
  • Episode 32 – Scaredy Cats – Natasha and Spokie’s Story

    Following on from episode 31, where Dr Katrin chats about the basic principles of fear, anxiety and phobias, here is a practical case of a cat that is definitely anxious and possibly also fearful in her everyday life.

    Dr Katrin chats through her multi-modal approach to improving Spokie’s behavioural health and Natasha tells us which environmental change she thought worked best in helping to alleviate Spokie’s fear and anxiety.

    Natasha also lets us in to a few secrets about what worked for her regarding Spokie’s daily medication administration!

    If you are a cat lover or if you are living with a fearful kitty cat, then this episode is a must listen for you!

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

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  • Episode 31 – Fears, Phobias and Anxiety

    So many of our pets struggle with anxiety or specific fears and phobias.

    But how can we tell if this is just a normal and adaptive response to the pet’s environment or if they are “abnormal” or maladaptive responses that need treatment?

    What you will learn in this episode:

    1. The definitions, differences and similarities between fear, phobia, and anxiety.

    2. How to tell if this is an adaptive or maladaptive response to the pet’s internal or external environment.

    3. What causes and contributes to these presentations?

    4. How you can help your pet or patient if you suspect they may have an anxiety disorder or are suffering form fears and phobias.

    There is so much in this episode and will set listeners up for following episodes that diver deeper into specific presentations such as separation anxiety and noise phobias.

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 30 – Stress and Disease with Dr Gaelle Joanny

    This is SUCH a great episode packed with information for vets, vet nurses, pet care professionals and pet caregivers alike.

    Listen as Dr Katrin chats with Dr Gaelle about 2 of the most common physical diseases caused or precipitated by stress - gastro-intestinal disease in dogs and cats and FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis) in cats.

    We can see time and time again how physical and mental/emotional health are intertwined and these two presentations are perfect examples of this.

    Dr Gaelle chats about some of the diets the Hill’s Pet Food has developed to help support both stress-related gastro-intestinal disease as well as FIC.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    1. How stress affects physical health and vice versa.

    2. What you can do to treat or prevent stress-related GI disease with diets and probiotics.

    3. The pathophysiology of FIC in cats and how stress is a contributor in 75% of cases under the age of 10 years.

    4. How diets can contribute to the treatment and long-term management of FIC in cats.

    Here are the links to the scientific studies mentioned by Dr Katrin and Dr Gaelle in this episode:

    1. Marion, M., Lecoindre, P., Marlois, N., Mège, C., Béata, C., Sarcey, G., & Muller, G. (2017). Link between gastric chronic diseases and anxiety in dogs. Dog Behavior, 3(3), 1–10.

    2. Beata, C., Beaumont-Graff, E., Coll, V., Cordel, J., Marion, M., Massal, N., Marlois, N., & Tauzin, J. (2007). Effect of alpha-casozepine (Zylkene) on anxiety in cats. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2(2), 40–46.

    3. Beata, C., Beaumont-Graff, E., Diaz, C., Marion, M., Massal, N., Marlois, N., Muller, G., & Lefranc, C. (2007). Effects of alpha-casozepine (Zylkene) versus selegiline hydrochloride (Selgian, Anipryl) on anxiety disorders in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2(5), 175–183.

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

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  • Episode 29 – Stress – what is it and why is it important for our pets?

    Stress is a big topic – not only in pets but also us humans and having a good understanding of what it is and how it affects us can be really important.

    Stress is actually a totally normal and important response, which keeps us safe and working in an optimal state – both physically as well as mentally and emotionally.

    Dr Katrin explains the physiological stress hormone cascades and how they can be dysregulated to cause “toxic” or “chronic” stress, which can be detrimental to overall health.

    She also chats about the “stress bucket”, a visual representation of what she hopes to achieve when putting together a treatment plan and a really tangible way for pet caregivers to look at stress in their pets.

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 28 – Hypervocalisation, Love Bites and more – Faryal and Simba’s Story

    Does your cat vocalise all the time? Do they keep you up at night with their cries or screams? Are you struggling to know what they want and how you can help them to change this behaviour?

    Does your cat nip at you? Or even worse, do they bite or scratch? How can you know if this is exuberant or playful behaviour or if this is aggression driven by negative emotions such as fear or frustration?

    Well, have a listen to this episode where Dr Katrin chats to Faryal about her kitty cat Simba who, in the past, showed just such behaviours. Dr Katrin explains how she helped Faryal and Simba overcome these behavioural challenges with a tailor made treatment plan.

    Another super interesting aspect of this episode is the fact that Faryal works with behaviourally challenged children and she chats about how these skills helped her understand Simba’s behavioural challenges better and how she was able to transfer some of her knowledge to better understanding and showing empathy for Simba in this situation.

    If a puppy had a bacterial infection or was in pain, we would not withhold antibiotics or pain relief, therefore, why would we not do the same when it comes to mental and emotional ill health?

    We really hope you enjoy this episode; it is packed with so much information!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 27 – The Risks and Downfalls of Punishment Based Dog Training

    In this episode, Dr Katrin talks about punishment from a learning theory point of view, how and where it fits into B.F. Skinner’s 4 quadrants of operant conditioning, and why it is extremely risky and welfare-negative to use punishment-based training and methods.

    Dr Katrin gives her top 10 reasons (although there are many more) why punishment-based training it NOT the way we want to go when working with our animals and why it is not sustainable or what we should be doing from a quality of life and welfare point of view.

    Dr Katrin also talks about what to look out for when choosing or recommending a trainer, because we definitely DO NOT want to be using or recommending aversive based trainers, shock trainers or “Balanced Trainers”.

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 26 – Positive Reinforcement and Beyond – A chat with Ilse

    We had so much fun making this episode as we got to talk about some of the things that are closest to our hearts – how we can use therapeutic approaches that go beyond the operant to help our patients.

    In this episode you will learn all about our “5 Cs”:

    1. Calm

    2. Confidence

    3. Connection

    4. Coping Strategies

    5. Cognitive Abilities

    We use these not only to treat but also to monitor our patients to make sure they are progressing in the way we want them to.

    Emotional wellbeing and safety are extremely important to us, especially in the patient demographic we see, and we have found that using the “5 Cs” as guidelines in our treatment approach has made a world of difference to these patients!

    We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did making it!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 25 – Dominant Dogs – Do they exist?

    This is a big topic and one that often sparks quite a bit of controversy!

    Dr Katrin unpacks the sometimes-confusing subject of Dominance Theory and why this does not apply to our domesticated dogs and certainly not to their relationships with humans.

    In this episode you will learn:

    1. The difference between the colloquial use of the word “dominance” and its technical definition in ethology.

    2. How our domestic pet dogs differ from wolves in so many ways.

    3. Early wolf experiments by biologist David Mech and how these have influenced training methodologies.

    4. Why dominance and aversion-based training can be SO harmful for our pet dogs.

    5. Better ways of looking at the value of resources and how associative learning plays a big role.

    Here are the papers and references Dr Katrin mentions during the podcast:

    1. Bradshaw, J. W. S., Blackwell, E. J., & Casey, R. A. (2009). Dominance in domestic dogs-useful construct or bad habit? Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 4(3), 135–144.

    2. American Veterinary Society on Animal Behavior. (2008). Position Statement on the Use of Dominance Theory. 1–4.

    3. Dominance in Dogs – Fact or Fiction, Barry Eaton, Dogwise Publishing

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 24 – Anxious Puppies – Eva and Atlas’s Story

    What is the right age to start treating puppies with mental, emotional, and behavioural ill health disorders?

    Well, the answer is that it is never too early.

    If a puppy had a bacterial infection or was in pain, we would not withhold antibiotics or pain relief, therefore, why would we not do the same when it comes to mental and emotional ill health?

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats to Eva, whose lovely boy Atlas was just such a puppy, about their journey together and how Atlas is doing now.

    Listen as they talk about:

    1. Early life influences.

    2. Being committed to behavioural health.

    3. Understanding that there are good days and not so good days in any behavioural journey.

    4. How psychopharmaceutical medication helped Atlas be less fearful and reactive and grow into a wonderful, well-adjusted adult dog.

    Here is the paper Dr Katrin mentions during the podcast:

    McAuliffe, L. R., Koch, C. S., Serpell, J., & Campbell, K. L. (2022). Associations Between Atopic Dermatitis and Anxiety, Aggression, and Fear-Based Behaviors in Dogs. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 58(4), 161–167.

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 23 – Is it behavioural, is it physical or is it both?

    Physical, mental, and emotional health are intertwined and ultimately affect each other.

    This is why our company is called Trinity Veterinary Behaviour – because we need to consider, assess, and treat all three aspects to create long lasting and healthy behaviour change.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats about the importance of physical health as a part of behavioural health and how amazed she has been at how many of her over 400 clinical behaviour cases have had physical health contributions.

    Dr Katrin shares her top 5 physical health contributors, remembering of course, that ANY physical health presentation can affect behavioural health.

    Here is what you will learn:

    1. The gut microbiome is important!

    2. Always look for pain!

    3. If a physical health contribution is left undiagnosed and/or untreated, it will be much more difficult, maybe even impossible, to bring about long lasting behaviour change.

    If you’d like to learn more about pain, please register for the CHRONIC PAIN SYMPOSIUM on the 4th, 5th and 6th of April 2024.

    There are two ticket options available- FREE and VIP

    Tickets are on sale until the 29th of March.

    Find out all the info and book your spot here:

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  • Episode 22 – Diets and Pheromones with Dr Hannah Rowles from SV Animal Health Dubai

    This is an episode you won’t want to miss if you are looking for products to support your pet’s behavioural health without the prescription of psychotropic medication.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats to the wonderful Dr Hannah Rowles, veterinarian, and Head of Scientific Communications at SV Animal Health, one of the largest veterinary health supply companies in the Middle East.

    Their conversation begins by taking a look at the Royal Canin Calm Diet, a veterinary prescription diet for cats and small dogs that contains a number of ingredients that promote behavioural health and wellbeing. Dr Katrin explains how she uses the diet in her behaviour patients, and both stress the practicalities and economic gains when using a diet (you feed your pet anyway!) as a therapeutic agent.

    They then move on to chatting about another wonderful group of products, the pheromone products, specifically Feliway® and Adaptil®, which are both made by Ceva, and how they can successfully be implemented into a treatment plan for complex behaviour cases, but also how they are so beneficial in many everyday life situations.

    Here are some takeaways from the episode:

    1. When using diets and supplements, always make sure you are choosing products based on scientific evidence.

    2. Diets are a great way to positively influence your pet’s health without breaking the bank! You feed your pet anyway, so why not choose a diet that will enhance their health and wellbeing!

    3. Diets and pheromones are GREAT options for multi-pet households (think herd health!).

    4. EVERY puppy should have the benefit of an Adaptil® puppy collar to help them adjust to their new life, family, and environment!

    Here are the scientific papers mentioned by Dr Katrin and Dr Hannah in this episode:

    · DePorter, T. L., Bledsoe, D. L., Beck, A., & Ollivier, E. (2019). Evaluation of the efficacy of an appeasing pheromone diffuser product vs placebo for management of feline aggression in multi-cat households: a pilot study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 21(4), 293–305.

    · Pereira, J. S., Fragoso, S., Beck, A., Lavigne, S., Varejão, A. S., & da Graça Pereira, G. (2016). Improving the feline veterinary consultation: the usefulness of Feliway spray in reducing cats’ stress. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 18(12), 959–964.

    · Chadwin, R. M., Bain, M. J., & Kass, P. H. (2017). Effect of a synthetic feline facial pheromone product on stress scores and incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in shelter cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 251(4), 413–420.

    · Landsberg, G., Milgram, B., Mougeot, I., Kelly, S., & de Rivera, C. (2017). Therapeutic effects of an alpha-casozepine and L-tryptophan supplemented diet on fear and anxiety in the cat. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(6), 594–602.

    · Griffith, C. A., Steigerwald, E. S., & Buffington, C. A. T. (2000). Effects of a synthetic facial pheromone on behavior of cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 217(8), 1154–1156.

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  • Episode 21 – Supplements versus Behaviour Medication – What’s the Difference?

    This is a topic that was requested by a listener and I’m sure we can all agree that it can definitely cause a lot of confusion.

    What is the difference between over-the-counter calming supplements and Behaviour Medication also known as psychotropic, psychoactive or psychopharmaceutical medication?

    How do you know what your pet needs or would benefit from?

    Do supplements work and when could they be used instead of Behaviour Medications?

    In this episode, Dr Katrin explains the 5 main differences between supplements and medication and how she decides what to reach for when establishing a treatment plan for her Behaviour Patients.

    Here are some things you will learn:

    1. Who can and cannot prescribe medication.

    2. What kind of support and monitoring you will need if your pet is prescribed behaviour medication.

    3. Which behaviour medications are especially formulated and licensed for pets?

    4. Efficacy – will supplements really work?

    5. Side effects and interactions with other agents.

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 20 – Life in a Multi-Cat Household – Theresia and Shiro’s Journey

    Multi-cat households can range from 2 cats to over 20 cats and, whilst in many, the cats co-exist in relative harmony, in others, there can be a whole host of behavioural and mental health challenges.

    In this episode, we take a closer look at a 6-cat household, we meet the individual cat personalities within the household, and we learn about the challenges that existed for both the cats as well as their lovely caregiver, Theresia.

    Many cats, especially if they are not related or if they had different experiences in their socialization periods, find it difficult to live with one another, and this can result in aggression, fear, and stress for everyone involved.

    Dr Katrin chats to the lovely Theresia about her multi-cat home, the individual challenges the cats were experiencing when they first met, and how she helped to restore harmony back to the home for both the cats and Theresia.

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 19 – The Perfect Litterbox…From Your Cat’s Perspective

    Is your cat peeing or pooping outside of the litter box?

    Have you tried everything? Are you at your wit’s end?

    In this episode, you will learn the 7 things your cat wants you to know when it comes to litterboxes!

    Feline House Soiling (aka peeing outside the litterbox) is the most common feline Behaviour Problem presented to Veterinary Behaviourists globally.

    While these cases are mostly complex and multifactorial and often require the assistance of a professional, litter box optimization is almost always part of the treatment plan.

    Here’s what we cover:

    1. Size

    2. Number

    3. Location

    4. The ideal litter

    5. Cleanliness

    6. Deodorisers and liners – are they useful?

    7. Covered versus Uncovered

    If you want to learn more about feline resources such as Litterboxes, have a listen to Episode 18!

    Papers on litterboxes:

    Grigg (2013). Litter box preference in domestic cats: covered versus uncovered. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

    Guy (2014). Litterbox size preference in domestic cats. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 9:78-82

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 18 – The 5 Pillars of a Healthy Feline Environment

    In this episode, you will learn about the 5 things your cat needs to be behaviourally healthy in any environment including the home, garden, veterinary clinic, and shelter.

    Based on the ISFM/AAFP Environmental Needs Guidelines , Dr Katrin shares the 5 pillars we all need to be aware of to meet our cats’ behavioural needs in different circumstances.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    1. How to provide safe spaces in different settings.

    2. Your cat’s most important resources and how to provide them.

    3. Why play and predation are SO important for your cat.

    4. What good human-cat interactions look like.

    5. All about the importance of your cat’s sense of smell.

    These 5 pillars are the cornerstone of all feline Behaviour Consultations – learn why they are so important and how you can implement them!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 17 – Top Training Tips for Aggressive Dogs – with Dr Katrin and Ilse

    In this episode, Dr Katrin and Ilse chat about possible behaviour modification strategies that can be useful when dealing with aggressive dogs.

    Of course, these should only be utilized in the context of a comprehensive treatment plan, and Dr Katrin explains why!

    Here’s what we cover:

    1. A great exercise to help get you and your dog out of those tricky situations.

    2. Why muzzle- and crate training can be so very useful when working with aggressive dogs.

    3. One cue your dog should learn that may save their life.

    4. How to overcome barrier frustration.

    5. Why we don’t use “obedience” based training methods.

    Living with a dog who shows aggressive behaviours can be challenging and in this episode, we give you some practical strategies that are going to be game-changing for you and your dog!

    If you’d like to know more about safety management strategies and techniques, tune into episode 13!

    Episode 13 Apple Podcast

    Episode 13 Spotify

    Muzzles are extremely useful safety management tools, and we are gifting you a FREE muzzle fitting video to help you on your journey to Safety Management.

    Get the FREE Muzzle Fitting Video here!

    And, of course, if you’d like to go ahead with our amazing 3-part muzzle training course, you can purchase it here:

    Purchase the 3-part muzzle fitting course here!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 16 – When Dogs and Children clash - Shaun and Crunchie’s Journey

    What happens if your dog is aggressive to your new baby, your new family member?

    What should you do?

    Should you re-home your dog or even put them to sleep?

    Whilst this may be necessary in some cases, there are SO many things that can be done to help and overcome these distressing situations.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats to Shaun, who was in this exact position.

    Here’s what we cover:

    1. The initial consultation Shaun and his family had with Dr Katrin and the a-ha moments that came out of this.

    2. Safety management strategies put into practice.

    3. How medication and treating Crunchie’s pain worked wonders.

    4. Training techniques that really helped.

    5. The unexpected positive outcomes for the whole family including Shaun’s baby daughter.

    This is such a heart-warming episode that highlights the importance of advocating for your pet, finding ways to reduce their stress levels and just being absolutely amazing doggie caregivers!

    If you’d like to know more about safety management strategies and techniques, tune into episode 13!

    Episode 13 Apple Podcast

    Episode 13 Spotify

    Muzzles are extremely useful safety management tools, and we are gifting you a FREE muzzle fitting video to help you on your journey to Safety Management.

    Get the FREE Muzzle Fitting Video here!

    And, of course, if you’d like to go ahead with our amazing 3-part muzzle training course, you can purchase it here:

    Purchase the 3-part muzzle fitting course here!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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  • Episode 15 – Aggression at the Veterinary Clinic

    This is one of the topics Dr Katrin gets most questions about from both Pet Caregivers as well as Veterinary Teams.

    What to do when pets act aggressively at the veterinary clinic?

    What you can expect from this episode:

    1. The main reasons why pets act aggressively or defensively at the veterinary clinic.

    2. 5 things that Pet Caregivers and Veterinary Teams can do to reduce fear, anxiety, and stress, and therefore defensive behaviours at the veterinary clinic.

    3. The Care versus Task approach.

    4. The value of being an ISFM Gold Standard Cat Friendly Clinic and a Fear Free certified professional.

    Muzzles are extremely useful safety management tools, and we are gifting you a FREE muzzle fitting video to help you on your journey to Safety Management.

    Get your FREE Muzzle Fitting video here!

    And, of course, if you’d like to go ahead with our amazing 3-part muzzle training course, you can purchase it here:

    Get the 3-part Muzzle Training Course here!

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

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    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 14 – Talking XL Bullys and the UK Breed Ban with Dr Sophie White

    The XL Bully Breed Ban is sadly a big topic in England, Wales and Scotland at the moment and is putting huge amounts of pressure and stress on all stakeholders involved including dog owners, shelters and rescues, veterinary teams and veterinarians working in Behaviour Medicine.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin chats to Dr Sophie White, a veterinarian working in the behaviour sector in the UK about this topic.

    In this Episode you will learn about:

    1. Which dogs fall under the category of XL Bully breed types and are subject to the ban.

    2. The most important timelines and deadlines for owners of XL Bully breed types.

    3. The stress this situation is placing on dog owners and professionals in the UK.

    4. Muzzles and leashes – how we can meet the behavioural needs of these restricted dogs.

    5. Bigger picture learning from this situation.

    If you would like to know more or support the owners and professionals in this situation, please have a look at Dr Sophie White’s resources:

    Public Facebook page

    Muzzles are extremely useful safety management tools, and we are gifting you a FREE muzzle fitting video to help you on your journey to Safety Management.

    And, of course, if you’d like to go ahead with our amazing 3-part muzzle training course, you can purchase it here:

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

    Facebook Group: Join The Pet Behaviour Community on Facebook

    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Instagram: Follow Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on Instagram

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

    LinkedIn Profile: Connect with me on LinkedIn

    Thank you for tuning in!

  • Episode 13 – When Dogs and Cats Bite – Safety Management and Behavioural First Aid

    “Help, my dog or cat has just bitten a person or another animal. I don’t know what to do next.”

    These are the words that clients often come to us with. They are sad, distressed, angry, and scared. Because they don’t want their families or others to be in danger and they are scared about what this could mean for their pet.

    And, most importantly, they don’t know what to do next.

    In this episode, Dr Katrin talks about exactly that. What to do when your pet has been aggressive.

    Listen as she dives into Safety Management Strategies and Behavioural First Aid options that you can implement immediately as soon as there has been an aggressive event to keep everyone safe before moving on to a more comprehensive Behaviour Consultation, understanding why your pet is behaving this way and embarking on a treatment journey.

    Muzzles are extremely useful safety management tools, and we are gifting you a FREE muzzle fitting video to help you on your journey to Safety Management.

    And, of course, if you’d like to go ahead with our amazing 3-part muzzle training course, you can purchase it here:

    If you liked this episode of the show, The Pet Behaviour Chat, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe!

    You can CONNECT with me:

    Website: Visit my website

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Instagram: Follow Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on Instagram

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour Facebook: Join us on Trinity Veterinary Behaviour's Facebook page

    Trinity Veterinary Behaviour YouTube: Subscribe to Trinity Veterinary Behaviour on YouTube

    LinkedIn Profile: Connect with me on LinkedIn

    Facebook Group: Join The Pet Behaviour Community on Facebook

    Thank you for tuning in!