Star reader Rachelle Hicks has a unique ability to explain life's journey with astrology, revealing gifts and attributes you might not have previously considered strengths. We talk about the energies of Pisces and the full moon in Virgo, and how discernment can balance and ground one’s creative flow. Working with the moon cycles and the polarity of these energies can help you focus and hone your skills – and take inspired action (like starting a new podcast!).
Rachelle lives in magical Ireland where nature has informed her understanding of astrology and the cycles of our lives. She views astrology as a work of art that can facilitate change, growth, and give you a heads up when things might get challenging, so you can turn those roadblocks into opportunities.
Find out more about Rachelle and astrology:
Instagram: RachelleHicksAstrologia
Guess what? I did start a new podcast – it’s called Inside Art Podcast. I interview artists who transform our understanding of the world and we go deep inside their creative practice. Join me for this compelling investigation of the artists’ relationship to art making, inspiration and flow. Follow me wherever you listen – the first episode is coming soon.
Find out more about me at:
Follow my work on instagram at: SRossiterStudio
Are you ready to receive more in life? More love, more creativity, more success, more inner peace? I'd love to help you get your creative energy flowing, so you can feel confident and successful. I'm offering a very special price for the next 10 people who sign up for a 1:1 HeartHealing™ session. Send me a message or check it out at:
And my first ad ever goes to: Oahu Organics, my favorite skin care company. I discovered them at the farmer’s market in Kailua and you can enjoy them too! Oahu Organics is offering 10% off all skin care products for my listeners. Visit: and use code: ThePsychicArtist. It's all organic, locally sourced, plant based and natural skin care that really works! -
Connecting to the flow of creative energy is the primary goal for me as an artist. And I'm here to help you do just that! In this episode I share a channeled message about divine love and flow.
Also, for the past several months I've been doing deep inner transformational healing work and have become certified in hypnotherapy and HeartHealing.™ I'm offering 1-1 sessions now to support you in healing yourself, so you can receive more money, expand your creativity, connect to your intuition, and be in the flow.
Show up as your best self, without the fear of authenticity or feeling unworthy. Trust that you are here to do some incredible work and the world needs you to share it.
January Rate and Review giveaway -- Write a review of The Psychic Artist on Apple Podcasts, and be entered to win a FREE HeartHealing™ session with me. Take a screenshot of your review and email me to be entered.
See my art at and on Insta @srossiterstudio
Learn more about HeartHealing™ sessions with me
(HeartHealing™ was created by Natasha Bray of the School of Healing Mastery) -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We are each one of us divine and filled with light, and we are able to access that when we make a point of it. And so may this recording support you in connecting to your higher self and remembering your true nature.
It is through this awareness of the self that we expand the most. When you take the time to meditate or make art or do yoga or connect in whatever creative way you connect to the self, you are inviting in this higher aspect of yourself and every cell of your body remembers the consciousness that pervades your presence. As you call in presence, as you become present, and as you act from a place of presence, more presence is created and this expands into the world around you. This creative act of being creates a ripple effect and consciousness spreads. Allow yourself to sit with this awareness just by being you.
Connect with your angels: -
Love is available to us at all times, and it is the angels who support us in this awareness. Without angels, we could not do what we do. We would be contracted and experiencing more pain and suffering. They remind us that we are divine, we are connected, we are so worthy and supported. And yet we cannot always perceive it. And so with love and courage, I encourage your mind to allow the grace of the divine presence and angelic realm to support you.
If you'd like to work with me, I am offering 1:1 Transformation Sessions right now. Connect to your highest self, get clear guidance and create the life that you desire. In this one hour phone session, we start with energy work, clearing your energetic field, asking for protection with angels, asking to be in alignment with your highest and greatest good. Then we focus on the positive outcomes that you desire as well as investigating your current challenges, your values, your beliefs. And after the call I create a custom transformation recording that you can listen to for 25 days or more to support your subconscious mind and heart in moving into your ideal self and a vision for your life based on your aspirations.
Visit, and enter the word “Angels” in checkout and for $99 off.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic.
YouTube: muktisarah
Instagram: SRossiterStudio
Facebook: The Psychic Artist Podcast
Email: bookings@thepsychicartistpodcast.comThanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share!
How to communicate and connect with your angels, is the subject of this conversation with author, healer, and spiritual teacher Sandra Rea. She finds that a lot of people give their power away by thinking that they don't have spiritual gifts and powers. She teaches us how to tap into the angelic realms and receive guidance, so that we can open up to the power that's within us all. To start with, she encourages us to call on our guardian angel and ask if there's anything that they want you to know.
Sandra Rea has two books: "Presence: Awakening to the Light Within" and "Angels Aid: Guided Meditation for Children and Parents." Her podcast is Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, and you can find out more at
If you would like to connect with your angels, she is offering a free training:
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic.
YouTube: muktisarah
Instagram: SRossiterStudio
Facebook: The Psychic Artist Podcast
Email: bookings@thepsychicartistpodcast.comThanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share!
Connect with the soul of your home and step into more flow, creativity and alignment! In this episode I talk with Feng Shui expert Patricia Lohan. She is from Ireland, but lives between Greece, Italy, Bali, or Mexico – and it just so happens that she moved house 22 times growing up! She shares that your home has a consciousness and you can create work that resonates at a higher frequency and enhances that energy. Our homes teach us, and mirror what is going on in our lives. When we start to change the energy of our environment magic can happen! Patricia says it's like tapping into the perfection of the flow of life. We can create our own sanctuary that is high frequency, high vibration, and supports us as creative beings.
See this conversation on YouTube: out more about Patricia Lohan at:
Free Feng Shui mini course:
Powerhouse Feng Shui Podcast:
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic.
YouTube: muktisarah
Instagram: SRossiterStudio
Facebook: The Psychic Artist Podcast
Email: bookings@thepsychicartistpodcast.comThanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share!
Late last night, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I had this profound moment of awareness. It came from the thought that God dwells within you as you. That was the thought that preceded the message. But the message was a step beyond that. So if God dwells within you as you, and you are you, then you are the one you seek. If we can extract the learnings and rise above and look down with fresh eyes and see ourselves as great actors in a beautiful play, doing our absolute best to fill these roles, then we rise beyond the mind's capacity to create, to what was already there before.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic
YouTube: muktisarah
Instagram: SRossiterStudio
Facebook: The Psychic Artist Podcast
Email: bookings@thepsychicartistpodcast.comThanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share!
Guess what, you can transform your family as you transform yourself. That goes for healing too – ancestral, generational, and past life trauma, it can all be released. My guest Rebecca Packard is an expert in doing just that, releasing those silent vibrational conversations and negative trapped emotions that keep us stuck. She uses the Emotion Code, Body Code, Kinesiology and Angelic Reiki among many other tools, but I think of her as an energy magician! Rebecca is so fun to speak with and full of metaphysical and practical mom knowledge. One of the best things she has taught me is to ask for ease and grace in all situations and with life lessons. It works!
Experience the Emotion Code with Rebecca Packard at an introductory rate - save 75% off your session with this link: with Rebecca Packard: Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic.
YouTube: muktisarah
Instagram: SRossiterStudio
Facebook: The Psychic Artist Podcast
Email: bookings@thepsychicartistpodcast.comThanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share!
Tune your dial to this abundant frequency: I speak with coach Viola Hug about her recent birth story, having an abundant mindset, and healing through awareness. Viola shares how to become more clear in your own authority, notice what your body is telling you and allow more joy and pleasure in your life. Her gratitude practice has helped her focus on magical moments and gifts from the universe, and she believes you can code your body to be in the frequency of abundance, gratitude and love.
See the video:
Viola Hug (she/they) is a renowned mentor, writer, and speaker in pleasure, healing & energetics. Best selling author, and is host of the global charted SPIRIT SEX MONEY podcast, she’s an expert in individual energetics like human design and gene keys, while activating power and healing through shadow and embodiment work for wealth and pleasure.
Connect with Viola Hug:
Instagram @violahug //
TikTok @violahug //
Spirit Sex MONEY podcast //
Website //
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic.YouTube: muktisarah
Instagram: SRossiterStudio
Facebook: The Psychic Artist PodcastEmail:
Thanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share!
“When you have a creative thought, where does it come from?” wonders author Mark Gober, as we talk about his new book An End to Upside Down Contact. Our conversation touches on non-human intelligence and how those beings might influence us, how ancient cultures around the world describe similar encounters with other-worldly beings, and how our perspective on this topic affects the ascension of humanity.
Mark Gober is an author of four books, the award-winning book, An End to Upside Down Thinking, the sequel An End to Upside Down Living, An End to Upside Down Liberty, and now An End to Upside Down Contact. He also created the fascinating podcast Where Is My Mind.
My two previous conversations with Mark about his earlier books are:
Episode 15: Transcendent Consciousness with Author Mark Gober
and Episode 61: Contemplating Liberty and Freedom with Author Mark Gober
Connect with Mark Gober:
Rob Schwartz is the author of the book Your Soul's Plan – plus Your Soul's Gift and Your Soul's Love. He is a brilliant thinker and researcher with an encyclopedic knowledge of spiritual truths. In particular, he helps us to understand "why did we choose the people who are in our life? Why did we plan our most difficult challenges and how can we heal and experience more love, joy, and peace." About his first book he states, “The purpose of this book is to facilitate a shift from personality consciousness to soul consciousness.”
Find out more about Rob Schwartz:
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic and channel.
YouTube Channel:
This super full moon message supports you to release fear and welcome love. I've been thinking a lot about fear recently and how it dominates our consciousness as a society and on an individual level. I encourage you to shift your focus to the heart and allow the moon to support you in connecting with your higher self.
Allow your mind to find its way through the rivulets of your heart and become one with your soul's consciousness. Fear not, for fear is the theme of this millennia. The theme of our human incarnation has been dominated by fear. Allow this fear to release now and dissolve in the light of the moon. It is here that you will find the depths of love.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic and channel.
YouTube Channel:
Thanks for listening to The Psychic Artist Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode please rate, review and share it with a friend.
Having moved to Oahu, I recorded this message of gratitude under the stars on June 3rd, 2022. I also share a channeled message from the Arcturians, beings of love from another dimension, about our human experience. They send blessings: “May you look within and find this incredible thread, a golden thread of light that connects all your experiences, all of your learning, all of your perceptions. And as the thread is lifted out of the water of who you are, you see the pure essence, the golden light of this golden thread that connects you to the heavens above and the earth below. And try your best to be both in the middle of connection to spirit above and spirit below. The energy of this earth plane, this body, these physical qualities, and at the same time, this connection to divine energy flowing endlessly above you.”
In this episode my guest is Law of Emergence expert, Derek Rydall. A transformational coach to authors, healers, entrepreneurs, and creatives, his core message is: "Instead of struggling to heal ourselves, our work is to strip away the false concepts and reveal our innate wholeness. The truth is, there’s nothing wrong with you — you’re not missing anything. Everything you need to fulfill your destiny is within you, waiting to emerge."
Derek Rydall is the #1 bestselling author of EMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change, and THE ABUNDANCE PROJECT: 40 Days to More Wealth, Health, Love, and Happiness. Derek also hosts two podcasts: Emergence and The Abundance Project, where he shares cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies to help you achieve financial freedom, master productivity and creativity, and live your greatest life’s work at the highest levels of success.
Find out more about Derek at:
And on Instagram:
Derek's Emergence Podcast:
Enjoy these two free trainings from Derek:
Sign up now for my next Creativity & Consciousness Course: Starts October 21, 2022, 10 weeks of live video calls. Fridays at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. Learn from inspiring guest speakers, experiential exercises, guided meditations, and get feedback from a supportive community of artists, writers, podcasters, and more. Sign up now for early bird special pricing. Learn more here:
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
May your awareness emanate from love. There is a sensation of energy rising up through your body, this is the goddess Kundalini cleansing and clearing anything blocking you. This energy moves up and out, like a creative impulse, a release. She connects you to the column of light within you, and into the heavens.
Allow your self, your mind, your body, your energetic field to vibrate with the frequency of love.
We bow to the knowledge of this place, we ask for the blessings of the great beings of this place. We ask for the support of great beings beyond our galaxy, and ask for all the love of the cosmos to be present with us. May all beings receive this love and light for their highest and greatest good.
We acknowledge all of the great teachers that have come before us and that are to come.
Quotes in this episode:
“The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.” – Bhagawan Nityananda
“God dwells within you as you.” – Baba Muktananda
“Be with what is, while it is, the way it is.” – Swami Nirmalanda
Music by Rikard From:
Slowly Growing -
Lone Thought -
The Night You Flew -
This was my last episode recorded in Mexico. I am back in Hawaii now, and sending you blessings for this full moon energy.
If you would like more support expanding your consciousness and connecting to your highest self, check out: for psychic readings and more.
Join monthly Intuitive Painting Workshops: Learn to connect to your higher self while painting and be in flow. Two hour group Zoom calls once a month. Next date: May 27th at 1pm HST / 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT. Register at:
Sign up now for the next Creativity & Consciousness Course: Starts October 21, 2022, 10 weeks of live video calls. Fridays at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. Learn from inspiring guest speakers, experiential exercises, guided meditations, and get feedback from a supportive community of artists, writers, podcasters, and more. Sign up now for early bird special pricing:
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
We often look outside of ourselves for validation, guidance and a sense of self. Today I propose that you introduce a practice of clarity into your daily life. Allow yourself to receive the grace that is available to you, and ask your angels and guides to show you what true guidance feels like.
Trust that within you is a seed of divine knowledge. There are many tools to help you access it, and so many levels on which you can clear your energy and choose what to align yourself with. True confidence comes from connecting to the Self.
Some tools I use to get clear guidance:
Meditation, tapping (EFT), Emotion Code sessions, Healy frequencies, Time Waver sessions, asking for guidance and messages from angels and spirit guides, energetic clearing, vitamins, parasitic cleanses, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, consuming clean water and food, rest and sleep, Self massage with oil, oil pulling, detoxing with chlorella and charcoal (especially after removing metal fillings in teeth), clearing infection and inflammation, listening to music, making art, connecting from the heart with family, animals, the ocean, earth and sky. Breath work, Reiki, walks, and asking for ease and grace every step of the way.
Questions or feedback about connecting to your intuition? Let me know: or message me on FB or Instagram.
If you would like more support expanding your consciousness and connecting to your highest self, check out: for psychic readings and more.
Flash Sale: Paintings made in Mexico - For this week only, I'm selling original paintings made by me in Mexico for $100 each ($1000 pesos for locals). To see images email me at: or goto my instagram page: to see a sample of recent work.
Join monthly Intuitive Painting Workshops: Learn to connect to your higher self while painting and be in flow. Two hour group Zoom calls once a month. Next date: May 25th at 9am HST / 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Register at:
Sign up now for the next Creativity & Consciousness Course: Starts October 21, 2022, 10 weeks of live video calls. Fridays at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. Learn from inspiring guest speakers, experiential exercises, guided meditations, and get feedback from a supportive community of artists, writers, podcasters, and more. Sign up now for early bird special pricing:
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
Your very Self is bubbling forth... In this episode I share a conversation with Amanda, a participant in my Creativity and Consciousness course. She reflects on how the experience inspired her to paint more and found herself channeling messages of guidance for her life.
In addition, I share a channeled message about creativity and transformative expression. It is unique to each of us, and yet we connect to a source that runs through us all. Allow yourself to receive downloads from cosmic sources. Allow this expression to flow continually. Fearlessly share what you have created. You are amazing, you have so much to offer.
If you would like more support expanding your consciousness and connecting to your highest self, check out: for psychic readings and more.
Join monthly Intuitive Painting Workshops: Learn to connect to your higher self while painting and be in flow. Two hour group Zoom calls once a month. Next date: May 27th, 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT for $44. Register at:
Sign up now for the next Creativity & Consciousness Course: Starts October 21, 2022, 10 weeks of live video calls. Fridays at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. Learn from inspiring guest speakers, experiential exercises, guided meditations, and get feedback from a supportive community of artists, writers, podcasters, and more. Sign up now for early bird special pricing:
Flash Sale: Paintings made in Mexico - For a limited time, I'm selling original paintings made by me in Playa del Carmen for $100 each ($1000 pesos for Mexican residents). To see images email me at: or goto my instagram page: to see a sample of recent work.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
YouTube Channel:
Surrender, receptivity, creation. So much expansion is possible for you this week. Call on the Divine Mother, she holds you close to her heart. She moves through you, like Kundalini rising up. Welcome this energy. Oh Mother, help us to see you in every living thing. Fill our minds with joy and peace.
In this channeled message I share an energy clearing and a reading for the week of April 24th, 2022. May this weekly reading support you in navigating your journey.
If you would like more support expanding your consciousness and connecting to your highest self, check out: for psychic readings and more.
Join monthly Intuitive Painting Workshops: Learn to connect to your higher self while painting and be in flow. Two hour group Zoom calls once a month. Next date: May 25th at 9am HST / 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Register at:
Sign up now for the next Creativity & Consciousness Course: Starts October 21, 2022, 10 weeks of live video calls. Fridays at 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT. Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. Learn from inspiring guest speakers, experiential exercises, guided meditations, and get feedback from a supportive community of artists, writers, podcasters, and more. Sign up now for early bird special pricing:
Rate and Review Giveaway - Win an original painting made by me in Mexico as a gift for your review. To enter go to Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen, and rate this podcast, write a review, send it to me, and you will be entered to win. Email me: And thank you for your support, it means so much to me and helps this podcast to reach a larger audience.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
YouTube Channel:
Life doesn’t have to be so hard! Your spirit guides and angels are here for you. In this channeled message I share a new energy clearing and a card reading for the week of April 18th, 2022. May your growth be full of ease and grace.
If you would like support in expanding your consciousness and connecting to your higher self, learn more here: for psychic readings and more.
April Special: I'm offering 45 min On-Air Readings to anyone who is interested in being on my podcast (you can be anonymous in the recording if you like). The exchange is $60 and you are welcome to schedule it here:
Join my monthly painting workshops: Learn to connect to your higher self while painting and be in flow. Two hour group Zoom calls once a month. The next workshop is on April 19 at 11am PST/2pm EST. ($44 for 2 hours.) Register at:
Rate and Review Giveaway - Win an original painting made by me in Mexico as a gift for your review. To enter go to Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen, and rate this podcast, write a review, send it to me, and you will be entered to win. Email me: And thank you for your support, it means so much to me and helps this podcast to reach a larger audience.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
YouTube Channel:
What if love isn’t a feeling? What if love is a practice? When you are loving with yourself, you can be the embodiment of love for those around you. Relationship and business coach Susan Leahy believes that “you deserve to feel good,” and she shows us practical ways to achieve that in daily life and in relationships. Her life’s work is to embody love herself and support others in taking ownership, and being “in power with” themselves as well as in relationship. In our conversation we talk about gratitude, practice and how curiosity is the beginning of opening up your mindset – and how openness leads to joy.
Find out more about Susan Leahy and register for her complimentary webinar, You Deserve To Feel Good In Love:
If you would like support in expanding your consciousness and connecting to your higher self, connect with me here: for psychic readings and more.
April Special: I'm offering 45 min On-Air Readings to anyone who is interested in being on my podcast (you can be anonymous in the recording if you like). The exchange is $60 and you are welcome to schedule it here:
Join my monthly painting workshops: Learn to connect to your higher self while painting and be in flow. Two hour group Zoom calls once a month. The next workshop is on April 19 at 11am PST/2pm EST. ($44 for 2 hours.) Register at:
Rate and Review Giveaway - Win an original painting made by me in Mexico as a gift for your review. To enter go to Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen, and rate this podcast, write a review, send it to me, and you will be entered to win. Email me: And thank you for your support, it means so much to me and helps this podcast to reach a larger audience.
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium.
YouTube Channel:
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