
  • I am closing out Season 3 of this podcast with a listener request: alternatives to hormone therapy for managing and mitigating perimenopause/menopause symptoms like insomnia, sleep disturbances, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog, anxiety, mood swings, low energy, weight gain and more!

    I will be discussing:

    Mindset around perimenopause, menopause and agingWhat hormone therapy can and cannot doThe difference between HRT and Hormone TherapyThe driving force behind the majority of symptoms in perimenopause/menopauseSeven foundational strategies you can implement today that can help mitigate almost all symptomsSpecific strategies for hot flashes & night sweatsSpecific strategies for sleepSpecific strategies for migrainesSpecific strategies for brain fog/energy


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  • Welcome to your Friday Faith Minute! Every other Friday of the month I'm going to bring you a quick hit of scripture inspiration, to help hold you in God's Word and remind you of all the power, strength and blessing available to you in Christ. These mini scripture hits will be just a few minutes in length, and (I'm hoping) will be a wonderful way to quickly lift you in mind, spirit and body.

    Today's verse: Genesis 25:29-33 “One day when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau arrived home from the wilderness exhausted and hungry. Esau said to Jacob, “I’m starved! Give me some of that red stew!” (This is how Esau got his other name, Edom, which means “red.”) “All right,” Jacob replied, “but trade me your rights as the firstborn son.” “Look, I’m dying of starvation!” said Esau. “What good is my birthright to me now?” But Jacob said, “First you must swear that your birthright is mine.” So Esau swore an oath, thereby selling all his rights as the firstborn to his brother, Jacob.”


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

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  • In today's episode I'm going to be diving into how you can support your body naturally, if you've been on hormonal birth control and have decided to transition off.

    I will be discussing:

    How birth control impacts female hormonesThe differences between IUDS (hormone inclusive and hormone free) and the OCPSide effects of using birth controlThe five areas I focus on with my clients when helping them transition off birth controlPost birth control syndrome and potential struggles coming off of birth controlHow to replenishing nutrient storesHow to heal and support the gutSupporting hormone detoxIdentifying Hormone Imbalance (if any)Reversing Metabolic MayhemSupplements that helpDiet and lifestyle strategies

    Please keep in mind when listening to this episode these are generalized guidelines, not personalized recommendations. Every womans body is unique, and every womans body will have unique needs when coming off of birth control.

    I highly recommend working one on one with a coach or practitioner who understands the potential side effects of being on and transitioning off the pill and is comfortable addressing post-birth control syndrome.

    LINK TO : What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You About Hormonal Birth Control

    LINK TO: 47 Ways to Heal a Dysregulated Nervous System


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Today I’m going to be talking about dieting, specifically, offering some insight, on how Christian women should consider how they approach the dieting.

    Many Christian women struggle to wade through the diversity of opinions about diets, and how we should approach the topic of dieting. Many even question whether we, as Christ followers, should even be giving priority over to our bodies in this way, at all.

    In today's episode I will be talking about how we, as Christian women can approach dieting, or the pursuit of any physique goal from a biblical viewpoint.

    We diet to be generous to othersWe diet because our bodies matter to GodWe diet in view of our freedom in ChristWe diet knowing that our joy is in Jesus, not results


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Welcome to your Friday Faith Minute! Every other Friday of the month I'm going to bring you a quick hit of scripture inspiration, to help hold you in God's Word and remind you of all the power, strength and blessing available to you in Christ. These mini scripture hits will be just a few minutes in length, and (I'm hoping) will be a wonderful way to quickly lift you in mind, spirit and body.

    Today's verse: Genesis 29:31-35 "When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless. Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Simeon, for she said, “It is the Lord Who has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now. Leah gave birth to a second son and named him Reuben. Then she said, “The Lord has taken away my sorrow. Surely now my husband will love me more than he does Rachel. A third time she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Now at last my husband will hold me close, because I have borne him three sons.” So he was named Levi. She conceived again, and when she gave birth to her fourth son, whom she named Judah, she said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” Then she stopped having children."


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode- by popular request- I'm diving into all things supplements!

    Are supplements regulated?Are supplements safe?The three questions you should ask yourself before purchasing a supplementFactors to consider when looking for a supplementSourcingAdditives, binders and fillersTestingEfficacyResearchProprietary blendsMy favorite supplement brands

    Podcast episode links:

    Clinicaltrials.govNational Center for Complementary and Integrative Health National Product Associations website

    Pure Factor Formulations, use code Revive10 for 10% off!


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Today's episode is the third and final episode in a three episode series discussing alcohol.

    If you missed episode one: An honest conversation about alcohol and health

    If you missed episode two: Why I used to drink, and now I don't: Rethinking your relationship with alcohol

    Today's episode is all about practical strategies for how you can socialize alcohol free in settings that involve alcohol. I will be discussing how to approach socializing mentally, offering valuable perspective shifts and encouragement as well as giving you tangible strategies such as using a decoy drink so that you can successfully navigate parties and get togethers alcohol free.


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Welcome to your Friday Faith Minute! Every other Friday of the month I'm going to bring you a quick hit of scripture inspiration, to help hold you in God's Word and remind you of all the power, strength and blessing available to you in Christ. These mini scripture hits will be just a few minutes in length, and (I'm hoping) will be a wonderful way to quickly lift you in mind, spirit and body.

    Today's verse: “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:2


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode, which is the second in a series of three episodes centered around the topic of alcohol, I am going to be diving into the reasons why we start to drink, and often continue to drink, even at the expense of our health and wellbeing. Reasons like:

    To relaxAs a rewardFOMOTo assuage social anxietyTo boost confidence in social settings

    I will also be sharing my personal history with alcohol and drinking. I used to be someone who drank. Yet I am now somebody who does not drink, and hasn't drank in over 12 years.

    I will share what changed for me, and will also be sharing some of the questions I asked myself when I began rethinking my relationship with alcohol.

    I'm hopeful this episode will help you "challenge" some of the beliefs you have about alcohol and it's role in your life.

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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode, I am going to be diving into the connection between alcohol, and health. This is the first in a three episode series discussing alcohol.

    I will be having an honest conversation about the science surrounding alcohol consumption and how it impacts whole body health.

    The connection between alcohol and weight loss strugglesHow the health space has failed to be honest about the dangerous effects of drinking on the physical, mental and emotional healthAlcohol as a toxinHow the body breaks down alcoholAlcohol as a metabolic blockAlcohol and blood pressureThe impact on heart healthHow drinking changes brain physiologyNeurotransmitter production and drinkingHow drinking impacts sleep architectureHow alcohol impacts hormone production and balanceHPA Axis and drinkingDrinking and it's effect on the gut microbiome and gut healthMuscle growth, recovery and drinkingHow much alcohol is deemed "safe" by the experts


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Welcome to your Friday Faith Minute! Every other Friday of the month I'm going to bring you a quick hit of scripture inspiration, to help hold you in God's Word and remind you of all the power, strength and blessing available to you in Christ. These mini scripture hits will be just a few minutes in length, and (I'm hoping) will be a wonderful way to quickly lift you in mind, spirit and body.

    Today's verse: “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.” James 1:2 (MSG)


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode I want to talk about five ways in which the Gospel guides us into an understanding of how we should think about body stewardship, or biblical care for the body:

    God wants us to worship Him with our bodiesGod wants us to be disciplined, not lazy or idle with our bodiesGod has purchased our bodies, with the blood of His Son, therefore we do not own them, He does, and how we treat them, mattersChrist wants to show His strength through the weaknesses of our bodiesWe need to remember that one day, God will give us new bodies


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode, I'm diving into six sneaky reasons you have not be making progress in the past. HINT: this podcast is not about calories, and it's not about macros, it's not about exercise, or supplements, or even gut or hormone health. These six things that I'm going to discuss today have to do with the main driver behind weight loss: YOUR MIND.

    I'm going to be talking about:

    Self beliefExpectations vs prioritiesShort sightedness and being stuck in "diet mentality"Education vs implementationInability to tap your own inner wisdomFearing failure


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Welcome to your Friday Faith Minute! Every other Friday of the month I'm going to bring you a quick hit of scripture inspiration, to help hold you in God's Word and remind you of all the power, strength and blessing available to you in Christ. These mini scripture hits will be just a few minutes in length, and (I'm hoping) will be a wonderful way to quickly lift you in mind, spirit and body.

    Today I am talking about New Years Resolutions!


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode I'm discussing the concept of willpower. What is it? How do we define it? And more importantly, what can you do to have more of it?

    I'll also be discussing willpower as it pertains to the holidays. We are approaching the weeks of Christmas and New Years, weeks where most Americans are tempted to say "screw it" and put their health and physique intentions on hold.

    In this episode I'm going to provide you with some very basic strategies for conquering the holiday screw its by increasing your willpower!

    What is willpower?Willpower is not a moral failingThere is a physiological component to willpowerYou can deplete willpower or replete it based on your daily habitsSetting non negotiables for the holiday seasonHow non negotiables help INCREASE willpower and prevent the holiday screw its


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • It's time for a Tuesday "health" take! Like a hot take, but HEALTHIER! My goal with these short "snacks" is to briefly give you my take on a current health topic. The perfect 5:00 way to start your day!

    This week I'm giving you my take on a study, published in the journal "GUT" which claims high fat diets might be bad for the gut microbiome!


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • Welcome to your Friday Faith Minute! Every other Friday of the month I'm going to bring you a quick hit of scripture inspiration, to help hold you in God's Word and remind you of all the power, strength and blessing available to you in Christ. These mini scripture hits will be just a few minutes in length, and (I'm hoping) will be a wonderful way to quickly lift you in mind, spirit and body.

    Today's Scripture: Colossians 2:15


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In today's episode, I am going to be talking about the root cause (the real root cause) of your menopausal struggles. Symptoms like weight gain, belly fat, night sweats, achey joints, low libido and mood swings are some of the main reasons my clients come to me for coaching. And the majority of them think their issues are coming from shifting hormones. But to correct these symptoms, and lose the weight, we have to go much deeper than just "hormones". I'll be discussing:

    The body's drive and desire to be in homeostatsisThe importance of mindset and nervous system regulation as being foundational to creating health and thriving in menopauseMitochondrial dysfunctionGut imbalanceLiver issuesAdrenal problemsHow all of this accumulates into a poor menopausal experience

    This episode is a goldmine!


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • In this week's episode- by popular demand- I am going to be talking about food prep and meal planning. Many of my clients, and many of my listeners, struggle with the concept of cooking, and meal planning, and in todays episode, I want to dig into the real reasons as to why that may be. I will be discussing:

    Cooking, eating, food and meal times as a priorityCommon excuses or objections to meal prep (lack of time, lack of skill, etc)Why cooking from scratch and meal planning mattersOffer three easy strategies to get started cooking and meal planning


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    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!

  • It's time for a Tuesday "health" take! Like a hot take, but HEALTHIER! My goal with these short "snacks" is to briefly give you my take on a current health topic. The perfect 5:00 way to start your day!

    Today I am giving you my take on a sneaky ingredient you may not have even heard of "IMO", aka Isomalto-oligosaccharides. They're in most protein bars and energy bars, and their claim to fame is that they are a sweet-tasting, zero-calorie prebiotic fiber that has no effect whatsoever on blood sugar.

    But do they live up to the hype? I weight in today!

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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Want some FREE LMNT? Use this link for a FREE sample pack with any order!

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

    Save 10% on PureFactorFormulations supplements with my code "Revive10" at checkout!