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Bonjour à toutes et tous !
Je suis Scott ianberg, auteur indépendant.
Bienvenue sur cette nouvelle chaîne de Podcasts, dédiée à l'écriture.
Venez découvrir et partager, avec d'autres auteurs / lecteurs, sur tout ce qui touche, de près ou de loin, ce rêve ultime qui ronge le nombre abyssal de rêveurs que nous sommes : écrire un (ou des) ouvrage(s) !
Promis le voyage sera agréable.
Les choses ne feront que s'améliorer avec le temps, et surtout avec votre énergie, votre aide et vos échanges.
Alors ne perdez plus une seconde, abonnez-vous, venez échanger sur le Discord REVES 2 PLUME, ou sur mon Instagram SCOTT IANBERG, et construisons ensemble la chaîne qui nous ressemble.
Dites-moi les sujets, posez-moi les questions, bref, faites bouillonner la place !
Je vous attends, à très vite
Discord REVES 2 PLUME :
Instagram : Scott ianberg
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
The Rise Up! Podcast is a celebration of bakers, the bakeries they created and the people they serve. Join Mark Dyck as he talks with bakers and bakery owners from across North America and around the world. Hear about their struggles and triumphs and learn about the satisfaction that feeding a community can provide.
Are you a creative entrepreneur ready to take your business to the next level? Do you relate to those vulnerable, inspiring posts on Instagram and know it is time to live your truth too?
If you love your work but know there are more efficient ways to run your business and better ways to serve your clients then you’re in the right place!
The Creative Minds Think Alike podcast was created by web and graphic designer Karima Creative to create a space that inspires, educates, and talks about the reality of being a creative entrepreneur (it's not all just yoga pants and working on the couch, y'all!)
This podcast shines a light on the community that supports and connects us, so we all feel a little more informed and a little less alone. We feature guest experts, talk about best practices, provide actionable tips, inspire you to dream big, and share about overcoming struggles.
It’s time to get past your limiting beliefs, create the life you dream of, and make more money than ever while doing so. Join us! Because #CreativeMindsThinkAlike (and that means you, too!)
Learn more about Karima Creative at and on Instagram @karima.creative. -
Hola Gwapas! And welcome The Hola Gwapa Podcast! I'm your host and fellow Creative, Nisha Btesh. Each week I’ll be interviewing a brand new Artist from the Hola Gwapa community and we’ll be having REAL up close & personal conversations about the ups and downs of their unique journeys - highlighting all the different ways creatives at the top of their game are using to turn their passions into a paycheck! We’ll touch on topics like how to develop a solid morning routine, how to talk confidently about pricing your work, monetizing your talent & maintaining control of your finances as well as what it truly takes to build and grow a community in this digital age. Plus you know I’ll be asking for all their juicy tips, tricks and secret sauces to success! SO I hope this podcast provides you with tangible takeaways and introduces you to a wide variety of fabulous female creatives each with a different story, medium and message - but most of all I hope you walk away feeling a little less alone and more inspired than ever to keep your Artistic and Entrepreneurial hustle strong knowing that The Hola Gwapa community truly is your safe space to share, connect with and celebrate the creative in you.
Everybody Hates Self-Publishing explores the good, the bad and the ugly of creating and producing your own work. Self-published authors will find advice on writing, book marketing and getting your book in bookstores. Aspiring writers will learn about being an indie publisher: Being an entrepreneur, creating your own DIY publishing house and thriving as an indie publisher means connecting with readers, booksellers and librarians and competing in a market that favors traditional publishing. Host Carrie Rollwagen is author of the self-published book The Localist. She’s head of marketing at a web development company and is an advocate for entrepreneurs and frequent speaker on the topics of business and grassroots marketing.
Авторский подкаст писательницы Дарьи Буданцевой посвящён закулисью книжного мира. В каждом выпуске вместе с гостями мы обсуждаем устройство современного книжного рынка и взаимодействие ключевых участников этой индустрии: издателей и писателей, редакторов и художников, литературных агентов и маркетологов, читателей и книжных блогеров.
Название подкаста «Кочан капусты за авторский лист» выбрано не случайно. Оно иронично намекает на скромные гонорары начинающих писателей и невысокие зарплаты большинства литературных работников в России. Мы пытаемся выяснить, как писать, издавать, продавать, продвигать книги и преуспеть в мире, где успех никому не гарантирован.
Цель подкаста — создать пространство для обмена опытом и знаниями, сделать книжный бизнес понятным и прозрачным для всех участников индустрии.
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fotosyntéza je podcast o (nejen) tabu tématech okolo (nejen) focení
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2. 🤝 prakticky
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sleduj podcast a mě i na instagramu:
pokud s námi chceš spolupracovat, koukni na náš web:
kontaktuj mě na [email protected] v případě zájmu spolupráce, zpětné vazby a nebo klidně jen přátelského pozdravu 👋 -
Podcast Lucie Zelinkové o nejen ženách a literatuře. O aktuálně nových knihách, o dění na literární scéně. Pro více informací z knižního světa mě můžete sledovat na Instagramu @luciezel Kontakt: [email protected]
Jak vybudujete značku, kterou zákazníci zbožňují? Poslouchejte příběhy českých podnikatelů z firem, které jsou na tom stejně jako vy. Oddané svému řemeslu. Jak přemýšlí? Co je inspiruje? Jakých chyb se ve svém podnikání dopustili? Jak se jim povedlo přežít v extrémně náročném prostředí byznysu? Podcast Buduj značku vám pomáhá na vaší byznysové cestě. Rozhovory moderuje Petr Schwank z podcastového vydavatelství EP Events and Production.
Podcast Podnikání pro Holky je zde od toho, aby ti předal vše, co potřebuješ k vybudování úspěšného podnikání znát. 👋🏼
Kvalitní informace, ověřené strategie, podporu a také pochopení, které nám na naší cestě za úspěchem tak často chybí.
Pokud jsi tedy připravena růst, a to nejen po té byznysové stránce, ale i té osobní, jsi zde na tom nejlepším místě. ☕️
// hosted by Markéta Baginská -
Đắc nhân tâm – How to win friends and Influence People của Dale Carnegie là quyển sách nổi tiếng nhất, bán chạy nhất và có tầm ảnh hưởng nhất của mọi thời đại. Tác phẩm đã được chuyển ngữ sang hầu hết các thứ tiếng trên thế giới và có mặt ở hàng trăm quốc gia. Đây là quyển sách duy nhất về thể loại self-help liên tục đứng đầu danh mục sách bán chạy nhất (Best-seller) do The New York Times bình chọn suốt 10 năm liền.
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Zatímco kavky recitují klasickou literaturu, lidé se bojí pít kávu a temnými uličkami se plíží něco s kopyty, vyšetřuje dvojice detektivů divné deformity, záhadná zmizení i výstřední vraždy. Díra je podcastový audioseriál z pera spisovatelů Martina Bečana a Zaška. (
M.A.D. nghĩa là Marketing, Art và Design. Mỗi tập sẽ có một khách mời làm việc trong lĩnh vực sáng tạo. Chúng ta sẽ thảo luận về những chủ đề được gửi đến từ thính giả, các bạn trẻ mới vào nghề và các lão làng trong ngành. [English] M.A.D. stands for Marketing, Art & Design, every show we invite a thought leader in the creative industry to discuss various topics that are submitted to us by the community, young professionals & business leaders.
منظور ما از «خوانش» متن آنگونه خواندنِ متن است که بایسته است و شایسته -در محدودهی توان و دانستههای اندکمان-؛ خواندنی که معنا و لحن و حس و حالِ متن را به دُرُستترین و بهترین گونهی ممکن -تا آنجا که میدانیم و میتوانیم- بِنُماید و به شنونده باز دهد.
خوانش متون فارسی را با «تذکرةالاولیا» آغاز میکنیم که بیتردید از قلّههای سربهآسمان برکشیدهی ادبیّات فارسیست. -