Taking you today on a journey through my own challanges and insights with surrendering. There has been 1 insight that created a deep contemplation within me in the past month and it has openend up so many doors for me. So many portals to step through and leaving me transformed as I came out on the other side. I felt that this was so important to share with you, so that you too can allow it to transform you and deepen your journey of healing.
What I talk about in this episode
How I have always understood surrendering and how this kept me stuckThe insight that shifted my understanding of surrenderingWhy the idea that your mind is your greatest asset and that it has the power to create your reality can keep you stuckHow to move beyond the mind and into your body and heart when understanding this informationWhat truly is your greatest power as a human beingHow this allows you to get back in touch with your true inner strenghtIf this was helpfull to you in any way, share it with friends and family! Take a screenshot, tag me @eva.maaike and share what insights you took from this episode.
If you feel like you are in this place in your life in which you are ready to truly choose your growth, your healing and transformation and to really move from being just a bystander into actively engaging and creating the life you want to live, but feel like you need help navigating through all the experiences coming your way, then I would love to invite you to my 1 on 1 coaching program.
It is within this containter that I do this kind of work. Where I help you move out of your head and into your heart and create a heartcentered life, whatever that might look like for you.
I help you to see your seemingly failures as feedback that you can work with and evolve from. I help you to see your challenges not as obstacles you need to overcome, but as portals you can boldly and bravely step through.
If you feel to do this kind of innerwork, then send me a message on instagram (@eva.maaike) or email me on
Hope it served you well!
Coming to you this week with a topic that I am so very passionate about: Astrology and the wisdom of the sky.
In this episode I share with you why and how I use this system and how it has been changing my life in the last few years. There is really so much I can share with you about this topic and this really is only the beginning. But first I wanted to share the reason why I have come to love this wisdom so much and how it can change your life too.
What I talk about in this episode:
Different ways in which to use Astrology'So above, so below' and what this really means for your lifeWhat has truly been driving you, your desires and your actionsCosmic cycles and your part in themQuantum entanglementAnd much more!If this episode was insightful for you in any way, take a screenshot and share it on instagram. Be sure to tag me as well; @eva.maaike!
If you feel like you have many blindspots and want to learn how to use a system like Astrology and Gene Keys to gain greater awareness on what is blocking your highest potential, I invite you to my 1 on 1 coaching. In it we dive deep into this system together and how it can help you in your healing journey and help you unlock your greatest potential. You can reach out to me on instagram (@eva.maaike) or email me on and then we can see if this is the right next step for you!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Attachement and expectations, don't we have them all?
But often they mean something different then we initially think. When we fully dive into these habits of ourselves, we discover that there are layers of patterns and programming underneath. Fears that we are afraid to face. And so we hold onto them. We hold onto something that often (if not always) isn't serving us. So why do we do this? If it isn't serving us, why can't we simply let go? That is what we are diving into in this episode!
What I talk about in this episode:;
Why we really attach to a a certain outcomesWhat our expectations really point toWhat questions to ask yourself to get to deeper layers of patterns and programmingOutcome vs. journey & transformationLet me know of any insights you had by taking a screenshot and sharing it on instagram. Make sure to tag me @eva.maaike!
If you feel like you lack the tools to really get to the bottom of why you attach and hold onto expectations and know that this is the missing piece in your transformation journey, then I would love to invite you to my 1 on 1 program. This is the type of work that I do with my clients and whatever way life guides them, the transformation is always profound. Choose you, the real you. That is what is going to make difference in the world. Message me (instagram (@eva.maaike) or email me on for more information and to see if this is the right next step for you in your journey.
As always; hope it served you well!
In this episode I wanted to share one of the biggest blocks that I have walked up against many times in my life. Understanding this proces for myself and rewiring my brain and whole system, has thought me so many lessons. Not only about how to take that first step, but also about fears and how you can work through your fear, so that it doens't hold you back anymore.
What I talk about in this episode:
The real reason why you never take the first stepWhy mindsetwork isn't going to help you to take the first stepHow to work through your fearsWhy you never are going to feal readyHow are mind gets in the way of this procesThere is version of you that is so deeply connected to the flow of life, that it seems everything is always ligning up for you. You trust so deeply in life that you know that you are always in the right place, getting exactly what you need to embody the highest version of yourself and receive all that life has to offer. This is the kind of trust in life that is possible for you too.
If you know you have many blindspots and you need help to see where your mind gets in the way and wnat to uncover what patterns you are stuck in, then I would like to invite you to my 1 on 1 coaching program. Reach out to me on instagram and we can talk further!
This episode I want to share with you my thoughts on abundance and how we can understand this concept in a deeper sense than just the number on our bank account.
It is when we really dare to look at what parts of us show up when we feel disconnected from the flow of abundance, that we get insights into how we are still perceiving our lives from past experiences.
It is when we start to connect with those parts, understand them and heal them that we can come a more integrated version of ourselves that sees the present moment exactly for what it is, which then allows us to feel that deep inner trust of the flow of life; abundance.
What I talk about in this episode:
What abundance is notIf we can really block the flow of abundanceAbundance themesUntangling the illusion of lackShare any insights you had we me on instagram: @thebucketlist.yogi
And let me know if you would like to dive deeper into these themes of abundance!
There is version of you that is so deeply connected to the flow of life, that it seems everything is always ligning up for you. You trust so deeply in life that you know that you are always in the right place, getting exactly what you need to embody the highest version of yourself and receive all that life has to offer. This is the kind of abundance that is possible for you too.
If you need help understanding what kind of abundance themes you carry that keep you from embodying this higher version of yourself and trusting in the flow of life, then I would like to invite you to my 1 on 1 coaching program. Reach out to me on instagram and we can talk further!
Resistance is something we all experience and often it is seen as something we need to overcome. Once we can release resistance, that is when we finally can get back into flow and enjoy life. In today's episode I am talking about my own journey with resistance and how I have come to see it instead as my greatest ally.
In this episode you will learn;
Why resistance is and essential part of lifeHow to embrace resistanceWhat the purpose of your resistance isHope it serves you well!
Share any insights you had we me on instagram: @thebucketlist.yogi
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
In this episode I share with you the process that I have been going through in the past few months. I have been going through some deep healing and uncovering many layers within myself.
With this kind of inner work a lot of confusion and doubt can come with it and of the things I have been experiencing very strongly is feeling lost. Yet, when fully embracing this experience, it has allowed me to go even deeper into my own healing, different parts of myself and it has helped me to create an even deeper and profound connection with myself, my truest self.
Share any insights you had we me on instagram: @thebucketlist.yogi
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
This episode I wanted to give more attention to the season that we are all in. The season in weather :P, the season in the world, the specific season that you might be in within your own life and to simply honor that.
This is one of the things that is overlooked so much, but it is such a vital part of our healing, spiritual and personal development journey. Because when we honor ourselves, honor where we are at and honor our struggle, we actually get to create space and hold that space for us to heal. And not only heal, but also stay in alignment with our highest truth and our highest self and therefore create a completely different experience of our life, the way we live it and the way it unfolds.
What I talk about:
Why we need to honor our struggleWhy this is so much overlookedMy own journey of honoring my own struggleWhat you will learn:
How this keeps you from fully healing when you don't do thisThe three ways in which we deal with the changes in our energyA healthy way to deal with and look at your own strugglesIf you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
I can help you find the clarity that you need, help you see what about you isn't truly you and help see where you are holding on to things that don't serve you. I can give you the tools to let go of this, so that you sink into who you truly are and from that place live your life to the fullest and create a life you love.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
How to let go of attachment?
This is something that I see many people struggle with. It is something we all seem to know we should do, but the question stays; how to actually do it?
This episode as much about attachment, as it is about understanding the process of letting go. It was inspired by my own journey of letting go of that what doesn't serve me, attaching to things that weren't good for me and attaching to certain outcomes and desires.
For me this process opens more doors to deeper healing and a deeper understanding of ourselves, who we are and what we are capable of. The inner work, that in the end is so needed to create a beautiful life for ourselves and others, is what it is all about.
In this episode I talk about:
The different layers of attachmentWhat causes us to truly changeWhat is keeping you from letting go of attachmentLessons learned from letting go of my own attachment to the outcomes of my desiresWhat you will learn:
The role of limiting beliefs and stories in your attachmentHow to bring the triggered parts of you along in this processHow to get to the root of your attachmentThe one 1 thing people forget when they want to let go of their attachmentIf you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
I can help you find the clarity that you need, help you see what about you isn't truly you and help see where you are holding on to things that don't serve you. I can give you the tools to let go of this, so that you sink into who you truly are and from that place live your life to the fullest and create a life you love.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Hello gorgeous soul and welcome to another episode of the Power of Being You podcast!
It is so amazing to see how life brings things together in a way our minds never really could. This episode truly came from pure inspiration and the lessons I have learned from following that inspiration.
I am still on this journey with you, of uncovering different parts of myself that still operate from programming, rather than the pure potential that lies within me and that unfolds itself as I move towards alignment and follow that flow of inspiration. And boy when we do, pure magic happens. Magic according to our minds, because it was still stuck in old ways of thinking.
Since this wisdom has truly changed my life and the lives of others around me, I am so excited to share this episode with you!
What I share in this episode:
What is keeping you from taking aligned and inspired actionWhat you need to learn to take those kind of actionsHow to lift yourself up so that you can start taking aligned and inspired actionsWhy this has nothing to do with action, but more with being and embodyingWhat you will learn:
How to let go of this idea that there is never enough timeHow to stop focusing on productivity and instead get into a higher state of beingHow to lift up heaviness in your lifeHow to hold space for what you wantOther resources:
Episode #7: Reframing Discomfort
If you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
I can help you find the clarity that you need, help you see what about you isn't truly you and help see where you are holding on to things that don't serve you. I can give you the tools to let go of this, so that you sink into who you truly are and from that place live your life to the fullest and create a life you love.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Welcome back to another episode on the Power of Being You Podcast!
In this episode I share with you why you can never go backwards in your progress.
I know that feeling all to well. You finally found your confidence and motivation, you are taking a few steps forward, you feel like you are on top of the world and then suddenly you thought comes creeping in. 'What if this doesn't work?' Or you suddenly feel a little tired and off and before you know it you are feeling so overwhelmed with all these emotions you thought you had left way in the past.
You have done all the work, but the same thing just keeps coming back up over and over again and you just can't seem to understand why.
In this episode I share with you why this in fact is such a normal process, why you are misunderstanding the same thing that is coming up over and over again and why this is process is so important for you growth.
Trust me that when you get this lesson that I am sharing with you in this episode, you will skyrocket your growth forward like you have never done before and change doesn't just come natural to you, it becomes super fun!
In this episode I share:
Why there is no such thing as going backwardsWhy it is not only about repetition and practice, but also about going deeper withinWhy you can't break that cycle of the same thing showing up againWhat questions to ask yourself to move forwardWhat you will learn:
How to shift the story you have been telling yourself about your progressHow to see where you are still holding onto a story or a belief that isn't serving youHow to let go of shame and guiltAnd if you find yourself stuck in the same place over and over again, feeling like you have tried everything, but nothing seems to work to actually create change in your life, then I would like to invite you to my 1 on 1 coaching program.
I truly know that feeling all to well of being stuck in the same old stories and thought patters that create those same negative emotions, all to leave you going down a spiral that you have gone through many times before.
Often it is that one single insight that you need, but you can't get there by yourself, because it is your blind spot. Aka the very reason why you keep running around in circles. You need someone with a clear view to be that mirror for you so, so that you can see what truly is truly going on and shift out of it. If you are ready to fully let go of all those limiting stories and beliefs that are holding you back from living your life to the fullest, then send me a message. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Welcome back to another episode!
I am super excited to share this episode with you. I continue on one of the things I share with you in the last episode, so if you haven't listened to that one yet, go check it out!
This episode I dive deeper into what discofort really is, the wrong idea that so many have about what discomfort really means and how this is holding you back from growth. I will show you how this, in fact, is leading you away from changing your life and everything that you want. Pus I had to get uncomfortable for this episode as well, so I have the perfect case study for you ;).
What I talk about in this episode:
Why I was uncomfortable making this episodeWhy practicing with the small stuff is going to help you face the bigger challengesWhy the growth happens in the place of discomfortWhy doing the scary thing is actually more funWhy doing the scary things or being in a place of discomfort, doesn't mean doing more than you are capable ofWhat you will learn in this episode:
How not allowing yourself to feel uncomfortable is actually keeping you in a difficult place and hard situationsHow you can apply these lessons on other concepts as wellWhat discomfort ACTUALLY is and meansHow discomfort will help you propel your life forward in the direction you truly want to goHow slow and steady actually causes you to go way faster in lifeWhat it is about discomfort that is so scary and why we shy away from itIf you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
Other resources:
Episode #6; How to get clarity
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Welcome back to another episode!
Often we get caught up in overthinking, because we try to search for answers in a state of overwhelm and fog. And we think; 'If I could just figure this out, then it will all be clear to me.'
But clarity doesn't come because we have the answer, the answers come because we get clear. We find that clarity because we get back into our natural state of being.
In this episode I share with you one way in which I always get back into a state of clarity; by asking myself a single question.
What I talk about in this episode:
(1:44) How I came to this question(3:57) Why we get stuck in overthinking when we search for answers(13:16) What clarity really means(24:43) How this will help you see your worthWhat you will learn in this episode:
(6:10) How programming stops us from living an abundant life(8:22) How this question helps you get back into that state of clarity and makes you aware of any hidden limiting beliefs(9:09) Why you don't have to learn new skills, but have to unlearn your programming(10:40) Why you are not attracting what you want in your life right now(12:09) How this will help you to move the needle towards what you wantOther resources:
Episode #5; How to change your beliefs
Episode #4; How to let go of overthinking
The Perfectionism Project by Sam Laura Brown
If you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Welcome back to another episode!
I am super excited to share this episode with you, because this is the full process that I teach to all my students and coaching clients.
It is the foundation of everything that you need to know and when you start to apply this process in your own life, major shifts will start to happen.
This is the thing I am super passionate about; understanding our beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions. Where do they come from? Why do we have them? And how can I let go of anything that no longer serves me, so that I can step into who I truly am and create a life I love?
What I talk about in this episode:
(2:13) How our beliefs are not our own(3:45) Why you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts and emotions(6:11) How and why changing beliefs didn't work for me in the beginning(6:55) Why you are stuck in your limiting belief and new beliefs don't feel true(9:18) Why it is hard to let go of old beliefs(14:40) Why we avoid our thoughts and emotions around our old beliefs(19:50) Why you should allow your thoughts, feelings and old habits to just be thereWhat you will learn in this episode:
(1:14) How do we get our beliefs?(11:30) A good way to train your brain to let go of your old beliefs(22:20) Why thoughts and emotions keep coming back up(22:53) What discovering the truth feels like(25:05) Why you don't need to make yourself have or convince yourself of new beliefsIf you feel like you need help with applying everything that I have shared in this episode, then I want to introduce you to my coaching program. This is for you if you feel stuck. Stuck in your thoughts, stuck in your emotions, stuck in habits that you cannot seem to change. You don't see a way out and you feel you have tried absolutely everything, but the same patterns just seem to repeat themselves, and the same thing is just popping up over and over again in your life.
I can help you find the clarity that you need, help you see what about you isn't truly you and help see where you are holding on to things that don't serve you. I can give you the tools to let go of this, so that you sink into who you truly are and from that place live your life to the fullest and create a life you love.
If this is you, then send me a message, tell me what is going on and what you are looking for and then we can see how that matches with one of my coaching offers. Send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Welcome to another episode on The Power of Being You Podcast!
I am super excited to share this podcast with you as I will share my own journey of letting go of overthinking with you. This has been one of the biggest struggles of my life and in no means am I fully there yet. But I have learned quite a lot along the way and in this episode I will share with you some of my greatest insights in this process with you.
What I talk about in this episode:
My journey of overcoming overthinking Connecting with your heart instead of the headLetting life lead the wayHow trying to figure out your thoughts, will cause only more overthinkingDiscovering vs. Figuring things outSurrendering to now knowingWhy it is hard to let go as an overthinkerWhat you will learn in this episode:
Why managing your thoughts won't help you to overcome overthinkingWhy you should focus on what you feel in order for you to let go of what you thinkWhere you will find the answers you are looking for in lifeHow to let go of your thoughtsHow to practically overcome overthinkingHow to let go of the need to figure everything outIf you feel like you need more tools and help with this process, than my 1 on 1 coaching program is exactly the right thing for you! In this program we do a deep dive into your mind and being to see what parts of you aren't really you and where you are holding on to thoughts, emotions and beliefs that are not (anymore) serving you. You will find a deeper sense of your true self and learn to live from that space, so that you can live your life to the fullest and create a life you love. If this feels like the next step for you than send me an email at or send me a DM on any of my social media accounts:
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
A special message for you, in these special times
With everything that is going on in the world I felt urged to come on here and share some insights with you on how to understand this time form a different perspective and how to go through this time standing strong.
I hadn't planned on making this episode and there is so much to share on the topic of fear, what it is, what it does to our minds and how it affects us physically, so I decided to share an insight with you that has truly helped me in the past to move through fearful times and that helped me let go and heal past trauma, so I wouldn't be triggered in the future.
We have to treat our health at the root, which is our minds and spirit. That is why I decided to record this episode today and that is my intention for you with this episode.
Some of the insights in this podcast:
(2:00) How to tap into the strong part inside of us
(8:40) Why it is in times of uncertainty that we have to rely on and build our faith
(15:30) Why social media is a positive platform right you should definitely be using
(20;50) How to give a different meaning to past trauma
(22;40) How to ask the the right questions, to get a higher understanding of what is truly going on
(28;38) Why we are part of something bigger
(30:40) What to do when you are triggered
A small disclaimer; some of the practices I share in this episode are not easy to do if you are triggered and you have never practiced this before by yourself. This is something that I take my own 1 on 1 clients through months of guidance, becomes sometimes we are so stuck in our own way of thinking that we don't see a way out.
Yet, what I share in this episode is an insight about how this process works in our mind, that can truly help you to take the first steps to calming down or that will help you create or strengthen the underlying foundation of what it takes to change your perspective, shift out of fear and anxiety and into faith, trust, peace and love.
If you do need help with this process, feel free to reach out to me on any of my social media platforms (@evamtoes). I will be extra present this period to help anybody who needs a different perspective, a neutral set of eyes or who just needs help to get through a difficult situation, no matter what is going on in your life.
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you
Welcome back! In today's episode I talk more about my own journey and the one thing that helped me get my own manifestation journey on a fast track; making a decision.
I'm talking taking a decision to actually go for it and honor your dreams, but also internal decisions like finally accepting that you are fully worthy of all that you desire.
I explain why we get stuck in doubt and how you can take your mind with you as you start to believe that things can actually work out in your favor.
Hope it serves you well!
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you!
Hello gorgeous soul!
Welcome to the first episode of The Power of Being You Podcast!
In this episode I will be sharing with you the story of how I decided to make this episode, as it is a perfect example of why and how we should ask for guidance from the Universe and how because of that the most crazy synchronisaties can show up in your reality.
Also, I wanted to share more about my own story of learning this whole process manifesting and how I have used to mindset and self-healing to create a life I truly love.
With all my love
And never forget
The greatest power you have
Is to just be you!