
  • Justin Michael, best selling author and executive coach, shares his approach to sales, combining traditional business tactics with the principles of manifestation and spirituality. Justin discusses the power of belief, the importance of mindset, and the role of gratitude in achieving success. He challenges conventional sales methodologies, advocating for a heart-centered approach that emphasizes genuine connections and service to clients. Justin has awesome insights on overcoming self-imposed limitations and the integration of holistic practices, redefining what it means to be successful in sales today.


    00:00:00 - Clearing Resentments: The Power of Hoʻoponopono00:00:55 - Welcome to the Rising Leader Podcast: A New Wave of Leadership00:01:27 - Meet Justin Michael: Author and Sales Innovator00:02:00 - The Two Sides of Manifestation in Sales00:04:00 - From 'The Secret' to Success: Justin's Journey00:08:02 - Tuning In: How Music and Visualization Can Transform Your Sales Game00:11:00 - Using Music to Achieve a Meditative State in Sales00:14:15 - Inner Game Meets Sales Techniques: Finding the Perfect Balance00:18:00 - The Justin Michael Method: Neuroscience-Backed Sales Techniques00:21:45 - Battling Self-Doubt in Sales: Practical Insights00:25:12 - Personal Transformations: Stories from the Trenches of Coaching00:27:32 - The Evolution of Sales: Adapting Techniques in a Changing World00:30:00 - Specialization vs. Generalization in Sales Roles00:34:12 - The Future of Sales: Keeping the Human Connection Alive00:38:17 - Final Thoughts: Embracing Service and Transformation in Sales

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    Justin on LinkedInHard Skill.ExchangeAttraction Selling by Justin MichaelSales Superpowers 1.0 by Justin MichaelJustin Michael Method 2.0 by Justin MichaelQuantum Leap PodcastBeyond Sales Development

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    The Arise Immersion

  • Alex shares insights on handling the pressures and challenges of leadership and sales. He talks about the common feelings of being overwhelmed in both professional and personal life and offers up strategies for managing these stresses effectively. Alex discusses the importance of developing a clear vision, staying true to one's core self, and mastering one's professional skills. He also touches on maintaining mental and physical health, developing and nurturing meaningful relationships, and the power of authenticity in leadership. Tune in to hear Alex’s advice for leaders who want to thrive in their roles while maintaining their wellbeing!


    00:00:00 Introduction: Why Does Life Feel So Heavy?00:01:00 What’s This Episode All About?00:02:00 Why Are We All Struggling?00:04:52 Could Vision Be Your Secret Weapon?00:07:54 What Exactly Is Your 'Essence'?00:10:47 How Well Do You Know Your Craft?00:14:57 Can You Find Joy When It’s Tough?00:16:02 Final Thoughts: Is There More to Learn?

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  • Alex chats with Mark Kosoglow about the evolving landscape of sales. Mark shares insights on modern email challenges, the changing role of SDRs, and the critical importance of RevOps. They discuss effective sales strategies, leadership qualities needed today, and the power of community in achieving sales success. Get ready for a lively and insightful conversation packed with awesome tips and real-world examples that can really boost your sales game!


    00:00:00 - The Email Conundrum: From Delivery to Dilemma00:00:57 - Welcome to the Rising Leader Podcast: Kickoff with Alex Kremer00:01:13 - Introducing Mark Kosoglow: Sales Guru Extraordinaire00:02:07 - The Power of LinkedIn Selfies: Selfies That Sell00:03:35 - The Evolution of Sales Communication: Goodbye Phone, Hello Text00:05:16 - The Decline of Email Effectiveness: Spam Filters Strike Back00:07:30 - The Generation Gap: Phone Calls vs. Text Messages00:10:48 - The SDR Renaissance: The New Age of Sales Development00:12:00 - The Phone Coordinator: Mastering the Art of Cold Calls00:14:15 - Email Coordinator Insights: Crafting the Perfect Outreach00:17:30 - Social Coordinator Strategies: Leveraging LinkedIn for Leads00:20:45 - The SDR Super Team: Specialization for Success00:23:40 - The Importance of RevOps: The Unsung Heroes of Sales00:28:33 - The Role of Modern Sales Leaders: Leading with Purpose and Passion00:32:45 - Closing Thoughts and Farewell: Wrapping Up with Mark Kosoglow

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    The Arise Immersion

  • David Priemer shares insights into the power of human-centered sales leadership, highlighting the importance of empathy and effective communication in driving team success. Drawing from his unique journey from a research scientist to a seasoned sales leader, David discusses how caring for team members and helping them grow can unlock their full potential. He also challenges traditional sales tactics, emphasizing the need for genuine, high-conviction conversations and transparency during challenging times. This episode promises to inspire and equip you with practical strategies to excel in sales leadership!


    00:00:00 - The Secret to Authentic Leadership00:00:53 - Welcome to a Game-Changing Episode00:01:09 - Introducing David Priemer: Sales Mastermind00:03:16 - From Science Labs to Sales Leadership00:04:22 - Cracking the Code: The Mental Game of Sales00:05:53 - How 'Cerebral Selling' Was Born00:11:32 - Juggling Ambition and Family Life00:19:17 - Inside "The Sales Leader They Need"00:20:36 - Why Caring and Growth Matter Most00:21:21 - The Five Skills Every Leader Must Have00:22:33 - David's Personal Growth and Leadership Tips00:23:29 - Can Leadership Be Taught?00:24:15 - The Toughest Parts of Sales Leadership00:28:04 - Harnessing Conviction in Sales00:29:15 - Why Confidence Beats Scripts in Sales00:32:48 - The 7-38-55 Rule: Influence in Sales00:35:20 - The Real Reason Customers Say Yes00:37:22 - Leading with Transparency and Trust00:41:42 - What Defines a Rising Leader?

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    David on LinkedInDavid on InstagramDavid on YouTubeDavid’s LinkTreeCerebral Selling by David Priemer

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  • Today’s very special guest is Alex’s dad and founder of Del Mar Integrative Medicine, Dr. Arnold Kremer! Dr. Kremer shares his journey of mentorship, personal growth, and the importance of staying true to one's vision.Alex and his dad discuss the power of asking the right questions and truly listening to the answers. Dr. Kremer’s wisdom from his days as a hippie, an emergency room physician, and a motivational speaker offers a refreshing perspective on leadership and life. Tune in to hear compelling stories about guidance, the pursuit of passion, and how adapting to change can lead to profound personal and professional growth!


    00:00:00 - Introduction: The Power of Communication and Change00:00:48 - Welcome to the Rising Leader Podcast00:00:59 - Meet Our Special Guest: Alex’s Dad, Dr. Arnold Kremer00:01:46 - The Lifelong Impact of Mentorship and Wisdom00:02:52 - Exploring Dr. Kremer's Diverse Background and Influence00:03:47 - Unforgettable Lessons from a Mentor00:06:11 - From Boy Scouts to Business: Life Lessons from Mentors00:08:45 - The Value of Hard Work and Hustle00:10:20 - Stories from the Jersey Shore: Early Work Experiences00:12:00 - Learning to Sell: Door-to-Door Encyclopedias00:13:30 - The Impact of Early Mentors on Career Choices00:15:00 - Mentorship in Adulthood: Guiding the Next Generation00:16:01 - Mastering the Art of Listening and Asking Powerful Questions00:20:17 - Vision, Truth, and Living Authentically00:25:00 - The Importance of Having a Clear Picture of Your Goals00:26:45 - Staying Motivated and Inspired in Difficult Times00:28:30 - Teaching and Mentoring: Sharing Wisdom with Others00:30:00 - The Power of Passion and Purpose00:32:35 - Final Thoughts: Embracing the Essence of Rising Leadership

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  • Alex gives us a look into the cyclical nature of history and its impact on today’s tech, sales, and leadership landscapes. Drawing inspiration from the book “The Fourth Turning,” Alex explores the concept of historical patterns repeating every 80 years, leading to transformative societal shifts. He reflects on past revolutions and civil wars, connecting them to the present-day emergence of AI, cryptocurrency, and environmental challenges. Alex also tackles the paradox of pursuing goals while remaining present, offering insights into becoming an ‘alluviant leader’—one who masters their craft through authenticity and presence. This is a call to embrace the process of self-discovery and to lead by example, inspiring you to do the same as we approach a new paradigm predicted for 2030.


    00:00:00 - Welcome Back! Insights on Tech, Sales, and Leadership00:01:46 - Cycles of History: Predictions and Insights for 203000:04:22 - Mastering the Paradox: Goals vs. Presence in Professional Life00:07:14 - The Alluviant Leader: Integrating Achievement with Authenticity00:11:50 - Living Authentically: The Impact on Personal and Professional Growth00:16:00 - Your True Commitment: Transforming Self and Community00:17:00 - Join the Alluviants: Engage in Our Next Leadership Immersion

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    The Arise Immersion

  • Today you’ll be hearing Alex Kremer’s guest appearance on ‘That One Thing’ podcast with host Kayleen Duffy as they explored the powerful impact of self-trust and vulnerability in personal and professional growth. Alex opens up about personal and professional experiences that shaped him. They discuss how embracing challenges and maintaining a commitment to self-discovery can transform self-doubt into confidence and fear into resilience. Whether you're facing professional hurdles or personal obstacles, this conversation offers precious insights into how vulnerability can foster trust and empower you to navigate the twists and turns of life with confidence. Join Kayleen and Alex for a journey through the ups and downs of personal development where they unveil the essential tools for anyone looking to strengthen their inner resilience.


    00:00:00 Welcome to 'That One Thing' with Host Kayleen Duffy00:01:13 Introducing Alex Kremer: Growth and Resilience00:03:45 The Ripple Effects of Embracing Challenges00:05:12 Building Trust Through Self-Awareness00:07:58 The Role of Authenticity in Effective Leadership00:10:32 Community Support Systems and Their Impact on Personal Growth00:13:18 Exploring the Four Archetypes of Leadership00:16:01 The Power of Being Seen: Sharing Within Safe Spaces00:18:52 The Importance of Self-Reflection in Growth00:21:02 Deep Dive: The Inner Game of Self-Identity and Overcoming Barriers00:24:55 The Double-Edged Sword of Positive Self-Talk00:25:34 From Peak Performance to Personal Crisis: A Story of Transformation00:27:40 A Transformative Journey in Guatemala00:30:02 Karma and Continuity: Alex's Spiritual Exploration00:33:51 Self-Care Rituals: The Power of Cold and Breath00:35:57 The Role of Challenges in Building Self-Confidence00:41:21 Alluviance: Cultivating a Community of Learners00:43:46 Looking Ahead: Alex Kremer's Vision and Legacy

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    Kayleen on LinkedInThat One Thing with Kayleen Duffy

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    The Arise Immersion

  • Jake Dunlap, a seasoned expert in tech sales and leadership, shares his insights about the evolving landscape of sales strategies influenced by cutting-edge technologies like AI. Jake discusses the necessity for sales leaders to embrace technological advancements to refine go-to-market strategies and enhance team performance. He also explains the critical importance of developing robust sales processes that are adaptable to the fast-paced changes in the industry, ensuring leaders can stay ahead in the competitive curve. Filled with advice and tactics you can implement right now, this episode is for anyone looking to up their sales game and leadership prowess in the modern digital era.


    00:00:00 - Welcome Aboard the Rising Leader Voyage00:01:15 - Meet Jake Dunlap: The Architect of Advanced Sales Strategies00:03:10 - Unveiling 'The Innovative Seller': Revolutionizing Sales Thought00:07:14 - Jake’s Journey: Climbing the Ladder from Sales Rep to Visionary CEO00:11:32 - Lessons from the Top: Building Resilience and Vision00:15:50 - Technology at the Forefront: Shaping the Next Gen of Sales Leaders00:17:10 - Scaling New Heights: Innovative Tools for Sales Success00:20:00 - Building a Tech-Savvy Team: Training for Tomorrow00:22:26 - Mastering Self-Discipline: The Bedrock of Successful Leadership00:25:08 - The Future is Now: AI's Role in Evolving Sales Engagement00:28:18 - Rethinking the SDR Role: New Strategies for a Digital World00:30:35 - AI in Action: Enhancing Sales Team Efficiency Through Tech00:32:26 - Customer-Centric Selling: Optimizing Sales Processes for Impact00:34:19 - Decoding Team Dynamics: Navigating Complex Sales Decisions00:40:38 - Parting Wisdom: Key Takeaways & Helpful Resources for Ambitious Leaders

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  • Matthew Emerzian is the founder and CEO of Every Monday Matters, a keynote speaker and best-selling author who is here to share his transformative journey from the brink of despair to becoming a beacon of hope and leadership. Matthew explains the essence of mattering—not just in the personal sense but extending it to those around us and collectively in the communities we serve. Through his and Alex’s conversation, we uncover the powerful truth that leadership extends beyond mere achievements; it's about cultivating compassion, fostering a sense of belonging, and driving change by recognizing the inherent value in everyone. This episode invites you on a reflective journey to explore how embracing vulnerability, gratitude, and service can redefine your understanding of success and leadership in today’s world.


    00:00:00 - Welcome to a New Perspective on Leadership00:01:41 - Meet Matthew Emerzian: A Journey from Despair to Hope00:04:22 - Unraveling the Core of Purposeful Living00:07:24 - The Integral Role of Service and Gratitude in Transformation00:10:47 - Questioning Self-Improvement Norms: Embracing Community Growth00:12:31 - A Personal Odyssey: From Breakdown to Breakthrough00:14:00 - Rethinking Corporate Purpose: Beyond Profits to People00:18:07 - Uniting Diverse Generations Under a Common Purpose00:21:32 - The Critical Shift Towards Emotional Awareness in Leadership00:23:27 - Mondays as a Catalyst for Corporate and Personal Renewal00:25:07 - Striking the Right Balance: Achieving Success Without Sacrificing Self00:28:31 - The Journey of Authentic Leadership: Learning, Growing, Inspiring00:30:45 - Embracing Vulnerability: The Strength in Authentic Connection00:35:12 - Envisioning the Future: Leadership Driven by Empathy and Understanding

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    Matthew EmerzianEvery Monday MattersMatthew on LinkedInYou Matter.: Learning to Love Who You Really Are by Matthew EmerzianEvery Monday Matters: How to Kick Your Week Off with Passion, Purpose, and Positivity by Matthew EmerzianEvery Monday Matters, 52 Ways to Make a Difference by Matthew Emerzian

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  • Adam Robinson, the visionary behind, takes us through his remarkable journey from a finance professional to a leading tech entrepreneur. Adam shares the challenges and wins of building a business from the ground up, showing you the power of authenticity, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. His unique approach to leadership, marked by vulnerability and transparency, offers wisdom and advice about overcoming challenges and harnessing the true potential of a team. As Adam talks about his evolution, you’re invited to reflect on your own paths and the transformative impact of embracing your true self in the pursuit of success.


    00:00:00 - Kicking Off the Show with Insights from Adam Robinson00:01:34 - Adam’s Shift from Finance to Innovation00:02:40 - Redefining Success: Adam's Pivot to Tech Entrepreneurship00:07:15 - Building from Scratch: The Challenges & Triumphs00:11:29 - The Core of Resilience: Staying Strong Amidst Adversity00:16:53 - Authenticity at the Helm: Leading with Vulnerability00:21:41 - The Unfiltered Path: Transparency in Entrepreneurship00:26:30 - How to Put Team Potential to Use: Lessons in Empowerment00:31:19 - Excellence as a Beacon: The New Era of Leadership

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  • Cassie Pless, VP of Sales at Lexion, shares her journey from passionate salesperson to inspiring leader, emphasizing the importance of connection, both within her team and with customers. Cassie’s story is a testament to the power of being "interested, not interesting," as she navigates the challenges and joys of leadership with authenticity and a deep commitment to the success of her team. As she talks about her own experiences and insights into the psychology of sales, Cassie reveals how genuine curiosity and a desire to understand others can lead to remarkable results, both personally and professionally. If you are looking to infuse your leadership style with passion, purpose, and a little bit of competitive spirit, Cassie Pless will leave you inspired to explore the endless possibilities that come from truly connecting with those around you.


    00:00:00 - Meet Cassie Pless: From Sales to Leadership00:03:06 - Endurance in Life and Leadership: Marathon Metaphors00:05:37 - Stepping Up to VP of Sales: A New Frontier00:06:26 - Crafting a Culture: Team Dynamics and Motivation00:15:20 - The Craft of Sales Demonstrations: Technique Meets Passion00:18:26 - Finding Fulfillment: The Role of Community in Success00:26:06 - Beyond Metrics: Understanding What Drives Your Team00:37:35 - Defining the Rising Leader: Vision, Passion, Purpose

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    The Arise Immersion

  • Chris Caldwell, founder and CEO of Sell As You Are, shares his evolving journey from a history teacher to a sales training innovator. Caldwell explains the core principles of courage, truth, and authenticity that underpin his unique approach to sales and leadership. By intertwining personal life lessons with professional wisdom, he illustrates how embracing one's authentic self not only enhances sales effectiveness but also leads to profound personal growth and fulfillment. Caldwell's story is a fascinating testament to the power of authenticity in driving change and achieving success in both life and business.


    00:00:00 - Welcome: Introducing the Rising Leader Podcast00:01:29 - Chris Caldwell's Story: From History Teacher to Sales Innovator00:03:30 - Lifelong Learning: Fuel for Personal and Professional Growth00:05:39 - Path to Authenticity: Chris Caldwell's Transformative Journey00:08:50 - Growth through Change: The Impact of Authentic Living00:13:00 - Unveiling Inner Strength: Exploring Self-Awareness and Growth00:19:45 - Courage in Sales: The Critical Role of Facing Fears00:26:52 - Overcoming Challenges: Conquering Inner Doubts for True Success00:30:40 - Leadership Insights: The Role of Authenticity and Change00:36:45 - Wrapping Up: Integrating Authenticity into Leadership and Sales

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  • Meet Chris Orlob, the visionary co-founder and CEO of! He and Alex have a profound discussion on the foundational elements of effective leadership and the intricate art of mastering sales. Chris takes us into the indispensable roles of character and vision in establishing trust and guiding teams towards success, emphasizing the need for authenticity in leadership. The conversation also explores the concept of sales as a collection of skills that, when mastered individually, contribute to comprehensive excellence. Chris's personal anecdotes and deep understanding of sales dynamics offer valuable insights into personal growth, the importance of understanding one's audience, and the continuous evolution required in the sales domain. This episode not only illuminates the path to sales mastery but also underscores the significance of empathy and detailed knowledge of the market in achieving leadership excellence.


    00:00:00 - Leadership Unleashed: The Opening Act00:01:01 - In the Spotlight: Chris Orlob's Leadership Symphony00:02:01 - Navigating the Sales Mastery Maze00:09:47 - Unlocking the Empathy Enigma in Sales00:15:05 - Tales from the Sales Frontier with Chris00:19:28 - The Motivation Mystery: What Fuels Sales Success?00:20:42 - Peeking Behind the Sales Curtain: Psychology Uncovered00:22:01 - The Quest for the Missing Sales Management Talent00:24:33 - Crafting Today’s Sales Leadership Blueprint00:26:10 - The Energizing Art of Sales Leadership00:33:28 - Spinning Yarns: The Storytelling Masters of Sales00:36:54 - The Character and Vision Chronicles: Leading by Example

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    The Arise Immersion

  • What does it take to be a successful leader in a world that is constantly changing and evolving? How can you achieve high performance and fulfillment without sacrificing your essence and authenticity? In this solo episode, Alex shares his personal journey of leadership evolution and reveals the secrets of mastering your craft, your community, and your inner game. You’ll discover how to tap into the power of self-connection, authenticity, and essence to transform yourself and your business. You’ll also learn about the Alluviance ‘Arise Immersion’, an immersive experience and movement that will help you redefine success and elevate your achievement. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to lead with purpose and passion in the new era of leadership. Tune in and get ready to rise!


    00:00:00 - Welcome to a Special Episode: A Solo Journey of Leadership Evolution00:00:39 - How to Evolve as a Leader: Lessons from a Solo Adventure00:03:00 - Meditation Magic: How a Retreat Changed Alex’s Perspective on Leadership00:03:32 - Breathwork for Leaders: How to Stay Calm and Focused in Chaos00:04:16 - The Alluviance Story: How Alex Discovered a New Way of Leadership00:04:48 - Join the Movement: An Invitation to an Immersive Experience for Leaders00:05:19 - Success Redefined: How to Thrive in a Changing World00:06:33 - The Power of Community: How to Elevate Your Achievement with Others00:07:02 - Collective Strength: How to Grow Together as Leaders00:11:22 - The Art of Mastery: How to Excel in Your Craft and Your Leadership00:16:41 - Authenticity Matters: How to Lead with Your True Self00:18:10 - The Inner Game of Success: How to Master Your Mindset and Emotions00:18:53 - Inner Balance: How to Achieve Harmony and Well-Being as a Leader00:25:07 - Performance and Essence: How to Align Your Achievement with Your Purpose00:26:10 - The Future of Leadership: How to Lead with Passion and Vision

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    The Arise Immersion

  • What makes a great salesperson? Is it the numbers, the skills, or the personality? In this episode, Scott Ingram reveals the secret to sales success: being human. He shares his wisdom on sales and leadership, highlighting the importance of being yourself, being passionate, and being trustworthy. He also challenges the common myths and stereotypes about sales, showing how you can create your own unique sales style that works for you and your customers. He explores the power of freedom and trust in sales, explaining how they can help you achieve more than just quotas, but also meaningful relationships and lasting impact. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn how to sell with integrity, authenticity, and humanity.


    00:00:00 - Welcome to the Rising Leader Podcast: Embracing Leadership00:01:31 - Scott Ingram’s Journey: From Sales Rep to Thought Leader00:04:09 - Breaking the Mold: Redefining Sales Careers00:07:45 - Secrets to Becoming a Top Sales Performer00:10:05 - The Power of Belief in Achieving Sales Excellence00:13:02 - Celebrating Individuality in the Sales Process00:20:18 - Craving Freedom: A New Sales Paradigm00:22:20 - Overcoming Challenges in Corporate Sales Environments00:24:05 - Personal Freedom: A Corporate Necessity00:26:15 - Quotas and Pressure: The Sales Dilemma00:28:29 - Building Confidence: A Salesperson's Mindset00:30:42 - A Holistic Approach to Sales Success00:34:38 - The Human Touch in Sales and Leadership00:37:28 - Harnessing Belief, Trust, and Freedom for Success00:40:30 - The Servant Leader: A New Leadership Model00:41:08 - Wrapping Up: Insights and Contact Info

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    LinkedInSales Success Stories PodcastTop1.FMSales Success Stories by Scott IngramFinding Sales Success on LinkedIn by Scott IngramB2B Sales Mentors by Scott IngramMaking Rain with Events

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  • Jen Allen-Knuth, a seasoned sales professional and keynote speaker, is sharing her transformative journey in the sales industry. Jen discusses how she challenges conventional sales beliefs and assumptions, emphasizing the importance of adapting and innovating in sales tactics. Her unique approach, which includes questioning traditional methodologies and focusing on personal growth and psychological safety, provides invaluable insights for anyone looking to enhance their sales skills. Jen's story is a testament to the power of self-reflection and the courage to challenge the status quo, making this episode a must-listen for those aspiring to excel in sales and leadership.


    00:00:00 - Opening: Navigating Sales Innovatively with Jen Allen-Knuth00:01:29 - Meet Jen Allen-Knuth: Sales Expert and Visionary00:03:03 - Jen's Inspiring Sales Career: From Basics to Brilliance00:06:31 - Leadership's Impact on Sales: A New Perspective00:13:40 - Journey to the Spotlight: Becoming a Celebrated Keynote Speaker00:15:04 - Challenging the Status Quo in Sales: Jen's Bold Approach00:18:49 - Unpacking Sales Beliefs: Jen's Insightful Analysis00:21:22 - Identity and Sales: The Complex Interplay00:23:21 - Psychological Safety in Sales: Building Trust and Connection00:24:21 - Rethinking Leadership: Beyond Common Misconceptions00:27:32 - Fostering Community and Self-driven Growth in Sales00:32:02 - Jen's Path to Keynote Speaking: A Story of Resilience00:36:38 - Defining a 'Rising Leader' in Today's Sales World00:37:23 - Wrapping Up: Insights and Contact Details

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    The Arise Immersion

  • Nate Nasralla, a two-time founder and sales maestro, shares his unique journey. We’ll be exploring unconventional sales strategies that challenge traditional approaches. Nate gives us profound insights on empowering sales champions, redefining leadership, and intertwining personal wellness with professional success. His stories of balancing life as a new father, author, and thought leader in sales offer a fresh perspective on navigating the complexities of modern sales environments. This episode is not just about mastering sales tactics; it's a deeper conversation on aligning personal values with professional aspirations for holistic success.


    00:00:00 - Opening: Welcoming Sales Innovator Nate Nasralla00:01:25 - Meet Nate: A Glimpse into His Life and Success00:02:02 - Nate's Impressive Achievements: Founder and Sales Expert00:04:00 - Striking a Balance: Work-Life Integration Tips00:05:09 - Lifestyle Evolution: Nate's Move to Denver00:06:55 - Revolutionizing Sales: Creating Champion Sellers00:16:51 - Authenticity in Sales: Nate's Personal Journey00:19:30 - Customizing Sales: Adapting to Your Unique Style00:23:15 - Exploring a New Sales Technique00:25:58 - The Ikea Effect: Engagement in Sales00:27:29 - Catchphrases in Sales: Their Impact00:31:43 - Art of Problem Framing in Sales00:33:06 - Nate's Foundational Sales Learning as a Co-Founder00:36:23 - Mental Health in Sales: A Critical Component00:42:35 - Defining a Rising Leader in Today's Sales World

    Connect With Nate here: & The Enterprise Sales PlaybookSelling With by Nate Nasralla

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    The Arise Immersion

  • We are exploring the unique and energetic world of Julia Carter, a Gen Z sales professional and LinkedIn influencer. Julia shares her unorthodox journey from boarding school to becoming a self-proclaimed "Slay E" in sales. With a refreshing blend of humor and sincerity, she discusses the importance of being authentic, both in the sales field and on LinkedIn. Her approach to embracing her "unhinged but credible" persona offers valuable insights for anyone looking to balance professionalism with personality.


    00:00:00 - đŸŽ™ïž Welcome to The Rising Leader: Kickoff with Excitement!00:01:05 - 🌟 Meet Julia Carter: The Unique Voice in Sales00:02:01 - 🚀 Decoding 'Slay E': Unpacking Julia's Personal Brand00:03:12 - 📣 'Slay' Defined: A Gen Z Twist on Sales Success00:06:26 - đŸ’Ș Solo Sales Warrior: Challenges & Triumphs00:10:57 - 💡 Selling Authentically: Why It Matters00:14:56 - đŸ« Boarding School Days: Lessons Beyond the Classroom00:17:30 - đŸŒ± Growth Amid Rigidity: Staying Genuine in Structured Spaces00:19:10 - 🌐 Building a Brand: Gaining Followers and Influence00:22:33 - 💬 Mastering LinkedIn Comments: A Strategic Approach00:25:28 - ⚖ Juggling Social Media Presence and Professional Responsibilities00:27:23 - 🌟 What’s Next for Julia Carter? Peeking into the Future00:32:53 - 🚀 Rising Leader Reflections: Episode Wrap-Up

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    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Arise Immersion

  • We venture into the empowering journey of Michelle Florez, founder of MetaHuman. Michelle shares her transformative experiences, from being an immigrant to facing life-changing decisions and embracing her role as a visionary leader. She discusses the importance of somatic healing, emotional awareness, and heart-centered decision-making in personal and professional growth. Her approach to transformational coaching, focusing on inner exploration and the balance of feminine and masculine energies, provides a fresh perspective on leadership and personal development. Michelle Florez is a beacon for anyone seeking to align with their true purpose and lead with authenticity and heart.


    00:00:00 - Welcoming Michelle Florez to The Rising Leader00:01:23 - Interview with Michelle Flores, Founder of MetaHuman00:05:08 - Exploring the Essence of Transformational Coaching00:11:57 - Embracing Heart-Centered Decisions for Personal Empowerment00:13:20 - Michelle's Life Lessons: Turning Challenges into Triumphs00:18:37 - Finding Joy and Purpose in Overcoming Life’s Hurdles00:20:45 - MetaHuman Concept: Redefining Leadership and Personal Growth00:22:11 - Journey into the Shadow Self: A Key to Self-Discovery00:24:37 - Childhood Conditioning: Its Impact on Leadership Styles00:25:52 - The Critical Role of Inner Work in Effective Leadership00:28:08 - Balancing the Divine Feminine and Masculine in Leadership00:30:34 - Self-Recognition: The Power of Naming Our Inner Parts00:34:11 - Retreats and Community: Catalysts for Personal and Professional Growth00:40:12 - The Rising Leader: A Luminary Leader

    Connect With Michelle here:

    LinkedInInstagramMichelle FlorezMetaHumanMetaHuman InstagramFounder’s Retreat | Austin, TX | January 14, 2024Join Michelle’s Email ListBig Breath Retreat | Santa Teresa, Costa Rica | May 30, 2024 – June 3, 2024

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to The Rising Leader? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Arise Immersion

  • Alex has a fascinating conversation with Gerardo Segat, an international leadership coach, entrepreneur, and creator of Out as Humans, a performing art show designed to humanize authentic leadership. Gerardo shares his personal story of how he transitioned from being a successful CEO to a coach who helps leaders find their inner meaning, love, freedom, and certainty. He also explains why awareness, authenticity, and purpose are the key skills for the future of leadership, and how to create a safe space for vulnerability and connection. Gerardo reveals his ultimate fears and how he overcame them, and how he uses poetry, music, dancing, and other arts to touch the hearts and souls of leaders.


    00:00:00 - Introduction: Exploring Authentic Leadership00:01:27 - Deep Dive with Gerardo Segat: Leadership Coach and Artist00:02:56 - Gerardo's Diverse Interests: Performing Arts to Heliskiing00:04:32 - Journey from CEO to Inspirational Coach00:06:22 - Embracing the Inner Leadership Journey00:08:07 - Transitioning Focus: From External Success to Internal Meaning00:15:49 - Confronting and Overcoming the Fear of Uncertainty00:18:38 - The Role of Vulnerability in Effective Leadership00:22:58 - Authenticity and Purpose: Key Skills for Future Leaders00:26:25 - The Transformative Power of Personal Narratives00:35:07 - 'Out as Humans': Blending Art and Leadership00:38:40 - Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways and Contact Information

    Connect With Gerardo here:

    WebsiteLinkedIn Young Presidents’ OrganizationPreludes Be Extraordinary IndividualsVebate Articles by Gerardo

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to The Rising Leader? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Arise Immersion