
  • The key to healthy finances is understanding your budget and managing your debt appropriately.

    Don't let the term "inventory" deter you. Whether you're running a product—or service-based venture, managing assets, understanding balance sheets, and navigating the complex waters of entrepreneurship are invaluable to having healthy finances in your business.

    The Importance of Understanding Your Numbers

    Knowing your numbers is critical for healthy finances and business success. Entrepreneurs should stay updated on various financial documents, such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements, to fully understand their numbers.

    Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements

    1. Balance Sheet: This provides a snapshot of your business's financial health at a given point in time. It lists all your assets (what you own) and liabilities (what you owe). Understanding your balance sheet is crucial for knowing how well your business can meet its debt obligations and handle unexpected expenses.

    2. Profit and Loss Statement: Unlike the balance sheet, which is a snapshot, a profit and loss statement (P&L) is more like a rearview mirror, showing your business's performance over a specific period. It includes your revenue, costs of goods sold, and various expenses. Reviewing this monthly helps you keep track of your financial performance and identify any anomalies or opportunities for improvement.

    By regularly reviewing these statements, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions about taking out a loan, investing in new assets, or adjusting pricing strategies which all add up to having healthy finances.

    Navigating Debt in Business for Healthy Finances

    Debt is a significant concern for many entrepreneurs. The right kind of debt can be beneficial, while the wrong kind can be devastating. Ciara provides practical advice on managing debt wisely:
    1. Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: Not all debt is bad. For instance, an SBA loan or a line of credit can be constructive if used wisely. The key is understanding why you need the debt and ensuring you can manage repayments.
    2. Debt for Investment: Using debt to invest in your business, like buying a building or necessary equipment, can be a good move. However, taking on debt to cover operational shortfalls without addressing the underlying issues is perilous.
    3. Personal Guarantees: Be aware of personal guarantees when signing leases or loan agreements. These can put your personal assets at risk if your business fails to meet its financial obligations.

    Turning Losses into Wins

    You hope you will never be in a crisis, but the key to being prepared if one does hit is creating a mindset of resilience. By mentally preparing and building the right habits, you can navigate difficult times more effectively and emerge stronger.

    Read the full show notes

  • Business strategy for YouTube: creating the right type of content to amplify your brands reach

    The allure of YouTube lies in its sustainability as part of your business strategy. Content creation for YouTube can continue to attract views for months and provides lasting opportunities for client engagement and conversion.

    Content Creation for Business Strategy Differentiating Content

    You want to focus your content creation on what works for you and your business. You are not trying to reach the masses; you are trying to reach your soulmate clients. Think about your soulmate clients and create content targeting that specific niche audience that is ready to invest.

    The Right Content Mix for Business Strategy

    As you plan your content creation, you want to create a mix of educational and community content. Educational content should address specific pain points your soulmate clients face, while community content helps build trust and connection.

    Example: Health Coaches

    For health coaches, avoid broad topics like "how to lose weight." Instead, focus on advanced topics that address your soulmate clients' specific issues, such as managing cortisone levels or tailored health strategies for particular demographics.

    Optimal Posting Frequency

    Trena recommends posting once a week. This consistent yet manageable frequency helps build a library of valuable content that continues to attract and convert viewers.

    Utilizing YouTube's Features for Optimal Business Strategy Audience Retention and Engagement

    YouTube provides detailed analytics that shows audience retention and engagement. By analyzing these metrics, you can refine your content to keep viewers engaged and encourage them to explore more of your videos. High audience retention signals to YouTube that your content is valuable, leading to better placement in searches and recommendations.

    Thumbnail and Title Strategy

    Contrary to traditional SEO practices, YouTube thrives on engaging titles and thumbnails. Your title and thumbnail should pique curiosity. Instead of "How to Lower Your Cortisone Levels," try "5 Proven Ways to Transform Your Health by Lowering Cortisone Levels." This approach grabs attention and increases your click-through rate, which is crucial for YouTube's algorithm.

    The Role of Quality and Authenticity Production Quality

    While having high production quality can help, it's not the be-all and end-all. Trena points out that raw, authentic content often performs just as well, if not better, than highly polished videos. The key is to deliver value and connect with your audience on a personal level. You want to ensure that you provide whatever the title of your video promised viewers you would address.

    Equipment and Setup

    You don't need a professional studio to start. A decent smartphone camera, a ring light, and a quiet, well-lit space can suffice. Focus on ensuring clear audio and avoiding distractions in your background.

    About Trena Little

    Trena is an income strategist and YouTube expert who helps online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to six figures. She combines practical knowledge (and scrappiness) from her own experiences, plus years of proven results, to help business owners capitalize on YouTube, build sustainable value ladders, hit their bottom line, and enjoy the process.

    Trena's Website

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  • Following God's Path to Total Body Wellness and Business Success

    We may have a plan for how we want things to go and how we plan to achieve total body wellness, but listening to God's plan is essential, as he often has bigger and better plans in store. Linda Bailey's story is about resilience, passion, and unwavering faith.

    A Transformative Collaboration with Robyn Graham

    Linda's business took a remarkable turn when she joined forces with Robyn Graham, a seasoned business strategist and coach. Together, they embarked on a transformative journey that saw Linda's business thrive despite significant personal challenges. This collaboration highlighted the value of the processes and procedures they implemented and showcased the potential for growth and success.

    The Power of Processes and Automation

    Solid systems and processes are imperative to growing your business and preparing for life's obstacles. Systems and methods provide structure and stability in your business, even when you are pulled away for other matters.

    Systems to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

    Overhauling the Website: Creating a user-friendly website optimized for client conversion. Building Automation Series: Streamlining business automation to save time and provide client connection Effective Blogging and SEO: Optimizing blog posts for SEO to draw in new clients and convert readers into clients. Engaging Email Marketing: Creating emails that your subscribers want to read and engage with, focusing on driving engagement, which leads to conversions

    After working with Robyn to make these changes in her business, Linda is now ranked number 2 on Google for one of her main search terms. Focusing on implementing a solid SEO strategy, like the one Robyn taught Linda, makes a huge difference.

    For all business coaching needs, Robyn Graham is your go-to expert. Connect with Robyn to transform your business the way Linda Bailey did.

    Read the full shownotes and access all links

  • Holistic Leadership Strategies: Power, Authority, and Influence in Faith and Entrepreneurship

    Holistic leadership strategies incorporate your values, such as faith, and help you embrace your identity in Christ.

    Unveiling Holistic Leadership Strategies: Power, Authority, and Influence in Faith and Entrepreneurship

    The journey through holistic leadership, which encompasses faith and personal growth, is an intricate and fulfilling adventure.

    What is holistic Leadership?

    Holistic leadership involves leading ourselves first, then our intimate circles, and finally, our professional and organizational contexts.

    Holistic leadership integrates various facets of life—personal, intimate, professional, and organizational. It begins with leading oneself and progresses to influencing and guiding family, relationships, and professional environments. The essence of holistic leadership is the ability to grow and help others grow, maintaining integrity and moral authority throughout.

    Understanding power, authority, and influence for holistic leadership.

    There are many misconceptions surrounding power, authority, and influence. Younger generations often reject these concepts due to past abuses and negative connotations. However, at their core, these elements are inherently positive.

    Power: Sacred and meant to do good, reminiscent of God's dynamic creative power. Authority: Derived from the Latin word "auctoritas" (author), it represents giving birth to something and enriching life. Influence: From the Latin "influere" (to pour into), it signifies a life-giving force, reflecting how our interactions can help others grow.

    These principles tie back to the creation narrative,

    Holistic Leadership Strategies reject the negative use of power

    Distinguishing between good and bad uses of power is crucial for a good leader. Authority and influence should serve to uplift and create, not to control or diminish. Many fall into pride, greed, and fear traps, leading to destructive behaviors and decisions that stray from God’s intentions. A focus on humility, grounded in truth and geared toward fostering collective growth, helps avoid these traps.

    Integrating faith and holistic leadership strategies.

    Faith plays a pivotal role in leadership, offering a moral compass and a source of strength and guidance. The Holy Spirit is available to believers as a source of wisdom and leads our conversations and decisions, underlining the importance of aligning leadership with Christian values. Faith-centered leadership encourages reliance on Christ’s teachings and the embodiment of His love and service in all leadership endeavors.

    The role of women in leadership

    Women have unique power and dignity, particularly within leadership and motherhood. He highlighted women's invaluable role in nurturing and guiding others, whether physically through motherhood or professionally, as coaches and mentors. The feminist movement brought significant progress but also pressures that sometimes caused women to overcompensate or lose their unique qualities. Embracing the nurturing and creative spirit intrinsic to women aligns with holistic leadership principles and fosters a balanced and supportive environment.

    Holistic leadership strategies guarding against the misuse of authority.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Website for Matthew Bracket.

    Free resources

    Download the free eBook, 5 Crucial Strategies to Start and Grow a Sustainable Business, to simplify your business growth journey.

  • Creating a client onboarding process is a necessary step to continue serving your clients and scaling your business.

    You must have a thorough and automated client onboarding process. You have worked to establish the know, like trust factor with your new client, and now they are ready to invest in your services. A new client is going to pay to learn more from you. It is your job to make this feel like a Disneyland experience. You want your new clients to feel comfortable and confident that they chose to work with you. Let's make this a great experience.

    How to Establish Your Client Onboarding Process What to Include for Low Ticket Items

    These low-ticket items could include a low-priced membership or courses under $1,000. For your low-ticket items, you want to start with an invoice and then present the contract or terms of service for them to read through. Clients should also receive an automated email with links to all platforms and logins. You want to make things as seamless and easy for clients as possible. We are servant leaders. We are here to serve our clients.

    What to Include for High Ticket Items

    Your client onboarding process for high-ticket items is essentially the same process. You want to start with an invoice and then present the contract. Make sure that a lawyer has created your contract and clearly outlines any refund policies you have. Clients should receive an automated email with links to all platforms and logins, a way to access calendar reminders and replays. An additional personal touch of an onboarding gift, a handwritten birthday card, and an offboarding gift are all nice personal touches. Keeping this contact with your client is an additional way to let them know you are here to walk them through this process of working together.

    Client Journey past the Onboarding Process

    How can you better serve your clients and have a lasting client relationship?

    Intake During Onboarding: During your client onboarding, you should ask targeted questions to help guide you as you work to serve your clients' needs. 3-month check-in: Check in with the same questions you asked during your onboarding process to continue to help you serve your client. You also want to ask clients: What has helped you so far in our time together to help you find success? It is also important that your client outlines what success means to them(helping others, making more money, expanding their reach, etc.). 6-month check-in: Use the same questions from your 3-month check-in and also ask: What is one thing that is most pivotal to your success that I have helped with? What should we add to the program? What could we take away from the program?

    Read the full show notes

    Website for Jeanette Peterson

    Additional resources for growing your business

  • When anxious or in doubt, remember that God communicates with us in myriad ways, including Scripture and others.

    Have you ever questioned whether God speaks to us in this day and age? He does! God communicates with us even when we don't recognize the need to hear from Him.

    God speaks to us in myriad ways.

    Recently, I was reading the book of Exodus. Moses was quite a guy, a hero, in many ways. But when God first asked him to rescue the Israelites from the Egyptians, Moses had a lot of doubts. He questioned why God would choose him and even asked God to choose someone else. In addition, he wondered what to say if people questioned why they should listen to him.

    How often do you question whether God is speaking to you? Do you question your purpose or your ability to fulfill it? I have. A million times!

    Trusting in the unseen is difficult, especially when life and business are challenging or overwhelming or when one feels weary.

    The story of Moses is an example of trust. And an example of salvation. Both apply to our lives today.

    Salvation is a daily blessing from the Holy Spirit, a result of Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.

    In Exodus 14, the Israelites reach the Red Sea, and Pharoh and his army are on their tails. Upon seeing Pharoh's army, the Israelites cried out to Moses that they should have stayed in Egypt and died there. They lost trust in God. Moses told them to be still and watch for God to save them. God reminded Moses that He was there to use his staff and hold it over the water to part the sea so the Israelites could cross it and be saved. When Moses listened, the sea was parted for the Israelites. They were saved.

    I am paraphrasing and shortening the story. But the point is that God provided help for Moses so that he could accomplish what God called him to. And he still provides for us today and communicates with us so that we know what to do . . . if we listen.

    How do we know God communicates with us today? Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Let's connect if you struggle with a negative mindset as you try to grow your business and feel like you are doing "all the things" with minimal results. Schedule a free strategy call with me to learn the next best steps to grow your business with simplicity and peace.

  • Finding mental health solutions is increasingly important as the percentage of children and adults who experience mental health challenges has risen in the last five years.

    When looking for mental health solutions it is essential to look at the whole body and find the right team of people to help discover what components are missing from your life. The brain is an organ, and when it is not taken care of, you will see signs and symptoms that often present themselves as some section of mental illness.

    The family unit is the first line of defense in mental health healing.

    Mental health happens within the context of a healthy family unit. Mental illness is not something that is experienced on the sidelines. Healing mental health is not about sending someone away for an hour and hoping that someone else can fix them. Mental health as a holistic approach includes a family unit pressing in tight and being part of why someone wakes up and heals, surrounding the individual with love and support. When the rest of the world begins moving away and setting boundaries, the family unit provides love and support, whether all in the same house or not. Kids need a team for mental health healing.

    Looking for early warning signs

    Moms are the cornerstone of each home. They sense what is happening with their children and husbands and constantly seek solutions for their families' needs. When we prioritize the role of Moms keeping a pulse on all that is going on in the home and empower moms with what early warning signs of mental illness look like, it can help decline the number of mental illnesses.

    Moms are already noticing when their children's sleep patterns change or if their appetite patterns shift; they are aware of friendships dissolving and see when their children lose interest in different activities.

    Mom's are Amazing!

    Teaching moms how to recognize these potential early warning signs of a more significant mental health illness allows families to not always chalk up these changes as typical teen and tween behavior. Yes, all kids struggle in the tween/teen years to some degree, but knowing what could be typical and what seems like a greater cause for concern is something a mom, with the proper knowledge of what to look for, can help discern.

    Unique answers for mental health solutions in Children

    Helping our children find the right solutions for their mental health healing requires providing the right environment. There are so many different options and recommendations from various doctors and therapists. Look at the whole picture of your child's environment and tune into what they specifically need.

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    Website for Tracy Spiaggia

  • Entrepreneurship is overwhelming and exhausting at times, as is life. We are pulled in many directions: career, family, friends, caregiving, volunteer duties, etc. We need to pray most during these times, but we don't always know how to pray.

    Life is a responsibility and a lot of it. It's okay when we feel weak because it's too much, or we may be burnt out and don't even know what to pray for. Times like these are when you need the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit will pray for you.

    In Romans 8:26, Paul says, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words can not express. This assures us that we are not alone in solving our problems. When you feel so anxious, worried, fearful, doubtful, or exhausted that you don't know what to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you. God will answer.

    God is helping you pray, illuminating your fear of asking Him for help. When you pray or ask the Holy Spirit to intercede, ask according to God's will. We all want certain things, relief, or outcomes, but remember that as hard as it is to trust and believe His will, His plan for us is much better than ours.

    God Works For Good

    Paul reminds us in Romans 8:28 that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. All things. Not only some things, all things. The world is full of evil, and bad things will happen, but Christ overcame the world and can turn any circumstance into good. Remember that God is working for His purpose - to accomplish His purpose for us.

    When you accept and love Christ as your Savior and have a renewed mindset through the work of the Holy Spirit, you will trust in God more. Seek security in Him, not in earthly treasures.

    When negative emotions or thoughts swirl out of control, stop, breathe, and remember that you are sanctified through the Holy Spirit. That means He is willing and able to pray for you, and every day, He molds you to be more like Christ. As we become more like Christ, we recognize our true identity.

    Don't grow your business alone.

    If you feel overwhelmed trying to grow your business, you have resources. Check out my services. I offer business reviews and group and one-to-one coaching options. Ditch the overwhelm and get the support you need to have more clarity and grow your business faster.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • God is the answer to overcoming shame, learning to forgive yourself, and stopping living in a cycle of guilt.

    This is not a political conversation. It is a healing journey about overcoming shame through God's love. If the topic of abortion is an emotional trigger for you, please hit pause and find a better episode for you. We want to help you protect yourself.

    Finding Unveiled Freedom

    Many of us go through life covering ourselves with a veil to hide some piece of ourselves that may be shameful or too traumatic to share. Lifting this veil that has become a barrier to you and God is the first step to overcoming shame. You need to lift this veil and reveal your flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities, and you will see that when you show the true nature of who you are to the Lord, he still has a plan for you. God can still use you despite your shortcomings, flaws, and all that you have been through.

    What is shame?

    Shame is a Silent, hurtful, and misleading emotion.

    Shame is a combination of what we keep inside ourselves. When we hold in negative emotions and thoughts of being unworthy, we build shame into our very being. This shame can lead to sickness and manifest into physical symptoms in our bodies, to the point that our shame is destroying us from the inside out.

    Finding the Genesis and overcoming shame by facing it head-on

    Shame often doesn't happen from a single event, even though the event can magnify the shame. It is important to find your Genesis. Where did the beginnings of shame start with you? Part of overcoming shame is to face it head-on at the root of where it began so that you can find forgiveness, close the door to that event, and move forward.

    Read the Full Show Notes

    About Latoya Mathews

    Latoya Mathews is a grace-filled healing coach and speaker who has earned a reputation as a beacon of hope for leading women who have experienced abortion, from shame and self-condemnation to wholeness and freedom. After taking her own traumatic, solo healing journey, Latoya is on a mission to unravel the shackles of guilt, pain, and regret that bind countless other women. She is on a mission to ensure women that overcoming shame through God's love is possible.

    Learn more about taking care of your mental health and battling shame and anxiety with the book You, Me, & Anxiety.

  • What can you do when you feel anxious about your life and business? Seek comfort in God's word. Open your heart and ears for the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

    We all experience anxiety from time to time, some more so than others. But the question is, what do you do when you feel anxiety? The simple, yet not so simple, answer is to cast your anxiety on Him. But what does that mean? How can you feel true relief from anxiety symptoms? If you are an entrepreneur who is experiencing signs of anxiety due to the stress of building a business, you will love the simplicity of using scripture to navigate it.

    1 Peter 5:7 - Cast your anxiety on Him.

    If you've ever typed "What do you do when you feel anxiety into your Google search bar, you will appreciate this verse. The King James Version states, "Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. In the NIV Bible, 1 Peter 5, verse 7 reads, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

    The word cast comes from the Greek word epiripto. This is a compound word. Epi means upon or on top of something. Ripto means to throw or hurl something with great force.

    The word care is the Greek word merimna, which means anxiety. Merimna can also refer to hardships you are experiencing, complicated or unpleasant circumstances, turmoil, or trouble. These unpleasant experiences can be with your health, finances, relationships, or business.

    Casting your anxiety on Him (or your cares) means that you can give all your worries, anxieties, or troubles to Jesus. Nothing is too great or too small for Him. He wants you to bring everything to Him because He cares for you.

    The KJV word careth comes from the Greek word Melei. Melei means to be aware, concerned, thoughtful, and to give meticulous attention to something or someone. Therefore, 1 Peter 5:7 assures us that Christ pays special, meticulous attention to us. He knows about and sees everything we experience and feel and wants us to lay it all at His feet.

    Satan will scheme and try to convince you that your problems don't matter to God. He will tell you not to bother praying. But he has no power or authority over you. He cannot interfere with Christ's incredible love and attention for you. Christ wants you to cast your burdens on Him. Trust Him, yield your concerns, and watch as he works in your life.

    What to do when you feel anxiety?

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Download the free eBook, 37 Bible Verses Every Entrepreneur Needs to Reflect On and Live By.

  • Creating an About page that resonates with your readers opens the door to opportunity. Likewise, a well-written service page will convert more viewers to clients.

    When trying to connect with your soulmate client over a webpage, it is important to consider how to write website copy that communicates who you are and how you can help serve them. Because this must be done in just a few short paragraphs on a webpage, it can feel like an impossible task. But it doesn't have to! There are some proven strategies for writing persuasive website copy and connecting with your reader.

    When you think about writing persuasively, it isn't all about convincing your reader to buy your product or services. It is about effectively engaging with your readers and incorporating your personality and values so they have a better feel and understanding of who you are and how you can help. To write an effective about page, you want to bring your reader in and share who you are, why you do what you do, and who you do it for. So let's dive into how to write website copy to attract your soulmate clients and grow your business without social media.

    How to write website copy to grab your reader's attention.

    This may take you back to your English class when your teachers explained how to use a good hook to get your reader's attention. Much of that information still rings true when writing copy for a webpage.

    Must have components for the About Page Attention Grabbing Headline: Think back to your days in English class and what your teachers explained about grabbing your reader's attention and turn that into your headline to ensure your reader isn't going to miss what you have to share Origin Story: The bulk of your About page lies here and this is traditionally the section that challenges people the most when they are writing up their About page. These few paragraphs can seem very daunting but, with the tried and true 4 step framework, we hope that you find the clarity you have been searching for. 3rd Person Professional Bio: This is a paragraph that you want to have easily accessible on your webpage so if you are ever requested for an interview or if you intend to be a podcast guest you have your polished piece that tells who you are and what your level of experience is. You want to be sure this bio is just enough to register on Google (300-600 words) with a photo included. 4-Step Origin Story Framework

    You want to make sure that you are writing this in the 1st person to build that connection with your reader.

    Start with the challenges that you face. Catalyst for change What specific results did you get? Why

    Read the full shownotes and access all links.

    Website for Jamie Caroccio

    Avoid the hustle of social media - Download the free eBook 5 Crucial Strategies to Start and Grow a Sustainable Business Without Social Media.

    Learn more about the Success Without Social Academy and our service offerings.

  • Mental health challenges affect everyone in different ways. But everyone is affected in one way or another. Either themselves, a family member, or a friend. No one is untouched by mental health challenges.

    Often, despite never having had anxiety, entrepreneurs and business owners experience the onset of anxiety symptoms and/or have exasperated symptoms if previously diagnosed. In addition, the loneliness of building a business alone can influence your mental health. Especially for women who are often caregivers, in addition to running businesses, we need strategies to navigate mental health and entrepreneurship. This is why knowing where your support and strength come from is so important.

    There is no shame in mental health challenges.

    There is no shame in experiencing mental health challenges. One may feel shame because they feel different and may struggle in social settings, but mental health challenges should not be viewed differently than other physical diagnoses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Let's break the stigma.

    Strength is available to you.

    One thing to be sure of, like with any physical illness, is that mental health challenges can cause you to feel exhausted and tired, maybe even burnt out, like you can't muster the energy to do anything or take one more step in the right direction. But whether you are struggling yourself or you are caring for or helping someone else who is experiencing mental health challenges, there is hope! More energy and feeling better are possible.

    In Romans 8:11, Paul tells us, "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you."

    What does this mean for us as believers? It means the Holy Spirit is in us to rejuvenate us and give us strength to fight mental health challenges of our own or to care for someone else - to be a support system.

    You are refreshed, renewed, and redeemed.

    In other words, you are not alone, friend. Through the Holy Spirit, you gain strength; you are not weak. You are refreshed, renewed, and redeemed. His supernatural power is available because the Holy Spirit lives in you. You are powerful and can navigate life with mental health challenges with His help.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Download free resources to help you grow your business without social media and alleviate stress and anxiety.

    Read my book, You, Me, and Anxiety: Take Action Over Anxiety To Enjoy Being You, to learn even more strategies to navigate anxiety and mental health challenges.

  • Do you have to do more to be successful? Is burnout a myth? It's time to stop the hustle culture and eliminate burnout.

    Does America think burnout is cool? And why? The motto of working hard and doing it alone can no longer support you. It's time to stop the hustle mentality and eliminate burnout for better mental health and more joy.

    There should not be a comparison between what a stay-at-home or work-from-home mom does and the work accomplished by a woman or man in corporate America. Women's work as caregivers should be recognized as equivalent to that of men or other women in the workforce. A mis-thought is that what caregivers do is not monetized; therefore, it is not measurable. Kristen stated that we need to unlearn many patterns we've been acculturated into as a society, including devaluing caregivers' work. This is one action to start to eliminate burnout.

    The origin of burnout and why we focus on hard work the way we do.

    To eliminate burnout, we must understand where the hustle culture originated. Erin explained that the Puritans were the first white settlers to stay in the United States. They held three beliefs: First, you were a good person if you were a hard worker. Second, you were only a good person if you worked hard and did it alone. You could only ask for help with quilting and raising a barn. Third, rest was for when you were dead.

    Hard work has become a moral judgment.

    Jesus did not call us to a culture of burnout or to work hard; he called us to love and abundance.

    Kristen emphasized that Jesus called us to a life of love and abundance in the New Testament. How can we live in love and abundance if all we do is work hard? God did not design us to work to exhaustion; the early church fathers did not believe this. God rested on the seventh day. Likewise, Jesus took naps, rested, and went to parties. Rest on the Sabbath refers to a cessation in creation to remember who you are. Giving our minds and bodies rest. Rest is mandatory to your existence. Through rest, you will experience more love and abundance.

    With all of that said, it's safe to stay; Jesus wants us to eliminate burnout by changing our mindsets around the need to work hard. Instead, we can focus on working smarter, accepting help, and adopting healthier practices in our business and personal lives.

    Stop trying to do it all alone; it will result in burnout. The solution to Burnout

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Website for Kristen Donnelly and Erin Hinson.

    The Culture of Burnout: Why Your Exhaustion Is Not Your Fault

    Avoid the hustle of social media - Download the free eBook 5 Crucial Strategies to Start and Grow a Sustainable Business Without Social Media.

    Learn more about the Success Without Social Academy and our service offerings.

  • What is your source when making decisions? There's one source that's much more powerful than any other.

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month. If you have been listening to the show for a while, you know that I am very passionate about mental health. And one thing I've learned over the years is that God is the source of peace and hope when navigating anxiety.

    I've had anxiety my entire life, and so have several members of my family. It's hard to overcome completely, but it is something that you learn to navigate. God has been my source of peace over the years.

    Does anxiety go away?

    I'm not convinced that anxiety ever completely goes away. However, you can learn to live with purpose, meaning, joy, and peace despite fear and anxiety.

    This is why I think increasing awareness of mental health is so important. Doing so will also help people experience more peace because they know they are not alone.

    Navigating anxiety takes hard work; it is not one-and-done, and it is not popping a pill, and you are better. Navigating a mental journey requires daily work to transform your mind. Your mental health healing journey takes time, effort, energy, and focus.

    Through prayer and scripture, God is the source of peace and hope when navigating anxiety.

    Colossians 3:2-3 reads, "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth, for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God."

    The phrase "you have died" means that we have given up our desires to be like the earth and the people on the earth. We now look to God as our strength, wisdom, and knowledge source. And to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who are in us as believers. Through them, we will find peace, navigate anxiety, and learn to transform our minds.

    Our minds are part of our souls, including our emotions, thoughts, and conscience. God created them so intricately that, as Romans 12:2 reminds us, we can change the neuro pathways by transforming our minds.

    Look up; look beyond the earth because God is the source of peace and hope when navigating anxiety. Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Spring Into Clarity And Refresh Your Personal Brand Workshop

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  • As entrepreneurs, service providers, and coaches, you need online visibility.

    One way to increase your visibility is to improve your LinkedIn profile. Follow the advice below to enhance your profile and elevate your online visibility as the go-to in your area of expertise.

    How should you approach writing your LinkedIn profile?

    First, pause. Ask yourself why you are on LinkedIn. What are you hoping to accomplish on LinkedIn? Do you want to attract clients? Is your goal to increase your visibility? Or, maybe you are looking for a new position or job.

    Then, think about who do you want to find you on LinkedIn. What is important to them? What are their pain points? In addition, what does success mean to them, and can you help them achieve it?

    The next step is identifying the keywords your soulmate clients are typing into LinkedIn. Then, you can begin using the keywords in your narrative.

    Now, you better understand what to write and what your narrative should say.

    To Improve your LinkedIn Profile, include a professional profile photo.

    People will scroll by your profile if you do not have a good profile photo. A poor-quality photo will diminish trust because it doesn't show professionalism. It is about exuding confidence. It matters that you look professional, and your eyes need to be showing because that is how people will connect with you.

    LinkedIn profiles often appear in Google searches. They are less of a social media platform and more of an opportunity to be found.

    LinkedIn profile assets

    The top feeds into the search results. Your bio should include key phrases and credibility markers, not only your title. Don't come across as though you don't care.

    Your background image should reflect your brand. Donna shared the example of the executive who used a cycling photo to show his personal side, which helped people connect with him. With the advent of AI, we must emphasize our personality and interests to build emotional connections.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Website for Donna Serdula

    LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Dummies Book

  • What part does doubt play in your business? If you aren't growing, it is likely influencing your outcomes. It's time to overcome doubt!

    The easiest way to overcome doubt is to read scripture and see the many examples that God gave us to prove He is trustworthy.

    I recently studied the gospel of Luke in a Bible study with Priscilla Shire. She has an eloquent way of explaining scripture and helping me see where my thoughts or attitude are lacking. When studying Luke chapter 5, we focused on Simon. Doubt is what Simon must have been feeling. He had been fishing all night and had had nothing to show for his efforts—no fish. We know he was ready to pack everything up and go home because his boat was near the shore, and he was cleaning his nets. Jesus sat in Simon's boat while he taught the crowd of people who had come to see Him. After He finished teaching, He told Simon to take the boat to the deep water and lower his nets.

    But here's what Simon responded in verse 5, "Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” To respond like this, Simon had to trust God to overcome doubt.

    He had been out fishing all night with no catch. Jesus was now telling him (after he cleaned the heavy nets) to get back in the boat and cast his nets in deep water. I'm pretty sure Peter was overwhelmed and in complete doubt as to why Jesus would tell him to go to deep water and cast his nets, especially after not catching anything in the more shallow water where they were accustomed to fishing.

    And not only did Jesus want Simon to trust him about putting out his nets, but once Simon caught all the fish and his partners helped bring them in, Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything, and followed Him. No doubt, only obedience.

    We miss the boat and don't overcome doubt.

    Can you imagine the frustration of fishing all night with nothing in your nets—nothing to show for your efforts? If your business is anything like mine, there have been times of empty nets—no new clients, a drought. And then, being told to take the large, heavy nets you cleaned to fish again? But Simon followed Jesus' instructions and caught so many fish he needed help bringing them in.

    If you feel frustrated, it's time to put up your shield of faith to know away the fiery darts of doubt that Satan has been shooting at you.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Sometimes, planting yourself in the right environment can make all the difference. Whether you are already in a coaching program or are only now thinking about a coach, the Success Without Social Business Growth Academy may be the perfect fit for you to grow your business and your faith simultaneously. Learn more about the academy and join today.

  • When pivoting your business, what are the things to do and not to do to pivot successfully?

    Successfully pivoting your business isn't as complicated as you might think. The first step is identifying who fits the new soulmate client description in your community. These people will become your low-hanging fruit.

    Be consistent when pivoting your business.

    Jen has already been talking about time management but with stepmoms, not specifically entrepreneurs. However, because she has entrepreneurs within her community of stepmoms, time management should continue to be a consistent focus.

    Communication is crucial for successfully pivoting your business. People will respect that you are upfront with them about changing your business. Invite them to continue to follow your journey. Even if they are not your new ideal client, they may become your new ideal client. In addition, if people in your community fit the new ideal client description, they will become your support system, first clients, or source of word-of-mouth referrals.

    What do you do about your podcast when changing your business?

    If you are pivoting your business and have a podcast, you may feel you have additional problems on your hands. However, you can simplify this transition.

    When you have built a successful podcast that is highly ranked, has a following, and has many reviews, there is no reason to scrap what you've built and start over. Pivoting a business can be time-intensive and overwhelming. Don't add starting your podcast over from scratch to your to-do list if you don't have to. Remember that you have a built-in audience who will follow you to the new podcast and help spread the word because they already know, love, and trust you.

    On the new podcast graphic, you can include the phrase, formerly known as, so that people can readily recognize that you are the host and will be sharing the same quality of content.

    You can keep your brand assets to help you stay recognizable and capitalize on the brand you've already built. Incorporating your former key phrases with your new podcast allows you to maintain some SEO stability as you transition the show. This means your name, keywords relating to your soulmate clients, and the solution you provide for them, i.e., time management for women, time management for stepmoms, time management for entrepreneurs, time management for women entrepreneurs, and time management for entrepreneurs who are stepmoms. If your focus was formerly on time management for stepmoms, now you are linking time management to your new audience of women entrepreneurs.

    Your URL is important - take it with you.

    Any time you change your business name or podcast name and URL, redirect the old URL to the new URL. That way, if people search for your past name or URL, they will be redirected to your new show and business. This will help you avoid broken links.

    Learn more about and connect with Jen Rogers.

    More on how to successfully pivot or rebrand your business.

    Apply for a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom Feature on The Robyn Graham Show.

  • Over a million people started businesses in 2023. Twenty percent of new businesses fail within the first twelve months. How can you build a solid foundation for your business to avoid being a statistic?

    Forty percent of businesses fail within the first three years. With such alarming statistics, the question becomes, what does a business need to succeed? First and foremost, you must build a solid foundation.

    What does building a solid foundation for success for your brand and business mean?

    Building a solid foundation for your brand and business means taking the smart action steps in the correct order. Not piecemealing your business strategy and leaving success up to hope. When you build a solid foundation upfront, the sky becomes the limit. You won’t have to backpedal. There will be no one step forward, two steps backward. Likewise, you won’t have to fail your way forward.

    I can tell you from experience that trying to grow and scale your business alone is no fun, and you will do a lot of backpedaling. Not only is it not fun, but it also delays progress and achieving goals.

    So, what does a business need to succeed?

    Of course, there are many facets to a successful business, but the core components you need include:

    Clarity Website Personal brand strategy Business plan Offers/Pricing Processes and Automation Brand marketing strategy What does a business need to succeed? Not social media.

    Digital marketing is a crucial component of your business strategy. However, social media is not the be-all and end-all of digital marketing. You can grow your business without social media. More critically, it is worth noting that your business's foundation is not built on social media. All foundational components of your business are on platforms that you own. Your website, email list, and podcast if you have one.

    Does your business need a health check?

    When did you start your business? How long have you been trying to grow it to a sustainable level of success, where clients find you like clockwork? I'm offering a business health check if you aren't where you want to be. This entry-level, low-ticket offer will give you an extra set of eyes on your business. I will do a deep dive review of your business - your personal brand, messaging, website, and overall online visibility. Upon completion of the evaluation, you will receive a video recording and PDF with my recommendations and strategies that you can implement immediately for more opportunities to attract clients and achieve sustainable success.

    Click here to learn more about the Business Health Check and purchase yours today.

    Additional resources to help you succeed:

    How To Start and Grow A Blog To Reach Your Ideal Audience

    5 Crucial Strategies To Start And Grow A Sustainable Business Without Social Media

    Read the full show notes and access all links for additional resources on each component listed above.

  • Are you struggling to reach the level of success you desire? Yes? So then, what do you need to do to be successful? Three key things.

    If you have felt overwhelmed with growing your business, you must have asked the question, what do you need to do to be successful? The fact is, there are three crucial components to entrepreneurial success. The most important is a positive mindset.

    The three things you need to succeed

    A positive mindset, strategy, and action—that's it. Many struggle to achieve a positive mindset because they are looking for it in the wrong places - worldly places, new age philosophies, and other people. Without a positive mindset, you cannot focus on creating efficient strategies that will guide you to success. And without strategy, you don't know what action to take. In addition, mindset influences the actions you take. You will not take positive, effective action if you have a negative mindset.

    Before we go any further, recognize that you need help to succeed. You may be surprised at where the best help will come from.

    What do you need to do to be successful? Prioritize your mindset, as it is the most important of the three.

    You can create strategies all day, but if your mindset—your beliefs and thoughts—is unfavorable, you will not implement the plan effectively or make the right choices to take the right actions. With that said, what do you need to do to be successful? Focus on your beliefs and thoughts.

    A positive mindset comes from the Word of God.

    How can you adopt a positive mindset when you feel stuck in a cycle, maybe a life-long cycle, of doubt, fear, self-criticism, imposter syndrome, and lack? God gives us specific advice on this in Scripture.

    In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Paul says, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have the divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

    In Romans 12:2, Paul wrote, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

    Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Do you want help?

    If you'd like help navigating the world of entrepreneurship with a positive mindset, join us in the Success Without Social Business Growth Academy for a loving environment with like-minded people focused on faith, business, and supporting one another. Inside the academy, I teach brand marketing strategies, help you simplify and streamline your business, and hold you accountable for taking intentional, effective action so that you can grow your business and positively impact your soulmate clients.

    Join the academy today!

  • Stop trading time for money. That is a mindset of lack, and God didn't create you for lack; He created you for an abundant life in Him.

    How can you develop an abundance mindset? The transformation from a lack mindset to an abundance mindset begins with Scripture. It's also important to recognize that trading time for money as an entrepreneur is not an abundance mindset.

    The Bible tells us we have an abundance.

    It all began when God created the world. He made it plentiful, beautiful, and perfect. Then, He created Adam and Eve. And the world was still perfect—until. . .

    Satan distracted Eve.

    The Garden of Eden was abundant in everything Adam and Eve needed to live. According to the free dictionary, the name Eden means a delightful place, a paradise. In addition, it is a state of innocence, bliss, or ultimate happiness. God created Eden as the perfect place for Adam and Eve to live abundantly. In Genesis 2:16, God told Adam, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, and in verse 17, the exception was given. He was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

    Eat freely from every tree except one. Instead of seeing the abundance she had, Eve let Satan convince her she was living in lack because of the one tree she was told she couldn't eat from.

    How often do we follow Eve's example and focus on what we don't have instead of the abundance God has given us?

    Satan distracted Eve. And he distracts us today, too. Think about how often you think of what you don't have instead of what you do. Many of us complain about not having enough time. Eve had everything she needed, but the devil made her doubt that she had enough because she didn't have what the Tree of Knowledge could give her. We do the same thing when we have a scarcity mindset about time, resources, knowledge, or talents. Putting a dollar sign on our time and trading time for money is an example of seeing time as limited instead of seeing the value our gifts and knowledge allow us to provide for others and be more responsible with our time.

    What does Scripture say about an abundance mindset?

    Read the full show notes and access all links.