In the original creation, God created mankind with a will of their own. The first man and woman, our parents, sinned against God and fell from the original state mankind was created in. Everything changed. This is why things are so messed up in this present world. It is out of whack from the original perfect creation God made in the beginning. God provided a way back to Him from this separated condemned place mankind was now in. Many generations have come and gone since then. But, the original sin was passed down through the blood-line of all the decendants father to child. EXCEPT for Jesus! He did not have an earthly father. His blood was not tainted as all other men and women. He was sent from heaven and was conceived by the Holy Spirit into the womb of Mary who was a virgin. Jesus by-passed the fallen blood-line of Adam! There was no sin in Him. No death in Him. He was the second Adam--He was the last Adam! He was the Lord of a new race of humans. In Him was the life of God. When we, by faith, become one in Him, we share His new life. The same life that God has! The same life that raised Jesus from the dead is the life that we have. When we receive Jesus, we are a new creation--now blended with Him. So, this new creation we are is a creation who is sharing the very life of God. And, is blended with Jesus! One in the Spirit! We are God's workmanship created IN Christ Jesus! The new creation is a creation in unity and blended with God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! One! This is who we are now. Not just individuals anymore, but individuals WITH Jesus also inside! He is always with us 24/7. The new creation is God's workmanship created IN Christ Jesus! That's who we are! KF
"When we come into the Lord, we are now new creatures. Because, now, we are joined together WITH Christ. In Him! So, it is not just us who is inside. It is us AND Jesus. We are joined in unity with the precious Holy Spirit and with the Father. We are joined! Hooked up by His Spirit, we are One In Him! Because of our receiving Jesus into our lives, we become part of all that He is! Jesus is there in us! We are not as we were before! We are heaven ready all the time. Just as much now as when we first believed! We are in Christ--and share in His right-standing with the Father. We cannot over emphasize this. We cannot think too much about this fact. The more we realize our amazing union with God, the more our faith can rise to the reality of what we have AND what we can do! Nothing is impossible with our God. And, because we are in Christ, we have the ear of the Father all the time! Stay with me as we continue on this road trip of faith. We're finding out who we REALLY are! Not some world view of us, but what God says who we are in Him!" KF
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
"When we receive Jesus, we are instantly grafted into His life by the Holy Spirit. We are fused in with Him. The same life that flows in the Lord Jesus now flows into us. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. If we are His, we are fused into Him. We have His nature in us. We have His eternal life flowing in us. What Jesus has we have because we are part of Him! He is ours and we are His! Our position with the Father is IN Christ! We have right-standing with God because we are IN Christ! Our nature has been changed. Our destiny has been changed. We will never die because of Jesus' life in us! This is who we are now. In union with Jesus and the Father. What we now have is greater than our perception of what we have. Hope you stay with me on this journey of faith. We are going deep into the truth of who we really are. What we really have. And, what we can really do. All because of our eternal union with Jesus and the Father. There is so much more to understand, friends. I am hungry to understand more of what is really ours. I believe God wants us to seek Him for more understanding of our relationship with Him. How does He really see us? That is how we shoud seek to understand ourselves.--The way He sees us! Then, we are understanding things as we should be. Revelation of these truths is the key. In other words, having more than just head knowledge about it--but, having a deep persuasion of faith about the way we are now. No matter how some believers try to be, we are not like the world anymore. We have been forever changed! It is a good thing to discover who we are now. Stay with me on Part 4 of our series." KF
“When we enter into the one-ness relationship with Jesus, we enter into a miracle realm of unlimited possibilities. Our relationship with God means that all things are possible with us. It's because of our one-ness relationship. We're looking again at John 15:5a,-7. Being grafted into the vine means the life of Jesus that is in God also flows into us who are the branches.The same eternal life that God has we now have in Christ. What He has we have! We share in His Kingdom. He imparts His wisdom into us. His life constantly flows in and through us. The amazing thing is that abiding in the vine as we are, we can fill ourselves with His words until they abide in us. Then, according to Jesus, we can ask what we will and it shall be done. Abiding in His words means we are abiding in faith in our Lord. Please stay with me on this part of the journey. We're covering a lot of scriptures in this series. So, stay tuned." KF
"Receiving Jesus is an instant thing. The reason it happens instantly is because God has already done it! At some point, by faith we receive it for ourselves. Hooking up with Jesus by faith in Him and what He did! Realizing Jesus was the sacrifice that brought us into one-ness with Him, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. As far as God is concerned, it is done. And, it is for you! This is all the work of God. He did it all for us! We're looking at Romans 10:9-10 today. What does it mean? We receive His free gift of eternal life in Jesus by faith. It is done! That is why it is instant! You can go from darkness and deception into the Kingdom of light in a moment. God's Kingdom! Being in Christ means what Jesus has we have. We are one in Him. Stay with me as we get moving on this road trip with Part 2." KF
"We're embarking on a new road journey today. The One In Him Series is focusing on the unique relationship we have with God. It's only possible through the Lord Jesus who came for us when we were seperated from God. His eternal life is infused into every believer. We are committed on discovering more of what God did in us. And, what it means to be in union with Jesus in this life. This series is delving deep into the Word concerning the truth of who we really are! If believers do not know who and what they are In Christ, then victory eludes them. But the more we realize what we have in Jesus now, the more we can live in His overcoming victory in our own lives everyday! The world has a view of the believer that is not at all correct. We may not be correct in our own view of ourselves! God sees the true in us. Jesus wants us to view ourselves the way He sees us! So, were seeking Him to reveal more of what is really real in us. What does it mean to be a child of God--connected by His very own Spirit 24/7? It’s much more than we realize now! These seminars are about 20-25 minutes in length to make them easier for some people to study with us. Hope you will stay with us for each series episode coming out each week on The Road Of Faith Seminar." KF
"The soul of man is the real man. The Bible calls him the hidden man. The unseen part of our being is the essential part of our being. There are many misunderstandings about this part of our being. Without knowing Jesus, we are oblivious to the spirit realm and do not perceive much of what is happening in our souls. In our fallen condition, we are naturally born blind to the things of the spirit. Not realizing our pitiful condition before a perfect God. Without the Spirit of God showing us, we cannot really perceive the truth of us and God and how bad things really are. The deception against the truth runs deep here on earth. The world and the demons attempt to keep us in the dark concerning where we really are! They know they are dooomed. They hate us and want us to be doomed along with them! So, they continually deceive humans! Are we connected to God or are we in a fallen separated condition estranged from God? The purposes of the Know Thyself series were many. As we finish up this important series, we’re looking at the scriptures that contain the truth of who we are now in Christ. And, we’re looking at the heart of Jesus as He prayed to the Father on earth right before the cross. The union that we have with God is beyond amazing! The possibilities are endless. God loves us! We are seated next to Him by His grace. Infused with His life. It is a work of God in us! But, we have our part also. This part is our will. We must receive for ourselves what He has done by His grace through Christ. What do we want? Do we want to remain enemies of God? Or do we want to receive His life and be part of His family? This is what Jesus brought to us. He brought to us the greatest opportunity of all time! He brought to us His very own eternal life. It’s the life that we did not have or Jesus would not have had to come. He came for us out of love. Our soul was separated! Lost! Condemned! Right along with the devil. The difference is, Jesus came to buy us back out of the devil's control and bring us into His very own life! No longer condemned! We are free and can now approach the Father directly as we are in Christ! No more separation forever! Together! It’s our fusion with Jesus! As we close this series today, we are looking forward to where Jesus is leading us. We will be beginning a new series soon. It’s called, “One In Him”. I'm believing that we are going deeper in understanding of what God has done in us when we received Jesus. It was a great work! We are discovering more of it all the time! We will be going into depth on a lot of scriptures from the Bible. I hope you will join me on the next series coming up. The Know Thyself series has 50 parts. It will continue to be available on YouTube, X, The Road Of Faith Seminar podcast, and our website, There is a lot of ministry for you to take advantage of contained in all 50 parts. It is my prayer that through this series that you are coming, in actuality, into a deep thought to thought relationship with Jesus. That you will know and experience the perfect will of God for your life! Thank you for traveling with me on this journey! I'll be seeing you along the next road trip coming up on The Road Of Faith Seminar, “One In Him”. With love." KF
"We are infused through and through with the Holy Spirit of God. Our spirit is blended in with the Spirit of the Lord 24/7. We are born again forever changed into His likeness. Blended. Infused. Flowing with His life. The family character is in our souls because we are one with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. One with God! That is who we are! That is where we are! That is what we are! This is who we have! This is how close we are! On this series, we have been talking about you coming into a mind to mind, thought to thought, relationship with the Lord. It is possible! Many do not have any idea what I'm talking about. And, some even call me crazy in need of professional help. :) But, regardless of what they may say, I know what I know now. And, have been living in it for a good while now. Some may think it is weird that I hear from Jesus like this. But, it is not weird at all. In fact it is wonderful to have daily direction--right where we live all day and night. People don't know what they are missing. They do not know that this kind of communication with the Lord is even possible. So, they do not believe for it or long to have it. Really, at the bottom of it all is what we desire to have with the Lord personally. He satisfies the longing of our soul. It is up to us to seek Him about it. How do you want it with you and Jesus? You want close, or not so close? You want His best, but you don't want to do away with your own plan? You can't have it both ways, friend. His best is realized when you have decided to give Him all of you in every way that you know. You’re depending on Him for your complete direction in things. The challenge is to keep everything committed to the Lord as things develop in our natural lives. Keeping it all in His plan. But, we can! We can make the adjustments inside. The thing is for us to keep our focus on what is important.--that is, Jesus inside! Fucus on His way and His timing on things. What is he saying in particular about the situation? How would you know? You are blended with Him. He’s not far away. He’s closer than anyone else. We should be hearing Jesus clearly! Hope you have stayed with us throughout the series. There are only 2 remaining seminars in the Know thyself series, this one and 1 more. Stay with us on the journey as we continue looking inward to who we really are!" KF
"Through God's grace we identify and connect with Jesus through faith! Our old man was buried with Jesus in death. We were then raised together WITH Jesus through the operation of God. When Jesus was raised from the dead, so were we! Our new eternal life is a life of one-ness with the Father, The Lord Jesus, and with the mighty Holy Spirit! We are infused with the life of Jesus! We are blended with Him! We are joined forever with God! We are sitting together with the Risen Lord of Glory! Alive with His life! Flowing with Him. We'll always be together with Him from our new birth on! Forever changed into His image and likeness. Forever sharing in His glory! Forever we’re giving Him praise and thanksgiving for including us in this marvelous plan to redeem us from destruction! By His awesome power, God the Father has raised us up together and made us sit together with Jesus--right next to the Father in our Kingdom! How amazing! That's where the believer is right now with God! " KF Join me for Part 48 of the powerful series, Know Thyself!
"The book of Ephesians describes some of the most fantastic truths about our relationship with God. We are talking about our union with Jesus on this series. The verses we are going over explains some of what happened with us after we received Jesus. God has placed us in position with Christ at His right hand. We share in what God has done with Jesus. Because we are in Christ. No longer are we afraid to approach the Father. He has raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places. Sitting together with Jesus! That is where God sees us. That is where God placed us who believe! When are we going to begin seeing ourselves like God sees us? We are growing in our understanding of what God has done--placing us into the body of Christ. Understanding who we are with Him. Well, I hope you'll join me on Part 47 of our series, Know Thyself, as we travel along on this road trip of revelation." KF
What the Father has done! After Jesus was raised from the dead by God's power, Father sat Him at His right hand far above all authority, power, dominion, and every name that is named. The amazing thing about it all is, Father has also raised us up together WITH Christ. We are in Him. Sharing His life. We are part of Him. So, we also are sitting next to Father positionally. In Christ. We are so close to the Almighty! Praise God! Now, we have His Spirit witiin our spirit. Making us one with Him. Never apart. Being rasied with Christ, we now have an inheritance. Jesus' inheritance! The same! We share it with Jesus! This is way beyond good news. This truth is something that we will be learning more and more about as we go along. Really, it takes revelation from God to grasp it just a little bit. It is so huge. But, we are looking at it anyway trying to expand our understanding of what we have. It is ours. Regardless of whether or not we can wrap our minds around it. We have obtained this eternal inheritance from Father God! Bless His Name forever! Please stay with me on the journey as we travel through part 46 of our series, Know Thyself. We have much more than we think we have!
“We are moving along in the book of Ephesians. I hope you have been with us in earlier seminars for the important revelations described in this amazing book. The scope of our relationship with God is vast. We possess it all now in this life through the Holy Spirit who ever dwells within us that belong to God. This redemption we have embraced is far beyond what we can understand totally. But, we can get hold of enough to know what is coming that is ours. Not only that, but we can take what we have in the spirit and give to others. Jesus is on-board with us all the time. And, we’re on-board with Him and the Father all the time because of the Holy Spirit within us. Joined with our spirit. United in love. The potential in you and I is unlimited. We can find out what Jesus wants us to do each day. In doing so, we can find the perfect will of God for us in this life. This relationship we have now. It is far beyond what we know. But, we can know more and understand more as we go along. It really is up to us how much we can understand. Because, to understand more means growth. And, some folks don’t want to grow. So, their understanding is limited more. I hope you are wanting to grow. To understand more. To understand about who you are, and what you have, because you are in Jesus. Do you want to grow in understanding? Well, it’s really up to you. Because, Jesus already wants you to! Stay with me on part 45 of the journey. Let’s see where Jesus is leading today!” KF
Because of our union with Jesus, we have now no condemnation. We are complete and free in God's sight. We are made in His image and likeness. Because of what Jesus did, we now stand iin front of God with no sense of guilt or shame or inferiority. Just as we had never sinned. Complete in Christ. With His nature flowing in us all the time. As children of God we are what He has made us. Our relationship with God is only possible because of Jesus coming and taking our death upon Himself. Giving us new life that is joined with God. We are one with Jesus. Shouldn't we be hearing from Him clearly inside? We can! And, we should! If you are not aware of this amazing union we have with Jesus, well, I hope you will go back and really do a study with us through this series. I believe you will find information that will help you to hear clearly from Jesus. Stay with us on the journey as we roll along on Part 44. We are getting back into the book of Ephesians some more on this seminar. Blessings to you!
"We are beginning to explore in the book of Ephesians. We are learning many things that are true concerning who we are and our connection with the Father and the Lord Jesus. What God has done to raise us up and place us positionally in Christ is almost too good to be true! But, it IS true! We must to try to wrap our minds around the enormity of what God has done with us. Those who are His are united and blended in together with Jesus--sharing His righteousness in front of the Father. The life that is flowing in Father and the Lord Jesus is the same life that flows in us! Stay with me on part 43 of the journey as we expose more and more truth about who you really are!" KF
"The life of faith in Jesus is a life depending on His sight. We can only perceive partially. We are blinded by the natural fallen realm and because of our fallen bodies. Our perception is now darkened from what the Creator originally made us to be. So, faith in Jesus becomes our true sight in the areas we are blind. We really trust Him. We really love Him. We know that He is only after our best. Through faith, we look to Him knowing that where He leads us is true. The only thing that prevents us from knowing the true from Jesus is our unbelief. Knowing this, lets build ourselves up in our believing. Build ourselves up in our trust in the Lord who loves us and has our best in heart. I am endeavoring to keep my life totally submitted and committed to Jesus. Everyday. I want it there with Him. Because, after over 50 years with Jesus, I know what He has for me is the best for me and my family. I really hope you get to that place with Him also. Then, you too will realize His best in your life! That is my prayer. Hope you will stay with me on the journey here as we move on down the road on part 42 of Know Thyself." KF
"Join me as we continue on the journey inward on part 41. What does it mean to live in the will of God? What happens in our lives? It is good. Positive. Healing. Abundance. Peace. Direction. Purpose. Fulfillment. Wisdom. Plus all of the other benefits of being one with the Lord. Doing things His way. Seeing His miracles. Realizing His love. Stay with me on the journey, dear friend. We're just getting warmed up for this year of seminars. Don't you want to see where the Lord is taking us? Well, I do. Hope to see you along the road!" KF
Some people think that their own will is better than God's will for them. They believe that His way is not as good. Or that it may be what they do not want to do in their lives. I wish that I could show them the truth. In fact, God''s will for us is so much better than our own will for ourselves. But, in order to find out what He has for us, we have to turn loose of our own will. And that is what most people are unwilling to do. So, even though they do not realize it, they are settling for something less. And, they may live their whole lives here on earth and leave never understanding anything about it. But, it was there in the heart of God all along. Did they miss out. Yes. In some degree. It depends on the situation how much. The idea is to give ourselves completely to the Lord. Then we can realize His best in our lives Really, we do it because we love Him. Hope you'll join me for today's new seminar on The Road Of Faith. KF
"This is the last seminar for 2023 in the Know Thyself Series. We will be beginning Know Thyself 2024 on March 2 of the New Year. So, I hope you will mark it down and join me then. A fresh year and fresh revelation. In John 17, what are the tremendoes truths of what Jesus' hearts desire for us to be one? Which is also the Father's hearts desire. This is what they wanted to happen. This is what the plan was all about. Bringing us into the family as one! We have so much. To try and understand all of it in this life is really not possible. But, it is still true nevertheless. Right now! In all of us who have Jesus! We need an inward awakening to these truths--a revelation of understanding. Though it is not possible to grasp it all in this life, we can grasp much more than we have. Father is not holding back from us. So, our capacity to believe is the barier of understanding. Also, I believe that spritual growth of understanding is part of being able to receive more revelation of what we have in Christ. But, it's all ours now. Even if we can't perceive it all yet. Well, I want to perceive more than I have. I want to grow in understanding. To see and understand more. I hope you do too. Thanks for staying with me on the journey this year. Maybe you missed some seminars along the way. In so doing you may have missed an important key to help you in your walk in this life. The whole series is on YouTube And also on I invite you to travel with us on this road trip inward through all the parts. Looking forward to next year when we go forward and explore deeper into this amazing fusion we have with Jesus." With love, KF
"Jesus prayed that we would be one with Father even as He is one with the Father. What an amazing thought. What an amazing truth. In this life, can we grasp even the thought of what that means in actuality? I wonder. It is huge! This relationship we now have because of Jesus changes everything involved in our lives. If we could only see what we have, dear friends. If only we could perceive the real of what Jesus prayed. Because, IT HAPPENED! Those who are now in Christ have this very one-ness status with the Father that Jesus had. I wonder how many of us are perceiving that fact? I'm pressing into the truth of the matter myself. You can do as you wish. But, I hope you will continue on with me on the journey on Part 38 of Know Thyself." KF
"Befroe He died. Before He went to the cross for us. Jesus' heart was expposed as He prayed to the Father. It is beyond obvious what He and the Father desired for us. He repeated it over and over. Why Jesus came. It was all for us. He came to bring us into one-ness with Him and the Father! That One-ness just like He and the Father had before creation. What an amazing thought! That it was Father's will AND Jesus' will to bring you and I into one-ness with them. When trying to consider all of the implications and ramifications of this, our mind just goes tilt. Because, it is beyond our imagination to think such ways. Really, in this time, understanding what Jesus is saying totally in this prayer is beyond comprehension. Yet, it's true! What Jesus prayed is what happened! What does it mean for us? In this time here on earth, it means we have a lot of things to understand. It means we have much more than we think we have. Right now! It means we are in a position with God the Father like Jesus is. It means we should be hearing clearly from Jesus inside because He has made us one with Himself and Father through the precious Holy Spirit. Jesus brought us into divine relationship with God JUST LIKE He has! What an amazing thought! What an amazing truth! What if we really get our heads around this? In this life? Well, the concept of it all is beyond HUGE. We are part of Jesus now. We are in Him. And, all He has we have now. We share it together WITH Him! On this addition to the Know Thyself series, we look with wide open eyes at this prayer of Jesus. Right before He left this world. Stay with me for the journey on Part 37 of Know Thyself on The Road Of Faith Seminar." KF
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