The union’s annual conference is the most important fixedevent in the POA calendar. In this episode we look back at last month’s event with National Chair Mark Fairhurst and General Secretary Steve Gillan. We also hear from some first-time delegates and first time speakers at conferenceon their experiences. More information at Delegates’ sound recordings by Greg McDonaldof Consequential Films.
In this episode we look at the role of the union in theannual TUC’s Women’s Conference held recently. We ask what is the importance of the Conference? And how does it contribute to the drive forgreater inclusivity and equality within the POA?
The episode also talks about the campaign for greater recognition of fertility and baby death issues. You can get advice and support from Tommy’s, a charity that offers support to all women and couples through baby loss and fertility issues with expert midwives as well as an online community:
Additionally there are two cross government and civilservice networks:
The Civil Service Infertility Support Community is open toall colleagues who are dealing with infertility or undergoing fertility treatment, regardless of their journey stage or outcome. The group offers a confidential, safe space for colleagues to share their experiences and to hear from others on a similar journey. The community meets monthly, via Teams, usually the second Thursday of the month.
Colleagues can join via Teams or by dialling in anonymously and are invited to share only what they are comfortable sharing. This can include just listening. This group is open to all people who are going through or have experienced fertility treatment, including partners. Contact Heather Wareing ([email protected].uk) for more information.
Colleagues can also access a support conversation via yourmanager or through EAP support services on 0800 019 8988.
One of the POA’s delegates to the conference, Alice Lee, isalso happy to share her experiences, as described in the podcast. She can be contacted through Jackie Marshalland Sarah Rigby as the NEC leads for this area of work, or directly at [email protected].uk.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this special episode, National Chair Mark Fairhurst andGeneral Secretary Steve Gillan share the background to the latest overcrowding crisis, the forceful response from both the union and senior HMPPS management - and the potential risks of the current period of political “purdah” between now and the General Election on 4 July.
Mark and Steve also set out the union’s priorities and hopes for the post-election period and discussions with whichever government follows the one that is currently just leaving office.
More details from
The union has recently reviewed and renewed it’s Health and Safety Consultative Committee and already the changes are having a positive effect. In this episode, National vice-chair Dave Todd, NEC member Jackie Marshall and lay committee members Paul, Zaz and Jade talk about how the committee works hard to deliver for members, the current key health and safety challenges, and what drives the committee members to get involved in this area of the union’s work. More information from poauk/health-safety
As part of the union’s campaign to support and empower women members, a second Women’s Networking Event was held earlier in the year. In this episode, Amy Crook from HMP Long Lartin and NEC member Jackie Marshall talk about why this event has become such a popular feature in the union’s calendar – ranging from what participants like Amy get out of bringing women members together in a mixture of formal and informal sessions, to all the work that takes place behind the scenes to make the events successful. For more information visit
Weapon related assaults of prison staff have increased from10% of all assaults in 2010 to 25% in 2022 – and knife and blade attacks have increased by 16% in the most recent year that statistics are available for.
Despite awful assaults with life-changing consequences, theresponse of the employer and of government has been slow. The union is awaiting the outcome of pilot exercises on the removal of razors.
This is expected imminently but the union has persistently said that this over complicates and delays what should be a straightforward decision. The signatories to aParliamentary Early Day Motion on the subject clearly agree.
In this episode, national chair Mark Fairhurst and GeneralSecretary Steve Gillan set out the union’s campaign to banish blades from jails, why there is some optimism about progress towards this, and what members can do to most effectively keep themselves safe in the meantime.
More information on the ongoing campaign is to be found inApril’s issue of Gatelodge and on the union’s websitewhere you can also find more on Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work, and the union’s Parliamentary work.
The POA Welfare fund is one of the union’s “jewels in thecrown.” Funded by and for members, £1 of each month’s union subscription is ring-fenced for the Welfare Fund, whose objectives are “the relief of the poor and sickness.”
In this toolkit podcast, POA General Secretary Steve Gillantalks about the origins and workings of the Fund and of the amazingrehabilitation work done by the Firefighters’ Charity, which POA members can naccess through the Welfare Fund.
These are two important and highly prized member benefits. You can find out more at
For better or worse, the private sector is now part of thelandscape in the prison and custodial sector.
The POA has a fast growing private sector membership and local officers who have to engage with a different breed of managers and employers. In this episode we look at the work of the union’s Private Sector Consultative Committee and talk to reps about their experiences of dealing with Sodexo, Mitie, G4s and Serco.
More information at
In this episode we meet the newly formed POA Committee at Manston Short-Term Holding facility and discuss the unique work of POA members at the juxtaposed sites in France.
Terry McCarthy is the member of the POA’s National ExecutiveCommittee who has lead responsibility for the union’s members who work in the YCS. What he has to report may surpriseor even shock POA members who have only worked in the adult sector.
HMPPS have recently issued mandatory new standards for First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work. In this Toolkit podcast, Deputy General Secretary Joe Simpson explains the background to the new standards, and the practical consequences of them. POA circular 078 of 2023 refers - you can access that here.
National Chair Mark Fairhurst on seeing the union's persistence on Fitness Tests yielding results, and the truth behind the HMP Wandsworth Independent Monitoring Board report. For information on all POA activity, visit
The union’s political activity is at the heart of thisepisode. General Secretary Steve Gillan and Parliamentary Researcher Charley Allan discuss why political activity isunavoidable, how the union makes sure its voice is heard loudly in Parliament, and the importance of the union’s Political Fund. More information at . Follow the union on Facebook and X
In this episode we are joined by former Prison Officer and POArep, author Alex South. Her book Behind These Doors detailing Alex’s 10 years in the prison service was published earlier this year to great acclaim from critics and readers. Extracts were serialised in the SundayTimes and it was a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week.
Alex’s writing journey was kick started when she entered andwon the Beachmore Life Writing Competition with a piece that eventually became her book. She also received the prestigious WinstonChurchill fellowship which enabled her to study the treatment of prisonstaff in other countries.
Despite the Prison Service doing its best to keep Alex, withpromotions and specialist training, the desperate under-resourcing of theservice meant she eventually felt unable to continue in post.
Behind these Doors, stories of strength, suffering and survival in prison, by Alex South is published by Hodder and Stoughton and is also available as an audio book. The recommendations and policy ideas discussed are, of course, Alex’s own thinking rather than POA policy.
For the latest union news, visit and you can also follow theunion on social media.
Members in closed grades are being urged to seriously consider opting-in to the F&S structure. In this special episode, DGS Joe Simpson, AGS Andy Baxter and NEC member Sarah Rigby (herself in an F&S grade) look at the facts of the matter, and dispel some of the misunderstandings that have surfaced. There is a real decision for closed grade members to make and this podcast gives the facts members need to choose what is right for them. More information from your branch committee or area NEC representative.
Recruitment and organising new young members are key issuesfor all unions, and the POA has recently established a Young Members’Consultative Committee to support young activists as they begin their journeys as POA representatives.
In this episode, recorded immediately following their firstmeeting. YMCC members Natalie, Declan, Katie and Tyler plus Deputy General Secretary Joe Simpson speak candidly about what motivated them to get active in the POA, what issues are of greatest weight for young members, and, crucially, what does success look like when it comes to the POA’s young members’ strategy?
More details at Contact the Young Members ConsultativeCommittee by email at [email protected].uk
In this episode retiring NEC member Dave Cook looks back on 30 years’ service to the POA – how he got involved, why the NEC is different to work at a branch level, how the job and the union have changed, what further change is still necessary, and the high profile issues that Dave was instrumental in - keeping members safe despite overcrowding and the pandemic.
Dave’s reputation is one of straight talking and telling it like it is. As you’ll hear, he’s clearly lost none of that passion.
Replacing Dave on the union’s Executive Committee is Phil Hannant. Phil tells us about the journey that has taken him to the NEC, and his hopes and priorities for his term of office.
More information at
The POA is campaigning for a Royal Commission into the Criminal Justice system to address the many and inter-locking issues affecting the union’s members – including pensionable age, recruitment and retention, and violence at work. In this special episode, General Secretary Steve Gillan and Deputy General Secretary Joe Simpson talk about the progress being made and the importance of events like the Parliamentary briefing held on 20 June.
For more information, visit
National Chair Mark Fairhurst and General Secretary Steve Gillan look back at the POA’s annual conference, held earlier this month inEastbourne. What were the stand-out debates and contributions? Which guest speakers had most impact? What are the priority issues following conference?What is the state of the union following this most important of events? Keynote speeches from the conference are available on the union’s Facebookpage and more information is available from
In this toolkit podcast, POA DGS Joe Simpson describes the vital role undertaken by Union Safety Representatives, or USRs. He also discusses why the role is not as complex as it may sometimes sound, and gives guidance on how you can become a USR and the support that is available.
In the podcast, Joe refers to the following – click on the link to find out more:
IOSH – Institute of Occupational Safety and Health NEBOSH – National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health SRSC Regs - SafetyRepresentatives and Safety Committee Regulations TUC Health and Safety CourseTo find out more, talk to your local branch officers, email [email protected] or visit
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