Born amidst salt and smoke... Just off the Long Island Expressway... Beneath a bleeding star...
The Princes That Were Promised discuss the History of Westeros and The Known World. Join John and Seannie-Wan as they share their thoughts and observations for beginners and novices to #GRRM's 'A Song of Ice and Fire,' including analysis of the TV adaptation 'Game of Thrones' and all production news for HBO's Earth-shattering series.
Any update to the break-neck speed of #GRRM's writing that trickles from the void, or any fantasy/science-fiction property of Royal interest can also be the topic of Royal conversation.
Bend the knee and swear fealty to:
The Wardens of Long Island, The Watchers on the Couch, The Lords of Chit-Chat--
The Princes That Were Promised.
#TPTWP at The Westerosi Companion
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