry beaucoup bucks.Here I offer a new lens through which to view the way you nourish yourself: nutrient richness. This is where you focus your food choices on what each item brings to your health and develop a framework of making what I call “health account deposits.” There’s no quick fix here, but it’s a much wider healing path versus the dieter’s tightrope where one tiny slip means you come crashing down. You’ll learn about health account deposits beyond food, as well as how to enjoy an occasional mindful withdrawal and stay on track. And focus on how to harmonize with your hormones versus deal with the metabolic riot a diet will cause. In closing I want to thank all y’all for your support over these last 53 episodes. Your book purchases, reviews, Instagram likes, LinkedIn messages and many questions leading to fun conversations mean so much. I hope the remainder of 2023 gives you space to relax and enjoy some downtime, and that 2024 begins with a focus on cultivating a large health bank account!Next year I’ll be moving from bi-weekly to monthly episodes given new family and work obligations. We have some great early episodes planned so stay tuned.

    Start 2024 off with your own Nourishment Mindset! Order it on my website and send me a message you’d like for me to inscribe. I’ll sign it and send it your way as a reminder of why YOU deserve vitality!LINKS:

    Subscribe and get easy nourishing recipes:


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  • This episode #52 features Chelsie Ward, a holistic nurse, wellness guide and author who wants to help people become happy, healthy and whole. I particularly appreciate her transformation from traditional nursing to focusing on the mind, body and spirit to address root cause issues.

    Chelsie shares her story of healing and reminds us that we need to become our own health advocates. She likens symptoms to the “whispers of the body” and encourages us to pause and reflect when something is off or painful versus the knee jerk reaction of medicating it away. And reminds us that one of the most important things we can do for our health is quiet the mind and SLOW DOWN each and every day.

    We go into everything from diet dogma and how being in a “diet silo” keeps us sick to discussing perimenopause and the magical powers of the liver when it comes to thyroid and gut/immune function.I also share my top two holiday tips, with the first being that we should show up at events having eaten a nourishing meal earlier in the day to avoid being hangry and overdoing it (opposite of diet/riot culture advice to “save” calories).

    In closing, thank you so much to all who have supported my work over these last 52 episodes. I appreciate your reviews, comments, questions and of course book purchases. If you have yet to buy The Nourishment Mindset, NOW is the time to do so! The new year is upon us and there’s never a better time to focus on your health than NOW. Find it on my website for a signed copy shipped for free or on Amazon. And finally, if you’d like to book a consult to discuss how you can achieve vitality through real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table, drop me an email: - if you're not yet a subscriber, join now for free and receive my bi-monthly newsletter with new shows and easy recipes: LINKS:

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  • Today’s episode #51 features me on Craig Lane’s Health Alkemy channel. During our time together we chat about a range of subjects including how we as a culture define health (spoiler alert: it’s a low bar), cultivating presence and mindfulness, nutrition, vices and much more.

    Before we go there, I give thanks to a reviewer and do a mini rant on Haaaaavard’s ridiculous latest “study.” The thanks goes to Michael Sisley of North Carolina who was kind enough to purchase a number of copies of The Nourishment Mindset including a handful to give to his counseling clients struggling with nutrition and disordered eating. I’m always honored by people buying my book, and the fact that he is using it in his practice is tremendously touching to me.

    My rant would be funny if it were a joke, but it isn’t. Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of “Public Health” has decried red meat once again, this time asserting that it causes Type 2 Diabetes. And getting plenty of mainstream press and praise for their valiant efforts to demonize The. Most. Nutrient. Dense. Food. On. The. Planet. Bravo, y’all! Way to go — let’s double or triple down on the idiocy!

    We’ve been eating red meat for well, forever. And Type 2 Diabetes (which used to be called adult onset but now kids have it so that term no longer works) has only been on the increase relatively recently. Even my lazy dog, Travis the Newf knows this is junk science and walked out of the room when I was discussing it. Let’s see, we’ll blend an inaccurate dietary recall study with a truckload of confounding variables and conflicts of interest (the head honcho there is a vegetarian). In the last forty years, red meat consumption has gone DOWN significantly and sadly while Type 2 Diabetes has sky rocketed. Read this post by the always fabulous science journalist, Nina Teicholz for more! I need not expand because she already has and in brilliant fashion as usual. And this one by Diana Rodgers on “Four Reasons Red Meat Doesn’t Cause Diabetes.”

    Harvard’s School of Public Health is like the American Heart Association when it comes to nutrition. I tell clients to run in the other direction when they see AHA’s “Heart Healthy” labels on all the cereals and grain-based products and toxic seed oils. Ditto for this “science.” Now I’m laughing as I’m reminded that there is no more science because I certain human proclaimed himself “the science.” Glad we got all that cleared up!

    Ok, moving on to something useful: I’ll now be including real whole food recipes in each post. This first one, Dixie’s Cheeseburger Casserole, is dedicated to Harvard and the AHA because when I make it, I use TWO pounds of Butcher Box ground beef! All y’all need to do to have dinner on the table stat (30 minutes) is to brown some beef, and while doing so cut up whatever veggies you have (my faves are bell peppers, onions and zucchini) and olives if you dig ‘em. Then place the veggies on the bottom of a baking dish, pour the meat and its fat on top, and finally, top with plenty of glorious cheese. Toss it in a 375-400ish degree oven for 20 minutes and voilà! You can get all fancy and top with sour cream and fresh herbs and avocado (not pictured) if you like. Then as the French say… attack!

    In closing, if you’re looking for an easy and nutritious holiday gift, let me help you: simply send me your recipient list and I’ll sign and complimentary ship copies of The Nourishment Mindset.


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  • Did y’all know you are like a bottle of fine (or not so fine) wine? In this 50th mini solo episode inspired by my two decades in the wine industry, I share an article I wrote for holistic health site, Selene River Press, “Your Terroir: Viewing Metabolic Health Through the Lens of Fine Wine.Fine wine requires cultivation: all inputs are carefully selected, tended, bottled and aged; a true labor of love. It takes years – decades really, to grow fine wine. Doing so requires a continual process of discovery, refinement, risk reward analysis, plenty of prayers to a higher power, and a long term investment strategy. I illustrate the concept of terroir from Châteauneuf du Pape, where my family and I share a home in this village and wine sub appellation.

    It is this sommelier’s assertion that we humans also possess terroir, our unique composition of genetics, environment, lifestyle, and experiences. We cannot change certain inputs such as genetics or family of origin influences, but we can profoundly influence the expression of our terroir given the lifestyle choices we make. Take a listen and let me know what you think!

    Last call for holiday gifting with The Nourishment Mindset — a great way to improve your terroir and help your friends and loved ones do the same. I’ll take the hassle out of the gifting part of the holidays by signing and complimentary shipping festively wrapped copies. Simply place your order on my site, send your recipient names and addresses to me (, and put your feet up — maybe with a glass of wine! Santé and happy holidays, y’all!


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  • Y’all, I’m gonna be real honest here on a couple of points. First, I skipped this past Tuesday. And I don’t have an excuse other than laziness and a desire to watch a weekend movie on my couch and just tune out the world. This is so not my normal vibe — completely uncharacteristic, and after some time chastising myself, I just gave in and said, Dixie needs a freakin’ break! Since this pod’s inception, I’ve not broken a publishing promise to myself. So there it is. And we’re movin’ on.Second, my guest today shouldn’t be on this planet. As in he has now twice beat death — once after a car accident where he broke his neck. In today’s episode, you’ll learn how and why Craig Lane, a modern day healer, is still here: “I’m alive because of love.”Today, Craig teaches and heals his patients through his practice, Health Alchemy, using many modalities including nutrition, yoga, Shiatsu, Chinese and herbal medicine and even iridology, the study of the eye’s iris. He operates by the following principle:“We don’t treat disease, we treat people.”

    The eastern concept of duality was critical in helping Craig heal himself and now others. I liken his comments about not being able to really know the body and self to the study of Italian wine. Once you become a supposed “expert” (I am a credentialed sommelier, folks!), you learn that Italy alone has over 700 native grape varieties. In other words, you can not fully master wine. And that’s okay, because ambiguity is beautiful!

    We discuss the importance of Natural law and the power of a concept Craig calls our Choice Maker. We then laugh over why coffee might be a better exit than entry strategy to your day and ponder Buddhist questions such as: “Who were you before your parents were born?!!”In closing, Craig offered a beautiful tribute to his friend, Lee, and his favorite table-side tradition of grace through this blessing:

    “Earth who gives to us this food.Sun that makes it ripe and good.Dear Earth, dear Sun, by you we live.Our heart and thanks to you we give.Thank you.” — Lee

    In closing I’d like to thank Stephanie Anderson for introducing me to Craig. She operates Selene River Press, a wonderful holistic health website where I contribute articles. I encourage you to buy a copy of The Nourishment Mindset from SRP, and if you already have a copy, send a gift!

    Santé and Cheers, y’all!

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  • Today I feature Brian Gryn, a trainer and coach who studied with the Integrative Institute of Nutrition and focuses on helping people achieve their best. He is also the host of the Get Lean Eat Clean podcast. Gryn’s book, The Step Ladder System, identifies six steps to lifelong health and vitality: 1) creating clarity; 2) creating small wins and identifying important habits; 3) activity upgrade; 4) sleep like a superhero using a simple evening routine; 5) stress management with a mindful practice; and 6) nutrition and meal timing.

    In this episode we discuss his love of golf, the children’s book he wrote to encourage kids to embrace healthy living, why sitting for long periods is problematic and the value of movement. Many of us think we have to do a “real workout” to make fitness gains, and this can backfire when time is running short. So Brian highlights that a quick walk or micro resistance workout not only counts, but is a really important daily routine for physical and mental health. And of course we touch on the value of real, whole nutrient dense foods and creating and sticking to health affirming habits.In closing, I recommend one of my absolute favorite books, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. I read it in college and have revisited Flow, the concept of losing oneself in a highly pleasurable experience, several times since.

    Hard to believe we’re in Q4, right?!! It’s starting to get spooky out there, which means Thanksgiving feasts are coming and then the gifting begins. Looking for a creative gift for friends, family and/or clients? Consider copies of my book, The Nourishment Mindset! I’ll make gifting easy for you — simply order the numbers of copies you’d like and send me the names and addresses for (complimentary) shipping plus any special notes you’d like me to inscribe. I’ll tastefully wrap and send them so you can sit back and celebrate. Voilà, your gifting is done and you didn’t even need to go to the post office!SHOW LINKS:

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  • In late August I had the pleasure of being a guest on Brian Gryn’s Eat Clean Get Lean podcast. I’m featuring the interview here for episode #47 of The Nourishment Mindset pod/videocast. Brian and I discuss my book, The Nourishment Mindset, the importance of table side traditions, health benefits and risks of wine consumption (and why all wines are not created equally), nutrient dense foods, mindful eating, tips for generational transfer of food knowledge more! Check it out and let me know what you think.

    In the next Nourishment Mindset episode coming out on Tuesday, October 10, I interview Brian and we learn about his Stepladder System, the power of micro workouts, his love of golf and the books he’s authored. Stay tuned.As a reminder, I welcome your questions and comments. Some of my best show ideas have come from you listeners and viewers, so keep ‘em coming.

    Know someone who is struggling with his or her health? Consider a health elevating gift: The Nourishment Mindset book available on Amazon and my website if you’d like to dedicate a copy.

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  • We’ve had a lot of wonderful guests on The Nourishment Mindset, and today’s Terry Tucker is truly inspiring. His story of perseverance and survival is incredible, and his presence is extremely calming. Terry reminds me of a giant yogi, and I could tell within minutes of meeting him that he has high integrity and is a phenomenal husband and father. To top it off, he reveals not one, but two super rad encounters with the great Mike Krzyzewski. (If you don’t know who Coach K is, please don’t admit this to me!)

    Terry is the founder of Motivational Check, a company he founded to help people lead uncommon lives via sharing his inspiring story and framework for success. He’s also the author of Sustainable Excellence, which details his ten principles. Terry emphasizes the three F’s that help him when facing difficult challenges: faith, family and friends. And encourages us to channel our pain to become stronger. He also highlights that while it’s worthy to spend time working on our health, fitness and other areas of our lives, that we also need to devote ourselves to cultivating our hearts, minds and souls.

    As is common for me, before I begin the interview in Episode #46, I get a little rant out of the way. Today’s “victim” is the United States Department of Agriculture, or as I call it, The US Dumb Asses. They’ve recently wasted more tax payer dollars funding research on ultra-processed food and calling them healthy. Scream of conflict of interest, anyone?!! With our alarming rates of obesity (40+%), diabetes (50%+ when you include “prediabetes”) and metabolic dysfunction (90+%) we do not need research on this faux fare; the results are in — it’s toxic!

    If you’d like a little ROI on what I hope is disgust, check out The Nutrition Coalition, a nimble non-profit working to expose this tomfoolery and demand that the US Dietary Guidelines use evidence based science (rather than Big Food funding).In better news, one of the world’s most captivating culinary cultures — Italy, has voted to ban lab grown meat (aka mutt)! This will protect consumers and farmers, and most importantly celebrate real whole food. Bravo and Saluté, Italy!

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  • Today’s Nourishment Mindset podcast #45 features an interview I did with holistic nutrition publisher Selene River Press’ Danielle LeBaron, a lovely lady and mom of four(!) nourished children including a recently born daughter. She is positively glowing throughout the interview despite being in infant mode, which speaks to the power of nourishing yourself with real whole foods and living a holistically focused life!

    We discuss my motivation in writing the book, why it’s focused on the pleasures of the table and the fact that I’m targeting real, everyday people. In America, we do a lot of drivin’ through, drive-bys to the fridge, and not so much dining à la table sans distraction et en famille. My book, The Nourishment Mindset, aims to change that convenience focused habit and end our toxic diet (rhymes with riot!) culture while bringing you vitality and the reversal of chronic lifestyle conditions using real whole food, straight talk and of course, the pleasures of the table.

    Tune in to learn about my origin eating disorder (sob) story and how I still struggled in calorie counting jail while dining in some of the world’s finest food and wine regions. I detail how I healed, why this concept of nutrient density and the pleasures of the table is paramount and how you and your family can incorporate it in small steps to elevate your physical and psychological health. It’s as easy as preparing food and a table, sitting down and raising a glass.

    In honor of our first birthday (!) — I started The Nourishment Mindset podcast on August 24, 2002, I’m offering anyone who reviews the book on Amazon or the pod on Apple/Spotify/Google Play a complimentary 20 minute health (or wine and food!) consultation. Simple post your review on your platform of choice and email me to let me know it’s there (


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  • Have you ever played “practitioner ping pong,” a term I coined while listening to Rick describe our current medical industry’s approach to treating pain? Or perhaps you’re in pain right now? Maybe you just want to understand the mechanics behind “manspreading;” why dudes tend to sit with their legs wide, often encroaching upon others’ personal space? Then this episode of The Nourishment Mindset is definitely for you!Meet Rick Olderman, farm boy turned healer who joins me on today’s episode to discuss how to leave your chronic pain in the dust. As someone who has healed from chronic ankle, hip and neck pain and spent over 120 hours with physical therapists, this topic is near and dear to my heart. In addition to being a physical therapist, Rick is the Founder of the Fixing You Method, a sought after practitioner trainer and the author of a number of books including his new Solving the Pain Puzzle. Rick teaches us an important albeit tough love concept by saying, “I am the source of my pain.” While this may at first sound like blaming the victim, it is a powerful statement because it means we hold the power to heal ourselves!He introduces us to his theory of pain, challenging traditional component thinking where our systems are separated and divided, and instead focuses on the “human super highway” — fascia, our connective tissue network. Rick’s framework for pain evaluation is called The Three Pillars of Pain, reflecting the complex interplay between the biomechanics of our musculoskeletal system, our psychological state and our environment, which includes factors like nutrition, lifestyle, allergens, etc. These pillars reflect why my neck and hip pain likely originated in my rigid ankles, and on a broader note, explains why psychological trauma can worsen and even create physical pain.

    Tune in and let me know what you think and share any questions or show ideas you may have! And then hop on over to Amazon and buy a copy of The Nourishment Mindset. If you’ve already done so, please give me a rate and review and/or buy a copy for a friend.

    If you’d like more information about Rick, visit his website and try out his free back pain masterclass. For more information about our body’s information superhighway, fascia, check out the work of Thomas Myers.Show Links:

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  • Big Food and Big Pharma are at it again, y’all! Well, to be fair, they’re always at it. In today’s episode #43 of The Nourishment Mindset videocast, I share my recent article for Selene River Press, Health Washing: Big Food Marketing Tricks & Traps. You’ll learn how to avoid paying more for faux products acting as though they’re healthier, as well as how to spot some of the most egregious marketing trickery when you’re shopping.I also break down a particularly ridiculous headline found recently in the UK Telegraph, Almost two thirds of women suffering from dangerous cholesterol levels. This is problematic because it reads like a Big Pharma opinion piece: it’s completely one sided; harnesses a super scary headline; and gives no context such as how women naturally have higher cholesterol — especially with big hormonal shifts such as postpartum and menopause. The only good things I can say about it are that it gives me a perfect opportunity to rant and rave with a specific example of tactics you’ll find everywhere. It’s also a reminder of why anytime a medication, injection or therapy is recommended to you, it’s critical to have a clear and honest risk-reward conversation with the provider suggesting it. And finally, I discuss two much more important biomarkers for evaluating metabolic health; total cholesterol ain’t one of them!

    For more on cholesterol, check out chapter 18 “Cholesterol Paranoia Syndrome” of my book, The Nourishment Mindset. It’s available on Amazon and my website for signed copies. It’s an atypical health read focused on bringing back the pleasures of the table. Here’s what Selene River Press has to say.

    I love hearing from subscribers, so if you have a question or show idea, let me know! And if you’ve read the book and haven’t yet taken 30 seconds to review it on Amazon, I’d really appreciate it!


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  • The number 1 thing you can do for your dog or cat to prevent diabesity and cancer!

    It’s not just we humans who suffer from metabolic dysfunction: our canine and feline companions are sick as well. Today’s straight talkin’ guest, Daniel Schulof, Founder of Keto Natural Pet Foods, author of Dogs, Dog Food and Dogma and fellow giant breed lover, discusses why this is happening and most importantly, what we pet parents can do about it. Tune in to hear how he is disrupting the Big Pet Food industry! As well as my pre-episode rant on the FDA’s recent approval of two diabetes drugs for CHILDREN!!!

    Daniel and I deal with drool slobber and fur tumbleweeds on a daily basis. Wayne the Saint and Travis the Newf are generous in these delights as well as their love!

    Daniel explains that the root cause of our pets’ metabolic dysfunction — “a huge, glaring problem,” is the same as ours: ultra-processed food. Traditional kibble is a worse metabolic nightmare for dogs and cats because they are not evolved to consume carbohydrates. In other words, they’re carnivores. There are numerous troubling parallels to the issues with human health:

    1) Big Vet is funded by Big Pet Food;

    2) Big Pet Food uses “creative” — aka disingenuous marketing to sell its products to consumers who may be trying to buy something healthier. Daniel’s perfect example is the “wolf myth,” where kibble producers put images of wolves on the label to suggest that their brands are healthier;

    3) We are spending more than ever on our pets and their health continues to decline. The good news is that you can take steps to improve the health of your animals. Namely, keeping them lean and investing in healthier, much lower carb food options. Daniel succinctly summarizes: “Being fat is horrible for pet health. Carbs make them fat. And carbs are the backbone of most pet foods.”

    In closing, Daniel founded Pet Food Consumer Rights Council with a mission to promote the health and welfare of companion animals by protecting and advancing the rights, knowledge, and other interests of their loving human guardians. Check it out today!

    If you enjoy The Nourishment Mindset pod/videocast, please do me a small favor and share it with a friend or three!NOURISHMENT MINDSET BOOK:,digital-text,96&sr=1-1KETO NATURAL PET FOODS:



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  • Why are we talkin’ about breathing, something we do automatically? There are a lot of different types of breathing. What is your breath like when you’re nervous? Contrast that with how you’re breathing at the end of a delicious meal filled with laughter and pause. Or as you’re reading and beginning to doze off.

    It’s true that most of the breaths we take are autonomic unconscious processes. And true that we can improve our cardiovascular, immune and psychological functioning with intentional breath work. I started researching breathing techniques while pregnant with my son, specifically enrolling in a HypnoBirthing class.

    Over the years I’ve expanded my practice to include a number of different practices for different reasons. Today, I’ll share three techniques with you: three breathing exercises for relaxation, resolving a blocked nostril and strengthening your system, respectively. 1. Parasympathetic relaxation technique: here we slow down the breathing and use a simple counting technique to inhale and pause, then exhale and pause. 2.Soma Breath Unblock: here you learn how to unblock your nostril(s) when you awaken congested. 3. Wim Hof mini class: and finally we explore a method for strengthening your cardiovascular and immune systems developed by the Ice Man! For an excellent related read, check out What Doesn’t Kill Us by Scott Carney!

    In closing, I offer some general advice I give clients: think of your health journey as a walking path where you’re generally headed forward, one foot in front of the other. If you’re holding yourself to a really strict “tight rope",” it’s very hard to find self grace. Remember, every time you do something healthy — take a walk, get some natural light, eat a nourishing meal, you are investing in your health bank account. If and when you decide to take a withdrawal, this doesn’t negate all of the deposits you’ve made. The aim is to make more deposits than you do withdrawals.

    In related human health news, my friend Nina Teicholz, author of one of my favorite books, The Big Fat Surprise as well as her Substack, Unsettled Science, has just written a great piece there called Whole Milk is Illegal. The nonprofit she founded, The Nutrition Coalition is working to support The Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act which aims to bring intact, more nutritious milk to our schools. To voice your support for this bi-partisan bill, find your congressperson and give him or her a quick call tomorrow! Make this two minute investment ASAP!

    Lastly, who do you know who loves to eat and would like to use food as medicine to achieve vitality and reverse chronic lifestyle conditions? Gift ‘em a copy of The Nourishment Mindset! You can do so from Amazon or my website for a signed copy including a personal message and shipping included.


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  • Happy Transformation Tuesday, y’all! Has anyone ever told you to eat multiple small meals throughout the day to help you maintain your energy and lose weight? In today’s 40th episode, you’ll learn why this is bad advice for most people and how you can elevate and optimize your metabolic health by eating in harmony with your hunger hormones.Enter ghrelin, leptin and insulin: these three work in concert to tell you when to eat, when to stop and regulate blood sugar levels, respectively. When you’re grazing all day, you’re recruiting them frequently, constantly ringing the bell like a kid playing ring and run and annoying his neighbors. And when you eat ultra processed faux foods — metabolic wrecking balls, you’re interfering with hormone signaling. This is why focusing on real, whole foods and eating two to three satiating meals per day prioritizing protein rich foods and naturally nourishing fats is the way to go.

    In addition to the nourishment we give our bodies, there are other ways to harmonize with your overall hormone system and promote insulin sensitivity or the opposite of insulin resistance, which is the root cause of chronic lifestyle conditions. These include exercise, sunlight, mindfulness, optimizing meal timing, sleep, resistance training and more.

    In closing, I offer a pro tip: on your next primary care visit, ask your doctor for an easy, fundamental lab test almost no medical providers order. It is like having a crystal ball for your metabolic future — information you must know which can help you recognize insulin resistance well before your glucose lab work comes back out of range.

    If you haven’t purchased a copy or gifted them to your friends and family, you can do so at Selene River Press, on Amazon or my website for a signed copy. And if you have purchased, MANY THANKS. Please consider rating and reviewing it!

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  • Yo y’all! Even though it’s not technically summer, it sure feels like it with the kids out of school. Speaking of kids, the “meat” of this week’s episode #39 is a critique of an article sent to me by listener who wished to remain anonymous: “What If You Weren’t Scared of Your Kid Being Fat?”

    While I certainly agree that we shouldn’t teach kids to restrict nutrition or body shame them, I am not at all on point with the article’s subject who thinks children should be allowed unrestricted access to junk food. We have an at least 20% childhood obesity rate in the United States, and ultra-processed food is a giant metabolic wrecking ball. There’s a lot wrong in this piece, a little right, and I don’t hold back in my assessment!

    I also go through a goodie bag of such items — metabolic mush, gifted to me when I picked up a Walmart order this week. (The ingredients aren’t pretty and the stash is now in my trash.) And show how just 10 mega corporations constitute “Big Food” which is responsible for the majority of the aforementioned ultra-processed junk that’s wrecking our collective health one addictive bite at a time.

    As I wrote in “Big Food Begets Big Butts” —chapter 11 of my book, The Nourishment Mindset, all of this crap is a simple four ingredient, highly profitable math equation: +highly processed grains which are sugar to your liver + nasté bleached and deodorized inflammatory vegetable/seed oils + actual sugar and its 200 names + a mélange of chemicals in emulsifiers, preservatives, “natural” and artificial flavors, etc. = metabolic dysfunction and chronic disease!

    Which of course means lot of pills pimped to you by Big Food’s Big Pharma friends, who are the largest advertisers on “news” outlets AND supply two thirds of the funding for the FDA (Fraudulent Data Association). Do ya still want to take "health" advice from mainstream media and this and other “government” organizations? Please refer to the definition of the word capture if you’re on the fence or confused.

    Lastly, for 39 weeks The Nourishment Mindset podcast has been a weekly endeavor. Going forward, this will be a twice monthly show which will allow me time to share my metabolic mission — achieving vitality and reversing chronic lifestyle conditions with real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table, with hosts of other shows and their audiences. And eventually record my audio book.

    If you haven’t yet bought my book or reviewed the pod on Apple/Spotify/Google Play, please take 60 seconds to do so today! And finally, if you dare, check out the linked YouTube video on seed oil which is bleached, deodorized, etc. Unsurprisingly, most producer videos remove the bleaching and deodorizing from their promotional videos.Show links:

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  • I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Michael Kaye. He is an author, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and AutoImmune Paleo Coach, and owner of The Center for Functional Health near Philadelphia, PA. He’s also a fellow Nutrition Network alumni. Dr. Kaye shares his health journey, which began when he decided he no longer wanted a fat kid nickname, and began voraciously study health and nutrition. He’s been a body builder, tried many different diets and landed in the world of real, whole foods. Today, he focuses on his mission of guiding his patients “to the best health they can be in;” this is the difference between lifespan and healthspan y’all!He focuses on “what’s on the end of your fork” and reminds us that being sick is extremely expensive. Focusing on real whole foods really hedges your bet against medical debt. We discuss the pleasure of mindful indulgences — including his pickiness over a super occasional handmade cannoli, versus the mindset of “well, I screwed up so why bother.” We both agree that if you want a (very) occasional salty, crunch snack, Sieta chips are a good choice as they don’t use inflammatory seed oils.Then we get into hypertension, where Dr. Kaye discusses the basics of blood pressure, hypertension and its symptoms, food do’s and don’ts, effects of chronic stress as well as the value of buying a home blood pressure cuff. Y’all, it’s ultimately all about the good old fashioned levers of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, supplementation and possibly some medication to help settle things.

    “Dublin Declaration Duh” - 1000 scientists recently signed the Dublin Declaration, a statement affirming the health benefits of meat and dairy products. This is a giant DUH because these foods are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Carnivore and omnivore animals instinctively know this; only we humans could turn this so bass-ackwards.

    Yesterday, we celebrated Memorial Day in honor of our fallen patriots. On a related note, I’d like to bring your attention to Hell: a Novel, a travel thriller authored by my very own Patrick Huey about a veteran suffering from PTSD. Hell benefits The Wounded Warrior Project, so check it out!Midway on his life’s journey John Allmen quit his job to see the world. It was supposed to be a first-class ticket to paradise for the Iraq War veteran who made it to the pinnacle of his investment management firm guiding his clients through the 2008 financial crisis. But his past won’t let him decompress no matter where Virgil, his mysterious travel guide, sends him. And as he tours the globe and descends through the nine levels of hell, his own dark secrets are exposed.

    And if you haven’t checked out my new book, The Nourishment Mindset, there’s an element of hell within it as well. In addition to espousing the healing power of real whole foods and nutrient density, this book is part memoir and details some of the struggles I went through as a teen with a very severe eating disorder. And more importantly, how I worked to heal myself.

    Please help spread the word about The Nourishment Mindset so we can share our metabolic mission of using real whole foods, straight talk and the pleasures of the table to reverse chronic lifestyle conditions and achieve vitality!

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