
  • Sarah shares her journey of regulating her menstrual cycle and conceiving two children. She initially experienced irregular periods after coming off birth control, which led her to make lifestyle changes. She stopped intermittent fasting, ate more balanced meals, and dialed back her intense exercise routine. Through these changes, she was able to regulate her cycle and conceive her first child. After nursing her first child, she got her period back and was able to conceive her second child. Sarah's perspective on exercise and eating has shifted, and she now focuses on enjoying movement, listening to her body, and being present with her children.


    Coming off birth control can lead to irregular periods, even if a period is initially present.Lifestyle changes, such as balanced eating and dialing back intense exercise, can help regulate the menstrual cycle.Being present and enjoying movement is more important than pushing oneself to meet certain exercise goals.Listening to the body's needs and adjusting exercise and eating habits accordingly is key to overall health and well-being.Regulating the menstrual cycle can increase the chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy.

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  • Natalie Rose shares her journey of struggling with body image, dieting, and disordered eating, as well as her path to recovery and becoming a therapist specializing in disordered eating. She emphasizes that disordered eating and body image issues can impact quality of life, even if a person hasn't lost their period.

    Natalie discusses the normalization of calorie counting and dieting, and how these behaviors can become obsessive and harmful. She also highlights the importance of community support and finding meaning in the recovery process. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the unknown timeline of recovery and the importance of self-compassion and self-awareness.


    Disordered eating and body image issues can impact quality of life, even if a person hasn't lost their period.Calorie counting and dieting can become obsessive and harmful, and it's important to assess the impact on mental well-being.Community support is crucial in the recovery process, providing validation, understanding, and connection.Finding meaning in the recovery process can help navigate the unknown timeline and challenges.Self-compassion and self-awareness are key in cultivating a healthy relationship with food and body.

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    Natalie Rose, a Registered Psychotherapist with a Masters in Psychology, is much more than just a therapist and virtual coach. She stands as a beacon of hope and expertise in the realm of disordered eating — a multifaceted issue deeply intertwined with emotions and self-perception.

    What distinguishes Natalie is her personal journey of triumph over chronic dieting, binge eating, orthorexia, and a decades-long tumultuous relationship with food and body image. This first-hand experience fuels the passion and authenticity behind her brand, Wake Up and Smell The Rosay.

    What began as a modest Instagram account where Natalie shared inspiring breakfast bowls (a vital yet often neglected meal for those struggling with disordered eating) has blossomed into a vibrant sanctuary uniting over 100,000 women. Together, they embark on a journey towards achieving
    a balanced relationship with food and nurturing a positive relationship with themselves.

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  • In this conversation, Cynthia and Caitie discuss body image and the challenges that come with it, particularly during the summer season. They emphasize the importance of working towards healing for your overall well-being. They also explore the normalization of body image struggles and the need to redefine what is considered normal. The conversation touches on topics such as bathing suits, social events, and the vulnerability of exposing one's body. They encourage listeners to prioritize their body image healing journey and not delay it based on external factors. In this conversation, Caitie and Cynthia address the normalization of the beach body concept and the pressure to be thin during the summer. They emphasize the need for support and the benefits of body image healing, including improved mental and physical health. They also discuss the role of somatic experiences in collaborating with the body and processing emotions. The conversation concludes with a reminder to take baby steps and approach the healing journey with childlike curiosity.


    Body image issues can consume a significant amount of mental space and impact daily life.Healing body image does not mean always loving your body, but rather not allowing negative thoughts to ruin your day or disrupt your relationship with your body.Challenges with body image during the summer include wearing bathing suits and exposing the body more, as well as dealing with social events and potential judgments from others.It is important to prioritize body image healing and not delay it based on external factors or seasons.Working on the relationship with your body is like any other relationship, with ups and downs, but ultimately building resilience and love. Healing from body image issues is vulnerable but important work that should not be delayed.The normalization of the beach body concept and societal pressure to be thin during the summer can make body image healing challenging.Support from others is crucial in the healing process.Body image healing can lead to improved mental and physical health, as well as a greater sense of freedom and presence in life.Somatic experiences, such as deep breathing and movement, can help connect with the body and process emotions.Approach the healing journey with childlike curiosity and take baby steps towards a healthier relationship with your body.

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    Connect with our guest Caitie Corrandino, Full Soul Nutrition and the retreats she offers!

    IG @Caitie.c.rd.

    Caitie Corradino is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, eating disorder recovery coach, body image expert, Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, and breathwork facilitator. She combines nutrition counseling with movement and a powerful toolkit of somatic healing modalities to help women heal from binge eating, yo-yo dieting, food anxiety, eating disorders, disordered eating, body dysmorphia, GI issues, and more. She provides 1:1 counseling services and group retreats at her practice, Full Soul Nutrition.

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  • Erietta is from Greece and lost her period due to a combination of stress, excessive exercise, and weight loss even though she never was pursuing trying to change her body or become 'more fit'.

    She initially ignored the signs that her body was giving her that something was up with her period and continued her lifestyle. Prior to working with Cynthia she decided to pursue fertility treatment and successfully got pregnant through IVF.

    However, after her Son was 1 years old, she still felt the need to address her missing period even though she was still breastfeeding. After working with Cynthia, Erietta was able to regain her period, get pregnant naturally and live a more fulfilling life.


    Excessive exercise, stress, and weight loss can contribute to the loss of a period, no matter your intentions.It's important to listen to the signs that your body is giving you and make changes to support your health.Joining a community of women going through the same journey can provide valuable support and encouragement.Recovering your period is possible through small changes in eating and movement habits.Living a fulfilling life involves prioritizing your health and well-being.

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  • In this conversation, Bria Gadd and Cynthia discuss the topic of periods and the challenges faced by women in their mid to late thirties and beyond. They explore the impact of factors such as exercise, nutrition, stress, and sleep on menstrual health. Bria shares her personal experience of losing her period and the journey to understanding the role of hormones and the transition of menopause. They emphasize the importance of listening to our bodies, finding balance in our lifestyle, and recognizing the symptoms that indicate hormonal imbalances.


    Menstrual health can be affected by factors such as exercise, nutrition, stress, and sleep.Symptoms like irregular periods, disrupted sleep, cravings, bloating, and digestive issues can indicate hormonal imbalances.Listening to our bodies and finding balance in our lifestyle is crucial for maintaining menstrual health.Understanding our menstrual cycle can help us have more self-compassion and adjust our activities and expectations accordingly.It's important to seek professional help and not dismiss symptoms as 'normal' or 'just hormones.' Overexercising and under-eating can lead to hormonal imbalances and other health issues.Having a regular menstrual cycle can bring increased energy and productivity during the follicular phase.Self-care and setting boundaries are important during the luteal phase.Stress management and pleasure contribute to overall well-being.Age is just a number, and it's never too late to prioritize our health.

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    Learn more about our guest:
    Bria Gadd is a functional diagnostic practitioner, holistic health coach, and certified personal trainer, who specializes in female hormones, helping women with weight release and energy gain in pre and post menopause, and finding clarity in hormonal chaos.

    Her podcast The Period Whisperer is a top 2% wellness podcast in the world with an instagram following of over 17,000. Bria has been featured in Fox News, Women's Health and top women's podcasts such as The MidLife Makeover Show to name a few.

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  • In this solo podcast episode, Cynthia discusses the five biggest myths and misconceptions surrounding hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) or missing periods. She starts by addressing the mainstream medical approach to HA, which often involves prescribing birth control pills. Cynthia emphasizes that her approach as a registered dietitian is different and aims to provide better information for making informed decisions. She also highlights that HA is a global issue and can affect individuals of all shapes and sizes. Cynthia then explores the misconception that HA is often misdiagnosed as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and the importance of asking the right questions to differentiate between the two conditions. She also addresses the misconception that getting your period back is only important for fertility, when in fact it has significant implications for overall health, including heart disease and osteoporosis. Cynthia also discusses the misconception that you don't need to gain weight or make further changes if you've already made some progress in recovering from HA. Lastly, she emphasizes the importance of seeking support and not giving up if you've tried various approaches and haven't seen progress in getting your period back.


    The mainstream medical approach to hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) often involves prescribing birth control pills, but there are alternative approaches that focus on better information and individualized care.HA is a global issue that can affect individuals of all shapes and sizes, not just those with low BMI or specific body types.It is important to ask the right questions and differentiate between HA and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to ensure accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.Getting your period back is not just important for fertility, but also for overall health, including reducing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.If you've already made some progress in recovering from HA, it may be necessary to make further changes, including weight gain, to fully restore your menstrual cycle.Seeking support and not giving up are crucial if you've tried various approaches and haven't seen progress in getting your period back.

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  • Bailee a teacher & nature enthusiast from Utah, shares her journey of losing her period and struggling with infertility. She discusses the societal pressures and body comparisons that contributed to her disordered eating and exercise habits.

    Bailee recounts her experiences with various doctors who were unable to provide a clear diagnosis or effective treatment. She hired a functional med doctor which drew her deeper into HA.

    Despite being told she had PCOS, Bailee trusted her intuition and pursued healing from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) with Cynthia. She emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and not blindly trusting doctors. Bailee shares her journey of overcoming infertility and achieving pregnancy through period recovery.

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  • In today's episode, we sit down with Holly, a past client, a certified acupuncturist who shares her remarkable journey from missing periods + eating disorders to regular healthy cycles !

    Holly opens up about her experience with birth control, having been on and off it for over a decade.Seeking alternatives, she delved into Chinese medicine, hoping to restore her period without facing potential weight gain, a common concern with Hormonal Amenorrhea (HA).

    Navigating Challenges:

    Despite her efforts, Holly found herself in and out of eating disorder treatment centers, where she would regain her period only to lose it again.Frustrated but determined, she discovered the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), an approach to understanding and tracking fertility cycles.Holly emphasizes how FAM became a pivotal tool in her journey, allowing her to stay attuned to her body's needs in terms of exercise, nutrition, and rest.As an acupuncturist, she acknowledges the supportive role of Chinese Medicine in recovery but underscores that it doesn't directly address Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA).

    Living Fully Recovered:

    Now fully recovered, Holly shares the profound impact it has had on her life, from flourishing in her acupuncture practice to embracing motherhood and reclaiming a sense of vitality.She reflects on how being in tune with her body through FAM has been instrumental in her overall well-being.

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    Connect with Holly:

    Holly is a certified Fertility Awareness Method Educator, Licensed Acupuncturist and Arvigo Abdominal Massage Therapist. Her passion for working with periods and fertility stems from a long history of personal cycle issues. After struggling with hypothalamic amenorrhea for nearly 10 years, and trying every holistic treatment modality out there, Holly began studying the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). Holly has personally used FAM for natural pregnancy prevention, conceiving her daughter and to restore her cycle in the postpartum phase. In her practice, Rosebud Wellness, Holly works with women all over the world teaching them to chart their cycles using FAM and to optimize their fertility for conception. She also has an in person body work space where she offers acupuncture and abdominal massage to her local community in Ojai, CA.

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  • Past client Sarah 41, resides in Ireland and works in Ministry.

    Just like you, Sarah wondered- will I always be this weight?

    When Sarah stepped into the spotlight to share her deeply personal journey of battling the fear of weight gain during period recovery, she not only opened her heart but also paved the way for a profound discussion about body image, health, and self-acceptance. This episode is a celebration of doing the healthiest thing for her body despite societal pressure.

    The conversation takes an emotional turn as we tackle the shame and fear that often accompany discussions about weight and health. Sarah's candid account of her struggles and the support she found in the period recovery community and friends who looked beyond her size highlights the importance of redefining health on our own terms.

    We recount the steps she took to regain her menstrual cycle, emphasizing the mental hurdles and societal misconceptions she overcame. Leaving you the motivation to do the same !

    Listen in to hear how Sarah found a happy healthy weight for her while maintaining a regular period !

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  • In this SOLO episode, I discuss the concept of ambivalence in relation to period recovery.

    Key Takeaways:

    Ambivalence is a common experience in period recovery, as it involves conflicting desires to recover and stay in a familiar and comfortable place.Getting support is crucial in overcoming ambivalence and creating a solid foundation for recovery.Factors such as the fear of weight gain, social stigma, and past unsuccessful attempts at recovery can contribute to ambivalence.Tangible steps for overcoming ambivalence include self-reflection, setting realistic goals, and embracing uncertainty.

    "Ambivalence relates to almost every single little thing in period recovery."

    "Getting support is one of the biggest things that will move you forward in recovery."

    "Conflicting desires may come up in the form of other people who cannot make sense of your recovery."

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  • Caitie, a fellow Registered Dieitian and I sit down to talk about the biggest fear in period recovery. Weight gain & body changes.

    Struggling with body image while trying to regain your period can feel like a never ending battle, but it doesn't have to be. Caitie joins us with her expertise in nutrition and body image coaching, providing insights and strategies to help you embrace your body's natural changes and foster a positive relationship with food and exercise. Our heartfelt conversation peels back the societal layers dictating body norms, and we offer practical advice for those feeling stifled by expectations that can disrupt the healing process.

    Weight gain fears and the desire for control are real hurdles in period recovery, but together, Caitie and I share personal stories and client experiences that illuminate the path to acceptance. Learn how to replace compulsive behaviors with ones that honor your well-being, and understand why nurturing your body and mind is pivotal for true healing. We explore the depth of these emotional landscapes, offering solace and support to anyone seeking to navigate these complex waters.

    Confidence and resilience in a world brimming with judgment are not just ideas but necessary tools. We discuss how to build them by nourishing your body, taking risks aligned with your values, and practicing self-forgiveness. End the episode feeling empowered, knowing that our community is here to support each step towards reclaiming not only your period but a life enriched with self-compassion. Join us on this transformative journey as we continue to break stigmas and build strength in body image resilience.

    Caitie Corradino is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, eating disorder recovery coach, body image expert, Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, and breathwork facilitator. She combines nutrition counseling with movement and a powerful toolkit of somatic healing modalities to help women heal from binge eating, yo-yo dieting, food anxiety, eating disorders, disordered eating, body dysmorphia, GI issues, and more. She provides 1:1 counseling services and group retreats at her practice, Full Soul Nutrition.

    Some fun facts:
    Caitie is a full-time nomad! She's currently parked in Lisbon, Portugal, where she has a digital nomad visa.
    Caitie is a genuinely extroverted person that is truly energized by connecting with people.
    While Caitie no longer dances "formally," she's a forever dancer - she loves taking dance classes, dance fitness classes, and multiple daily kitchen dance breaks
    A few of her favorite things are: coffee, sunrises, playlists for every mood, candles, Ted Lasso, truffle fries, dogs, bathtubs, her friends, the moon, journaling, and being a Scorpio

    Get in touch with Caitie:

    @caitie.c.rd on Insta

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  • Have you ever paused to consider the true weight of the words "informed consent," especially when it comes to birth control? Join me, Cynthia Donovan, and our insightful guest, Nicole Bendayan, as we shed light on the oft-overlooked nuances of women's health and empowerment. This episode is a testament to the strength and resilience of women navigating the healthcare system, where Nicole's personal narrative brings to the forefront the challenges and dismissals many face from healthcare professionals.

    Together, we peel back the layers of disordered eating, hormonal contraception, and menstrual health, highlighting the profound need for transparent communication and comprehensive education. Our discussion ventures into the labyrinth of transitioning off hormonal contraceptives, addressing post-pill amenorrhea, and underlines the importance of equipping women with the necessary tools to make empowered healthcare decisions. We confront the controversial Washington Post article featuring Nicole, sparking a crucial conversation about women's rights in healthcare choices and the political undertones that often muddy the waters.

    Wrapping up, we tackle the challenges of a fragmented medical system and the merits of seeking holistic care.

    Where to find Nicole?

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  • Katy, a former physical therapist who loves running marathons, lost her period. Katy’s world turned upside down with a rare cancer diagnosis and the ensuing battle with amenorrhea, she never imagined that her fight for health would take her down a path of extreme behaviors with food + exercise. Katy’s story exposes the raw struggle many face with body image, the mental toll of living in a former larger body, and the bittersweet realization that sometimes, stepping back from exercise is what moves us forward.

    Katy's experience as a marathon enthusiast provides valuable insights for all of us who juggle the love for intense fitness with our body's need for balance. This episode peels back the curtain on the complex relationship between vigorous training and menstrual health, offering hope and practical guidance for listeners who may be grappling with similar challenges.

    Katy's transformation - regaining her menstrual cycle while still embracing her passion for running - serves as an inspiring testament to the power of rest, proper nutrition, and listening to one's body.

    Finally, we celebrate the incredible impact of community support on Katy's path to healing. Through shared struggles and triumphs, Katy's narrative underscores that period recovery is not merely a physical process but a journey that can enhance every aspect of life. From improved relationships and career satisfaction to the joy of meals without anxiety, this conversation is a stirring reminder of the freedom that awaits on the other side of fear and restriction. So join us, and be uplifted by the collective strength that comes from a supportive network as we navigate the road to wellness together.

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  • When love confronts the hurdles of health, the bonds we share are tested in ways we never expect. Join us as Dylan, the devoted husband to my client Isabelle, opens up about their shared path through the complexities of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea recovery. Their story is a poignant reminder of the resilience required in the face of eating disorder battles and the profound influence of unwavering partnership on the road to healing.

    This episode is a tapestry of vulnerability and strength, where we traverse the importance of communication, understanding, and the delicate art of support without overstepping. Dylan's insight into the nuances of being a pillar while ensuring his own self-care illuminates the balance that is often unspoken, but vital in navigating recovery together. His reflections on life post-recovery are a testament to the ongoing commitment to sustain healthy habits and the positive ripple effects they have on a relationship.

    We wrap up with a heartfelt discussion on the power of joy and acceptance, particularly in an era dominated by social media comparison. Dylan's approach to embracing change, especially in the context of weight gain, offers a perspective on expressing unconditional love that goes beyond the physical. His experiences serve as invaluable guidance for anyone walking alongside a loved one on their journey to wellness, and a reminder that the strength found in shared victories and understanding is immeasurable.

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  • Isabelle is an accountant who lives in the state of Washington with her husband who is a nurse, Dylan. Isabelle grew up in a family of women who had a lot to say about their bodies. Isabelle decided to get ready for her senior prom and that’s when it all really began. Isabelle was also married in the depths of her eating disorder and she was scared into recovery when she found out all the health implications that come along with a missing period. Her biggest FEAR-weight gain. Needless to say, she’s glad she didn’t let that hold her back.

    She joined Cynthia’s program in May 2023 and so far has recovered multiple periods & now is living her BEST life !

    In this episode:

    Isabelle gives you the deets on how to overcome period recovery when its taking too longHow morality of food & perfectionism fueled her missing period How she wishes she started period recovery sooner (yes, even before her wedding) How she worked with another nutritionist and she was misinformed Digging deep into why you want to change your relationship with food & bodyRecovery hope when you are feeling stuck

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  • Dr. Shufelt is leading the way when it comes to hypothalamic amenorrhea research! Dr. Shufelt is the Chair of the Division of General Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Florida. If you want to know the most updated information when it comes to HA, this is a MUST LISTEN episode!

    We talk about it all today, including:

    HA is underreported, understudied, and undertreated, but it is much more common than we believePCOS & HA AMH levels & how they relate to missing periods You should ask your doctors many important questions to get the answers you need (especially if they aren’t asking you the right questions) Since stress is such a big factor when it comes to HA, how we internalize and take on stress is important to recognize how it could prevent your period from returning

    Want to be a part of HA research? Click Here or call 904-953-9805

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  • Laura is a busy working mom of 3 young kids, sharing her struggle with unexplained infertility, lack of food freedom, and waiting longer than she expected to get her period back. Laura spills the beans on what it took to navigate the challenges of her missing period amidst the chaos of a full-time working Mom.

    We dive into some juicy insights that Laura learned on her road to recovery:

    The myth of unexplained infertility gets busted wide open - there's always a why behind the what.Ready for a mental makeover? Laura talks about the shift in mindset needed to embrace change, whether it’s rethinking your dream body or swapping out your go-to gym routine.The comparison game? Yeah, it’s a no-go. Laura reminds us that everyone’s story is as unique as a fingerprint; you never really know the battles they've faced or the mountains they've climbed.

    So, tune in to hear Laura's tale of transformation, packed with laughs, lessons, and a whole lot of life-changing insights.

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    Grab Cynthia’s Top Ten FREE Tips to Get Your Period Back

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  • Erin is a medical student in her 20s who lost her period after going on a restrictive diet due to digestive issues and exercise. Thinking she was her healthiest self, her Mom & Grandma thought differently. She shares how she flipped the script from rigid routines to relishing life's little joys. It's a real story about finding balance in health, with lessons and inspiration for your own period recovery journey.

    In this episode:

    How Erin navigated gluten-free diets and a misdiagnosis before finding Cynthia’s program.The importance of mindset work, support, and allowing oneself to find joy in other activities beyond exerciseErin and Cynthia discuss the importance of focusing on what can be gained rather than what might be lost, Erin reflects on the benefits of initially following a structured eating plan for period recovery and how it has allowed her to honor her hunger cues without anxiety now.

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  • Joined today by my friend and colleague Lindsey Lusson, we talk all about our brand new Period Recovery Practitioner Program (PRP)! If you are any type of health practitioner, then this episode is for you - we want to support other healthcare practitioners on how to appropriately support women who are experiencing hypothalamic amenorrhea.

    Key points we delve into:

    Statistics on the prevalence of HAWhy all healthcare providers need to know about HAWhat you won’t learn in books and research papersUnderstanding the health ramifications of missing periodsHow Period Recovery Practitioner can help you level up and better serve your patients and clients

    Ready to learn more about PRP?

    Fill out the:

    Period Recovery Practitioner Form:

    Give us a follow on Insta! @period.recovery.practitoner


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  • Welcome to our first episode of the Period Recovery Podcast for 2024!

    Have you worked with a naturopath before? Dr. Kela and I talk about this topic in how it relates to missing periods. Dr. Kela experienced HA herself and now is a renowned Holistic-Integrative Doctor. Our conversation will enlighten you on your experience with a naturopath or support you in deciding if one might be a good fit for you.

    Key points we delve into:

    The menstrual cycle is a vital indicator of health, and essential for various bodily functions.The importance of self-forgiveness and understanding that our knowledge and perspectives evolve.The significance of having a good rapport with your healthcare practitioner. Asking questions and understanding their approach is crucial, as compatibility with your practitioner significantly influences your healing journey.

    This episode is a blend of personal stories and professional talk, offering a unique perspective on holistic health and menstrual recovery.

    About Dr. Kela:

    Dr. Kela Smith is a Holistic-Integrative Fertility and Hormone Doctor. She holds a Ph.D. in Natural and Holistic Medicine as well as Double Board Certification as a Doctor of Natural Medicine (DNM) and Doctor of Humanitarian Medicine (DHM). Dr. Kela is also a Board-Certified Functional Nutritionist (BCFN) and a 5x Board-Certified Health Coach (BCHC). She founded The Hormone Puzzle Society and the Hormone Puzzle Society Educational Institute for Coaches.



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