Spiritual health is a journey... and it's unique to each one of us!
We all want to end up in the right place but our paths aren't always obvious.
Except when the scale starts skyrocketing, our anxiety gets out of control, and our blood pressure becomes a problem... then we know something has to change.
In this episode, I'm sharing my journey to spiritual health and the 5 keys that made the biggest difference. They will help you too at every stage in your journey.
I love using spiritual health tools to increase mental and physical health. If you are ready to start using fasting in a way that works for spiritual and physical health, you've got to join the Fasting Flock, my free facebook group for all things fasting. Click here to join
Fasting helps you energize your body.
It clears your brain fog.
It solves insulin resistance.
So why aren't we all on board with it?
There's one answer: our culture!
I'm helping you unravel why fasting was the last thing I wanted to do ... and why that's likely true for you, too.
If you are of the "I want to know what it means to live and not just by alive" mindset, fasting is the tool you need for health in mind, body, and spirit.
Join me in the Fasting Flock to grab my free guides to get started fasting. It's FREE. Click here to join!
Say I Won't by Mercy Me
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
What if spiritual health tools are the key to controlling your stress?
Not "it might work" but it DOES work.
I would bet my money on it.
And I'm a Doctor.
It has for me and so many of my coaching clients.
That's why I'm sharing my simple morning routine to decrease stress and gain clarity every day on the podcast today.
It takes 2 minutes in the morning.
Start with this form of prayer and meditation.
And then fast from all those buffers that stand in the way.
If you want help with fasting in healthy ways spiritually, mentally, and physically, make sure to join me in the Fasting Flock, my free Facebook group. Click here to join.
If you are ready to take this work to your own Healthy Me Reset, click here to find out how to work with Dr. Emily 1:1 to control stress, lose weight, gain energy, and start living your passion and God's purpose. Click here to find out how to coach from anywhere with Dr. Emily.
Meditation decreases stress, can be equal to medication for depression, and can help you lose weight.
And that's just the physical health benefits.
I love a short meditation in my day after prayer.
So I asked my favorite meditation expert (and a key player in my Healthy Me Reset journey!), Dr. Ellen Cooke, to share her knowledge and tips on the podcast today. Ellen is a radiation oncologist, a certified meditation teacher, and the founder of Circle of Hope. She who works with cancer patients and has created meditations for everything from cancer to kids.
Meditation can be simple.
And it's definitely worth adding to your spiritual, mental, and physical Healthy Me Reset.
This episode will get you excited about that!
Join the Circle of Hope with Dr. Ellen Cooke for free meditations
Are you using prayer effectively for spiritual health?
Are you SOS praying in the middle of the night or truly surrendering your prayers to God?
What if the surrender will get you bigger answers than you can imagine - it has for me.
I'm sharing Father Michael Brungardt's 4 step process to discovering the secrets of effective prayer on this week's episode.
Put these 4 steps in place and you can assure growth along your spiritual health journey.
It's that simple.
To take your spiritual health to the next level, join us in The Fasting Flock, my free facebook group for discovering spiritual, physical, and mental health. Click here to join!
Father Michael Brungardt's The Prayer of Petition Homily
The Bible Project Book of Habbakuk
God Is In this Story by Katy Nichole
Feel like your brain never shuts off?
Find yourself up at night, talking and moving way too fast, or constantly moving on to the next thing to worry about before you've even finished fixing the last problem?
Yep, I've been there.
Is it anxiety or anxious feelings or a nervous breakdown coming your way?
Where do you turn to get healthy answers?
In this episode, I'm exploring all the ways to quiet a frantic mind.
The highest level starts with spiritual health and then incorporates mental and physical health tools to assist you in the journey.
I'd love to give you my Spiritual Assessment for free - join me in the Fasting Flock on Facebook by clicking here or head to to get my free guide!
John Mark Comer: Practicing the Way
These Days by Jeremy Camp
Are your prayers even heard? Feel like you never get the answers you desire... or answers at all?
I spent years in that space.
A simple prayer prayed over a few years changed that on a level I never dreamed possible. It flipped my life upside down in unbelievable ways. A recent prayer led to 3 months of headache relief and counting. My Mother's Day prayer may have been my most transformational yet.
I'm sharing ALL those prayers in this episode.
And how persistent prayer will change your spiritual health and your life.
If you'd like to take a deeper dive, join me in the Fasting Flock. We use ALL the spiritual health tools to create a Healthy Me Reset. Click here to join for FREE.
Has your prayer life gotten stagnant?
Do you feel like God never answers?
Wonder how to use prayer to create a stronger relationship with God?
I've got you covered this week.
I've got author and biblical studies professor Kyle DiRoberts on the podcast sharing his secrets to prayer (also the title of his book!) that will change your relationship with God.
Kyle's book The Secret to Prayer is one of my top choices to grow your spiritual health and he's sharing so much wisdom on the podcast. From his favorite prayers to the most surprising key element to effective prayer, this episode is a must listen for those looking to get spiritually healthy.
The Secret to Prayer by Kyle DiRoberts
The Fasting Flock with Dr. Emily
Is there something missing in your spiritual health journey: more bible time? Better prayers? More consistency in attending church?
Although those things help you spend time with God, they won't fit that missing piece without a shift in you. That shift is the REAL missing piece for spiritual health.
It's unexpected.
You likely don't even see the real issue hiding underneath that long to-do list of failures, not good enoughs, and not pickeds.
Yet conquering this missing piece will change your relationship with God and your life.
If you feel like something is missing, this episode is for you.
These Days by Jeremy Camp
Join me in the Fasting Flock to conquer that missing piece. Click here to join.
For years as an MD and Coach, I still didn't even know how to be the healthy me.
I tried. I had the knowledge. But I was missing the foundation and I didn't even know it.
I'm sharing how to create the Healthy Me Reset with a firm foundation this week on the podcast.
It starts with recognizing who you are letting define you ... and changing that.
It ends with finding your passion and God's purpose for your life.
And I've got a surprise announcement: I've got a physical space to share that journey with you! If you would like to know more, email me at and I'll share the details.
Join me in The Fasting Flock to start your Healthy Me Reset... we will be streaming from the House of Healing. 💓
Can fasting increase energy and clarity for your time with God?
It has for Pastor Ryan Booth - and his chosen form of fasting will surprise you I bet!
In this episode, he's sharing his primary fasting form ... and how it's created a rhythm for his family and God time tht adds to his spiritual, mental, and physical health.
If you are ready to incorporate fasting into your Healthy Me Reset, join us in The Fasting Flock! It's my FREE Facebook group for all things fasting. Click here to join!
When I think of spiritual health, I think of pastors, clergy, rabbis, those who dedicate their lives to God and God's work.
When I think of a Pastor who gets all of that on a level I can relate to, I think of Pastor Ryan Booth. He's lived a real life and is open in sharing how he found God in it. And I've got him on the podcast today!
This episode is FULL of pearls of wisdom for spiritual health. From finding faith through crippling depression in his 20s to building a life around God's plans for him, Pastor Ryan shares what grew his path and how he pours into it every day in his real life.
I really love the part about anxiety, the part about worry, and the part about honoring God's kingdom over his own.
He even weighs in on the "developmental milestone" of the unraveling in a way that has me thinking... and you will, too.
This episode is a must listen for anyone looking to start your journey toward spiritual health and take it all the way to peace you won't find anywhere else.
If you'd like to take this work further, join us in the Fasting Flock, my FREE Facebook group for all things fasting and finding spiritual health in your realy life. Click here to join!
To get the greatest results out of your Healthy Me Reset, we are starting in an unexpected place for MD and certified Life Coach.
Spiritual health, or faith, is where we will begin the Healthy Me Reset journey to getting healthy.
Here's why: you can't create a healthy me reset without examining why you want to be alive to begin with. Getting healthy means passion and purpose in life. If you don't have it, you are just existing whether you have obesity, anxiety, or not.
In this episode, I'll walk you through how to ditch the endless list of church-based "should's" to rethink what spiritual health means to you.
It doesn't start with a bunch of rules.
It starts with a healthy relationship with the great I Am.
And those "should's" may be taking you further from that healthy relationship than toward it.
Changing that is simple.
I'll teach you where to start today.
Ready to start your Healthy Me Reset with a group of ladies like you? Join me in the Fasting Flock! It's FREE... click here to join.
Episode References:
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones Documentary on Netflix
The Book of Job in the Bible
These Days by Jeremy Camp
Are you REALLY ready to reset?
If you find yourself:
Going one toe in - guarded and a little critical Overly enthusiastic to start with until it wears off Having to do something but full of anxiety and worry about the changesThen you probably have failed in the past... a lot.
I'm definitely #2. My Husband is #1. And I coach a lot of #3s.
In this episode, I'm sharing an unexpected source of strength to approach that. You are not destined to fail - and understanding how you approach something as transformational as The Healthy Me Reset will help you create results "beyond your wildest dreams."
If you'd like to learn more about working with Dr. Emily to create YOUR Healthy Me Reset, check out
Song of the Week: Nobody by Casting Crowns
Grab you copy of my Spotify playlist at
Does the thought of a reset overwhelm you? There's 3 simple questions to ask yourself to get started... and I'm sharing them on the podcast today.
The Healthy Me Reset doesn't mean adding to an overly busy schedule. It's not expensive. It's not a to-do list of activity. It's changing unhealthy habits with lightness and passion.
It's finding peace, strength, and comfort outside of those things that we turn to in the moment that we know are unhealthy.
It's understanding why we turn to unhealthy habits and changing where we turn instead.
We start the Healthy Me Reset today! Let's get started...
Song reference: Look What You've Done by Tasha Layton
If you'd like to work with Dr. Emily on your Healthy Me Reset goals, check out to find out how!
Anyone can fast when you drop all of the unnecessary rules and make it simple.
Fasting is simplifying life after all.
For today's Fasting Series, I'm sharing where to start for success!
Join me in The Fasting Flock for even more tips and tools for fasting success. It's FREE! Click here to join.
Welcome to Season 2 of the podcast... The Healthy Me Reset!
Ready to reset and create the healthy you?
If you've heard yourself saying "I'm stressed out/overwhelmed/exhausted/anxious/worried/a little depressed/ just existing" then the Healthy Me Reset is for YOU.
In this episode, I'm sharing the 6 things I stopped doing to get healthy in my life... and how that created healthier results than I ever imagined (or I knew I needed).
If you are ready get healthy in mind, body, and spirit, I'm sharing my unique tools as an MD, a coach, and a God-girl to stop overeating, overworking, overspending, overparenting, overcontrolling, and chasing things that don't really even matter to you.
I'm showing up with all the tools to reset the Healthy You. Join me!
Want my Fasting & Faith playlist including He Found Me by Ben Fuller? Join my Fasting Flock for the playlist and all my FREE Healthy Me Reset guides.
Ready to create your Healthy Me Reset?!? Check out to connect with Dr. Emily and make that happen.
Welcome to The Healthy Me Reset, a podcast dedicated to women searching for spiritual, mental, and physical health in our modern world.
Hosted by Family Medicine, Obesity Medicine, and certified Life & Weight Loss Coach Emily VinZant, M.D., each episode teaches you how to gain control of the unhealthy habits in your life, create space to live with passion and God's purpose for you, and balance YOU to get healthy in the process.
This podcast is essential for anyone looking to go from minimizing disease (hello, meds, supplements, and challenges) to creating health.
If you find yourself asking...
* Why am I so exhausted all the time?
* Why am I stressed out every day of my life?
* How can I get healthy without being overwhelmed by adding to an already endless schedule?
* Will I ever stop being bloated, swollen, hormonal, and losing my hair? (Bonus if you've said: why won't my Doctor just let me try thyroid medicine to see if it helps?)
* Am I ever going to learn to quiet my brain at night so I can actually sleep?
* Why are there so many health answers that don't work for me?
* How can I find my path to passion and purpose in my life?
* What am I missing here?... then you won't want to miss an episode of the podcast!
Join me in The Fasting Flock, my FREE fasting Facebook group, or head to to learn more about working with me.
Got Girl Scout cookies? I do. Lots.
I brought Girl Scouts back to my small town this year - and everyone is excited about the cookies. I have literal boxes of boxes in my home.
As as cookie-lover, that could be a disaster.
I'm sharing in this episode, why it's not. When you master the thought errors like:
These cookies are so nostalgic They are only available one time of year I've broken my diet so I might as well keep going I'll start again tomorrowAnd create an Energized Eating Plan that includes the Girl Scout cookies, you can have the cookies without the diet distaster.
I've got a special guest sharing her thoughts about the cookies this week, too!
If you'd like to master the Healthy YOU in life, come work with me. Click here to find out more...
Misery won't get you all the way to your weight loss goals.
Whether the diet process is miserable or you are miserable enough to start the miserable process, both will sabotage your weight loss way before you hit your healthy weight goals.
In this episode, I'm teaching you how to create weight loss that is neither motivated by misery nor a miserable process.
What you gain from losing weight is so much greater than the removal of misery... let's create that level of pleasure instead!
Ready to hit your healthy weight goal without misery? Work with Dr. Emily to hit your goals! Click here to find our how...
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