
  • This guide will help you discover your true self by finding your values.

    Self-discovery is an important journey that can lead to personal growth

    and fulfillment.

    00:00:00 How to Find Yourself

    00:01:37 Why You’re Having Trouble Knowing Who You Are.

    00:05:35 The Real Self And The False Self

    00:07:02 The Benefits Of Self-Knowledge.

    00:08:47 Finding Your Values.

    00:10:21 Don’t Choose Your Core Values, Clarify Them.

    00:15:20 Value Clarification, Step By Step.

    00:18:49 Putting Your Values To Work.

    00:20:27 Your Values - A Powerful Decision-Making Tool.

    Are you feeling lost and unsure of who you are? This video offers a

    comprehensive guide to self-discovery, focusing on the importance of

    understanding your values. We explore the factors that can shape your

    identity and the negative consequences of not knowing your true self.In

    this video, you'll learn: Why it's crucial to know your values How

    your formative years, self-esteem, media, environment, and lifestyle

    habits can influence your identity The difference between your real

    self and your false self The benefits of self-knowledge A

    step-by-step guide to clarifying your values How to use your values

    as a powerful decision-making toolBy the end of this video, you'll have a

    clearer understanding of who you are and what truly matters to you.

    Start your journey of self-discovery today!

  • Uncover the truth about therapy in this revealing video.

    Join us as we dive deep into the complexities of the therapeutic relationship. Learn about the different types of therapy, the challenges patients and therapists face, and the reality behind the couch.

    Discover the importance of setting realistic expectations and embracing the therapeutic process. Witness firsthand how therapy can be both rewarding and challenging.

    Key points covered:

    The reality of therapy: It's not always easy or comfortable.

    Different types of therapy techniques and approaches.

    The importance of setting realistic expectations.

    The challenges faced by both patients and therapists.

    The therapeutic process and its benefits.

    Real-life examples of therapy sessions.

    Don't miss this eye-opening video that sheds light on the true nature of therapy.

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  • Social Skills for the Overthinker: Beat Self-Sabotage, Escape Your Comfort Zone, and Get Out Of Your Head (The Path to Calm Book 17) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    00:00:00 Social Skills for the Overthinker

    00:07:19 How To Stop The Cycle.

    00:17:14 The Spotlight Effect.

    00:23:28 The Curse Of Taking Things Personally.

    00:29:21 Practice Labeling.

    00:33:07 Overcoming Generalization.

    00:37:09 Find Counterexamples.

    00:39:31 Imagine A Third Party.

    00:40:29 Be Kind, Be Moderate.

    00:42:19 Stop Labeling.

    Feel yourself become tongue-tied around others? Or worse yet, you simply avoid others because you are constantly worried about being judged?

    It's not logical and it doesn't make sense, but it can't be reasoned with. Social anxiety can be crippling, to the point where you don't even want to order food!

    How to understand your anxious brain's wiring, soothe it, and get around it.

    Social Skills for Overthinkers is about more than what to say and when to say it, it is about how to gain your freedom. This book takes a much more clinical route than any others of its kind. We gain an understanding of the issues that hold you back, how to overcome them, and an action plan for success in the future.

    You'll learn a multitude of tools to get you from "I'd rather not go" to "I can't wait to go!"

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Challenge your inner thought pattern and break free and empower yourself.

    - Putting a stop to the rumination cycle of doom; putting a fence around it

    - Why curiosity is one of your best weapons against overthinking

    - Your inner critic and why the grey area is the best area

    - How to role play for social success

    - Letting go of safety-seeking behaviors

    - The magic of improv statements#OvercomingGeneralization #Overthinker #OverthinkerSocialSkills #SocialSkills #SpotlightEffect #TomGilovich #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #SocialSkillsfortheOverthinker #InsideTheOverthinker'sMind #BreakingFreeFromRuminationAndAnxiety

  • Dopamine Detox: Biohacking Your Way To Better Focus, Greater Happiness,

    and Peak Performance (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 12) By: Nick


    Hear it Here -

    Learn how to reset your focus, productivity, and overall capacity for


    Yes, it's that important. In our modern age, we are constantly flooded

    with dopamine. That might sound like a good thing, but it means that we

    constantly require more and more stimulation to feel simple happiness.

    It's a very, very bad thing. It's the root of why we can't accomplish

    what we want, and why we can't even feel what we want.

  • In this video, we'll delve into the science of procrastination and

    explore why you might be a couch potato. Stay tuned to learn how to

    focus and master your productivity!

    Focus Master: 37 Tips to Stay Present, Ignore Distractions, and Finish

    the Task at Hand (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 10) By: Nick


    Hear it Here -

    00:00:00 Focus Master

    00:04:23 The Procrastination Cycle.

    00:09:41 Unhelpful Assumptions Or Made-Up Rules.

    00:25:49 The Lizard Brain.

    00:35:02 Driven By Impulse.

    00:43:29 Nine Procrastination Scales.

    Overhaul your approach to concentration and productivity using

    strategic, science-proven methods to save hours a day and achieve twice

    as much.

    Your current focus and productivity tactics might be “adequate.” But

    they will never be great or reach their potential if you don’t

    understand how your psychology and physiology work together to affect

    your focus.

  • Calm Your Thoughts: Stop Overthinking, Stop Stressing, Stop Spiraling, and Start Living By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    00:00:00 Calm Your Thoughts

    00:05:28 Why You Get Anxious.

    00:10:59 The Science Behind Your Brain’s Negative Bias.

    00:14:14 It’s All About Control.

    00:22:23 Keeping Cool, Calm, And Collected.

    00:29:01 A Regulation Framework.

    00:37:27 The Abc Loop.

    00:49:02 Emotional Dashboarding.

    00:57:55 Worry Postponement.

    01:06:19 Using The Five Whys.

    Stop letting negativity drain all of your energy, leaving you unable to see the brighter side of life.

    A noisy brain is the biggest cause of unhappiness. It prevents us from seeing what possibilities lie before us. Life turns into a minefield rather than a set of new opportunities. Let's change this - right now.

    Don't be your own greatest enemy.

    Calm Your Thoughts is a book that understands where you’ve been through,the exhausting situation you’ve put yourself into, and how you lose your mind in the trap of anxiety and stress. Acclaimed author Nick Trenton will walk you through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help you rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits.

    What’s more, the book will provide you scientific approaches to completely change the way you think and feel about yourself by ending the vicious thought patterns.

    Learn to control your emotions and stay zen.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Psychologically-proven tips to get out of your head and into your life.

    -Emotional regulation frameworks

    -Simple ways to understand your true worries and anxieties

    -How to simplify cognitive-behavioral therapy for daily use

    -Proven techniques for dealing with mental chatter and negativity

    A day without worry, rumination, or anxiety. That could be yours.

    No more self-deprecating talk. No more sleepless nights with racing thoughts. Free your mind from overthinking and achieve more, feel better, and unleash your potential. Finally be able to live in the present moment.

    #BehavioralPsychology #Psychologicallyproven #Calm #CalmYourThoughts #GAD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorderwhen #NickTrenton #StopOverthinking #StopStressing #StopSpiraling #Trenton #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #CalmYourThoughts #ConquerAnxiety

  • 00:00:00 The Art of Self-Therapy

    00:02:59 Chapter 1 - What It Means to Master Self-Exploration

    00:05:27 Beginner Strategies - Make Self-Exploration a Habit

    00:07:20 Tom Stevens’ Six-Step Self-Exploration Process

    The Art of Self-Therapy: How to Grow, Gain Self-Awareness, and Understand Your Emotions (The Path to Calm Book 8) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    Self-awareness, healing yourself, and understanding your traumas. You don't need a therapist.

    At least, not to start the process. Knowing yourself is one of the most difficult things in the world, and don't let access or funds stop your journey to yourself.

    Learn about why you do the things you do, and why you think the way you think. It's not always so simple.

    The Art of Self-Therapy is a book that introduces you to yourself. We all have unique beliefs and thought patterns that influence our behavior. Are you happy with all of the outcomes your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors create for you? Or do you frequently feel unstable, confused, lost, or out of control?

    Therapy is a tough task for most. It can be expensive, scary, or socially unacceptable. But this is a process you can start for yourself. Time to start the rest of your life.

    Think exactly what you want to think, and do only what you want to do. This is the wonderful outcome of knowing yourself.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Become the most predictable person in the world - this means stability, calm, and acceptance.

    Your shadow side and how it shows you exactly what your traumas are about

    Understanding your inner child and how they are trapped inside of you

    Knowing the attachment style that dictates your adult relationships

    How to re-program your thoughts to have healthier coping mechanisms

    Analyzing your thoughts and rewiring your beliefs

    How to build your life one small step at a time with behavioral experiments

    #GainSelfAwareness #NickTrenton #Selfawareness #Selftherapy #UnderstandYourEmotions #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheArtofSelf-Therapy #UnlockYourPotential: #TheUltimateGuideToSelf-Exploration

  • 00:00:00 The Art of Letting Go

    00:04:05 Dichotomy Of Control.

    00:31:04 Nonjudgmental Thinking.

    00:48:43 SELF-DISTANCING

    The Art of Letting Go: Stop Overthinking, Stop Negative Spirals, and Find Emotional Freedom (The Path to Calm Book 13) By: Nick Trenton

    Podcast Preview! Follow at

    Your mind should be your safe zone, not the noisiest place in the world. Restore your inner peace.

    If you are always on edge and unable to relax, this book is for you. Choose the pace that you want to live life at - you DO have a choice.

    Control your thoughts; control your life; control your happiness.

    The Art of Letting Go is all about organizing the mess in your mind. It's about how to stop focusing on the past that is over, or the future that may never occur, and being present in the situations that you can actually have agency in. It's about how to rewire the anxious connections in your brain, and switch your mental programming and beliefs. It's about understanding that our brains are made for 10,000 BC, and that you can afford to let your guard down.

    It's about trusting that things will be okay.

    How to control your self-talk and transform your internal worldview.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Psychologically-proven tips to get out of your mind and into your life.

    -Practicing nonjudgment and observation over your emotions

    -Untangling the toxic beliefs of urgency and danger in your brain

    -How to use brain dumping in the most calming way possible

    -Exercises for self-distancing and externalization: powerful psychological techniques

    -Defeating your drive for perfection; finding a drive for excellent-ism

    #DarylConnor #DonKelley #ZavalMarkowitz #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheArtofLettingGo #EMBRACINGCHANGE

  • 00:00:00 Injecting Happiness

    00:03:29 Have a Routine—But Not a Strict One!

    00:11:21 Say Thank You.

    00:18:05 Meditation Can Make You Happy.

    00:29:08 Self-Talking Yourself to Happiness

    00:40:28 The Reading Habit.

    00:46:52 Dear Happiness ...

    00:46:52 Keep The Flame Of Hope Burning.

    The Anxiety Cure: 37 Science-Based (5-Minute) Methods to Beat Back the Blues, Stay Positive, and Finally Relax (The Path to Calm Book 15) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    Small neuroscience tweaks that can completely change your relationship with your own thoughts. Time to find your anxiety cure instead of endlessly thinking about it.

    Anxiety is a funny thing. We can’t always define it, but we know it when we have or don’t have it. Well, forget defining it – just use scientific and psychological tips to GET RID OF IT!

    Learn to wake up excited and energized each day, not dreading your life.

    The Anxiety Cure is a simple guide to making your every waking moment a CALM one. It’s not full of woo-woo advice that you can’t use – it’s 100% actions that you will scientifically reduce your anxiety, and also increase your happiness, dopamine, serotonin, you name it. Each idea has true science behind it, and includes a plan for implementing it into your daily life. This isn’t a blog post with abstract ideas, this is a book of action and implementation.

    Welcome to accessible and practical neuroscience!

    A calm mind is the most elusive thing in human history. Take a shortcut with this book.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Equally important – learn to remove unhappiness and discomfort from your life!

    What a little bit of hope and anticipation can do for your entire mood

    Can it really be as simple as stimulating your brain’s pleasure centers with ice cream?

    How to optimize your DOSE hormones

    The importance of social activity and interaction for the brain

    How to change your environment to trigger happiness - easily but seldom done

    Aging as a key to contentment?

    How happiness can start from inside-out, or outside-in.

    #AnxietyCure #DrFernandoMarmolejoRamos #Marmolejoramos #NickTrenton #PsychiatricResearch #ResearcherJustinKim #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheAnxietyCure #InjectingHappiness #

  • 00:00:00 The Art of Self-Coaching

    00:06:29 Road 1 - The GROW Model

    00:18:52 Road 2 - The Outcome Frame Model

    00:20:39 Define Your Desired State

    The Art of Self-Coaching: How to Understand, Grow, Learn, & Thrive (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 14) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    There is a very simple process for self-growth: (1) gain self-awareness of where you are, (2) define where you want to go, and (3) formulate a plan. This book is your guide.

    The Art of Self-Coaching is a book about self-growth. Instead of outsourcing your tactical and emotional needs onto others, or even a therapist, this book shows you exactly how to have the same conversations and discoveries by yourself. It's tough to know how to grow if you don't have a directive or understanding of the process. This book is your guide to independently becoming the best and happiest version of yourself.

    Clarify your values and never spend another day dissatisfied.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Become your own best motivator, teacher, and student.

    -Understand your values, needs, and various types of motivations

    -Scientific frameworks for behavior change and growth

    -Learning how to observe yourself and formulate plans for action

    -How to disarm the ego and skyrocket your growth

    -How to grant yourself permission to be yourself

    -Actionable steps for understanding your blind spots

    -Self-awareness questions to get unstuck, gain clarity, and push yourself forward

    #BehavioralPsychologyBecome #Clarify #Emotional #EmotionalAbundanceBook #GrowLearnThriveMental #Keywords #Leonard #Mental #Nick #NickTrenton #NickTrentonLets #RIPLeonardEventually #Selfcoaching #SelfCoachingHow #Thrive #Trenton #Understand #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheArtofSelf-Coaching

  • The Science of Being Lucky: How to Engineer Good Fortune, Consistently Catch Lucky Breaks, and Live a Charmed Life (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 13) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    Practical, real life methods to become the luckiest person you know with – no lucky charms or rituals needed to beat the odds.

    Luck – we’re not sure what it is, but we know we want it on our side. Is luck a cosmic force that we can randomly stumble upon, or is there something real that people we consider lucky have discovered? The Science of Being Lucky is an in-depth look at what all lucky people have in common and how they set themselves up for success time after time.

    Put success into your own hands, not fate's.

    The Science of Being Lucky takes you on a science-based journey into what luck is, what we think it is, and how to get more of it in your life. The journey begins by breaking down and defining the lucky breaks, coincidences, and serendipitous events in our lives – then delves into the specific traits, life factors, and perspectives that create lucky outcomes.

    The Science of Being Lucky will open your eyes to what is behind each moment you would call lucky and give you a concrete action plan to create more of the same. Luck doesn’t have to be just fantasy.

    Become immune to bad luck.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Ditch the lucky underwear and rabbit’s foot.

    -Popular methods for luck – do they work? (One does, one does not)

    -Avoiding bad luck internally and externally.

    -Three traits that practically manufacture luck.

    -Max Gunther’s famous “strategic luck planning” approach to life.

    #BehavioralPsychology #BeingLucky #CharmedLife #EmotionalAbundanceBook #GoodFortune #CatchLuckyBreaks #MaxGunthers #NickTrenton #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheScienceofBeingLucky #IsHardWorkReallyAllItTakes #TheSurprisingRoleOfLuckInSuccess

  • 00:00:00 Master your dopamine

    00:11:21 The Dopamine Loop And Cycle

    00:25:38 Dopamine And Addiction

    Master Your Dopamine: How to Rewire Your Brain for Focus and Peak

    Performance (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 11) By: Nick Trenton

    Hear it Here -

    Learn how to reset your focus, productivity, and overall capacity for happiness.


    it's that important. In our modern age, we are constantly flooded with

    dopamine. That might sound like a good thing, but it means that we

    constantly require more and more stimulation to feel simple happiness.

    It's a very, very bad thing. It's the root of why we can't accomplish

    what we want, and why we can't even feel what we want.
  • Stop Negative Thinking: How to Control Your Thoughts, Stop Overthinking, and Transform Your Mental Habits (The Path to Calm Book 9) By: Nick Trenton

    00:00:00 Stop Negative Thinking

    00:07:28 Problem 1 - The All-or-Nothing Disease

    00:12:43 Problem 2 - “Out of Power” Language

    00:18:16 What To Do About It

    00:23:08 How To Identify Your Cognitive Distortions

    00:25:37 Mental Filtering

    00:28:57 Personalization

    00:30:58 Jumping to Conclusions and Mind-Reading

    00:32:40 Catastrophizing

    00:39:21 How To Challenge Your Inner Critic

    00:42:57 What Positive Self-Talk Actually Looks Like

    Hear it Here -

    Who is in control of your mood and life - you or your wayward thoughts and emotions?

    Here's the thing - life is what we think it is. And we can control our thoughts. It's time to transform your negative thoughts into a fulfilling, empowering, and positive narrative.

    How a little bit of self-acceptance and compassion will change your life.

    Stop Negative Thinking understands the struggles you are going through. The author of this book understand that you can't sleep at night, you overreact, and you appear to be sensitive. That you are plagued with self-doubt, you often feel no self-value, and that things are just too hard for "someone like you." He's been there, and he gets it.

    That's why this book is so darned effective. It truly takes you through the psychology of negative thinking and breaks it down for what it is: cognitive distortions brought on by damaging self-perceptions. He takes you through the entire process of how to pre-empt negative thoughts, cope with them, and finally hear yourself of them.

    Learn advanced psychology techniques to drastically alter your perspective.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Learn to understand what your brain is telling you - and switch it for something better!

    The ways your self-talk can influence the tiniest things in your life

    The cognitive distortions you use everyday without realizing

    How to analyze your thoughts - right in the moment

    Growing your self-awareness or how you form your emotions

    Self-soothing and how to cope with stress and negativity

    Battling toxic positivity and being real and vulnerable with your negativity

    Packed with actionable techniques to see the world differently - immediately.

    #BehavioralPsychology #LuciliusSeneca #NickTrenton #Stoic #StopNegativeThinking #Thinking #Trenton #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #StopNegativeThinking #SilenceYourInnerCritic #MasterPositiveSelf-Talk #StopAll-Or-NothingThinking

  • The Empath Self-Care Blueprint: How to Manage, Navigate, and Thrive in an Overwhelming World By Nick Trenton

    00:00:00 The Empath self-care blueprint

    00:15:44 Origins, Causes, and Journeys

    00:31:49 The Double-Edged Sword

    Hear it Here -

    Defend and claim your space, say no to people, and compensate for your unique sensitivities.

    The world is noisy, intense, and exhausting. For some, it feels like they are wearing hearing aids and binoculars, unable to hide, recharge, or shelter. This is no way to live.

    Stop the feeling responsible for the emotions of everyone around you. Learn to say no and defend your own space.

    The Empath Self-Care Blueprint is a book written for empaths by an empath. If you’ve ever felt too many emotional and sensory burdens, and struggled to breathe, this is the book for you. This book provides a much-needed sense of relief; it will bring you the relaxation and peace you so desperately seek.You’ll first learn what makes you different, how you perceive the world differenly, and most importantly, how to live better and more happily. You’ll get a full blueprint about taking advantage of your gifts and also protecting yourself. Understand the double-edged sword that is the empath’s mind.

    Tools for protecting yourself from sensory overload and exhaustion, and managing compassion fatigue.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Practice self-care, self-protection, and learn to declare your boundaries and limits.

    •Answer the question, “Why do I feel so intensely?”•Differentiate between normal empathy, narcissists, introverts, highly sensitive people, and more.•Learn to manage your energy as well as the people around you.•Best practices for work, socializing, and even romance.

    Make constant, everyday overwhelm a thing of the past. Stop feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders.

    Face the world knowing that you are beautifully unique and that you can handle pressure without feeling the burden of too many emotions.

    Utilize your gifts -- scroll up the click the BUY NOW BUTTON.

    This is book 1 in the Mental and Emotional Abundance series, as listed below:1. The Empath Self-Care Blueprint2. Transform Your Self-Talk

    #DrJudithOrloff #Empath #Empaths #EmpathSelfCareBlueprint #EmpathsSurvivalGuide #HighlySensitivePersonHSP #JudithOrloff #Orloff #Selfcare #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheEmpathSelf-CareBlueprint #AreYouAnEmpath? #WhyYouFeelSoIntensely

  • Mindful Master: 10 Minutes a Day to Less Stress, Less Worry, More Peace, and More Resilience (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 3) By Nick Trenton

    00:04:48 The Benefits of a Mindfulness Practice

    00:14:04 A Historical Perspective - From the East to the West, and from Religion to Science

    00:18:42 Mindfulness from the Eastern Perspective

    00:22:51 Mindfulness in the Modern Era, and Positive Psychology

    00:25:04 Neuroscience on Mindfulness and Meditation - Why You Have “Two Minds”

    00:28:23 Mindfulness in Plain English Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

    00:30:02 The Pillars of Mindfulness

    00:34:53 A Word of Warning

    Hear it Here - https://Mindful Master

    Practical steps to live in the present and stop overthinking with everyday meditation and mindfulness.

    If you’re feeling emotionally absent in your own life, something needs to change. If you can’t focus on the present moment, and keep drifting to past regrets or future dangers, something needs to change. That change is mindfulness meditation.

    Tame your anxious and negative emotions and stay even-keeled no matter what.

    Mindful Master is a spotlight on how to focus on the now, which is to focus on happiness and gratitude. All we have is the present moment, and cultivating this skill is the key to fulfillment. This book brings mindfulness and meditation into simple, everyday practices for you to become the best version of yourself.The modern world pulls us 100 different directions at once, so it’s easy to become lost and overwhelmed. Mindful Master is the tool you need to downsize your thoughts and focus only on what matters.

    Mindfulness and meditation in plain English for both beginners and veterans.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Unlock the most valuable tool to help navigate life’s challenges.

    •Positive psychology and how to use it for your own peace of mind.•The surprising pillars of mindfulness and mental calm.•How mindfulness can develop in less than 10 minutes a day with simple exercises.•How to master meditation and make it work for you, even for skeptics.•Emergency techniques for moments of rage, anxiety, and worry.•How to ease emotional turmoil and simply breathe.

    Discover how to live in the present, not in the past or future. No more emotional overwhelm. It’s time to take charge of your life.

    • Meditation is not the same as mindfulness, which can be practiced right now, no matter what you are doing. Each day presents opportunities to enter a state of heightened awareness, in the ordinary activities that you engage in—from washing your face, to eating, to the daily commute, to your interactions with others.

    • A common myth about the practice of mindfulness is that it requires total emptiness of the mind, where every emerging thought is blocked by a wall to prevent it from disturbing a pure, flawless Zen state. In reality, however, the mind will wander—and you are not required to completely stop it from doing so.

    • In mindfulness, you can allow your mind to wander, and work instead toward simply becoming aware, notice the stream of thoughts without becoming attached to it, and anchor back to the now. All you need is an attitude of non-striving, acceptance, patience, and the willingness to consistently and gently bring yourself back to the present.

    • A way to come back to the present moment is to tune in to your breathing. As the breath remains constant no matter what time of the day it is

  • Think in Models: A Structured Approach to Clear Thinking and the Art of Strategic Decision-Making (Mental and Emotional Abundance Book 5) By Nick Trenton

    00:00:00 Think in Models, a structured approach to clear thinking and the art of strategic decision making

    00:08:12 Erik Sadberg-Diment wrote in 1985 in the New York Times

    00:27:18 The Problem of the Runaway Trolley

    00:35:33 Famous investor Howard Marks

    00:42:58 “The Monkey’s Paw”

    Hear it Here -

    Learn mental models for error-proof thinking, analysis, and decisions.

    The world is not as it seems. It requires a bit more analysis to see reality, and applying mental models is the best way to start.

    A thinking toolkit for nearly all problems and complexities in life.

    Think in Models is a collection of the world’s (and history’s) greatest mental models that are exclusively focused on getting the most insight from the least amount of information. You’ll learn over 20 of the most helpful and widely-applicable mental models and above all else, learn to think like a genius.

    A wide variety of examples, explanations, and step-by-step guidelines are also included.

    Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology.

    Knowing how to think is always better than having more information.

    •The simple way to know whether you are truly open-minded or not•Why you must always ask yourself a few questions in Latin•What your gut feeling is really telling you•How to analyze systems in your everyday life•How Sherlock Holmes thinks and solves crimes

    Don’t just wing it. Emulate the best and reach your goals.

    Thinking in models isn’t just important for large decisions or work issues. You can use all of these skills in daily life to live better, happier, and more stress-free.

    Think in models and think like history’s most accomplished thinkers.

    #Bhikkhus #DanAriely #DSM #ErikSadbergDiment #HowardMarks #JohnMaynardKeynes #MonkeysPaw #RunawayTrolley #Thich #ThichNhatHanh #TrolleyProblem #WWJacobs #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #ThinkinModels #HowToAccuratelySeeReality #NickTrenton

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    00:00:02 Hello listeners

    00:05:46 The Positive IS Powerful, But ...

    00:11:15 Good Versus Whole

    00:14:26 Letting Go of Toxic Positivity

    • Toxic positivity is a kind of cognitive distortion and is an overgeneralization of a positive and optimistic attitude. It consists of denial, minimization, and invalidation of your own experience. Toxic positivity grows with shame, silence, and judgment. Positivity itself isn’t toxic, but denying our reality is. Human beings are wholes who contain both good and bad.

    • We can embrace the whole instead of the good by watching the phrases we use, making friends with discomfort, being patient while we are in process, distinguishing between productive and unproductive negativity, and reconnecting to what we value and want to achieve in life. Ask yourself, “How does a person who values what I value behave when they experience what I’m experiencing?”

    • Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to create genuine feelings of positivity.

    #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #AvoidTheTrapOfToxicPositivityAndFeelYourFeelings #NickTrenton

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    00:00:00 Hello listeners

    00:01:59 BELLY BREATHING

    00:07:38 THE 5-4-3-2-1 GROUNDING TECHNIQUE

    00:13:09 HAVE A MANTRA

    00:18:41 SCAN YOUR BODY



    • Easy, everyday lifestyle changes can make a big difference with anxiety and overthinking. An obvious area to examine is whether you’re having too much caffeine. Try to limit yourself to four hundred milligrams daily.

    • Everyone worries, so at least do it strategically by scheduling worry time. Keep a worry journal so that instead of fighting worry, you postpone and contain it, tackling it on your own terms.

    • Practice gratitude daily to gently shift your perspective to focus on everything that is going well in your world. Use a journal or write thank-you notes to people who have shown you kindness.

    • Mental anchoring is a technique that, once established, can be used as often as you like to help ground and calm you. Choose an anchor, choose a desired state, then connect the two during visualization so that revisiting the anchor brings you back to that state of mind.

    • Have a consistent morning routine where you focus on good food, nature, healthy habits, and quiet contemplative time where you set your intention for the day. Make sure you’re hydrated, since dehydration can elevate cortisol levels.

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    00:00:00 This is The Path to Calm

    00:06:42 The Science of Self-Talk

    00:15:05 The Dialogical Self Theory

    00:16:23 The Relational Frame Theory (RFT)

    00:18:01 Self-Talk as an Amplifier

    00:24:09 Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Moe

    • Have you ever noticed a voice inside your head that is constantly chattering about something or the other right from the moment you wake up? You might have grown so accustomed to it that you barely notice it anymore, but it's definitely there, and it’s either hurting or helping you. No perspective is truly neutral. This voice, a part of your stream of consciousness, is an inner monologue that runs alongside your life, observing and commenting on its various happenings. It tells you who you are, and how you should feel about your identity and the events that occur in your life.

    • There are three main types of inner voices or self-talk. The first is positive self-talk, which acts as a continuous reaffirmation of the good things about you and your life. This type of inner voice bolsters our confidence and elevates happiness levels. However, on the other end lies negative self-talk. This voice is always critical and saying degrading things to us about who we are, what we do, etc. If left uncontrolled, it can lead to several mental health issues. The third type is neutral self-talk, which simply consists of unbiased observations as we walk through life—although this almost always has a positive or negative subtext.

    • Our inner voice, regardless of type, represents the inner representation we have of ourselves. Often, this is not consistent with reality. The way we think we are and what we actually are can be miles apart, but reality seldom matters if we’re convinced that things are a certain way. This leads to why having healthy self-talk is so important. It influences our thoughts, perceptions, and the way we view ourselves, all of which have physiological correlations that affect how we feel and behave. The basis behind this is neuroplasticity, as the more you repeat something, the more it changes your brain’s structure and becomes your reality.

    • If you’re wondering what exactly counts as self-talk, it includes positive or negative statements we say to ourselves, our ruminations, racing thoughts, and the conversations we have with ourselves. Regulating this self-talk can have many positive effects that are essential to our well-being, such as improving sports performances, reducing stress, promoting better self-esteem, and helping us cope with the ups and downs of life. Monitoring self-talk is the key to changing your emotions, behavior, perspective, and life potential.

  • Hear it Here -

    00:00:00 Hello listeners

    00:02:30 Beyond Radical Acceptance: Amor Fati

    00:07:36 Tip 1: Define the event as objectively as possible

    00:08:37 Tip 2: Have a mantra

    00:09:36 Tip 3: Focus on action, focus on solutions

    00:11:18 Negative Visualization

    00:18:24 Stoicism and CBT Combined—the “What-If” Technique

    00:30:08 Be Honest with Yourself

    00:36:39 Keep It Simple with the Two-Column Exercise

    • The ancient Stoics were masters of living in the present.

    • One way of rethinking your relationship to the past is to adopt the Stoic attitude of amor fati. This translates roughly to “love of one’s fate.” Whatever happens is embraced, wanting “nothing to be different.” To practice it, look at events as neutrally as possible and then respond to them with a simple mantra like “good.” By focusing on action and solutions, we are able to transform adversity.

    • Negative visualization is where we occasionally spend a short amount of time imagining in detail the negative things that could happen in life. This renews appreciation and gratitude for what matters, allows us to prepare for the future, and creates psychological resilience.

    • With the “what-if” technique, we write down a fear and ask, “What if this were true?” and explore the worst that could happen, showing ourselves that it is tolerable and not so bad after all. Likewise, remember Memento mori, Latin for, “remember that you will die” to help remind you of what matters.

    • Problem-focused thinking zooms in on what’s wrong. Solution-focused thinking zooms in on what could be right and looks to taking action to change the situation. Thinking needs to be balanced with action. Focus on the problem needs to be balanced with focus on the solution.

    • Remember the Serenity Prayer and try the two-column exercise to help you identify what you can change and what you can’t. Accept what you can’t, act where you can.

    • Ask what you want and value, then ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing, thinking, or feeling bringing me closer to that?”